Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 356 My senior brother, Taoist Ghost, will not let you go!

Wu Tiancai is a household name in Chiayi, so he naturally has some skills. Although he usually spends most of his time cheating, he has also caught a lot of resentful ghosts. Even the maid of the He family who died tragically turned into a resentful ghost and was eventually sealed in the river due to his efforts.

But Wu Tiancai did not have the burden of getting rid of the water ghost maid. Firstly, he wanted to use the name of the water ghost to hang up the money tree of the He family. Secondly, the senior brother was at the last moment of the tribulation. He refined the puppet with the evil ghost, which might be able to help him survive. After this "death disaster".

This is why when Wu Tiancai heard from his apprentice that Minxiong Township had hired a Taoist priest to deal with water ghosts, he immediately hitched a ride back without stopping.

If the Taoist priest invited really has the ability to get rid of the water ghosts and solve the He family's troubles, then all the efforts he has made in the past few years will be in vain.

Therefore, when Wu Tiancai came back, he didn't even have time to test the other party's details. He went directly to the shrine to cast a spell, intending to destroy He Dexin and destroy the evidence.

Unexpectedly, this time the opponent not only had real abilities, but was also several times better than him. He easily cracked his own spells through a simple game in the air.

Wu Tiancai wanted to use the purple talisman given by his senior brother to turn He Dexin into a red ghost. Although there was a high probability that the entire Minxiong Township would be buried with him, this was the most likely way to kill the Taoist priest!

The red-clothed ghost is already the most terrifying existence that Wu Tiancai can think of, but he doesn't expect that there are still people in this world who speak so brazenly that they don't take Hong-coat seriously?

When he turned around, he saw a seventeen or eighteen-year-old black-haired girl standing by the field road not far behind him, looking at them with a smile.

Wu Tiancai could tell at a glance that the girl was not a human being, but a ghost could appear quietly behind him, and it was at least a ghost-level existence.

Wu Tiancai didn't dare to be careless. He held a purple talisman in his left hand and a yellow talisman in his right hand. He looked at the girl warily: "Who are you?"

"Human? I'm a ghost. You can't even see that... Master?" Chen Qing said with disdain.

Wu Tiancai snorted: "How dare this little devil dare to be so presumptuous in front of this master!"

"Huh? Just now, you blew the red-clothed fierce ghost into the sky. Now you see the red-clothed fierce ghost and you are a little fierce ghost?" Chen Qing raised her eyebrows and asked provocatively.

"Are you in red?" Wu Tiancai obviously didn't believe it. Although the other party could appear behind him quietly, it proved that he must have certain strength.

But Wu Tiancai couldn't feel a trace of resentment or evil aura on Chen Qing. If it were really Hong Yi, the evil aura would scare people to death eight hundred meters away.

"It seems that I have to give you a little shock in red clothes to prove my identity!" Chen Qing smiled and raised her hand, took out the recorder and put it to her mouth.

"A 'Fur Elise' for you!"

The flute plays.

In other words, the moment he heard the tingling recorder music, Wu Tiancai suddenly felt that Chen Qing was going to "send Alice away", and also wanted to send him away with him.

"Ah, Master, Master, save me!" Wu Tiancai's apprentice tried his best to cover his ears, and saw blood flowing out of the seams in his hands.

Wu Tiancai was not feeling well at this time. He muttered a few spells in his mouth to temporarily resist the sonic attack. He immediately tore the yellow talisman in his hand into pieces and blocked his ears.

Then Wu Tiancai rushed to the apprentice and put two yellow charms on the apprentice's arm covering his ears.

At this time, Chen Qing stopped playing the flute and said in a joking tone: "Huh? I can't handle you all? Then I can only play another song 'The Sinking of the Titanic'!"

Seeing the sonic power sounding again, Wu Tiancai couldn't help but cursed: "Didn't you say you wanted to show the strength of the female ghost in red? What kind of power in red is this sonic power?"

"Oh, I mainly don't want to steal the spotlight from the grievance creditors... I wish you good luck." Chen Qing smiled and put down the recorder in her hand.

In fact, Chen Qing was not serious from the beginning to the end. She ran out after seeing Wu Tiancai being injured by Lin Ge's spell, just to continue to delay time.

Although Wu Tiancai didn't know what Chen Qing meant, now was the best time for him to use the purple talisman to arouse He Dexin's resentment.

However, as soon as he held the purple talisman on his fingertips and before he could recite the incantation, he heard a man's voice behind him: "Hey, purple talisman."

Wu Tiancai felt his eyes blurred as the purple talisman in his hand had disappeared. He turned around suddenly and saw a young man standing behind him.

Lin Ge looked at the purple talisman and felt that he had seen this one before, so he asked, "Where did you get this purple talisman?"

Wu Tiancai asked in surprise: "You...who are you? When..."

"Oh, I am the person you want to use the purple talisman to deal with." Lin Ge originally thought that Wu Tiancai could deal with He Dexin remotely through the scraps of clothing in the shrine, so he should have some ability. To be on the safe side, he asked Chen Qing to come out to find someone first, while he opened a forum to fight with Wu Tiancai from a distance.

In the end, I didn't expect that it was just a paper tiger with a big thunder and a small raindrop, and it easily broke Wu Tiancai's spell, so I just went to find it myself.

"You, what do you want?" Wu Tiancai slightly asked in a panic.

Lin Ge raised his hand, and a pistol appeared in his hand, pointed at Wu Tiancai, and said with a smile: "You haven't answered my question yet, where did you get this purple talisman?"

"Nothing to offer..."


Before Wu Tim Cai could say "sue", he heard a gunshot. He was so frightened that Wu Tim Cai subconsciously hugged himself, but his apprentice's wails rang out behind him.

"Ah, my hand, my hand." The apprentice held his left arm and wailed in pain.

Lin Ge said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I haven't used a gun for a long time, and my shooting skills have deteriorated a bit. I clearly aimed at the head... Don't worry, I won't make a mistake next time."


Wu Tiancai's expression became very ugly. He couldn't fight again and again, and he couldn't run away. Now his life was in the hands of others, so he could only obey: "This purple talisman... was given to me by my senior brother."

"Your senior brother?"

Wu Tiancai said quite proudly: "Taoist Ciyun of Nanyu Mountain."


"Taoist Ciyun of Nanyu Mountain."

"Have not heard."

Wu Tiancai was speechless when he saw Lin Ge's expression of disgust and disdain. Before my senior brother entered the ghost way, he was the most famous Taoist priest in Taiwan.

If Lin Ge was really a Taoist priest, it would be impossible for him to have never heard of this name.

Lin Ge waved his hand: "Forget it, it's probably just some rotten fish and shrimp in a corner. You don't need to introduce it. Now, come with me."

"Where to go?"

"He family."

Under the threat of Lin Ge's American home, Wu Tiancai helped the apprentice who was shot to the He family.

At this time, Mrs. He had become more awake and was sitting in the middle of the yard. He Dexin was squatting beside Lin Ge's altar, looking at her "mother" fiercely.

Perhaps because He Dexin was too scary, He Shengxin had already hid back in the room holding the child. Li Ziqiang and several servants stood behind Mrs. He. It's not to "support Mrs. He", but to hope that He Dexin will have a responsible person for his grievances and not look for innocent people like them.

At this time, Mrs. He saw Wu Tiancai helping his apprentice into the yard, and immediately rushed towards Wu Tiancai as if she had seen a savior.

"Master Wu, Master Wu! You have to save me. I have always followed your instructions, but now, me, save our He family!" Mrs. He wailed.


When He Dexin next to the altar saw Master Wu Tiancai, his resentment suddenly surged. A thick black mist erupted around his body, and he roared and wanted to pounce on him.

Lin Ge raised his hand and pointed toward the altar: "Go back and squat."

He Dexin's body froze when he threw himself in the air, as if he remembered the power of Da Bi Dou before, and squatted back silently.

"Don't worry, I always keep my word. If I say I will avenge you, I will definitely avenge you."

Lin Ge knew that it would be easy to kill Wu Tiancai's master and apprentice directly, but it would not be so easy to completely eliminate the resentment in He Dexin's heart and send her to the afterlife. If the grievances of evil ghosts were really so easy to resolve, there wouldn’t be so many evil ghosts and gods in the world.

After saying that, Lin Ge looked at Mrs. He: "Mrs. He, this is the Wu Tiancai you firmly believe in, Master Wu, right? So... now let Master Wu tell you how you solved the water ghost in the He family. , and how to exorcise He Dexin."

"I..." Wu Timcai hesitated.

Click, click.

He was answered by the sound of a pistol being loaded. Wu Tiancai swallowed his saliva. Although he was afraid that Lin Ge would raise his hand and shoot him, he would die if he didn't say anything, so what else could he say.

Lin Ge played with the pistol and said in a calm tone: "Don't worry, as a Taoist priest, I know the grievances and creditors better than you. I will not bear such a debt. As long as you tell me honestly how you dealt with the water ghost and He Dexin , I swear in the name of my ancestor that as long as I do harm to you, endanger your life, or make any sins related to you, I will die and never be reincarnated."

For people in the Taoist sect, swearing to the ancestor is the most "authoritative" and "effective" oath, but Wu Tiancai obviously didn't understand why Lin Ge did this.

Of course, this was only one of the reasons why he was entangled. Another more important reason was that Lin Ge could decide his life or death without intervening, but there was still He Dexin present.

Wu Tiancai had to weigh his own strength and see if it was possible to deal with the evil spirit He Dexin and escape from the He family.

"You have 30 seconds to think about it." Lin Ge reminded.

After Wu Tiancai struggled for a while, he could only choose to believe Lin Ge's "oath". After all, He Dexin was easier for him to deal with than Lin Ge.

In this way, under the pressure of Lin Ge, Wu Tiancai told Mrs. He how they subdued the water ghost, how they put the water ghost back into the river, indirectly killed Mrs. He's son, and how they took He Dexin away. Go home and exorcise each other's demons in a "multiplayer sport".

Although Wu Tiancai tried to avoid the important points several times during the narration process, but in front of Lin Ge, who knew the plot, some of the tricks were meaningless.

After listening to Wu Tiancai's story, Mrs. He turned pale and looked at Wu Tiancai in disbelief: "No, master, you were forced by this person to say such a thing, right? You didn't lie to me, how could you possibly Lie to me, I have always believed in you!"

Mrs. He still does not believe that Wu Timcai is the biggest "enemy" of the He family, and that all disasters stem from Wu Timcai.

Lin Ge looked at Mrs. He's stubborn look and was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with her. At this time, after Wu Tiancai's "narration", He Dexin's resentment was completely released.

While Mrs. He was questioning Wu Tiancai, Lin Ge walked up to He Dexin and said: "You see, scum is scum, even if they know they are wrong, they will not admit it. But the funny thing is, because she gave birth to you , once your hands are stained with her blood, you will never be reincarnated. However, since I promised to avenge you, I will definitely do what I say."

Wu Tiancai pushed away Mrs. He who was pestering him. His attention was always on Lin Ge. He was afraid that Lin Ge would break his promise. When he heard what Lin Ge said to He Dexin, he immediately said anxiously: "Hey, you said you wouldn't interfere. You swore an oath to your ancestor about our grudges!"

"Of course, I always keep my word. It's just..." Lin Ge paused, turned his hand, and a yellow lucky star appeared in his palm: "There are a lot of people who want to settle accounts with you, and I guess they won't be able to get their turn. to me."

After saying that, Lin Ge unlocked the seal of the water ghost, and then stuck the purple talisman he snatched from Wu Tiancai onto the water ghost's vest.

"It's this guy who has been plotting against you, bewitching you to kill people, and cutting off your chance of reincarnation. Now you have revenge and resentment. If you kill him, I will plead with the underworld on your behalf."

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, the evil spirit of the water ghost that absorbed Zi Fu's resentment surged. It was already close to the strength of the red ghost, and now it surpassed the evil spirit of red.

"No, you, how could you, how could you!" Wu Tiancai shouted in horror.

Lin Ge said with a smile: "I didn't take any action. The water ghost is your 'old friend', and the purple talisman is also your's just a red one. Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"



What responded to Lin Ge and Wu Tiancai was the roar of the water ghost, followed by a surge of black mist that directly dragged Wu Tiancai and his disciples in.

Lin Ge looked back at Li Ziqiang and several servants who were trembling with fear: "Hey, are you still watching the show? If you don't want to die, leave quickly."

"Yes Yes."

The servants of the He family wanted to run away a long time ago. If He Dexin hadn't been watching there, who would have been willing to stay here.

Li Ziqiang had just taken a few steps toward the door, then subconsciously stopped and looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Lin, Taoist Lin, aren't you leaving?"

"Oh, I like to watch the show in the front row." Lin Ge opened his eyes and looked at the black mist ahead, "appreciating" Wu Tiancai's master and apprentice's fancy death.

Li Ziqiang ran back quickly and stood behind Lin Ge: "If Taoist Lin doesn't leave, then I won't leave either."


As soon as he finished speaking, as a gust of cold wind blew by, the black fog in front gradually dissipated, and the water ghost floated in mid-air, holding Master and Disciple Wu Tiancai, who was mutilated and unrecognizable, in each hand, staring at Lin Ge ferociously.

When Li Ziqiang met the water ghost's terrifying eyes, he rolled his eyes and fainted with fright.

Lin Ge glanced at Li Ziqiang, who had fainted from shock and fainted at his feet, and shook his head helplessly: "Oh, you deserve to be asked to leave."

At this time, Wu Tiancai could no longer find a complete spot on his body. It was unclear whether blood or urine was mixed in his lower body, and it was dripping like a boiling faucet.

"Stinky, Taoist priest. I, senior brother, a ghost Taoist. I won't let you go." Wu Tiancai used his last breath to put down his harsh words.

Lin Ge was surprised when he heard this: "What? Ghost Taoist? Is he the ghost Taoist who likes to go to the Ghost King to ask for his longevity? Where is he? Tell me quickly!"

However, Wu Tiancai had lost his breath, so it was naturally impossible to answer Lin Ge's question.

"Oh, what a pity." Lin Ge sighed, thinking that he could get clues about the ghost Taoist from Wu Tiancai.

"Death, die, you are all going to die. If the He family is going to die, you are going to die too!" After the water ghost floating in mid-air killed Master Wu Tiancai and his apprentice, he did not forget to seek revenge from the He family and Lin Ge.

However, the water ghost found that Lin Ge didn't even look at him. Instead, he squatted down and put an evil charm on He Dexin's forehead, and recited the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth" to drive away the evil spirit for her.

Being ignored by Lin Ge, the water ghost became completely angry. He smashed Wu Tiancai's master and apprentice's body on the ground and roared towards Lin Ge.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared, blocking the way between it and Lin Ge: "Hey, didn't you see that my brother is busy? If you make any trouble, you can give me a big kick!"

Chen Qing clapped her palms together, then held the magic formula with her left hand and pointed it toward the palm of her right hand, and then her entire right arm glowed with white light.

The True Biography of the Huang Family Sisters——

Dao Yin·Dabi Dou!

The water ghost rushed towards Lin Ge so fast that he had no time to react to Chen Qing's "Dao Yin·Dabi Dou" and was directly slapped in the face.

With a "pop", the black mist covering the water ghost's body was shaken away. He took the blow with his face, and then the whole ghost turned into a tornado and flew away into the distance.

"Wow, the spells taught by Sister Shang are really powerful." Chen Qing couldn't help but sigh as she stared at her palms.

After Lin Ge finished reciting the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth", he looked sideways at Chen Qing and couldn't help but complain: "Are you sure this is a 'spell' and not a 'physical skill'?"

"Is there a difference?"

"Are you going to imitate your sister Ni's chain dagger next?" A certain sad ghost king and the bearded man flashed in Lin Ge's mind, and they experienced the power of Huang Ni's dagger firsthand.

Chen Qing was just about to say "good idea" when she heard Lin Ge say: "It's back again, deal with it quickly, don't embarrass your master."


As soon as Chen Qing finished speaking, her body turned into white smoke and rushed towards the water ghost.

With Chen Qing dealing with the water ghost, Lin Ge could concentrate on resolving He Dexin's resentment. Then, he took out the Black Impermanence Token.

"Open the door to the underworld and come quickly to send away the ghosts."

Lin Ge Hei Wuchang pointed the token towards the ground, and immediately opened a netherworld passage leading to the underworld. His original intention was to summon a ghost or a ghost to take He Dexin to the underworld for reincarnation, but what he didn't expect was a familiar figure who came up. Figure - Hu Bufan.

"Brother Hu?" Lin Ge summoned a kid and summoned the horse-faced Hu Bufan, who was suddenly surprised.

When Hu Bufan saw Lin Ge, he laughed and stepped forward to give him a big hug: "Hahaha, I happened to be in the Wuchang Envoy Hall, and I saw you using the Black Wuchang Envoy token to open the door, so I came up in person. .By the way, I have some great news for you."

"Oh? What is it?" Lin Ge suddenly became interested. With Hu Bufan's character, "good news" must be good news, not to mention the word "big".

Hu Bufan looked at Lin Singer's Black Impermanence token and said, "Hey, brother, you won't be able to use this Black Impermanence token soon."

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately understood: "Oh? So I have succeeded in getting Brother Hu's favor, and am I about to be 'promoted'?"

"Hahaha! That's right! All the merits of Xingzhong Village have been calculated. Not only have I been reinstated as an official, but I also have the opportunity to be assessed as a ghost general. Several brothers have also been successfully promoted. This is all thanks to you, brother!" Hu Bufan He patted Lin Ge's shoulder excitedly.

"No, no, if it hadn't been for Brother Hu's intervention, I alone wouldn't have been able to save so many resentful ghosts in Xingzhong Village." Lin Ge said modestly.

Hu Bufan chuckled and said: "In order to express my gratitude to you, brother, I used some connections and made a small move to promote you, brother, so that you can have your own choice. You can think about it carefully and leave." "Military position', choose a position among the bull-headed and horse-faced people. In the future, you will work hard to become a ghost general, or go to judge lawsuits and start from the 'civilian position'."

Although Lin Ge guessed that he was not far away from being "promoted", he thought that at most he would be able to choose between bulls and horses, but he didn't expect that under Hu Bufan's face-saving operation, he would be able to serve in a lawsuit.

Although there is a lot of room for promotion in the military service, there are more choices in the civil service, such as judging lawsuits, the underworld department, and the reincarnation department...

If he went to the Reincarnation Department, Lin Ge would not even have to go to the underworld to ask for help in extraditing the ghosts in the future. He could extradite them by himself.

"Brother, don't worry, you can slowly consider which department to go to..." Before Hu Bufan could finish his words, he heard Chen Qing's call from the air.

"Brother, be careful!"

It turns out that when the water ghost fought with her, he gradually mastered the "evil spirit space" exclusive to the evil ghost, which was the predecessor of the "ghost domain" exclusive to the red ghost.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to control the black mist to interfere with Chen Qing, the water ghost suddenly launched a sneak attack on Lin Ge who was talking to Hu Bufan on the ground.

Hu Bufan felt an unpleasant smell coming, and without thinking much, he subconsciously slapped him in the face, and with a "pop", the suppression of blood directly slapped the water ghost to the ground.

"What a big mosquito." Hu Bufan looked at the black mist huddled up at his feet and said in surprise.

Lin Ge:......

Although the water ghost became red with Wu Tiancai's purple talisman, it was not good enough in front of Hu Bufan. Lin Ge originally wanted it to practice with Chen Qing, but now there is no need to practice.

"Oh, by the way, brother, what are you doing by opening the gate to the underworld this time?" Hu Bufan then remembered "business".

Lin Ge pointed at He Dexin who was squatting on the ground next to the altar, told Hu Bufan her tragic experience in a few words, and then said: "I agreed to send her to the afterlife. Originally, I wanted to ask a kid to come up and take her down. I didn’t expect you, Brother Hu, to come up in person.”

"Oh, that's it, no problem. I'll take it back later... Oh, and this mosquito, I'll throw it to hell." Hu Bufan responded.

Lin Ge nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Brother Hu."

"It's easy to talk, so I'll go back first. When you come down to go through the promotion procedures, we brothers will have a good drink."


After Hu Bufan took away He Dexin and Water Ghost, Lin Ge glanced at Mrs. He who was already crazy in the hospital, picked up the unconscious Li Ziqiang, and walked out of the hospital.

The plot of "Minxiong Haunted House" only involves the "ghost Taoist" who killed Wu Tiancai's senior brother. I don't know if this ghost Taoist is related to the ghost Taoist in "Ghost Fighting 2"!

Lin Ge thought for a while, then took out the communicator to contact Nita.

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