Huang Ni dragged the tattered Arcee into the office area, threw the "scrap metal" in front of the stalker, and then cast a spell to trap Arcee in place.

Then, she quietly fired a stream of spiritual energy to trap the pursuer, and the ability to trap Arcee even used a bit of "origin". Even if the pursuer could break free and escape back to the main god's space, he would not be able to bring Alcee with him. Akane leaves together.

However, judging from the fact that the stalker did not return to the main god space even under this situation, the other party either has not yet reached the time to return to the space, or is restricted by the mission and cannot return at will.

Just like the stalker in "A Nightmare on Elm Street", in order to ensure his own safety, he deliberately compressed the mission time until the time of return before taking action.

But this stalker seemed to have chosen not to do this in order to hunt down the new reincarnation.

Whether it was because of her confidence in her own strength or some other reason, she couldn't leave directly yet.

"Tsk, you turned a good cyber succubus into a scrap. You don't know how to show mercy to her... By the way, why are you keeping her?" Lin Ge teased.

"She threw missiles at me."


For a moment, even Lin Ge, the chat genius, didn't know how to respond to these words, so you asked me to keep people under my sword with the intention of blowing him back?

Huang Ni's words also made Lin Ge understand that the previous explosions and fires in the dense forest, as well as the collapse of the underground laboratory, were all caused by the stalker's missiles.

But it's not surprising. A purely technological reincarnation like the Stalker can reach the strength of Kinmen, so it's normal to carry a few missiles with him.

"According to what Chen Qing said, she has a fixed-point blasting device similar to that of a ghost agent, as well as powerful missiles. By tricking her into using a few missiles, she can also threaten other reincarnations with nuclear weapons in the future. However, I asked you to keep her because If you can get the 'fire' at the core of this robot, it will be helpful for making swords." Huang Ni stood beside Lin Ge and told Lin Ge through the transmission notes why she left the stalker behind.

have to.

When Lin Ge heard this, he immediately understood what Huang Ni meant, which was to show his "eloquence".

After thinking about it, Lin Ge walked up to the hunter and squatted down. He looked at the hunter who was pressed under the pile of rocks, his face covered with blood and dying, and said: "You know why in the world of reincarnation, there is no way to fight between reincarnations. Did you get the opponent’s reincarnation point and the items in the [inventory]?”

The stalker raised his eyelids, glanced at Lin Ge coldly, and then closed his eyes, as if he had accepted the outcome of death and was waiting for death indifferently.

Lin Ge didn't care and continued: "It is not easy for the Lord God to cultivate a reincarnation of Jinmen. I hope you will use your own stock to 'buy your life'. You see, I am such a conscientious leader. In order to protect the small space of the Lord God, Sapling doesn't hesitate to put himself in danger and always keeps his word. As long as you pay the corresponding 'ransom', I don't mind sparing your life in large quantities."

It is not difficult to judge the strength of the Stalker Kinmen. First of all, Arcee, a Transformer with multiple weapons, is close to the strength of the Purple Gate. In addition, she carries a few missiles with her, Nova's suit, ground-washing bombing skills, etc., comprehensively The strength is definitely far superior to Zimen.

I think there are a lot of good things in the stalker. As Huang Ni said, if you can deceive a few missiles and the nuclear bomb device, it would be good to use them to "nuclear threaten" other reincarnations in the future.

The stalker didn't even bother to open his eyes, and snorted coldly: "If you want to... kill... then... kill, don't waste... words. If you want my... things, dream!"

"No more revenge?" Lin Ge asked with a smile.

The stalker opened his eyes and looked at Lin Ge angrily, with a hint of surprise and confusion in his angry eyes, as if he didn't understand why Lin Ge knew.

Lin Ge raised his hand to the stalker's neck and pulled up the collar around her neck: "Tsk, tsk, '...'s pet dog', this thing is so dazzling. A-level cursed object, I really don't want to spend money on it. The last time I saw it With this collar, in order to get revenge, that woman would not hesitate to swallow the blood god's soul and turn into a demon, but she would also return to the world of reincarnation alive to take revenge... But you will just close your eyes and wait for death."

"you say……"

Lin Singer's fingers moved upward, scraping off the blood on the hunter's face. His fingertips brushed over the "X" shaped scar and the three "letters", and then said: "You are completely enslaved by that person. Have you become servile, only fearful and obedient to him, and don't dare to take revenge? You even miss the life at that time, and feel that it would be better to die without him..."

"shut up!"

At this time, Arcee's roar came from the side. She tried hard to hold on to her broken body and tried to get up, but was shocked back again and again by the seals set by Huang Ni.

Arcee didn't care at all that her body was flying with sparks due to lightning explosions from the thunder method, and she kept slapping the seal, roaring, and roaring.

The stalker's eyes changed from anger at the beginning, to confusion, to fear, and his whole body was trembling uncontrollably. Life was passing by rapidly, as if he was recalling some horrible memory.

In fact, it was the first time for Lin Ge to see either the stalker or this "collar".

He just made a rough guess based on the stalker's inexplicable "hate" for the "Guide" and the "Newcomer Reincarnator", as well as the scars, letters, collar and other "features" on her face.

When this person entered as a "new reincarnator", he was "lucky" to meet a guide, but this guide was obviously not just for the "origin" and rewards like Lin Ge, and at the same time he also took action against these new reincarnators. Wrong thinking.

It is impossible for newcomers to reincarnation to have the strength to resist senior reincarnations. If they encounter such reincarnations, they will have no choice but to be treated as meat pigs.

Moreover, such senior people are by no means a minority.

Some people may say that senior people are also newcomers. Why can't they understand the difficulties of newcomers and help them?

This is like a fun survey asking "What would you become if you had superhuman strength?" The most common answer is:

On the first day, I was a superman who maintained world peace.

The next day, I am a native of the motherland who maintains world peace.

On the third day, I don’t eat beef.

The world of reincarnation is a world where "power comes first", and the reincarnations are more like desperadoes with no tomorrow, so most of the reincarnations follow the principle of "carpe diem".

Obviously, the stalker in front of me is very unfortunate. He met such a veteran who followed the "carpe diem" when he first entered reincarnation.

This is why, even though the hunter was seriously injured, he still persisted in chasing Lin Ge, Jiang Congsu and others, and even shouted "Why can they meet a veteran like you?"



Arcee roared angrily: "Scum, bastard, if you have the ability, let me out and see if I don't trample you into a pulp. Shut up! Shut up!"

Lin Ge looked at Arcee and snorted: "Do you think you can do it? Let her out..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Huang Ni on the side took a step back, kneaded the secret, raised his hand, and the seal that blocked Arcee was released.

Huang Ni also noticed that the stalker might die at any time, and calmly shot out a burst of spiritual energy to temporarily "resume" his life.

After all, the goal has not been achieved, so she cannot be allowed to die like this.

At this moment, Arcee suddenly jumped up and punched Lin Ge.

Lin Singer's heart glowed with electricity. He used his thunder method to receive Arcee's punch. He clasped her knuckles and pulled her huge body forward. He raised his foot and stepped on the back of her neck. Then he stepped Arcee back. to the ground.

Then, Lin Ge appeared with a wrench in his hand and struck it. He did not dissipate the lightning. The alternating light of the lightning and the silver wrench gave people a sense of oppression like "Thor's Hammer".

Lin Ge leaned over and looked at the stalker: "Since you have a servile physique, you must like to see such a scene, right?"

As Lin Ge said this, he picked up a wrench and hammer and cooperated with Leifa, and began to "dismantle" Arcee in front of the stalker.

This scene once again awakened the memories that the stalker had tried to forget again and again. He held on for a breath and shouted hysterically: "No, stop, stop, stop!"

"You're going to die anyway, so why not keep some more 'good' memories." Lin Ge said, his tone becoming cold.

"Cowardly people always only know how to escape. When I saw the collar around your neck, I thought of the strong woman I met in the last reincarnation. I also thought that helping one is helping, and helping two is also helping. If I have a chance to meet When I get to that person, I'll help you get revenge."

"But now it seems that since you want to die, let your partners die with you!"

Seeing that Lin Ge was about to remove Arcee's head, the stalker shouted again: "Stop...hand, stop. Stop...hand! What you want...I'll give it to you."

Lin Ge smashed the CPU down, and the Stalker's GPU suddenly couldn't bear it. Even though she was used to being pushed, she finally decided to accept Lin Ge's proposal for the sake of Arcee, who had lived and died with her countless times.

Lin Ge glanced at Huang Ni, who stepped forward and used magic to trap Arcee again, and at the same time, he and Lin Ge rescued the stalker.

Huang Ni used spiritual energy to heal some of the stalker's injuries. The stalker sat down against the collapsed rocks and opened the [Inventory].

["Spider (SS-23) Tactical Missile Launcher": A-level consumable. After use, it launches tactical missiles through void cracks and shoots at targets within a range of 500 kilometers. 】

["Barrett Sniper Cannon·Modification": B-level mechanical device, fully automatic sniper cannon, maximum range of 5,000 meters, automatic enemy tracking, maximum reload number 5. 】

["Portable Tactical Fortress": B-level mechanical device. After use, it summons a StarCraft human machine gun fortress from the void rift. It can be recycled. 】

Apart from these three things, the "Ghost Agent Nuclear Bomb Device" that Huang Ni is interested in is just a virtual projection device. The locked red light and alarm sound are all used to cooperate with the missile launcher to "deceive" the reincarnators.

But think about it, a nuclear bomb has hundreds of thousands of reincarnation points. Even the reincarnations of Kinmen, not many can spend these reincarnation points.

Isn’t it nice to have hundreds of thousands of reincarnation points to strengthen yourself? Why buy a disposable consumable?

The stalker set these three high-tech items and a pile of firearms and explosives into exhibition status, looked up at Lin Ge and said, "I can die here. If you let Arcee leave, I will give you these...and ten thousand I’ll give you three thousand reincarnation points.”

Lin Ge smiled and said, "You think I'm stupid. If I let her go, you can immediately apply to return to the main god space. Who should I look for then?"

"I gave you the can you guarantee...let her go?" the stalker asked.

Arcee said anxiously: "No, Nova, you don't have to do it for me... Hey, I'm willing to take one life for another. You let Nova go, and I'll stay."

Lin Ge looked at Arcee and said, "Honestly... you are probably not as valuable as these three."


Lin Ge looked at the stalker and said with an upright face: "We as monks never lie or deceive, break promises, or break promises. I will definitely not do such things. I am starting a movement in the name of my ancestor. If I If you collect the things and fail to fulfill your promise, I will be struck by lightning and die."



As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, two muffled thunders exploded in the sky, and the whole earth shook, as if something terrible was about to happen.

The stalker's eyes twitched and he squinted at Lin Ge, only to see Lin Ge say with an upright face: "No! I stopped the sacrifice ceremony from proceeding. Now that the ceremony has failed, the ancient evil god is about to be resurrected. I am now I’ll give you two choices. One, hand over your things and I’ll let you leave the world of reincarnation; two, I’ll kill both of you and then focus on dealing with the ancient evil god. I’ll give you ten seconds to think about it…”

The stalker could think of destroying the seal of the Administration and releasing monsters to deal with Lin Ge and the new reincarnation. Naturally, he had watched the movie "The Cabin in the Woods" and knew the plot. He immediately understood that what Lin Ge said was true.

Looking at the tattered Arcee, the stalker gritted his teeth and finally chose the former and took out what he had shown before.

Lin Ge put away the things, looked at the guarded stalker and said, "I can help you get revenge, if you can afford the price like the female reincarnation before. After all, as I said, helping a person It’s also a help, and helping two people is also a help.”

The stalker was stunned for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "Even if you are willing to... help me get revenge, I... don't have anything more... to give you... In order to kill you,... I will give you a few... ...It’s all been used. What I gave you is all I can take out.”


md If you had told me earlier, it wouldn't have been impossible for me to exchange a few of Brother Huang Zuyao for a few missiles.

"Then let's go." Lin Ge waved his hand impatiently, as if he was shooing away flies, as if he really wanted to let the pursuer leave.

"Let go... Arcee."

"Hey, I only said let you go, not her. Don't push yourself too far."

Seeing this, Arcee said anxiously: "Nova, leave me alone, go away, go away. Even if I die, you can go back to the world of "Transformers" to find me when you go to the main space. There is no need to sacrifice for me. You just have to We are so close to going to the main space, do you want to just let that scum go?"

"No, I'll stay. You can kill or chop her up as you please. Let Arcee go." The stalker looked at Lin Ge and said firmly.

Lin Ge asked: "Is your main space assessment task almost completed?"

"One more leader is missing."

"...Don't look at me with such a fierce look, I won't help you fill in the head. However, why are your assessment tasks different from mine?"

"The assessment tasks of the leader and the stalker are different. You don't even know this?" Nova absorbed Huang Ni's spiritual energy at this time, and her complexion was better than before, at least she didn't look like she was about to die at any time. However, because Huang Ni did not lift the "seal", she was still trapped next to the collapsed rocks.

"Let me see your mission." Lin Ge said.

Nova seemed to think that the assessment task was no secret, and directly set the task to exhibition status.

[Main space assessment tasks:]

Goal 1: In "Stalker Mode", successfully kill 100 new reincarnators. Current completion progress: 87/100.

Objective 2: In "stalker mode", successfully kill three "guides". Current completion progress: 2/3.

Goal 3: Complete the "Kinmen Promotion Mission", achieved.

Nova is a Golden Gate-level reincarnation, which is consistent with Lin Ge's guess, but he did not expect that the stalker only needs to kill three leaders, which is much easier than killing three bounty targets.

"...Wait a minute." Lin Ge suddenly thought of a possibility. Maybe "rewards" are not necessarily "red doors"?

"It sounds like you still know some information about the main space?" Lin Ge asked.

Nova nodded.

"What is the difference between the main space and the main god space where we are?"

"...As far as I know, the main space is not so much a 'space' as it is a city. All reincarnations who enter the main space live in this city. I don't know what is outside the city, I only know these Reincarnators all want to explore the space outside the city..."

"At the same time, reincarnators in the main space can consume reincarnation points to return to the reincarnation world they have been to, complete tasks, explore the world, and regain rewards."

Lin Ge was digesting the information about the "main space" mentioned by Nova when he heard the other party say: "If you can let Arcee go, I will tell you a secret about the world of reincarnation."

"Oh? Tell me."

"Let the people go first."

"Impossible, how do I know whether the information you said is true?"


Lin Ge thought for a while and said, "How about we make a deal? Arcee will stay with me as a hostage. If you can enter the main world alive, since as you said, all reincarnations are in the same city. Life, then it will not be difficult for you to find me, and I will return Arcee to you when the time comes. By the way, I can also help you get revenge as a thank you for telling me the secret."

Nova fell into silence, wondering whether she should agree to Lin Ge's proposal.

In order to save Arcee, she had already taken out the things she had packed at the bottom of the box, but she was like a "gambler" at this time. She had already put one hand into the gambling table, and if she extended another hand, she would probably lose two hands. , and if you want to take back the hand that has been put on the table, you will definitely face "losing all your money."

To put it bluntly, in the current situation, facing Lin Ge's "proposal", whether Nova agrees or not, the decision-making power is not in her hands.

After a while of silence, Nova finally chose to "bet on". She had no way of turning back, and all her hopes could only be placed on Lin Ge's character.

Counting on the "character" of the reincarnated person is obviously no different from committing suicide. However, for Nova, knowing that there is little hope, she can only "gamble".

"...I once touched the 'source of fire' in the world of "Transformers" and saw the...'truth' of the main god space. If the main god space we are in is regarded as a huge Rubik's cube, the world of reincarnation is A small square in this Rubik's Cube. Countless reincarnation worlds form the main god space. And the Rubik's Cube in the center is the main space."

"Oh? Although the news you said is indeed surprising, unfortunately... it is not a secret. I have known it for a long time." Lin Ge said.

"Then you know...the Lord God's Space we are in is not the only 'Rubik's Cube'. There are countless Rubik's Cubes besides this Rubik's Cube?" Nova asked.

"Huh?" Lin Ge raised his eyebrows, obviously intrigued by Nova's topic.

Nova continued: "The 'Fire Source' allowed me to see the world outside the main god's space. It is like the universe we know, dark and boundless. And each 'Rubik's Cube' is like a world in the universe. planets, so there is no way for us to leave the Lord God’s space. Because we were originally ‘a member’ of a reincarnation world in the Lord God’s space, but we were taken away from one world by the Lord God and put into other worlds. .”

"So anything that can consume reincarnation points to 'redeemed' us back to the original world, anything like becoming a god or immortal, or the memories given to us by the Lord God, are all 'lies'."

"The Lord God is like a computer system. We are the 'code' in this computer. We can never get out and are always under the control of the Lord God!"

"Haha. I even suspect that after we died, we were resurrected by the Lord God, erased our memories and put them again, or we paid the so-called 'ransom' and had our memories erased and placed in other worlds."

Lin Ge felt deep despair from Nova's tone. He finally understood why Nova was not afraid of death at all, because for her, the hatred she carried might be the driving force for her to move forward, but even if death erased her memory and regained it, Putting it in may also be a kind of "relief".

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