Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 341 Look at my great mercy and thunderous lightning palm!

Xingzhong Village.

Lin Ge got the suicide note left by Huo Wang's mother at the Ghost King's bungalow, and when he went down the mountain, he used the soul-chasing talisman to locate the approximate location of the float.

The other party first walked farther away for a while, then stopped for a while, presumably to join his companions.

Not long after, the water float continued to move towards Xingzhong Village, but the speed was not fast, and it stopped three kilometers away.

"Three kilometers away...could it be a palace temple?" After Lin Ge estimated the approximate distance between the palace temple and Xingzhong Village, he guessed that these reincarnations planned to wait until the plot progressed and the temple official asked the gods to come to put out the fire. In the name of Wang, Ji Tong made him think that he was from Ghost King Fang?

But I have already obtained the suicide note of Huo Wang's mother from the Ghost King, which means that there will be no plot where the temple official asks the gods to fish for Huo Wang.

But no matter what, those reincarnations don't seem to be planning to give up the 3 points in "Fighting Ghosts" yet. They must complete the transcendence as soon as possible and pocket the 3 points.

After Lin Ge and Hu Bufan went down the mountain, they found Chen Qing, Huo Wang and two Yin soldiers in an abandoned house. One person and three ghosts were not injured in the explosion.

After all, when he was releasing the big star with rapid fire, Lin Ge released a wall of condensed turbid water magma in the Yin Wu Lei Domain to block part of it, successfully preventing a landslide in this direction.

When he and Hu Bufan were dealing with the reincarnators, the two Yin soldiers also set up a soul-destroying array in the village according to their previous plan.

After Hu Bufan inspected the Soul Capturing Array, he discussed with Lin Ge and started to implement the plan. As a result, the eyes of four big men and a female ghost fell on the weak Huo Wang again.


Huo Wang held up the soul-calming gong given to him by Hu Bufan and asked cautiously: "So... I need to beat the gong to gather all the ghosts in the village?"

Hu Bufan nodded and said: "Yes, if you want to save the souls of the entire village, you need to gather them as much as possible into the Soul Capturing Formation."

"Ha, you're not afraid anymore, are you?" Lin Ge teased.

Huo Wang straightened his back: "I, I'm not afraid! And to save the dead souls in the village, in Grandpa's words, that's a great merit, and it's what we temple keepers should do! I'm not nervous. , I’m not nervous! I’m really not nervous!”

Huo Wang forced himself to suppress the memory of being chased all over the street by a fierce ghost, held his head high and said with a righteous face.

Lin Ge patted Huo Wang's head and said: "I believe you can do it... The four of us have to maintain the soul-catching array in the four directions of the village, but I will let my little sister follow you. Don't worry, although she It doesn’t look reliable, and it’s not very reliable in reality, but it should be able to keep you safe.”

"...Brother, if you don't know how to speak, just speak less." Chen Qing said with a wooden face.

Huo Wang: ...Uncle, thank you for your comfort. I am even more nervous.

All joking aside, before Huo Wang set off, Lin Ge took out two of the five lucky stars of the Heavenly Master Suppressing Evil Talisman left in his hand and gave them to him, and put a Suppressing Evil Talisman on Huo Wang's back, and asked him to After he put on his auspicious suit and everything was ready, he and Hu Bufan, the three ghosts, each went to a position in the Soul Capture Array to activate the array.



Huo Wang beat the soul-calming gong and walked on a gloomy path. On both sides were houses that collapsed due to the aftermath of the explosion and the earthquake. The whole village looked like a post-disaster world, in tatters and with wandering ghosts everywhere. What do you think? How "underworld".

And as the soul-suppressing gong sounded, the wandering ghosts around them suddenly became restless, roaring and howling, as if they saw the enemy who brutally killed them in life!



The wandering ghosts around him roared and flew towards Huo Wang. Huo Wang was so frightened that he ran away. As he ran, he did not forget Lin Ge's instructions and banged the soul-calming gong hard.

The louder the gong sounded, the more angry these wandering ghosts became. Seeing hundreds of evil ghosts and fierce ghosts gathering behind him, Huo Wang became a little panicked.

"Ah, help, there are so many ghosts..." Huo Wang originally thought that he would have to run around the village to have any effect, but he didn't know whether it was because the soul-suppressing gong was too powerful, or because his pure Yang body was too delicious. , in less than 5 minutes, almost all the wandering ghosts in the village gathered.

"That house in front is the center of the formation!" Chen Qing's figure appeared not far in front of Huo Wang, pointing to the two-story private house on the side.


Huo Wang dove into the house and closed the door. Following Lin Ge's previous instructions, he took out a stack of yellow talismans from his small backpack and began to paste the talismans on the doors and windows.

He was in the center of the Xingzhong Village Soul Capturing Array. Not only did he need to gather the ghosts in the entire village near the house, he also needed to ensure that the ghosts would not disperse before Lin Ge activated the array.

Therefore, Huo Wang must finish affixing the charm as soon as possible and then continue to ring the soul-soothing gong.

Huo Wang posted talismans in the house, while Chen Qing "patrolled" outside. When he saw any wandering ghosts trying to escape, he threw them into the ghost pile.

Fortunately, Huo Wang was diligent on weekdays and was unambiguous in his work. The little man put yellow symbols on all the doors and windows on the first floor of the house in less than two minutes.

This talisman cannot be affixed by Lin Ge and others. Pasting the talisman in advance will make the wandering ghosts aware of the power of the talisman here, which may cause some wandering ghosts who are weakly affected by the soul-suppressing gong to give up the pursuit.

Therefore, not only does Huo Wang need to lure the wandering ghosts over and stick them on, but he also needs to cast spells to "light up" these talisman papers himself.

Although two minutes was not long, when Huo Wang went to put the talisman paper on the second floor window, some wandering ghosts had already flown in from the second floor window.

As soon as Huo Wang went up to the second floor, he bumped into a ferocious ghost. He screamed in fright. The golden light of the Heavenly Master Suppressing Evil Talisman in his chest pocket appeared. He closed his eyes and subconsciously used the "Great Mercy and Great Compassion Thunderbolt Snap and Lightning Palm". He slapped the other person in the face, and then slapped the evil ghost out of the window with a slap of electric light.

Huo Wang looked at his electric palm in surprise: "Wow, am I so powerful?"

Now Huo Wang suddenly gained confidence, and continued to stick to the talisman while cooperating with the Heavenly Master's evil-suppressing talisman and thunder spells to deal with ghosts and ghosts.

After pasting the last talisman, just when it was time to cast a spell to light up the talisman, Huo Wang suddenly froze and scratched his head: "What is the spell that uncle mentioned?"

Lin Ge taught Huo Wang too many spells in one night. In addition, the situation in Xingzhong Village was relatively complicated and he basically learned them during battles. Even though Huo Wang was smart, he still had some mistakes.

Obviously Lin Ge only thought that the other party would be very powerful in the future and had good enough qualifications, but he ignored that the other party was still just an eight-year-old child.

"No matter, let's try again!"

Huo Wang imitated Lin Ge's stance, first biting a gash on his finger, squeezing out a little blood and pointing it toward the center of the Suppression Talisman in his hand.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"


It was like a gust of cold wind blowing through. The house was still quiet, but outside the house there were the roars and screams of wandering ghosts. The roars were due to the anger attracted by the Soul-Calming Gong, and the screams were due to being beaten by Chen Qing after trying to escape. After a meal, they were thrown back around the house.

"Ah, could it be that my Taoism is too low and I can't borrow the Dharma? What should I do..." Huo Wang tried hard to recall in his mind the words Lin Ge said when he taught him the magic, and finally an idea came to him.


"Uncles, aunts, aunts, brothers and sisters in heaven and earth, please show your respect. Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law. If you borrow something, you will return it. It is not difficult to borrow again!"


Huo Wang believed that he had extracted the "essence" of Lin Ge's "teachings", and after reciting a spell, the yellow talisman in his hand still did not respond.

"Ah, what should we do? Time is running out. If we delay any longer, they will probably escape, right?" Huo Wang scratched his head and couldn't figure out what to do for the moment.



Huo Wang thought of another way. He took off the five-party flags on his shoulders, placed the talisman paper on the ground, put the blood from his finger on the five-party flag and pointed it towards the yellow talisman, and recited the mantra again.

This time Huo Wang slapped the five-square flag on the yellow talisman, and the yellow talisman suddenly lit up with golden light. At the same time, the yellow talismans he posted everywhere in the house also lit up.

Lin Ge, who was directly east of the village, sensed that the yellow talisman was taking effect. He immediately picked up the spell and activated the formation. As soon as he moved due east, Hu Bufan and the Yin soldiers in other directions received the signal and immediately took action.

The Soul Capturing Array was activated, and when Chen Qing saw this, she quickly flew out of the array, but it was too late for those wandering ghosts to come out of the array again.

The ground around the hut shook violently, and several cracks opened in the ground. The eerie green light unique to the underworld flashed, and the less powerful wandering ghosts were immediately sucked in.



Hearing the screams of the wandering ghosts outside, Huo Wang suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Now he only had to persist until the end of the Soul Capturing Formation to complete the mission.

So Huo Wang picked up the soul-calming gong again, and while banging it, he "patrolled" in the house. Wherever the yellow talisman became dim, he would replace it with a new one.

At this moment, Huo Wang suddenly developed tinnitus, and he took out his ears with his fingers in confusion, with a puzzled look on his face... Could it be that the ghosts outside were screaming too loudly?

Huo Wang found that the ringing in his ears was getting louder and louder. The cicadas chirping at the beginning gradually turned into a group of people whispering, as if they were chanting something like "Fire Buddha Xiu Yi".

"May I have your name?"

Suddenly, a low, depressed voice sounded next to Huo Wang's ears. He turned around warily and saw that the corridor was empty and there was nothing.

"Did you hear wrongly?" Huo Wang was a little strange. The voice just now seemed to be asking next to his ear, but he didn't feel the presence of ghosts around him.

"May I have your name?"

At this time, the deep and low voice sounded again, and this time the questioning voice became obviously clearer.

Huo Wang looked around in confusion, but still saw nothing. He blinked and said subconsciously: "My name is Lin Huowang, who are you?"

"The forest fire is booming..."

"The forest fire is booming..."

"The forest fire is booming..."

In an instant, the deep and suppressed voice echoed throughout the room, as if countless people were whispering the name together.

"Ah, you are so noisy, who are you?" Huo Wang shouted, covering his ears.

Click, click.


Suddenly, the windows with yellow talismans on both sides of the corridor appeared cracked, and the yellow talismans above also became darker. As soon as the yellow talisman was dimmed, the window suddenly shattered with a "click".

"Oh, no!" Huo Wang immediately tried to mend the yellow talisman, but saw a black shadow rushing in from the window and lying on the ceiling.

"Ah, there's a ghost!" Huo Wang immediately grabbed the five-square flag on the ground and waited, but he saw the black shadow on the ceiling gradually turned into the shape of a spider.

"Wow, what a big spider!" Huo Wang said as he took out a yellow talisman, commanded with the five-party flag, and threw the yellow talisman towards the black shadow spider.

But he saw the yellow talisman ignited with a "chi" sound about one meter away from the black shadow spider, then turned into ashes and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


Huo Wang was very surprised. Not only was the yellow talisman useless, it was unusual for the black shadow spider to enter the house with the Soul Capture Array and the Ghost Seal.

He seems to be a master.

Huo Wang quickly came to a "conclusion" and was ready to use his own trick to deal with it: "Look at my 'Great Compassionate Thunderbolt Palm'!"

Huo Wang raised his hand and waved, and a bolt of lightning struck the ceiling, crackling with dazzling electric light. The black shadow spider that could block the low-level yellow talisman could not completely block the lightning method, and was struck by the lightning and flashed. flash, but quickly gather again.

"Ah, this spider is so powerful. I can't beat it. Run, run!" Huo Wang said he wanted to run, but in fact he slapped the black shadow spider several times in succession.

With these attacks, Huo Wang also discovered that the thunder method was effective against the black shadow spiders, but every time he scattered them, they would quickly gather together again.

After escaping from the second floor to the first floor, seeing that the black shadow spider was about to float down from the ceiling on the stairs, Huo Wang had an idea, threw the five-square flag in his hand, and picked up the magic formula.

At his command, the five-square flag was planted at the handrail on the first floor, and with a flash of golden light, the black shadow spider was "shocked" back to the second floor.

But at this time, Huo Wang was surprised to find that there were more and more black shadow spiders gathering on the ceiling of the house, and there were eight in total!

"Oh Yaoshou, what should we do with so many spider monsters?" Huo Wang was very anxious, but he couldn't run out of the house rashly. If the operation of the Soul Captivating Formation was damaged, it would be a big disaster.

"It doesn't matter, uncle said, as long as it's a monster, beat it up first!" Huo Wang took out a lucky star of the Heavenly Master Suppressing Evil Talisman and pinched it in his hand, and danced with the fire sign in his other hand.

"Big spider, watch your move!"


Lin Ge made the last move and shot a talisman at the darkened golden talisman array at his feet. After successfully maintaining the final operation of the Soul Capturing Array, he sensed that the wandering ghosts in Xingzhong Village were almost eliminated, so he followed the instructions The collection work was carried out according to the agreed method with Hu Bufan.

Two minutes later, Lin Ge, Hu Bufan, the two Yin soldiers and Chen Qing returned to the vicinity of the cabin at the same time.

Hu Bufan and Yin Bing's "Ghost Eyes" used magic to search the village again and confirmed that there were no wandering ghosts. Then they said: "Brother Lin, the wandering ghosts in the village have been captured by us using soul-catching arrays." Inhaled into the underworld, let’s go and negotiate with the underworld person responsible for extradition first to avoid being seduced by others.”

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, Brother Hu." Lin Ge said politely.

Hu Bufan smiled and said: "We should thank you, Brother Lin. Keep this black talisman. If there is any emergency, just light it and we will receive your message."

"Thank you, Brother Hu."

"Then we'll go down first."


Hu Bufan and Yin Bing turned into three green lights and flew into the cracks in the ground and returned to the underworld to deal with the wandering ghosts extradited by Xingzhong Village. Lin Ge shouted into the house: "Huo Wang, the matter is resolved, come out."

After shouting, there was no response. Instead, there was a strange "ping ping ping ping ping" sound. Lin Ge's expression changed and he thought to himself: "Is there any fish that slipped through the net?"

Lin Ge, Hu Bufan, and Chen Qing were always paying attention to the atmosphere around the house to prevent too ferocious ghosts from appearing and hurting Huo Wang. After all, this kind of dangerous work is said to be a training for Huo Wang, but in fact it is also a training for Huo Wang. Lin Ge only let him take action when he was fully prepared.

What's more, before Hu Bufan and Yin Bing left, they used magic to check the situation in the village to make sure that there were no missing ghosts before leaving.

Who is Huo Wang fighting?

Lin Ge and Chen Qing didn't have time to think about it, they kicked open the door and rushed into the house, only to see Huo Wang running towards him with a face as dark as if he had been struck by lightning.


Lin Ge looked at the gray-faced Huo Wang, his eyes twitched, and asked with a subtle expression: "Are you too bored in there to burn down the kitchen and end up like this?"

"Uncle, the 'Great Compassionate and Great Compassionate Lightning Palm' you taught me was so powerful. Just now, several big black spiders were knocked away by me with a few slaps!" Huo Wang said with a proud smile. .

"Big black spider?" Lin Ge looked confused. Apparently he didn't expect what it was. He thought there was a ghost that slipped through the net, so he opened his eyes and looked around.

Sure enough, I saw a faint "red light" from the direction of the second floor, so I pulled out the five-square flag stuck on the handrail of the stairs. Without the obstruction of the five-square flag, the big black spider blocked on the second floor immediately jumped from the ceiling. Climbed down.

"Big Black Buddha Mother?" Lin Ge had dealt with these big black Buddha Mother's giveaway boys in the comprehensive world of "Taiwan Strange Stories", so he could see it at a glance.

Huo Wang looked at the black shadow spider on the ceiling and said, "Ah, so this thing is called the Big Black Buddha Mother? I just killed several of them."

"Awesome." Lin Ge patted Huo Wang's head in praise.

Although these black shadow spiders are rewarded according to "fierce ghosts", strictly speaking they are not ghosts, but "curses", or simply "invisible" existences.

Therefore, not only can they avoid the Soul Captivating Array, but they can also avoid Hu Bufan's "detection", because they are just "curse marks" placed on the target by the Big Black Buddha Mother after sacrificing her name.

Lin Ge picked up the magic formula and directly used Ma's soul-sealing hand to grab the ceiling. The black shadow spider was immediately caught in the palm of his hand.

"Wow, uncle, you are so awesome...Uncle, I want to learn this!" Huo Wang said with shining eyes.

With Lin Ge's current state, it would be natural for him to be unable to deal with a mere curse. While he took out the soul-sealing talisman and sealed the black shadow spider inside, he nodded and said, "Go back and find time to teach you."

"Thank you, uncle." Huo Wang said excitedly.

Lin Ge asked: "Did you hear someone asking your name just now?"

"That's right." Huo Wang thought for a while and told Lin Ge one by one about the situation before encountering the black shadow spider.

Lin Ge frowned slightly. Nita went to Chenjiacun to look for clues related to "The Curse". Nita should also be able to do such things as "randomly reporting names" due to her influence.

...So, Nita successfully triggered the plot of "The Curse" and sacrificed her name to the Buddha Mother? It's just that the unlucky guy named "Huowang" is the same as himself.

Lin Ge put away the soul-sealing talisman and prepared to use the soul-chasing technique to check the location of Chenjia Village. Although he had been there once before, he still had the Erque heroine as his guide.

"Huo Wang, this is for you. I found this in the villa on the mountain." Lin Ge took out the suicide note left by Huo Wang's mother and handed it to him, and told him that there had been a tragedy in the village and his mother hid in the Ghost King's bungalow. He was told that the villa had escaped disaster.

While Huo Wang looked at the "suicide note" excitedly, he wiped his tears and said, "Then... then the Ghost King, the Ghost King is still a monster."


Isn't it? If you try your best, maybe you can become your father-in-law.

[The team "unnamed" has solved the folklore mystery "Ghost Fighting 1", the team points +3, the justice value of all team members +10, and the reincarnation points +5000. 】

Huo Wang successfully obtained the suicide note, and the wandering ghosts in Xingzhong Village were also saved. The plot of "Ghost Fighting 1" is a perfect ending.

Lin Ge sent Huo Wang back to the temple. He had been "monitoring" the distance floating on the water, but found that when the Soul Capture Array was activated, the distance between them became five kilometers.

Although it is not known whether these reincarnations have given up on the plot of "Fighting Ghosts" or have found other plots and left temporarily, as long as there is no ambush near the temple, Lin Ge can wait until he has finished handling the matters at hand, and then wait for a while. Deal with them slowly.

"Uncle, are you leaving?" Huo Wang stood in front of the palace gate and looked at Lin Ge reluctantly.

Although he and Lin Ge had only known each other for two days, Lin Ge not only taught him spells, but also helped him find clues about his mother. He could feel that the other person was sincerely treating him well, and he felt a little reluctant to let go.

Lin Ge touched Huo Wang's head and said, "I'm going to take care of other things first. I'll come back to see you when I have time. Don't be lazy and practice hard."

"I will, uncle." Huo Wang nodded seriously.

Lin Ge touched Huo Wang's head again and said: "Huo Wang, Buddhism and Taoism are not the shackles that bind you for life, but the power that allows you to break through the shackles. Although you grew up in a palace and temple, you will also live in a palace and temple in the future. But your life is not just here."

"Oh." Huo Wang nodded in understanding. He felt that what his uncle said was very profound. Although he couldn't understand it, he seemed to be very powerful.

Lin Ge continued: "Think about it, if you devote your whole life to the palace and temple, it will only last for a few decades. But if you get married and have children, let the children inherit your mantle, and the palace and temple will be passed on to your children and grandchildren. What you get is hundreds of years and thousands of years of inheritance. Isn’t this better than what you have dedicated for six or seventy years?”

"Uh..." Huo Wang blinked, feeling that he understood, but he didn't seem to understand.

Then, Lin Ge said with a serious face: "Uncle, I calculated with my fingers. Your marriage is about to happen in nine years. At that time, a little girl will come to ask for your help. Don't worry about the enemies and creditors. Just help. Help. The underworld belongs to our family. After you die, it’s like going home. You don’t have to worry too much, just go ahead and do it.”

Huo Wang: ...Although my uncle is right, these words sound strange.

But this time he understood. The prophet's uncle predicted that a little girl would ask him for help in nine years, so he would go ahead and do it.


As for what Lin Ge really wanted to express, it was obviously ignored by the kid who was not yet eight years old and didn't know what "marriage" was.

"I'm leaving. Practice your spells well. If you have nothing to do, I'll communicate with your backstage staff more. If you can't beat them, call for help. There are many people in the underworld, so don't be afraid."


"I asked Brother Hu to investigate your father's affairs. After he has finished his duties, he will bring your father to see you."

"Thank you, uncle."

"I am leaving."

After bidding farewell to Huowang, Lin Ge returned to the hotel to rest for a while, wondering whether to look for other plots, go to Chenjiacun first, or go to Chenjiacun... At this moment, in the [Inventory] The team communicator beeped.

Lin Ge immediately took out the team communicator and connected it. However, Nita's voice did not come from it, but only a red word "rescue" was projected. According to the information fed back by the team liaison, red distress messages will only be displayed at the most dangerous moments.

In other words, Nita is in big trouble right now!

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