Hu Bufan was only downgraded, but his own strength was still that of an underworld horse.

I was holding my breath after being demoted, but these people came to bring trouble on their own. It doesn't matter if he is teased by his brothers, but these few little miscellaneous fish who appear out of nowhere dare to look down on him?

Hu Bufan stepped down and turned into an afterimage that swept towards the three reincarnators.

The Samsara Man holding the bow and arrow changed his face when he saw this, and immediately put his hand on the bowstring. A flash of blue light appeared, and three transparent blue magic arrows appeared.

Three magic arrows brought up brilliant blue ice chips and flew towards Hu Bufan. However, Hu Bufan didn't even bother to slow down and directly swiped the spear in his hand.

The white light and the blue light collided, and even the sound of "click-click-click" ice was heard in the air, forming an ice wall. But the next second, Hu Bufan shot directly through the ice wall, arrived in front of the three of them in the blink of an eye, and stabbed the bow and arrow reincarnation man in the throat.

Hu Bufan was a little surprised when he saw that the gun tip was blocked by an invisible barrier when it reached a foot from the throat of the archer Samsara. He tried again to penetrate the opponent's defense.

However, the reincarnator of the bow and arrow was obviously more surprised than Hu Bufan. He was wearing a B-level protective shield, but his energy was completely destroyed by the opponent's stab.

With the sound of shattering glass, the energy shield was completely pierced by Hu Bufan. Seeing that the spear was about to pierce the bow and arrow reincarnation's throat, his companion next to him reached out and grabbed the head of the gun.

And just as the man reached out to grab the head of the gun, the sci-fi watch he wore on his wrist produced dense "ants" that instantly covered the entire palm of his hand.

A-level technological equipment - nano-armor!

I saw the reincarnator grabbing Hu Bufan's spear, and then fired a charged cannon with his backhand to force Hu Bufan back. Then with the bow and arrow, the reincarnator activated the rocket boots under his feet, and opened a few meters away from Hu Bufan in the blink of an eye.

Hu Bufan was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting this seemingly ordinary person to be able to block his own blow. Although the blow was not at full strength, it was easy to see that he was a master if he could block it so easily!

"Shi Dake, cover me!" The Archer Samsara retreated behind the Samsara using the nano armor, took out a magic scroll, opened it, and touched the magic bow.

At this moment, the reincarnator named Shi Dake had finished wearing the armor, and the nano armor had covered his whole body.

The Mark85 Nano Armor is the latest armor used by Iron Man Tony Stark in "Avengers 4".

However, unlike Tony Stark who stores nanoparticles in the reactor on his chest, Stark stores the nanoparticles in his watch for charging.

At critical times, the nanoparticles can be controlled by the watch to spread out and cover the whole body, thus forming a steel armor. The convenience of nanoparticles is that it greatly simplifies the wearing process and allows the armor to be carried around, making the transformation more free and flexible. .

Although the defensive power is slightly weaker than other Mark armors, the A-level nano-armor redeemed in the main god space has enhanced defense. Shi Dake was able to take a blow from Hu Bufan with his palms covered with nanoparticles. It is enough to see that the defense has been greatly enhanced.

Shi Dake had visited the underworld by chance in his previous reincarnation. At that time, he asked the artificial intelligence in the armor to record some information in the underworld. When Hu Bufan appeared, he scanned and compared it, so he told his companions. The other party is just a sinister soldier.

But after his first fight with Hu Bufan just now, Shi Dake has determined that Hu Bufan can never be a Yin soldier. Such a powerful strength even far exceeds that of Yin and Guizha!

"Quick shot, this guy should be more than just a Yin soldier. He may have been demoted for some reason. His strength is even higher than that of Yin Cha and Gu Cha. You'd better live up to your name!" Shi Dake said to the archer Samsara.

Hu Bufan became angry when he heard this. Why does this man keep exposing his own scars? He immediately rushed forward with a spear in hand, and at the same time, he flashed his figure and used his external incarnation, and several Hu Bufan launched attacks at the same time.

Quick Fire completed three enchantments on the magic bow, and took out the magic arrow scroll and released it. At the same time, he cursed: "Damn it, you are the one who said the Yin Soldier, and you are the one who said it is not the Yin Soldier. You have finished what you said, what can I say? What! Block it, it’s just an elite NPC at best, and it’s not a reincarnation point!"

While Su Sheo was talking, Hu Bufan had already launched another attack, and the spear in his hand turned into a shadow of a gun that filled the sky, shrouding Shi Dake and Su Sheo.

Shi Dake had controlled the nanoparticles to form a cross shield long before Hu Bufan took action. However, even if the nanoshield would condense again after being pierced by Hu Bufan's spear, the speed of condensation could not match the speed of Hu Bufan's attack. In the blink of an eye, even he The nanoparticles on the body were affected.

But Rapid Fire behind him is still preparing his ultimate move. He can't dodge or retreat, otherwise the pure output of Rapid Fire in the team will be completely over.

Shi Dake could only control the nanoparticles with one hand for defense, and retreat with the rapid fire with the other hand to dodge. After a long minute, the rapid fire finally completed the enchantment.

"Shi Dake!"

It was obviously not the first time that the two of them had cooperated. After calling each other's name with a rapid fire, Shi Dake immediately understood what the other party wanted to do, grabbed the other's arm and threw it into the air.

While flying into the air rapidly, Shi Dake didn't have to defend blindly. He stretched his hands forward at the same time, and the two charged cannons immediately gathered dazzling energy, and fired at Hu Bufan!



At the same time that the charged cannon hit Hu Bufan, the spear in Hu Bufan's hand slashed vertically. This simple blow contained all his power and directly cut off one of Shi Dake's arms protected by nanoparticles, but he also He was blasted backwards by the charged cannon.

While stuffing recovery medicine into his mouth, Shi Dake grabbed the severed limb on the ground and activated the nano-warrior's flying device to evacuate at a high speed.

What he retreated from was not Hu Bufan's attack range, but the rapid fire that was about to launch a special move in mid-air!


"that is!"


As a loud shout came from the air, he quickly fired the B-level magic arrow fired from the three-layer enchanted magic bow in his hand - "Pat Star"!

A magic arrow with explosive power comparable to that of a missile!

At the same time as the magic arrow was shot, Shi Dake had already flown to the side of the falling Quick Fire, hugged him and flew towards the top of the mountain.


There was a loud noise, the ground shook, and a huge hole was blown out of the entire mountain. The village at the foot of the mountain was instantly buried by the landslide.

And the magic arrow, which was as powerful as a missile, exploded into flames to form a huge "five-pointed star", instantly lighting up the dark night sky.

At this time, Lin Ge, who had just caught up to the foot of the mountain, saw the huge explosion spreading. Without any time to think, he immediately released the Yinwu Lei Domain to form a huge wall of turbid water magma in an attempt to reduce the explosion.

Because the people closest to them at the foot of the mountain were Huo Wang and Chen Qing. Although Chen Qing was already dead and could not survive being buried, Huo Wang was still alive.

On the other side, Hu Bufan, who was still chasing the enemy blindly, never imagined that the opponent would suddenly release such a "killing move". He couldn't avoid it and was blown away half of his body.

When Lin Ge arrived after the explosion, Hu Bufan was still standing with only his lower body and two feet. He didn't know what to do for a while.

"...Brother Hu, are you...ok?" Lin Ge thought that Tangtang couldn't be blown up by a missile, right?

"His grandma has legs, what the hell is this?" Hu Bufan, with only half of his body left, yelled, and then consumed a lot of Yin energy to regroup his body.

Hu Bufan is originally a ghost, and his body is wrapped by the soul and condensed by the soul. As long as the soul is immortal, it can be condensed even if it is blown apart.

A mere missile would naturally not be able to damage Hu Bufan's spirit.

Seeing Hu Bufan regroup his body, it was the reincarnation in the distance who was shocked. After hearing the clairvoyant's report, Su She immediately cursed: "Isn't this still dead? Shi Dake, see for yourself, this is what you said 'Yin soldier', I believe this guy even if he says he is the King of Ghosts!"

"The background settings of each world are different. Who knew that the underworld soldiers in this world were so fierce? Even the last reincarnation judge had never seen them so fierce!" Shi Dake said helplessly.

The clairvoyant reminded: "As far as I know...isn't the judge a civil servant?"

"God's civil servants, Wei Zheng, the Secretary of Rewards for Good, and Zhong Kui, the Secretary of Punishment, do you think these two old men look like civil servants? Stop talking nonsense, they are coming! Clairvoyant, you block it for me, I will use the nanoparticle treatment device to reconnect Move your arm!" Shi Dake said.

The clairvoyant smiled: "In times like this, you still have to rely on me!"

After saying that, he jumped forward to the huge hole blown by the magic arrow, blocking Lin Ge and Hu Bufan who were rushing towards the mountain.


"After thinking about this, I asked my iron legs to float on the water first!"

Lin Ge and Hu Bufan looked at the clairvoyant like a fool...or in other words, the iron leg was floating on the water. They saw him insert the sole of his foot into the soil, and then kicked it——


This kick actually kicked up dust all over the sky. Even the wind shadow next door praised him when he saw it. It was enough to show that this float on the water is indeed proud of itself.

The dust in the sky turned into three tornadoes, blocking Lin Ge's path, and the arrogant laughter of Shui Diao could be heard in the dust.

Lin Ge silently raised his hand and took out the trident, strode forward and threw it violently. The trident suddenly turned into a golden light and flew into the tornado, directly passing through the tornado.

A second later, there was a miserable howl from the water behind Shachen, and he was directly stabbed by the trident, bringing out a golden light and flying towards the mountain.

"Fancy." Lin Ge took a deep breath and used his spiritual energy to perform the "Lion's Roar Technique", which directly dispersed the sand and dust tornado in front of him.

"Brother Lin, what a trick!" Hu Bufan praised.

Lin Ge said: "Brother Hu, let's chase them, but don't let them escape."


Hu Bufan immediately turned into gray smoke and flew towards the top of the mountain. Lin Ge's Tiyun Zong was only a C-level light skill, which was obviously not comparable to Hu Bufan's speed.

The two of them came to the mountain one after another, but they saw Shi Dake, who was wearing a nano-armor and Quick Shot holding a magic bow, being stabbed with a trident from his right chest to his right shoulder. A big hole was inserted and one of his hands was broken off. At this time, they were Shui Diao, who had recovered with the recovery agent, and a Taoist priest wearing a yellow robe stood on the roof of the bungalow where the Ghost King lived.

"Come here!" Shui Diao endured the pain and shouted angrily at Lin Ge while holding the severed arm.

Lin Ge and Hu Bufan did not act rashly, because they were both ascetics, so they could easily tell at a glance that the yellow-robed Taoist priest had set up a magic circle around the bungalow.

What's more, Chen Qing had reminded Lin Ge before that the Taoist priest not only set up a magic circle, but also a triple magic circle. If he entered like this, he would naturally fall into the opponent's trap.

Shi Dake and Su Shei didn't dare to step forward when they saw Lin Ge. The former used charged cannons and tracking bullets to attack, while the latter used his famous rate of fire to continuously shoot magic arrows.

Lin Ge spread out the Yin Wu Lei field and continuously controlled the turbid water magma for defense. Hu Bufan didn't know the specific effect of this array, so he didn't dare to step forward rashly.

Lin Ge pinched the magic formula and opened his double-pupil heavenly eyes to "break the barrier". Under the influence of Huang Shang's double pupils, the three-layer magic circle laid out by the Taoist priest was seen through at a glance.

The first level is to seal the spirit, the second level is to capture the spirit, and the third level is to break the spirit.

This place is located at the top of the back mountain of Xingzhong Village. It is also the lair of the Ghost King. There are many ghosts around, so it is most suitable to arrange a magic circle to deal with the spirits.

The foundation of human beings is the soul and the body. If either of them is severely damaged, they will die. This "first-level spirit sealing" seals a person's aura and soul. Strictly speaking, it is a "double seal". It can be seen that this person is also an expert in formations.

"Double Soul Capturing" is also a "double seal". One absorbs the target's spiritual energy, and the other achieves the effect of capturing the soul.

The last level, which is the most powerful "spirit breaking", is fundamentally based on the word "break", which not only destroys its spirit body, but also means "explosion" in it. Buried in the array are powerful explosive talismans among the talismans, high-grade talismans that can blow up a person's soul as well.

After Lin Ge saw through the opponent's formation, he thought for a moment, picked up the magic formula and rushed towards the formation.

Lin Ge's actions undoubtedly shocked the Taoist priest on the roof. When he saw Lin Ge and Hu Bufan stop, he thought that these two people were also masters and saw his arrangement, but he didn't expect that just two minutes later, this man unexpectedly Just choose to break through the triple formation!

"Hmph, arrogant. I admit that your Yin Wu Lei is very powerful, but just trying to break through my three-layer formation is simply wishful thinking!" The Taoist snorted coldly. Even the Ghost King did not dare to show up after he deployed this three-layer formation. , this person actually wanted to force his way in!

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

I saw a layer of golden light rising from Lin Ge's body, intending to "defeat cleverness with strength", relying on the golden light spell and the powerful defense and evil-destroying effects of the Yin Wu Lei field to break through the magic circle.

"Golden light curse plus five yin thunders?" The Taoist priest's expression changed.

But the next moment he knew that he was wrong, and he was very wrong, because after Lin Ge broke into the formation, he seemed to know the secret of the triple formation, and every step he took was within the safe range of the formation.

"Heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe borrows the law!"

Lin Ge clapped his hands, and instantly struck out more than a dozen golden light palms forward, and all of them hit the "eyes" of the triple magic circle.

This Taoist priest's special skill, the "three-layered magic circle" that even the ghost king would avoid, was seen through by Lin Ge's eyes at a glance, and was broken without even the slightest power.

"No, it's a master. Use the scroll and retreat!" the Taoist priest said urgently.

As soon as the Taoist priest finished speaking, Shi Dake and Su Shei took out a scroll without any hesitation, while Shui Diao hesitated: "No, we are withdrawing now? We have an advantage of four against two. B-level scroll, thirty thousand reincarnations for one click." Ah, just use it like this..."

Before he finished speaking, the Taoist priest had already pulled the scroll and disappeared on the roof with a flash of white light. Shi Dake and Kuai Sheo on the side pulled the scroll almost at the same time as the Taoist priest. These two people had been reincarnated with the mentor several times before Shui Diao, so they trusted the Taoist priest's judgment very much.

Floating on the Water is the second reincarnation of joining the team. Although it is not disrespectful to the team leader, it is not as firm as Shi Dake and Rapid Fire.

He lost a hand in a fight. He admitted that Lin Ge was indeed very strong, but not so strong that he could run away with 3W reincarnation points.

But after just one second of hesitation, the three teammates ran away without any hesitation, and he could only take out the scroll from the [Inventory].

But after just a second of hesitation, a voice sounded in front of him: "Teleportation scroll? This is a good thing for running away."

Floating on the water was stunned for a moment, but there was no trace of the teleportation scroll in his hand. Looking again, Lin Ge had arrived on the roof at some point. He controlled the turbid water to "cleave" the scroll in his hand, and then the turbid water turned into a hand. He caught the scroll and sent it to Lin Singer.

The next moment, Hu Bufan came to the water and floated behind him. The opponent only felt pain in his shoulder and calf at the same time. His shoulder was pierced by a spear and nailed to the ground, and his calf was kicked by Hu Bufan, knocking him to his knees.

Lin Ge controlled the turbid water magma to surround the floating water and said with a smile: "I am a very kind person. As long as you pay a 'ransom' worthy of your status, I don't mind letting you reunite with your teammates."


"Of course, I never lie." Lin Ge said with an upright face.

He floated on the water and took out a pair of iron leggings, which turned out to be B-level enchanted equipment, a bunch of firearms, some recovery items and eight thousand reincarnation points.

Lin Ge took out a yellow talisman, picked up the talisman and lit it: "Let me see the quality of these equipment."

The talisman instantly burned into ashes, and while flying towards the equipment, some ashes fell in front of Floating's nose, causing him to sneeze several times.

"It's not bad." Lin Ge smiled and put away the things on the ground, and then said with a cold expression: "I'm sorry, your greater value is that 1 point."

As he spoke, he took out a revolver and pointed it at the head floating in the water.

"You want to kill me, I'm dreaming!" Shui Liao deliberately adjusted his body shape when he was taking things. At this moment, he used his unique skill to sweep away the hall and forced Hu Bufan back. At the same time, he broke away from the spear. Then, a silver light appeared in his hand, and he held a Stab the dagger at Lin Ge.

However, his attack was just a "feint attack". It seemed like he was attacking Lin Ge, but in fact, he actually snatched the "teleportation scroll" from the opponent's hand.

Flying dragon explores the clouds!

This is a unique martial arts technique created by Bashu thief Li Hankong and carried forward by Li Xiaoyao. As long as it is on the target, there is nothing that cannot be stolen!

Floating on the water took back the "Teleportation Scroll". This time without any hesitation, he immediately pulled the scroll and used it, turning it into a white light and disappearing.

"Damn it, let him run away!" Hu Bufan said angrily.

Lin Ge said indifferently: "It's not like I let him run away, but I let him go deliberately. After all, 1 point is not worth 4 points."

Lin Ge's words were not to save face for himself. If he really wanted to cut off the opportunity to escape by floating on the water, he would naturally not do something as stupid as holding the "Teleportation Scroll" in his hand. Moreover, if you really want to kill something floating on the water, you can just hit it with a thunder spell, or squeeze it with the Yin Wu Lei Turbid Water, so why bother using a pistol?


Lin Ge pulled the trigger of the revolver in his hand, and saw a firework explode from the muzzle, and then stretched out a small flag with the word "Bang" written on it.

Hu Bufan said in confusion: "Well, Brother Lin, you wanted to kill them all before, why did you deliberately let one go now?"

"I wanted to kill them all before, but I didn't expect them to have such advanced means of escape. Now that three of them have escaped, this one point is not that important." As he spoke, Lin Ge took up the magic formula. , the position floating on the water was immediately captured in his mind.

The yellow talisman that Lin Ge burned was naturally not a talisman for "testing quality", but a "soul-chasing talisman". He deliberately let this talisman float on the water and inhaled a little talisman ash, in order to cast the soul-chasing curse on the opponent. on the soul.

After all, there is also a Taoist priest in the group of four. He has a deep study of battle formations and may also be involved in talismans. If he sees the "soul-chasing curse", all the previous efforts will be wasted.

However, Lin Ge's "Soul Chasing Curse" at Xiaocheng level is not so easy to detect, and after reaching Xiaocheng level, the tracking range becomes wider.

"Three kilometers away, it seems that the range of this 'teleportation scroll' is not too far." Lin Ge cast a soul-seeking curse on one of the four people. On the one hand, he could attack them at any time, and on the other hand, he could also monitor the other party at any time. movements to prevent being secretly targeted by the other party during the next mission.

"Are we going to chase him now?" Hu Bufan asked.

Lin Ge said: "No rush, let's solve the problem in Xingzhong Village first."

Hu Bufan nodded and was about to return to the village when he saw Lin Ge jump off the roof and directly into the bungalow.

Hu Bufan didn't know what the other party wanted to do, but since Lin Ge hadn't left yet, he had no choice but to follow.

Lin Ge walked all the way to a room in the bungalow, walked to a mahogany coffin and knocked on it: "Hey, although I don't want to disturb your sleep, I heard that you have many suicide notes left by previous villagers, including one belonging to my child. One letter, could you please find it for me?"

The coffin Lin Ge knocked on was the coffin in which the big boss "Ghost King" slept throughout the first and second parts of "Fighting Ghosts". This coffin was not an ordinary coffin. Inside, a special ghost realm was formed by the power of the Ghost King. There are many ghosts inside.

When Xingzhong Village was massacred, some villagers in the village fled to their bungalows. Originally, the Ghost King wanted to get rid of these villagers, but when he heard the cries of the children in the villagers, he thought of his own children, who were also his "obsession" in the world. , let these villagers go.

The villagers thought they could not escape the massacre, so they left suicide notes in their bungalows and waited to die. Little did they know that the ghost king had already driven away the soldiers.

Among the villagers who left a suicide note was Huo Wang's mother.

Lin Ge thought it was time to come, so he helped Huo Wang take the suicide note back. As for the Ghost King, he is not a villain in a sense, and is also involved in the plot of "Ghost Fighting 2".

Lin Ge was obviously going to take the points and rewards from the two plots, so he decided to leave the Ghost King alone and take the suicide note back to complete the first plot.

At this time, the coffin was slowly rising, and a strong black evil aura suddenly poured out. The Ghost King was obviously unhappy at being disturbed, and was ready to kill Lin Ge, the uninvited guest.

At this moment, Hu Bufan's voice sounded at the door: "Brother Lin, what are we doing here?"

The coffin that was being pushed away by the black evil energy came to an abrupt stop. As a person from the underworld and a horse-faced strongman, Hu Bufan was sensed by the Ghost King as soon as his aura appeared.

No matter how powerful the ghost king is, he is still a ghost. If he is a ghost, he will be under the jurisdiction of the underworld. But he continued to stay in the human world because of his unfinished obsession, and he did not want to conflict with the people of the underworld.

As a result, the originally ferocious evil spirit slowly condensed into a hand, pointing to the corner of the wall with his finger. Lin Ge looked in the direction pointed by the Ghost King, and sure enough he saw a stack of suicide notes on the bookshelf in the corner.

Lin Ge walked over and picked up the suicide note, found the one with the name "Lin Huowang" written on it, put it away, and walked towards Hu Bufan.

Hu Bufan looked at the red coffin and asked, "I seem to have sensed the evil spirit. There must be a ghost hiding in the coffin. Why don't you kick the coffin by the way?"

When Lin Ge heard this, he sighed in his heart, "As expected of you."

In the original drama, the Ghost King dared to kick the coffin only after a general of the level of the second general was added to the body. Hu Bufan was only at horse level, so he did not give the Ghost King any face. He was worthy of being the one who dared to challenge the Demon King alone in the first place.

"Don't worry, this ghost king is still useful... Let's go back and deal with the wandering ghosts in Xingzhong Village first, and don't delay the business." Lin Ge said.

When Hu Bufan heard "Ghost King", his eyes lit up, that was a "great merit". It's a pity that brother wants to save this guy's life first, so he can only keep it first.

Hu Bufan glanced at the red coffin reluctantly, sighed, and left with Lin Ge.

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