Qianshi Nuo collects faith and uses the power of faith to borrow magic from the gods all over the sky, so that he can ask the gods and gods to help him.

This technique is called "Witch's Method".

The essence of Wuyou's method lies in the word "act" - act, act until you believe it, act until others believe it, use yourself to act like a god, use yourself to become a god, and use your life to act.

The more realistic the performance, the stronger the power.

But the problem is that when the mask's ability is used for the first time to "act as a god", the "god consciousness" invited is random.

The system of immortals in the Great Celestial Dynasty was huge and complex, ranging from heavenly soldiers and generals to mountain gods and river gods. Even a ruined temple in the wilderness might be dedicated to an immortal.

Lin Ge thought he would meet an "unpopular" god, but he never expected to meet a super unpopular god whose title sounded powerful, but whose name he had never heard of before.

"Car God... Even if you play a 'Box God', I know how to act. Isn't this embarrassing me?" Under the protection of golden light, Lin Ge didn't know how to take the next step.


At this time, a cold voice sounded.

Naturally, the only person who could speak to Lin Ge in this tone was a certain corpse-executioner. She said in a bad tone: "Huh, Xi Zhong, a member of the Dongyi tribe of Xue State, a descendant of Emperor Jun. The most famous craftsman in the Xia Dynasty, a great The inventor was revered by later generations as the originator of automobile manufacturing. He is also one of the ancestors of the Xue surname."

"Oh." Lin Ge responded expressionlessly.

"Oh?" Huang Shang was obviously stunned for a moment. He obviously didn't understand why Lin Ge's reaction was so cold. His voice suddenly rose eight hundred degrees: "Ha. Is this your attitude? You can't even say 'thank you'? Don't think about it next time. I’ll help you again.”

"I think you should go to your sister's room to get a laptop, open it, and use the information database she stored to check it. I'm sure you'll get more information." Lin Ge replied calmly.

Huang Shang snorted coldly: "So you want to say that the information I told you is useless at all?"

"Sister, what's the use of knowing the basic information about this car god? He has to be able to 'act'! Just the information you mentioned, come and show it to me..." Lin Ge said speechlessly.


Huang Shang fell silent immediately after hearing this.

Lin Ge is right. To "play a god" is not just to know a little information, but also to have a standard image.

Just like when the name "Sun Wukong" is mentioned, whether it is the Monkey King in the play, the great sage who falls and falls, the smelly monkey who can drop his walking stick on the ground, or even the little man who can tear apart and swallow a strong man alive at will The author's "monkey" always has an image that is deeply rooted in people's hearts.

So no matter which image you act according to, you can get help from the spiritual power of a certain image of "Sun Wukong".

This is why warlocks who use the "Witch Method" usually choose more popular gods to ponder, study, and act out.

After thinking about this, Huang Shang, who originally wanted to come out to help and wait for "thank you + praise", suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

Not only did Lin Ge's wish to make Lin Ge kneel down with tears of gratitude failed, but he even made himself look "stupid" for a moment.


Huang Shang coughed lightly, as if to cover up his embarrassment, and then said: "I have learned about Wu You's method before. Although the essence of this method lies in the word 'act', you obtain the power through Nuo noodles. Nuo noodles are used as The medium has received the power of the god’s consciousness. In other words, as long as you use this power in areas related to the god, you can obtain part of its power.”

It must be said that Huang Shang's explanation made Lin Ge suddenly enlightened. This was not information that could be learned through the introduction of equipment attributes.

"The God of Cars... So, as long as I use my power in related fields, I can get some improvements in my abilities?" Lin Ge thought of this, and couldn't help but look at the man not far away who was using his agile body to move around. Way to contain the naked Arcee.

Arcee is an assassin-type Transformer. Her main weapons are actually two portable pulse pistols. However, for Nova and her level of reincarnation difficulty, there is no bullet consumption, no charging limit, and she can use them at will. Large-area air cannons are more suitable.

Even though the pulse machine guns embedded in her hands were replaced by air cannons and Vulcan guns through exchange and enhancement, Arcee's mobility was not affected.

At this time, Kepi's huge body was at least nearly 100 meters tall. When compared with the "petite" Arcee, the gap between Yao Dazhuang and the baby was immediately obvious.

But precisely because of this, with her petite figure and agility, Arcee jumped back and forth between the fields and village roads, "playing" with Zou Phi.




Under the bombardment of a round of air cannons, the black shadow on Zuopi's body was scattered a lot, but this could only delay its action. Soon the black mist gathered around Zuopi's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And as the black mist dispersed and gathered again, a large group of evil ghosts and ghosts suddenly rushed out of the black mist and rushed towards Arcee from all directions.

Arcee's left hand turned into a Vulcan machine gun and fired at the monster group, while her right hand controlled the air cannon to blast away the gathered evil spirits.

Under Arcee's control, Lin Ge had time to study the correct usage of "acting as a god" with Huang Shang.

After Huang Shang's advice, Lin Ge suddenly thought of a way to use the power of the "God of Cars", and immediately used Ladder Cloud to fly towards Arcee in the distance.

"The evil and filth dissipate, and the energy of Dao will always remain!"

Lin Ge used Qing Kung to fly through the air and at the same time pinched the magic formula. He chanted the "Curse of Heaven and Earth" in conjunction with the "Lion's Roar Kung Fu". In an instant, Lin Ge's voice echoed in the dark fields, and the evil ghosts and ghosts suddenly screamed when they heard the sound. The painful howl turned into black smoke and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lin Ge flipped in the air and landed accurately on Arcee's shoulder.

"Hey, human, this is very rude." Arcee said displeased.

Although he has ridden before and stepping on it is nothing, Lin Ge still explained politely: "Want to experience the 'Cyber ​​Cultivation of Immortality'?"

"What?" Arcee obviously didn't understand what Lin Ge meant.

Although Arcee was lucky enough to see the "Cyber ​​Immortal Cultivation" once before when she entered Chenjia Village, Lin Ge combined her with Huang Fu to break through the territory of the Big Black Buddha Mother.

But that's just a joke. In fact, it's as unconvincing as putting a Tianshi Suppressant Talisman on an electronic fly swatter to kill evil spirits, saying it's "technologically exorcising ghosts."

But this time Lin Ge really wanted to use the borrowed "power of divine consciousness" on Arcee, allowing Arcee to combine with divine power to stage a cybernetic cultivation of immortality.

Since Lin Ge knew nothing about how to play the role of "Car God" Xi Zhong, he naturally omitted the step of "acting" and instead used "borrowing methods" to transfer the "Xi Zhong Divine Consciousness" received by Nuo Mian into Arcee's body. .

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

Lin Ge stood on Arcee's shoulder, kneaded the secret to cast a spell, raised his palm and pressed it on the Heavenly Spirit Cap, pouring the "power of divine consciousness" into Arcee's body with the force of "confused initiation".

Arcee was still wondering what kind of plane Lin Ge was building, but suddenly she noticed a steady stream of huge energy pouring into her body.

"How's it going? What's the change?" Lin Ge said as he fired a lightning thunder fist to scatter the incoming evil spirits.

Arcee said in surprise: "Power, I feel a steady stream of power... I, my fire, have become very manic, and some unknown changes are taking place!"

At this time, Huang Shang's voice sounded in Lin Ge's mind: "Although your idea is good, don't forget that you are the wearer of the 'Qianshi Nuo Noodle'. The Qianshi Nuo Noodle is the medium, and you are the carrier. Even if If you transfer the 'power of divine consciousness' to another carrier, it can only be temporarily enhanced in this way, and its essence will not change in any way."

"What should we do?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Shang replied: "Your idea of ​​'borrowing' is good, but the problem is that there is no tacit understanding between this motorcycle and you, and you have no idea what you are going to do... The easiest way is to enter her body and merge with it. For one, directly control this 'new carrier'."

"Uh. Although what you said makes sense and sounds true, but...how to operate it specifically?" Lin Ge said awkwardly.

"What a stupid pig."

"Hey, if it escalates to a personal attack, it's too much."

"Stop talking nonsense, hold your breath and hold Yuan Shouyi in your arms, and chant the incantation after me!"

Huang Shang did not use "sound transmission" this time, but his voice came directly from the astrolabe and recited a complex spell.

She recited one sentence, and Lin Ge followed her.

After thinking about it, Lin Ge, who was deeply involved in Taoist secrets, suddenly realized that this was a "method of divine communication" that allowed the soul to blend with the soul of the target.

"Ah, what do you want to do!" Arcee already felt something was wrong with her body, and her consciousness seemed to be merging with Lin Ge's.

"Shut up!"

"This is a Taoist secret method, and it will not cause any loss to you. On the contrary, even if Lin Ge finally takes back the 'power of spiritual consciousness' to Nuo, you will be able to strengthen your fire under the influence of the power of spiritual consciousness."

"Now I give you two choices. One, cooperate with him to complete the fusion and accept the 'power of divine consciousness'; two, I will erase your consciousness and turn you into a pile of iron lumps, and then let Lin Ge control this Embodied body to receive the power of divine consciousness.”

Huang Shang was not as "courteous" to Arcee as she was to Lin Ge. In her eyes, Arcee was just a pile of junk. If Lin Ge hadn't made a "car god" who didn't know how to act, she would have needed She used this rideable iron lump as a carrier. I had already found an opportunity to dismantle her and use the fire to make a sword for my sister. There was no need to listen to her croaking.

Arcee had seen Huang Shang's power in the astrolabe. At that time, Huang Ni wanted to "borrow" her fire to make a sword. Before she could finish saying "no", she was slapped into the sea by the other party.

Arcee's combat effectiveness is mid-to-lower among the Transformers, and even if there were a few more, she wouldn't be Huang Shang's opponent.

His fists are not as big as his opponent's, so he can only obey his orders.

With the help of the spell provided by Huang Shang, Lin Ge's consciousness entered Arcee's body and had a deep spiritual connection with her.

In the process, he was able to clearly "read" Arcee's past memories.

Nova entered the world of "Transformers" that had become a dead zone, and got acquainted with Arcee when she first came to Earth. One person and one machine fell into desperate situations countless times, and fought out of desperate situations again and again. Finally, she defeated the Decepticons and achieved victory. The victory of that reincarnation.

After that, Arcee followed Nova to the main god space, and experienced reincarnations with her as a "teammate".

"It's enough!"

Arcee, who felt her consciousness being read, roared angrily.

Lin Ge was also very embarrassed at this time, because it was not him who took the initiative to read Arcee's memories, but when his consciousness transferred the power of consciousness into Arcee's body, those "memories" were as automatic as a slideshow. Played before his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it. But think about it, this is the power of our famous 'Car God' Xi Zhong. It can make your fire become stronger. Don't you want to come back one day? In the world of Transformers, will one man challenge Megatron and shock all the Autobots?" Lin Ge asked bewilderedly.

In fact, it only took a few dozen seconds from the beginning of Lin Ge's chanting to the end. But within these few dozen seconds, Arcee could clearly feel the powerful power being injected into her body, and the size of the fire had become three times larger than before!




Suddenly, Arcee's body changed involuntarily. At this time, it was more like "evolution" than "deformation".

At the same time as he evolved, Lin Ge was also "wrapped" by changes in his body's machinery.

As Arcee's body continued to change, her size grew about three times, and she successfully allowed Lin Ge to enter her body.

At this time, Lin Ge was like the protagonist "Du" in Dragon Warrior, transforming into a consciousness and existing in Arcee's body.

In an endless dark space, he stood on a sky-blue platform, his consciousness connected to Arcee's senses.

At this moment, one person and one machine become one through divine intercourse.

Lin Ge was not unfamiliar with this feeling at all. He was in this state when he "asked God" to use General Zeng's power to drive the Gundam.

It's just that at the earliest time, General Zeng was directly allowed to "descend", and the control was in the hands of General Zeng. Later, the "borrowing method" was just to strengthen his own strength, so there was no strange "Dragon Fighter + Gundam" like now. Feel.

Lin Ge felt the changes in his body and Arcee's "giant" after evolution, and couldn't help but sigh: "Wow, this is much more exciting than driving a Gundam!"

After devouring the "Power of Divine Consciousness" and completing her evolution, Arcee was now almost half the height of Zuopi. Facing the rushing towards Zuopi, Lin Ge and Arcee "simultaneously" raised their right arms and faced Zuopi's A punch punched in the stomach——


Golden light burst out from Arcee's mechanical fist, and the golden light fist blast dispersed the black mist covering Kepi's body, revealing his withered bark body.

The next moment, a big hole was pierced through the shriveled bark body by golden light, and Ziphi also let out a deafening howl.



The majestic evil god was almost killed by a punch!

That really confirms that sentence——

Cyber ​​Cultivation, boundless magic power!

The power of the God of Cars, combined with the fire of Transformers, and the spell taught by Huang Shang, fully unleashed Arcee's strength!

At this moment, Arcee was infinitely close to the evil god-level strength!

However, before Lin Ge had time to feel refreshed, he found that his "Aura" was falling. Apparently, Huang Shang only thought about how he could maximize the power of Arcee's fusion of consciousness, but forgot about it. Lin Ge wants to control this enhanced version of Transformers by himself. Can he bear the spiritual energy?

Lin Ge estimated that the consumption of spiritual energy would allow him to last for three minutes at most, so he had to fight quickly. It was best to kill the reincarnations hiding in the dark!



At this time, it seemed as if a clock was moving invisibly, and the time jumped to twelve o'clock in the morning, which meant that the reincarnation time entered the fourth day!


"I'll go and settle the settlement at this time?"

After three days of settlement, the Samsara team with the lowest points will be marked, which also means that there will be a big battle between the Samsaras!

However, before Lin Ge could recover from the surprise of "settlement", the reminder from the Lord God in his mind made him laugh out loud involuntarily!

[The whereabouts of the last member of the Samsara Team will be marked! 】

The prompt ended, and in the small town where the wails of the evil ghosts were heard under the moonlight in the distance, seven white beams of light suddenly appeared out of thin air!

Seven great grievances have been marked!

"Hey, you're not dead now!"

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