Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 339 Nita: Mother Buddha, my name is Lin Huowang!

With the roar of a motorcycle, Nita rode her Harley into the mountain road. After driving for a distance, she stopped at a fork in the road.

Just as Lin Ge said, her outfit is too cool, and if she just rides to Chenjia Village like this, she probably won't have to go through the plot. She will have to fight with the big black Buddha mother when she enters the door.

However, the timeline of the reincarnation world at this time is decades earlier than the movie "The Curse", so entering it like this may not necessarily trigger the plot.

No matter how bad the Big Black Buddha Mother is, she is still an evil god. If it is not for the 3 points to complete the plot, there seems to be no need to fight for the head reward.

So after careful consideration, Nita decided to talk about the situation in Chenjiacun first to see if she could trigger the plot of "The Curse" in advance.

Nita took out the map and looked at it. From the road signs, it looked like it was only a few kilometers away from Chenjia Village, which was only a few hours away, so she decided to walk there.

After walking according to the map for about half an hour, Nita suddenly heard the sound of a car driving behind her. When she looked again, she saw an old-fashioned minibus approaching.

There was a pile of luggage on the roof of the minibus. Counting the driver, there were seven people on the bus, six men and one woman, all wearing clean brown uniforms. In this era, the only people who can wear clothes made of this kind of material are workers from some big factories or government departments.

When Nita put away her Harley-Davidson, she changed into a floral dress that was close to the era, and tied up her long hair with a piece of cloth.

But even this outrageous outfit can't conceal Nita's temperament and appearance.

The minibus stopped next to Nita, and the driver stuck his head out and asked, "Hey, little girl, where are you going? Do you want to give you a ride?"

"I'm going to Chenjiacun to find a friend." Nita replied.

At this time, a young man in his twenties stuck his head out from behind the car window in the back seat and said, "Really? That's such a coincidence. We are a municipal government inspection team going to Chenjia Village. Come up and go with us." Well, how about having a companion along the way?"

"Is that okay? Thank you so much." Nita said with a smile.

The driver opened the door and let Nita get in. After a brief introduction by the young man, she learned that the young man's name was He Jiabing and that he was the deputy captain of the expedition team.

The driver's name is Zhou Weijun, and he is the captain of the expedition team.

Their expedition team was a geological expedition team sent by the city government. It was said that they had received a certain task from above to conduct an inspection in Chenjiacun.

Everyone asked about Nita's name. Nita didn't want to explain her name, so she casually said her surname was "Lin".

He Jiabing seemed to have fallen in love with Nita and wanted to express himself in front of her. He deliberately made this mission very important, but did not mention a word about the content of the mission to whet his appetite.

Nita wanted to use the identity of this expedition team to sneak into Chenjia Village, but she could only keep nodding along with He Jiabing's words, giving people the feeling that she was very interested.

While everyone was chatting, the topic immediately turned to Chenjia Village.

"I heard that there is a tunnel in Chenjia Village that must not be entered. Before I came, the people in the team were very mysterious. Xiao Zhang, your relative is from Chenjia Village. Have you heard of this?" At this time, the only female inspector in the team, a woman who looked about thirty years old and had a single ponytail, asked.

According to He Jiabing's introduction, Xiao Zhang is the youngest "college student" in the team. In this era, college students are all top-notch "talents." In addition, he has relatives in Chenjia Village, so the organization specially sent him to join the inspection. Team, take this opportunity to gild, and arrange for promotion after returning.

So even though Xiao Zhang is the youngest, he is actually second only to the captain in the team, or in some sense, higher than the captain Zhou Weijun.

He Jiabing didn't want to be upstaged by Xiao Zhang, so he said before waiting for the other party's answer: "Hey, in what age are we now, how can we still believe in these gods and ghosts? We scholars never believe in these things. After reading too many books, we will know Abandon superstition and believe in science, right, Xiao Zhang."

Xiao Zhang smiled shyly, adjusted his glasses and said, "The person in Chenjiacun is my cousin. I haven't seen him much since I was a child. In fact, I don't know much about Chenjiacun. But... …When I set out, my mother told me that when I go to Chenjia Village, I must listen to my cousin’s arrangements, otherwise it’s best not to go.”

"So you don't know if that 'tunnel that must not be entered' exists?" It was obviously a very simple question, but He Jiabing said a feeling of "what's the use of you?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head awkwardly.

"That you……"

What else did the female inspector want to ask, but suddenly there was a "click" sound, and the car seemed to have hit something invisibly, and came to a sudden stop.

The female inspector was still talking and didn't pay much attention. She accidentally bumped into the backrest of the car in front of her and bit her tongue. She cried loudly in pain.

"Ouch, Team Zhou, how did you drive today?" an old man in the team complained.

Zhou Weijun stopped the car and said helplessly: "You can't blame me. I didn't see anything on the flat mountain road. You can hit something."

While talking, Zhou Weijun got out of the car to check. The other team members were also curious about what was wrong. He Jiabing and two teammates followed.

Nita took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention to her. She sat back and opened the Eye of Judgment. She looked at the mountain road ahead and the surrounding mountains and forests, but found no trace of the evil spirit.

Obviously this "car accident" had nothing to do with evil spirits.

"What is this?" At this time, Zhou Weijun discovered that the culprit of the car accident was a dilapidated Buddha statue stuck in the wheel.

One of the team members took it, looked through it, and muttered: "It looks like... a Buddha statue? However, this Buddha statue is too broken, even a piece of its head is missing."

He Jiabing grabbed it, took it in his hand, patted it, and said in a very disdainful tone: "It is made of stone. It must have been abandoned by others. After all, we are all talking about science now. Who is still so superstitious about worshiping gods? There should be many things in this mountain forest. Less of this kind of stuff.”

While talking, He Jiabing casually threw the statue to the side of the road.

At this time, Nita got out of the car and walked to the roadside and picked up the idol.

She had not seen the movie "Curse" and relied on Lin Ge to popularize the plot. Although Lin Ge did not talk about the "god in distress", she was a witch before entering the main god's space, so she had no idea about this kind of thing. Although he is a stranger, he always maintains a sense of awe when dealing with gods.

Nita took out a handkerchief and wiped the statue. When He Jiabing saw this scene, he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked: "Miss Lin, what are you..."

Nita replied: "Look at it...don't you feel a little pitiful? It was already abandoned in the mountains, and now it's being thrown on the roadside."

He Jiabing was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Miss Lin, you are really kind and kind-hearted. I didn't think carefully. How about we take it back?"


After Nita wiped the statue clean, she dug a "slot" under a big tree with her bare hands, placed the stone statue in it, took out three sticks of incense, lit it with matches, and offered it in front of the statue.

He Jiabing followed behind and asked in surprise: "Uh, Miss Lin, where did you find the incense just now? I don't think I've seen you holding it before."

"Oh, I went to the mountain to pay homage to...well, a friend, so I brought some fragrant wax paper candles with me." Nita replied with a smile.

Seeing this smile, the soldiers of the He family were stunned. They no longer bothered about how the incense and matches were conjured, and followed Nita for a while, asking for help and taking the opportunity to find out if the other party had a boyfriend.

Back in the car, Zhou Weijun started the car again.

Everyone continued to chat about Chenjiacun in the car. After driving for more than half an hour, they finally arrived at a village that looked very simple.

In front of the village gate, a middle-aged man in gray cloth stood by the roadside, his head lowered and a strange handprint on his hand, as if to greet them.

After disposing of the statue, several people continued to drive on the road.

As soon as they drove to the village gate, they saw a man in simple clothes with his head lowered and a strange gesture on his hand to greet them.

Nita frowned when she saw the man's handprints.

Although the mudras used in worshiping gods are different no matter which god you believe in, this mudra looks uncomfortable.

In particular, if the index fingers seal together, it will attract good fortune, and if the index fingers repel each other, it will drive away evil spirits and avoid evil. But the mudra formed by the middle-aged man actually exchanges good fortune and bad luck, and brings good luck instead of bad luck, which is weird no matter how you look at it.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhang is here." At this time, a middle-aged man with a big belly and a cigarette in his hand came to the door.

Xiao Zhang stuck his head out of the car and called, "Uncle."

This person is Xiao Zhang's uncle and the village chief of Chenjia Village. It is precisely because of this relationship that Chenjiacun, which has always been closed to the outside world, agreed to the arrival of the inspection team.

Uncle and Xiao Zhang started chatting. At first, it could be seen that he welcomed the arrival of this distant relative, but while chatting, he noticed that there were two women in the car, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Xiao Zhang, there is worship in the village today. According to the custom of the village, foreign women are not allowed to stay in the village during the worship period. I didn't know that there are women in your expedition team. This... can only wrong you. Let’s go down the mountain to rest first, and then come back after worshiping God tomorrow.” Uncle said with a troubled expression.

Xiao Zhang looked at Zhou Weijun with some embarrassment. Several people tried to communicate with his uncle, but in the end they still failed to persuade him.

The uncle's attitude was very resolute. While persuading everyone to leave, he and the middle-aged man before had weird fingerprints on their hands and bowed to Zhou Weijun and his group to apologize.

In desperation, Zhou Weijun could only start the car again and prepare to return to the foot of the mountain. He would spend one night in a hotel at the foot of the mountain and return to the village for inspection tomorrow.

However, just as Zhou Weijun started the car and was about to leave, an old lady with pale hair and at least seventy or eighty years old came to the minibus surrounded by several middle-aged men.

"Wait. Wait a minute."

The old lady asked Zhou Weijun to open the car door and got in. She first looked at Nita, and then at the female inspector "Sister Wang."

The old lady walked up to Sister Wang and said a few words to her, probably because she wanted to see her palm.

Sister Wang didn’t think much about it and stretched out her hand for the old lady to look at. The strange thing was that after reading Sister Wang’s palm reading, the old lady turned back to the middle-aged man beside her and said something in the village dialect. The young man said a few words to his uncle, and then left with the old lady.

"Uncle, what did that old grandma say just now?" Xiao Zhang asked.

Uncle replied: "Grandma said that Mother Buddha agreed to your request to stay overnight. You can drive the car into the yard and there is no need to go down the mountain."

Although everyone was curious as to why an old lady could agree to their request to stay overnight after a palm reading, it was always a good thing that they didn't have to go down the mountain.

Zhou Weijun drove the minibus into the village entrance and stopped in a yard according to his uncle's instructions.

Everyone curiously looked at the layout of Chen's village. It was more appropriate to say it was a village than a village.

Because the houses here are not like ordinary villages, one house is one house, but all the houses are built together, and passing through one yard is another yard. It is more like the pattern of Kowloon Walled City in Hong Kong Island.

After parking the car, everyone followed Uncle with their luggage through several alleys. Several times He Jiabing tried to be attentive and help Nita find someone, but Nita blocked him.

Her "visiting a friend" is nonsense. If she talks to uncle, the village chief, for a few more words, the secret will be exposed. This can only prevent the topic from developing.

Under the leadership of uncle, a group of people entered the depths of Chenjia Village. While passing by a mud house, several people saw a man standing by the door rubbing dark red ink, while another man in the house was holding a brush and drawing on the back of a seven or eight-year-old girl. Weird runes.

When the man who was wearing ink saw several people appearing, his expression changed and he immediately closed the door curtain. When the uncle saw this, he quickly called on everyone to continue to follow him.

"Uncle, what was that just now?" Xiao Zhang asked curiously, following his uncle.

The uncle smiled and said "the customs in the village", then abruptly changed the subject and asked about Xiao Zhang's family affairs.

And Nita saw the talisman on the girl. Although she didn't know what it was, anger suddenly rose in her heart.

As the shrine maiden chosen to inherit the shrine, Nita knew that the little girl who was painted with such a charm would most likely be used as a "sacrifice" to be sacrificed to a certain god.

Because when Nita was a child, she saw too many children who were not suitable to be witches. After they were "eliminated", they painted strange runes on their bodies and then performed sacrificial rituals.

As for these children who were sacrificed, Nita never heard from them again.

Nita recalled her tragic childhood. Although she sympathized with the little girl's plight, she knew she couldn't rush yet. After all, it was decades ahead of the timeline of the movie "The Curse". She didn't understand the situation here and took action without permission. Not only might he not be able to save the little girl, but he might not even be able to get the 3 points of "The Curse".

Nita decided to wait until night and sneak into the village to investigate in the dead of night, trying to find more information related to the Great Black Buddha Mother.

Perhaps because the timeline is still early, Chenjiacun has not yet been targeted by other reincarnators, and she has enough time to explore.

The group of people followed the uncle to the deepest courtyard, and saw a pair of red lanterns hanging under the eaves of every earthen house here.

It is obviously a festive red lantern, but there is something indescribably inconsistent and strange hanging here.


At this time, Sister Wang screamed, attracting everyone's attention.

Sister Wang was a little scared and hid beside Zhou Weijun. She raised her finger and pointed to a few fields next to the backyard. At this time, there were several villagers squatting in the fields, holding a gray soil bowl in one hand. The bowl was full of gray fleshy insects that looked like maggots. , and they continued to catch meat worms from the fields and put them into the bowl.

Upon seeing this, my uncle said, "Don't be afraid, those are insects caught... to feed the chickens. Don't be afraid, come in, come in."

Due to limited housing in the village, Nita and Sister Wang were assigned to one room, while the others were assigned the remaining two rooms.

Nita walked out of the house while Sister Wang was packing her luggage. At this time, the villagers catching insects in the field had left, but there was a little girl squatting by the field.

Nita judged from the little girl's back that she was the one who had the talisman drawn before, so she walked over and said hello.

"Hello, little sister."

The little girl turned back to look at Nita. Only then did Nita realize that although the little girl was dressed very simply, she had a delicate appearance and she was a beautiful woman at first glance.

"Hello." The little girl nodded politely and said hello.

Although she was very polite, the little girl strangely felt a little awkward.

Nita took out a bag of candy from her pocket, peeled one and put it in her mouth, then handed one to the little girl: "It's delicious. Do you want to eat it?"

The little girl stared at the candy for a long time, and I could see the desire in her eyes, but after a few seconds, she still shook her head: "Thank you, no need."

"Why? This is delicious."

"Because..." The little girl was about to answer when two villagers came and asked the little girl to leave.

Watching the people leaving, the two villagers never laid their eyes on Nita, as if she didn't exist.

Whether it is the little girl or the villagers, there is always something strange and inconsistent.

Nita returned to the house and waited for a while. Uncle brought someone over to invite them to go to the ancestral hall together, saying that before dinner, they needed to worship gods and ancestors together.

The group of people followed the uncle to a two-story ancestral hall. At this time, the old man who had read Sister Wang's palm was sitting next to the altar, with two middle-aged women standing next to him.

The uncle found several futons and placed them in front of the expedition team members and Nita. He asked them to kneel on the futons and write their names on the yellow charms, saying that this was a village custom and was used to worship gods.

Although everyone was hesitant, they thought of "doing as the Romans do in the countryside" and still wrote their names on the yellow paper. Even He Jiabing, who initially said that he wanted Chenjiacun to abandon superstition and believe in science, was now under the invisible pressure of the ancestral hall. , wrote his name.

Nita did not write her name on the yellow paper because Lin Ge had told her before that the name of the movie "Curse" was very important. Once her name was called by the Big Black Buddha, she would be cursed.

Lin Ge had previously told the Great Black Buddha that his name was "Huowang" in a related reincarnation. Although I don't know if it was useful, it seemed that the Great Black Buddha had stopped for a long time because of this name.

Although Nita, as an exorcist witch, was not afraid of the big black Buddha, for safety reasons she still followed Lin Ge's instructions and wrote down the name "Huowang" and gave it to her uncle.

Uncle looked at the yellow paper with the name written on it and his expression became a little strange. It's a pity that there was no Internet culture at this time, otherwise my uncle's expression would have been "Are you kidding me".

A young and beautiful woman named "Huowang"?

Uncle asked tentatively: "You are a big girl named Huowang?"

Nita said seriously: "My mother said that I was very weak when I was born, so she asked a fortune teller to make a special prediction. The fortune teller said that I would drown in water and lack fire in the five elements. If I want to grow up smoothly, I must When choosing a name with fire in it, the more prosperous the better, so I chose a name that is strong in fire."

"It's not enough to just write your name, you also have to write your surname. But you have to remember, if you write the wrong name, it will harm two lives." Uncle seemed not to want to get more entangled on this issue, and reminded him with a serious expression. understand the seriousness of Nita's situation.

Nita asked pretending to be curious: "Why...two lives?"

"Writing random names is disrespectful to the Buddha Mother. If the Buddha Mother blames you, not only will you be unlucky, but the person with the same name you wrote will also be unlucky." Uncle said solemnly.

He Jiabing on the side heard this and muttered: "Is it such an exaggeration?"

"Oh." Nita nodded calmly after hearing this, and decisively wrote the word "Lin" in front of "Huowang".

After all, adding a Chinese-style "surname" to her last name seemed nondescript. Since Nita had said her last name was "Lin" before, she naturally couldn't reveal her secret at this time.

"Lin... Huowang. It always feels like a boy's name. Is this really your name?" Uncle still didn't believe that a big girl had such a name.

Nita nodded seriously: "I won't change my name when I'm working, and I won't change my surname when I sit down. If there are any lies, let Mother Buddha punish me Lin Huowang severely."

"Well, I hope you won't harm others or yourself." Uncle put the talisman away and muttered.

After the uncle put away the yellow charms with everyone's names written on them, the two middle-aged women standing behind the old lady brought a tray with a red cloth on it. There were several pictures on the red cloth that read "Fire". Eight characters such as "Buddha Hugh One" will get red talisman paper.

At this time, the old lady sitting next to the altar suddenly said: "Take this talisman back and put it under the pillow to sleep overnight. Remember, since you have contributed your name to the Buddha Mother, then in Chen Don't use this name casually in your village, or even think about it. And you have to come back to worship it every ten years, and the Buddha Mother will bless you."

Everyone picked up the red talisman in the tray with doubts on their faces. As soon as Nita got the red talisman, she felt uncomfortable all over her body. For a moment, she even wanted to awaken her Ghost Rider bloodline and use this red talisman. The talisman was destroyed along with the ashes!

In the end, Nita relied on her own will and silently recited a few "Witch" exorcism spells in her heart to suppress the discomfort.

The old lady spoke again: "Miss Wang, if the child in your belly is named, remember to come back to Chenjiacun and dedicate the name to the Mother Buddha."

As soon as the old lady said this, everyone in the expedition team looked at Sister Wang in surprise. It seemed that no one knew about her pregnancy.

Sister Wang smiled awkwardly, stood up and was about to say something, when suddenly she felt dizzy, her vision went dark, and she fell down.

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