Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 346 Girl, your negative emotions are a bit heavy!

Lin Ge arranged soul paper figures in the house, and when he left, he posted a evil charm on the doors and windows outside the house. He thought that Wang Meifang and Nita were in the same room. With three "defenses", the Big Black Buddha could not be disturbed by any one of them. , just take Wang Meifang’s head, right?

Just in case, Lin Ge took out the "Secret Technique of Maoshan" and a stack of exorcism charms, and placed them around the courtyard according to the "Exorcism Formation" in the book.

"It's foolproof now."

Seeing that it was still early and not feeling sleepy, Lin Ge planned to go to the temple for a walk to collect the power of faith.

When we arrived at the main hall of the temple, a group of bare-chested gangsters were coming out of the main hall, walking outside talking and laughing.

The temple Zhu who followed behind saw Lin Ge looking at the gangsters and said with a smile: "Don't look at them as vicious, but they are actually not bad people. They come to the temple to worship every month, and they pay a lot of money for sesame oil." , sometimes they ask me to take some money to help the children in the village. It is said to let these children be more confident and learn some skills in the future, so as not to do sneaky things like them when they grow up. "

"Haha, how bad can such a person be?" Miao Zhu sighed.

For every dog-killer who is righteous, there are many scholars who are unfaithful?

Lin Ge smiled and did not discuss this issue in depth. After all, the complexity of "human nature" cannot be explained clearly in a few words, so he changed the subject and asked about Miao Zhu's physical condition.

According to the situation in the original plot when Master Aqing removed the curse for the heroine's daughter, Miao Zhu also used the same method. If Wang Meifang's curse failed to be removed, Miao Zhu would also be harmed.

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm fine." Miao Zhu said with a smile.

Miao Zhu did not feel any discomfort, and the curse on Wang Meifang was under certain control.

So, Lin Ge used the topic of curses to talk about palaces and temples, and asked about some "mythical rumors" about Emperor Guan Sheng and his generals.

Among them, "Master Zhou Cang" has the most rumors, from "Zhou Cang came out of the mountain" to "the eminent monk enlightened me", the myths and rumors related to it are difficult to familiarize with two hands.

Seeing that Lin Ge was "interested", Miao Zhu immediately picked out some stories that he thought were "splendid" and told them so vividly and happily that Lin Ge even wanted to ask if Miao Zhu had been a "storyteller" before. ?

Temple Zhu is willing to tell, and Lin Ge is also willing to listen. Taking advantage of the time of "listening to stories", he can gather the power of faith in the temple.

Lin Ge went to the Dazhong Temple where Lin Huowang was located twice and collected a total of 77 points of power of faith. The first time was "20 points" and the second time was "57 points".

I don’t know if it was because Lin Ge finally sent Lin Huowang back to the temple unharmed. This time the Bodhisattva gave Face an extra “30” power of faith.

From Taiwan to Chenjiacun, Lin Ge kept wearing Qianshi Nuo Noodles, which allowed Nuo Noodles to collect nearly 10 points of folk beliefs.

But now after walking around the temple, the power of faith has finally exceeded three digits, with a total of "103 points", which is enough faith to "act as a god".

Lin Ge has been wearing it since he redeemed the "Qianshi Nuo Noodles". Before completing the plot of "Fighting Ghosts", his power of faith hardly increased.

It wasn't until I completed the plot of "Fighting Ghosts" that I gradually started wearing it on a daily basis.

It can be seen that as the introduction of "Qianshi Nuo Noodles" says, when wearing Nuo noodles, you will slowly absorb the power of faith from the gods and Buddhas in the sky. You can also actively go to temples to offer incense and absorb the power of faith.

When you gain the favor of a certain god, you can double the power of faith offered by believers in its temple, or double the amount of incense offered actively.

The most important thing is that if you are lucky enough to become the envoy of a deity, then when the deity is offered incense by believers, the power of faith will automatically increase.

Lin Ge and Miao Zhu chatted for so long just to see if there was a chance to become an envoy of the gods.

But it is a pity that Lin Ge and Miao Zhu chatted until it gradually darkened. Although Miao Zhu was still talking happily, Lin Ge did not receive any "hidden plot" prompts.

"Alas." Lin Ge sighed in his heart, thinking that if he wanted to become a "god envoy", he would probably have to start with an "acquaintance".

For example, the big guys from the Taoist sect might take Chen Qing to Lushan Dao to show her face, or they might go to the Dazhong Temple to get Lin Huowang's face card...

If it doesn't work, then we can only take Huang Shang to Wong Tai Sin Temple to "seize the throne".

The talk was so exciting that Miao Zhu even wanted to put out side dishes and chat with Lin Ge all night long. Several elderly people came to the temple and hurriedly asked Miao Zhu to go to the village and have a look. They said that the pigs in the village were infected with the disease.

Looking at the "storyteller" being dragged away by these old people, Lin Ge was shocked. How dare he still be a guest "veterinary surgeon" in the village?

Lin Ge took a look at the dishes on the table and thought that if they were fried well, don't waste them. He put a small bowl of each dish into a plate and prepared to send it to Nita.

When they came to the backyard, the talismans in the courtyard were intact, and the evil charms on the doors and windows were also intact. Lin Ge took the dishes and knocked lightly on the door.

It rang several times, but there was no response from the door.

"Are you asleep?"

Lin Ge frowned slightly. Although it was possible, as a reincarnation person, he had a basic awareness of vigilance. Even if he just came to "visit", Enita would be alert enough to ask if something happened.

There is no movement at this time, so there is only one possibility——


Lin Ge kicked the wooden door of the wing without hesitation. Even if the other party was just asleep, he would not make a fatal mistake even if he was scolded.

Naturally, the wooden door couldn't withstand Lin Ge's violent kick. After the door opened, the room was dark. Through the moonlight in the courtyard, Wang Meifang was still tied up and lying on the bed, without any change.

But what surprised Lin Ge was that Nita knelt beside the bed as if taking care of her old mother and fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Ge pressed the switch on the wall, but the lights in the room did not respond. He raised his hand and threw a burning charm at the oil lamp on the square table.

With a "whoosh", the oil lamp was lit.

The flickering firelight stretched the shadows of the furniture in the room into a strange appearance, making Lin Ge feel an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Lin Ge quickly put the plate in his hand on the table next to him, just to be on the safe side, he chanted the "Golden Light Curse", turned into a golden body and stepped into the house.

Golden light protects the body and prevents evil spirits from invading.

At the same time, the "Golden Light Curse" can also make Lin Ge feel the existence of evil spirits more clearly. But when he stepped into the house, he didn't find any evil presence.

"Xiao Hei."

"Xiao Hei."

Lin Ge tried calling twice, but there was no response. So he took out two evil-suppressing charms and held them in his hands. After approaching Nita, he first put one on the opponent's vest.

Then, Lin Ge put another one on Wang Meifang's forehead on the bed.


With a soft sound, the evil-suppressing charm on Nita's vest instantly turned into ashes.

Lin Ge frowned. Wang Meifang was fine, but Nita had a problem. This was a bit too strange.

After all, regardless of Nita's Ghost Rider abilities, her status as a miko would not allow her to be killed by the Black Buddha without any notice.

Lin Ge opened his eyes and checked. Nita didn't have any wounds on her body and was breathing evenly. No matter how much he called, she didn't respond. She seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

It's a pity that Huang Ni is forging a sword in the sword formation at this time. Otherwise, if she were to come out and have a look, Huang Ni would be well-informed and would be able to see Nita's problem at a glance.

"Please, please, I will help you."

At this time, a teasing voice sounded in Lin Ge's mind.

"I came just in time. I have something serious to discuss with you later. Now, please help me see what is going on with this temporary teammate." Lin Ge ordered unceremoniously.

The owner of the voice was naturally Huang Shang, who never dealt with Lin Ge and liked to bury him whenever he got the chance.

"You haven't..."

"Yeah, please."


Huang Shang was furious, but he was angry. It was obviously not the time to argue with Lin Ge, so he said bluntly: "Don't forget that this woman also went to Chenjiacun. Even if she is a reincarnation, it doesn't mean that She can completely ignore the curse of the Great Black Buddha Mother.”

"Ah? Can this be a curse? Then the Ghost Rider and the Witch are too cheap, right?" To be honest, Lin Ge had never thought about Nita being cursed.

Of course, this was Lin Ge's preconceived idea. After all, in his opinion, how could a majestic witch and the Ghost Rider be cursed by a little evil god who was at the bottom of the list.

Huang Shang said: "You can't say that. As far as I know, the power of the Great Black Buddha is more spiritual, and its strength is not linked to its ability to fight directly. Think about it, according to the original plot in the movie, No matter how weak an evil god is, it still has the power to kill mortals. But it did not do this. Instead, it continued to create fear and made the heroine completely collapse. So in my opinion, before it could trap your teammates in Chenjia Village, maybe It had already eroded her spirit in some way at that time.”

Lin Ge carefully recalled the scene when he entered Chenjia Village to fish out Nita. When he first saw Nita at that time, there seemed to be something wrong with her.

"Then she is now..." Lin Ge looked at Nita, his meaning was self-evident.

Huang Shang replied: "She should have fallen into the spiritual attack of the Great Black Buddha Mother. This attack may have been carried out through a curse, causing her to fall into a deep sleep. If her will is strong enough, there should be no danger, but Trapped temporarily, she can wake up when she finds a way to break it in the dream. If she is not determined enough... then she may be trapped in the dream forever, or even be dominated by fear, becoming the 'food' of the Great Black Buddha Mother. "

"Is there any way you can wake her up?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Shang said: "It's very simple if you can come out... But there is no need to waste hundreds of sources like this? Besides, don't you know how to open an altar?"



"But I'm not very good at this."

"Don't you have a book? Can't you read it?"


"Then do you want to hug me?"


Lin Ge had no choice but to carry Nita onto the bed first. After laying her down, he pushed open the square table in the room and took out the long table yellow cloth, fragrant wax paper candles, incense altar, tributes...

"This dish is good, don't waste it." Lin Ge glanced at the dish on the table at the door, brought it over and placed it on the long table.

Then, Lin Ge held the "Secret Technique of Maoshan" in his left hand and looked through it. He held a peach wood sword in his right hand and stepped on the Seven Star Steps of Tiangang in a very "(un)professional" way.

It's not that Lin Ge wants to be unprofessional, it's that Lin Ge doesn't even have time to practice the scriptures, let alone learn all the "Secret Techniques of Maoshan".

Basically, according to the situation, I learn and sell now, and go to "Maoshan Secret Technique" to choose some techniques that can be quickly mastered and have more comprehensive capabilities.

For example, the most commonly used "Qiankun Borrowing Method" and "Leibu Zhengfa" are incomplete. However, the "Leibu Zhengfa" in "Maoshan Secret Technique" is incomplete. If I hadn't picked up some experience from a certain boss, I would have just followed the book to practice. , and the thirty days of training time in the main god space, it may be a year of the monkey, a horse and a month to master the Lightning Thunder Fist.

Therefore, I don’t even have time to “study” the most commonly used ones, let alone the methods of setting up altars and summoning spirits related to “positional warfare” in “Maoshan Secret Technique”.

Lin Ge put the book away, slapped the peach wood sword against the yellow talisman on the table, picked up three sticks of incense, lit the incense with his skills, and worshiped in front of the altar:

"The Tao is learned by the heart, and the false fragrance of the heart is passed on."

"The incense burns in the jade furnace, and my heart is in front of the emperor."

"The true spirit is looking forward to it, Xian Zao Linxuan."

"I ordered my ministers to report it, and it reached nine heavens."


Calming the mind and regulating the breath, eliminating disasters!

However, after one round of casting, Nita still showed no sign of waking up. When Lin Ge was flipping through the book and looking for other ways to "wake up", Huang Shang suddenly said: "I can feel that your altar is effective. I can’t sense any evil aura.”

"But she didn't wake up." Lin Ge said helplessly.

Huang Shang said: "Then there is only one possibility... This curse is from the inside out. She is trapped in her heart. If you want to enter her heart, you must find the bond between you and her."

"I have a bond with her... Even if she and I are teammates, it is not me, but my clone. What's more, she is also a clone. Even if we add in the original experience with the original body, At most, it can be considered as cooperation." Lin Ge said speechlessly.

"Then I can't help you."

"Incompetent!" Lin Ge snorted.

Huang Shang said coldly: "But you can try to create a 'bond'. By the way, I can feel that she has something from you."

What did I send?

After Huang Shang's reminder, an idea flashed in Lin Ge's mind, and his face suddenly lit up with joy. He subconsciously gave a thumbs up with his left hand to the back of his right hand: "Famous general!"


Lin Ge took out the gramophone and put it on the altar. In the Lord God Space Lounge, he spent 30,000 reincarnation points to exchange for three discs, one of which could be searched through three keywords and randomly played BGM.

Although it is also "random", it can be narrowed down by keyword search.

Lin Ge put the disc away and shook the joystick.

On the other side, Nita, who was exploring the tomb in her dream, suddenly noticed the big black statue of the Buddha in the narrow passage. At this moment, with a "whoosh", all the candles in the tomb were extinguished, and the tomb became pitch black. , I can’t see my fingers.

"May I have your name?"

"May I have your name?"

The Big Black Buddha Mother's questions kept ringing in Nita's ears, and at the same time, thousands of people's voices merged together, constantly chanting the mantra "Fire Buddha Hugh One".

Although Nita could still remain conscious, she still felt the powerful oppression of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly lit up on her chest, and then a slightly teasing man's voice sounded in the dark space: "If you recite this mantra in its entirety, does it mean 'Fire Buddha Xiuyi, nmgb'?"

Lin Ge!

Nita's face lit up. She thought about whether Lin Ge would come to visit at night, and then found that she was pulled into the dream world. But after such a long time, neither the soul paper man nor the talismans seemed to have the corresponding effect, and she did not expect Lin Ge's magic weapon to descend from the sky.

Unexpectedly, just when she was about to be eroded by the powerful spiritual power of the Great Black Buddha, the man who had just stepped on Transformers to save her airborne again!

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, Nita suddenly felt that the mantra of "Fire Buddha Xiuyi" that had been eroding her consciousness before and was like tens of thousands of people whispering in her ears slowly changed!

Become rhythmic?

"Living Buddha, rest, rest, rest, rest, rest..."

brave troops!

"Big Pixiu, big Pixiu, big Pixiu, big Pixiu, I wish you good luck and a big Pixiu!"


Dynamic and cheerful music sounded in Nita's ears, which immediately made her feel extremely happy, and as the golden light emerged from her chest, a golden Pixiu jumped out.


With a roar that sounded like a combination of the roar of a dragon and the roar of a tiger, the golden Pixiu became four or five meters tall in the air. After landing, the golden light instantly illuminated the entire tomb.


Another roar.

The Big Black Buddha Mother seemed to sense the aura of Pixiu, and the statue deep in the passage began to shake violently, and then suddenly grew in size, breaking the ceiling of the tomb.

After the tomb collapsed, Nita discovered that there was a dark space outside the tomb, and at this time, the statue of the Big Black Buddha had become more than ten meters high.

"So big? How much fear have you fed?" Lin Ge's voice suddenly sounded next to Nita. She turned her head and saw that Lin Ge was standing beside her holding a phonograph.

Nita said: "In fact, I didn't feel any fear when I walked from the entrance to the tomb. On the contrary, I repaired the seals along the way."

"This is strange." Lin Ge muttered.

Huang Shang's voice sounded in Lin Ge's mind through sound transmission: "It's not necessarily fear, maybe it's negative emotions..."

"Ah? Sister, your negative emotions are a bit heavy." Lin Ge sighed.

Nita was stunned for a moment, obviously not understanding how Lin Ge could say such a thing out of the blue, but when she thought about it again, she seemed to be talking about herself?

"What's the meaning?"

“It doesn’t have to be fear, it could be negative emotions.”

Nita frowned, recalling the scene in Chenjia Village when she was cursed, and the Big Black Buddha Mother unknowingly aroused the negative emotions in her heart and wanted to give up.

"What should we do?" Nita asked.

Lin Ge fought together, first turning on the Golden Light Spell and transforming into a golden man, standing together with the Golden Light Pixiu, giving people an extremely reassuring feeling in this dark space.

Then, Lin Ge asked: "Do you know the spells like the 'Pure Heart Mantra'? If not, just recite it with me..."

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly adapting to changes. It drives away evil spirits and traps evil spirits, protects life and body. Wisdom is clear and pure, and the mind is peaceful. The three souls are eternal, and the soul has no loss."

Nita recited the "Pure Heart Mantra" along with Lin Ge, and as soon as the mantra came out, the big black Buddha statue in the distance began to "wail" in pain.

However, the "wailing" sound is actually the murmur of countless "Fire Buddha Xiuyi".

"Okay, you want to play like this, right?" Lin Ge stepped forward, raised his hand and used his spirit to materialize a huge "trumpet".

Lion's Roar Kung Fu!

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi, nmgb!"

"Master Tao, my heart is as pure as ice, and I won't be surprised when the sky falls. I am still stable in all changes, and my spirit is peaceful and calm! Even if you recite this mantra, it can't break Master Tao's Taoist heart!"

"You like reading, don't you?"

"Master Dao, I will recite it with you!"

"The Danzhu Mouth God spits out filth and eliminates odor. The tongue God is upright, nourishes the life and nourishes the spirit!"

Lin Ge recited the eight divine mantras in one breath. With the blessing of the Lion's Roar Technique and the Manifestation Technique, the mantras were so powerful that they gradually overshadowed the voice of the Great Black Buddha Mother.



At this time, as Lin Ge's voice of chanting the mantra became louder and louder, cracks appeared on the statue of the Big Black Buddha Mother.

Seeing this, Lin Ge cast a golden light spell and flew towards the statue of the big black Buddha. He then raised his hand, summoned a trident and aimed it at the head of the Buddha held in the giant statue's hand and threw it violently!


For a moment, the golden light flourished, and the head of the big black Buddha with a ferocious smile was directly penetrated by Lin Ge's fork, and the entire space suddenly became distorted.

Nita felt that her consciousness was in a trance for a while, and then a warm hand took her and brought her out of the dark space.

When Nita opened her eyes, she saw the ceiling of the wing and Lin Ge standing beside the bed holding a gramophone.

"Are you awake?" Lin Ge asked.

Nita was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "Just...what happened?"

"Oh, in the words of a certain boss, I established a bond with you through the Pixiu pendant, and then had a divine intercourse."


"To put it simply, I entered your spiritual body, and then had a fight with the big black Buddha goddess inside, and sent it back to its hometown with a fork."


"What's your expression?"

Nita said expressionlessly: "I was very moved at first, but after your explanation, I always feel a little weird."

Lin Ge put the gramophone back into the [Inventory], reached out to take the dish on the altar, raised his hand, twisted a fried peanut and threw it into his mouth: "The dish that came from the temple is not bad, do you want to try it? "

Nita looked at the altar beside her and said with a strange expression: "If I'm not mistaken... you just set up the altar to practice, do you regard this as a tribute?"


"...If you eat the food after doing the Fa, will it be...disrespectful to God?"

Lin Ge said nonchalantly: "Theoretically speaking, there was no help from the gods above, and this tribute had no purpose. Besides... the gods here are different from yours. We worship here After that, the tribute is the blessing given by the gods, and after eating it, you receive the blessing.”

Nita held it in for a long time before saying: "...Then the gods here are quite friendly to the people."

"That's right. After all, some gods will drag you to drink together."


After Lin Ge handed the dish to Nita, he put the altar away for "use" next time. By the way, he asked Huang Shang to check Nita to see if there was any residual curse from the Big Black Buddha Mother on her body.

"After the Great Black Buddha Mother absorbs a large amount of your negative emotions, she can replace your spirit and seize your body. To that extent, it is roughly equivalent to a clone. And it is not easy to control a clone of this level. The clone will be destroyed , you will be injured to some extent." Lin Ge said.

Nita asked: "So you plan to take advantage of its illness to kill it and return to Chenjiacun now?"

"There's no rush. When I can accumulate some more faith, it's safest to borrow the help of gods to deal with evil gods... However, I can't act like gods to avoid being unpopular. I have to get two or three chances to be safe."


Nita didn't know "Qianshi Nuo Noodles", so she obviously didn't understand what Lin Ge was talking about.

At this moment, there was a loud noise coming from the direction of the main hall, like a group of people hurriedly working on something. Lin Ge said, "You look at Wang Meifang, I'll go take a look."


Lin Ge came to the main hall and saw a group of people carrying Miao Zhu back on a stretcher.

"What's going on?" Lin Ge asked.

A villager mistook Lin Ge for a member of the temple and explained to him: "Well, the pigs in the village are not infected with disease, but are infected with evil spirits. In order to drive away the evil spirits, the temple Zhu was injured while fighting with the evil spirits."

"If you're injured, why don't you send him to the hospital instead of sending him to the temple? You don't expect to burn two sticks of incense and have the temple bless you and you'll be fine, right?"

"But... Miao Zhu is the doctor in our village!"

Lin Ge was speechless after hearing this, and could only step forward as a "doctor" to examine Miao Zhu. However, as soon as his eyes opened, Miao Zhu was enveloped in a black mist!

However, what surprised Lin Ge was that this "evil" aura actually belonged to an old friend! (End of chapter)

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