Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 342 My lover, he will step on Transformers to save me

Lin Ge took out the talisman that sealed the black shadow spider, used the soul-chasing technique to find the approximate location of Chenjiacun, and then "friendly, kind and gentle" bought a car from a fat-headed and big-eared man who was hugging him from left to right. Drive to Chenjiacun.

The plot of "Ghost Fighting" went more smoothly than expected, and even "exceeded" the plot completion, but unexpectedly, Nita overturned.

Lin Ge not only received a 3-point reward, but also received a sum of merit after Hu Bufan took the wandering ghosts of Xingzhong Village to the underworld to complete salvation. When Hu Bufan was reinstated, Lin Ge's "black and impermanent" "Shi" might also be able to rise to the level of a bull-headed horse-faced person for fun.

However, I was able to complete the plot of "Ghost Fighting" in one night because the time-consuming points of this game are all about fighting and decryption, and there is not much actual plot.

The main plot mainly revolves around Huo Wang hearing the conversation of the temple official during the day, knowing about his parents and Xingzhong Village, and coming to the village alone to "adventure".

After Huo Wang met his grandma, he learned some spells at a Taoist priest's house under the advice of the other party. He got rid of several evil ghosts and fought all the way to the villa on the mountain. When he found the suicide note, he was pulled into a red coffin by the ghost king.

The coffin is the domain of the Ghost King. The Miao Gong who was in the palace realized what happened to Huo Wang, so he did not hesitate to waste his life to find a ji boy to pray to the gods. With the help of the two generals, he kicked over the Ghost King's coffin and destroyed the fire. Wang was fished out of the world in the coffin.

However, due to the intervention of Lin Ge and other reincarnations, the plot of "Ghost Fighting 1" deviated from the track. Lin Ge used his identity as the "Emperor of Black Impermanence" to forcibly help Huo Wang complete the plot of "transcending" Li Gui through the power of the underworld. , and not only saved the evil ghosts in the original plot, but also saved the wandering ghosts in the entire village, overfulfilling the task.

The plot of "Ghost Fighting 2" takes place nine years later. At that time, Lin Huowang, through continuous study at a Taoist priest's house, had grown into a top master who could single-handedly kill Xingzhong Village where powerful ghosts gathered.

At that time, a girl named Lu Cuilin came to the temple for help in order to save her seriously ill sister. Under the guidance of the temple official, she met Huo Wang when she went to Xingzhong Village to find a solution. Then with Huo Wang's help, she met the Ghost King. I know that Sister Cuilin's previous life was the daughter of the Ghost King, and the reason why the Ghost King stayed in the villa and refused to be reincarnated was because he missed his daughter.

However, this longing turned into a debt and affected the lives of the two sisters. After being beaten by Huo Wang, the ghost king who was controlled by evil magic recognized Cuilin's identity. Finally, in order to save his little daughter, he burned his own soul.

The main plot is also very simple. Judging from the plot of "Fighting Ghosts 1" in which Huo Wang devotes his life to the temple and ends up alone, we can see that the pair of CPs Huo Wang and Cuilin did not get together.

Therefore, Lin Ge told Huo Wang what he said when leaving, trying to influence the ending of the plot, hoping that Huo Wang would not die alone.

Of course, Lin Ge's proposal was still a proposal, and the final choice was still a matter of passion.

In fact, Lin Ge also thought about completing the storyline of "Ghost Fighting 2" in advance. After all, according to the plot in 2, Cuilin's sister was affected by the ghost king's debt and was frail and sick since birth. As long as we find the two sisters and arrange a touching scene of meeting the Ghost King, maybe we can successfully break the situation.

"Wait!" Lin Ge suddenly thought, might those reincarnations have such a plan, so they wandered near the temple at first, and then left decisively. Did they go to find Sister Cuilin?

After all, after the battle in Xingzhong Village, both Lin Ge and the reincarnations had a rough idea of ​​the Ghost King's strength.

In the original work, the Ghost King, as the strongest being, might be able to sustain the "Ghost King-level" strength, but the Taoist priest set up a formation near the Ghost King's house and fought with Lin Ge for a long time without showing up. Obviously, his strength was far away. The strength is lower than "Ghost King Level".

So as long as Sister Cuilin is found, no matter whether the Ghost King is willing to burn his soul to save his sister or not, his strength cannot determine the final outcome. It is very simple to end the plot and get points.

It's a pity that something went wrong on Nita's side, otherwise she could have tried to find the Cuilin sisters first and get the points for "Ghost Fighting 2".

Lin Ge received another distress signal from Nita while driving to Chenjiacun, less than two hours after the first distress call.

According to the location reported by "Black Shadow Spider", it would take at least midnight for Lin Ge to reach Chenjiacun. He didn't understand that even if Nita lost to the Big Black Buddha, with her ability as a ghost knight, it shouldn't be difficult to escape. That's right.

...could it be that even if it were decades in advance, Nita still found a way to trigger the plot of "The Curse"? Is it just that the Ghost Rider's abilities are restricted for some reason, or is he unable to leave Chenjiacun?

However, Lin Ge's guess was accurate, because Nita was not only restricted in the ability of Ghost Rider, but also unable to leave Chenjiacun.

When Nita liberated the power of the Ghost Rider and tried to leave Chenjia Village with Wang Meifang on a motorcycle, she was forced back to the village by the shadow of the Big Black Buddha Mother.

Only then did Nita realize that the entire village was "covered" by this black shadow, and trying to get out was equivalent to entering the belly of the big black Buddha.

In desperation, she could only take Wang Meifang back to the village, and the buildings and terrain in the village greatly affected the function of the motorcycle.

Nita asked Xue Nu to follow behind with Wang Meifang in her arms, while she and Guan Hu dealt with the shadow spiders chasing after them one after another, trying to find a relatively safe place.


Suddenly, a figure screamed and ran out of the alley in front of him. Nita saw through the firelight of the surrounding houses that the person was Xiao Zhang from the expedition team.

However, Xiao Zhang's running from the group of black shadow spiders had already aroused Nita's alert. After he got close, he rushed towards Nita like a madman.

Although Nita is not a big villain who kills innocent people indiscriminately, in this situation, she will never make a wise move that puts herself in danger but also saves the characters in the plot.

Under the illumination of the fire, a crazy smile appeared on Xiao Zhang's face. His mouth was open, without any teeth, and blood could not stop pouring out.

"Stop asking."

"Stop asking."

Xiao Zhang roared and rushed towards Nita, but what greeted him was a flaming iron chain, which whipped him away and crashed into the burning house in front.

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi..."

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi..."

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi..."

At this time, there was a "neat" low groan behind her. Nita turned around and saw the villagers who were performing ceremonies in the open space next to the ancestral hall walking towards here like zombies.

What was strange was not only that they were chanting spells neatly, but that they were only wearing white underpants. They were naked, covered in bruises and covered with runes.



Several sounds of heavy objects hitting the ground were heard, and three figures jumped out of the three-story building in front and hit the ground. They turned out to be the "missing" Zhou Weijun men before.

At this time, they were just like Xiao Zhang, with only fear and crazy smiles on their faces. They screamed "Don't ask" with their mouths open, without even a single tooth in their mouths. Perhaps because they injured their legs after jumping off the building, they roared and crawled towards Nita.

Nita doesn't care whether these people are still conscious or have been completely controlled by the Great Black Buddha. According to the mission given by the main god, there is only one name on the list of people she wants to ensure survival——

Wang Meifang.

Not to mention that for reincarnators, even the only plot character can give up if their own lives are endangered.

Nita raised her hand and whipped the burning soul chain towards the black shadow spider in front of her, burning them together with Zhou Weijun and others with the fire of hell.

After seeing Nita kill Zhou Weijun and others without hesitation, the big black Buddha mother hiding in the dark seemed to know that the woman in front of her was definitely not a kind person, and simply controlled all the villagers to cooperate with the black shadow spider to attack Nita. launched an attack.

Nita used the power and witchcraft of the Ghost Rider to lead Xue Nu all the way into a house. After Xue Nu carried Wang Meifang into the house, Nita entangled the entire house with burning soul chains.

With a "whoosh", the hell flames instantly formed a wall of fire, completely "sealing" the house, preventing the black shadow spiders and villagers from entering.

Nita asked Xue Nu to carry Wang Meifang to the center of the room, and ordered Guan Hu and Xue Nu to guard Wang Meifang together, while she took the white talisman to set up a barrier in the house.

Although Nita is a miko, aside from the ability of Ghost Rider, her witchcraft strength is only about the strength of Red Clothes. Naturally, she cannot stop, or can't stop, the "evil god-level" big black Buddha Taichang. time.

In desperation, Nita could only take out the contact device and tried to send a distress message to Lin Ge again, hoping that the other party could find a way to break the black shadow field of the Big Black Buddha Mother from the outside.

While Nita was fleeing with Wang Meifang, Lin Ge, who received the message, also replied, telling Nita that he had solved the plot of "Ghost Fighting" and was on his way to Chenjiacun.

Nita breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Lin Ge's reply.

But coming from the urban area to a remote area like Chenjiacun, unless Lin Ge could get a plane, it would be difficult to get there in a short time.

Nita had no choice but to maintain the barrier and wait for Lin Ge to arrive. While waiting, Wang Meifang woke up once.

As a result, after seeing the fire around the house, as well as the Chen clan and the black shadow spiders who were blocked by the barrier, they fainted again.



At this time, cracks appeared on the top of the barrier, which was like a white energy shield. Looking at the black space above, it was actually a group of black shadows pressing down.

At this time, Nita discovered that except for the house where they were, the entire Chenjia Village seemed to have been swallowed up by the black shadow field of the Big Black Buddha Mother.

Upon seeing this, Nita quickly threw talismans and stuck them on the roof to strengthen the barrier. The original defensive battle turned into a war of attrition. It depended on when the talisman in her hand was used up.

Fortunately, due to Lin Ge's "inspiration", Nita's [Inventory] has also been opened as a grocery store. Apart from anything else, she has prepared hundreds of sets of talismans.

But the attack of the Big Black Buddha Mother became more and more fierce, and the black shadow surrounding the house was like an invisible big hand, tightly grabbing the house in its hand, and gradually crushing it.


Click, click.

After holding on for more than half an hour, the barrier finally could not withstand the power of the Great Black Buddha Mother. Cracks appeared in all directions, and a large group of black shadow spiders suddenly poured in.

"Guan Hu! Snow Girl! Don't worry about me, protect that woman!"

Nita had to keep repairing the barrier, and had no way to distract herself from dealing with these black shadow spiders. She could only let Guan Hu and Xue Nu protect Wang Meifang as much as possible.

Since entering the world of reincarnation, Nita has experienced more than a dozen reincarnations. Although she has encountered desperate situations that she can't count with two hands, she has hardly been injured like this, and at least 80% of her strength has not been used. This was the first time that the enemy had pinned him down in one place, and he was frustrated by the defense.

It's not that Nita didn't want to confront the Big Black Buddha, but the Big Black Buddha didn't show up from the beginning to the end. In addition to using the shadow field to prevent her from leaving the village, she controlled the black shadow spiders and Chen clan members to attack.

Although this kind of cannon fodder for fighting against the five scum, Nita could easily move her sword with her hand and drop it with her hand, but it was difficult for her aura to keep up with the constant use of her sword and her hand.

This is like throwing a special forces unit holding an AK47 into ancient times. Facing hundreds of thousands of soldiers holding cold weapons, it is difficult to guarantee that they will not be injured when changing ammunition, or facing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Tens of thousands of people, no matter how powerful the assault rifle is, is likely to be stuffed to death by the enemy with corpses!

This is why Nita would rather fight directly with the Big Black Buddha Mother than be consumed by the other party's minions and hide here in frustration to maintain the barrier.

The black shadows around the house are gradually shrinking, and the flames of hell blocking the outside are getting smaller and smaller. Nita doesn't know what will happen if she is completely engulfed by the black shadows, but considering the situation in "Sweet Home", it is equivalent to Immediately declared dead.

For some reason, Nita had faint tinnitus again, and the tinnitus made her more and more irritable.


Nita took a deep breath, feeling very unwilling but more helpless.


You can see "Xiaobai" again after you die.

In a daze, Nita seemed to have returned to the courtyard, the place where she had been "trapped" since she was a child, and where she met Xiaobai.

"Hey. You said we look so similar, could we be twins?"

"I used to practice under Mount Fuji, what about you?"

"Oh. I thought I could change places after being taken out, but I didn't expect it would be a temple."

"Why don't you speak?"

"Have you been locked up in a temple before?"

"I used to raise a little white bird, and I named it Xiao Hei. flew away later. Huh. I later found out that it was roasted and eaten by the monks in the temple."

"Have you ever raised any animals?"


Ha ha.

Recalling her "childhood", Nita raised her hands to cover her eyes... It turned out that she was so noisy before, but it was precisely because of this "noise" that the taciturn novice became lively.

But when did he become taciturn?

Entering the world of reincarnation?


The moment when you walked out of the temple with Xiaobai's body in your arms?

Nita let out a long sigh. Perhaps her "heart" had died at the moment Xiaobai died, and that's why she became what she is today?

Nita originally thought that she could resurrect Xiaobai when she came to the world of the Lord God that could be resurrected. However, there were many restrictions for reincarnators to resurrect non-reincarnated people.

The most important one is the need for limbs related to the resurrected person. However, when entering the world of reincarnation, Nita entered alone and did not bring Xiaobai's body with her.

So Nita thought of another way to collect cursed objects, use an ancient Thai witchcraft to extract the "mark" that Xiaobai integrated into her soul, find clues about Xiaobai, and try to resurrect him.

It's just... no one knows whether this witchcraft is effective, or even whether the mark that Xiaobai integrated into his soul is still unknown.

Nita has been holding on for a breath with this "slim hope", constantly reincarnating, constantly getting stronger, trying to turn this slim hope into reality.

However, after falling into despair, this "slim hope" was shattered in my heart, and there was even a seed of "I might as well die, maybe I can see Xiaobai after I die" sprouted in my heart, and grew up in an instant. towering trees.


"Xiaobai, I'm sorry to disappoint you again..."

The movement of throwing talismans in Nita's hand gradually slowed down, and finally the hand holding the talisman paper dropped down, completely giving up on replenishing the barrier.

Vaguely, Nita seemed to hear Xiaobai's voice.

However, these voices gradually gathered together and turned into hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of people whispering together...

Fire Buddha rests.

Fire Buddha rests.

Fire Buddha rests.

Nita's consciousness became more and more blurred, and her vision went dark. What she saw was a Buddha statue covered by a red cloth full of mantras in an endless dark space.

Nita walked slowly in the darkness, towards the Buddha statue, and wanted to raise her hand to lift off the red cloth covering the Buddha statue, but at this moment——

"Xiao Hei!"

Suddenly, a familiar call sounded.

Xiaobai's voice exploded in Nita's heart like thunder, and the mark integrated into her soul lit up. In an instant, Nita's blurred consciousness suddenly woke up!

Nita's face changed, and she realized that the reason why she was so negative and wanted to give up so easily and choose death was probably because she was affected by the curse of the Great Black Buddha!


It turns out you were always there.

Although Nita didn't understand why Xiaobai's soul mark, which could be clearly sensed in the past, became weaker and weaker as she became stronger.

She even thought that Xiaobai had left or was "reincarnated."

However, what Nita doesn't know is that because of "her", Xiaobai's soul imprint has also been divided into dozens, hundreds, thousands of parts...

If she hadn't been completely deceived by the Great Black Buddha Mother at this time, the soul imprint would not have "awakened".

However, although Nita woke up with Xiaobai's help at this time, she had already fallen into the dark shadow field of the Big Black Buddha!

what to do?

Xiaobai...what would you do if you are always calm when faced with such a desperate situation?

Nita recalled the past between herself and Xiaobai like a revolving lantern in her mind. They were locked up in a temple, forced to learn witchcraft knowledge, and then sent out like tool men to slay demons.

Like ordinary girls, they will lie on the grass in the backyard of the temple, look at the blue sky and white clouds, enjoy a moment of tranquility, and think about the future.

They dreamed of leaving the temple and traveling around the world. She fantasizes about meeting the person she likes, getting married and having children, and completely getting rid of her identity as a "witch".


"Xiao Hei, the person I love must be an unparalleled hero. When I am in danger, he will definitely step on the colorful clouds to save me."

"Xiaobai, watch less movies."

"...That was a treasure I secretly hid. It was performed by a comedy master, although...the final ending was a tragedy."

"Right, so there is no unparalleled hero in this world. If there is one, he will definitely not let tragedy happen."

"No! Just watch, one day, my lover will step on the colorful clouds to save me!"


"What do you mean?"




Suddenly, Nita felt the dark space vibrate violently, and then a golden light fell from the dark sky directly above!

That golden light was like a sharp blade, breaking through the dark space.




Immediately afterwards, with a sound that sounded like Transformers transforming, a golden figure stepped on a blue Transformers and fell from the sky!

Lin Ge.

Her teammates.

Stepping on a Transformer came to save him. (End of chapter)

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