The communicator did not respond, but he did not receive Nita's distress message, so Lin Ge put the communicator away and returned to the hotel in the city.

On the way back to the hotel, Lin Ge received the reward of "points +3" and reincarnation points. Apparently Nita completed a plot alone.

At this time, the team's points had risen from "14" to "17", and there were also 3 points from "Minxiong Haunted House" recorded on the account. Lin Ge felt that it was unreasonable for this team to be at the bottom of the seven-day settlement.

Soon, the contact rang.

"What's up."

As soon as Lin Ge connected to the communicator, he heard Nita ask straight to the point.

"Oh, I'm done here, let's see if you need any help."

Nita was silent for a while and replied: "No need."

"You are hurt?"

"Why are you...cough? No, it took some effort to clear away the devils on the Eight Leaves Mountain. I'm fine." Nita replied.

Eight Leaves Mountain?

Lin Ge didn't expect that Nita would go to Baye Mountain to kill the demon god according to her previous arrangement. At the beginning, he took the little girl and the ghost sisters who were not very obedient, and it was only with Huang Ni's help that he escaped from the Eight Leaves Mountain. But Nita was able to defeat Baye Mountain alone, which surprised him a little.

However, Nita is not as easy as she said. The dangers are not as simple as entering Chenjia Village, especially to deal with the big devil hidden in the fog on the top of the mountain, and almost handed over all her trump cards.

Fortunately, although this great demon was known as the "Demon God", his actual strength was only at the level of a ferocious god. With the cooperation of the "Pixiu Pendant", the Ghost Rider and the demon sword witchcraft, Nita finally captured the great demon's head.

After solving the big demon, Nita was also seriously injured. When she was recovering from taking medicine, she checked the communicator and found that Lin Ge had tried to communicate half an hour ago.

But at that time, Nita was still fighting the big devil and had no chance to check the contact device. Besides, if Pixiu hadn't smelled the big devil's breath and ran out and took a few bites, Nita would have had no choice but to retreat.

Nita was worried that Lin Ge was in an emergency, so she connected the communicator while treating the wound.

Lin Ge briefly talked about the situation of "Minxiong Haunted House" and mentioned that to get these 3 points, he also needed to find Wu Tiancai's senior brother "Ghost Taoist".

Lin Ge suspected that Wu Tiancai's senior brother was probably the ghost Taoist who defeated the ghost king Yin Shou in "Ghost Fighting 2", so he planned to go to the Dazhong Temple again to see if he could find any clues.

"Do you need me to come over?" Nita asked.

Lin Ge thought for a while and replied: "Don't worry, you have just solved the devil boy. If you are tired, go back to the hotel to rest. The time span between "Ghost Fighting" 1 and 2 is very long, so it is probably not that easy to find clues. If necessary, I will contact you directly."


After hanging up the communicator, Lin Ge picked up the magic formula and used the Soul Chasing Technique. He first checked the location of Shui Diao, only to find that Shui Diao was actually in the direction of Taipei.

If these people have been acting together, then the whole team going to Taipei must have triggered a certain plot in that area.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that these people act in teams.

But no matter what, these people didn't wander around the Dazhong Temple. At least Lin Ge didn't have to worry about them having another idea of ​​Huo Wang.

Going to Dazhong Temple, Huo Wang was very surprised by Lin Ge's arrival.

Lin Ge taught Huo Wangxin a new spell, then chatted with the temple official for a while, and had dinner before returning to the hotel in the evening.

When he was about to step into the hotel door, he saw a group of people gathering at the entrance of the street not far away, discussing the leaflets in their hands.

Lin Ge had no interest at all, but when the words "Guan Luoyin" and other words came to him, he became interested immediately.

"Guanluo Yin" is a common ritual in southern Fujian and Taiwan, where a mage casts a spell to allow living people to meet their deceased relatives.

This is also the most common folk custom in Taiwan. Taiwanese horror films such as "Two Eyes", "Dreams", and "Xinglin Hospital" all have scenes of watching the falling shadow.

It's just that except for "Two Eyes", the ratings of other related movies are ridiculously low, not even as good as the mainland movie "Wake Up from a Dream" or "Mental Hospital".

And this reincarnation is related to "folklore weird things". If those people are not talking about some charlatan, then it must be a plot.

Thinking of this, Lin Ge walked over.

Eight people gathered at the entrance of the alley, including five middle-aged women, a couple, and a bald uncle, while a young woman stood in the alley.

Seeing Lin Ge coming over, he handed him a leaflet: "Sir, let's take a look... Our most famous mage in Taiwan is going to hold a ceremony to observe the fall of the dead. If there are relatives who have passed away, you can pass This is a way to communicate with them and express their thoughts.”

Lin Ge took the flyer and took a look at it, only to see it read:

Guanluoyin tour group

Visit the relatives and friends you miss most but have passed away

'Guaranteed' visits to loved ones

The full amount is RMB 80,000. Full refund will be given to those who are dissatisfied after viewing.

contact number--***-********

"Is it really that powerful?" Lin Ge looked at the delicate-looking woman who was about twenty-four or five years old and wearing a braid.

When she looked at Lin Ge, the woman's face turned red and she nodded and said, "Of course, our Master Wu is the most powerful mage in Taiwan. Many famous politicians have invited him to see Feng Shui. This time was also entrusted by a wealthy businessman. It’s just that wealthy businessmen are a little afraid of participating in the Guanluoyin ceremony alone, so the master thought that if he helps one person, he would be a helper, and if he helps ten people, he would be a helper, and he specially held this ceremony for the public to benefit the islanders.”

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, it’s not enough to get one, so we just start a group to get it, right?

"The most famous... mage, holding such a big event as the Guanluoyin Ceremony, is handing out leaflets at the entrance of this alley?" Lin Ge asked hesitantly.

Faced with this problem, the woman was not embarrassed at all. Instead, she said with a smile: "Sir, you misunderstood. Master Wu has already promoted it yesterday, but... there are too many people who come here because of it. The master only seeks people who are destined. The reason why I will hand out flyers here because..."

The woman pointed to the building behind her: "I live here, and I brought back a few flyers from the company. I didn't want to take them home, so I thought I'd distribute them here."

"Oh, that's it. I'll think about it, thank you." Lin Ge put away the flyer and prepared to leave.

"Sir, please wait..." The woman stopped Lin Ge. Seeing Lin Ge turn around, she immediately said: "Why don't you leave your contact information first, sir? I can reserve a place for you... Uh, I mean, you You are a destined person, I can ask the mage to save a place for you."

"Oh? You can ask the mage to reserve a seat. Are you a relative of the master?" Lin Ge asked.

The woman nodded shyly: "My name is Wu Jiali, and the master is my uncle. I am a student at National Taiwan University, and I am interning in my uncle's company during the summer vacation, so..."

"...Isn't it said that the more you read, the less you believe it?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Wu Jiali smiled awkwardly: "Actually... cough. I can also cast spells."


"Sir, are you interested?"

"Interested, but no money."


Wu Jiali hesitated for a moment, then quickly said: "If you are really interested, sir, I can ask my uncle for a discount."

As soon as Wu Jiali finished speaking, Lin Ge had not expressed his position. The aunt on the side was the first to ask excitedly: "Miss Wu, can it really be cheaper? Then I think..."

"Auntie, I'm sorry. My uncle said that people need to be destined... Without destiny, even if you go, you may not be able to see the person you want to see." Wu Jiali said apologetically.

"Ah, that's it." The aunt's face was filled with regret.

Lin Ge said: "Don't be sad, aunt. Miss Wu is kind-hearted and doesn't want you to waste money. People should look forward in life. If you use this money to talk to your relatives, it is better to spend it on yourself. I believe that your deceased relatives would be more willing to see you living a healthy, happy and happy life."

"Oh, you young man is good-looking and has a sweet mouth. If I were thirty years younger, aunt, I would definitely pursue you." The aunt joked with a smile.

Wu Jiali looked at Lin Ge with a blushing face: "Sir, do you really think I am a beautiful person and have a kind heart?"

Lin Ge:......

Miss, don’t take your polite words seriously.


"Thank you. I appreciate the compliment."

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Wu Jiali" in "Guan Luoyin" has increased rapidly, triggering a hidden plot. 】


Is this really a plot?

Lin Ge originally planned to send a paper man to follow because he had no "ticket money" to discuss whether the "mage" Wu Jiali said was true or false. Now it seems that there is no way to save tens of thousands of dollars.

"Miss Wu, when will the ceremony begin?" Lin Ge looked at Wu Jiali and asked.

Wu Jiali replied: "In three days."

"I'm staying in the hotel upstairs, room 404. Please reserve a place for me. I will pay the tour fee tomorrow."

"404...Oh, oh, okay." Wu Jiali nodded quickly.

Lin Ge thanked him and turned around to leave. Wu Jiali stopped him again: "Sir."

"Miss Wu, is there anything else?"

"...What do you call me sir? I need to help you apply for reservation information."

Lin Ge took out a pen from his pocket, wrote his name, hotel room number and other information on the back of Guan Luoyin's flyer, and handed it to Wu Jiali.

"Mr. Lin...Okay, I will help you register. See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Lin Ge returned to the hotel room and took out the communicator to contact Nita. The communicator was quickly connected: "You're back? Have you found any clues about the Ghost Taoist?"

"Not yet, but I triggered a new plot." Lin Ge said, telling Nita about the situation of "Guan Luo Yin".

"Do you need me to come back?"

"No, you don't have much money anyway."


Is this the reason for "no use"?

For reincarnators, as long as they don't add an unrealistic "zero" at the end to rob a bank and cause backlash in the plot, tens of thousands of dollars can still be easily obtained.

Taking advantage of the dark and windy night, Lin Ge took some kind measures and easily borrowed "tens of thousands of dollars". Early the next morning, Wu Jiali came to the hotel and knocked on the door.

"Miss Wu, so early?" Lin Ge said in surprise when he saw Wu Jiali who had specially dressed up outside the door.

Wu Jiali stood outside the door and felt a little embarrassed. She hesitated and said, "Well, I have already registered for you, Mr. Lin... Don't worry about the tour fee. I believe that Mr. Lin, as a person, you will not do it for these few days." Ten thousand yuan is enough to break your promise. If, well, if you are close to the difference, I can borrow it..."

"Oh, yes, speaking of the tour fee, I scraped together enough yesterday, so I'll leave it to you." Lin Ge said, turning back to the room and walking out with a wad of cash and handing it to Wu Jiali.

"Ah? Oh." Wu Jiali took the money in a daze, and suddenly said: "But are you just going to give it to me directly? Don't you need to go to the company to go through the formalities? Aren't you afraid of being cheated?"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Miss Wu is as beautiful as the dewdrops in the morning, how can she be a liar? Your charm is not only about appearance, but also a kind of temperament that is both internal and external, a kind of temperament that comes from within. The warmth and kindness exuded outside. I don’t believe you would do such a thing for tens of thousands of dollars.”

"I, I'm actually not that good." Wu Jiali said shyly.

[Affected by the charm value, the favorability of the plot character "Wu Jiali" in "Guan Luoyin" has increased rapidly. 】

"Well...are we just standing at the door talking? Won't you invite me in to sit down?" Wu Jiali blinked, looked at Lin Ge and said.

Lin Ge looked back at the bed of talisman props placed in the room, as well as Chen Qing, who was floating on the ceiling to contact the spell control spell, and said with a smile: "The guest room hasn't been cleaned up yet, and the room is a bit messy. Why don't we go there?" Let’s chat in the coffee shop downstairs.”


Lin Ge and Wu Jiali came to the coffee shop. Lin Ge took advantage of Wu Jiali to take the order, opened his eyes and looked at her, but did not see any evil in her body.

Wu Jiali ordered a glass of juice and watched Lin Ge hesitate to speak, and finally took the initiative to find a topic: "Mr. Lin, I think you are quite young. Are you also in college?"

"No, I'm already working."

"Oh. I am a student of the History Department of National Taiwan University. Well, I originally planned to take the postgraduate entrance examination, but... my family asked me to go back and help. What does Mr. Lin do? Can we chat?"

"Just doing... some cleaning."

"Oh, you work in a cleaning company? But, Mr. Lin, when you introduce your work to others in the future, please don't say this again, otherwise, it will be easy for others to misunderstand you."


Wu Jiali looked around. At this time, there was almost no one in the breakfast room. After the waiter brought the coffee and juice, she leaned forward, got closer and whispered: "Mr. Lin, you sign up to watch the show." Are the Yin Tour Group just trying their luck, or do they... really believe in metaphysics?"

"What does Miss Wu mean by this?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Wu Jiali was silent for a moment, and finally said: "To be honest with Mr. Lin, my family is actually a... shrine, and my ancestors have been engaged in exorcism to this day. And I have been able to see... well... the good and evil of a person since I was a child. For example...a person who has never done bad things, I can see a faint white mist floating on his body. If there is a bad person who often does bad things, I can see a black mist on his body."

After Wu Jiali finished speaking, she looked at Lin Ge timidly. Seeing that the other party did not respond, she quickly asked: "Mr. Lin, do you not believe what I said? Or... you don't like getting to know people like me? "

"Oh, I'm just curious, what color did you see me in?" Lin Ge asked with a smile.

Wu Jiali hesitated and said, "...Mr. Lin, do you not mind that one person can see your 'good and evil'?"

"Only wanted criminals would mind, right?" Lin Ge spread his hands and said casually.

Wu Jiali was amused by Lin Ge's words, and then said: "Strange to say, I saw that the aura on Mr. Lin's body was neither white nor black... but red."


"It was originally red like blood, so I was surprised at first. When I looked carefully, the red disappeared again and turned into white, but after a while black appeared again, and finally turned into gray. This was the first time I met Such a situation." Wu Jiali smiled awkwardly, but she did not tell the truth completely, because later Lin Ge's aura turned "pink".

Lin Ge chatted with Wu Jiali about some metaphysics-related matters. Wu Jiali was pleasantly surprised to find that the "Mr. Lin" in front of her was not only unafraid of metaphysics, but also seemed very professional on some topics, and she immediately felt very comfortable in chatting with him.

"Mr. Lin, could you please tell me which relative you joined the Guanluoyin tour group to meet?" Wu Jiali asked cautiously.

Lin Ge said: "It's my sister. My sister died young, at the age of seventeen. She and I had a good relationship. If I have such an opportunity, I would like to see her again."

"Oh, Mr. Lin's sister should be a very gentle girl."

"No, Ze Ze Hu Hu is neurotic."


However, just as Wu Jiali was chatting happily, she saw a woman in black dressed like a racing driver walking in, taking the seat next to Lin Ge and sitting down.

"Who is this..." Wu Jiali looked at Nita and asked curiously.

Lin Ge introduced: "This is my wife."



In a word, the two people were silent.

"It turns out, Lin, Mr. Lin is already married." Wu Jiali was stunned for a moment, then stood up from her seat and said anxiously: "By the way, I still have Mr. Lin's tour fee with me. I have to go back to the company and hand it over to my uncle, so I have to say goodbye first."

Wu Jiali got up and hurriedly walked out of the hotel.

Nita leaned back on the chair with her hands folded, and looked at Lin Ge indifferently: "You treat the little girl like this, are you not afraid of others being sad?"

"I can't get myself involved just for 3 points, right? Let's not talk about it for now. Let's get down to business. Didn't you say you weren't injured?" Lin Ge looked at Nita and asked.

Nita snorted disdainfully: "Who said I was injured?"

Lin Ge raised his hand and poked Nita's left arm gently. This move was so painful that Nita took a breath and held the spot where Lin Ge poked her: "What are you doing?"

"Most people hold their hands at the top of their arms. You moved it down two points on purpose. It's either a personal quirk or you're injured and you don't dare to touch it with your hands." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Nita rolled her eyes and snorted.

"What? It's serious? Even the recovery medicine special to the Lord God's Space couldn't be processed? Do you want me to help you take a look?" Lin Ge asked.

Nita said: "Don't worry about the curse of the devil boy. You are a Taoist priest and I am a witch. I can handle this problem myself."

"Oh, when you said that, I suddenly realized that we are really a good match."


In the next two days, while waiting for the Guanluoyin tour group to be held, Lin Ge and Nita searched for new plots and inquired about the whereabouts of the Ghost Taoist. Whenever he had time, he went to the Dazhong Temple to teach the Huowang Spell, and also taught the Huowang Spell. Nita introduced her to Huo Wang.

According to Lin Ge's wishes, when he went to join the Guanluoyin tour group, Nita was looking for new plots while paying attention to what was happening on Huo Wang's side.

"Minxiong Haunted House" only missed a ghost Taoist to get three points, but don't let someone steal the house at the last moment. After all, the most likely connection with the ghost Taoist at present is "Ghost Fighting 2".

Three days passed in a flash, and this reincarnation also ushered in the first settlement.

[Points determination on the seventh day, your reincarnation team’s current total points are “17”, ranking first among the five current reincarnation teams. 】

[The team ranked at the bottom was eliminated, and a total of "1" reincarnator was thrown into the endless dead sea under the hell of this world. 】

"One" reincarnator was thrown into the endless sea of ​​death. Lin Ge felt that if there were no accidents, he should be the only reincarnator to escape among the trio in Xingzhong Village.

From this point of view, in addition to the "floating" foursome and the few people who ran away from the town, three reincarnation teams have appeared in this reincarnation.

The remaining team that has not yet appeared may be the previous "number one". Judging from the fact that they were able to beat Lin Ge and Nita in points in the past three days, this team should not be weak.

17 points can grab the first place, which shows that the other teams have not gained much in the past few days.

But think about it, Taiwan is such a big place, and if there are more horror movies, there may only be dozens of them, and they may not be in this era.

Unless you dig into the "prequel" like Lin Ge, it's not that easy to encounter the official plot.

The biggest advantage of Lin Ge is that he still holds the "accurate 6 points" in his hand. As long as he finds the ghost Taoist and triggers the hidden plot in Wu Jiali to solve the "Guan Luoyin" incident, he will get 6 points. In terms of speed, I believe that others The reincarnation team will not be faster than him.

Lin Ge did not see Wu Jiali again in the past two days. It was not until the third night that Wu Jiali came to the hotel to inform Lin Ge to attend the ceremony.

"Mr. Lin, the ceremony is about to begin. Please follow me to the venue." Wu Jiali stood at the door of the room, her head lowered, and she did not look at Lin Ge again.

Lin Ge was about to leave with Wu Jiali when he heard Nita's voice coming from the room: "You really don't need me to go with you?"

"Need not."


Nita didn't force it. After this reincarnation, she realized the gap between herself and Lin Ge. If there was a problem that even Lin Ge couldn't solve, she might even be held back.

Lin Ge left the hotel with Wu Jiali and got into a black car. It goes without saying that those who can use a private car in this era have the financial resources of their family.

Wu Jiali remained silent on the way, seemingly no longer as "talkative" as before, and instead doing her essential job as a tour group staff member.

Two hours later, just after 11 p.m., the car stopped outside an abandoned hospital.

After Lin Ge got off the car, he found that there were more than a dozen cars parked here, and there were even people from the news agency. Many reporters were surrounding a few people to interview them.

It seems that Wu Jiali is not lying. Her uncle Master Wu is really famous in Taiwan. After all, this kind of "metaphysical" ceremony can be reported by newspapers.

"Mr. Lin, please come this way." Under Wu Jiali's guidance, Lin Ge met the "group members" of this Guanluoyin tour group.

This "tour group" is just like what Wu Jiali introduced before. Including Lin Ge, there are "ten" members in total, and they are gathering together to talk about this "trip".

While Lin Ge was getting acquainted with his "group friends", Wu Jiali, who was watching Lin Ge's back from a short distance away, bit her lip, as if she had made some kind of determination, and took out a folded purple talisman paper from her pocket. , walked quietly behind Lin Ge. (End of chapter)

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