Seeing that Lin Ge had double pupils, Master Wu was a little panicked, but he quickly returned to normal and said with a normal expression: "Mr. Lin, I don't understand what you are talking about, who is Mr. Qian? Even if you are a stranger with double pupils, , can’t prevent my clients from seeing their loved ones, right?”

"Huh?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows, and suddenly felt that there was something in Master Wu's words.

Sure enough, as soon as Master Wu finished speaking, Ye Yilin said: "Yes, Mr. Lin, we don't understand what you are talking about... Can you please stop delaying the ceremony? Even if you don't want to see your sister, but I still want to see my husband!”

Judging from the reactions of Ye Yilin and others, they did not know the existence of Qian Jiduo. It seemed that from the beginning of the ceremony, there were only the three of them plus Lin Ge, a total of four people.

"Interesting. If that's the case... Then open your eyes and see if any of the ghosts in this room have any relatives or friends you want to see!" Lin Singer flipped through and took out a bottle of special cow's tear spray, taking advantage of Ye Yilin and others' unpreparedness. Sprayed into their eyes.

"Ah! What are you doing?"

"Are you crazy?"

Ye Yilin and Griffin were sprayed with cow tears, and they immediately cursed angrily.

However, the next moment, the two women were so frightened that they could not speak. They saw that the entire morgue was filled with all kinds of terrifying and weird ghosts!


"Ghost, ghost!!!"

"Help, help!!!"

The two women screamed and hid behind Lin Ge. It wasn't that they didn't want to be next to Master Wu, but Master Wu and his apprentice were also crowded with ghosts, and there was no place for them to stay.

Lin Ge turned his head and looked at the two women and asked, "Aren't you just here to see ghosts?"


The two women were so shocked by Lin Ge's words that they didn't know how to answer. It was true that they had come to see ghosts, but could their own ghosts be the same thing as lonely ghosts?

Master Wu said solemnly: "Since we are of the same kind, I advise Mr. Lin not to meddle in other people's business. I'm just asking for money, so don't risk your life."

"Oh, I'm so scared. My life is on the line. Come and get it quickly." Lin Ge spread his hands and said in a casual tone.

"You have no idea who you are against!" Master Wu said angrily.

Lin Ge said calmly: "I'm all ears."

Master Wu obviously didn't want to talk nonsense with Lin Ge. He took up the magic formula and recited the incantation. The ghosts around him squeezed forward, and Master Wu and his apprentice disappeared into thin air in front of Lin Ge's eyes.

Lin Ge still maintained his "barrier-breaking" eyes at this time, and Master Wu was not using a blinding method, so there was only one possibility -

Space control!

Just as Lin Ge had guessed before, this abandoned hospital was made up of several different overlapping spaces. Therefore, he could see red light beams in his eyes, but could not find the ghost.

Master Wu was able to control the movement of space through a certain secret technique, and with this technique, he transformed a person into a living person under his nose.

However, what surprised Lin Ge even more was that Master Wu not only escaped with his apprentice, but also took Ye Yilin and the three of them away with him.

Or to be precise, Lin Ge was moved to a separate space through space manipulation.

Looking at the ghosts filling the morgue, Lin Ge sighed: "Good guy, treat me differently, right? Just leave me here alone to face a room full of ugly ghosts?"

Lin Ge's words instantly angered the ghosts in the morgue: "You can say that we are scary, but you can say that we are ugly... Go to hell and let you become one of our kind. Let's see if you still think we are ugly!"

The leader, a muscular ghost who looked like a bigger version of Wu Dalang, roared angrily and led a group of ghosts to gather towards Lin Ge.

Faced with such a level of ghost, Lin Ge couldn't even bring up the interest in taking action. He picked up the magic formula and walked towards the door: "Golden light appears quickly to protect the real person."

As soon as the golden light spell was cast, Lin Ge's body was immediately coated with a dazzling golden light.

The weaker ghosts in the morgue were directly stunned by the light, and the muscular ghost was so frightened that he hid in the group of ghosts and pushed his men forward to block the golden light.

Lin Ge looked around, trying to find a way to break through the space through his eyes. He suddenly thought of something. He turned around and grabbed the muscle ghost in the air. The muscle ghost suddenly felt a huge suction force pulling it to Lin Ge's body. in front of.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I, I am a subordinate of Chongshan Ghost King. If you kill me, Chongshan Ghost King will not let you go." Muscle Ghost yelled.

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and asked: "Chongshan? Songshan? Ghost King?"

The muscular ghost thought that Lin Ge was scared, and immediately felt confident: "The powerful Ghost King of Chongshan in Taiwan, you know the benefits b..."

Before he could finish saying the word "ba", the muscular ghost got hit with a fly swatter on his head, causing him to kneel on the ground.

"Hey, I thought it was the Ghost King of Songshan Mountain and the Ghost King of Zhongyue. No matter what, I have to give him some face. After all, it's Taidao Chongshan, and the Eight Leaves Mountain next door is the devil's mountain. You are still the ghost king on this mountain...isn't it embarrassing?" Lin Ge said with disdain.

"You, you." Muscle Ghost didn't expect that he reported backstage, but the other party didn't give him any face at all and even insulted him verbally.

Lin Ge slapped his palms with the manifested fly swatter, stared at the muscular ghost lightly and said, "So... your Chongshan Ghost King and Master Wu have reached some kind of agreement, and he will send you 'living people'" Come here, will you cooperate with him in acting?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about!" Muscle Ghost said angrily.


Lin Ge snapped his fingers, and a bolt of lightning struck the muscle ghost, making it wail in pain.

"Everyone is dead, why are you so stubborn?"


Another bolt of lightning.

The muscle ghost felt that he was only one soul away from being destroyed, and wailed: "Say, I say, stop doing it!"

On the other side, after Lin Ge was isolated to a separate space, Ye Yilin, Griffin and the old lady also followed Master Wu and his apprentice to a space without ghosts.

"Just now, what happened just now? I clearly saw many, many ghosts!" Ye Yilin had not yet recovered from the fright. She was stumbling over her words, and it took her a long time to say a complete sentence.

Master Wu said solemnly: "Oh, this is my fault... I didn't expect that there would be competitors sneaking into Guanluoyin this time, but you don't have to worry, that evil way has been driven away by me and will no longer affect the ceremony. . But the ceremony just now was interrupted and the Yin Qi breathing cannot be continued, so we can only use other methods."

Ye Yilin became anxious when she heard this: "Master Wu, you have to help me. I must see my husband. I have something very important to tell him."

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you." Master Wu nodded, said a few words to his apprentice, and led everyone to leave the morgue and walk upstairs to the hospital.

Arriving at an operating room, Master Wu asked Ye Yilin to lie down on the operating table: "Ms. Ye, your husband had a heart operation in this operating room a few years ago, but died due to a failed operation. You were already inhaled in the morgue. Yin Qi, while the Yin Qi has not dissipated, I will cut a small cut on your finger to attract ghosts with 'blood Qi'. As long as the blood Qi does not dry up, you can see your husband!"

"Really? Master Wu, so I can see my husband?" When Ye Yilin signed up for the Guanluoyin tour group, she only mentioned that her husband died of a failed surgery in this hospital, but Master Wu could actually accurately Telling the operating room where her husband died undoubtedly made her trust Master Wu even more.

Master Wu nodded, and his apprentice stepped forward and slashed Ye Yilin's finger with a black-blade dagger engraved with runes.

Master Wu took out a red cloth and covered Ye Yilin's face, chanting a spell.

Listening to the mantra, Ye Yilin was confused for a while and returned to the time when she came to the hospital with her husband to see a doctor.

Ye Yilin fell into the "hallucination" of the past, while Griffin and the old lady stepped forward to ask Master Wu if they also wanted to adopt this method.

Master Wu shook his head, took out a small bottle the size of a finger and said: "The two of you want to see the same person. In this case, you only need to drop this 'yin water' to open your eyes and see the person you miss."

"Yin water" is water that has never seen sunlight in this world. It is said that ghosts can be seen with just one drop. But once the Yin Shui dries up, it can no longer be used. It can only be used once a day.

Because of its extremely yin energy, "yin water" can easily attract the attention of ghosts. In other words, what it attracts may be the soul of the person you want to see, or it may be other lonely ghosts.

However, Master Wu only told half of the efficacy of "yin water" and deliberately concealed the most critical information. He obviously had other agendas.

Griffin and the old lady looked at each other. It was obvious that they did not doubt Master Wu's words in order to see the person they missed.

Just when Master Wu asked his apprentice to bring the yin water to Griffin, Lin Ge's ridiculing voice suddenly came from the door of the operating room: "I don't think there is any need to bother. I have 'special cow tears' here. Just drop a drop and it will do the trick." Hell, there's no need for the 'yin water' that can attract other lonely ghosts."

Master Wu looked at the door in surprise and saw Lin Ge leaning on the door frame with his hands folded, looking leisurely: "You, you, you..."

Master Wu wanted to say "Why did you come out?", but he was so shocked that he couldn't say a complete sentence and stammered "you" for a long time.

Lin Ge raised his hand and grabbed the door, pulled in the muscle ghost whose soul had faded to the point of dissipating at any moment, and threw it into the center of the operating room.

"Oh, actually this is not difficult. As long as you find the rules, you can cross the space. You ask your niece to set up a formation near the hospital and connect the hospital to Chongshan through the formation. If I guessed correctly, there are other connections" The underworld." Lin Ge felt something was wrong as soon as he entered the hospital, and always had the illusion that he was in the "underworld."

In the process of looking for the "exit", Lin Ge saw the "Chongshan" and even the walls of the ghost city in the underworld. All doubts disappeared for a while.

"You're such a tough guy!" Master Wu said through gritted teeth.

Lin Ge walked into the operating room with a smile: "Indeed, my opponents said so."

"Don't think that destroying a ritual means you are powerful. I will remember you!" Master Wu snorted coldly, and he and his apprentice stepped back, holding up the magic formula, hoping to control the space again.

How could Lin Ge give him a second chance and just punch out with a lightning bolt?

Master Wu is also a ruthless person. When he saw Lin Ge making a move, he didn't hesitate at all and pushed the disciple next to him forward to stand between him and Lin Ge!

The apprentice forcefully received Lin Ge's Lightning Thunder Fist. Not only was his whole body blown into pieces, but his soul was also blown away.

But his death bought his master time to escape and escape into other dimensions again.

"Want to run away? It's not that easy!" Lin Ge made a gesture, and hundreds of paper soul figures in the hospital took action and began to search for Master Wu's traces.

This hospital is connected by three different spaces. Although Master Wu can control the spaces, he can only escape through the main entrance even if he wants to run.

When Lin Ge was looking for the exit, he had already sent "heavy troops to guard" the door. As long as Master Wu dared to go to the door, he would not be able to escape.


Just as Lin Ge was casting a spell to control the paper man to look for the escaped Master Wu, Ye Yilin sat up on the operating table beside her after waking up due to the interruption of the spell.



Although Ye Yilin was trapped in the past environment, she could still feel what happened in the operating room. When she saw Lin Ge casting the spell, she immediately screamed and jumped off the operating table: "It's all your fault, it's all your fault! I clearly know I’m about to meet my husband, why are you making trouble!”

"Get out of here!" Lin Ge had no intention of trying to enlighten this confused woman at this moment, so he kicked her in the leg and pushed her back to the operating table.

"Ah, I want to see my husband, I want to see my husband!" Ye Yilin struggled to get up.

Although Griffin and the old lady on the side sympathized with Ye Yilin, they did not dare to step forward due to Lin Ge's unrestrained behavior.

Lin Ge snorted coldly: "Even an idiot can see that Master Wu lied to you. He just made an agreement with the Ghost King to let other ghosts pretend to be the people you miss. After you 'fulfill your wish', he will You are given to the Ghost King as a 'sacrifice'."

Ye Yilin couldn't listen to Lin Ge's words at all, but Griffin frowned slightly and fell into thinking. She had some suspicions in the morgue before, and the conversation between Lin Ge and Master Wu further confirmed her suspicions.

Of course, the most important thing is that in the face of Lin Ge's attack, Master Wu did not hesitate to push his apprentice out to die. This became the biggest problem!

At this time, Lin Ge's paper man found Master Wu's escape route.

"If you don't want to die, just follow." After Lin Ge said that, he walked towards the door.

Griffin thought for a moment and followed Lin Ge. The old lady hesitated for a moment, then walked to the middle of the operating room and picked up the bottle containing "yin water" on the ground.

Ye Yilin picked up the black dagger from the body of Master Wu's apprentice, muttering "I want to see my husband, I want to see my husband", climbed back onto the operating table, and put the red dagger full of spells on it. Covering his face with a cloth, he raised his hand and cut his wrist with a dagger.

Using "blood energy" to attract ghosts will fail if the blood dries. Cutting your fingers will inevitably cause the blood to dries... but if you cut your wrist, it will definitely not dry.



In a daze, Ye Yilin felt someone lift the red cloth from her face. When she looked closely, it turned out to be the face that was full of thoughts.

"Husband, I have good news for you."

"I am pregnant."


Don't say that this ghost is not Ye Yilin's real husband, even if it is her husband, he will be confused by her words at this moment.

You're pregnant and you cut your wrists? (End of chapter)

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