Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 343 Cyber ​​Cultivation, Boundless Magic Power

Lin Ge's journey from the city to the foot of the mountain where Chenjia Village is located could even be filmed in "Fast and Furious 11: Countryside."

But just getting rid of the alerted police took a lot of time, and cars that were more than five years old couldn't withstand the abuse. Even Mito Yohei's battery car was faster than it after a few collisions.

After the car was scrapped, Lin Ge knew that if he had to hike up the mountain, he might not be able to reach Chenjia Village at dawn. Then he would not be "rescuing people" but "collecting corpses."

Without Qimei's red mist domain, Lin Ge suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

In desperation, Lin Ge could only find Huang Ni who was making a sword to help find a way. As a result, Huang Ni was too focused on making the sword and didn't want to talk, so he threw him a motorcycle.

And this motorcycle is none other than the cyber enchantress Arcee.

Huang Ni used Arcee's "fire" to calcine a sword and achieved her desired goal. After that, fire was no longer needed to make swords.

In addition, Huang Ni and Arcee seemed to have reached some kind of agreement. After hearing that Lin Ge needed to get to his destination quickly, Huang Ni asked Arcee to help, and the other party agreed.

Lin Ge was riding Arcee's transformed Ducati racing motorcycle, which suddenly turned into a blue afterimage, speeding on the mountain road at night.

But when they reached the halfway point of the mountain, they found a thick black mist blocking the way, and the black mist was still spreading.

After Lin Ge stopped, he took out a evil-suppressing talisman and lit it. He threw the talisman toward the black mist. He heard a "chi" sound and the burning evil-suppressing talisman went out the moment it touched the black mist.

"Evil spirit."

Lin Ge frowned slightly and took out another evil-suppressing talisman. This time he used the "Pure Heaven and Earth Curse", one of the eight divine spells, and lit the talisman again and threw it towards the black mist.


The talisman was extinguished without any suspense.

"So powerful? Even the eight divine spells have no effect. Is this the strength of the Great Black Buddha at her peak? It seems to be more powerful than imagined."

Such a strong evil aura obviously comes from the evil god, the Great Black Buddha Mother. Even the eight divine spells that are specifically designed to combat the evil aura are ineffective. It is no wonder that with Nita's ability, the Ghost Rider cannot escape from Chenjia Village.

Lin Ge thought for a while and once again made up the formula of the Eight Divine Curses "Golden Light Curse".

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

Lin Ge activated the golden light spell. After his body was illuminated by a layer of golden light, he reached out and touched the black mist. The moment his fingers touched the black mist, he immediately felt a burning sensation.

Lin Ge immediately retracted his hand, took out a evil-suppressing talisman and put it on his palm. He kept the golden light curse and recited the "Pure Heaven and Earth Curse", and reached out to touch the black mist again.

This time there was no burning sensation of pain. Lin Ge simply walked into the fog, raised his hand to wipe his eyes, and looked into the fog with his "barrier-breaking eyes".

The originally thick black fog suddenly became much darker under the influence of Huang Shang's barrier-breaking eyes, and the winding and rugged mountain road could be vaguely seen.

And under the ravine on the opposite side is a village.

Lin Ge exited the thick fog and mounted Arcee again: "Xiao A, fly over the area in front. Below the ravine is Chenjia Village."

Arcee's headlights flashed and she said in a cold voice, "Do you think I can fly?"

"Transformers can't fly?"

"Can it fly?"

"...Starscream, Thunder, Charge, Elegy, Solar Wind..."

"You said I'll take a look at someone who's not a plane?"

"..." The Transformers in Lin Ge's memory is still stuck in the old animations of his childhood. Regardless of whether these memories are real or not, even if they are real memories, he still can't remember the original settings after decades.

Lin Ge pondered for a while and thought of a way.

He first borrowed Huang Ni's eyes to determine the location of the Buddha Mother, then called back Huang Shang's eyes to break the barrier, compared the two locations and found the "landing place".

"Hey, the two pillars can have a Sharingan and a Reincarnation Eye. Why can't you just lend me one, one to break obstacles and one to chase evil? How convenient." Lin Ge complained casually.

Huang Shang's voice came from the astrolabe: "If you say another word of nonsense, I guarantee that you will have to slowly set up your formation to break the barriers in the future!"


In the past, Lin Ge would definitely have a few more words with Huang Shang, but now time is running out. He leaned down and grasped the handle tightly, and said to Arcee: "It doesn't matter if you can't fly. When you are about to fall, you will transform directly. At a height of tens of meters, it shouldn't be a problem for you."

"But this fog completely blocks the view, how do I know how to go?" Arcee asked.

Arcee didn't have "barrier-breaking eyes", so naturally she couldn't see through the black mist of the Big Black Buddha Mother. The mountain road ahead was winding and rugged, and she could fall into an abyss if she wasn't careful.

Lin Ge thought for a moment, then took out the remaining Tianshi Suppressing Talisman and stuck it on Arcee's car light, then took out the Suppressing Talisman and stuck it on the car body.

"Hey, that's enough!" Arcee said angrily.

Lin Ge said: "Have you ever heard of 'Cyber ​​Cultivation, Boundless Magic Power'? Technology plus mysticism plus magic, it's not a big problem to break through obstacles."

"Don't blame me if something happens," Arcee said.

Lin Ge said: "If you don't worry, just give me full driving rights. I have ridden you all the way and have gained experience in riding. It will be no problem to get a motorcycle driver's license."


Since this was the first time that Lin Ge and Arcane had collaborated, as a "former enemy", Arcane agreed to Huang Ni's help, but she still had a certain resistance to Lin Ge, so most of the time she took control by herself and did not let anyone else. Lin Ge completely controlled the motorcycle.

Arcee was too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Ge and directly activated Lin Ge who was carrying the golden light spell and rushed into the thick black fog. As soon as the front of her car touched the black fog, the "Heavenly Master Suppresses Evil" sticker on the car lights Talisman" suddenly flashed with dazzling golden light, dissipating part of the black fog.

But it only took a moment, and the black mist that was dispersed gathered again.

The Great Black Buddha Mother seemed to have sensed the intruder, and increased the power of the ghost realm in this direction several times. Lin Ge, who maintained his "obstacle-breaking eyes", consumed more spiritual energy to completely see through the confusion.

Fortunately, Lin Ge had a good memory and had already memorized the information and "map" seen by the two eyes in his mind. At this time, Arcee also realized after entering the black fog that the winding and rugged mountain road was only It was too dangerous to travel in the dark by myself, so I had no choice but to hand over complete control to Lin Ge.

After Lin Ge took control, he directly hit the accelerator, turning into an afterimage on the winding and rugged mountain road. At this time, even the AE86 had to give way.

"Hey, do you know Boss Ke?" Lin Ge suddenly asked.

"What?" Arcee obviously didn't understand what Lin Ge meant.

"Big Brother Flying Over the Yellow River!"


"Ready! I'm taking off!"

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, Arcee felt herself suddenly "flying into the air" at the fastest speed, as if she had driven a straight route and then rushed directly off the cliff from the end of the road!

Lin Ge hugged the front of the car tightly and fell together with Arcee. Feeling the rapid falling trend, Arcee couldn't help but cursed: "Is this your good idea?"

"Don't make any noise, I'm calculating the distance!"

100 metres.

50 meters.

30 meters.

"Now, transform quickly!" Lin Ge shouted.

Arcee didn't have time to think too much and immediately started the transformation device. With a "click-click" sound unique to Transformers, Arcee had completed her transformation.

Lin Ge, who was originally riding on Arcee, was now held in her arms. He bit his finger and drew a bloody gossip on his palm.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law, slays the evil spirits and disperses them!"

A ray of golden light struck from directly above like a sharp blade. With Lin Ge's full blow, it even split the black mist from it.

Lin Ge clasped Arcee's body with both hands and stepped on her shoulder. While reciting the "Curse of Purifying Heaven and Earth" to curse the gathering of black mist, he used thunder to continue to tear apart the ghost realm of the Great Black Buddha Mother.


Lin Ge, the golden man who was maintaining the golden light spell, stepped on Arcee's shoulders, and like an unparalleled hero, he stepped through the roof and landed not far from Nita.

"Lin...Ge?" Xiaobai's voice was still echoing in her mind. Suddenly she saw Lin Ge coming, and Nita was still a little unable to recover for a while.

Lin Ge glanced sharply around and asked, "Where is the Great Black Buddha Mother?"

Big Black Buddha Mother?


I also want to know.

The biggest reason why Nita fell into this predicament was that she didn't know where the true form of the Great Black Buddha was hiding. When she heard Lin Ge's question, she was immediately confused.

"I don't know. I was also looking for the location of the Great Black Buddha Mother before. Just because I couldn't find the original body, I was trapped here by its clone." Nita said truthfully.

Lin Ge struck down all the surrounding black shadow spiders with a lightning fist. Arcee underneath him raised her hand and fired two laser cannons, blasting the Chen clan members who poured into the house into smithereens.

In fact, Arcee didn't know whether the visitors were humans or ghosts, but these guys appeared together with the black shadow spiders, and they looked weird. They looked like villains no matter how they looked, so they were definitely going to blow it up.

Lin Ge jumped off Arcee and came to Nita and said, "You don't know where the Great Black Buddha is? It's strange... I clearly determined the location of the Great Black Buddha through magic when I was on the mountain. That red light is in this room, which means the Great Black Buddha Mother is here."

"Here?" Nita also frowned when she heard this.

Lin Ge asked: "Did you trigger the mission of "Curse"?"


"What's the mission?"

Nita pointed to Wang Meifang, who was protected by Xue Nu and Guan Hu, and said: "She sacrificed her name to the Great Black Buddha, and was affected by the curse and fell into a coma. The mission is to protect her when she goes to the Aqing Master Temple at the foot of the mountain and assist her. Master Aqing removes the curse."

Upon hearing this, Lin Ge immediately took up the magic formula and wiped it over his eyes, turned on his "Evil-Chasing Eyes" and looked at Wang Meifang, and sure enough he saw the red beam of light from before.

"Good guy, let me tell you, how could the evil god, the Great Black Buddha Mother, who can open such a powerful ghost realm, hide part of her soul in this woman's body for a long time with just such a small red light beam?" Lin Ge guessed. The "curse" of the Black Buddha Mother may be a ray of soul, and then use this method to release the soul to absorb the power of the cursed person, and finally "recycle" it.

This is also why people who are cursed by the Great Black Buddha Mother will be constantly "asked for their names" and will die soon after.

But there is only a ray of soul here. Where is the true body of the great black Buddha?

While Lin Ge was thinking, he saw a large group of black shadow spiders pouring out of the dark space outside the house, densely covering the entire house.

Lin Ge took out the gramophone and stuffed it into Nita's arms. He started the gramophone and played a previously saved ghost-fighting song called "Open the Sun."

"You protect the speaker, Arcee takes the woman, and leave the rest to me! Follow!" Lin Ge said, having already summoned the fire sign and walked to the door.

Nita followed Lin Geshou in confusion with her gramophone in her arms. She didn't know what to say other than complaining, "Are you, Gang Leader Qiao, possessed?"

As a helper, Arcee would naturally not ignore Lin Ge's request at this time. But she didn't know that Snow Girl was Nita's shikigami, so she hugged Wang Meifang and Snow Girl together.

Xue Nu originally wanted to cast a spell to resist, but fortunately Nita had quick eyesight and quick hands, and used a spell to take Xue Nu and Guan Hu back.

At this time, Lin Ge had already taken three steps of praise.

Then, he raised his hand and wiped it on his face. As a black light flashed, the hidden Qianshi Nuo face turned into an angry face and appeared on his face.

Lin Ge made a last step on his horse, raised his fire stick and pointed towards the sky, raised his head and shouted to the sky: "Please show your power to the ghosts and gods, slay the evil spirits and shock the surroundings!"

"The officer will be the first to add the general, get up, drive!"

This scene evoked a not-too-distant memory in Nita's mind. She remembered that in "Sweet Home", a group of people were in a desperate situation, and in the end it was Lin Ge who saved the day by "inviting God".

But the strange thing is that when he met Lin Ge later, and even "formed a team", the opponent almost always used Yin Wu Lei and spells, and rarely "invited gods".

But everyone has their own secrets. Lin Ge never asked about Nita's past, and she didn't bother to ask why Lin Ge lost the ability to "please the gods."

Of course, Nita didn't know at this time that her real teammate was not that she didn't ask God, but that she didn't know how to ask God at all, and the person in front of her was the genuine Lin Ge who "can't beat anyone".

However, at this time, Lin Ge did not "ask the gods" to come and let General Zeng take action directly like before, but borrowed power by "borrowing the law".

Therefore, after he "invited the gods", the Qianshi Nuo face on his face immediately absorbed the power of General Zeng, forming a mighty armor on him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge's body suddenly grew bigger!

Underworld technology reappeared, General Zeng transformed into a Gundam and directly broke through the ceiling, his huge body directly shook away the thick black mist.

Seeing this scene, Arcee behind her called her an expert and couldn't help but ask, "Are you a Transformer too?"

"Stop talking nonsense and follow up." Lin Ge was not asking God at this time, but borrowing power, so his consciousness was completely awake.

I saw him holding the huge fire sign in both hands and slashing forward. A violent wave of fire turned into a tornado and rushed forward, turning hundreds of black shadow spiders into ashes!

"Big Black Buddha Mother, do you dare to fight?"

Lin Ge's arrogant voice echoed in the darkness, but no one responded to him. However, now is obviously not the time to dwell on this problem. Wang Meifang must be taken down the mountain as soon as possible.

Perhaps the "Master Aqing" mentioned in the plot is the key to finding the true form of the Great Black Buddha!

"Let's go!" (End of chapter)

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