Chapter 329 The Twelve Titans—Cronos

Although a large part of the information Nova gave, Lin Ge and Huang Ni had already come to the conclusion in their previous deductions, but bringing this information together gave him a clearer understanding of the main space and the "Rubik's Cube" The outside world is somewhat different from his initial deduction.

The city where all reincarnations who enter the main space live together, and the world outside the city, can return to the reincarnation world they have visited by consuming reincarnation points...

And, besides the main god space that looks like a "Rubik's Cube", there are more Rubik's Cubes.

This information gave Lin Ge a clear understanding of the main space, but he still needed more time to digest and verify the information.

However, there is obviously not much time for him to think now, because in a short time, the sealed ancient evil god will break through the seal.

"I always keep my word. When I meet that person... I will avenge you by the way. However, according to the previous victim's description, the senior man is good at disguise. When you saw him, what name did he use? Or what are the characteristics?" Lin Ge asked.

Nova shook her head: "I don't know his name. He didn't reveal any relevant information during that reincarnation. He is a white man with no blood color in his skin. He is wearing a blood-red suit that imitates the vampire count in the movie. and cloak. In battle, he has demonstrated the abilities of 'turning into a group of bats', 'sucking blood and souls from across the air', 'laser silver', and 'rapid healing'."

Lin Ge left behind the missiles, Barrett and bunker, as well as the "Ghost Agent Nuclear Bomb Device" that could be used to bluff people and the reincarnation point, and returned the ordinary modified firearms and explosives to Nova: "For your cooperation, I give these things to you in the hope that you can enter the main world alive, and then I will fulfill my promise and return Arcee to you."

"You said you would let Arcee go!" Nova said angrily.

Lin Ge said lightly: "First, I have only said from the beginning to the end that you can only let one of you go, and the other will go to the main space; second, you are not qualified to bargain now; third, you are so immovable Just go to the top. If you can't beat the top, you will die. If I don't give you a thought, I'm afraid you won't survive in the main space. Don't look at me so gratefully. I know you want to thank me for giving you the motivation. It's the same sentence. , before I change my mind, quickly disappear from my sight and return to the main god space, otherwise don’t blame me for breaking my promise.”

Lin Ge's idea was very simple. Since Huang Ni said that Arcee's fire can be used to make swords, no matter whether she wanted to kill Arcee to get the fire or let Arcee cooperate, it was impossible to let Arcee go anyway. So now The only question is whether Nova will stay or go.

After consideration, Lin Ge believed that in the long run, the "profit" of killing Nova was far less than the value of keeping her alive.

First of all, being able to escape from a perverted veteran and become a reincarnation of the Golden Gate proves that Nova's mind and strength are worthy of recognition.

Although her hatred for the perverted senior person was transferred to the guide and the newcomer Samsara, causing her to do some impulsive things, her attitude towards Arcee showed that she was not terminally ill and could still be saved.

Secondly, Nova has come into contact with the "Source of Fire", which is the "divine object" that created Transformers. Through this object, she can even see the world outside the main god's space, which shows its power.

Lin Ge believed that Nova must have had thoughts about the "Source of Fire". The fact that she was able to take Arcee away from the world of "Transformers" showed how well she understood the world of "Transformers".

If you let Nova go back at this time, the other party will most likely be interested in the "source of fire". If he fails, Lin Ge will not lose anything. If he succeeds... he may be able to obtain the "source of fire" with Nova's help.

Finally, Lin Ge could tell from Nova's reaction and communication that she hated the vampire. Hatred is the easiest emotion to exploit.

If we encounter it in other reincarnation worlds in the future, a little use may be a big help.

"You!" Nova didn't know what Lin Ge was thinking. She only knew that she had used her biggest trump card, but she still hadn't gotten Arcee back.

Arcee quickly stopped: "Nova! I believe you! If we all die here, won't your revenge never be avenged? You often told me before that 'every time you take a bite, you gain wisdom', this The lessons learned this time will only make us stronger! Go, Nova, I will wait for you in the main space!"

"Yo ho?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Since you have done a good job in cultural export, I will also take back these consumables of yours."

After saying that, Lin Ge looked at Arcee again and said, "Should I thank you? This is already assuming that I can go to the main space?"

Arcee glared angrily, and wanted to curse a few words to relieve her anger, but thinking that she and Nova were still in each other's hands, she could only swallow her words.


"Nova, we will meet again."


Lin Ge sighed: "Quick, quick, let her go. I can't stand this eight o'clock plot anymore. Remember, letting you go doesn't mean letting you peek in the dark. Either stay away from this mountain, or go back directly." In the Lord God’s Space, if we find you again, we won’t have a second chance to leave.”

Huang Ni pinched the magic formula and pointed it at Nova, breaking the seal.

"Nova, come on, come on!" Arcee yelled.

Nova gritted her teeth and took out a white mechanical ball. She was about to start it when she suddenly looked at the collapsed ruins not far away and said to Lin Ge: "Hey, if you dare to do harm to Arcee, I won't let you go even if you dare." After you... Also, some of your chickens are missing."


Lin Ge, this old bitch, and Nova's words were obviously referring to the newcomers Jiang Congsu. When he turned around, he saw only Brother Zhui, Julie, Marty and Lin Yiyi squatting in the corner.

"What the hell, where's Ginger, Onion, Garlic and that Pichu?" Lin Ge said angrily.

Lin Yiyi opened her mouth, not knowing how to answer. Finally, Brother Zhui on the side said: "When you were fighting just now, they thought you were no match for that person, so they called us to run away together. But Julie is unconscious, and I can't leave her behind." She, so she didn’t go with them.”

"It's easy to run into those monsters when you go out. I'd rather stay here." Marty said with a shrug.

"Oh shit!"

Lin Ge had a rare temper. He didn't expect that he had to work so hard as a nanny to solve the trouble. In the end, these naughty kids would have to create trouble themselves.

"You keep an eye on them, I'll go out and take a look."

Nova used the teleportation device to leave, and Lin Ge asked Huang Ni to guard Arcee and Brother Zhui in the office area, while he went out to look for Jiang Congsu and the others.

The first thing I did when I found them was to break a few of their legs, then tie them up and throw them into a corner.



At this time, thunder exploded in the sky, and the ground shook more and more violently. It was obvious that the ancient evil god was about to break through the seal.

Lin Ge glanced at the time. There was still an hour and a half left before the newcomer Samsara completed the main mission. Obviously, the seal could no longer hold up.


Suddenly, a woman's scream came from the passage ahead. The voice sounded like Tang Mi. Lin Ge chased after the sound. As soon as he passed the corner, he saw Jiang Congsu and Zeng Pixiu running towards him.

In the distant passage, a thick-haired werewolf was gnawing on Dana's body. Holden waved an iron rod to try to drive away the monster.

Tang Mi was so frightened that she collapsed to the ground. Apart from screaming, she couldn't even get up and run away.

"a bunch of idiots."

Lin Ge escaped into the blood mist and let Qimei lead him to rush forward to save people. Now he really wanted to kill this idiot Jiang Congsu with his own hands. He thought he was smart and led people to escape, but in the end he lost dozens of sources!

At this moment, the collapsed stone pile next to it exploded with a "boom", and a murloc that looked like a radiation-mutated fish man jumped out from under the stone pile and threw Zeng Pixiu, who had just ran over, to the ground.

"Ah, save, save me, Brother Cong, save me!" Zeng Pixiu put his hands against the fish-man's mouth, and his palms had been penetrated by its sharp teeth, and blood was flowing.

Jiang Congsu stopped, but when he saw the fish-man's terrifying appearance, he ran towards Lin Ge's direction without even hesitating.

Lin Ge rushed out of the blood mist. When Jiang Congsu saw this, he quickly shouted: "Lin..."


Before he could finish his words, Lin Ge grabbed his neck with one hand and slammed him against the wall, causing Jiang Congsu to feel dizzy and vomit blood.

"I'll settle the score with you later."

Lin Ge threw Jiang Congsu to the ground, raised his hand, summoned the "trident" and threw it forward. At this time, Zeng Pixiu was bitten by the fish man in the chest, and suddenly a golden light burst out and the fish man was thrown away. , but allowed the fool to avoid this "cross".

However, the trident flew straight forward, directly hitting the werewolf who was about to pounce on Holden, and pinned him to the far wall.


At this time, a roar that seemed to be combined with the roar of dragons and tigers sounded, followed by a golden light that rushed towards the fish-man, directly smashing through the wall and entering the next area.

Lin Ge was stunned and had no time to figure out what the golden light was, but judging from the momentum, it should be some kind of "evil-proof object". Considering the difficulty of this reincarnation and the existence of a new member of the "Red Sect" who had long been speculated, It was already certain that the newcomer to the Red Sect this time was Zeng Pixiu.

Lin Ge knelt down to check Zeng Pixiu's injuries, and saw that a large piece of his chest had been bitten off by the fish-man, and his internal organs could even be seen.

Zeng Pixiu was vomiting blood continuously from his mouth, and his consciousness was blurred. And around his neck, there was a strange pendant hanging.

This pendant is white and yellow, with a round carving, a crouching shape, head held high, horns hanging back, angry eyes, open mouth and teeth, a long beard under the chin, a thin neck, a straight chest, two wings on the body, and a long tail curled up. , the front legs are stretched out, and the hind legs are bent. There is a hole between the cheeks, and a red rope is hung around Zeng Pixiu's neck.

Pixiu pendant.

Lin Ge took out the hemostatic spray and elixir in an attempt to save Zeng Pixiu, but the medicine could not enter his mouth, and spraying the hemostatic spray on his chest could not relieve the damage to his internal organs. In the end, Zeng Pixiu couldn't hold on until Lin Ge figured out a way to save him, and completely lost his breath.

Lin Ge sighed, pulled off the pendant from Zeng Pixiu's neck, stood up and made a move with his hand, and the trident flew back into his hand again.

The werewolf roared after landing, but he obviously realized that Lin Ge was difficult to deal with, and his animal instinct made him turn around and run away.

How could Lin Ge give him a chance? This time he aimed the trident directly at his head and hit him with one strike, killing him with one blow and earning 1,000 reincarnation points.

Holden held the dead body of Dana and cried bitterly. Lin Ge grabbed hold of Holden's arm and lifted him up, saying in a cold voice: "If you don't want to die, go back to the office area."

Although Holden was deeply saddened by Dana's death, his own life was more important at the moment, so he quickly put down Dana's body and followed Lin Ge back to the office area.


Accompanied by a tiger roar, the wall of the passage was knocked open again. It was like a tiger and a lion, with a body like a giant bear, a head and a tail like a dragon, with a pair of wings on the shoulders but could not be spread, and a horn on its head that was tilted back. The whole body is exuding dazzling golden light, and the golden auspicious beast-Pixiu!

Pixiu held the remaining half of the fish-man's body in his mouth, took it back to Zeng Pixiu's body, and then turned into gold powder and dissipated.


Seeing this, Lin Ge couldn't help but sigh in his heart. If Zeng Pixiu had not followed Jiang Congsu to death and could have discovered the secret of the "Pixiu Pendant" alive, he might have been able to survive in the world of reincarnation.

However, the reality is so helpless. Those who were killed did not die, but innocent people lost their lives in vain.

Although Zeng Pixiu's death was regrettable, Lin Ge would not kill Jiang Congsu and lose 10 points of origin to avenge him... Of course, that would only be before the end of reincarnation.

Lin Ge carried Holden in one hand and Jiang Congsu in the other, returned to the office area, and threw them in front of Brother Zhui and others.

Brother Zhui asked urgently: "Where is Dana?"

"ask them."

Lin Ge was not in the mood to talk nonsense with them. He walked up to Huang Ni and asked, "What should I do with her?"

Nova just teleported out of the underground laboratory. It is not yet clear whether she has returned to the main god's space or is hiding in the dark and peeping. Although Lin Ge had already used a transmission note to notify Chen Qing to search for Nova nearby when he rushed to save people. traces, but for safety reasons Arcee cannot be left here.

Although Huang Ni was able to seal Arcee, it meant that she had to stay by Arcee's side all the time, which was detrimental to the subsequent battle against the ancient evil god.

"Use the source to erase her aura and throw it into the astrolabe first." Huang Ni said.

Lin Ge raised his hand to scan Arcee with the astrolabe. Not to mention erasing the Lord God's mark, even covering up the aura required "100 origins". He suddenly said with some pain: "I'll go, hiding the aura requires 100 origins, you're not just Do you need her fire?”

Lin Ge's meaning was very simple. Find a way to get out the fire, or kill Arcee directly, which would save time and trouble.

The most important thing is to save resources.

"The fire is their soul. Do you think you should cut it off piece by piece and use it while they are still alive, or kill the goose and get the eggs?" Huang Ni asked back.


Lin Ge just wanted to kill the pig and eat the pork, but Huang Ni wanted to cut a piece of meat from the pig, eat it, then treat the pig's injury and wait until it recovered before cutting it.

md, are you a fairy or a devil?




Before Lin Ge could complain about Huang Ni's evil deeds, the ground shook violently again, and then the entire underground laboratory began to collapse again.

Without any time to think about it, Lin Ge chose to trust Huang Ni's judgment and immediately raised the astrolabe and swept it towards Arcee. After hiding her aura, Huang Ni created several more restraints to trap Arcee. Only then did Lin Ge pull Huang Ni away. Included in the horoscope with Arcee.

Huang Ni followed him in, to prevent Huang Shang from seeing an unknown object coming in, so he could easily raise it, which would have wasted her and Lin Ge's busy work for so long.

"Qimei! Take us up!"

As soon as Lin Ge called, Qimei appeared beside him. Holding him with one hand, he used his other hand to draw out a stream of blood mist, which turned into a huge bloody hand and grabbed Brother Zhui and the others.

Immediately afterwards, Qimei escaped into the blood mirror condensed by blood mist above. After a few breaths, a blood mirror appeared again in the open space next to the collapsed pit on the top of the mountain. Qimei led everyone to jump out of the mirror.

Qimei protected Lin Ge and landed steadily, while Brother Zhui and others fell to the ground with a "thud", making them dizzy. Jiang Congsu had been injured internally by Lin Ge before, and he vomited a mouthful of blood after the fall.



There were thunders, earthquakes, and the whole world seemed to be doomed. At this time, there was still more than an hour before the main plot of the new reincarnation, and Lin Ge suddenly felt a headache.



At this time, the ground shook violently, as if a heavy hammer was hitting the ground from bottom to top, and cracks appeared on the ground with these knocks.

Cracks, vibrations, collapses... With a loud noise, a big hand that could cover the sky broke through the shackles of the ground and shot straight into the sky!

This hand is big enough to cover the sky and the sun. It is not the "tiny" dozen meters in the movie, but dozens of meters in size. You can imagine how huge the owner of this hand is!


There was no place to stand on the ground. Lin Ge could only ask Qimei to take him to the sky. It was impossible to take Brother Zhui and others away at the same time. He threw the "portable bunker" he had just obtained with his backhand at Hammer. The area around Brother and others that had not yet collapsed shouted: "Go in and hide!"

Brother Zhui didn't have time to think too much, he and Holden rushed into the bunker holding Julie, while Jiang Congsu also entered the bunker with the support of Lin Yiyi and Marty.

At this time, Lin Ge no longer had the energy to care about the life and death of Brother Zhui and others, because he was about to face the most powerful enemy in the world——

The Twelve Titans, Cronus!

Cronus is the second-generation god-king in ancient Greek mythology, the son of the first-generation god-king and queen, and the youngest of the twelve Titans.

At the instigation of his mother, the God Queen Gaia, Cronus used a sickle to castrate and overthrow the brutal rule of the God King's father, Ouranos, and became the second generation God King.

Before Uranus died, he predicted that Cronus would eventually be overthrown by his own children, so Cronus began his "brutal rule" that was superior to his own, even his own children. Every time his wife had one left, he Cronus swallowed his children to prevent his rule from being overthrown.

Cronus's wife did not want her sixth child to be killed, so after giving birth to him, she gave him to her sister to raise, and wrapped a stone in cloth for Cronus to swallow. Cronus, who was arrogant and arrogant, did not notice anything was wrong. After swallowing the stone in one gulp, he became extremely drunk.

The child saved by Cronus' wife was the third-generation god-king "Zeus".

When Zeus returned to the temple as an adult, he designed Cronus to spit out his brothers and sisters, led them to overthrow the Titans headed by Cronus, and imprisoned them in Tartarus in the hell.

This is the place where Cronus is sealed.

After the seal was completely broken, a lava giant hundreds of meters tall, his whole body burning with flames, stood up from the collapsed mountain.


As Cronus roared, magma erupted from his mouth, swimming through the mountains and rivers like a flood, instantly turning hundreds of miles around into a magma hell.

Lin Ge couldn't let Cronus continue to destroy it. It was already a miracle that the "portable bunker" could withstand earthquakes and collapses. It was impossible to expect it to block magma. Even though he was not sure whether the people inside were still alive, Lin Ge could only focus on Cronus.

If you fail to complete the task, you can only compensate with Cronus.

Lin Ge pinched his hand, opened his eyes and looked at Cronus, and sure enough he saw a large white light source on his chest.

"At least 200 points of origin... That's about right. Only then can you be worthy of your status as the Twelve Titan Gods!" Lin Ge snorted coldly, trying to find Cronus's weakness.

At this time, Cronus had noticed Lin Ge in the air, waved his hand and grabbed him. The palm was tens of meters long, and compared with Lin Ge's size, it looked like the Tathagata Buddha reaching out to catch a monkey.

"Beep, beep, beep, beep -"

Suddenly, a burst of strange music came from under the feet of Cronus. People who are familiar with music can tell that it is "Kikujiro's Summer" played on a suona, but it is played the same as "Kikujiro's First Seven", which makes people feel uncomfortable. big head.

The master who can play such "deadly" music is naturally Chen Qing, who has Conan-level musical talent. As soon as this music came out, Cronus immediately had a headache. He even gave up dealing with Lin Ge, turned around, raised his foot, and stepped towards Chen Qing beside the ruins.

I saw two tornadoes of black mist spiraling up Cronus' giant legs, flying all the way to his shoulders, and turned into two ghost sisters.

The two women were lying on the ground, seemingly feeling the delicious "Titan power" from Cronus, and wisps of black smoke flew out from his body, implicating them together.

Twins born in one body, although they are fierce ghosts, they are actually fierce gods!



The ghost sisters let out two screams, jumped up suddenly, and pounced on Cronus' forehead.

Although the strength of the two women is far inferior to that of Cronus, they are small in stature and fast. They are like mosquitoes that "suck" a sip of divine power and run away. Cronus missed several blows and suffered a headache.

There was also Chen Qing who was disturbing with "noise" at his feet, which immediately made Cronus extremely irritable, roaring, roaring, and spitting lava.

Cronus punched down and a large mountain was instantly flattened, and with a sweeping kick, a huge ravine suddenly appeared.

Although Chen Qing and the Ghost Sisters attracted firepower for Lin Ge, they also completely angered Cronus. Now I am afraid they can only rely on Brother Hammer to be possessed by the God of Thunder to complete the mission.

Lin Ge simply concentrated on dealing with Cronus and picked up the "Spirit Summoning Technique". This technique is usually used by monks in conjunction with the "eye of the sky" to communicate with spiritual creatures. It is also a very simple spell.

Lin Ge just happened to "pick up" a spiritual object. With a pinch of the magic formula and a strong throw, he directly threw Zeng Pixiu's "Pixiu Pendant" towards Cronus.

"I'll give you a big Pixiu!"


Under the influence of the "Spirit Summoning Technique", the Pixiu pendant turned into a golden light, condensed into a four- to five-meter-long "golden tiger" in the air and pounced on Cronus.

As Pixiu flew, its figure gradually grew until it was more than ten meters long. It was really "Big Pixiu, Big Pixiu, Big Pixiu, Big Pixiu, I wish you good fortune, I will give you a big Pixiu"!

The big Pixiu bit Cronus' head, but it broke most of its golden teeth into pieces and failed to bite off Cronus' head.

But this is not surprising. After all, even the Twelve Titan Gods have to kill Kui Ye for a long time. The golden light Pixiu transformed from a pendant is obviously no match.

At this time, Lin Ge sensed that Huang Ni was coming out of the astrolabe, raised his hand, and released Huang Ni.

"Is this Cronus?" Huang Ni looked at Cronus who was "fighting mosquitoes" in the distance with a strange expression.

Cronus can destroy a mountain with one punch and destroy a city with one kick, but at this time, there is nothing he can do with the two "mosquitoes" scurrying around him.

Huang Ni really wanted to complain about a big guy who couldn't even deal with a "mosquito". How could he still be the Twelve Gods of Titan?

"Don't underestimate mosquitoes. There once was a bald man who could destroy everything with one punch. His biggest enemy was also a mosquito." Lin Ge said.

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