"When will the ceremony be held?" Lin Ge asked.

Li Ziqiang recalled it, and said with a somewhat uncertain tone: "Two months ago? Or three months ago? When the He family had a white matter, they didn't even invite relatives and friends to the scene, they only invited the magician who could handle the matter... I’ve heard about this too, but I don’t know the details.”

"When a family member dies, nothing can be done..." Lin Gexun thought. Judging from the information given by Huang Shang, the death of the youngest daughter means that the plot of "Minxiong Haunted House" has begun. There is a high chance of going to the He family's old house. It will trigger the plot.

Li Ziqiang echoed: "Yes, the village feels strange, but... you know, their family is rich, and I heard that they have some connections with the municipal government, so it is not easy for us to inquire about their family's affairs. Besides, then The He family is also suffering, with Ding Xi, a male descendant. After the master committed suicide by swallowing a gun at the well a few years ago, the inheritance of the He family fell on the two daughters, and now... one of them is gone. Alas."

From Li Ziqiang’s words, Lin Ge also clarified the “timeline”.

A few years have passed since the incident involving the maid, and the maid water ghost had already taken revenge on the male protagonist a few years ago. However, it was not satisfied after killing the male protagonist, and wanted to destroy the He family, so it killed the He family's youngest daughter. After death, he started to act like a demon again.

Lin Ge asked again: "Do you know which master the He family hired?"

Li Ziqiang replied: "It's the master named Wu in Chiayi. He seems to be called... Wu Tiancai? The village chief had been to Chiayi before going to Dazhong Temple. He originally wanted to invite Master Wu to come and have a look first. But according to Master Wu's apprentice, It seems that Master Wu is going to meet his senior brother whom he has not seen for many years."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Ziqiang seemed to feel that saying this seemed a bit disrespectful to Lin Ge. From his words, it gave people the feeling that Master Wu was the first choice and Dazhong Temple was only a backup, and he hurriedly said:

"Hey, luckily we went to the Dazhong Temple and met Taoist Lin. I said that if we had invited Master Wu, I'm sure we wouldn't have been able to deal with the water ghosts so cleanly. And I also heard that Master Wu was very greedy for money. , the price charged for each ritual is very high.”

Lin Ge smiled inwardly and said, isn't it? Even the name is "Tian Cai".

"Oh, by the way, we just want to ask Mr. Lin to help exorcise ghosts. We haven't talked about remuneration yet. Look..." Before Lin Ge said anything, Li Ziqiang took the initiative to mention the remuneration.

"Don't worry, it's not important. Take me to He's house first." Lin Ge said.

"Okay, okay." Li Ziqiang nodded quickly.

After experiencing the water ghost incident, Lin Ge's status in Secretary Li's heart has surpassed that of the village chief, and he did not dare to raise even a word of objection to his words.

When we came to the He family's ancient house, perhaps it was because the timeline was still early. The ancient house at this time did not have the feeling of a "haunted house". Instead, it was as "foreign style" as Li Ziqiang introduced, and it was built exactly on the scale of a bungalow. of.

After Li Ziqiang rang the doorbell, a servant came to open the door soon. When he saw Li Ziqiang, he immediately greeted him politely, and then ran towards the house and shouted: "Madam, Miss, Secretary Li from the village is here. Madam, Miss... …”

Lin Ge followed Li Ziqiang into the courtyard. In this era, local officials such as village secretaries and village chiefs are much more popular than officials in big cities.

The more remote the place, the greater the power of the local officials.

At this time, Mrs. He, who was about fifty or sixty years old but looked very old, and her eldest daughter He Shengxin came out.

He Shengxin was wearing a light yellow dress and a red hairpin, holding a baby in her arms.

"Secretary Li, what's the matter with you?" Mrs. He stepped forward and asked politely.

Li Ziqiang looked at Lin Ge and quickly introduced: "This is Taoist Lin from the Shangqing sect who was invited by the village chief to help us deal with the water ghosts in the river."

Upon hearing "Water Ghost", Mrs. He's expression changed, but the next second she pretended to be calm and asked: "Taoist Master Lin, what's the matter with you?"

According to Huang Shang, Mrs. He is a patriarchal and extremely superstitious person in the movie. She only needs a little magic shock to make her obey. It is precisely because of this that her ignorance harmed her two daughters.

Lin Ge stretched out his left hand and spread it out. The yellow lucky star that sealed the water ghost appeared in his palm. Then he raised his right hand and pinched it, and shouted: "Scoop!"

I saw that the seal above the yellow lucky star was slightly loose. How could the water ghost maid trapped inside let go of this opportunity? She immediately let out a shrill scream and tried to break through the seal and run out.

When the water ghost maid broke through the seal, she pushed the yellow talisman out of shape, and a strong black air squeezed out from the gap, turning into the water ghost maid's face covered with black mud above Lin Ge's palm.



Hearing the shrill scream of the water ghost and seeing the terrifying face, He Shengxin screamed in fright and fell to the ground holding the child.

Mrs. He's eyes widened and she opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out. She knew better than anyone who this water ghost was!

Seeing that Mrs. He might not be able to lift it up in one breath at any time, Lin Ge stopped scaring her, and pointed his right hand holding the seal towards the water ghost maid's forehead. The water ghost maid suddenly seemed to be invisibly affected by a powerful force. Pressing with strength, it turned into black mist and retracted into the yellow talisman.

"Mrs. He." Lin Ge called out in a calm tone, but Mrs. He still had the same frightened expression and did not react at all.

"Mrs. He?"

Lin Ge shouted again, and the other party seemed to hear some terrifying sound. His face was full of fear and helplessness, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

"Mrs. He, I think the evil spirit of this water ghost comes from the ancient house of the He family. Do you recognize this ghost?" Lin Ge slightly calculated with his right hand, looked at Mrs. He and asked with a serious expression.

"I, I..." Mrs. He opened her mouth, "I" didn't say a complete sentence for a long time.

Lin Ge calculated again, this time frowning: "I think there has been a new evil spirit in this house recently. If it is not eliminated soon, I am afraid that the He family will suffer a great disaster."

"No, it's impossible, it's impossible! I've obviously done what Master Wu said. Why, how could I do it again? No, it won't happen!" Mrs. He was already frightened. Every word Lin Ge touched her. Fear, whether it is water ghosts or "new evil spirits", she knows what it means.

Just as Lin Ge had guessed, when dealing with someone like Mrs. He, you only need to keep your words vague and let her figure it out on her own, and you will get unexpected gains.

As soon as Lin Singer turned it over, the Five Elements Bagua Disk was already in his hand. This method of changing objects from the void suddenly shocked everyone present and was speechless.

"Is it convenient for me to look around?" Lin Ge asked.

Mrs. He still dared to say "no" now. She couldn't stop nodding her head and muttering: "Master, you have to save us, save us."

Obviously, Lin Ge's "casual" exposure of his hands has completely replaced Wu Tiancai's position in Mrs. He's heart. Of course, it is also possible that because Wu Tiancai is not here at this time, any "master" has become a life-saving straw in Mrs. He's heart.

Lin Ge pretended to be walking around the courtyard dragging the Five Elements Bagua Plate, throwing out a few yellow talisman paper figures in front of everyone's eyes, kneading talisman and reciting incantations.

"Open the door to the underworld and invite imps to exorcise evil spirits! Scroll!"

The paper figures immediately "came to life" and ran to various places in the courtyard. Some paper figures ran out of everyone's sight and immediately jumped into the old house.

Seeing everyone's surprised expressions, Lin Ge said calmly: "Don't worry, these are the underworld soldiers, summoned by the poor Taoist to find the resentful souls hiding in this courtyard."

With that said, Lin Ge had already led everyone to a dry well in the courtyard. The well was covered with a stone slab, and the stone wall on the side was painted with red talismans. There were three yellow talismans affixed to the stone slab.

After Lin Ge calculated for a while, he looked at Mrs. He solemnly: "Mrs. He, I think the new evil spirit in this courtyard comes from this ancient well."

Mrs. He's face changed drastically, and she said in a trembling tone: "But, but we, haven't we already sealed her, sealed her?"

Lin Ge's face darkened: "But I reckon... the sealed resentful soul is Mrs. He's closest relative."

"How did you know... No, I, this..." Mrs. He looked at Lin Ge incoherently, not knowing what to do.

Lin Ge snorted coldly: "Since Mrs. He is unwilling to tell the truth to Pindao, Pindao will not force it. The injustice cannot be changed by subduing a water ghost. The few men in the He family are just for this fate. If it is not handled properly. , the women of the He family will not die well. Mrs. He wants to take care of herself."

Lin Ge put away the Five Elements Bagua disc, turned around and walked towards the door. Seeing this, Li Ziqiang quickly followed up: "Taoist, Taoist, this He family... is really related to the water ghost? If so, then I will report the matter when I get back and let the village chief send someone to investigate. "

Although the words were not loud, they were clearly heard by Mrs. He behind her.

Mrs. He was debating whether to stop Lin Ge and tell the whole truth, but suddenly she heard the sound of bottles and cans being smashed upstairs.

"Ah! No, no!" Mrs. He looked upstairs with horrified eyes, judging that the sound should come from the third floor.

If it's the third floor, then there's only...

"Looking for Master, looking for Master, I want to find Master Wu!" Mrs. He muttered in a panic.

At this time, Li Ziqiang said in a timely manner: "No need to go. A few days ago, we went to Chiayi to find Master Wu in order to deal with the water ghost. His apprentice told us that Master Wu went to find his senior brother."

"Ah, how could this happen? How could this happen?" Mrs. He was panicked when she heard this. Then she noticed Lin Ge who had just walked to the door. She rushed over, grabbed Lin Ge's arm and begged: "Master, Taoist Priest, You have to save us, save our He family!"

Lin Ge sneered in his heart. Mrs. He really couldn't shed tears until she saw the coffin. Only by arousing the fear in her heart could she destroy the last line of defense.

But what Mrs. He didn't know was that the "seal" upstairs was broken by Lin Ge controlling the paper man. (End of chapter)

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