The reason why Lin Ge provocatively provoked the Great Black Buddha Mother was not to use the method to make her angry, but to verify his suspicions.

In his opinion, Nita had redeemed her Ghost Rider bloodline, and was originally a miko. Her overall strength was mainly focused on dealing with evil spirits, making her a proper nemesis of evil.

As an evil god, the Big Black Buddha Mother avoided fighting in her true form. She only consumed Nita in the form of ghost realm and clones, trying to trap her in Chenjiacun.

There are three possibilities for doing this. One is that the Great Black Buddha Mother likes to torture the target like this, and likes to push the target into desperation step by step.

This situation is not impossible, because as far as the movie "Curse" is concerned, there are many opportunities for the Big Black Buddha to kill the heroine and her daughter, and it is also very simple.

But the Big Black Buddha Mother did not do this. Instead, she blindly dealt a double blow to the heroine mentally and physically, tortured her to the point of going crazy, and finally gave up her daughter willingly.

The second is the limitation of the "power" of the Great Black Buddha Mother. It does not have the ability to fight directly. In other words, the ghost realm and clones are the embodiment of its ability.

But this possibility is the lowest. After all, Lin Ge had a fight with the Big Black Buddha a few decades after the current plot. At that time, the Big Black Buddha who "broke out of the ground" was very powerful in direct combat.

The third type is that the current strength of the Great Black Buddha Mother is limited, or the body is limited, so this method can only be used to trap Nita.

At this time, Lin Ge used General Zeng's fire sign to break through the ghost realm. If the body of the Black Buddha Mother was not restricted and had the strength of an evil god, then there was a high probability that she would show up and kill them.

However, the Big Black Buddha Mother did not appear, and despite Lin Ge's "provocation", she still maintained her ghost realm and clones to attack.

The movie "Curse" was very popular when it was released. The most popular analysis at the time was that the Chen clan were not believers in the Great Black Buddha. On the contrary, they were the guardians of the seal of the Great Black Buddha.

Although Lin Ge had different opinions on this analysis, based on the scenes he saw when he entered the depths of the tomb, the only thing that was certain was that there was indeed a "seal" in the tomb.

However, these seals were destroyed after the two companions of the heroine of "The Curse" entered, and Lin Ge directly cut off the last red sealing rope, and then the big black Buddha emerged from the ground.

Regardless of how the Big Black Buddha came to Chenjiacun, and whether the Chen clan worships this god, it can be seen from the authentic "arrangement" in the tomb of the Big Black Buddha that the Big Black Buddha was sealed in the tomb. among.

Whether it was the trio of cheating heroines in the original movie who broke the seal, or whether He Jiabing and Xiao Zhang from the expedition team entered the tomb at this time, the Chen clan held a strange ceremony after rescuing them... that is Wearing only white pants, he had spells written all over his body.

The talismans engraved on the bodies of these Chen clan members are in Boromi script, which is the earliest ancient script in India. At the end of the movie "The Curse", the heroine writes this kind of talisman all over her body, blindfolds her eyes and lifts the last seal on the head of the big black Buddha, trying to spread the curse through "live broadcast".

The mantra "Fire Buddha Xiuyi" is not a "blessing", the correct meaning is "I am willing to share the curse and give my name", and the opposite gesture of the evil "Eight Directions Curse Heaven Seal" means "fire" This curse is spread to strangers.

The positive seal attracts blessings, and the reverse seal attracts curses.

Very reasonable.

Some people speculate that the seal of the Big Black Buddha Mother has become loose. The Chen clan is deeply affected by the curse. When facing annihilation, they came up with the idea of ​​letting more people know the "spell" and hand seals, and the more people will bear the curse. , the curse will be diluted.

Although there are always differences between the world of reincarnation and movies, the main god who likes to be lazy will usually copy these settings, so it is very likely...

At this time, the Great Black Buddha Mother has not completely broken free of the "seal"!

This is the most likely scenario that Lin Ge considers based on various clues. It can also explain why the Black Buddha Mother has not taken action at this time.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I can’t!

But with the annihilation of the Chen clan, the seal will gradually loosen, allowing her to regain her freedom.

To understand this, there are two ways in front of Lin Ge. One is to follow the mission Nita received, first take Wang Meifang down the mountain to find Master Aqing to break the curse.

The second method is to find the tomb in the ghost domain where the Great Black Buddha Mother spreads, and strengthen the seal or kill the Great Black Buddha Mother before the seal is completely lifted.

Lin Ge is not good at formations and seals. Obviously, repairing and strengthening seals is not reliable, and it is likely to turn into the situation in "Taiwan Island" last time.

But this time, there is no Corpse Execution Immortal behind him to protect him.

At this time, Lin Ge's huge body opened the way in front, protecting Nita and Arcee at his feet. Every time he waved the fire stick, the fire wave he cut could "burn" part of the black mist field, but it was quickly destroyed. The black mist he cleared would gather again.

Fortunately, Lin Ge has "barrier-breaking eyes" to see through the confusion. As long as the ghost realm of the Great Black Buddha Mother is a confusion, there is no way to stop him.

The Big Black Buddha Mother did not dare to appear in person, and only dared to continuously generate black shadow spiders to attack Lin Ge and others.

However, in front of Lin Ge, who was transformed into the underworld's black technology "increased gun speed", these shadow spiders were like ants, and a large number of them died as soon as they stepped on them.

"Lin Ge, watch your left!" Nita shouted.

Arcee hugged Wang Meifang and followed Lin Ge, while Nita transformed into the Ghost Rider and opened the Eye of Judgment to protect Arcee.

At this moment, Nita's Judgment Eye noticed a huge figure gathering in the thick fog on the left.

Lin Ge also noticed the terrifying aura in the black mist on the left. He almost thought that the true form of the Great Black Buddha had arrived, but when he looked sideways, he saw a giant black shadow spider more than ten meters high.


The giant black shadow spider raised its forelimbs and rushed toward Lin Ge. At the same time, it made a cry like a baby, which made those who heard it feel frightened.

Lin Ge raised his left foot and stepped hard.

With a "bang" sound, the ground shook. With the addition of General Zeng's divine power, a crack even appeared on the ground with this step.

The incoming black shadow spiders fell into the cracks in the ground one after another. The giant black shadow spider tilted its body, and before it could make the next move, Lin Ge slapped it on the head with a fire stick.


The giant black shadow spider "deflated" and dispersed instantly like a punctured balloon. However, before Lin Ge could take a breath, he heard the cries of babies one after another in the black mist.

"Good guy, the little spider is useless, let's switch to the big spider, right?" Lin Ge thought that since he had given up going straight to the Big Black Buddha Mother's lair and focused on completing the task first, he reached out sideways and fished Ni Ta and Arcee were both in his arms.

With her huge physical advantage, Arcee was only as big as one of Lin Ge's arms, so it was very easy for Lin Ge to carry her and Nita.

Protecting them with one hand, he waved the fire stick with the other hand to split the ghost realm, and ran towards the entrance of Chenjiacun.

Although the Black Shadow Spider of the Big Black Buddha Mother had nothing to do with Lin Ge in the "Zengjiang General" state, Lin Ge's spiritual energy was about to be unable to maintain the "Invitation to God" state, and he had to hurry up.

With the cooperation of "Barrier-Breaking Eyes" and "Inviting Gods", Lin Ge finally broke out of the black mist ghost realm that shrouded Chenjiacun.

"Arcee! Activate runaway mode!"

Lin Ge ran Arcee toward the mountain road ahead, and at the same time released the "Invitation to God" state, dispersed General Zeng's armor, and returned to her original appearance.

Arcee didn't even bother to complain about Lin Ge, so she put Wang Meifang on the ground and transformed into a motorcycle state.

Lin Ge looked at the unconscious Wang Meifang and felt troubled for a moment. His driving skills had to be assisted by Arcee in order to perform wildly on the mountain road. Bringing one person with him would obviously have an impact.

"Let me do it." Nita took out her Harley-Davidson motorcycle and summoned the snow girl at the same time, letting the snow girl hold Wang Meifang and sit in the back like before.

Seeing the black fog spreading again, Lin Ge and Nita hurriedly hit the accelerator and left. Galloping all the way, the two of them climbed over the mountain where Chenjia Village was located, and when they arrived at the town at the foot of the mountain, it was already dawn.

"Master Aqing" is a couple in "The Curse" who guard a palace and temple, and what they do on weekdays is the work of "temple officials".

The timeline we are in at this time is decades before "The Curse". The Master Aqing and his wife were still children, and the person guarding the temple was a middle-aged man.

When Lin Ge and Nita brought the unconscious Wang Meifang to the palace temple, Miao Zhu could tell at a glance that Wang Meifang was cursed and fell into a coma.

As long as they are not some "fake temple" that puts money first, the temples here are generally "compassionate" and will help if they can.

This is why people of that era, whether they encountered war or evil, the first place they thought of was temples.

Master Aqing's temple worships the "Guan Sheng Emperor". Guan Erye's reputation is so great that his status in Buddhism and Taoism is not low.

The main hall of the temple is dedicated to Emperor Guan Sheng, and the other halls are dedicated to Emperor Guan Sheng's generals.

In the temple where Master Aqing and his wife live in the movie, the largest statue is that of Mr. Guan Er’s personal bodyguard, Master Zhoucang, the martial spirit.

Miao Zhu asked Lin Ge and Nita to carry Wang Meifang into the hall where Lord Zhou Cang was, put her on a wooden bed against the wall, and then began to cast spells to try to lift the spell.

Although it is decades earlier, it can be seen that the "skills" of this palace and temple are really passed down from generation to generation. The method used in the temple blessing at this time is exactly the same as that used by Master Aqing in the movie.

After casting a spell to remove the curse, Miao Zhu ordered a bowl of water, fished out a green leaf from the water, tore off half of it and swallowed it himself, and fed the other half to Wang Meifang's mouth.

"Two benefactors, this curse is very dangerous, and... it is not something I can bear. However, because this person is pregnant, it is unacceptable to die without saving her. I can only borrow a method from Mr. Zhou Cang to dilute her. The curse in the body. However, this curse is very dangerous, and I was even infected with some curses during the process of unblocking the curse. Fortunately, I was protected by Lord Zhou Cang and Emperor Guan Sheng, so I was spared."


Miao Zhu sighed and continued: "What I fed her was Qingxin Ye, which can alleviate the curse in the body to the greatest extent. This method needs to be maintained for seven days, and she must not be allowed to eat within seven days, otherwise she will fail. Even I can't. It will be affected. I hope the two donors will remember that this is all I can do."

Lin Ge took out a stack of money and handed it to Miao Zhu. Miao Zhu wanted to refuse, but Lin Ge stuffed it into his hand, held his hand and said, "You have helped us a lot. This sesame oil money is a thank you fee. I know Master You regard money as dirt, but you don’t need it, Mr. Zhou Cang also wants to live a better life, right?”

"This..." Miao Zhu was a little embarrassed.

It can be seen from the troubled expression of the other party that this temple blessing is much more reliable than those fat-headed and big-eared people who only collect money and never do anything in a few decades.

Miao Zhu nodded and took the money, then gave Lin Ge and Lin Ge some advice on the curse, and suggested that if they were afraid of problems along the way, it would be best to stay in the palace directly.

These words simply spoke to Lin Ge's heart, and he agreed without hesitation.

Seeing this, the temple minister asked Lin Ge and Nita to carry Wang Meifang to the guest room in the backyard of the palace temple, freeing up two rooms for the three of them.

Lin Ge's room was shared by Nita and Wang Meifang, because in Miao Zhu's opinion, Wang Meifang, who was pregnant, needed someone to take care of her.

Lin Ge didn't seem to be a couple with Wang Meifang, so he arranged her and Nita together.

After Miao Zhu left, Lin Ge came to Nita's room, took out a hemp rope and walked towards the bedside. This move made Nita confused: "What are you... planning to do?"

"In the movie, the heroine took her daughter to find Master Aqing and his wife. They originally used this method to break the curse on the heroine's daughter. Seeing that it was about to succeed, the heroine's scammer finally fed her daughter a canned food. The success failed. He said that he also killed Master Aqing and his wife. To avoid problems, tie her up for seven days first." Lin Ge said, directly tying Wang Meifang's limbs to the bed with hemp ropes.

Then, Lin Ge posted paper figures around the bed, letting the soul paper figures guard her. Even if Nita wanted to feed Wang Meifang, she had to get through him first.

However, from the fact that Nita gave up Zhou Weijun and others without hesitation, it can be seen that she does not have a mother's heart, and even thinks that Lin Ge's actions are okay.

After a day of hard work, Lin Ge asked Nita to rest early. There was a soul paper man watching here, and he would know any trouble at the first time.

After Lin Ge left, Nita briefly dealt with the injuries she sustained in Chenjia Village. She was about to lean on the chair and make do with it for the night when she suddenly heard the sound of water drops falling on the floor.

Looking back together, they saw that there was blood under the bed where Wang Meifang was lying. When she lifted the quilt on Wang Meifang, she found blood holes like honeycombs on her body.


Nita was about to call Lin Ge through the communicator, but she found honeycomb-like blood holes on her arms.

At this moment, for a moment, Nita found that the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes. Wang Meifang, the bed, the table... were all gone, and she was now in a dark tunnel.

There are mirrors the size of human heads placed on both sides of the dark tunnel. Directly in front is a double-sided mirror as tall as a person, with blood-red curses written on the mirror.

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi..."

Damn it!

Am I being pulled into the ghost realm?

When did I get tricked?

Nita now felt the same feeling of being pulled into a dark space again, but thankfully she was still conscious.

It seems that Xiaobai's soul imprint helped her secretly again, but what Nita couldn't understand was that she was in the palace at this time, how could she be pulled into this strange space by the Big Black Buddha?

Nita looked around. White candles were lit beside the mirrors on both sides of the narrow and gloomy tunnel. Although the flickering candlelight illuminated the tunnel, it also made the place more eerie and terrifying.

Nita didn't hesitate at all and directly turned on the Ghost Rider state, but the strange thing was that she couldn't feel any mana!

Transformation failed!




Suddenly, a baby's cry echoed in the tunnel. (End of chapter)

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