Chapter 331 S-level godhead mask—"Qianshi Nuo Face"

Jiang Congsu was tortured until he was reduced to a human shape, but he did not dare to say a word, and there was only fear in his eyes, as if he was seeing a demon from hell.

Time passed minute by minute, and every second was torture for Jiang Congsu. Lin Ge's faint smile and devoid of eyes were engraved in his soul like a brand.



This requires a cat to play and torture a mouse and then let it go. The mouse's fear of the cat has been engraved in the soul. Even if the mouse becomes stronger next time, it will still only have instinctive "fear" when seeing the cat.



Jiang Congsu didn't even dare to breathe, for fear that Lin Ge would catch him again and torture him. He counted the seconds silently in his heart. In his almost thirty years of life, he had never thought that five minutes would be so long!


After the main mission was completed, Jiang Congsu heard the Lord God's prompting sound that sounded like sounds of nature, and chose to return without hesitation.

Seeing Jiang Congsu disappearing into white light, Lin Ge didn't care. He raised his hand to take back the "portable bunker" and was about to leave. Lin Yiyi on the side said weakly: "Brother Lin, can I, can I choose to 'return'? ?”

Lin Ge felt a little funny. This man was very polite and threw her a Glock 19 pistol and a magazine.

"Can you use a gun?"

Lin Yiyi quickly caught the gun and nodded: "Yes, I know a little bit. Shooting, I learned it during filming, but I'm not very skilled."

Lin Ge said: "After returning, you will first enter the settlement space, where you can repair and exchange. It is absolutely safe inside. After you go out, there is a separate space. There is a door not far away that leads to the private space. It is also absolutely safe inside, but There are no restrictions on the platform. I’ll give you two suggestions. First, it’s best to disguise yourself in the settlement space; second, don’t join in any fun when entering the platform, and enter the private space as soon as possible.”

Lin Yiyi said gratefully: "Thank you, Brother Lin, for reminding me. I will definitely keep your kindness in mind and see you again in the future..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Ge leaping up and using the ladder to jump onto the wreckage of Cronus. Compared with the gratitude of a passerby, he was more concerned about whether his own ghost would survive.

Looking at Lin Ge's leaving figure, Lin Yiyi sighed and chose "return". Lin Ge's help to her was more like a superior person casually giving some charity to a poor beggar when he was walking on the road. As for whether the beggar will repay the favor, the other party doesn't care at all.

Lin Ge returned to the position of Cronus' heart. At this time, the existence of Titan's divine power could hardly be sensed around him, but there were several clouds of mist beside the giant cocoon, one red and six black.

Chen Qing squatted down next to the little girl very considerately, and used her spiritual energy to help her draw out some evil spirit and Titan power: "Why do you have such a small body to imitate them? You are not afraid of dying."

"Oh, oh, oh, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore." The little girl cried.

Huang Ni met Lin Ge's eyes and said helplessly: "We can't stop it, we can't stop it at all. No one in this family can worry."

"I...I'm...hiccups...not...hiccups...from him." Heisha said, rubbing her belly and burping.

Lin Ge sighed: "What should we do now?"

"We can only take it back into the astrolabe first, and I will find a way to help them resolve the Titan's divine power. However, it is not that easy to completely integrate the divine power and the evil spirit," Huang Ni replied.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Ge sighed. This family really didn't have much to worry about. There were eight ghosts, two immortals and one monster, and Huang Ni was the only one who was reliable.

Fortunately, Chen Qing chose to follow Huang Ni to practice ghost immortality, which was basically based on spiritual energy rather than evil energy. Otherwise, he would have probably had to get involved.

After Lin Ge used the astrolabe to take everyone back, he chose to "return".

Just when the white light beam enveloped him and teleported him, Lin Ge suddenly had the "illusion" that he had forgotten something.

Just when a few reincarnations left and several plot characters were confused, the direction of the original mountain tunnel had completely collapsed due to Kronos' wanton destruction, and even the valley had been filled in.

With a "bang", a slender pale arm stretched out from the pile of earth and rocks...

Returning to the settlement space and seeing the familiar "big light bulb", Lin Ge started the settlement of this "Guide Mode"——

[Settlement: Reincarnation of the Guide - "The Cabin in the Woods", exploration degree 9%, overall rating "f". The current clearance rate of Samsara World: 2%. 】

This time, the score of the guide's reincarnation is still very low, but Lin Ge is used to it. After all, as a guide, he has to be a nanny with the new reincarnation, and he doesn't have so much time and energy to explore the world outside the plot. Naturally, the speed cannot go up.

[In leader mode, the number of newcomers reincarnated is 7, the number of survivors is 2, the reward is justice value +20, reincarnation point +2000. 】

[5 plot characters, 4 survivors, 40 justice points reward, 8000 reincarnation points. 】

Although the leader mode was ruined this time because of Jiang Congsu, Lin Ge was very satisfied with the harvest of this reincarnation.

Nearly 300 sources of income, 50,000 reincarnation points, and an A-level exchange coupon were worth his previous reincarnations.

The next time was the official reincarnation with "teammate" Nita. Judging from the ability of the previous clones, the difficulty should not be low. Lin Ge decided to take advantage of the last two days of rest to use a few exchange coupons and reincarnation points in his hand. , a good strengthening wave.

[Start detecting the reincarnation status of "No. 23333"——]

[Testing completed. 】

1. Repair the injury 1723.

Lin Ge and his family's ghosts were all hiding in the astrolabe at this time, and the Lord God could not detect them, so there was no option to clear the curse.

This reincarnation plus the previous "deposit" of 150,000 reincarnation points, after the repair, Lin Ge now has a total of "198,733" reincarnation points in his hand.

There are currently more than 60 empty spaces out of the 100 slots in the inventory. In addition, Lin Ge's important things are now stored in the astrolabe. Apart from groceries and daily necessities, there is nothing that needs to be stored, so there is no need to expand it at all.

Detection level 1 is enough. The reason for redeeming it is to avoid missing some enchanted items without opening the third eye or double pupils. Upgrading is not necessary for Lin Ge.

As for "attribute enhancement," Lin Ge's strength, agility, and constitution had been replenished to 50 points before, which is 5 times the attributes of ordinary people.

As for attribute enhancement, each point of "1-50" is 500, each point of "51-100" is 1000, and the price above is 1W each point, which is very cost-effective.

Although the power acquired in the main god's space is very likely to be recovered or erased by the main god after the identity is exposed or transferred, the only one among Lin Ge's "powers" that is marked with the main god's mark is Huang Shang. As long as Huang Shang is not allowed to If you take action, the possibility of exposure is very low.

In addition, with the astrolabe, an artifact that can erase and transform the space power of the Lord God, attributes and skills can also be transformed, so there is no need to avoid exchanging in space as before.

The value of "50" is the watershed with the highest cost-effectiveness. Not to mention the Purple Gate Reincarnators, even the Blue Gate Reincarnators will gradually strengthen to this value.

Coupled with the fact that he did not rely on spells before and relied solely on strength attributes to compete with Freddy and Jason, Lin Ge realized that 5 times the attributes were not safe.

Lin Ge thought over and over again and decided to increase the three basic values ​​​​from 50 to 80, reaching eight times the attributes of ordinary people.

The reason why only three basic values ​​are considered and the exchange of spiritual power is abandoned is that since Lin Ge obtained the "Sutra", he did not divide his rest time into "exercise" and "exercise" as he did when he first entered the reincarnation space. Practice".

Now basically except for a short rest and sleep time, Lin Ge focuses all his energy on cultivation.

Before that, he had replenished his spiritual power to 100 points, and after these sixty days, plus the training time of two reincarnations, he had broken through to 109 points. An increase of 9 points is an increase above "100", and for ordinary reincarnations It can be said that it is difficult for a person to make progress, so in terms of Lin Ge's "small achievement state", the improvement is not too low.

Subtracting "1723" recovery and "90000" enhancement, Lin Ge still had "107010" reincarnation points left at this time.

Teleporting back to the main god space of "No. 999", the platform was very lively at this time. Several waves of reincarnations were in conflict. There were more than a dozen people fighting in the melee. Judging from the colors of the various private space doors that appeared in the distance, these ten The strength of several people is not low.

"One golden gate, four purple gates, eleven blue gates... Tsk tsk, the overall 999 space seems quite high."

These people fought back, and after Lin Ge, the "Golden Gate", appeared, they also stayed on guard against him and moved the battlefield further away.

Lin Ge had never been interested in this kind of thing, so he returned directly to his private space and entered the astrolabe.

In the astrolabe, the harmony and comfort of the past were gone at this time. There was no group of people playing in the water at the beach. Instead, in the direction of the wooden house, several large black "dark clouds" were floating in the sky.

Lin Ge went to the wooden house, only to see Huang Shang instructing Chen Qing to practice, and Huang Ni sitting cross-legged in front of the forging furnace with her eyes closed, kneading and casting spells, while "red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, Purple" seven colors of fog.

What was slightly "funny" was that the forge was held in the arms of Arcee, who had transformed into an Autobot. Arcee's head was resting on the side of the furnace, looking listless.

Lin Ge was about to ask Huang Ni where the other ghosts had gone and what her situation was now, but Huang Shang saw him walking into the yard and said first, "Sister is using the soul fire of the iron knot to forge a sword. Don’t disturb her at the most critical moment.”

Originally, during the battle with Cronus, the fire sign blocked the God King's full blow and created a crack. Lin Ge originally wanted to ask Huang Ni if there was any way to repair it, but now it seems that he can only ask later.

However, the famous Cyber ​​Succubus is called "Iron Pimple" by you. Does your sister know that you are so naughty?

Lin Ge swallowed a mouthful of old food and looked at the "dark clouds" floating in the sky. He was about to speak, but Huang Shang seemed to have seen his doubts and said first: "The ghosts in your house are full." , my sister and I used spiritual energy to forcibly fuse the Titan's divine power with their evil aura, but the amount they absorbed was more than expected. According to my sister, even the sealed power of the God King was swallowed up, so it took a long time. Digestion."

"Will they be in this state for a long time?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Shang curled his lips and snorted coldly: "Oh, what, a few 'thugs' are missing, now you know something is wrong? You are a coward."

"Uh..." Lin Ge didn't know how to answer the question for a moment, because Huang Shang didn't say anything, and he obviously hadn't realized the problem yet.

But it's okay for the little girl, Sansha and the ghost sisters. After all, they are really "thugs", but Qimei's ghost domain is very powerful in both attack and defense. Even Lin Ge has long been used to Qimei's "I Ai Luo style” all-round defense.

Suddenly knowing that Qimei also needed time to digest and absorb the Titan's divine power, Lin Ge suddenly found it difficult to adapt. If he had known better, he would have given up this "cake".

But having said that, Qimei has been devoured the most by Kronos’ Titan power. If this wave of power is completely digested, maybe it can repair her soul?

If Qimei's soul can be repaired, it means that she can know about the "upper world". This is undoubtedly great news for Lin Ge.

Lin Ge was thinking about Qimei's problem with a solemn expression. Huang Shang thought he was really worried about the thugs, so he said in a teasing tone: "Please, if you ask me, I can reluctantly lend you a little strength. "

"Looking for help from you, a wanted criminal of the Lord God, is not asking for trouble by exposing your identity. You should continue to be the cultivator you are."

"It's like you didn't ask me for help!"

"Oh, yes, I will definitely let you take action next time I meet the evil god." What Lin Ge said was that the evil god was as ubiquitous as the weeds on the street, but strictly speaking, he met the evil god twice in three reincarnations. , was solved by Huang Shang once, which led to the change of having to snatch the clone after his identity was exposed.

The second time was "The Cabin in the Woods". In the end, by "disintegrating" Cronus from the inside, plus his family of ghosts spared no effort to absorb the power of the Titans, they joined forces inside and outside to finally kill Cronus. If there is any loss, the only loss is that the fire lotus suffered a little loss when it borrowed the power of the general.

"Hey, you want me to help, no way!"

"I'll help you if you ask me," Lin Ge said matter-of-factly.

Huang Shang said angrily: "You didn't ask me!"

"Oh, please."


Seeing Lin Ge's expression of "Kneel down, I'm begging you for something", Huang Shang became furious and yelled "Go away" angrily, then turned around and continued to help Chen Qing practice, too lazy to pay any more attention to it. That idiot.

Lin Ge was a little funny when he saw Huang Shang's angry look. He was about to leave, but Huang Shang stopped him: "Hey. Your sister is a good material for cultivation. During this time... let her practice with me. Maybe ... From now on, there will be three immortals here."


When Lin Ge taught Chen Qing spells before, he found that this girl had good talent, but he didn't want to be noticed by the always aloof Huang Shang.

"Okay, then this girl will trouble you."

"You don't need to tell her, she is my apprentice now, I can teach myself."

Lin Ge nodded and suddenly realized something was wrong: "Wait, you accepted her as your disciple?"

"do you have any opinion?"

"Well, she is my sister, and you are her master... It is difficult for me not to suspect that you are seeking revenge and taking advantage of me."


In this way, Lin Ge left the astrolabe world for the first time without taking the initiative. To be precise, he was kicked out by Huang Shang's immortal energy (jio).

In the last two days, Lin Ge practiced on the one hand, and on the other hand, he took time to browse the S-level and A-level exchange items in the main god space, looking for suitable enhancements.

Lin Ge originally planned to exchange the S-level item exchange coupon for a handy weapon to increase his attack methods, but now that Huang Ni has personally built a "sword box" for him that contains multiple functions, obviously there is no need to consider weapons. .

In addition, Qimei was temporarily unable to take action during this period, so Lin Ge had to consider the issues of "rushing" and "defense", and there were many S-level equipment and props that were both offensive and defensive.

Lin Ge used the keyword search function of Lord God Exchange to try his best to search from the mysterious side such as "supernatural" and "fantasy".

One S-level and one A-level. If you choose these two, they will be equivalent to millions of reincarnation point rewards. Naturally, Lin Ge cannot redeem them at will.

After two days of screening, Lin Ge finally found something he liked.

[Qianshi Nuo Noodles (S level)]

The spiritual weapon refined with the soul stone of the underworld can collect the power of faith, and consume the power of faith to borrow methods from the gods all over the sky, and even ask for the help of the gods and gods.

The essence of Wuyou's method lies in the word "acting": act until you believe it, act until others believe it, use yourself to act like a god, use yourself to become a god, and use your life to act.

Enchantment Effect 1 "Power of Faith": The source of the power of gods. The more believers they have, the stronger the power of faith and the stronger they become.

When wearing Nuo noodles, you will slowly absorb the power of faith from gods and Buddhas in the sky. You can also actively go to temples to offer incense and absorb the power of faith.

When you gain the favor of a certain god, you can double the power of faith offered by believers in its temple, or double the amount of incense offered actively.

If you are lucky enough to be the envoy of a deity, then when the deity is offered incense by believers, the power of faith will automatically increase.

Gaining the power of faith can protect you from evil. (When being attacked, sneak attacked, invaded, etc. by a target with negative attributes, if you wear the Qianshi Nuo Face, you can automatically consume the power of faith to resist the damage)

Current power of faith: 0

Enchantment Effect 2 "Acting as a God": Spend 100 basic power of faith to randomly gain the favor of a god and borrow power from it. The more like you act, the slower the power of faith and spiritual energy consumed to maintain the state will be, and the longer the maintenance time will be.

After using the random "acting as a god" effect once, the identity of the currently playing god can be recorded. Subsequently, you can directly specify the role of this god by consuming 500 basic faith power.

Current number of records: 0 (maximum number of records is 3, "natural gods" who are angels do not account for the number of records)

Enchantment Effect 3: "Transformation into God": Consume 10,000 basic faith power to directly obtain the recorded divine knowledge, and master the magical powers of the immortal in a short time.

Enchantment Effect 4 "Divine Power": Strength +10, Agility +10, Constitution +10

Enchantment effect 5 "spiritual power increase": spiritual power +50

Enchantment Effect 6 "Damage Repair": When Qian Shi Nuo's face is damaged, it will be quickly repaired even if it is destroyed into powder.


The reason why Lin Ge took a fancy to this "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" was because the Nuo Noodle was associated with the two generals Zeng and Loss, and he received his protection and saved the day from danger many times.

Later, I deliberately searched for Nuo noodles that I could redeem in the main god space. Unfortunately, there was no "inviting god" effect at all below the A level.

The second is that this "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" aside from the previous main functions, based on Lin Ge's "109 spiritual power" alone, plus a total of 30 of the force-sensitive body's three attributes, it is equivalent to 53W reincarnation points, that's it. The cost of attribute bonuses has almost been recovered.

Secondly, "asking gods to borrow magic" is Lin Ge's main method. The main ability of Nuo Mian is completely tailor-made for him.

Although it is not clear whether it is difficult to obtain the "power of faith", gaining the favor of a god and becoming his envoy can double the power of faith and automatically increase the power of faith on weekdays. This is very important to Lin Ge. It won't be "too difficult".

Because among other things, there happens to be a "ready-made" god in his family - Wong Tai Sin, plus Ksitigarbha who has worshiped the master, it won't be too difficult to find "favor", right?

After some calculations, Lin Ge chose to exchange for the "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" without hesitation. Although it would cost up to 1,000 origins to erase the mark of the Lord God, for him, this was indeed an equipment not to be missed.

Lin Singer also had 1 A-level and 3 C-level exchange coupons. He chose to exchange the C-level exchange coupons for 3 bottles of Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills. This is the most frequently used item since he entered the reincarnation space. After comprehensive comparison, The recovery effect far exceeds that of similar types of recovery medicines.

"A-level...what should I change to?"

Although the comprehensive ability of "Qianshi Nuo Mian" has greatly improved and helped Lin Ge's "Borrowing Method Style", it is still slightly lacking in terms of defense.

Even though the "Qianshi Nuo Noodle" combined with the "Golden Light Spell" can increase his defense during battle, it cannot be like Qimei who can defend against even long-distance sneak attacks. There are many snipers on the technological side in the world of reincarnation. Even if Lin Ge responds from the "root" and raises his attributes to 80, there is no guarantee that he can survive a sneak attack by A-level or even higher-level sniper weapons. .

After searching for a long time, Lin Ge finally found a suitable piece of A-level "defensive" equipment——

[Dragon Horn Ring (Level A)]

A spiritual weapon made from dragon horn.

Enchantment Effect 1 "Dragon God's Protection": When wearing the "Dragon Horn Ring", an invisible aura barrier will be formed on the surface of the body to resist external damage.

When the aura stored in the dragon horn ring is not enough to offset the damage suffered, the dragon horn ring will actively absorb the wearer's aura and strengthen the aura barrier until the wearer's aura is exhausted.

Enchantment Effect 2 "Dragon Protection": Spend 5,000 spiritual energy to summon a divine dragon to protect or attack. The golden dragon's divine consciousness will hover around the user's body, blocking all attacks until the divine consciousness dissipates.

Dragon Horn Ring reserves aura: 10000/10000

The reserved spiritual energy will be automatically restored over time after being consumed. You can also consume spiritual stones to allow the dragon horn ring to absorb the spiritual energy in the spiritual stones and quickly recover.

Enchantment Effect 3 "Dragon God's Breath": All attributes +10


"With this ring, next time I enter the world of Deadline, can I just pretend to be a member of the Ma family and cheat?" Lin Ge couldn't help but joked after seeing the skill of summoning the dragon.

The conversion price of "500 Origin" is at the same level as the Five Elements Bagua Pan. It can be seen that the offensive and defensive capabilities of this spiritual weapon are not low.

The most expensive part of this reincarnation is the spiritual energy medicine. Huang Ni will be busy making swords during this period. The "little medicine boy Chen Qing" who was originally scheduled to be the main medicine refining force in the future will now practice with Huang Shang. It is estimated that this medicine will be available for a while. Still can only rely on exchange.

There is also the need to prepare some charged spiritual stones for the "Dragon Horn Ring". Although I exchanged a lot of them for sword making before, Huang Ni's forged sword was consumed very quickly. It is estimated that the exchanged ones before are not enough, let alone evenly. Some come out to recharge the Dragon Horn Ring.

In the end, Lin Ge spent 30,000 reincarnation points to exchange for 100 copies of "Efficient Spirit Recovery Powder (C-level)", 10 lowest-level spirit stones, and some talismans and yellow cloth.

Lin Ge walked around and found that now there were high-level items for offense and defense. There was no need to exchange for low-level spare items. There were enough recovery items and the raw materials for scented wax paper candles were also ready.

"There are still 70,000 reincarnation points left. Apart from the penalty of leaving 10,000 reincarnation points to prevent mission failure, there are still 60,000 reincarnation points at our disposal."

Lin Ge had nothing to choose from, so he simply spent another 60,000 reincarnation points to supplement the three basic attributes to 100. In this way, with the addition of equipment, he would have 12 times the attributes of ordinary people, even Spider-Man Now that you are here, you can also arm-wrestle with your opponent without using spells.

On the last day, Lin Ge was practicing when he heard a knock on the door. When he opened it, he saw that Nita had put on the pure black combat uniform she wore during her reincarnation.

"Are you ready?" Nita asked as she walked in.

Lin Ge nodded: "The consumables are almost ready, but I haven't drawn many talismans. Alas, I have to practice and draw talismans. The most lacking thing in the world of reincarnation is time."

"How many reincarnation points are left?"

Lin Ge thought that most of the reward for the reincarnation had been spent, and there was nothing to hide, so he answered truthfully: "Ten thousand."

After hearing this answer, Nita was stunned for a moment and asked subconsciously: "Don't you want to save reincarnation points to resurrect the chicken coop?"

Lin Ge suddenly turned to stone after hearing this...

Damn it, I forgot about this!

Since he was sure that Jiwotou was a clone, Lin Ge never thought about resurrecting him and completely forgot about it.

But he forgot that even if he wasn't resurrected, he still had to pretend in front of his teammate Nita.

"Ahem. I mean there are still 10,000 ready-made reincarnation points, but in order to ensure that I can successfully complete the next reincarnation, I specially exchanged some equipment that is more valuable and practical. When the reincarnation points are almost collected, I will sell them. Equipment to revive Jiwotou." Lin Ge said with a serious expression.

Nita nodded and did not dwell too much on this issue. After all, the two of them had cooperated for so long and trusted each other.

"Then... let's go."

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[This reincarnation is the "Reincarnation Team Competition Mode", the target world is "Taiwanese Folk Customs", and the difficulty is "Nightmare". 】

The last chapter was automatically deleted due to some blocked words, and the system is rather stupid. Generally, it does not delete only sensitive words, but entire paragraphs. After a book friend reminded me, I realized that it was inconsistent, and now it has been modified. Replace, switch to another chapter and then switch back, it should be a new chapter. [ps1: The deleted content was when Lin Ge was fighting against the ancient evil god, he made fun of the dirty jokes in Greek mythology, and the content about burying the Zeus family. The deletion of this paragraph caused a lot of changes in the battle process, but the final result was no different]

[ps2: Taiwanese folklore is a comprehensive world, but unlike before, there are other reincarnation teams. Theoretically speaking, there will be no world that has appeared before, and "Bridge of Female Ghosts" should be an exception]

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