Lin Ge's bright red wedding dress looked like a popular dress during the Republic of China. It was red like blood and looked a little strange in this gloomy courtyard.

Judging from the environmental layout of the courtyard, the wing buildings are simple and elegant. Although the surrounding plants are dead, it is not difficult to see that these flowers, plants and trees are rare and valuable species. With rockeries overlapping rivers and stone pavilions and courtyards, it can be seen that this must be a very wealthy family.

Lin Ge looked up at the sky. There were no stars or moon in the dark sky. Thick dark clouds seemed to be pressing down, making people breathless.

The quiet courtyard was only illuminated by the dim candlelight of the red lanterns on the left and right sides.

When Lin Ge started practicing, it was probably in the evening, and the warm sun could still be seen in the sky, but now it was obviously night.

Lin Ge's first reaction was that he had fallen into the trap himself, but which ghost was so powerful that he could silently trap a low-achieving wine worshipper without any warning?


Evil god?

Or...the Ghost King?

But even if he is the Ghost King, regardless of Lin Ge's cultivation level, he is currently wearing the "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" and the "Dragon Horn Ring", and has the magic weapons "Trident" and "Fire Lotus" to protect his body. Even if the Ghost King came in person, it would be impossible for him to be brought to this ancient house without anyone noticing.

Lin Ge thought for a moment and made up the golden light spell.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

There was no reaction, not even a trace of spiritual energy.

Lin Ge sensed carefully and found that he couldn't feel the spiritual energy running in his body. This feeling was like losing all his cultivation in a battle with fate.

Upon closer inspection, Lin Ge was surprised to find that not only was there something wrong with his cultivation, but also his personal belongings such as the Samsara Watch, astrolabe, magic weapon mark, Qianshi Nuo Noodles, Dragon Horn Ring, etc. were all missing.

Lin Ge came to the pillar of the corridor with doubts and punched the pillar hard. The pillar was motionless, but his fist felt a huge pain.

After Lin Ge put on the "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" and the "Dragon Horn Ring", his three basic attributes were as high as 120+, which is 12 times the strength of ordinary people.

You must know that according to the settings in the "Spider-Man" movie, the Green Goblin's strength is eight times that of ordinary people and he can already overturn a car, while Spider-Man is only ten to fifteen times as powerful.

In other words, with Lin Ge's current strength, not to mention a wooden pillar, even an iron pillar would be bent with one punch.

He didn't have any cultivation attribute equipment, but he could feel the pain. Lin Ge obviously felt a little unreasonable. After thinking for a while, he punched the wooden pillar a few more times.

Lin Ge looked at his painful hand. It hurt, but there was no trace of any scar.

"It seems that my body or soul was not brought here. Even the pain is just a 'simulation'. It should just pull my consciousness here."


Lin Ge looked around. He could tell that the eerie old house was haunted. If anyone asked to look around, he would definitely scold the other person for being sick and seeking death.

But if you don't walk around, being stuck here is just a waste of time.

Just when Lin Ge was walking towards the courtyard gate to look around, suddenly there was a burst of gongs and drums music from outside the courtyard wall, and then four sturdy Han men rushed in from outside the courtyard gate and came towards Lin Ge. Ge gathered around him, held him up and walked towards the door.

"Hey, hey, hey, four brothers, before you take me away, can you tell me where you are going? Master Tao, I have a normal orientation, so I don't want to talk like this." Lin Ge tried to break free, but found that the strength of these sturdy men was far away. Superself.

have to.

You have the final say on your territory.

Pulling consciousness into a nightmare is the most common method of mental attack. The caster creates panic in the nightmare, generates fear, and tortures the will of the dreamer. It ranges from losing the fighting spirit and letting others take advantage of it, to leading to direct brain necrosis and becoming a vegetative state.

Of course, the success or failure of mental attack spells is also determined by the mental strength of both parties.

Although Lin Ge was curious about how the other party managed to pull himself into a nightmare with his 219 spiritual energy and multiple spiritual weapons to protect his body, but now that he was aware that he was in a dream, everything would be much easier to handle.

When several burly men carried Lin Ge out of the courtyard, he realized that he was only in the inner courtyard of the courtyard. At this time, the spacious outer courtyard was decorated with lights and colorful guests and was very lively. The inner courtyard was eerie and quiet. Quietly it's the complete opposite.

The person holding him seemed to be the guardian of the compound. Whenever they passed by a table of guests, the people drinking at the table would raise their glasses to congratulate him and wish Lin Ge a happy wedding.

It's just that the expressions of these guests are a bit strange. They are obviously "laughing", but the smiles they squeeze out are uglier than crying. Moreover, there was no color in the whole face, but it was not pale, but gray, as if the yang energy had been sucked dry, listless.

The most surprising thing is that these guests are all "male guests" in their prime. Let alone female guests, there are not even any middle-aged or elderly men.

Lin Ge was carried into the main hall by the nursing staff. As soon as he entered the door, he saw two middle-aged people sitting in front of him, a man and a woman. They were wearing Tang suits made of good materials. They looked gray, but they always felt like they were rich. It has nothing to do with it.

The table between the two people was covered with red cloth embroidered with dragons and phoenixes in auspicious patterns. There were fruit plates and three glasses of wine on it, and two red candles were lit.

After Lin Ge was escorted into the house, the middle-aged man on the left looked up at him, with no expression on his face and a very cold tone: "Are you willing to marry into my Huang family?"

Only then did Lin Ge notice a wooden pillar placed on his left, with a "bride" wearing a red wedding robe and a red hijab tied to it.


Seemingly seeing that Lin Ge showed no sign of resistance, the middle-aged man raised his hand and waved, signaling the nursing home to let him go: "You marry my Huang family, you will only marry my daughter for the rest of your life, and you will never betray me. My Huang family has a great business, naturally. I won’t treat you badly.”

Lin Ge looked at the bride who was hanging her head aside and said: "Your daughter's listless look shows that she is not voluntarily getting married. Maybe she is heading towards free love. Why don't you ask her what she means?"

Lin Ge's tone was teasing and unhurried. In fact, after seeing the current situation and the "bride" being tied to a peach wood stake, with his knowledge as a wine worshipper, how could he not know the current situation. The bride is most likely dead, and the so-called underworld rituals are being performed at this time.

"Lift your hijab, let me see your face..." With curiosity, Lin Ge hummed and walked up to the bride. He raised his hand and tried to lift the bride's red hijab to "inspect the goods." When he saw No one in the room stopped Lin Ge's rude behavior.

However, when Lin Ge lifted a corner of the bride's hijab and saw clearly the "unparalleled appearance" underneath, he almost blurted out "fuck".

"This little chic looks real..."

Lin Ge was really "amazed" by the bride's appearance. He originally wanted to say, "This little thing looks so unique," but he was shocked.

This does not mean "lifting your hijab", it is clearly "lifting your skull"...

The bride wearing a phoenix crown had obvious seams from the center of her eyebrows to the corner of her right eye, as if her skull had been opened. The entire face was rotten to varying degrees, and the left eye even fell out of the orbit. Several maggots could be seen crawling in the eye nest. A large piece of meat was missing on the left side of the bridge of the nose, and the bones could even be seen directly.

Just one look at this "beautiful face" that is half rotten and half skeleton, with eyes still hanging out of the eyes, and will be taken away immediately.

Fortunately, Lin Ge got along with a bunch of fierce ghosts every day, and experienced high-energy scenes like these little girls fighting each other every day. Seeing such a horrifying scene, he only gave a sigh of relief.


Mr. Huang slapped his hand on the table and said angrily: "You want to regret it? I tell you clearly that you must get married whether you get married or not."

Lin Ge lifted the hijab with one hand, and with the other hand, he caught the maggots from the bride's eyes and flicked them out, and put the bride's eyes back in place: "It looks much prettier this way, and I said you do too. After all, it is the bride's happy day. Don’t even take care of yourself and put on makeup.”

Lin Ge's sexy moves made everyone around him feel numb, and even Mr. Huang didn't know how to answer the question.

Lin Ge raised his hand and wiped it on the bride's wedding dress, looked at Mr. Huang with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "Since we are the bride-in-law, let's talk about how much property I can inherit after marriage."


After a long silence, Mr. Huang said: "I have no children. You will be my half-son after your marriage. Naturally, the Huang family's property is indispensable to you."

"There's no basis for what you say. Just because you don't have a child now doesn't mean you won't have a son in the future. I think it's more reliable to establish a formality." Lin Ge said.


Mr. Huang suddenly felt that Lin Ge didn't look like he was here to marry into his wife, but rather like he was here to do business.

After some bargaining by Lin Ge, Mr. Huang asked the housekeeper to write a document and put a rice shop and an inn owned by the Huang family in the east of the city under Lin Ge's name.

Lin Ge looked through the document and confirmed that it was correct, then folded it and put it in his sleeve pocket, and then stood next to the wooden stake.

"Get up."

As the gloomy-faced butler shouted, the suona and gongs and drums were played in the room.

Anyway, the "intelligence" Lin Ge wanted was obtained, so they could play whatever they wanted. While the housekeeper and others were busy, Lin Ge only focused on stepping on the bugs on the ground.



Lin Ge raised his foot and stepped on the maggots on the ground. The sound was extremely real. He felt that what he saw here was not an "illusion" but a real thing.

Finally, with the help of the servants, the wooden pillar tied to the bride was turned in the direction of Lin Ge. At this time, Lin Ge clearly saw the bride's head move, and the hijab tilted slightly, revealing half of her face. What was terrifying was that the half-rotted, half-skeleton face was staring at Lin Ge with a scary smile.

Lin Ge stepped forward with a smile, raised his hand to adjust the bride's hijab, and blocked her face: "It will look much better if it is covered like this."


Are you polite?

"The ceremony is over."

The two guards stepped forward to lift the bride's wooden pillar and led Lin Ge towards the inner courtyard. When leaving the main hall, Lin Ge looked back.

All the candles in the big red lanterns in the main hall, which had been decorated with lights before, were extinguished, and the two red candles on the main table were also extinguished.

Mr. Huang and his wife lowered their heads, their faces as green as fried celery, and the maids and servants around them also turned the green color unique to evil spirits.

Lin Ge followed the nurse, and when the two were not paying attention, he took out the receipt in his sleeve pocket and took a look. The receipt, which was originally written in black and white, had now turned into a piece of paper money.

Lin Ge folded the paper money and put it back in his sleeve pocket, and followed the nursery quietly, all the way back to the inner courtyard room.

The nurse carried the wooden post with the bride tied to the bedside, as if he wanted to untie the rope for the bride.

"There's no need to untie it, I just like to tie it up... Well, no, I mean, I'm a very ritualistic person and like to do it myself." Lin Ge stepped forward and said.

The two nurses looked at each other, said nothing, and left the room, closing the door behind them. After closing the door, Lin Ge heard the sound of locking.

Lin Ge looked at the red bed beside him, which was folded with a red quilt embroidered with mandarin ducks, with some dates, peanuts and lotus seeds thrown on it.

But if you look closely, you can find that those dates, peanuts and lotus seeds are actually squirming slightly, and they are all turned into insects.

"Tsk, tsk, your family's hygiene problem is very serious." Lin Ge said, and began to patrol the room with his hands behind his back. He looked at the red flower wood dressing table, rummaged through the teacups, and let the bride tie herself to the wooden post. , doing their own thing indifferently.

Lin Ge wrinkled his nose and sniffed, and he smelled a faint fragrance. The smell was very familiar, but as soon as he thought about it carefully, he found that the memory related to the fragrance faded away.

Crunch, crunch.

Suddenly, there was a harsh sound like wood scraping against the ground from behind, interrupting Lin Ge's search. When he turned around, he saw that the hijab on the bride's head had been lifted, revealing that terrifying rotten face, looking at him sinisterly. smiling.

"Hey, I'm still lifting the hijab, how can you lift it by yourself? Do you have a sense of ceremony? Cover it, cover it." Lin Ge stepped forward, picked up the hijab that fell to the ground, and covered the bride's head again. Then he put the wooden pillar down on the bed and pulled the red quilt to cover the bride.

"It's getting late. You should go to bed early. We'll talk tomorrow if you have anything to say." Lin Ge pulled the cup and immediately scattered the bugs crawling on the quilt on the bride, making the bride look even scarier.

The bride was teased again and again by Lin Ge. Anger welled up and she suddenly opened her eyes. The ghost-like terrifying aura directly flew the red hijab away, and then she saw Lin Ge lift it up at some point. He took off the candlesticks and oil lamps on the round table, stood beside the bed and looked at her with a smile.

"Ropes and candles go better together!" Lin Ge finished his words and threw the candle directly at the bride.

As soon as the oil lamp was sprinkled, the flame of the candlestick instantly jumped up to the bride's body.

The bride stood up suddenly, broke the rope that tied her to the wooden post, sat up, and screamed at Lin Ge with a ferocious expression.

Lin Ge raised his hand, wiped the paper money in his hand across the bed, picked up a few proteins, lit the paper money, and stuffed it into the bride's mouth.



The bride screamed with joy and was about to spit out the burning protein in her mouth, but Lin Ge directly grabbed a handful of candles and stabbed the burning paper money back.

The bride broke free from the wooden pillar and stood up, only to see that Lin Ge was already ten feet away from the bed. He was hiding behind the round table, standing up straight and stretching out his right hand. He held his right wrist with his left hand, raised his index finger with his right hand, and shouted loudly. : "Come here!"

How could the bride bear such anger? With a scream, she flew out of the bed and rushed towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge bent down, grabbed the round stool next to the table, hit the bride with a home run, and threw the bride back on the bed. Then he put the round stool on the ground, sat down, crossed his legs, and said seriously: "As expected of Shaolin." The first of the top ten weapons, it is indeed astonishingly powerful... Hey, I don’t even know you, so there’s no need to try to kill me, right? Why don’t you sit down and have a chat, and I’ll try my best to meet your needs.”

The bride stood up with a scream, opened her mouth and howled angrily. The protein and candles that Lin Ge had just stuffed into her mouth fell to the ground, making her stomach churn. I saw her roaring with a ferocious face: "I want to be with you for the rest of my life and never be separated...forever!"

"Uh, I can't do it. Don't make these unrealistic wishes. Why don't you say something reliable? I think the male guests outside are quite good and they match you very well. How about I go and bring in another one? Oh, if you like it , you can bring in a few more." Lin Ge suggested.

"They are all trash, I want you, I want you to stay with me forever! This is what you owe me, you owe me!" the bride said angrily.


Lin Ge looked suddenly enlightened: "I just said that everyone out there seems to have been squeezed dry. It's all your work for a long time. But I'm curious, what do you mean when you say 'I owe you'? To be honest, This is the first time I’ve seen something so chic and... uh, beautiful like you."

"If you burn my hair, you are destined to be with me for eternity!" the bride screamed.

Lin Ge said doubtfully: "At most I poured lamp oil on you and stabbed you a few times with a candle, but it didn't burn your hair...Wait! Are you the red envelope?"

Only then did Lin Ge remember that in the reincarnation of "Taiwan Island", he and Huang Huotu saw a red envelope on their way to the parking lot to pick up the car.

According to the movie "Memories of the Corpse", in the past, if a woman died unmarried in some remote areas, she could not enter the ancestral hall. The tribesmen would hold an underworld wedding for the deceased, put the deceased's hair or personal tokens in red envelopes and throw them on the street. , if a man picks up this red envelope, the bride's natal family will tie him back to consummate the marriage.

Huang Huotu wanted to pick up the red envelope and take a look at it, but Lin Ge stopped him, took out a handful of hair inside and burned it with a talisman fire.

But that is obviously the previous world of reincarnation and has nothing to do with this world. Even if there is a connection, the current timeline is still decades ago, which makes no sense at all!

"You remember! You burned off my hair and have been cursed by me for the rest of my life. As long as you come back here, I can find you!" The bride smiled sinisterly.

When the bride said this, Lin Ge finally understood why he could still trigger the plot of "Corpse Memories" even though he was not in the same world.

The hair in the red envelope is like a curse. It has been haunting Lin Ge since it was burned. It will be triggered when he appears in a world where the plot of "Corpse Memories" exists. Once you fall asleep, you will be pulled into a dream by a female ghost just like the male protagonist in the movie.

"No, I didn't leave Taiwan immediately after burning my hair, and I also slept on the way. Why didn't you come to me then?"


The female ghost didn't seem to want to answer Lin Ge's question.

"It can't be that there are too many ghosts around me, and there are also two zombie immortals. Are you scared?" Lin Ge didn't touch any pot, and directly silenced the female ghost.

If so, it all makes sense.

The hair in the red envelope was a curse, but its function was only to make Lin Ge fall into a dream like in the movie, without causing any harm to his body and soul.

It’s just that I don’t know if it’s because he snatched someone else’s number, but the Lord God failed to detect the curse that followed the soul.

"Oh, it's another day when the Lord God pulls his hips." After understanding this, the next thing Lin Ge had to think about was how to break the situation and leave the dreamland.

"Since they are no longer here, you belong to me!" The female ghost screamed and rushed towards Lin Ge again.

Lin Ge raised the stool and threw it at her, but this time the female ghost was obviously on guard, and because she was much faster than Lin Ge, she dodged directly.

The stool flew towards the window and smashed the paper window with a clang.

"Bye, I won't play with you anymore." Lin Ge jumped up, smashed through the window with a hole in it by the stool, and jumped into the yard.

When the nurse who was guarding the entrance of the hospital saw Lin Ge escaping, his pale face immediately turned green as if a fluorescent lamp had been lit, and he looked very scary.

Seeing the two guards walking towards him, Lin Ge climbed over the corridor, bypassed the guards and ran towards the door. At this time, there was a loud noise behind him, and the entire window was opened by a red shadow. The female ghost chased out of the room and chased Lin Ge with the nurse.

"Stop chasing us, it's impossible for us!" Lin Ge kept talking while running. The female ghost was so angry that she screamed, but in the dreamland, in addition to changing various terrifying scenes to scare the target, she indeed There is no way to hurt the other person's body and soul.

Because just as Lin Ge guessed, the female ghost could only pull Lin Ge's consciousness into a dream, but could not affect his body and soul.

In the past, high-energy scenes could always frighten the target of the female ghost into insanity, allowing her to easily control the target.

Unexpectedly, the target this time had more tastes than her. After a series of coquettish operations, the female ghost herself began to suspect that the ghost was born.

Although Lin Ge has strong mental power and the female ghost cannot affect his consciousness through mental attacks, he is currently trapped in a dream and cannot escape, and there is no way to do it for a long time. After all, he is not the only one reincarnating this time, there are other reincarnators as well.

If other reincarnators have the means to capture the reincarnator and find his body to destroy, it will really be an unjust death.

Lin Ge thought about a way to break the situation, and at the same time fled to the outer courtyard. There were more than a dozen tables in the courtyard, and each table was full of male guests.

They sat motionless, and the delicacies previously placed on the table had all turned into plates of worms and dead grass.

At this time, the scream of the female ghost came from the entrance of the courtyard. As soon as these male guests heard the scream of the female ghost, they were frightened and threw themselves on the table. They grabbed the dead grass and insects on the table and put them into their mouths. plug.

"Tsk, tsk, others have ex-boyfriends sitting at one table, but here you have ex-boyfriends sitting at more than ten tables. Are you planning to form a cavalry company?"

Lin Ge complained and ran around the outer courtyard. The female ghost chased him out of the inner courtyard. When he saw the male guests in the garden, he roared: "Catch him!"

For a moment, the ghost movie turned into a zombie movie. All the male guests in the courtyard stood up, but when they looked back, there was no trace of Lin Ge in the courtyard.

"There!" The female ghost pointed at the eaves of the corridor and yelled.

Lin Ge climbed up the eaves along the stone pillars beside the wall, and ran from the roof to the inner courtyard.

He climbed onto the roof with the intention of escaping from the yard, but found that there was a dark world outside the yard, just like the campus wrapped in black fog in "Sweet Home".

Lin Ge was an ordinary person and did not dare to risk his life to test the strength of the black mist, so he could only try to return to the inner courtyard and circle with the female ghost.

The only female ghost present could fly. When she saw this, she immediately screamed and rushed towards Lin Ge. Lin Ge grabbed the tiles on the roof and greeted the female ghost in the face like it was nothing.

Although this female ghost is a ghost, Lin Ge's previous fight in the house proved that she has a "physical body". Although she has become rotten and not human, she can be physically attacked.

At this time, Lin Ge had no ability and no energy to study the structure and rules of the female ghost's dream. He just wanted to find a way to escape quickly.

"You can't escape! This is my world, and you can only stay with me forever!" the female ghost screamed as she chased after her.

Lin Ge shouted without looking back: "You'd better pray that I can't get out, otherwise when I get my body back, I won't be named Lin unless I beat you to the point where you will never be reincarnated!"

"When you get married, your surname will be Huang!"


Lin Ge was choked up and speechless for the first time, but he quickly retorted: "With your family's business, you still find someone to marry into? I know two girls named Huang who are prettier than you and have better cultivation. He is taller than you and his family is better off than you, so you should go back and play team building with those in the yard!"

"you wanna die!"

Seeing the female ghost rushing towards him, Lin Ge jumped directly into the inner courtyard, and then closed the courtyard door to block the "ghost ex-boyfriend group" outside.

Then there was nowhere to run, so Lin Ge had no choice but to return to the wedding room.

But just running like this is not an option. The yard is so big. If you can run once, you can't run a second time. Sooner or later, you will be caught by the female ghost.

What makes Lin Ge more confused is that he has angered the female ghost again and again, but the female ghost only wants to be with him forever and has never thought about killing him. This is really illogical.

First of all, it can be concluded from the boyfriend group outside that the female ghost is by no means some infatuated person. On the contrary, with the number of ex-boyfriends, even if Arthur comes, he will have to give up the throne of Atlantis.

Secondly, Lin Ge was only conscious and trapped in a dream at this time. He had no spells and no equipment. It would be easy for the female ghost to kill him.

Unless, she can't kill herself at all.

An idea flashed in Lin Ge's mind, and a possibility suddenly occurred to him.

Then, I saw him escaping back to the wing, and at this time the female ghost just chased him, standing at the door and staring at him coldly: "You know you can't run away, but now you want to catch him without mercy? Hum, I will definitely torture you." , let you know the consequences of disobeying me!"

"That's not necessarily the case." At this time, Lin Ge had already remembered what the fragrance was, and rushed to the bedside first, reaching out to grab it.

At this time, the female ghost had flown in again, and she saw Lin Ge slapping her with his backhand, holding three burning incense sticks in his palm.

These three incense sticks were given to him by the temple official and asked him to light them by his bedside tonight!




The female ghost had three sticks of incense stuck between her eyebrows. She immediately covered her face, screamed and backed away, scratching her face crazily. Her face was already scary enough, but with this scratch, she instantly scratched another layer of flesh. And as the skin and flesh were pulled apart, a lot of bugs fell out from under the face, which made people's scalp numb.

Lin Ge took the opportunity to rush to the dressing table, took out a hairpin from the jewelry box and put it against his neck: "Tsk, tsk, this makes me feel like I have become a forced woman from a good family. Although it is difficult for ordinary people to think of this method, it is very unfortunate. Coincidentally, someone in my family is also good at creating dreams, and they are more real than yours. So for the consciousness that is pulled into the dream, everything created in the dream is food..."

Lin Ge could tell from the fact that candles could burn the female ghost, insects and paper money could be stuffed into the female ghost's mouth, and the male guests in the outer courtyard ate insects, that the things created by the female ghost in dreams are real to the conscious body. "entity".

Lin Ge tried using wooden stakes to test the pain, but had no chance to find a sharp object to test.

The reason why I went out for a "run" just now was not only to try to escape from the old house, but also to find clues to escape from the dream.

After some observation and speculation, Lin Ge came up with a method that is easiest to ignore but most likely to escape from the dream -


"Don't even think about it!" The female ghost screamed and rushed towards Lin Ge again, but she was still a step too slow. Lin Ge put three sticks of incense towards her forehead and inserted the hairpin into her throat without hesitation.

A bone-deep pain eroded his senses, and Lin Ge's consciousness gradually became blurry. Then the terrifying face of the female ghost that rushed towards him coincided with a familiar face.


As soon as Lin Ge opened his eyes, he saw Chen Qing's big face right in front of him. Fortunately, he recognized the other person, otherwise he would have slapped him.

"Do you know that people can scare people to death?" Lin Ge said angrily.

Chen Qing moved her body back and said with a smile: "I am a ghost now. Strictly speaking, I am a ghost that scares people. You see..."


Chen Qing pulled out her head, held it in her arms, smiled and said to Lin Ge, "To be honest, being a ghost is much more interesting than being a human."

"...Okay, thank you for practicing my daily courage. By the way, why did you come out?" Lin Ge looked around and found that he had indeed returned to the bed in the hotel. The three sticks of incense on the bedside were still as big as a fingernail. Long, as if he had met a female ghost before and the incense attack was just an illusion.

However, Lin Ge went to the hotel and started practicing. When he became unconscious, half of the incense was left. In other words, he had been in a dream for only half a stick of incense?

Chen Qing said: "Sister Chang sensed that something was wrong with you. She said that your consciousness was dragged into the dream by a curse. She said that the curse could not hurt you, at most it would scare you. But there is no one to take care of your body. It will be bad if something goes wrong, so let me come out and guard you."

"Thank you so much. I wasn't scared by the female ghost in my dream, but I was scared by you." Lin Ge said helplessly.

Chen Qing giggled and said, "Is the female ghost beautiful?"

“Very chic.”

"How unique?" Chen Qing's eyes were filled with blazing gossip.

Lin Ge described the bride's appearance, and Chen Qing's expression suddenly became weird, and she uttered a few words for a long time: "That is indeed... quite unique. No wonder Sister Shang said you would be scared."

"Correction, I was not shocked by that little chicness, but I was shocked by your big face."

"You don't have to emphasize my big face!"


Lin Ge suddenly realized that he was back now, and his cultivation and equipment were also back, and that the female ghost could drag his consciousness into a dream, so she should be nearby!

Thinking of this, Lin Ge immediately took up the magic formula and wiped it over his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked around. Sure enough, he found that the building was shrouded in a layer of faint red mist.

"I said you'd better not let me out, otherwise I will beat you to the point where you will never be reincarnated forever!" Lin Ge snorted coldly and recited the "An Earth Divine Curse".

The female ghost was very self-aware and knew that she was no match for Lin Ge. In addition, she was not physically in this building, so she immediately chose to disperse the evil aura.

"A monk who can run away can't run away from the temple." Lin Ge recalled the plot in the movie "Memories of the Corpse" and knew how to find the female ghost's true form.

Lin Ge took out the team communicator and dialed: "Hello? Xiaohei."

"Don't call me Xiaohei." Soon Nita's voice came over the intercom.

"Okay Xiao Hei, have you taken care of the newspaper office?"

Although Nita didn't want to pay attention to Lin Ge, she still replied: "Found it."

"Help me check out an ancient house belonging to a wealthy family... It should be located in the suburbs of Taiwan Island. My ancestor's surname is Huang. The family mainly operates rice shops and inns."

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