Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 347 Are you too unpopular to play the role of the boss of God?

The reason why Lin Ge felt that this evil aura was familiar was because the owner of this aura had helped him a lot in "Taiwan Island".

And this "old friend" is the "Tree God" Kepi in "Sweet Home" who likes to watch the young ladies dance, but is tricked by the wizard into working as a doorman at the gate of the Dead Realm.

Lin Ge walked to the table where he and Miao Zhu had dinner, picked up a clean earthen bowl, poured a full bowl of white wine, and squatted down in front of the unconscious Miao Zhu.

Then, take out a piece of evil-suppressing talisman, point the talisman with your spirit, put the burning talisman paper into the bowl, and "whisk", a fiery red flame will appear.


"how did you do that?"

"Master, are you new to the temple?"

"Living god, this is a living god!"

"Living god, can you tell fortunes?"

"Can you help me check the Feng Shui of my home? Please, please, I'm restless at home recently. I always feel like there's someone in the closet, a living god. I'll kneel down for you!"

Looking at the chaotic crowd surrounding him, the expression on Lin Ge's face became a little subtle.

Science was not yet developed in the 1950s, and people would attribute many things that could not be explained by science to ghosts and gods.

They revere and fear ghosts and gods, and the status of temple ministers in palaces and temples is even equal to that of village chiefs and town chiefs in surrounding villages and towns. Sometimes even the words of the mayor are not as effective as the words of temple blessings. This is why when something happens in the village, the villagers will immediately think of coming to the palace and temple to pray.

Lin Ge just used spiritual energy to light the talisman, and with this move, the villagers worshiped him as a living god.

However, Lin Ge had no interest in pretending to be a ghost at this time. Instead, he twirled his fingers in the burning wine, picked up a piece of burning talisman paper ashes, and blessed his forehead with the temple.


When Lin Ge raised his finger, a strong black aura was "pulled out" from the center of Miao Zhu's eyebrows. Then Lin Ge reached out and grabbed it, using Ma's Soul Sealing Technique to catch the evil aura in his hand.

"Ghost, ghost."

"Is that a ghost?"

"Living gods, really living gods!"

Now the villagers were more convinced of Lin Ge. The man who had said before that he always felt that someone was in the closet knelt on the ground and banged his head, shouting for the living gods to save him.

Lin Ge had a headache due to the noise. He frowned and said coldly: "Quiet."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden silence. The villagers did not even dare to express their anger and watched quietly as Lin Ge sealed the evil spirit into a yellow talisman.

Although the evil spirit was extracted from Miao Zhu's body by Lin Ge, Miao Zhu still showed no sign of waking up.

Lin Ge looked at the villagers and asked, "Who will tell me what happened to Miao Zhu after you invited him to the village? Try to be as detailed as possible."

When Lin Ge asked, all the villagers immediately started chattering. More than a dozen voices were mixed together, and no one could express themselves clearly. For a moment, Lin Ge felt like he had entered a noisy vegetable market. , so noisy that my head almost exploded.


"Say, let the others wait first." Lin Ge raised his hand and pointed at a young man. This man looked tall and thin, and he was also one of the people who came to the temple to pray before.

When the young man saw that he was called by the Living God, he immediately stepped forward with a smile: "Living God, Living God, me, me."

"Let's get down to business." Lin Ge quickly stopped when he saw that this man was showing signs of introducing himself and introducing himself, and maybe even kneeling down to become his disciple.

The young man smiled awkwardly, and then said: "My second uncle, third grandfather, fourth grandson and nephew bought a batch of piglets from the town a few days ago. They were fine when I bought them. But after taking them home and raising them for a few days, every day In the middle of the night, the piglets were screaming like crazy. When we went to the pig pen, the piglets were huddled in the corner as if they were frightened."

"After another two days, those piglets were all infected with the disease. What's even more strange is that people in their family fell ill one after another. The old man in the family said that they were possessed by evil spirits, so they hurriedly came to ask the temple to take a look. . Miao Zhu went to their house and as soon as we stepped into the pig pen, he said there was evil and told us to get out."

"After a while, we heard Miao Zhu's screams coming from the pig pen. Although we were scared, we still had the courage to go in and check. As soon as we entered, we saw Miao Zhu passed out in the pig pen, and he couldn't wake up no matter how hard he shouted. , it’s now like this.”

Lin Ge frowned when he heard this. His frown immediately shocked the villagers, and they all wondered if they had offended some evil spirit.

But what these villagers didn't know was that Lin Ge's frown was not because of the temple blessing, but because the evil spirit came from Zoupi. With Zoupi's character of liking to watch young ladies dancing, you said that if he went to the Mad Cow Show and met He still makes sense... Pigsty?

Has the taste of rice cake changed?

Lin Ge thought for a while and decided to go to the scene to see the situation. He asked a few villagers to stay and take care of the temple, and then asked the young man to take him to the village.

The young man was named Hou Lixie, and he was a distant relative of Miaozhu Hou Dezhu. His family originally arranged for him to come to the palace to study, and he would later inherit Miaozhu and take over the palace.

After studying for a year, Miao Zhu said that he had no "spiritual energy" and could not communicate with the gods, so he had to send him back to farm. Hou Lixie was depressed for several days...

Then, just as Lin Ge guessed, Hou Lixie saw that Lin Ge was very capable and wanted to learn some skills from his apprentice and work hard to inherit the palace in the future. But he knew that Lin Ge looked down on him, so he wanted to be a follower first, and then consider accepting him as a disciple when the "Living Immortal" had plans to accept a disciple.

In this way, Hou Lixie kept chattering all the way until he came to the pig pen at the home of his second uncle, third grandfather, fourth grandson and nephew. Lin Ge finally couldn't help but interrupt: "Are you sure you want to learn Taoism?" ?”

"Of course! I don't want to farm all my life, I also want to stand out and live like a god. As long as you are willing to accept me as your disciple, I, Hou Lixie, will work hard to repay you in this life!" Hou Lixie said with confidence.

Lin Ge did not directly answer Hou Lixie's words, but asked: "Are you afraid of ghosts?"

Hou Lixie obviously didn't know why Lin Ge asked this. He didn't react for a moment and looked at Lin Ge in confusion: "Huh?"

Lin Ge did not continue talking, but took out a small bottle of special ghost spray and sprayed it on Hou Lixie's eyes: "Be mentally prepared."


Hou Lixie blinked and looked into the pig pen with a puzzled expression, but the next scene made him explode and his worldview collapsed!

In the dim pig pen, he saw strange-looking monsters squatting on the ground with rickety bodies half-crouching to eat the souls of piglets. They all looked up at him.

These monsters have green faces and fangs, like the evil ghosts from hell that only appear in those picture books. They are exuding black energy, making people feel a biting chill invisibly.


Hou Lixie opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say the last word. He rolled his eyes and fell straight back.

Lin Ge raised his foot and hooked Hou Lixie's neck to prevent him from hitting the ground on the back of his head when he fell, and then looked at the evil ghosts.

These evil ghosts must have just formed, and the aura on their bodies is not yet stable, otherwise there is no need to eat these piggies to stabilize their souls.

However, the aura on their bodies was not that of rice cakes. Lin Ge felt more like ghosts raised on chicken coops.

Lin Ge guessed that these things should be the curse placed on the piglets. After waking up, they transformed into evil spirits by devouring the piglets' souls and stabilizing their aura, achieving the purpose of "raising ghosts".

But, who would do that?

Why is Miao Zhu's body contaminated with the evil spirit of Zou Pi?

While Lin Ge was thinking about it, he took out the soul-sealing talisman and used Ma's soul-sealing technique to grab it. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed it in the air. The dozens of evil ghosts who were feasting seemed to be caught. An invisible force grabbed and flew straight towards Lin Ge, forming a ball in the air, and finally turned into a black ball and fell into his hand.

Lin Ge pressed the black ball into the soul-sealing talisman, and then used the soul-chasing technique. When the soul-sealing talisman was lit, the souls of the evil ghosts also pointed out the specific location of the "master" to him.

Through the guidance of the soul chasing technique, Lin Ge judged that the owner of these evil spirits should be a few kilometers away to the east. According to Hou Lixie's introduction, that place should be Qiu Shan Town.

The appearance of an evil ghost means the emergence of a "side plot". Lin Ge immediately left the Hou family and summoned Arcee from the astrolabe.

"Hey! What do you want to do again?" Arcee, who was "summoned", was obviously unhappy and asked in a bad tone.

Lin Ge said: "A motorcycle asks people what they want to do. How can you make me feel embarrassed to ask?"


"No kidding, please do me a favor. I need to go to the town a few kilometers away, but time is tight and walking is definitely not possible." Lin Ge said straight to the point.


Arcee snorted coldly. Although she was extremely reluctant in her heart, due to the "agreement" with Huang Ni, she finally transformed into Saimo obediently.

Lin Ge turned over and rode on Arcee, and with the roar of a motorcycle, he drove towards Qiu Shan Town. At Arcee's speed, the distance of a few kilometers wouldn't take much time.

However, before Lin Ge drove into the town, he noticed through his eyes from a distance that there were several thick clouds of black mist floating over the town, and there was also a huge black shadow "walking" in the town.

Lin Ge suddenly felt that this scene seemed familiar. When he was in "Sweet Home", Kepi also appeared in front of him in this way at the beginning.

Lin Ge asked Arcee to stop, then took out the "trident" with one move, pointed it at the dark giant shadow in the town, and prepared to perform a "throwing a cross to ask for directions".

The trident turned into a golden light and flew towards the huge black shadow with a "whoosh" sound. When it hit the black shadow, with a "bang", the black shadow turned into black mist and dispersed.

The evil spirit entrenched in the town seemed to notice Lin Ge and let out a terrifying "roar", followed by a thick black mist flying towards Lin Ge.

Then, all kinds of resentful ghosts fell from the black mist. The overwhelming army of ghosts gave Lin Ge the illusion of returning to "Sweet Home".

"Haha, the scar has healed and you have forgotten the pain, and you want to be beaten again, right?" Lin Ge changed his identity, and Zou Pi may not be able to recognize him.

But when dealing with evil gods, "relationships" alone are definitely not enough. In the end, fists have the final say. Therefore, Lin Ge decided to give him a good beating first.

Lin Ge pressed the accelerator with one hand and drove Arcee towards the town. He summoned a fire stick with the other hand and flicked it. A stream of soul flame flew out, instantly burning a large area of ​​the oncoming evil ghost army to death.

Lin Ge had seen Zuopi's abilities and knew that no matter how many times they were killed, these evil spirits would be sucked into the black mist and resurrected. Then he looked up at the flying black mist in the sky, pointed the fire sign, and sprayed the soul flame into the air. Fire signs burned the sky, and the dark night sky was dyed red by the soul flames ignited by the evil ghost, and the thick black mist seemed to have foreseen the danger and wanted to escape into the distance.

"Oh, it seems that the soul flame has cast a big shadow on you!" Lin Ge teased, riding Arcee towards the black mist.

"Zui Phi!"

"Stop and have a chat with Mr. Dao!"

The black mist in the sky froze when he heard Lin Ge's call. He was obviously a little surprised as to why Lin Ge knew his identity.

But before Zuopi could respond, a cold voice came from the direction of the town entrance.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there is a 'fellow man'. The evil spirit listens to my order and uses your blood to rectify my name! I order you to kill him!"



As soon as the cold voice finished speaking, a roar suddenly came from the black fog. Immediately afterwards, the entire black mist hit the ground, and with a loud noise, it seemed like something huge fell to the ground.

At the same time, the huge black shadow that flickered over the town materialized and merged with the figure that landed in the black mist.

The tree god, the rice cake!

The skinny, hunched-backed "tree man" whose body resembled the bark of an old tree was so obvious that Lin Ge recognized his identity at a glance.

When Lin Ge saw this scene, a look of astonishment suddenly appeared on his face. Apparently he didn't expect to meet Zuopi's spiritual clone here!

The most important thing is that there are reincarnations!

It’s just that this majestic evil god, Zoupi, is too disappointed. He was actually enslaved by the reincarnation? If word of this gets out, how will he still be able to hang out in Thailand’s evil circles in the future?

At this time, driven by the reincarnation, Zupi took huge steps without any hesitation and rushed towards Lin Ge.

"Arcee, give him a little cannon shock!"




When Arcee saw a huge creature rushing towards her, she immediately transformed and raised her hands, which turned into two air cannons and fired several shots at Zuopi.



The air cannon hit Zuopi's body and a thick black mist suddenly erupted. However, even though it looked astonishingly powerful, it failed to cause any damage to Zuopi.

After all, Zuopi is an evil god. Even if his level is a bit low, the "threshold" is there, so it is naturally impossible for him to be blown to pieces by Arcee.

Lin Ge took advantage of Arcee's firing, opened his eyes and looked towards the town, trying to find the reincarnator hiding in the dark.

But it's a pity that the person was hidden so deep that he couldn't be found. Or maybe the other party is not in the town at all, but conveys orders to Kupi in some way.

Lin Ge thought that since there was a reincarnator and he also controlled the meal, he could only make a quick decision and raise his hand to wipe it on his face!

To deal with the evil god Kepi, who is a little stronger than the evil spirit but not up to par, plus a reincarnation with uncertain abilities, just asking the god is not enough!

Qianshi Nuo, acting as a god!

Acting as a God can not only draw on the power of gods and Buddhas, but also allow Lin Ge to transform into a god and Buddha himself, capable of both offense and defense to avoid being attacked by reincarnators.

As Qian Shi Nuo's face appeared on Lin Ge's face, a burst of black mist immediately appeared on his body, and quickly spread around his body, covering his entire body!

"The God of Cars, Xi Zhong!"


Lin Ge was stunned when he heard the name, Car God? What kind of god is this, the one who built cars? Or the boss of the drag racing family?

You can't become a Transformer yourself and stage a six-god fusion Thunder King with Arcee, right?

"This boss, are you too unpopular?"

Never heard of this...

How to act?

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