Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 332 Nightmare Effect: Last Place Elimination System

After waiting for the brief blur of consciousness to end, Lin Ge's vision recovered and he found himself standing on the sidewalk with Nita. There were many pedestrians on the sidewalk, but at this time, they all had the "freeze button" pressed like the cars on the road. They stood motionless without even blinking, as if they were dummies.

The green belt beside the sidewalk is very clean, and the flowers, plants and trees are growing lushly, which is in sharp contrast with the tattered bricks and tiles on the sidewalk.

There are electric piles erected next to the highway holding "wires", and those dilapidated buses-like vehicles have an "antenna" on their head connected to the wires.

Most of the cars around are from the 1950s and 1960s.

The buildings on both sides of the street are old and old. The tallest building is only five or six floors, and there are advertisements with a sense of the times, and the Chinese characters on each advertisement are traditional Chinese characters.

Lin Ge and Nita looked at each other, then lowered their heads in unison to check the reincarnation watch to confirm the mission and the "debuff" of this nightmare reincarnation.

[This reincarnation is the "Reincarnation Team Competition Mode". A total of five reincarnation teams compete, and the final winner will receive a reward of 50,000 reincarnation points. 】

[Main mission: Survive for 30 days, reward 5,000 reincarnation points. (It is required to solve at least three "folk custom weird things", otherwise it will be regarded as a mission failure, and 10,000 reincarnation points will be deducted for each "folk custom weird thing" missing, with a maximum of 30,000 reincarnation points deducted)]

[Side mission 1: Each time a "Folklore Weirdness" incident is solved is worth 3 points, the team's justice value +10, and reincarnation points +5000. 】

[Side mission 2: Each time you kill a member of the reincarnation team, 1 point will be awarded. 】

(Note 1: Reincarnators are not allowed to leave Taiwan Island, otherwise the main mission will be directly judged as failed, and points will be deducted according to the number of completed events.)

(Note 2: Every time the reincarnator directly kills a non-possessed plot character, the points are -1 and the sin value +100.)

(Note 3: If the reincarnator’s actions directly or indirectly cause the death of civilians, each person’s sin value will be +10. If there are more than 10 people, the points will be -3.)

[Nightmare effect: Last place elimination system. 】

(End marking is performed every 3 days, and the first few reincarnation team members will mark the whereabouts of the last team member for three minutes.)

(Points will be settled every seven days, and the team at the bottom will be eliminated directly. Points will be deducted and then thrown into the endless Dead Sea under the hell of this world.)

[The distribution of this reincarnation task has ended, and now the safe time countdown is entering: 27 minutes and 56 seconds. 】


After reading the mission introduction and nightmare effects, Lin Ge sighed in his heart. First, he actually came to Taiwan Island again. Second, he sighed that the Lord God was really capable of causing trouble.

Generally speaking, the reincarnation that can match the nightmare reincarnation has no doubt about its strength. But this time it is based on a team, and at worst it should be the strength of the previous "Skeleton Team".

The nightmare effect "last elimination system" marks all members of the team at the bottom every three days for three minutes.

In front of a senior person, this is like being stripped naked. If you meet a senior person like Nova, if you don't care about the casualties, you will probably just throw a missile at him.

Even if the Lord God imposes restrictions on harming civilians, the three-minute mark can still give Samsaras who are good at stealth and sniping an advantage.

Not to mention the direct elimination of the reincarnations at the bottom every seven days, which simply maximizes the intensity of the confrontation in this reincarnation!

"Old rules?" Nita looked at Lin Ge and asked.


Old rules?

What old rules?

After all, Lin Ge was not a clone. He didn't know what the old rules were between clones, Nita and Jiwotou, but this situation was just a small scene for him.

Lin Ge thought for a while and said with a serious expression: "...According to my understanding of Taiwan, there are no less than double digits of folk customs here, but it shouldn't be that easy to find out the folk customs of this era. Moreover, in There should be a big difference in difficulty. What do you think?"

It seemed that Lin Ge said a lot, but in fact it was no different than not saying anything at all. He directly threw the question back to Nita, but the other party didn't seem to notice Lin Ge's twists and turns. Instead, after thinking about it very seriously, he said: "Since the nightmare effect will only be marked at the end on the third day, we will follow the way we handled the Yin Yang Road Gang Trouble last time. We will work separately for two days to record the possible folk weird things, and then gather together for discussion."

If the three-person team of clone Lin Ge, Nita, and Jiwotou encounters a confrontation or a long main line during the reincarnation, they will usually divide into groups to collect intelligence, and then summarize it for analysis.

Because Nita's ability is good at high-speed movement, she can explore the terrain in the shortest time and find the location where branch lines may appear.

The ghost in Jiwotou is commonly known as "Bao Qing", and he is also very good at snooping for information, so it is more conducive to gathering intelligence when the three of them are together and not dispersed.

Lin Ge also guessed this through Nita's feedback, so he nodded and said: "Then let's do it. Anyway, if you encounter difficult problems, just contact us first. By the way, do you know anything about Taiwan's folk customs?"

"Not much." Nita shook her head.

Lin Ge had at least had an experience in the integrated world of Taiwan, and said: "Judging from the surrounding environment, this should be Taiwan in the 1950s and 1960s. This timeline can exclude many Taiwanese horror movies. But some legends It started very early, such as the Demon God Boy in Baye Mountain, the Big Black Buddha Mother in Chenjiacun, the True Immortal Temple in the Hidden City, the Female Ghost Bridge at East Lake University, etc."

"But the more famous this kind of legend is, it means that other reincarnators are more likely to know about it, and the chance of encountering reincarnators will be greatly increased."

"My suggestion is to start with some folk customs that are less popular. On the one hand, you can get guaranteed points to prevent being marked, and on the other hand, you can also collect intelligence."

"In the 1950s and 1960s, there was no crackdown on feudal superstition in Taiwan. People of this era often saw some regional weird stories in newspapers and magazines. This was also the most popular topic in the contemporary era. Therefore, many newspaper reporters visited the old Lou Guzhai collects ghost stories, so finding a newspaper might save a lot of time."

Nita nodded after hearing this: "I understand."

The two went on to discuss some Taiwanese ghost movies in recent years. For example, although the story of the movie "The Thread" took place in 2000, the research on "Mengjie Sponge" may have been done decades ago. Let’s get started. If we can find the R\u0026D department, we might be able to gain something unexpected.

Another example is "Female Ghost Bridge". According to the timeline of the game and movie, there were strange stories related to the bridge as early as the 1950s and 1960s.

In the end, the two decided after half an hour of discussion. Nita followed the plan and first found a newspaper to collect clues about folk customs, while Lin Ge visited temples in Taiwan to collect information.

The reason why Lin Ge proposed to go to the temple was to collect information on the one hand, and on the other hand he wanted to gather the power of faith for the "Qianshi Nuo Mian".

Seeing that the protection time was about to end, Nita summoned her Harley motorcycle and rode on it. Lin Ge stepped forward and said with a slightly weird expression: "Although I didn't transform into the Ghost Rider, even so, riding a Harley motorcycle in the 1950s and 1960s Wouldn’t it be too ostentatious?”

Nita glanced at Lin Ge and turned the throttle in the opposite direction. She saw the Harley motorcycle emitting a beam of light to scan a man riding a motorcycle on the side of the road. Then the Harley motorcycle turned into that old-fashioned motorcycle.

"Good guy, are you a Transformer too?" Lin Ge said in surprise.

Nita raised her eyebrows: "Also?"

"Oh, by the way, Xiao Hei, take this." Lin Ge changed the subject, took out a pendant from his pocket and handed it to Nita.

Nita took the pendant, held it in her hand and looked at it: "Pixiu?"

"I personally consecrated it, Bao Ling." What Lin Ge gave Nita was none other than the Pixiu pendant that had wandered around in the previous reincarnation world.

He added the "Markov ray imaging" technique to the Pixiu pendant, which not only allowed him to determine Nita's location, but also allowed him to observe her condition through imaging records.

Although Nita is Lin Ge's "teammate" in name, she is essentially a teammate of the clone, so Lin Ge is still wary of her.

"Although you are the Ghost Rider and have a certain deterrent effect on ghosts, this is the world of ghosts and ghosts in our country after all. It is safer to use local auspicious beasts to control the whole world," Lin Ge said.

Nita glanced at Lin Ge, put away the Pixiu pendant, and said calmly: "I remember I told you that I was a witch before entering reincarnation."

"Oh, I am a Taoist priest, more professional than you."


Nita glared at Lin Ge in return, not bothering to argue with him.

At this time, with the sound of glass breaking, the protective shield shattered, and reincarnation officially began. Nita started the motorcycle, said "be careful" and drove away.

Watching Nita's leaving figure, Lin Ge decided to find a "local guide" to take him around the city as usual.

In the 1950s and 1960s, cars were not yet common in Taiwan, and even public transportation was in the era of trams, let alone the most common "local access" taxis.

However, although there are no rentals, there are many three-wheelers, motorcycles and other means of transportation, which in this era are similar to rentals.

Lin Ge opened the travel bag equipped for this reincarnation. It was still the same as the third one, including a change of clothes, identification, and a wad of money.

This is the most starting capital given by the main god since Lin Ge's reincarnation, but it is not enough to survive for thirty days with this money.

While Lin Ge was thinking about whether he should go to a rich Taiwanese woman to fool her and learn about Feng Shui or something, he walked to the side of the road and stopped a motorized three-wheeler.

"Boss, where are you going?"

"The nearest temple."


Lin Ge got into the carriage behind the tricycle, pretending to be a tourist, and chatted with the driver about Taiwan's development in recent years in a casual tone.

As we chatted, the topic ranged from the recent major events in Taiwan to folk customs and weird stories. As soon as we talked about this matter, the driver kept talking, as if he was talking about his professional field.

But to Lin Ge's disappointment, what the driver said was like those folk tales that old people at home told their children when they were children. It sounded quite bluffing, but if you think about it carefully, it was just the same thing. If you asked the other person carefully, I can’t explain why, and I don’t even know the specific place or person where the incident occurred.

"Boss, this is it. This is the most popular temple here. It's very spiritual. Why don't you go and take a look?"

"Okay, thank you." Lin Ge got out of the car, paid, and carried his travel bag to the temple.

Standing in front of the temple, Lin Ge took out the "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" and put it on his face. The Qianshi Nuo Noodle has no fixed appearance and can automatically switch to "happiness, anger, sadness, and joy" according to the wearer's mood. Nuo noodles with different emotions. At this time, Lin Ge was in a pretty good mood, so as soon as he put it on, he immediately turned into a white-faced "Lemian".

Lin Ge nodded his forehead, and the "Thousand Knowledge Nuo Face" gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely, leaving only a black curse mark half the size of a fingernail in the center of Lin Ge's eyebrows.

Lin Ge wanted to go to the temple to collect the power of faith, so he naturally had to keep wearing the "Qianshi Nuo Mask". As for the spiritual energy consumption of wearing it when it was not revealed, it was nothing compared to his current spiritual power of 219.

The palace temple looked like it had just been renovated recently. Although it was not large in scale, it only had one main hall and two small rooms, and not even a side hall.

Usually, temples like this only worship one god and Buddha. Compared with later temples that worship a large group of gods and Buddhas, the incense is far behind.

However, Lin Ge felt that the main hall seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember when he had been there.

I saw a seven or eight-year-old boy standing outside the gate of the main hall, wearing gray short-sleeves, dark blue trousers, a short haircut, and a dull look. He was holding a long broom and hiding beside the door. , seemed to be eavesdropping on the people inside.

The little boy listened very carefully, and he didn't even notice when Lin Ge walked to the palace gate.

Lin Ge looked into the main hall and saw a middle-aged man in simple clothes, sitting at the signing table with an old man with white hair, interpreting the signatures.

The middle-aged man asked: "Hey, Temple Master, whose family does that child outside belong to?"

"Well, the believers rescued him from Xingzhong Village a few years ago." The temple official lowered his head to read the signature and answered the man's question.

"That Xingzhong Village that was... massacred?" the middle-aged man asked in a low voice.

The temple official nodded and sighed: "Well, my parents don't know whether they are dead or alive, so pitiful. The Bodhisattva is willing to take him in, so he will stay here."

"I heard that Xingzhong Village is very evil. Last time a mage went in to exorcise evil spirits, but he was carried out..." the middle-aged man added.

The temple official made a silent gesture and lowered his voice and said, "Well, don't let him know, for fear that he will run back and be in danger."

At this moment, the little boy who was eavesdropping was afraid of being discovered by the temple official, and was about to go back to the yard to sweep the floor. He looked up and found a person standing in front of him. He screamed in fright and fell to the ground.


The two people in the main hall immediately stood up and walked towards the door after hearing the sound. The little boy suddenly became nervous. Lin Ge helped him up and said, "Sorry, sorry, I didn't notice you running over there and accidentally bumped into you." ,Are you OK?"

"No, it's okay. Uncle, I'm okay." The little boy heard that Lin Ge was trying to excuse him, and looked at him gratefully.

"You were reckless, be careful." The temple official came out, rubbed the little boy's head, looked at Lin Ge apologetically, and apologized again for the little boy.

"I know, I know." The little boy quickly hugged the long broom and ran back to the yard to continue sweeping the fallen leaves.

"Miao Gong, I'll leave now. Thank you." The middle-aged man walked out of the main hall, thanked the temple master and left.

"Guest, are you here to worship Buddha?" The temple official looked at Lin Ge and asked.

Lin Ge nodded.

"Please come with me."

Lin Ge followed the temple master into the main hall, only to see sitting in the main hall was his "old acquaintance" - Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, one of the two brothers who worshiped the master in "The Dead Covenant".

But regardless of whether Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in this world will remember the friendship between the two of them burning yellow paper and worshiping the handle, the process of worshiping gods must be completed again.

Lin Ge followed the instructions of the temple official, burned incense, worshiped Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and burned incense together with the two generals who were under Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's seat.

Looking at the attributes of "Qianshi Nuo Noodles" again, the power of faith, which was originally "0", has now increased to "20". Obviously Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and the two generals are still giving face as always.

The temple official sat in front of the desk with Lin Geqiu's signature, looked up at him and asked: "Guest, peace in career and marriage...what do you want to ask for?"

Lin Ge didn't come here to ask for the lottery, so he casually mentioned "career". Although he didn't mean it, the temple official was very serious when he opened the lottery.

But as the temple official interpreted the lotus, his expression became more and more solemn: "Can't figure it out? Strange, how could it be that he didn't understand the lotus? Weird, weird."

"Is it because I lost my job recently, so I can't figure it out?" Lin Ge asked.

The temple official said with a solemn expression: "How is it possible? Even if you are unemployed and homeless, you can still gain something by asking for a career...unless."


"A sign of great evil."


"Do you really want to listen?"

"Want more money?"

"..." The temple master obviously couldn't keep up with the thinking of Lin Ge, a young man in the new era, and was immediately silenced.

When Lin Ge saw this, he quickly said: "Just kidding, don't mind, Temple Master, I charge you whatever you want."

"The cost is second. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is dedicated to serving the world. He will never become a Buddha until hell is empty. If you say this... the Bodhisattva will be unhappy." The temple official sighed.

Lin Ge nodded and said: "The temple official is right, but you don't have to worry. I am very familiar with Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and he won't mind. You can continue talking about the signature."

The temple official thought that the "very familiar" that Lin Ge said probably meant that he had worshiped him since he was a child, so he didn't think much about it and continued: "This kind of 'unrecognized lottery' is rare, and usually only the person who fails to survive the second Only people who are seriously ill can ask for this kind of lottery... I have been guarding the temple for decades, and this is the first time I have seen this kind of lottery. Maybe it's just that I don't practice enough, so I don't charge money for this lottery. You can find other guests. Master, let’s take a look.”

Lin Ge took out two New Taiwan dollars from his pocket and handed it to the temple official with a smile: "No, I still have to collect it. Thank you for the tip."

"... Then, my guest, you should stay at home in the past few days and try not to go out. As the saying goes, 'when encountering bad luck, avoid danger'. It is always good to avoid bad luck. Oh, by the way, here are three spiritual incense sticks. You Take it back, light it and stick it on the bedside at night to ward off evil spirits and calm the house. Well, there is no extra charge." Miao Zhu opened the drawer and took out three incense sticks and handed them to Lin Ge.


"You're welcome... I wish you good luck." The temple official seemed to want to say something more, but in the end he sighed and swallowed the rest of his words.

It seemed that the phrase "cannot be solved" was meant to comfort Lin Ge. He seemed to have solved the signature and concluded that Lin Ge would probably not survive tonight.

Although I, the Buddha, are compassionate, I also pay attention to enemies, relatives and creditors, and there are some causes and effects that temple officials do not dare to touch.

Lin Ge came out of the main hall. In the yard, the little boy was still sweeping the fallen leaves. When he saw Lin Ge, he said gratefully: "Uncle, thank you for covering me just now."

"It's always bad to eavesdrop on adults' conversations," Lin Ge reminded.

The little boy nodded: "I won't dare next time."

Lin Ge rubbed his head and said with a smile: "You and I are destined to meet again, maybe we can meet again. I'll give you a little gadget to keep you safe."

After saying that, Lin Ge took out a piece of Tianshi Suppression Talisman that was folded into a lucky star and gave it to the little boy.

The little boy took the lucky star and played with it in his hands. When he looked up, he saw that Lin Ge had already walked down the stairs with his travel bag. He hurried to the stairs and shouted, "Thank you, uncle."

"You're welcome." Lin Ge raised his hand and waved, and left without looking back.

His words "You and I will meet again if we are destined" were not just a casual statement, but a real meeting soon, because this little boy was none other than Lin Huowang, the male protagonist of the Taiwanese folk game "Ghost Fighting".

Lin Ge didn't expect that he would come across a weird folklore thing just by looking at a temple. He couldn't help but sigh that this "lucky 2" was not entirely a bad thing in a sense. At least in this case, the more unlucky you are, the more folk customs you encounter, the more advantageous it will be.

According to the plot in the game, Lin Huowang will run to the Bodhisattva tomorrow night, throw a cup in front of him and ask for directions, and then sneak away to Xingzhong Village.

Lin Ge decided to follow this route first, so he found a hotel that looked pretty good near the palace temple, checked in and rested.

Lying on the hotel bed and looking at the empty room, everyone in the horoscope had their own things to do. Except for Fu Jiang in the field, Lin Ge couldn't find anyone to chat with. For a while, he was not used to being so deserted.

However, at this time, he was a little concerned about the "unknown sign" he asked for in the palace temple. After all, judging from "Ghost Fighting", the temple master had some skills, whether it was "asking the gods" to snatch Lin Huowang back from the ghost king in "Ghost Fighting 1" , or calculating the fate of the heroine in "Ghost Fighting 2", you can see this.

"Just because I am a reincarnation person, it can't be so outrageous that I can't figure out the signature, right?" Lin Ge played with the dragon horn ring and fell into deep thought.

In "Ghost Fighting 2", the temple official has great righteousness. Even though he knows that the heroine's fate is difficult to change, he does not hesitate to spend all his energy to find a way to break the situation for her.

But there was only one situation where he didn't dare to interfere too much.

That is the cause and effect of "enemies and creditors". If you are exposed to this kind of cause and effect, life expectancy is usually reduced in a minor way, but in a serious case, your loved ones around you are implicated.

But Lin Ge couldn't understand that as a reincarnator who had just arrived, what kind of "enemy creditors" could he have in this world?

It can't be the two sisters Huang Ni and Huang Shang, right?

After thinking about it, Lin Ge felt that the statement "because of his status as a reincarnator, he couldn't decipher the signature" was more reliable.

But for the sake of safety, he still lit three incense sticks and stuck them at the head of the bed as instructed by the temple official. Then he sat cross-legged on the bed and started practicing.

The strange thing is that in the past, when he practiced the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" in conjunction with the "True Sutra", Lin Ge became more and more energetic as he practiced. Today, after only half a stick of incense, he felt drowsy.

In a daze, Lin Ge saw the layout of the hotel room gradually changing, as if he was in an old ancient house.

The house was decorated with lights and colorful decorations, as if a happy event was being held. Lin Ge rubbed his groggy head and looked down, only to see that he was wearing the wedding dress of the groom!

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