Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 345 Facing fear is the best way to exorcise ghosts

The transformation failed, she couldn't feel the presence of mana, and the strange space... Nita suddenly thought of Lin Ge's experience of "Corpse Memories".

While in Chenjiacun, Nita had already been dragged into her inner world, causing her to constantly generate negative energy and almost gave up resistance.

Fortunately, Xiaobai's soul mark awakened Nita's consciousness at that time, and Lin Ge arrived in time to resolve the crisis. However, apart from being pulled into the dark space, Nita did not suffer any other discomfort after that. I thought I had escaped the curse of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

But unexpectedly, he was accidentally tricked again and was pulled into a strange world.

"...If he encountered the same situation as Lin Ge, how did he escape at this time?" Nita frowned and looked at the dim passage ahead.

White candles were lit next to the mirrors on both sides of the narrow and gloomy tunnel. Although the flickering candlelight illuminated the tunnel, it also made the place more eerie and terrifying.

Since Lin Ge and Nita went directly to someone else's lair when dealing with the female ghost in "Memories of the Corpse", there was no detail about what the dream world looked like.

Lin Ge only mentioned that the female ghost in the dream world could not kill him directly, but could only continuously frighten him. The more afraid the female ghost was, the stronger the female ghost would be.

On the contrary, the female ghost's power will become weaker.


Nita immediately understood that she could not mobilize her magic power in the dream world. Similarly, the other party was not as powerful as in the real world.

And your own fear is the source of the other party. The more fear you have, the stronger the other party is.

Leaving aside Nita's Ghost Rider's abilities, just saying that she was a miko before entering the world of reincarnation, she would not be scared by ghosts.

After understanding this, the next thing Nita needs to do is to find a way to "wake up".




The baby's cries echoed in the tunnel, and the dark environment made people's hair stand on end.

Nita first observed the surrounding environment. The last time she was pulled into a completely dark space by the Big Black Buddha Mother, this time she seemed to have come to a place similar to a "grave".

"Cave? Is it... the place where the Great Black Buddha is sealed?" Nita recalled that Lin Ge mentioned when he popularized the plot for her that the statue of the Great Black Buddha was deep in a tomb, and there were many seals along the way. , relying on these layers of seals to seal it deep.

Then the first thing to ensure is the integrity of the seal. If possible... it is best to find a way to "reinforce" the seal.

Although Nita is not proficient in seals, Xiaobai is an expert in seals. After being together for a long time, she has naturally learned a lot.

The mirror and candles in front are not from the arms of the Great Black Buddha, but a "mysterious obstacle". The principle of this formation is very simple. By blessing the mirror with spells, and then "reflecting" on each other, a maze with no exit is formed, trapping the Great Black Buddha in the tomb forever.

But the "mirror array barrier" can be said to be the lowest level of magical seal. If the majestic Black Buddha Mother can't even get out, then it can only be said that the subsequent seals are too powerful.

Nita walked forward along the dim tunnel. As soon as she approached the first mirror, Nita hesitated and did not go forward directly.

And just as she hesitated for a second, a rotten gray arm that seemed to have been drained of blood suddenly stretched out from the first mirror.

In this kind of environment and scene, most people would have screamed in fear, even kicked over the mirror, turned around and ran away.

However, if you really do this, it will be just like the intention of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

This "mirror array technique" is the outermost seal. If the mirror is kicked over, it is equivalent to destroying the technique.

This is why in the original movie, after the two male protagonists who entered the tomb broke the deepest seal, the mirrors would slide off the wall during their escape.

Because the destruction of the strongest seal means that the Great Black Buddha Mother is about to get rid of the seal, then this outermost "mirror array technique" will not be able to defeat it.

Nita saw through the little trick of the Big Black Buddha Mother to scare her into panic and break the seal. She calmly knelt down, picked up the candle beside and placed it on the gray arm that stretched out from the mirror and grabbed it aimlessly. Down.


The corpse's revenge was mixed with the smell of barbecue, and the ghost hand was immediately "burned" and retracted into the mirror.

Before entering the world of the Lord God, if Nita dared to identify herself as the second witch in the Sakura Kingdom, then only Xiaobai would dare to identify herself as the first.

Therefore, when they later escaped from the Sakura Country and went to Thailand, the two of them "fighted" and became famous in just two years. When a group of demons and evil spirits heard the names of the Black and White Shuangsha, they felt as if they had seen a ghost.

Even ghosts are afraid of witches, which shows how terrifying the two of them were at that time.

Nita moved the candles next to each mirror in front of the mirror, and then slightly adjusted the direction of the mirror to create perfect refraction.

Under her "formation change", the simple "Mirror Formation Technique" became more aggressive from the pure "Obstacle Formation Technique" at the beginning.

If the Great Black Buddha Mother did not destroy the deepest seal and came here in a weak state, she would definitely be burned off like those ghost hands.

After modifying the "Mirror Array Technique", Nita continued walking deeper.

Not long after walking, I saw that the tunnel became spacious, and there was a pile of "sacrificial offerings" placed in an open space. In the center is a ceramic plate, in which sits a two-hand-sized clay child.

On the head of the clay boy statue, half of which was missing, was affixed a yellow talisman filled with densely packed small characters. There were also four large blood-red characters on the whole talisman: "Blessings and misfortunes depend on each other."

There are two more discs around the disc, and three earthen bowls are arranged in the shape of a "five-pointed star", with different "sacrifice" placed in each bowl.

Hair, teeth, minced meat, gray worms, unknown red liquid.

"To worship...the evil god." Nita squatted in front of the sacrifice and studied it. She recalled the strange scene she saw in the Chenjiacun ancestral hall, and suddenly remembered what Lin Ge said.

The root of the curse of the Big Black Buddha is its face. It was when I looked up at the Chenjiacun ancestral hall and saw the pattern of the statue on the ceiling that I was cursed!

Obviously she should have noticed from that time that the Chen clan should have seen that the seal of the Great Black Buddha was beginning to loosen, and they "ordinary people" had no better way to seal the Great Black Buddha, so they could only "negotiate" with her. , dragging down the great black Buddha Mother in the way of making offerings.

This can explain why the tomb where the Big Black Buddha Mother is located is full of "seals", and the Chen clan members continue to sacrifice "children" to the Big Black Buddha Mother.

For example, the little girl who had half of her ear cut off.

As a professional, Nita would naturally not be like the two men in the movie who stupidly tore off the yellow talisman on the clay child statue.

In this environment, being mean is seeking death.

Not only will Nita not destroy the seal on the tribute, on the contrary, she will strengthen the seal.

I saw her first move a few plates outwards and expand the five-pointed star.

Then he picked up the bowl of unknown red liquid and shook it gently. There was no bloody smell or coagulation, so it was obviously less likely to be blood.

Nita picked up a small stone from the side, dipped it in the bowl filled with red liquid, and then supplemented the demon-sealing array based on the "pentagonal array".

Outside the demon-sealing array, Nita added two more seals.

"Hey, Xiaobai, your exorcism method of setting up formations, casting spells, and establishing spells is so troublesome. I still like to chop the opponent with a knife. This is the easiest."

Nita sighed. The Big Black Buddha Mother is the most "cowardly" among the many evil heretics she has encountered. Although the more cowardly the opponent is in this situation, the weaker the opponent's strength is, she will not underestimate the enemy. Once you underestimate the enemy in the world of reincarnation, you will end up with the same fate as those who mess with spells in a haunted environment...seeking death.

After completing the triple magic sealing formation, Nita got up and continued walking deeper into the tomb.

At the end of the passage, you can barely see a downward passage ahead, but in front of this passage is a double-sided mirror as tall as a person, with a curse written in blood-red letters on it.

Nita raised her hand and put her finger in her mouth and bit it hard, feeling the pain.

But after biting a bloody wound, no blood was seen flowing out. Nita's original idea of ​​using her own blood to add a few more seals to the mirror had to be given up.

Nita turned sideways and squeezed in through the gap on the side without moving the double-sided mirror to break the seal.




The blood-curdling baby cry sounded again, but Nita didn't stop and continued walking down the stairs.


Nita clearly felt a cold hand holding her ankle, and the cold touch made her stagnate.

But apart from feeling "cold" and someone tugging on my feet, I didn't seem to have any other negative feelings.

"Look back."

"Look back."

"I'm behind you."

At this time, a cold voice sounded behind Nita. It sounded like Wang Meifang's voice, but the voice was low and weak, which was very scary in this dim environment.

Under the dim candle light on the wall, you can faintly see a person prostrate on the ground, his shadow stretched too long.

Not only did Nita not look back, but she continued walking down, as if the ghost behind her pulling her ankle didn't exist, and she simply ignored him.

Nita also figured out that there was no way to use abilities in this dream world, and the Black Buddha Mother continued to create terror in order to increase her "fear".

But if this thing could scare Nita, then her twenty-year career as a miko would be in vain.

As she walked, Nita suddenly felt something was wrong. The downward stairs seemed to be endless, and she could not see the end, and "Wang Meifang" behind her kept calling her to look back.

Endless stairs... Nita snorted disdainfully. Sure enough, it was the lowest trick again. She simply closed her eyes.




Counting the steps, Nita continued walking down.

"Look back."

"I'm behind you."


Wang Meifang's eerie voice kept ringing behind him, and when a person closed his eyes, his mind would continue to "fill in" some pictures based on the information he heard and felt, which would deepen the fear.

But Nita was not an ordinary person. She counted the stairs going down and recited the incantation, ignoring Wang Meifang's call again.


On the fourteenth ladder, Nita finally reached an open area, which meant that she had finished descending all the stairs and reached the bottom of the tomb.

Nita opened her eyes, and Wang Meifang's voice disappeared behind her, and the cold touch and dragging feeling on her ankles also disappeared.

Going further, there is a fork in the tunnel. In the center is a half-meter-high clay child statue, pointing to one of the passages.

Nita stood at the fork in the road and looked into the passage. She saw an altar half a person's height at the end, with three plates placed on it, and "hair" as tributes were placed in them.

There is a mirror hanging on the top of the altar, and the hair placed on the plate as a sacrifice can be seen in the mirror.

There is a similar altar at the end of the passage behind the clay child statue, but instead of hair, there are three bloody teeth on the altar.

It's just that two of the teeth are placed on the yellow talisman, and the third tooth is not on the third yellow talisman, but placed in the corner of the long table.

There is also a mirror hanging above the altar, which just reflects the teeth as a sacrifice.

"The second seal is also a 'mirror spell'?" Nita was a little confused when she saw this. No matter how powerful the mirror spell is, it is still the lowest seal. With this kind of spell, it can seal the big black Buddha. How weak is the Black Buddha Mother's body?

Or... is this guy a "road fool"?

The simplest "Mirror Technique" maze has become the most effective and strongest seal against the Great Black Buddha Mother?

Although Nita was a little confused, she could see at this moment that the second seal seemed to be affected to a certain extent. The "tribute" had moved away from its original position. To strengthen the spell, the tribute must be placed back.

Nita walked to the altar with three bloody teeth. As long as the teeth were put back, the seal would be strengthened again.

Nita raised her hand and stopped ten centimeters from her teeth.

"It's so dirty."

"It's disgusting."

"You don't really expect me to put it back with my hands, do you? Or are you questioning my professional ability?" Nita sneered and looked at the altar in front of her.

Perhaps because she saw Nita completing the reinforcement seal twice in a row, this second seal seemed too "straightforward", which immediately made Nita suspicious.

What's more, this "bloody tooth" as a sacrifice is one of the favorite things of the Great Black Buddha, so it is obviously not the original seal, but the Chen clan's tribute for the "peace talks".

Putting the tributes back will be just like the wishes of the Great Black Buddha Mother!

At the end of the movie, the heroine thought that by writing spells all over her body, putting back the mirror that had been destroyed by her companions, and putting the teeth in place, she would be able to restore the seal of the Big Black Buddha, but she didn't expect that she would still be unable to resist the Big Black Buddha in the end. With his strength, he kowtowed in front of the statue and was killed.

This method is okay for dealing with the movie heroine who is just a dabbler in spells, but if it is used on Nita, it will make people laugh.

At this time, the baby's cry and wail came again, and the Big Black Buddha Mother seemed to use the baby's cry to express her anger to Nita that her little trick had been seen through.

At the same time, Nita noticed that in addition to these two passages, there was a third narrow passage at the original fork in the road.

At the end of the passage is a statue that is exactly the same as the one on the ceiling of the Chenjiacun ancestral hall!

Nita walked towards the end of the passage. On the altar in front of the statue were hair, teeth and other sacrifices. The shaved off Buddha's head was covered with a red cloth that said "life and death are famous".


Suddenly, all the candles in the tomb were extinguished, and the entire space became pitch black.

"May I have your name?"

"May I have your name?"

The Big Black Buddha Mother's questions kept ringing in Nita's ears, and at the same time, thousands of people's voices merged together, constantly chanting the mantra "Fire Buddha Hugh One".

Although Nita could still remain conscious, she still felt the powerful oppression of the Great Black Buddha Mother.

At this moment, a slightly mocking man's voice sounded in the dark space: "If you recite this mantra in its entirety, does it mean 'Fire Buddha Xiuyi, nmgb'?"

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