Qian Jiduo, male, 49 years old, is one of the top ten wealthy businessmen in Taiwan.

Three months ago, his beloved wife passed away. It was rumored that Qian Gaduo was lovesick and he specially invited a number of well-known Taiwanese magicians to hold rituals at his villa in an attempt to recall his wife's soul to relieve the pain of lovesickness. Unfortunately, these masters failed to let Qian Jiduo get his wife.

Later, under the recommendation of a good friend, Qian Jiduo met Master Wu and learned that the "Guan Luo Yin" method can see deceased relatives, so he came up with this "Guan Luo Yin Tour Group".

Four of the ten people in the tour group were from Qian Jiduo's circle.

Fang Dichan, male, 43 years old, is the largest real estate developer in Taiwan and a good friend of Qian Jiduo. I joined this "Guanluoyin Tour" because I wanted to see my long-dead parents so that I could understand my longing for my relatives.

Luo Dao, male, 39 years old, a wealthy businessman from Taiwan.

Jia Ledi, male, 41 years old, a wealthy businessman from Taiwan.

Griffin, female, 38 years old, a wealthy businessman in Taiwan.

These five people were not only in the same circle, but also got acquainted with Master Wu through Fang Dichan's matchmaking, and jointly invited each other to hold a ceremony to observe the falling shadow.

The remaining five people are "ordinary people" like Lin Ge who signed up through a "leaflet" and paid a group fee of 80,000 yuan to join.

In addition to Lin Ge, there were a brother and sister in their twenties, a young woman, and a white-haired old lady in her seventies or eighties.

Qian Jiduo and the five of them had been together all the time and had almost no communication with the other four people. After Lin Ge joined, he also chatted with these four people for a few words.

As soon as Lin Ge introduced himself, he noticed Wu Jiali's little move.

Just when Wu Jiali was less than two meters away from him, Lin Ge suddenly turned around, smiled and asked, "Miss Wu, is something okay?"


Wu Jiali was startled and quickly hid the purple talisman behind her back. The moment she retracted her hand, Lin Ge also saw Zi Fu.

Purple Talisman?

Master Wu.

Is it possible that brother Wu Tiancai also came from the Wu family whose ancestors ran the shrine? If so, then you want to chat privately, at least Lin Ge doesn't have to look around for clues about the ghost Taoist.

"No, it's okay."

Wu Jiali said nervously. She wanted to turn around and run away, but Lin Ge grabbed her hand and asked: "By the way, Miss Wu, I remember you said before that your family runs a shrine and has been engaged in Work related to exorcism and warding off evil spirits, right?”

"Yes, yes, what's wrong?" Wu Jiali has not recovered from the shock just now, and she is still stumbling when speaking.

Lin Ge asked: "Do you know Master Wu Tiancai from Chiayi?"

Faced with Lin Ge's question, Wu Jiali thought about the name seriously, and finally shook her head: "I have never heard of this name."

"That's it, thank you." Lin Ge let go of Wu Jiali.

Wu Jiali opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but she turned back and glanced at Master Wu who was talking to a newspaper reporter in the distance, and in the end she didn't say a word.

"Mr. Lin, I wish you success in meeting the person you want to meet this time." Wu Jiali said.

Lin Ge said: "Of course, I will refund the money if I don't see you."


Wu Jiali wanted to turn around and leave, but after taking two steps, she turned back and walked back. She opened her purse, took out a peace charm and handed it to Lin Ge.

"Mr. Lin, this is for you."

"Is there a charge?"


Lin Ge smiled slightly and took the peace charm: "Thank you, Miss Wu, for your kindness. Will you participate in this ceremony with us?"

Wu Jiali shook her head: "My uncle asked me to put a circle of yellow talismans around the outside after the ceremony begins to prevent the ceremony from attracting ghosts."

"Is this your first time attending the ceremony?" Lin Ge asked again.

Wu Jiali nodded.

Lin Ge looked up at the dark night sky and said in a casual tone: "You can't even see the moon. It seems that the weather will be very bad tomorrow."

"Ah?" Wu Jiali was stunned for a moment, obviously not understanding what Lin Ge was talking about.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Miss Wu, you should finish the work arranged by your uncle first. It is very dark in the woods, so remember to bring a flashlight."

"Oh, thank you."

Not long after Wu Jiali left, Master Wu also completed the interview.

Master Wu is about forty years old, not tall, fat, bald, and looks nothing like Wu Tim Choi.

He has three apprentices who are responsible for assisting him in completing this "Viewing the Falling Yin" ceremony.

In addition to the four masters and apprentices of Master Wu, there was also a woman in her thirties, tall and thin, wearing a simple Tang suit like Master Wu.

According to the introduction on the "leaflet", this woman is the "fairy aunt" of the Wu family, and she will cooperate with Master Wu to perform the ceremony this time.

After the ceremony officially started, Master Wu's eldest disciple, Master Gao Mada, invited Qian Yiduo and others to the altar, and then shouted to Lin Ge and others: "Members over there, please gather in front of the altar."

Several people followed the instructions and came to the altar and stood in a row with Qian Jiduo and the other five.

Lin Ge observed the altar built by Master Wu and found that from the long table to the yellow cloth incense burner, to the fragrant wax paper candles, the altar was all well-built.

Although it seems to be a Taoist altar, the details are very different.

Behind the incense burner in the center of the long table, a statue of a god was covered with a red cloth filled with black charms. Ten bowls were placed behind the statue.

The bowls were filled with bright red liquid. It seemed that the contents in the ten bowls were the same, but Lin Ge had noticed the differences through his keen sense of smell when he "passed" the altar.

The red liquid in the five earthen bowls on the left should be blood, and Lin Ge discovered through his keen sense of smell that the blood was still very fresh, and the smell of blood was obvious.

The red liquid in the five bowls on the right is darker in color, has a lighter smell of blood, and is mixed with the smell of ink.

And around the bottom edge of the five earthen bowls on the right, there are some strange spells painted in black fonts.

"Please sit down." Master Wu's second and third apprentices brought a few stools and asked the ten people in the tour group to sit down one by one.

The three apprentices distributed ritual props to everyone, including a yellow talisman, a white cloth folded into a rectangle, and a three-foot-long red cloth.

The white cloth is attached to the red cloth, giving the impression of a filial piety burlap.

The eldest disciple walked to the altar and said to everyone: "The white and red cloths you are holding are called 'Guanyin'. When the ceremony starts later, please turn the symbols outwards and the triangle on the red cloth faces towards The ground, and then put it on your eyes. Remember, your eyes must be closed when you put it on to observe the yin. "

"Then please take off your shoes and socks and let the soles of your feet touch the ground. After putting on Guanyin, relax your whole body, put the yellow charm on your chest, and put your hands on your thighs."

After everyone complied, the eldest disciple said again: "Please relax, everyone, now ask the fairy to do it."

Although Lin Ge was blindfolded and couldn't see anything, he could hear the sound of slight footsteps as a person came behind the altar.

The fairy girl first burned three sticks of incense, then picked up a bowl filled with transparent liquid, took a swig, and sprayed it towards the long table.


With the sound of candles burning, the fairy put her hands on the table and chanted a series of incomprehensible spells in the local dialect.

"The sky is clear and the earth is clear. Please ask Third Aunt Xen to come and ask for help. To ask my condolences, please Third Aunt Xen come out from the altar."


Although the local dialect sounded difficult to Lin Ge, he heard the names of "San Gu" and "Chen Xian Gu". The other party was actually using the magic spell to invite the gods, and the person he invited was the third nanny.

Lin Ge patted his leg gently with his hand on his thigh, and said to Chen Qing in the astrolabe via voice transmission: "I invited your backstage, but you won't come out to crack down on fakes?"


Lin Ge was communicating with Huang Shang and Chen Qing through sound transmission to discuss whether Master Wu and Fairy Girl were really capable, or were they just cheating, or had some conspiracy.

On the other hand, the fairy girl continued to recite the mantra.

"What are the items in front of the altar: there are also flowers, there are also powders, there are also kisses, there are fruits, and there are also lychees and vines. The leeches are sweet and delicious."

"One is embroidered with Guanyin, and the other is embroidered with phoenix brocade. When the phoenix brocade flies over, the rice is mossed first, and the rice moss is placed on a seven-foot red silk ribbon. During the day, I will burn incense, and I will sit there. In the dark, I will burn incense and invite my sister to come."

"Please come and sit upright, Aunt Xie, while the second aunt comes to ask the saint. The third aunt burns incense and continues the last sentence. The last sentence is clearly distinguishable for you to listen to. There are twelve golden grasshoppers and eighteen pieces of falling clouds."

As the fairy recited the mantra, Chen Qing in the astrolabe suddenly felt something was wrong and said anxiously: "Brother, I heard my mother recite this mantra in the temple before, but this fake fairy recited it a little differently. I don't know why... It makes me feel uncomfortable, please stop listening."

However, there was no need for Chen Qing to remind Lin Ge that something was wrong. The fake fairy seemed to have changed the spell, with yin and yang reversed and the five elements out of order.

The more carefully I listened to the spell, the more I felt a drowsiness in my mind.

At this moment, the ten members, including Lin Ge, stepped on the ground with their bare feet and suddenly felt a cold hand reaching out from the ground and clasping their insteps tightly.


The woman of the brother and sister among the ten people just wanted to scream, but found that no sound could come out of her mouth, and her feet were already tightly held by a pair of cold hands.

"Yindan meets the underworld, the underworld is the master, and the palace is opened. Take big steps to answer, and you can see clearly every inch. The big road passes, and the waves pass. The small road passes, and you can see through the dungeon. The big road leads to the underworld city, and you find your parents and find family ties."

"The talented dragon girl should proceed slowly, and two generals will accompany you. Cross the bridge with your feet and hands, and the copper snake and iron rat will step aside. Walk closely until you reach the hexagonal stone, where there are good tea leaves. Walk closely until you reach the hexagonal stone. There are good tea leaves in the ground. Hexagonal bricks, good tea soup underground. Walk closely until you reach the Hexagonal Bridge, shaking your feet and shaking your hands."

The nine people in the tour group were drowsy, and the three apprentices picked up the earthen bowls on the table and placed them in their hands.

Among the ten people, only Lin Ge remained awake, because when he heard the fairy reciting the incantation, he was also reciting the incantation himself.

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly adapting to changes."

"Exorcise evil spirits and bind evil spirits, protect life and body."

"Wisdom is clear and the mind is peaceful."

"Three souls are eternal, and there is no loss of soul."

It is only thirty-two words, but it is the "Purifying Heart Curse", the first of the eight divine spells. Once the Purifying Mantra is cast, the caster who is one or two lower realms will not be affected by any spells that disturb the target's mind.

Lin Ge's realm was not only no lower than that of Xiangu, but even one level higher, so he was not affected by the spell at all.

"Please drink the sacred water in your hands." The eldest disciple shouted.

Lin Ge pretended to raise the bowl and "drink" the red liquid in the bowl like everyone else. But when he picked up the bowl, he smelled that the bowls in his hands had spells on the bottoms of the bowls on the right. The "special divine water" of ink.

When the rest of the group drank the liquid in the bowl, they clearly felt that the ice hand holding their ankles disappeared. Lin Ge could not rely on it at all because he transferred the liquid in the bowl to the yellow talisman sandwiched between the two gaps. "Sacred water" drives away ghosts around your feet.

Lin Ge didn't expect that Fairy Girl could really attract ghosts. He almost couldn't hold back at first and trampled the hands to death. Fortunately, in order to advance the plot, he could only let the ghost hands catch him.

After "drinking" the divine water, Lin Ge looked like he was scratching his itchy feet, but in fact he lifted his feet to get rid of the ghost hands, stepped on them heavily, and pressed them hard several times.

Lin Ge had the Purifying Curse to protect his body. How could a mere ghost hurt him? Those ghost hands were immediately trampled under his feet, and he couldn't even retract them underground.

Both Xiangu and Master Wu noticed Lin Ge's actions, and they were both stunned. However, Lin Ge's foot-picking action was so natural that it always felt like an unintentional act.

Several apprentices stepped forward to take the earthen bowls from everyone's hands, and then untied the red cloth that covered their eyes: "Okay, you can open your eyes."

"Ah!!!" Two young people among the ten people screamed and jumped up from their stools, looking at their feet at the same time.

However, there was nothing at his feet at this moment, as if the ghostly hand he felt just now while blindfolded did not exist.

But only Lin Ge knew that under Xiangu's manipulation, everyone had been targeted by the kid. It's just that there is no plot to trigger the bonus points yet, and I don't know what the fairy lady means by this move, so I am ready to stand still, at least until the plot is triggered.

At this time, Master Wu stepped forward and said: "Everyone, you have completed the ceremony of 'entering the bridge'. Later, Xiangu and I will lead you into the underworld, step onto the Naihe Bridge, and meet the relatives and friends you miss. You." Don’t be afraid, with me and Fairy Girl protecting you, there is no danger.”

"However, once the ceremony starts, it cannot be stopped. Please follow the instructions of me and the fairy lady and don't act rashly."

"The reason why we chose the ceremony location in this hospital that has been abandoned for more than two years is because everyone who wants to meet has some connection with this hospital."

After Master Wu's introduction, Lin Ge realized that although this hospital had been abandoned for two years, it used to be one of the most famous hospitals in Taiwan.

The wife of wealthy businessman Qian Jiduo was born in this hospital. Fang Dichan's parents used to work in this hospital.

The young brother and sister's mother died in childbirth in this hospital. They joined the Guanluoyin tour group because they wanted to see their dead mother.

And the most outrageous thing is that Lin Ge's sister "Chen Qing" who casually made nonsense of the story also found a deceased person with the same name in this hospital.

It happened to be the seventeen-year-old girl who died from a heart surgery a few years ago.

"Is it such a coincidence, or is it Wu Jiali who 'helped' in the middle?"

Lin Ge suddenly felt that Master Wu's selection of "members" was not random, but more like a premeditated gathering of people related to the hospital.

There is no such coincidence in the world. Even the kid at Lin Ge's feet didn't believe it if they said they had no conspiracy.

After Master Wu introduced everyone's situation, he asked the first apprentice to divide the ten people into two teams. The second and third apprentices each led five people and stood at the door.

Lin Ge originally thought that the rich would stand together and the poor would stand together, but unexpectedly, they disrupted the arrangement.

On Lin Ge's side were Qian Yiduo, the rich woman Griffin, a poor young woman, an elderly man in his seventies or eighties, plus Lin Ge, a total of five people.

Then, Fairy Girl stood on the left, and Master Wu came to Lin Ge's team on the right.

"Please follow us into the hospital."

After Xiangu and Master Wu took the team members into the abandoned hospital respectively, under the leadership of Master Wu, Lin Ge and others walked towards the stairs leading to the -1 floor.

Master Wu said as he walked: "Next, I will take everyone to inhale the Yin Qi. You have already stepped onto the Naihe Bridge under the ceremony of the Fairy Girl. If you inhale enough Yin Qi, you will be able to see the ghosts."

The so-called "inhaling Yin Qi" is to let everyone lie down in the morgue in the morgue for a period of time. The longer they lie there, the more Yin Qi they inhale.

However, the yin and yang qi wax and wane, and you should not lie down for too long, otherwise you will easily become a "yin person".

However, during the passage leading to the -1 floor, Lin Ge deliberately walked at the back of the team and opened his double-pupil sky eyes while Master Wu and his three disciples were not paying attention.

You don't know this by looking at it, and you are extremely surprised when you look at it.

In fact, when he arrived at the abandoned hospital, Lin Ge had already checked it with his double-pupil sky eyes, and indeed found a red-level light beam in the hospital.

But looking at it now, there are red light beams all over the hospital!

"Have you come to the underworld?" (End of chapter)

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