"Tell me, what is going on?" Lin Ge looked at Mrs. He and said with cold eyes.

Although it was difficult to talk about her youngest daughter's matter, Mrs. He was already dominated by fear at this time. Naturally, she would answer whatever Lin Ge asked.

"She, she, she is, is my little daughter. She used to be taciturn and never leave the house, but then she suddenly went crazy and jumped into the well and died. Master Wu said... the little girl was bewitched by the water ghost. If If I don't want her to turn into a powerful ghost and harm others, I have no choice but to seal her. Now, just now..." Mrs. He obviously couldn't talk about the fact that she cut her daughter into pieces and sealed her several times with her own hands.

Lin Ge snorted coldly: "If I'm not wrong, this female ghost is also a member of your family, right? You killed the water ghost back then, so she came back to take revenge. Mrs. He, if you do any unjust things, you will be punished." He won't even let his own daughter go, so why do you let others let go of your He family?"

"I'm not, no! I was worried that my little girl would turn into a powerful ghost and harm others, so I followed Master Wu's suggestion and sealed her..." Before Mrs. He could finish her words, she heard a "bang" from a window on the third floor. , an old chair broke through the window and fell into the yard.

Lin Ge released the paper man while he was walking in the yard, and then controlled the paper man to go to the room of the He family's youngest daughter, He Dexin, on the third floor. A jar sealed by a yellow talisman was found under the bed, containing He Dexin's ashes.

Several paper figures worked together to lift the jar and smash it. As a sinister wind swept up the ashes on the ground, He Dexin, who turned into a ghost, escaped from the seal.


As He Dexin regained consciousness completely, he controlled the chair and smashed the window. A shrill scream came from upstairs, and the terrifying sound made everyone in the hospital shiver.

Lin Ge raised his hand to calculate, and looked up at the window on the third floor and said: "He Dexin, I know that you died after being wronged, and I feel resentful. It is indeed your misfortune to be born in this kind of family, but once you are involved in human life, your resentment will be with you." When the evil spirits merge, there will be no turning back. You might as well just let it go, Pindao is willing to avenge you, resolve your grievances, and send you to the afterlife!"

According to what is shown in the movie, He Dexin's grievance comes more from Wu Tiancai's master and apprentice who raped her, and possessing Mrs. He and hacking the master and apprentice to death, and putting Mrs. He in jail is just "incidental".

Lin Ge, as an orthodox Taoist sect, naturally had to take action when he encountered a fake master like Wu Tiancai who could cheat with just a few spells.

He was going to be killed anyway, so why not help He Dexin by the way?



Suddenly, as a piercing ghost roar came from the window on the third floor, He Dexin turned into a thick black mist tornado and flew out from it, hitting everyone in the courtyard.

When Li Ziqiang saw this, he was so frightened that he turned around and ran away. Several servants were so frightened that they collapsed on the ground. His sister He Shengxin's eyes turned white and she fainted with the baby in her arms.

Mrs. He stood there at a loss. Fear, surprise, and confusion merged into complex emotions at this moment and appeared on her face.

However, it's not that Mrs. He feels guilty about her daughter, but that Master Wu, whom she trusts, is not here, and she doesn't know what to do with this evil ghost!

If Lin Ge knew what Mrs. He was thinking at this time, he would immediately walk away and release the water ghosts to massacre the He family.

Seeing the black mist tornado reach two or three meters away in the blink of an eye, Lin Ge frowned and raised his hand to summon the fire sign. Instead of summoning the flames of hell, he slapped it directly.


He Dexin was snapped back to his original shape and hit the ground heavily, creating a circle of black mist.

"I've already said this, so you should give me some face. Why bother spending your next life for this kind of scum? If you don't believe that I will avenge you, then just follow me and see with your own eyes Let me crush those two scumbags into ashes and destroy their souls, okay?" Lin Ge said in a tone that was difficult to negotiate.

However, when the black mist surrounding He Dexin dissipated, everyone discovered that He Dexin was still a headless ghost.

Lin Ge's eyes darkened, and he walked towards the dry well not far away amidst the fearful and doubtful eyes of the people around him. He raised his foot and kicked away the stone slabs pressing on the well.

Then, Lin Ge raised his hand and threw a handful of paper money into the well, mixed with a few yellow paper figures.

After a while, several yellow paper figures climbed up from the well carrying He Dexin's rotting head and brought it to He Dexin.

After He Dexin put his head back, Lin Ge looked at the frightened Mrs. He with cold eyes and said: "Do you know... your husband and your son died because of your debt. You killed him back then. Water ghost, it has come back to seek revenge on your husband and killed your son. It is not what 'Master Wu' said that the daughter is a disaster."

"And do you know that your little daughter did not go crazy under the influence of the water ghost, but you blamed her for your son's death and locked her in the house all day long. The most ridiculous thing is that you also sent her to Wu Tiancai’s master and apprentice ‘exorcised demons’, do you know how they exorcised the demons?”

Lin Ge stopped talking nonsense with Mrs. He, raised his hand and flicked a yellow talisman on Mrs. He's forehead, and then put another yellow talisman on He Dexin's forehead, and then used the Ma's Vision Technique to let Mrs. He see what He Dexin had done. The tragic image of being sent for "exorcism".

Mrs. He tore off the yellow talisman on her forehead in horror: "No, it's impossible, it's impossible, how, how do you know, these are all fake, fake!"

But soon Mrs. He realized another problem. She never mentioned the identity of the water ghost or the death of her husband and son. So how did he know?

Thinking of Lin Ge's "calculation", Mrs. He was completely shocked. Could it be that she knew these unknown secrets just by calculating with one finger?

Li Ziqiang on the side listened to Lin Ge's words and couldn't help but sigh in his heart... A living god, this is a living god. Isn't this more reliable than that Master Wu?

However, Mrs. He has long lost her ability to judge under Wu Tim Choi's "nonsense" over the years. Until now, she still thinks that Wu Tim Choi can help her break the situation.

He Dexin didn't know whether he was "convinced" by Lin Ge's words or "convinced" by Lin Ge's strength. At this time, except for looking at Mrs. He resentfully with his half-rotten, half-ghost head, he did not do anything else for the time being.

[Trigger the hidden plot of "Minxiong Haunted House", kill the evil brothers, fulfill your promise, and help the evil ghost He Dexin die. Reward team points +3 and reincarnation points 1000. 】

There is a "Prequel to "The Curse"" in front of it. Although it has not yet reached the timeline of "Minxiong Haunted House", as long as you go deep into the plot, you can still trigger the secret. Lin Ge is not surprised by this.

It's just that Lin Ge didn't expect that his casual "promise" would be included in the mission goal. It seems that he can't make casual promises in the future.

At this moment, He Dexin suddenly let out a heart-rending scream. Lin Ge thought that she was going to suddenly possess Mrs. He and retaliate. She had already kneaded the thunder method in her hands, but she saw He Dexin folding his arms in pain. He fell to the ground and kept screaming miserably.

Suddenly, He Dexin's body was inexplicably ignited with flames.

Lin Ge's eyes darkened, thinking that according to the movie, He Dexin died by throwing himself into a well, so there was no way he would have attributes related to "fire".

Upon closer inspection, the flames seemed to be He Dexin's clothes.

In the movie, in order to prevent He Dexin from turning into a ghost and coming back to retaliate against him, Wu Tim Choi cut his body into pieces and sealed it. He even tore the white dress into rags and sealed it in the shrine.

"Mrs. He, where is your ancestral grave?" Lin Ge asked coldly.

The movie opens with Mrs. He taking her granddaughter to worship. This leads to the fact that the granddaughter is controlled by He Dexin and runs to open the shrine and release the resentful spirit attached to her clothes.

"This, this." Mrs. He didn't know why Lin Ge suddenly asked this question, and she didn't know whether to answer it for a moment.

Lin Ge hummed: "Now someone is burning your ancestral grave. After He De's heart is shattered, it's your and your eldest daughter's turn!"

Mrs. He was obviously frightened by Lin Ge's words and quickly told the address of the ancestral grave. Lin Ge knocked on the astrolabe and released Chen Qing.

"elder brother."

"Is the plot of "Minxiong Haunted House" clear?" Lin Ge asked.

Chen Qing immediately understood what Lin Ge meant and said, "I also read it when Sister Huang was checking the information. Do you suspect that Wu Tiancai is burning the clothes of the female ghost? I will stop him right away!"

"Be careful, Wu Tiancai may not be as weak as in the movie. I will fight with him first, and you can take action when the time is right." Lin Ge warned.

Chen Qing nodded and disappeared into a streak of smoke.

Li Ziqiang looked at Chen Qing who suddenly appeared and disappeared, and said dumbfounded: "Fairy, fairy? Did I see a fairy?"

Lin Ge shook his head speechlessly. Fortunately, Chen Qing walked fast. If he had been slower for a few seconds and heard these words, wouldn't his tail be raised to the sky?

Lin Ge was not worried that Chen Qing would be in danger. Not to mention the pile of Huang Ni's specially crafted magic weapons on her body, even the skills taught by Huang Shang could defeat a swashbuckling and unknown mage. The incense of the Huang Tai Sin temple was also It's time to stop.

However, Lin Ge naturally would not let Chen Qing "fight alone". He raised his hand, took out the long table, covered it with a yellow cloth, and placed an incense burner, fragrant wax paper candles.

Lin Ge picked up the mahogany sword and slapped it on the table. The yellow talisman flew up in response, flying in a circle in the air and stopping around He Dexin. Then Lin Ge pointed the mahogany sword: "Urgent like a law, destroy!"

With a "whoosh", the yellow talisman turned into golden light and flew towards He Dexin, instantly extinguishing the flames on her body. And He Dexin has been burned beyond recognition, his soul has been damaged, and he has become translucent.

Lin Ge bit off the index finger of his right hand, drew a Bagua diagram on the palm of his left hand, and then covered it with the word "Imperial Order": "Leverage the underworld to protect the soul!"


Lin Ge pointed towards He Dexin with his left palm, and a burst of golden light appeared in his palm, and He Dexin's transparent figure suddenly became clearer.

While Lin Ge was casting the spell, in front of a shrine near the He family's ancestral grave in the distance, a middle-aged man in gray clothes in his forties or fifties, wearing fine materials, his face darkened, and he suddenly felt a powerful burst of energy erupting from the shrine. The force shocked him and made him take a few steps back, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It turned out that when Li Ziqiang took Lin Ge to the river to deal with the water ghost, Wu Timcai's apprentice, who had been guarding the female ghost by the river, immediately told Wu Timcai about it.

Wu Tiancai was originally near Minxiong. Hearing this, he rushed back by car without stopping. The reason why he was so nervous was that he was worried that the smelly Taoist priest would follow the clues and investigate the He family. The second reason was that this water ghost was something that his senior brother liked, but We can't let this stinky Taoist priest succeed.

However, Wu Tiancai came back a little late. He learned from his apprentice that Lin Ge had subdued the water ghost, so he wanted to destroy He Dexin first and cut off the clues of the smelly Taoist priest.

But he didn't expect that Lin Ge's strength was far beyond his imagination, and he easily rescued He Dexin from the state of mind.

"Master! Are you okay?" Seeing his master vomiting blood, Wu Timcai's apprentice rushed over to help Wu Timcai.

Wu Tiancai frowned and said, "No, there are experts!"

"What should we do?"

"Fortunately, senior brother gave me a purple talisman of blood sacrifice this time. If that smelly Taoist priest wants to protect He Dexin, then I will let her turn into a red ghost. Let me see what that smelly Taoist priest will do!"

"Wow... the red-clothed fierce ghost, we are so scared!" At this time, a slightly sarcastic girl's voice sounded behind the master and apprentice. (End of chapter)

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