Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 327 Why can they meet a senior person like you!


Sword energy and strong winds.

I saw a mechanism rising from the bottom of the four walls of the ruins of the wooden house, and huge yellow cloths with eight trigrams painted on them flew up.

Several smaller Bagua yellow cloths were raised at each corner, flying like flags.

The rope under each flag pulled out a hemp rope as thick as a baby's arm from the soil. These hemp ropes were dark red in color and were obviously soaked in black dog blood.

"Please ask the heavenly master to show his divine power. The divine soldiers are as urgent as the law!"


Lin Singer pointed his golden peach wood sword in the direction of the Bagua Yellow Formation, and saw the hemp ropes soaked in black dog blood moving on their own, pieced together the word "Edict" on the ground, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Then, Lin Ge raised the golden peach wood sword in front of him and inserted it into the ground. A golden light swayed from his feet, forming a huge golden light.

At this time, Huang Ni, who was standing by, immediately called back the ghost sisters and retreated with the little girl outside Lin Ge's Golden Light Bagua Formation. At the same time, he chased Arcee who was trying to escape by the forest.

Lin Ge raised his hand, and a long table, red cloth, and fragrant paper candles were arranged into an altar in the blink of an eye. Then he picked up the soul-calming bell with his left hand and shook it. His right hand inserted it into the earthen bowl filled with glutinous rice. Then he raised his hand and flicked the glutinous rice. The burning red candle burned instantly and turned into balls of flames flying forward.

The glutinous rice fire ball fell to the ground and did not go out. Instead, three fires ignited.

"The heaven and the earth are natural, and the filthy energy is dispersed. The cave is mysterious and luminous."

"The power of the eight directions makes me natural. The spiritual treasure talisman tells the nine heavens."


"The evil and filth dissipate, and the energy of Dao will always remain!"

The divine curse that purifies heaven and earth!

As soon as the divine curse came out, the soul-based ghosts that were the first to emerge from the ground immediately let out bursts of wailing, running around trying to escape from the wooden house.

However, the golden light Bagua array under Lin Ge's feet was filled with golden light, and the evil spirits flying in the sky immediately hit a wall of golden light, sealing them in the Bagua array.

After hitting the wall of golden light, the figure of the evil spirit became a little lighter.

At the same time, under the influence of the Pure Heaven and Earth Divine Curse, the glutinous rice fire ball in front of the altar suddenly surged, and turned into a tornado as if it had locked on a target, attacking the black egg where the turbid water magma condensed.

The ghost next to the black egg is the "ghost tree" that was tortured by the ghost sisters from a lush tree to a bare tree. Plants are afraid of fire, even if they become ghosts.

The ghost tree was instantly engulfed in fire, with a "cracking" burning sound, and even faint howls could be heard.

The remaining two balls of glutinous rice flames turned into waves of fire, sweeping through the souls and ghosts in the cover of the Golden Light Bagua Array. In an instant, screams and ghostly howls rang out in the array.

Seeing this, Lin Ge grabbed a handful of glutinous rice from the bowl and threw it into the air: "The sky and the earth are infinite, the universe borrows the law, slays the evil and disperses it!"

Each glutinous rice grain exploded on the ghost's body like a cannon. It seemed that it was not very powerful, but in fact, each shot burst out with dazzling golden light.

[Killing the "wretched and angry tree" will reward you with 1000 reincarnation points. 】

[Kill the "Mountain Wraith" and be rewarded with 1,000 reincarnation points. 】

[Kill the "Weeping Ghost" and be rewarded with 1,000 reincarnation points. 】



Lin Ge received more than a dozen kill prompts from the main god in succession, and tens of thousands of reincarnation points were recorded in his account in the blink of an eye.

However, Lin Ge obviously didn't kill the monsters that emerged from the underground laboratory as fast as they did. As giant pythons, dragon bats and other large physical monsters emerged from the ground, more and more non-spiritual monsters came out. .

However, these monsters were not enough in front of the ghost sisters. When Huang Ni and the little girl were chasing Arcee, the ghost sisters performed a trick of tearing apart a mutated python that was more than ten meters long.

But among Lin Ge's many "accessories", the ghost sisters were "disobedient" and it was difficult to keep track of their movements. They were seen chasing the werewolf, mummy and scarecrow into the forest, regardless of the influx of a large group of mutants. The ruins of the wooden house destroyed Lin Ge's magic circle.

Fortunately, Lin Ge didn't expect the ghost sisters to become guardians. Compared with these monsters, he believed that Huang Ni could kill Arcee who had escaped, which would be better for the current situation. After all, he didn't want the ancient evil god to be resurrected later. When dealing with the ancient evil gods, you have to be alert to sneak attacks from stalkers.

Lin Ge stuffed a handful of elixir into his mouth, pulled up the golden peach wood sword on the ground and pointed it at the sky: "The heaven and earth have righteousness, and are mixed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, above are the sun and stars... The sky The master ordered that the god of snake manipulation use his magic to cause the mountains and rivers to shake, and the earth to shake!"

"Shan Ling, give me some face!"




The Bagua flags surrounding the ruins of the wooden house flew up in response, flying in all directions and inserting themselves into the ground. The moment they were inserted into the soil, the ground shook, like a magnitude 10 earthquake. The ground cracked, rocks collapsed, dense forest landslides, and underground laboratories The large hole drilled by the mutated giant python and dragon bat was instantly buried!

In "The Classic of Mountains and Seas", descriptions of mountain gods often include the phrase "the god of snake handling", so "the god of snake handling" also generally refers to the mountain god.

The mountain god of this mountain was affected by the evil spirits of many ghosts imprisoned by the administration. Lin Ge tried to awaken the mountain god outside the mountain tunnel but failed.

In desperation, Lin Ge could only let Chen Qing get rid of the mountain god. At this time, he used the "righteousness of heaven and earth" to awaken the mountain spirit and tried to "recreate" a mountain god.

It has to be said that the "Facing God Method" took effect again. After accepting the righteousness of heaven and earth summoned by Lin Ge's spell, the mountain spirit controlled the mountain and responded.

By blocking the "exit" of the underground laboratory and preventing the monsters from running out from below, Lin Ge could concentrate on dealing with the monsters on the ground.

However, at this time, Lin Ge not only had to consume spiritual energy to maintain the Yin Wu Lei Domain to protect the reincarnators and plot characters, but also maintained the formation. The biggest problem was the endurance of the spiritual energy, so "quick victory" became his only option!

Lin Ge pricked the fingertips of his five fingers, took out the Five Elements and Bagua disk, inserted his bloody five fingers into the five holes in the disk, and twisted the Bagua disk.

"Save the situation!"

A faint golden light appeared in the originally dark sky just like before sunrise, and the appearance of this round of golden light made the golden light Bagua array in the ruins of the wooden house instantly more dazzling.

In an instant, several more monsters died in the formation, and thousands of reincarnation points were recorded.

At this moment, with a burst of energy fluctuations, a white light suddenly appeared in the sky, followed by a "bang" sound and a space crack exploded.




The harsh sound resounded throughout the mountain range. Lin Ge was obviously startled when he heard the sound. He vaguely felt that the situation in front of him seemed familiar.

Immediately afterwards, bombers were seen flying out of the cracks in space, bombing the entire mountain top and dense forest centered on the wooden house.




More than a dozen bombers flew across the sky, dropping high-explosive bombs one after another. While killing some monsters, they also destroyed Lin Ge's magic circle.

The situation at this time reminded Lin Ge of the skeleton's skill in "Sweet Home" where he used special devices to attract troops for carpet bombing.

And no one on his side has this skill, so it can obviously only come from the hands of a stalker.

Facing the twin ghosts in "The Shining" and the monsters in the underground laboratory, the stalker was able to escape, which really gave Lin Ge a "big surprise (scare)".

In the chaos, Lin Ge could only constantly control the Yin Wu Lei Domain to block the power of the explosion. But just when he thought the other party had only these surprises, the frequency of the ground shaking even exceeded the "earth shaking and mountain shaking" he asked the mountain god to create before. And began to collapse in large areas!

The entire mountain collapsed, and the Yin Wulei Domain was also affected. Lin Ge simply released the Yin Wulei Domain and controlled the turbid water magma to wrap around his arm. He reached out and grabbed it, and the turbid water magma turned into a big hand and fell on him. In the process, the "black eggs" of newcomers and plot characters are tied up.


Lin Ge fell into the ruins of the underground laboratory. The rocks and soil on the collapsed mountaintop surged like a mudslide. The stalker seemed to have detonated a powerful missile below, directly "exploding" the mountain.

Lin Ge used the turbid water magma to turn into a giant hand and dragged the black egg to escape among the ruins of the underground laboratory, avoiding the corpses and soil falling from above to avoid being buried in the ruins.

At this moment, Lin Ge couldn't help but lament that the Management Bureau was not good at anything else. It could be said that they had put in a lot of effort into the construction of this underground laboratory. If the solid structure hadn't blocked most of the debris flow, it would have been difficult for him to fully pour out the rocks and mud. Get to a safe location.

However, at this time, the ruins of the underground laboratory were filled with ghosts and the broken corpses of Administration soldiers. Killing the ghosts along the way, Lin Ge dragged Hei Dan and fled to the office area, finally running out of spiritual energy.

Lin Ge simply dispersed from the Yin Wu Lei Domain, leaned against the collapsed wall, took out a few recovery pills and swallowed them.

Among the reincarnations and plot characters who had been "protected" in the black egg before, only a few strong men were in better condition at this time, while Zeng Pixiu and a few women fainted directly.

After all, going from the previous descent and falling to being dragged and bumped all the way by Lin Ge was much more exciting than riding a roller coaster.


Brother Zhui was so dizzy from vomiting that he held on to a table that had fallen sideways. He held back his discomfort and asked, "Lin, this happened. What. Where are we?"

Although they were "locked" in the black egg and could not get out, they could clearly hear what was going on outside and knew that the fighting was fierce outside.

Then to the war-like explosion scene at the back, it was like experiencing the world war immersively.

"We...are we in an underground laboratory?" Jiang Congsu looked around. Although the surveillance wall had fallen down and the monitors were flashing with electricity, he could still see the working environment of the administration staff in the movie.

Before Lin Ge could reply, he heard a burst of gunfire from the direction of the passage entrance.

Fortunately, when he was recovering from taking medicine, he kept an eye out, maintained the "spiritual detection" of the spiritual cultivation method, and sensed the danger coming from the door.

"Squat down!"

While Lin Ge was shouting, he stood up and kicked a table towards Jiang Congsu, blocking him in front of him, and then another white wall appeared.




A series of bullets hit the white wall, and the stalker was seen walking into the office area with a machine gun and sweeping.

"Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!"

The stalker's combat uniform of the same style as Nova's was now as tattered as a beggar's uniform. There were wounds all over his body, and with every step he took, there was even a pool of blood on the ground.

The goggles and gas mask on her head have been shattered, leaving only the broken frame from which the face of the stalker can be seen.

Although the Stalker's appearance was far from beautiful, one could tell that she had once been a beautiful woman.

The reason why I say "once" is because at this time, the left side of her face was carved with the letter "R", the middle nose was completely cut off, leaving a black mark "B", and the right face was marked with "Q". The three letters seemed to have been carved with a sharp tool, and then burned with a flame after scabbing, leaving strange dark red scars.

The hunter also wore a black hound collar around his neck, with a string of English words engraved on it - "The beloved dog of...".

Lin Ge's spiritual energy had only recovered a little at this time. Although he had other trump cards, the "spiritual manifestation" and the complex terrain at this time made it impossible for the stalkers to hurt the rookie and others, so he was not in a hurry to take action. , simply take a rest and wait for the spiritual energy to recover.

We are currently in an underground laboratory. Even though the place has been reduced to ruins, there are still many ghosts and monsters alive.

As for the stalker, who was standing at the door, she would be the first to find her when the ghost came, and she could also block a knife on her side.

Lin Ge caught a glimpse of the hunter's appearance at this moment, and he was really curious about what kind of attractive reward the Lord God offered, so that the hunter would not forget to chase the newcomer Samsara at this level.

In a situation like this where you know you can't beat it and you are in the world of reincarnation, you would rather pay some reincarnation point "fine" than go to such extreme lengths.

After all, for reincarnators, living is better than anything else.

"Hey, how much reward does the Lord God give you? What are you trying to do with your life? I'll give you double whatever the Lord God gives you. Let's sit down and talk?" Lin Ge shouted, intending to delay time.

"Death, death, everyone must die, everyone must die!" The stalker seemed to have suffered a serious throat injury, and his hoarse roar sounded like a perverted murderer in a horror movie.

Hearing the other party's response, Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh... Alas, it seemed that he was unwilling to communicate.

Lin Ge chewed the "Jiuhua Jade Dew Pills" and drank the "Huiling Cola" refined by Huang Ni, and said again: "We are all reincarnations. If there is anything we can't talk about, sit down and have a cup of tea. Baozi, wouldn’t it be nice to have a calm chat?”

"Want to chat? You can... you let me kill these new reincarnations, and we'll chat slowly!" This time the stalker gave a different response.

Jiang Congsu's expression changed when he heard this. He originally saw the stalker chasing him into the office area. Lin Ge didn't fight back, so he decided that Lin Ge was probably helpless against the stalker. At this time, he heard the stalker say this. , was suddenly afraid that Lin Ge would hand them over in exchange for a chance to survive, and he immediately thought of escaping secretly.

"We were also newcomers in reincarnation. We all came from the newcomers. Why can't we take care of the newcomers? If we plant a seed with good intentions today, we may harvest a towering tree that can protect us from the wind and rain tomorrow... ..." While Lin Ge was persuading him kindly, he took out a stack of paper figurines, put the blood from his fingertips on the paper figurines' foreheads, and began to cast spells.

"Are you going to risk your life to protect these newcomers?"

"Uh... Of course, we as monks should be chivalrous and righteous, help the world, and fight against good and evil for life. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell, I..." Lin Ge said righteously and solemnly, while controlling his soul. The paper figures pass through the walls and enter the passages around the office area to prevent the ghosts in the underground laboratory from coming.

He didn't want to have his house stolen by those ghosts when he was dealing with stalkers.

"Why can they meet a veteran like you! Why! Why!" The stalker roared angrily, waved his hand, and threw out a handful of "marbles."

A dozen fist-sized "marbles" flashed red and rolled to the ground with a "beep, beep, beep" sound. These were obviously not marbles, but bombs!


"Why do you reincarnations on the technology side like to throw bombs whenever we disagree?" Lin Ge cursed and immediately formed an egg cover to cover himself.




Explosions were heard one after another. Even if the office area was made of sufficient materials and the construction was strong, it could not withstand repeated tossing, and more than half of it collapsed immediately. The upper part was originally suppressed by collapsed mud and rocks, and a large amount of mud and rocks poured in after this collapse.

However, Lin Ge had already used soul paper figures to set up a formation around the office area, which at least ensured that he would not be disturbed by ghosts before the stalkers were dealt with.

At this time, gunfire rang out again.

Lin Ge opened the concrete stone cover and threw a "black shadow" directly at the stalker.

The hunter raised his gun and started to shoot, but when he saw the black figure clearly, he was stunned. It turned out to be a naked young woman with black hair.

But even after seeing clearly that the person being thrown over was a human being, the hunter still didn't close his gun, and the bullets instantly beat the young woman to a bloody pulp.

The body fell with a thud at the pursuer's feet. The pursuer glanced at him and snorted: "Hmph, you are a sanctimonious thing. You talk about being righteous, but you still use the newcomer Samsara to block the gun?"

"Who said she is a newcomer to reincarnation?" Lin Ge's slightly teasing voice sounded.

The stalker's body was severely injured and most of her equipment was destroyed, but the instinct of a veteran made her feel dangerous and she subconsciously wanted to retreat.

Unexpectedly, the "corpse" on the ground suddenly hugged her feet. The hunter lowered his head and met the strange smile of the young woman.

Lin Ge didn't want to speak and threw a Fu Jiang at you.

The person hugging the stalker's feet at this time was none other than one of the many rich rivers planted by Chen Qing in the astrolabe.

Fujiang was beaten to pieces by the machine gun, and bloodshot threads protruded from the wounds on his body, while small octopus-like tentacles sprouted from the severed limbs, "crawling" on the stalker.

The most chilling thing is that Fujiang still has a "satisfied" smile on her face, as if she is experiencing something wonderful.

The hunter raised his gun and pointed it at Fu Jiang's head. However, as the flesh and blood flew everywhere, he heard moans and laughter that made people's hair stand on end.

At this moment, Lin Ge had arrived behind the hunter, clapped his palms together, pulled out a bolt of lightning, and used the "Lightning Thunder Fist" to hit the hunter's vest.

The burst of lightning enveloped the stalker and Fu Jiang, and the blast of electricity pushed the messy tables, chairs and benches in the office area to the corner.

The stalker was knocked away, collapsing into the wall and being buried in the rubble.

Lin Ge walked up to her, looked at the dying stalker, and said with a smile: "Look, I told you to sit down and talk calmly, but you didn't listen. It's going to be miserable now."

The stalker said with all his strength: "Kill... me."

"Actually, I'm curious as to why you are so hostile to the new reincarnations... The Lord God's iron cock, which never pulls out its hair, won't make you so desperate, right?" Lin Ge returned to the Lord God's space after "A Nightmare on Elm Street" to study it specifically. I went into "Stalker Mode" and also communicated with other reincarnations in the space who had gone through "Stalker Mode".

Since "Stalker Mode" involves senior players bullying rookies, the rewards are lower than those of "Leader Mode".

In other words, when most stalkers encounter a tough nut to crack like Lin Ge, they usually choose to lose a few reincarnation points and accept the punishment of mission failure. The stalker in front of me is willing to kill all the newcomers even if he fights to the death. The situation of reincarnation is rare.

However, when faced with Lin Ge's question, the stalker seemed to be "waiting for death" and was unwilling to say another word.

Lin Ge was too lazy to talk nonsense. He took out a bronze sword and pointed it at the stalker's head, preparing to chop it off, but he heard Huang Ni's voice coming from the door: "Wait, don't kill her yet!"


Lin Ge knew that although Huang Ni was a "fairy", she was not a soft-hearted person, otherwise there would be no "true fairy view".

She told the stalker that she must have a purpose. Lin Ge simply put away the knife. When he turned around, he saw Huang Ni holding a magic formula in his left hand and clasping Arcee's head with his right hand, dragging her body like scrap metal to stand. at the door.

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