The yellow paper figures jumped into the tomb one after another, and soon they heard the cry of a baby coming from the deep tomb.

After burning the incense, a "ping-ping-pong-pong" sound was heard from the tomb, as if a house was being demolished. After a while, a group of paper figures came out of the tomb carrying the statue of the big black Buddha Mother.

And those "ping-ping-pong-pong" sounds are the sounds made when the statue is lifted and hit the wall. Along this bumpy journey, not only were the originally copper-colored statues stained with charcoal dust in many places, but the paint was even worn off in some places.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

Lin Ge turned on the Golden Light Spell, and after his body was coated with a layer of golden light, he walked towards the Buddha statue of the big black Buddha, raised his hand and knocked on it: "Hey, are you still alive? You came out alive to die."


Behind her, Nita suddenly felt strange in her heart. The feeling that Lin Ge had become crazy and out-of-the-box after "Silent Hill" reappeared.

If there is any difference, it is that before "Silent Hill", although Lin Ge had his moments of making jokes, he was extremely serious about reincarnation, or rather... cherished his life.

But after "Silent Hill", Lin Ge dared to do some inexplicable actions, like now. Is he really not afraid that the big black Buddha will suddenly rise up and kill him?

"Be careful, don't capsize in the gutter." Nita decided to give a warning.

"Hey, hey, hey, I asked you to come out and capsize the boat. If you don't show up, I will dismantle the figure." Lin Ge stretched out his hand, and a small hammer appeared in his hand, hitting the head of the Buddha statue held by the big black Buddha Mother.

Capsized in the gutter?

Let’s not talk about whether Lin Ge is wearing Qianshi Nuo Mask and Dragon Horn Ring at this time, and only the evil spirit power of the Big Black Buddha Mother can break through the defense, let’s talk about whether it will be attacked by immortals if it has malicious intentions. With a slap, Lin Ge wouldn't be able to capsize here.

This has nothing to do with arrogance, but absolute confidence in one's own strength.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Ge would make an estimate of what might happen, evaluate the possible dangers, and prepare in advance.

If the Big Black Buddha really still threatens his strength, then Lin Ge will not squat here and talk to the statue of the Big Black Buddha. Instead, he will stage a paper man SF Express and directly package the Big Black Buddha. The box was sent to the Bodhisattva statue in Dazhong Temple, and he was asked to have a heart-to-heart talk with the Bodhisattva.



The Great Black Buddha Mother is still a god no matter what. Although she was deceived by Lin Ge and was no longer as powerful as an evil spirit, she still has some spirit.

After being "played" by Lin Ge for a while, he suddenly let out a terrifying cry like the cries of thousands of babies mixed with hobbies.

Lin Ge waved his hands, and the small hammer in his hand turned into a two-handed heavy hammer. It hit the statue with a "clang" and smashed it back into the tomb.

"Why are you shouting so loudly when you have something to say?" Lin Ge raised his hand to pick his ears and said in a disdainful tone.

Nita looked at Lin Ge with a strange expression and asked, "So you asked the paper man to carry out its statue just to smash it?"

"Of course, you can't bully me, let alone my teammates. This guy is playing tricks on you in the dream world. Even if you want to kill him, you have to play him back first." Lin Ge turned around and said seriously.

"..." Nita opened her mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally said nothing.

At this moment, a faint rustling sound was heard from the tomb, followed by some shriveled toads and gray insects pouring out of the tomb like a tide.

However, Lin Ge had already made preparations. His golden body stood towards the entrance of the tomb, raised his hand, held an evil-suppressing talisman between his fingertips, and recited the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth".

With the blessing of the "Lion's Roar Technique", Lin Ge's curse seal continued to reverberate into the tomb. In addition, the Lion's Roar Technique itself has the effect of sonic attack. Those shriveled toads and insects have not yet poured out of the tomb. It was shaken into pools of blood.

As the toads and insects exploded, Lin Ge felt waves of murmuring ringing in his ears, like a person's voice, slowly spreading to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands... countless voices merged together, constantly. Chanting "Fire Buddha Xiu Yi".

"Are you doing this again?"

However, the Big Black Buddha Mother apparently forgot that Lin Ge had a golden light spell to protect his body. The sounds rang in his ears had no other effect besides making him feel noisy.

But this time, Lin Ge had a way to fight. The Lion's Roar Kung Fu plus the Eight Great Divine Mantras, this wave clearly counterbalances the sonic attack of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

The powerful curse sound affected even Nita, who was a Ghost Rider. She took out the special anti-noise headphones given by Lin Ge, put them on, and retreated to a distance.



This sonic attack finally ended with the miserable howl of the big black Buddha, and then the entire tomb shook violently. With a loud "bang", the tomb bulged upwards, and a huge thing broke out of the ground.

The big black "statue" of Buddha Mother, which was also made of fat meat, broke out of the ground. However, due to the heavy damage to its strength, it was only less than ten meters tall this time, which was about two-thirds weaker than before.

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi!"


The entire mountain echoed with harsh spells and the sounds of children crying, playing, and howling. Various sounds were mixed together, making people's heads almost explode.

"Noise attack?"

"Unfortunately, I can too."

Lin Ge raised his hand, took out Chen Qing's erhu and put it on.

"Can you still play the erhu?" Nita, who had transformed into the Ghost Rider at this time, walked to Lin Ge, preparing to join forces with Lin Ge to deal with the Big Black Buddha Mother.

Lin Ge said honestly: "No."


"But isn't this more powerful?"


Nita was still confused when she heard Lin Ge playing the erhu. The noise of this spiritual instrument was more torturous than the incantation of the Big Black Buddha Mother.

Lin Ge pulled the erhu and said to Nita: "I am responsible for dealing with the evil spirits and black shadow spiders in Chenjiacun, and the Big Black Buddha Mother is left to you."

Nita did not raise any objection to Lin Ge's assignment. She stepped forward, swung the soul chain in her hand, wrapped her hand around the big black Buddha mother, and pulled hard.

With a "whoosh", the entire soul chain ignited with the flames of hell. And Nita's hair was flying like flames, and at the same time she opened her eyes of judgment and looked towards the Great Black Buddha Mother.

Because the screams of the Big Black Buddha Mother's curses were suppressed by Lin Ge's Erhu and Lion Roar this time, they failed to awaken the evil spirits on the mountain, so only the black shadow spiders in the village emerged.

Lin Ge turned around, put away his erhu, raised his hand to reveal a large loudspeaker, and used the lion's roar technique to recite the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth" into the loudspeaker.

With the help of the amplification effect, those black shadow spiders were dispersed before they even rushed up the hillside.

After getting rid of the black shadow spider, Lin Ge continued to stand there and watched Nita fighting the big black Buddha mother, as if she had no intention of helping.

That calm and comfortable smile seemed to be saying "You can take revenge with my brother at your side", but in fact it was because he wanted to use this opportunity to fully observe Nita's fighting ability and style.

Although Nita is now a teammate, there is no guarantee that as a clone, she will not be controlled by the Lord God one day and confront him with swords.

What's more, there is likely to be more than one copy. Maybe one day he will face off against the original. Making more preparations can also give him an extra trump card when dealing with the Lord God in the future.

"Aren't you going to help?" At this time, Huang Shang's question rang in Lin Ge's ears.

Lin Ge joked: "Oh, fairy, if you don't go to take care of your apprentice today, how can you have the time to watch the battle?"

"Chen Qing is breaking through to Xiaocheng."

"So fast?" Lin Ge was a little surprised. If I remembered correctly, it had only been a few months since Chen Qing started practicing. How could she have broken through to Xiaocheng?

Is he really a "genius"?

"Compared to someone who has been through nearly ten reincarnations to break through to Xiaocheng, it's really fast." Huang Shang said in a calm tone.

Lin Ge finally understood that this guy had seized the opportunity to bury him: "Under the leadership of the great fairy, he has made rapid progress. At this rate, he will become an immortal in a short time and rank among the immortals."

"You said you're so stupid and such a noob, why would my sister be willing to help you?"

"On this point, I don't think twice about Sister Qi."

Huang Shang was silent. Although Lin Ge's answer didn't sound wrong at first glance, she always felt that the other party didn't mean it that way.

"Speaking of it, you came all the way to save this 'teammate', and now you are standing by to watch her fight with the Big Black Buddha Mother. You have no intention of helping at all. What are you thinking about?" Huang Shang asked curiously.

Lin Ge said what he was thinking, and Huang Shang immediately hummed: "Humph, you are a sinister villain, despicable and shameless, even your teammates are on guard."

"Hey, this is the world of reincarnation."

"so what?"

"you're right."


While the two were talking, the battle between Nita and the Big Black Buddha had come to an end. The Big Black Buddha, who had been frustrated one after another, was naturally no match for the Ghost Rider Nita. She was tied into a rice dumpling by the soul chain and thrown to Lin Ge. in front of.

When Lin Ge saw this, he asked in confusion: "Just kill him after you've beaten him enough. Why leave him here?"

"Since we are going to resurrect Jiwotou, all the reincarnation points will be saved with you. You can take the heads."

For a "villain boss" like the Great Black Buddha Mother, in addition to side mission rewards, the kill rewards are also extremely rich.

"Oh, we are all in the same team. We know what we are doing. Who gets it and who doesn't..." Lin Ge was very much like when asking for red envelopes during the Chinese New Year. He held the pocket in front of the elders with one hand and waved repeatedly with the other hand. Say "I don't want it, I don't want it, I can't accept it, I can't accept it."

The difference is that what he "swung" was not his hand, but a shining golden trident, and then he thrust it into the head of the big black Buddha, and exploded the whole head with a "pop"!

Then, before the disgusting fat on the opponent's body gathers into his head again, he takes out the fire sign and summons the flames of hell to burn it all away.

[Kill the evil god "Big Black Buddha Mother" in the movie "Curse", and you will be rewarded with 20,000 reincarnation points and a random scroll of B-level items x1. 】

"No, the Great Black Buddha Mother has no cards, and the reward is not even as good as the Ghost King?" Lin Ge couldn't help complaining after receiving the reward prompt from the main god.

As he spoke, Lin Ge used the Soul Sealing Technique to grab the body of the Great Black Buddha Mother that turned into ashes and dissipated, and put the origin into the astrolabe.

100 Origin... This is also very different from the evil gods that the reincarnators dealt with in the previous two times.

However, the Great Black Buddha Mother and the Twelve Titan Gods are incomparable. After all, one is the "village god" and the other is the "mainstay" in one party's mythology.

Lin Ge and Nita returned to the urban area of ​​​​Taiwan. Since it was not a "plot", there was only a kill reward for killing the Big Black Buddha Mother, but no points reward.

The two found a hotel to stay. Nita, who had not had much rest for two days due to the curse, took the opportunity to sleep. With Lin Ge next door, she slept extremely peacefully.

The next morning, when Nita woke up, it was almost noon. She knocked on the door next door but no one responded. When she looked at the contact device again, there was a message from Lin Ge.

Lin Ge told Nita that he went to the Dazhong Temple to watch Huo Wang and try to see if he could trigger the plot of "Ghost Fighting 2" in advance.

Nita originally wanted to go to the Dazhong Temple to meet Lin Ge, but finally decided to go to Baye Mountain to investigate the plot related to the Demon Boy. After all, the rumors of the Demon Boy appeared very early, just like "The Curse". Even though the main plot is decades later, Chenjiacun and the Big Black Buddha Mother have already existed.

When Nita set off for Baye Mountain, Lin Ge also met Huo Wang at the Dazhong Temple and taught him the spells all morning.

After noon, Lin Ge was about to leave. Huo Wang pulled him and said reluctantly: "Uncle, are you leaving? Are you going to exorcise evil spirits and catch ghosts? Can you take me with you?"

Lin Ge rubbed Huo Wang's head and said, "You should practice your spells first. At least you must be able to protect yourself. Otherwise, I will have to protect you when I go to catch ghosts."


Huo Wang responded in frustration, but then cheered up: "Uncle, don't worry, I will soon grow up to a point that will surprise you. You must take me to hunt ghosts when the time comes!"


Lin Ge nodded. Just as he was about to leave, he saw several people coming into the main hall. The leader was a gray-haired old lady, followed by three middle-aged men in their forties or fifties.

As soon as the old lady saw the temple master, she knelt down and kowtowed: "Miao Gong, you must help us. This is the third drowning case this month. It's terrible. Now there is water in the village. The ghosts are threatening their lives, and villagers are afraid to go to the river to do laundry and carry water, and the aquaculture industry has also been greatly affected."

Seeing this, the temple official hurriedly helped the old lady up, and said with an embarrassed expression: "I am just a temple blessing, and I am not a master of exorcism. It is useless for you to find me. Besides, I heard that there is a very powerful mage in Chiayi. His name is Wu Tiancai, didn’t you go find him?”

The old lady said: "We also wanted to go to Chiayi to find Master Wu, but we heard from his apprentice that Master Wu went on a far journey and would not come back until next week. But just the day before yesterday, another person drowned in the village... How dare we wait until next time? Zhou, after some inquiring, he said that the Dazhong Temple is the most spiritual temple in Taiwan. Temple Master, please save us, save us."

"What happened?" Lin Ge led Huo Wang to the palace door and asked.

Lin Ge had brought Huo Wang back safely from Xingzhong Village. The temple official was also very grateful to him. Knowing that he had real abilities, he did not hide it from him and told them the purpose of their visit.

This old lady is the women's director of the village, and next to her is the village chief. To put it simply, several people have drowned in the village in recent months, and there are rumors that the river is haunted by water ghosts.

"Water ghost?" Lin Ge hasn't seen many Taiwanese horror movies, and he couldn't remember which horror movie had a water ghost boss.

But this reincarnation is a "folklore weird thing". As long as it is "haunted", it is basically inseparable from the "plot".

Naturally, Lin Ge would not refuse the points delivered to his door.

"I am the ninety-ninth generation true disciple of the Shangqing Sect, and you know some magic. Why don't I go with you and take a look at the haunted river." Lin Ge stepped forward and introduced himself.

"Shangqing faction?"

"True disciple?"

Several people looked at each other, as if they didn't expect when there would be a "Shangqing Sect" in Taiwan, but the man who looked the youngest asked: "Could the Shangqing Sect be Maoshan in the mainland?"

"Exactly." Lin Ge nodded.

Hearing this, the man's face suddenly showed surprise: "It turns out to be the Taoist priest of Maoshan. Hey, our village is saved. Grandma, let me tell you, the Maoshan sect has a great background..."

Under this person's introduction, everyone immediately understood the importance of Lin Ge's "identity", and they were immediately excited when they saw him actively asking to accompany him.

Just like that, Lin Ge got on the bus to the countryside. And the village secretary who knew "Maoshan" as "Li Ziqiang" also introduced him to the situation in the village on the way.

"We are from Minxiong Township, Chiayi County. The haunted river is like our mother river. For hundreds of years, people in the township have used the river to wash their clothes and draw water. Some aquatic products are also diverted from this river. Water source. Although drownings have occasionally happened in the past, at least they only happen once every few years."

"But it has been particularly strange in recent months. There have been several drowning incidents in a row. The strangest thing is... most of the people who drowned are not locals in the village. For this reason, we have also arranged river patrols to reduce such incidents. Who knew the incident would happen..."

"Last month, some villagers looked at the river patrolmen, standing on the bridge and yelling as if they had seen something terrifying, and finally jumped into the river and drowned."

When the village secretary talked about the drowning incident, several people showed unconcealable "fear" on their faces. According to them, the police and even the army searched for them, but nothing was found in the end. In the end, they could only think of finding someone. The master even went to the public temple to ask the temple master to "come out of the mountain".

Chiayi? Minxiong? Water ghost?

Lin Ge couldn't recall any Taiwanese horror movies that took place in this area. If he didn't know the plot, he could only investigate it step by step.

"Have all the drowned people been salvaged?" Lin Ge asked.

Li Ziqiang nodded and said: "The rumors of water ghosts were not so scary at first, and the people in the corpse recovery team were not so resistant. All the corpses were picked up at the beginning. But since the incident of the river patrol team, many people who drowned after that Man, the corpse recovery team is unwilling to go into the water no matter what."

Lin Ge nodded and was about to say something when he saw Li Ziqiang swallowing his saliva and said nervously: "But... what's even more terrifying is that although we dare not go down to the river to salvage the corpses, but, but, those corpses, Yes, it won’t be long before you appear on the shore!”

"Oh? What do these dead people have in common?" Lin Ge asked again.

Li Ziqiang thought for a while and said, "The common point...when those corpses were salvaged, they all had black sludge on them. Does this...count?"

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