Faced with the reborn Huang Zuyao, Lin Ge really had no interest in wasting time with him. The big hand formed by the turbid water magma swatted Huang Zuyao, Chen Xiao and Zhao Sichen like flies, accompanied by the crackling sound of lightning. The sound of the roof being overturned directly turned the three people who had just been resurrected into pieces.


When Jiang Congsu and others saw this, they immediately fell into silence. They felt sympathy for this brother of twenty years. Originally, it was a good thing to come back from the dead, but what kind of veteran are you messing with in the world of reincarnation?

Huang Zuyao's behavior was like a gangster who was accustomed to running rampant in the local area. He suddenly went to a war zone to provoke those professional mercenaries. He was simply seeking death.

Sympathy is sympathy. At this time, Jiang Congsu felt that if he spoke up for Huang Zuyao, he would be as ignorant as Huang Zuyao.

However, just after Lin Ge slapped Huang Zuyao to death, Zhuoshui's big hand dispersed, and a wisp of black smoke floated on the minced meat below. Then the black smoke enveloped the flesh and blood, and recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You can't kill..."


Huang Zuyao's body had just half condensed, and he spoke bold words to Lin Ge again, but just like his body, he was slapped to pieces by Lin Ge again just as he was speaking halfway.

"Let's go, powerful 502, right? Can this still stick?" Lin Ge raised his "hand" and shook it, shaking off the flesh and blood on it, and then the giant hand that was condensed by the turbid water dispersed.

However, under the condensation of black smoke, the pool of flesh and blood differentiated again, condensing into Huang Zuyao, Chen Xiao and Zhao Sichen.

Lin Ge raised his hand and looked at the black smoke with his eyes, and immediately realized that the source of the black smoke came from the room inside.

"It turns out that evil magic is resurrected, no wonder..."

Needless to say, this must be the "masterpiece" of one of the several monsters released by the Administration. It's just that most of the classic horror movies that were "tributed" in "The Cabin in the Woods" were too old. For a while, Lin Ge couldn't think of anyone who could be resurrected infinitely like this.

Seeing her former "companions" dying tragically in front of her again and again, Tang Mi resisted the urge to retching, covered her mouth and said with difficulty: "...Can't we save them?"

Lin Ge looked back at Tang Mi indifferently, and the other party shuddered subconsciously: "Sorry, I save people just to see how I feel, but obviously this person makes me not in a good mood. Due to the reward, I don't have the same experience as him. , but it doesn’t mean that I am willing to be his nanny.”

Lin Ge's idea is also very simple. The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. There are many newcomers like Huang Zuyao who come to the world of reincarnation and think that they are as powerful as reality and can do whatever they want. He doesn't have that much energy to care for the saplings. grow.

If they cooperate like the obedient newcomers in "A Nightmare on Elm Street", Lin Ge won't mind using all his strength to protect them through reincarnation.

As for Huang Zuyao...

10 points of origin?

It is better to find more branch lines and dig more hidden bosses.

"Oh, by the way, I have a bad temper, I am stingy, and I also hold grudges." Lin Ge glanced at the remaining four reincarnations and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent. Tang Mi and others were so frightened that they recalled everything they said since entering the world of reincarnation, fearing that like Huang Zuyao, they would be blacklisted by Lin Ge unknowingly.

"Uh...I am, I mean Chen Xiao and Zhao Sichen, she, they are more pitiful. A scum like Huang Zuyao, even a hundred deaths are not enough! Really!" Tang Mi quickly expressed her loyalty.

At this time, the air in front of Lin Ge shook, and a burning yellow talisman appeared out of thin air.

"Heading towards you!"

This was the message Huang Ni conveyed through the transmission note, apparently telling Lin Ge that they had let the pursuers run away.

Lin Ge was a little surprised to receive the news from Huang Ni. After all, the stalkers were capable of escaping from them, and he immediately lost interest in continuing to beat Huang Zuyao to death.

And after whipping Huang Zuyao several times, Lin Ge also saw the clues.

The reason why they can continue to resurrect is because the black smoke witchcraft protects the souls of Huang Zuyao and the others. As long as the souls are protected, the bodies can be reshaped.

Being able to resurrect the soul so smoothly shows that the owner of the black smoke must have something to do with the "underworld" here, that is, the underworld.

At the same time, Lin Ge observed through his eyes and discovered that the black smoke was not so much evil spirit or resentment as it was the existence of a fused soul.

To put it simply, it is something like a triangle head.

Dark Alessa took out a small part of her soul, fed it with evil energy, and finally cultivated the triangular head, a super god of physics.

The owner of this black smoke, through the means of connecting with the underworld, used the product of the fusion of soul and evil spirit to capture the souls of Huang Zuyao and the others shortly after their death and before their souls completely dissipated, and to control the souls. It can also be said that he used black smoke. "Protect" the soul to achieve the purpose of continuous resurrection.

"This will be easy to handle."

If the other party is really a big boss from the underworld, it may be a bit difficult, but just resurrecting through this kind of evil magic will be easier to handle.

Lin Ge had the "soul-sealing technique" before him, and the "soul-melting technique" after him. The thing he was least afraid of was this kind of opponent who made a fuss about his soul.

Lin Ge used the "Soul-Sealing Technique" and reached forward to grab the black smoke and Huang Zuyao's repairing soul. He then took out a soul-sealing talisman and sealed Huang Zuyao's soul and the black smoke into the seal at the same time. In the soul talisman. But that wasn't the end yet. Then he continued to use the Soul Fusion Technique to forcibly fuse the souls of two different individuals together.

It is not easy to fuse the three souls and seven souls of one person, let alone the fusion of the souls of two different people. For a time, the memories of both parties crazily eroded the memories of the other.



Suddenly, the old witch's shrill howl came from the back room.

Lin Ge looked towards the direction of the room and said with a smile: "Isn't this better than directly solving the black smoke soul with a spell?"

Being able to use "Soul Melting Technique" as an "attack" spell can only mean that the old witch is unlucky to meet Lin Ge who likes "innovation".

Then, Lin Ge held the soul-sealing talisman between his two fingers and rubbed it, lighting the talisman with his spirit. As soon as the soul-sealing talisman was burned, a larger black mist surged out of the room, covering the burning soul-sealing talisman, extinguishing it, and The soul inside was released.

At this time, "Huang Zuyao"'s body condensed again, but this time the condensed body was no longer what it was before, but a "monster" formed by the fusion of a young man's body and an old and senile woman's body.

"Ah, no! What did you do to my body?" Huang Zuyao roared angrily after discovering the changes in his body after he was resurrected.

Lin Ge said: "You have given your soul to the old monster, and now you ask me what I have done?"

"No! No! Save me! Please save me! As long as you are willing to save me, I will do anything! I am willing to give you all my money and all my property!" Huang Zuyao watched himself grow older. , the skin and flesh fell off, as if the body was about to "decompose" into pieces at any time, and he suddenly shouted in horror.

Obviously, after merging with part of the old witch's soul, Huang Zuyao successfully "recovered" part of his soul that was devoured by the old witch. However, regaining pain and fear is not a good thing for Huang Zuyao.

"Definitely next time!"

Lin Ge then controlled the Yin Wu Lei Domain to instantly gather towards Huang Zuyao and the black mist, completely surrounding them, and then looked back at Jiang Congsu and the others.

"Stay here and don't move!"

Then he rushed towards the inner room at a high speed, came to the door of the room, saw the black smoke of the body entrenched on the ceiling, took the talisman and kneaded the spell to cast the spell, and the movements were completed in one go!

Soul Sealing Technique!

It was too late for the old witch to escape. She was completely sealed in the soul-sealing talisman, and the old witch's body was sealed. The remaining souls outside and the enslaved Huang Zuyao and others suddenly lost the supply of evil energy, and were easily killed by Yin Wu Lei. The realm was raised and turned into ashes.

Lin Ge folded the soul-sealing talisman that sealed the old witch's soul into a lucky star, placed it in a special glass vial, and affixed the yellow talisman to stabilize it.

"I'm very interested in your ability. I'll talk to you slowly after I deal with Huangque." Lin Ge discovered that the old witch could selectively devour the souls of Huang Zuyao and others to achieve the purpose of depriving them of pain and fear. This kind of "separation" "Soul Art" is not easy to achieve.

He then thought about learning from the old witch and combining the "Soul Dividing Technique" with the "Soul Melting Technique", maybe he could find the reason for Qimei's soul disorder.

But the most important thing now is to get rid of the oriole hiding in the dark first, and don't let the other party steal the house again. After all, the newcomer Samsara plus the plot characters only have a total of 120 origins, so the stalker cannot be allowed to cause all the trouble.

When Lin Ge returned to the living room, everyone was squatting obediently beside the wall of turbid water condensed in the Yin Wu Lei Domain. They were in the same posture when Lin Ge left, and they were in the same posture now, without even moving a finger.

Lin Ge took out a few spirit recovery pills and swallowed them, maintaining that the Yin Wu Lei Domain consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy, but he did not dare to cancel the domain at will until the stalker was dealt with.

What's more, this time the stalker is a technological opponent who is good at sniping. This is the enemy that "Nanny Reincarnation" least wants to see.

"Technology-type reincarnation, possesses Nova's invisibility suit, is good at sniping, and has special bullets that can block spirits. His 'companion' is Arcee from Transformers. Both of them were injured by my sword energy, but they were blocked by energy blockade." We are stuck in the jungle and now we are heading towards the cabin."

At this time, Lin Ge received the second transmission note from Huang Ni, and this transmission note had much more content, reporting the basic information about the stalker.


Transformers, Arcee?

"Fuck, is this Stalker so lucky? Can he actually get a Transformers?" Lin Ge has always wanted to get his own car since he experienced the accountant's Batmobile in "The First Commandment". Avoid consuming Qimei's evil spirit every time.

If we could get a "Bumblebee" in the world of "Transformers", wouldn't it be more popular than the Batmobile?

Arcee's appearance made Lin Ge realize the feasibility of this idea, and he even couldn't wait to get a ticket for "Transformers".




At this moment, with the sound of three gunshots, the three walls of the wooden house were attacked by the previous "sniper cannon" from three directions, blowing out a big hole.

Judging from the gunshots, the positions where the shots were fired were at a certain distance, and the gunshots sounded at the same time. No matter how fast the pursuers were, they couldn't be this fast. It was obvious that special means were used to fire them at the same time.

The wooden wall of the wooden house was blasted to pieces by the sniper cannon, but it was blocked by the Yin Wulei field inside, which also exposed the Yin Wulei field to the opponent's field of vision.

"Everyone is squatting."

Lin Ge reminded Jiang Congsu and others again, and at the same time gathered the spreading turbid water lava towards their location, forming a black "big egg" to protect them inside.

At this time, with the roar of motorcycles, a blue Ducati Thermos flew out of the forest, turning into an afterimage at such a fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, the unique transformation sound of Transformers "click, click, click" sounded, and the blue Ducati turned into Arcee's form the moment it landed.

Lin Ge raised his head and looked at the "Blue Enchantress" Arcee in front of him, wondering how a motorcycle became so big.

Arcee saw that Lin Ge was not only not afraid when he saw her, but instead looked at her with a curious look. She turned back toward the dense forest and said, "Nova, I can't crush 100 men like this to death. It seems that you don't need to take action today." Got it!"

While speaking, Arcee raised her foot and stepped on Lin Ge.

As soon as Lin Ge raised his hand, the turbid water lava gathered behind him immediately surged from his side, turning into a big hand to catch Arcee's foot, and then raised it up. Arcee's center of gravity was unstable and she fell backwards, but the turbid water The big hands transformed from water magma had already grabbed Arcee's ankles and directly grabbed her huge body and smashed it to the ground.


Lin Ge clapped his hands, pulled out a bolt of lightning when they separated, and directly used the "Thunder Technique" to summon thunder, knocking Arcee down just as she was about to get up!

Lin Ge looked at Arcee who was lying on the ground, spread his hands and said, "It seems that you have to find your 101st target again."


Arcee raised her hand, and after a transformation sound of "ka ka ka", it transformed into a charged cannon and fired at Lin Ge.

However, Lin Ge stood there motionless, and a red mist appeared out of thin air in front of him, turning into a demon's head and swallowing the charged cannon in one gulp.

With Yin Wulei and Qimei's domain, Lin Ge also had dual domains at this time. With just one charged cannon, let alone breaking the defense, he couldn't even touch the second level domain!

Lin Ge glanced at the dark jungle and said in a casual tone: "I have watched the movie after all, and I don't believe you would make such a stupid mistake. I bet fifty cents that your companion Nova will never be able to hide in This direction is one of the two remaining directions..."


As if to confirm Lin Ge's words, a gunshot rang out from the dense forest on the right, followed by an invisible bullet piercing the air.

Although Lin Ge couldn't directly catch the fast-flying bullet, and it was still an "invisible" bullet, he made preparations when he heard the gunshot, raised his hand, hooked his index finger, and made a loud "whoosh" sound. The water magma immediately erected a black wall, crackling with lightning.


The moment the bullet hit the black wall, a strong energy shield erupted, which was obviously the ghost agent's exclusive skill used to "lock" Huang Ni before.

It's just that the energy shield is spreading, and the lightning hidden in the turbid water magma is also spreading. This has become a battle of energy.

Lin Ge raised his hand and lit a transmission note, transmitting the approximate location of the pursuer to Huang Ni.

At this time, Arcee broke free from the constraints of the Yin Wulei domain, got up, and relied on her keen body skills to transform into a gun with one hand and a cannon with the other to fight Lin Geyou.

As an "assassin", this is Arcee's best fighting method. Obviously, she was trying to attract Lin Ge's attention and buy time for Nova who was ambushing in secret. She tried to use "lock" to block Lin Ge. As long as she solved He is such a big trouble, the new reincarnation and the plot characters can only be at their mercy.

Unfortunately, both Arcee and Nova clearly underestimated the difficulty of the Yin Wu Lei field, which integrated offense and defense. This kind of powerful defensive ability was probably only matched by someone with a sand gourd on his back.

While Lin Ge tried to subdue Arcee, he quickly received feedback from Huang Ni, but it was two very simple words -


The stalker was not at the location he gave, and the person who used that skill was a sniper rifle affected by a special device.

There were three gunshots fired in the previous sneak attack on the wooden house, coming from three directions.

After Lin Ge told Huang Ni the remaining two directions using a transmission note, he had a feeling that he might not be able to find the pursuer.

Although Nova's equipment and combat mode are very suitable for jungle warfare and sneak attacks, as long as Lin Ge's defense cannot be broken, it is all in vain.

If I were a stalker, what would I choose to do if I could not be defeated for a long time?

"Not good!" Lin Ge's expression changed, and he immediately took out the Soul Chasing Talisman and asked Huang Ni and others to rush back, because he thought of the simplest and most easily ignored situation.

What is the purpose of the stalker?

That would naturally be to kill the new reincarnation person.

This reincarnation is not like in "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Lin Ge and the protagonist group have already solved the main boss, Freddy.

In addition to the most powerful ancient evil gods, there are hundreds of monsters in "The Cabin in the Woods".

All she had to do was let Arcee hold Lin Ge back and set up an "ambush" in the forest to give Lin Ge the illusion and lure them into searching. Then take this opportunity to break into the underground management bureau and release all the monsters. Then the stalkers can hide in the dark, deal with the reincarnations without bloodshed, and be a hidden oriole with peace of mind.

While Huang Ni returned to the wooden house, Chen Qing went to the lake and found the secret passage leading to the underground laboratory in the movie.

"Brother, the secret passage is opened."

After receiving Chen Qing's transmission note, Lin Ge's face darkened... Damn it, he was really swayed by this stalker.

Lin Ge glanced at the time and saw that there were still two hours before the main mission of the New Reincarnator. In other words, there were probably only two hours before the sacrifice failed and the evil god was resurrected.

Lin Ge placed a laptop playing TV series next to the black "dome", then released the ghost sisters and asked them to guard the dome.

Then he asked Qimei to deal with Arcee, while he stepped aside, closed his eyes and kneaded the secrets, and examined the images observed by the soul paper man.

At this time, there was chaos in the underground laboratory.

Although the stalker who sneaked into the underground laboratory did not find the red button that could open all the hatches and release all the monsters with one press, she adopted a simpler method and directly used high-explosive bombs to blow all the way through, destroying the underground laboratory. The laboratory was destroyed in half.

The collapse of the underground laboratory also meant that the cabins holding various monsters were destroyed. Although some monsters from the physics department were also buried due to the collapse of the underground laboratory, this only "eliminated" the weak ones, and more monsters escaped. In the cabin, even if the administration had made an immediate emergency response, it could not stop the monster massacre.

Blood dyed the pure white metal corridor red, and there were broken corpses, minced meat, and various monsters feasting everywhere.

Lin Ge tried to find the stalker through the soul paper man, but the stalker had Nova's invisibility suit, making it difficult to find him.

Just when Lin Ge was about to give up, he saw a pair of twins in small dresses who looked about five or six years old blocking the intersection on the way to the secret passage by the lake.

Immediately afterwards, there was a fluctuation in the air, and the invisible stalker seemed to be exposed by the attack of the twins. He had no choice but to raise his gun and release the "Lock" skill, trying to block the two spirits, and then took the opportunity to escape. here.

These twins are from the classic horror movie "The Shining". Their appearance at this time undoubtedly helped Lin Ge a lot. Seeing that the stalker wanted to use "lock" control and then escape. How could Lin Ge give her a chance? He used a magic trick to control the soul paper man to fly out, blocking the "locked" bullets aimed at the Shining twins halfway.

The stalker obviously didn't expect that a pair of twins would suddenly appear in the originally empty corridor, and there would be palm-sized "paper figures" piled up like a stack of Arhats to form a wall, blocking her skills.

But in just a few breaths of lost consciousness, more monsters poured out from the long corridor behind.

The one who rushed to the front was a "woman" with a thin body and a pair of bloody claws on her hands, screaming and crying as she ran.

The "woman" came to the stalker at an extremely fast speed, her blood claws tearing at the opponent crazily. Her speed was so fast that the stalker had almost no time to react.

On the other side, after Lin Ge helped the Shining twins block the "Lock" skill, they also used mental attacks again to interfere with the stalkers.

When Lin Ge saw the stalker being scratched crazily by the "woman's" claws, he wanted to say, "Iori Yagami, please", but he still resisted making fun of him. After all, he knew the origin of this "woman".

"Witch" is a special infected person in the game "Left 4 Dead". She has extremely fast speed and extremely destructive power.

Although the stalker was wearing Nova's combat uniform, he was scratched in several places by the witch's attack and was bleeding profusely.

The stalker finally relied on Fatty Lan's "air cannon" to successfully knock the stalker away, thus escaping the fate of being killed.

It can only be said that the stalkers shot themselves in the foot this time. They originally wanted to release all the monsters, and then quietly wait for the monsters to riot and kill the reincarnations, and reap the benefits, but they did not want to fail to escape from the underground laboratory smoothly. Instead, Lin Ge tricked him.

Lin Ge originally wanted to take advantage of her illness to kill her, and continued to control the soul paper man to lead more monsters to the location of the stalker, and also used a borrowed knife to kill people.

But at this time, since all the monsters in the underground laboratory were released, in addition to those who had bodies and needed to use normal means to leave the underground, there were also evil spirits and resentful spirits that had no entities and could fly directly through the building to the ground. Monster inside the spirit.

For a time, the entire dense forest was like a hundred ghosts walking at night, with all kinds of roaring evil spirits and soul-body monsters everywhere.

A group of evil spirits sensed the aura of the living people near the hut and quickly gathered over. Lin Ge could only deal with the monster in front of him first.

At this moment, the soil next to the wooden house suddenly bulged, and a series of "roots" stretched out from the ground and rolled towards the black egg next to the wooden house.

This is the classic ghost in "The Evil Dead". People gave it the nickname "Angry and Obscene Tree". The reason why I say obscene is because in the movie, in order to add some "aspects", the tree is always allowed to get into the skirt of the female character. .

The ghost tree obviously realized that the breath of living people came from this black egg, and wanted to go straight to Huanglong and swallow a large piece of fat before other ghosts came.

However, the ghost tree just attacked Hei Dan, but it should not have been crushed together with the computer on the table next to Hei Dan. This angered two TV fans.



The ghost sisters let out a piercing scream, and at the same time turned into two masses of blood mist and rolled towards the ghost tree. Their figures appeared in the air, and they were even angrier than the "angry and obscene tree" at this time. They grabbed the roots of the ghost tree and looked like Pull it up from the ground like weeds and tear it into pieces.

Huang Ni happened to see this scene when he rushed back. He looked at the squeezed and deformed computer in the distance, came to Lin Ge and sighed: "You are good at killing people with a borrowed knife."

"No, no, I'm just teaching students in accordance with their aptitude." Lin Ge replied.

Huang Ni came back with the little girl, and the pressure on the wooden house suddenly became much lighter. Lin Ge took advantage of this to escape to the ruins of the wooden house, and cast a spell to "awaken" the yellow talisman that had been placed before.

Lin Ge took out a mahogany sword, pierced his fingertips and wiped the sword body. As the sword body glowed with golden light, he raised the sword and pointed towards the sky!

"Get up!" (End of this chapter)

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