"Sister Wang!"

"Are you okay?"

"How are you?"

Seeing Sister Wang fainting, Nita, who was closest to her, had quick eyesight and quick hands, and quickly supported her. The others immediately gathered around her and asked about her health condition with concern.

"Take her back to your room to rest. I will have the food delivered to your room." Uncle ordered Xiao Zhang.

"Uncle, please excuse me." Xiao Zhang said gratefully.

Everyone hurriedly sent Sister Wang back to the house. He Jiabing complained a little: "Sister Wang, why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant? If it hadn't been for the kind-hearted Miss Lin who had quick eyes and hands to support you, this fall would not have been possible." Something happened, ugh."

Zhou Weijun glared at He Jiabing. Now a blind person can see that He Jiabing is interested in Nita. However, no matter how high you praise others, they won't even look at you.

After a group of people gathered around Sister Wang and asked about it, they learned that it turned out that Sister Wang had known that she was pregnant before departure, but she was worried that other people in the department would use this to take over her job as an inspector. Without this "download" After returning to work, the benefits would be much less, so I hid my pregnancy and followed the team to Chenjia Village.

Zhou Weijun sighed, thinking that Sister Wang was an old man in the team, so he could only tell everyone not to tell anyone about this matter after they went back.

The He family soldiers stayed in Sister Wang and Nita's room under the guise of taking care of Sister Wang, but in fact they wanted to find a chance to talk to Nita.

But after a few words of conversation, my uncle sent someone to deliver dinner.

Dinner was very simple, just a few bowls of white rice, three plates of green vegetables, and a plate of fried meat that was a bit dark and could not be identified.

He Jiabing and others were hungry for a long time, so they started eating after picking up the food. While eating, they talked about the previous worship in the ancestral hall. They were more or less a little embarrassed about the worship and ceremony just now.

"Tell me... which god worship requires names to be sacrificed? I don't know whether it is good or bad to just sacrifice names like this." An expedition team member said with a worried look on his face while eating his meal.

Sister Wang also said: "Yes, just after I wrote my name, I suddenly felt dizzy. Could it be related?"

"Haha. Sister Wang, you are pregnant and dizzy due to morning sickness. Besides, uncle said this is a local custom, so he can't harm us," Xiao Zhang said.

He Jiabing also smiled and said: "You are really...what age are you now, and you still believe in these gods and ghosts. I have never even heard of this Buddha Mother. She may be a local god in Chenjia Village. I want a name. What's wrong, is it possible that I can still eat you? Hahaha."

He Jiabing and Xiao Zhang looked at everyone's worried looks and couldn't help but joke. Especially He Jiabing, in order to show his differences in front of Nita, even demoted the Buddha's mother to be worthless.

"I think it's time to crack down on superstition and advocate science. Tonight we will go to those 'never enter tunnels' to have a look. All the fears in the world are just to scare ourselves." He Jiabing said with a smile.

Sister Wang half-leaned on the bed and waved her hands: "I'm not feeling well, so I won't go with you."

"Me too, after riding in the car all day, I just want to lie down now." One team member also rejected He Jiabing's proposal and was going to go back to his room to rest.

"I may have to drive tomorrow. The mountain road is not easy to walk, so I will go back and rest first." Zhou Weijun also refused to accompany him, and warned: "Xiao He, I think you should go back and rest early. Don't run around in the village. Don't Forgot our work...it won’t be good if we miss work tomorrow.”

"It's okay. Let's go shopping and be back soon." He Jiabing said.

Seeing that he could not be persuaded, Zhou Weijun could only tell a few people not to cause trouble, and then went back to the house to rest with a team member.

"Ms. Lin, do you want to go and have a look too?" He Jiabing's main purpose is to show his boldness and difference in front of Nita. Of course, he must invite Nita, the "audience".

Nita deliberately glanced at Sister Wang and nodded when she saw that she had already fallen asleep.

Finally, He Jiabing, Xiao Zhang, Nita and a middle-aged man named "Zhao Jianjun" who didn't speak much along the way formed an "exploration team" to go to the tunnel.

The four of them left the house. On the way to the ancestral hall, He Jiabing was holding a flashlight and "commenting" with disgust on the dilapidated buildings around him. Nita's mental perception suddenly discovered that a group of people had gathered in the distance, and she vaguely felt it. Evil breath.

He Jiabing was walking forward when he suddenly stopped. He seemed to have heard the noise coming from the other side, so he called on everyone to follow the direction of the sound.

When we came to the open space outside the ancestral hall, we saw torches stuck in the fields on both sides of the open space. The light of the fire flickered in and out with the wind, and the light in the venue was not very sufficient.

At this time, there were almost dozens of men, women, old and young gathered in the venue, kneeling in several rows, shaking their heads and chanting strange incantations. Sitting on the altar directly in front was the little girl with the talisman painted on her back.

"Oh, so superstition kills people. Look at how old that child is before he suffers such a crime." He Jiabing couldn't control his mouth at this time and said in a low voice.

But unfortunately, Nita's attention was entirely focused on the little girl. She wanted to find the evil aura detected by her mental perception.

He Jiabing thought that he spoke too quietly and Nita didn't hear him, so he raised his voice a little louder. As a result, this action directly attracted the attention of the little girl in the distance.

When the little girl looked towards Nita, her eyes met hers, and for a moment Nita had the illusion that this little girl was "evil".

But when she first met the little girl on the edge of the field, Nita observed her with the Eye of Judgment while the other party was not paying attention, and did not notice any evil aura on her body.

Is it because of the sacrificial ceremony at this time?

At this time, uncle also discovered the presence of everyone because of the noise made by He Jiabing. Nita noticed that he had obvious anger on his face when he found her waiting for others, but because the old lady whispered After a few words, the anger disappeared, and instead he walked towards the people with a smile on his face.

"The village is holding a one-by-one worship ceremony. I thought you were not interested in such customs, so I didn't invite you." Uncle and two villagers came over and said to Nita and others.

Xiao Zhang asked in confusion: "Uncle, why do we have to hold sacrifices in this dark place...can't we light a few more lamps to make the surroundings a little brighter?"

"There is a lot of knowledge here. If you are interested, then I will tell you about it." Uncle said and talked about the customs of Chenjia Village, but Nita found that what uncle said was different from Dahei The Buddha Mother basically has nothing to do with it, not even with the current sacrifices. It is more like the development history of Chenjiacun.

At this time, the sacrifice in the open space seemed to be over. The little girl walked down from the altar, came to Nita's side, and held her hand.

Nita leaned down, and the little girl whispered to her: "Sister, do you want to go and see the altar...I found something very interesting."

"Oh? Is that okay?"

"Yeah. Come with me."

Nita followed the little girl and opened the Eye of Judgment again while no one was paying attention, but she still didn't notice the evil aura just now.

Nita frowned slightly. Although the evil aura detected by her mental perception just disappeared in a flash, she still captured it...

Could it be that the other party was aware of her existence and deliberately hid it?

When He Jiabing saw the little girl leading Nita away, he wanted to follow her, but his uncle and others stopped him, saying that they were going to an ancestral hall that only women could enter.

He Jiabing had no choice but to continue listening to uncle "telling stories" with Xiao Zhang outside, while the little girl took Nita into the ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall is larger than Nita imagined. The main hall is where she and the expedition team performed a name-dedicating ceremony to the Mother of Buddha. There is also a room of twenty or thirty square meters behind the main hall.

The room is decorated like a temple, with several tables on which are enshrined many clay statues. On the main table in front is a Buddha statue covered with red cloth. The wall behind the table is painted in red. The lights made the room look very strange.

As a miko, Nita felt uncomfortable as soon as she entered the room, and the feeling of wanting to immediately transform into a Ghost Rider and burn everything appeared again.

And she took a closer look and saw that the clay statues on the altar tables were clay boys wrapped in red curse cloths.

Each clay statue looks like a pinched child, with its head lowered and its hand holding the strange curse seal used by the villagers in Chenjia Village.

These clay statues all face a wall covered with a red cloth. The entire wall is red, except for a strange talisman painted in dark red ink in the center.

Nita was about to get closer to see how the spell was made up, but she heard a sound like water drops.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

The sound of dripping liquid caught Nita's attention. She looked towards the source of the sound and found a pool of blood on the ground not far away, which seemed to be dripping from the ceiling.

Nita looked up and was surprised to find a strange "Buddha picture" on the ceiling of the temple room. A "Buddha" with eight hands held smiling babies in his arms.

However, the strange thing is that this "Buddha Mother" has no face. The face is made up of blood holes, and the blood stains on the ground are dripping from the blood holes on the "Buddha Mother" face.

As for the hands of the Mother Buddha, except for the one holding the baby, the two hands on the left are holding a Buddha head with a strange smile, and the other is holding a blood basin filled with blood.

The hands on the right, each holding different things, pieces of meat, hair, and a bowl with gray worms... looked disgusting and terrifying.

The terrifying blood hole, the Buddha's head, blood basin, hair, and pieces of flesh held in the hand are in sharp contrast with the laughing baby in the Buddha's arms, giving people a sense of uneasiness and strong weirdness.

"Sister. Look at this." At this time, the little girl came over and took Nita's hand to make her squat down. Then she crawled under the sacrificial table and took out an iron box.

The box contained several live large toads and a few strands of hair tied with red rope. The little girl gave a strand of hair to Nita and asked her to feed it to the toads.

Nita could tell at a glance that this was an ancient witchcraft. Just like offering your name and being "marked" by the Mother Buddha, this was also a "sacrifice".

The difference is that sacrificing a name is to mark the soul, while "hair" is to dedicate the body to the Buddha. If the little girl asked Nita to cut off a section of her own hair and feed it to the toad, it would be obvious that the little girl was not well-intentioned. But the other party asked Nita to feed her own hair. Maybe she really just found it interesting?

Nita took the hair and asked tentatively: "Why do you feed the hair to the toad?"

"Grandma said that the body is shaped by our parents. The Buddha Mother is the mother of the Chen clan. We should dedicate everything she likes to her." The little girl replied. There was no expression on her face when she spoke. People feel like they have been brainwashed since childhood and grew up like robots.

Nita fed the hair to the toad's mouth as the little girl said. The toad rolled its tongue and swallowed the hair.

The moment the toad ate the hair, Nita's mental perception once again captured the appearance of the evil aura, but only for a moment.

The ceremony, the hair…

Nita immediately understood that this was when she was about to sacrifice something to the Great Black Buddha Mother, and she could only detect the existence of this evil aura.

The little girl looked at the toad in the box devouring her hair, and raised her hand to adjust the position of the severed hair on her head. At this time, Nita noticed that a piece of the little girl's ear was missing.

"...What's wrong with your left ear?" Nita asked.

The little girl said expressionlessly: "Grandma said that I was chosen by Mother Buddha. My ears...were taken away by Mother Buddha when I was a child. She wanted me to be obedient."

Nita's face suddenly darkened when she heard this, and the unstoppable anger in her heart made her have the urge to give up on the "Curse" and kill the Buddha Mother first.

As if feeling Nita's anger, the entire ancestral hall shook violently, and then something seemed to fall from the roof, making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, all the clay child statues on the altar table turned around and looked at the position of Nita and the little girl. When the little girl saw this, her expressionless face suddenly became a little nervous. She quickly held down Nita's head and recited a mantra while apologizing to the Buddha.

Nita has entered the state of Ghost Rider at this time, and once her body is damaged in any way, the flames of hell will ignite.

She is not only wary of the Buddha Mother, she is also wary of little girls. This is the "enlightenment" of being a reincarnation person.

However, when Nita heard the words murmuring from the little girl's mouth, she couldn't help but feel a little moved.

The little girl begged the Buddha that she should not bring Nita in because she was playful, but she just wanted the little sister who gave her candy during the day to see her daily "toys." If Mother Buddha wants to blame, then just blame her alone, don't blame this sister.

Nita's mental perception detected more and more evil spirits appearing in the temple house, but she had not yet found the location of the Great Black Buddha Mother, so she did not act rashly.

At this time, a group of villagers who heard the commotion broke in. The two middle-aged women at the head were the two who stood behind the old lady when they "dedicated their names" before.

After the villagers took Nita and the little girl out, the old lady brought a group of people to pick up the little girl. The uncle and others took Nita, He Jiabing and others back to the house and locked them in the bedroom. Inside, it was said that no one from outside the village could participate in the ritual of worshiping gods in the middle of the night.

"Really, why do I feel that this village is a bit evil? There is no reason to lock up guests." He Jiabing cursed.

Everyone thought that the "evil nature" he was talking about was the god worship ceremony held at night in Chenjiacun. Who knew it was the reason? They suddenly felt helpless and didn't know how to answer the question.

"He won't let me go, but I still want to go and take a look today!" He Jiabing got up and kicked the door angrily, but unexpectedly kicked the door open.

Looking at the shaky wooden door that opened with a creaking sound, He Jiabing was a little confused for a moment. He was just venting his anger, but he didn't know that the lock was so unreliable.


Xiao Zhang asked tentatively: "Brother He, do you really want to go?"

He Jiabing:...

He was just pretending, who knew he could really open the door?

And Xiao Zhang's words undoubtedly put him on the fire rack. Go, he is really a little scared to be alone. If he doesn't go, he will let out all the cruel words. It will be very shameless if he doesn't go.

"Go, why don't you go. Aren't you curious about the sacrifices in the village? And didn't we agree to go to that tunnel? A man, you won't back down because of such a trivial matter, right? Xiao Zhang, Brother Zhao, you guys Right?"

Xiao Zhang and Zhao Jianjun looked at each other and saw helplessness in each other's eyes, but they were worried that He Jiabing would completely anger the people of Chenjiacun by wandering alone, so they agreed to go with him.

"Ms. Lin, do you want to go together?" He Jiabing invited Nita again.

Nita shook her head: "I'm a little tired, you go ahead."

Although He Jiabing felt a little regretful when he heard this, he still said: "Miss Lin, please go to bed early. Tomorrow I will tell you the process of the village's sacrifice."

"Thanks in advance."

The reason why Nita rejected He Jiabing's invitation was because her spiritual perception found some evil aura gathering around the house.

She was not sure whether the evil auras were directed at herself or others, so she planned to separate from He Jiabing and others first to check the movements of these evil auras.

However, after the He Jiabing trio left, only Nita and Sister Wang were left in the room, who was about to sleep again, and the evil atmosphere around them became stronger and stronger.

[Trigger the hidden plot of "The Curse", protect "Wang Meifang" and go to Master Aqing's temple at the foot of the mountain, and assist Master Aqing to remove the "curse" on Wang Meifang. The team will be rewarded with +3 points and 1,000 reincarnation points. 】


Hidden plot?

Nita was a little surprised when she heard the main god's prompt to "trigger the hidden plot", but thinking that this was decades before the movie "The Curse", she originally came to try her luck to see if it would be possible to solve the big black Buddha mother. There were points in the account, but I didn't expect that the Lord God would release a hidden plot similar to the prequel of "The Curse" in this way.

However, Nita was also a little glad that she had not directly transformed and killed the Black Buddha Mother's lair before, otherwise she might have missed these 3 points.

Since she wanted to protect Wang Meifang from going down the mountain, Nita decided to wake up Zhou Weijun after the evil atmosphere gathered around the house was resolved, and persuaded him to drive down the mountain overnight on the grounds that Wang Meifang was unwell.

Feeling that the evil atmosphere gathering around the house was getting stronger and stronger, Nita took out a white talisman and sat on the bed opposite Sister Wang to be on guard.

At the same time, He Jiabing, Xiao Zhang and Zhao Jianjun successfully found the ancestral hall by relying on their previous memories. Just as they were about to bypass the ancestral hall and go to the tunnel behind the village, they suddenly saw a group of people approaching from a distance.

Xiao Zhang reminded in a low voice: "Brother He, we ran out secretly. If uncle finds out again, he will definitely drive us out of the village."

"You're right, let's retreat to the fields first." He Jiabing said.

Xiao Zhang originally wanted to say, "How about we go back," but He Jiabing interpreted it as asking him to turn off the flashlight and hide and wait for those people to leave.

At this time, He Jiabing turned off the flashlight and jumped into the field, and he could only jump down.

After the three of them hid, they saw that on the country road ahead, the crowd began to play gongs and drums. The leader, the old man, was wearing a piece of cloth. As he walked, he recited a curse and occasionally raised his hands to cover his face, as if he was crying. . The tribesmen following her also began to shake their heads and chant incantations, carrying the clay child statue and walking towards the distance.

A group of people shook their heads and thought about the strange appearance around them. With the eerie suonas, gongs and drums and the dark environment, they looked evil.

"What the hell is this kind of worship ceremony held in the middle of the night?" He Jiabing cursed in a low voice, and even he, who had always only believed in science, felt his back hair grow.

After waiting for a while, the Chen clan members circled back from behind the ancestral hall and entered the ancestral hall together.

"Come on, let's go take a look at the back." Seeing this, He Jiabing crawled out of the field, walked around the ancestral hall towards the back mountain.

When He Jiabing and the other three came to the back mountain, they saw a large mound like a "grave" in front of them. There was a cement arch in front of it, and a secret passage as high as one person below. The dark brown wooden tomb door opened. There was a crack, and it was dark inside, and nothing could be seen clearly.

There was a "cloth bag" placed next to the entrance. The three of them took a closer look and saw that it was the little girl on the altar before.

At this time, she was wrapped in a red and gold "talisman cloth" and tied up like a rice dumpling. With her eyes closed, she seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

He Jiabing approached nervously and poked the little girl's body with a flashlight: "Hey. Hey. Little sister, wake up."

The little girl didn't react at all. Zhao Jianjun on the side couldn't stand it anymore and picked up the little girl: "Are the people in this village crazy? They put such a small child here in the middle of the night, just in case there is any wild beast in the forest. If you are haunted, can you still survive?”

"Bad habits, as expected in such a backward place, all customs are deceptive and harmful!" He Jiabing cursed indignantly.

Xiao Zhang had some embarrassment on his face. After all, his uncle was still his relative. He asked: "Then... how about we take her to... see a doctor first?"

"We can't let the people in Chenjiacun realize how ridiculous what they are doing is. Do you think they can really give up these bad habits? Now that we are all here, I have to break the superstition here. What's absolutely forbidden? It's a tunnel, I want to go in and take a look!" He Jiabing cursed and walked to the tomb door.

"Wait, Brother He!"

"Xiao He, let's go find a doctor first!"

Xiao Zhang and Zhao Jianjun tried to persuade He Jiabing to stop him, but they were still a little slow. They saw He Jiabing kicking open the tunnel door.



Suddenly, the moment the tomb door was kicked open, a cry similar to that of a baby came from the tunnel.

He Jiabing picked up the flashlight and swept it into the tunnel, and suddenly cursed: "Are all the people in the village crazy? Not only did they send seven or eight-year-old children here, but they also sent babies to the tomb? I must send Chen Report the affairs of our village to the police, and we must take good care of the evil practices here!"

Zhao Jianjun also heard the baby's cry, so he asked Xiao Zhang to support the little girl, got up and walked to the tunnel entrance to look inside: "We can't let those babies stay in the tunnel. The temperature is so low at night, even if they are not If you freeze to death, you will definitely get frostbite.”

"Brother Zhao, let's go in and take a look." He Jiabing originally wanted to ask someone to accompany him, but since Zhao Jianjun took the initiative, he followed the conversation.

After the two entered the tunnel, they found that the dark tunnel was deep and long. They walked hunched over for a long distance, as if there was no end.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Zhao Jianjun, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped. He Jiabing asked curiously: "Brother Zhao, what's wrong?"

Zhao Jianjun stepped aside, and then pointed the flashlight forward. Only then did He Jiabing notice that the way was blocked by several red ropes with strange knots on them and talismans attached to them.

"What's this?"

After the two got closer, He Jiabing poked the rope with a flashlight.



At this time, the baby-like cry came from deep in the tunnel again.

The two of them looked at each other and no longer cared about what the red rope was. They picked up the red rope and went straight through. As soon as they got past the red rope, they felt a biting cold wind blowing from the depths of the cave.

Feeling the cold environment, Zhao Jianjun became more worried about the children who had been placed deep in the village by the name of the village, and walked faster inside.

Not long after walking, I saw a corner with some earthen jars placed against the wall.

Driven by curiosity, He Jiabing used a flashlight to lift the lids of the jars, and a nauseating stench suddenly came out.

The jar was filled with shriveled toads, gray insect corpses that seemed to have been dead for a long time, and things like maggots crawling on it.

Zhao Jianjun smelled the disgusting smell of the gray bugs. He didn't know what he thought of, his face changed, and he suddenly retched.

"Brother Zhao, what's wrong with you?" Although He Jiabing also felt that the scene in front of him was a bit disgusting, he was a grown man after all and would not be made to vomit by such a small battle.

Zhao Jianjun obviously thought of some bad memories. He shook his head and waved his hands: "Maybe it stinks too much. It's okay. Let's continue."

As they walked deeper, they felt that the flashlights in their hands seemed to be getting darker, and they gradually began to have tinnitus.

First there was the faint chirping of cicadas, and then there was someone whispering in the ear. It started out as one person's voice, and slowly spread to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of people... It was like countless voices fused together. , constantly chanting the eight-character mantra "Fire Buddha Xiuyi".

"Zhao, Brother Zhao. You, you, do you see anything moving on the wall in front of you?" He Jiabing could faintly see a few black shadows on the wall in front of him.


The two of them shined their flashlights together, and the sight made He Jiabing scream out in fright.

I saw countless gray arms stretching out from the two walls of the tunnel in front of me, constantly reaching out and probing, as if a evil ghost was about to crawl out of the wall.

"Ah! Ghost, ghost!" He Jiabing was behind Zhao Jianjun. After seeing the black shadow on the wall clearly, he screamed and ran back towards the way he came.

Running to the exit, he happened to bump into Xiao Zhang who heard the sound and ran to the cave entrance to investigate.

Xiao Zhang hugged He Jiabing who was about to escape and asked anxiously: "What happened to Brother He? Why are you the only one coming out? Where is Brother Zhao?"

He Jiabing looked back and realized that Zhao Jianjun had not come out.




At this time, a crisp "impact sound" suddenly came from the dark tunnel. It didn't sound like a heavy object hitting the ground, but more like...

Kowtow hard and hit the ground with your head to make a "clear" sound.

"Zhao, Brother Zhao?" Xiao Zhang approached the entrance of the tunnel and shouted loudly.

He Jiabing was still a little shocked, standing aside and gasping for air. He still can't believe it, or dare not recall it, those bloodless, dead hands stretched out from the wall, grabbing. Horror scene.

"What's wrong? What happened?" At this time, uncle heard Xiao Zhang's cry and led a group of villagers to the tunnel entrance.

Seeing the tomb door being opened, my uncle's face suddenly changed with anger: "Oh, you harmful people, you have already said not to come out at night, why do you still come out... You, you, this It’s killing us, alas. Alas.”

"Ah, Uncle, Zhao, Brother Zhao went in, but he hasn't come out yet." Xiao Zhang couldn't say that this was He Jiabing's idea. The more important thing now was to rescue Zhao Jianjun from the tunnel.

The uncle quickly asked two villagers to enter the tunnel with him, and asked Xiao Zhang and He Jiabing to wait outside.

He Jiabing originally wanted to remind his uncle about the "ghost hands" in the tunnel, but he opened his mouth and finally did not say anything.

At this time, he suddenly realized that the Chen clan members sent the little girl and baby to the tomb in the middle of the night, maybe to sacrifice to the ghosts inside.

He Jiabing also realized at this time that Chenjiacun was really evil.

After a while, the uncle and two villagers helped out Zhao Jianjun, who had a white cloth wrapped around his head. Only then did He Jiabing and Xiao Zhang notice that the gauze on Zhao Jianjun's forehead was still soaked in blood. Apparently, they had heard the impact before. It was Zhao Jianjun who was "kowtowing".

"Go, go, go back to the village, go back to the village." The uncle greeted a few people, and then asked the villagers to pick up the unconscious little girl. As if something terrible was about to happen, he fled away from the back mountain.

Nita clasped her palms together, clamped the white talisman paper in her palms, and recited a few spells. But what she recited was not a Chinese incantation, but a Japanese incantation.

Then, Nita folded the talisman paper with Thai-style Buddhist seals, raised her hand and stuck it on the bedside of the bed where Wang Meifang slept.

Wang Meifang was sleeping deeply at this time, with a thick quilt covering her body, and only her head was exposed.

And at the foot of the bed on the other side that Nita couldn't see, a black shadow slowly moved up the wooden bed. Just when it was about to get under the quilt, the white talisman paper attached to the head of the bed suddenly flashed with a dazzling white light.

The white light was like ice breath, freezing the black shadow into an ice sculpture the moment it touched it, falling to the ground and turning into fragments.

Nita also noticed the movement next to Wang Meifang's bed at this time. As soon as she stood up, she released her spiritual perception and found that the evil aura surrounding the house suddenly became violent and quickly gathered towards the house.

Click, click!


Suddenly, with a crisp sound, a crack appeared on the wooden frame window of the house and spread rapidly, forming a strange pattern in the blink of an eye, like a big-bellied Buddha with six hands.

As soon as Nita raised her hand, a piece of white talisman flew out of her sleeve and stuck to the crack. Then she pinched the talisman and shouted: "Unsolved!"


As soon as Nita finished speaking, the white talisman ignited, and then with a fox cry, the white talisman gradually atomized and expanded, turning into a snow-white fox.

Iizuna, also known as Guanhu, is the most common spirit used by Onmyoji, also known as the "Shikigami".

Although Nita is a shrine maiden, she is the most unusual among the witches who relies on "force" to win. The reason why she also has a shikigami is because the person she was closest to likes all white things, and she has a white fox-shaped tube. Kitsune has become the shikigami that the other party considers first.

When the man died, he gave all the shikigami to Nita. Nita didn't want to use these shikigami at first, because when she saw the shikigami, she would think of that person... But she knew that if she wanted to survive in the main god space and resurrect that person, she could only use all the borrowed power. .

As a result, Nita awakened the shikigami one by one, and the "Guanhu" who loved to suck in evil spirits was one of them.


Suddenly, the entire window shattered, and the glass fell to the floor. Then it seemed like a black shadow jumped into the room and climbed up to the ceiling.

"May I have your name?"

"May I have your name?"

"May I have your name?"

Suddenly, a woman's voice echoed in Nita's ears, as if coming from the black shadow on the ceiling, or echoing in every corner of the room.

Nita frowned and did not answer the voice's question. Apparently, as Lin Ge said, here at the Great Black Buddha, the name is like a curse.

"My name is……"

"...Wang, Mei, Fang." Wang Meifang, who was sleeping soundly, murmured.

However, as Wang Meifang answered her name, the black shadow on the ceiling slowly revealed a strange appearance that looked like a human or an animal, crawling on the ceiling.

Nita saw that its limbs were bent and seemed to want to jump in the direction of Wang Meifang. She pinched her hand and shouted: "Stop it!"

I saw the white fox floating in front of the window flying towards the ceiling with a "swish", its cute head suddenly became several times larger, and it opened its bloody mouth and bit into the black shadow.



After the black shadow was bitten by the white fox, it made a piercing scream. The sound was like a dozen babies crying at the same time.

And as this "scream" sounded, black shadows kept coming out of the cracks in the door, windows, and ceiling rubble, wherever there were gaps in the house, turning into spider monsters.

"Snow Girl! Protect that woman and follow me!" Nita shouted, and then with a "whoosh", her hair turned into flames, obviously turning on the Ghost Rider state.

Then, the soul chain in Nita's hand was swept away, and the fire wave directly swallowed the surrounding black shadows, killing several black shadow spider monsters with one blow.

The white talisman paper that had been pasted on the bedside turned into a woman wearing a white cloak. She hugged Wang Meifang, who was sleeping on the bed, and ran towards the door with Nita.

The Snow Girl hugged Wang Meifang and breathed out ice breath to freeze the approaching black shadow spider monster, while the white fox was responsible for the monster behind them.

Nita opened the way in front and went straight to the door.

[Killing the D-level "fierce ghost" will reward you with 50 reincarnation points. 】

Nita killed dozens of ghosts all the way outside the house, but it was obviously "treating the symptoms but not the root cause". There were black shadows everywhere outside the house, or in other words, the dark area of ​​the village was like a huge black shadow.

Only then did Nita realize that she had thought that the evil aura was only gathering around the house, but it turned out that the entire village was filled with this aura, but it was hidden by the power of the Great Black Buddha, making it impossible for her to detect it.

Although Lin Ge had long reminded the Great Black Buddha Mother, even if she was just a "little evil god", she was still an evil god. Never underestimate the evil god's strength.

However, when she faced the aura of the Great Black Buddha Mother, Nita realized that the aura of the Great Black Buddha Mother had even reached the level of the evil god she met in "Sweet Home"!

Nita swung the soul chain in her hand in a circle, and the fire wave quickly spread to the surroundings, forcing back the approaching black shadow. At the same time, she took out her Harley motorcycle, turned over and rode on it.


When Nita shouted, Xue Nu immediately understood and flew to the back seat with Wang Meifang in her arms.

To be precise, Wang Meifang was "sited" to stick to Nita's back, and then the snow girl flew behind in a "floating" posture to push Wang Meifang to prevent her from falling.

The mission goal was just to take Wang Meifang down the mountain, so naturally Nita would not waste any time rescuing the other members of the expedition team and directly started her motorcycle and rushed towards the country road.

However, he didn't go far when he heard He Jiabing's screams coming from afar.

"Don't ask, don't ask, don't ask!" He Jiabing ran like crazy on the dark country road, as if something terrible was chasing him behind him.

Nita rushed out of the country road on her motorcycle, but she saw a pile of bones with flesh and blood thrown on the ground next to the platform in front of the wooden house at the intersection. The meat and bones did not look like animals...

There were several earthen bowls placed on the table. Each bowl was filled with the dark meat that the expedition team had eaten tonight. A closer look revealed that they were all filled with gray worms.

Under the table was something similar to a shrine, with a skinned sheep head inside, with maggots and flies covering it.

Although Nita didn't eat a bite, she felt sick when she saw it.

She hurriedly rode her motorcycle toward the entrance of the village. When she passed by the ancestral hall where she had previously worshiped, she saw dozens of villagers kneeling on the ground, kowtowing in the direction of the altar and chanting mantras.

The altar where the little girl was lying before was ignited with a raging fire, and a man was being tied to the altar and burned into a burning man.

At this time, Nita once again felt the dark shadows gathering towards her. She did not dare to hesitate and pushed the accelerator to the maximum, preparing to take Wang Meifang down the mountain first.

Suddenly, in the fields on both sides of the country road directly ahead, the dark space seemed to turn into a big hand, shooting towards the middle of the road!

Although Nita sensed the evil aura and swerved to a stop, she underestimated the size of the "hand", which was dozens of meters long!


The huge palm smacked down at Nita. Nita raised her head, her eyes burned with fire, and she used the "Eye of Judgment" to burn the big hand!

Even Hong Yi couldn't resist the Eye of Judgment before, but now it only burned a "hole" in the palm!

Only then did Nita realize that she had underestimated her enemy after all.

In Lin Ge's narration, she subconsciously classified the Great Black Buddha Mother as a fierce god, or a "little evil god" who is a little more powerful than the fierce god, but she ignored one detail -

That was when Lin Ge "struck alone" into the lair of the Great Black Buddha Mother. First, the Great Black Buddha Mother was severely damaged by an unknown master, and her strength was not at its peak. Secondly, his "strike alone" was actually dragging the family with him. There is even a corpse-discipline immortal serving as his queen.

When Lin Ge relayed the original reincarnation situation to Nita, it was naturally impossible for him to tell Huang Ni and others. This caused Nita to make a serious mistake in judging the enemy's strength!

Nita knew that she was no match for the Black Buddha Mother, so she drove the evil motorcycle to increase its speed to the maximum, fled in the village, and took out the contact device...

Please help.

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