Lin Ge followed the people from Minxiong Township back to the village before evening. Hearing that the village chief had invited a "master" back, the villagers gathered at the entrance of the village to welcome him.

"Master, please save us. Our folk customs in Minxiong Township are simple and honest, and we have never done anything harmful to nature. How come we have suffered such a big crime?"

"Master, save us, save us."

"Master, can you help our family look at Feng Shui?"



The most important thing at the moment was the haunting in the village river. The women's director and the village chief came forward to persuade the villagers to leave, while Li Ziqiang took Lin Ge to the river to have a look first.

The river in the village looks inexplicably eerie in the evening. There is a strange magic in the river, as if calling people on the bank to come closer.

Lin Ge and Li Ziqiang walked down the embankment to a position five or six meters away from the river. Li Ziqiang was in a trance. He subconsciously wanted to move forward, but felt someone tapping his shoulder. He suddenly woke up and looked back, only to see Lin Ge. Song put her hand on his shoulder.

"Don't go any further. If you go any further, you will go down." Lin Ge said with a faint smile.

Li Ziqiang's heart tightened, and when he subconsciously lowered his head to look, his hair stood up in fear. He and Lin Ge originally stopped five or six meters away from the shore, but now they saw that they were only half a meter away from the river! If it weren't for Lin Ge's shot, he would have already stepped into the river with one foot.


There seemed to be a black shadow flashing across the water. Li Ziqiang, who was paying attention to the water, happened to see this scene and shouted in fright: "Ah!"

Lin Ge was shaken back by his loud voice and asked in confusion: "Why are you howling?"

"Ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, ghost, Taoist priest, yes, yes, yes, yes, ghost, ghost, ghost..." Li Ziqiang was so frightened that his tongue was tied and he couldn't even speak a complete sentence.

"It's just a ghost. It scared me. I thought there were piranhas in the water." Lin Ge glanced at Li Ziqiang, walked straight to the shore and squatted down.

Li Ziqiang:?

Lin Ge's words shocked Li Ziqiang. Why, in the eyes of the Taoist priest, were ghosts not as scary as piranhas? Is this the contempt of the Taoist master for "specializing in the arts"?

In fact, before I even got off the shore, I had already opened my eyes and observed the water ghost. I found that the water ghost was very resentful. There was a thick black mist floating on the entire river. Apparently, the water ghost had become one with the river. ". Under the bridge not far away, the red light beam was the strongest. It was thought that the water ghost's body was hidden there.

Judging from the concentration and size of the red light beam, this water ghost has a lot of resentment, almost reaching the level of a red-clothed ghost.

However, what Lin Ge is struggling with is not the strength of the water ghost, but according to "folk custom". After the water ghost drowns, because he is too resentful, he will be trapped in the river like the earth-bound spirit in the house, until the water ghost finds a "substitute" ”, pulling him into the water to replace himself, so that he can leave the place where he drowned.

But according to Li Ziqiang and others, several people have drowned in the past three months. Even if a substitute is found, the performance of the water ghost has exceeded the standard, but it still stays here. It doesn't feel like "looking for a substitute", but more like a simple murder.

The reason why Lin Ge was obsessed with the identity of the water ghost was to dig out the relevant plot. After all, it was easy to kill the water ghost, but it was not so easy to trigger the plot and get points.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Ge raised his hand and tapped the astrolabe lightly and asked, "Hey, hey, is anyone free now? Just give me a squeak."


"Fortunately, you didn't say 'squeak', otherwise I wouldn't know how to answer the call."

"If you have something to say, don't delay my practice." At this time, the only one who could still answer Lin Ge during practice and with such a harsh tone was Huang Taixian.

However, Huang Shang was very talkative. Generally speaking, as long as Huang Ni's safety was not involved, if Lin Ge asked her for something, she would only scoff at most, so she had to do what she had to do.

Lin Ge had no intention of quarreling with Huang Shang at this moment, and said straightforwardly: "Take your sister's notebook where the information is stored and help me check the ghost films with keywords such as Jiayi, Minxiong, and water ghost. See if you can find water ghost." Regarding the ghost-related background, I’m afraid that if I accidentally shoot the water ghost to death, I will only get a kill reward but no plot reward.”

"Hey, you want me to help? OK, please."

"Oh, please."

"...Look at your attitude of asking for help?"



Lin Ge was too lazy to answer the call and called Li Ziqiang to walk under the bridge.

Walking under the bridge, Lin Ge took out an exorcism charm and handed it to Li Ziqiang. He waved his hand and asked him to step aside: "Take it and step back to the bridge pier, not near the river."

"Yes, yes!" Li Ziqiang pulled Huang Fu tightly and retreated to the bridge pier. If he hadn't thought of the horror of being inexplicably close to the river bank and almost falling into the river, he would have wanted to escape home.

But Li Ziqiang is self-aware and knows that if Lin Ge hadn't saved him just now, he would have suffered the same fate as those who drowned before. Therefore, no matter how scared he is at this time, he must stay by Lin Ge's side. If he leaves, he will definitely be screaming. Get on him and leave together.

Of course, this is the situation when Lin Ge is alive. If he is dragged into the water by the water ghost next moment, Li Ziqiang will challenge the 100-meter sprint.

Lin Ge opened his left hand, took out three sticks of incense and pressed it with his thumb. He patted it lightly with his right hand, and the three sticks of incense lit up and light white smoke drifted away.

Before Li Ziqiang could sigh "It's amazing", Lin Ge put the incense on the bank and said to the river: "Brother, are you interested in chatting for a few words? According to the tradition of our country's ghosts and ghosts, where there is a grudge, there will be a grudge. If you want revenge, you have to go find the person who killed you, instead of following the example of foreign ghosts and not respecting martial ethics and hurting innocent people..."

As Lin Ge was speaking, suddenly there was a shrill scream from the river, and then a ghost figure covered in black mud jumped out of the river, its disheveled hair sweeping towards Lin Ge.



Lin Singer raised his hand, and a fly swatter appeared in his hand. He hit the female ghost with a black mud face on the forehead and slapped her back into the water.

"What are you yelling at, Master Dao? Did I ask you to come up? Stay down below." Lin Ge stood up and kicked away the three sticks of incense on the shore.

"If you don't eat, you'll fall down."

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, there was a "crash" sound, and the water ghost rolled up a waterspout towards Lin Ge. And Lin Ge pressed the secret and directly activated the "Golden Light Spell" and stood motionless.

Under the protection of golden light, when the waterspout controlled by the water ghost was still one meter away from him, it seemed to be split by a force and sprayed in both directions.

Li Ziqiang, who was watching this operation, was dumbfounded. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart that the Taoist was just the Taoist. He didn't even give face to the water ghost, and he suddenly felt full of security.

"seal up!"

Lin Ge raised his hand and flicked a lucky star made of exorcism talismans to the river. A golden light exploded with a bang, which directly dispersed all the black mist and resentment covering the river, and then condensed into a side. The golden wall covers the river.

"I'll ask you one last time. Let me tell you your grievances. I can help..." Just as Lin Ge was mid-sentence, Huang Shang's voice came from the astrolabe.

"Hey, I found it. The Taiwanese ghost film related to Minxiong, Water Ghost and other terms is "Minxiong Haunted House"..." Then Huang Shang introduced the plot in a few words.

The plot of the whole movie is not complicated, but the movie is interspersed with memories, and the water ghost line is placed in the finale and released in the form of comics, so when watching the movie, if you are distracted by the lengthy and boring plot If you lose your patience and jump to watch, it is easy to miss this plot.

The general plot is about a wealthy young man named He in Minxiong Township who seduced his maid and made her pregnant. He didn't want to take responsibility, so he asked his wife to get rid of the maid under the pretext of being on a business trip.

The lady asked the servant to throw the maid into the well, but she didn't want the maid to escape. However, the maid still thought about the young master's sweet words and thought that all this was the madam's plan. She ran to find Master He, but was abandoned again.

The maid committed suicide in despair, and the place where she jumped happened to be a drainage channel. Her body was covered with black silt, so the people she killed were also covered with a thick layer of silt.

The maid was too resentful and committed suicide with her son. The double resentment turned her into a ghost and went back to seek revenge on Master He.

After Master He committed suicide under the control of the maid, the maid designed to drown Mrs. He's son. Mrs. He favored sons over daughters and blamed her son's death on her twin daughters.

The eldest daughter was so scheming that she originally dropped her shoe into the river and asked her brother to help her fish it out. The water ghost took the opportunity to drown Mrs. He's son. The eldest daughter was worried about being scolded by her mother, so she took away her sister's shoes when Mrs. He was not paying attention. The younger daughter was not good at talking, and Mrs. He did not listen to her explanation, blaming her son's death solely on her.

The younger daughter has a low self-esteem and timidity because of the birthmark on her face. Coupled with her mother's resentment and her sister's accusation, she keeps herself locked in the house all day long.

Until one day, under the influence of the water ghost, the younger daughter looked in the mirror and saw that the birthmark spread almost to her entire face. She was so frightened that she smashed things like crazy. Upon seeing this, Mrs. He found her most trusted master. The master and his apprentice tied the little daughter back to "exorcise evil spirits", but in fact they took the opportunity to engage in multi-person sports.

After the younger daughter was raped, she had nowhere to talk and finally committed suicide by throwing herself into a well. After her death, the master was worried that the other party would turn into a ghost and come back for revenge, so he bewitched Mrs. He to cut her body into pieces, and used magic to keep her body and clothes in different locations.

More than ten years later, the eldest daughter also had a daughter. Due to an opportunity to worship her ancestors, the loose soul of the younger daughter came out and took control of her niece, and then gradually revealed the truth of the year. Finally, it possessed Mrs. He and hacked the master and his apprentice to death.

Although there are branch plots such as sisterly love and love triangle in the plot, they are not important to this main plot. What is important is that this little daughter is a representative of "revenge and revenge", and only kills the person who killed her. She didn't even kill her niece and her niece's boyfriend who had yin and yang eyes.

"So... the water ghost is only a behind-the-scenes boss and has no direct relationship with completing the plot of "Minxiong Haunted House"?" Lin Ge asked.

Li Ziqiang on the side was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and asked subconsciously: "Ah? Master, are you talking to me?"

"It's none of your business, just stay here while I'm talking to the fairy."

"Oh." Li Ziqiang really listened and stayed aside.

Huang Shang replied in the astrolabe: "The information you asked me to check for you has been checked for you anyway. As for how to dig out the plot, it is your business. I am going to practice, so don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."


"Anything else?"

"Have you had dinner?"


Li Ziqiang: ...This Taoist priest is really capable, but his behavior of talking to himself is like a lunatic. Is that really okay?

Li Ziqiang was really worried that the Taoist priest would not be able to enjoy the conversation on the shore, so he jumped directly into the river to communicate with the water ghost in depth.

At this time, the river surface was coated with a layer of golden light, and the waves on the river surface under the golden light were turbulent, like an erupting flood, trying to break through the seal of the golden light. You can still vaguely see the rolling river water condensed into a grimace, roaring, howling, and screaming.

Lin Ge stared at the river with some embarrassment. Judging from the plot of the movie, the water ghost maid is a key role in driving the plot. Kill her. If the subsequent plot has not unfolded, then there will definitely only be a kill reward and no plot points. But don't kill him. Lin Ge is worried that all the villagers in Minxiong Township will die after returning from a trip to the haunted house.

After thinking twice, Lin Ge decided to seal the water ghost maid first, but sealing the evil ghost was much more troublesome than killing the evil ghost.

Lin Ge raised his hand and took out the yellow cloth from the long table, placed the incense burner and fragrant wax paper candles, and set up an altar. Then he took out an earthen bowl, poured black ink into it, held a mahogany sword in his hand and pierced a stack of yellow talismans on the table, dipped it into the black ink in the bowl, kneaded the talisman and said: "The divine soldiers are as urgent as the law, rise! "




The yellow talisman on the altar flew straight to the river under the guidance of Lin Singer's peach wood sword, forming the word "Emperor" on the golden wall.

In an instant, the golden light of the golden characters on the yellow talisman flourished, pressing towards the river below. The turbulent river water under the wall of golden light was rolling even more fiercely. The water ghost seemed to realize that Lin Ge was going to kill it, and wanted to make a final struggle. At that time, all the resentment was released.

"The evil and filth dissipate, and the energy of Dao will always remain!"

Lin Ge used the lion's roar skill to recite the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth". The water ghost wanted to make a final struggle and hit all the power at the center of the word "Edict", turning into a sharp tornado with spikes rising upwards. Move, want to pierce the rune and escape from the river.

"Oh, what have you done?" Lin Ge felt a little funny in his heart. The maid who committed suicide was very resentful. Perhaps in her heart, her own death was not as good as the death of the child in her belly. The growth of double resentment was worse than twin evil spirits. Much more ferocious.

However, if the water ghost concentrates all its strength to break through in one direction before Lin Ge's talisman array comes down, there may still be some chance.

Now that Lin Ge's talisman formation is spread out, there is almost no possibility of it being broken.

Lin Ge jumped up and used Ladder Cloud to fly directly to the river. His body of golden light merged with the golden talisman array, and the dazzling golden light illuminated the river surface.

"seal up!"

Lin Ge suddenly fell down, stepped on the "raised" talisman array, and with a "pop" the water ghost was kicked back into the river.

While Lin Ge used his strength to fly back to the shore, the talisman array closed up and enveloped the water ghost.

Lin Ge returned to the shore and waved, turning the talisman sealing the water ghost into a golden talisman. It flew into his hand. He flicked it like a banknote, then folded the golden talisman into a lucky star and put it in In a glass bottle.

"Call it done." Lin Ge clapped his hands and turned to look at Li Ziqiang beside the bridge pier.

Li Ziqiang's mouth opened wide with a shocked look on his face, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground. For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was in reality or in a dream.

"Secretary Li."

As soon as Lin Ge shouted, Li Ziqiang suddenly came back to his senses, swallowed his saliva and ran forward: "Taoist Priest, what are your orders?"

"The problem of water ghosts has been solved for the time being, but the root cause is not here... Since you are here, I will help your village to check the feng shui." Lin Ge said, making calculations.

"Thank you, Taoist Master. Thank you, Taoist Master."

Lin Ge then asked: "Do you have a wealthy family named He?"

Li Ziqiang quickly nodded and introduced the He family to Lin Ge: "Yes, yes, it's on the east side of the village. The He family's ancestors were in the fabric business, but now they have money, I don't know what they are doing now. I only know that their family The house is decorated in a very fashionable style.”

"Has anything happened to their family recently?"

"If you have anything to do...I heard that their youngest daughter passed away some time ago, and a ritual ceremony was held." Li Ziqiang replied.

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