Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 323: Master Dao, I am best at positional warfare

Buckner family.

The braided girl in a floral cotton-padded jacket staggered at the front, followed by her parents, one holding a stirrup connected to a chain and the other holding a harpoon.

Affected by evil magic, they turned into zombies. After the Buckner family was awakened, their consciousness was still recovering. When they saw Dark Alessa and Triangle Head appearing together to block their way, they stopped in their tracks.

The girl in floral cotton-padded clothes looked at the dark Alessa in front of her who looked exactly like her, and tilted her head, with doubt and confusion in her eyes.

"Ah, I'm so angry. Why are there fakes in this world!"

Dark Alessa completely cannot accept that this world has a "face" exactly like her own. The point is that it is still a zombie that just crawled out of the soil.

"Kill her!"

Dark Alessa gave the order, and Triangle Head immediately stepped forward with his Zanpakutō.

The girl in flower cotton clothes opened her mouth and said vaguely: "I am... ready... to accept... the pain of glory... I will... become, eternal life."


What Dark Alessa hates most is the cultists. It was because of the cruel abuse of Alessa by the cultists in "Silent Hill" that her dark body was born.

Seeing that the Buckner family was on the verge of death and still chanting their cult sayings, the triangle head felt the anger in Dark Alessa's heart and wielded the Zanpakutō to attack the Buckner family.

As zombies, the Buckner family has independent consciousness and the ability to use weapons. Their actual combat effectiveness is slightly stronger than that of ordinary zombies.

In the rating of the reincarnation space, which is between D-C, it is naturally impossible for him to be the opponent of Triangle Head.

This knife slashed directly from the left neck of the girl in cotton-padded clothes to the right waist, splitting her into two pieces, and her internal organs and blood instantly flowed all over the floor.

The head of the girl in floral cotton-padded clothes rolled to the ground, her cold eyes stared at the dark Alessa, and she continued to recite the cult's incantation: "...the Almighty Lord conducted a postgraduate entrance examination for me, and he sent someone with the same appearance as me to guide me. Move forward, endure the pain and I will be reborn..."

"Say it again! You are not me! Not me! Not me! I am just me. It's all my fault that the stinky lightbulb of the Lord cut corners and created a world without even bothering to put in more effort to make different people! I'm so angry!" Dark Alessa angrily stepped on the branches on the ground and cursed.

Chen Qing, who followed Alessa and Baisha out of the black mist, saw this scene and whispered: "Fortunately, she didn't say 'I am me, different fireworks.' Having said that, even without the Buckner family, Didn’t you also make triplicate of the little zombies?”

Bai Sha smiled and said, "She will be beaten if she hears what you said."

"It's okay. She's busy whipping corpses now and won't hear us chatting." Chen Qing shrugged and said casually.

At this time, a sinister voice sounded behind her: "What did you just say?"

Chen Qing was startled, and quickly turned around and hugged Dark Alessa, and said affectionately: "I told Sister Ni to make us a new chess card, and we will play flying chess together later!"


They didn't even exchange a few words before Triangle Head successfully turned the Buckner family into corpses on the ground.

"The safest means of defense is to deny the enemy the ability to attack... We are responsible for the forest area, and we cannot lose to Sister Ni and the others."

"Brother asked us to make it clean, so let's burn it all."

At this time, the monitoring was interfered by the soul paper man. Chen Qing did not have to worry about being discovered by the people from the administration. She directly stepped forward and scattered a handful of yellow talismans, then lit three sticks of incense and inserted them in front of the corpse. Then she kneaded the talisman and recited a mantra on the ground. The yellow talismans all ignited with a "hoo", burning the corpses.

The conversation was divided into two parts. While Chen Qing was dealing with the Buckner family, the Alpha Team, sent by the bald supervisor to blow up the mountain tunnel, was in dire straits.

I saw three black jeeps passing through the tunnel and parked beside the mountain wall not far from the entrance. A dozen well-equipped soldiers got out of the vehicles.

After the team leader came down, he immediately divided people into two teams. One team went to guard the road ahead to prevent sacrifices from coming and hitting them. The other team went to the entrance of the tunnel to plant explosives and prepare to blow up the tunnel.

However, as soon as Team Alpha 2, who was responsible for planting the explosives, arrived at the entrance of the tunnel, they saw that the soil next to the entrance was shaking slightly, and then the soil was arching up, as if something underground was about to break out of the soil.

"team leader!"

The members of the second team felt something was wrong and immediately reported to the captain: "Come here and take a look..."

But as soon as the captain heard his call, there was a soft "crash" sound, and a slender woman's hand broke out of the ground, and the sand slowly fell down her white arm, as if this moment was not a terrifying ghost coming out of the cage. The picture is a beautiful woman dancing.

As the monster response team of the Administration, Alpha Team obviously has a lot of experience in facing monsters. When they saw this scene, they immediately realized that this was a supernatural event!

The team members immediately moved away from the pothole and pointed their specially modified assault rifles at their arms on the ground.

The bullet hit the slender white arm, instantly leaving it bloody and bloody. But at this moment, there were several more "crash, clatter, clatter" sounds of soil falling, and several hands came out from deep underground. , grabbing the ankles of those players.

However, the strange thing is that when those white hands grasped the ankles of the Alpha team members, they stopped pulling the triggers, slowly put down the guns, their eyes were blank, and there were strange and scary smiles on their lips, as if they were experiencing a sweet dream. Spend a happy day with the person you love.

"Hey, what are you doing!"

"Wake up!"

"Wake up!"

Alpha's captain and the other uncontrolled team members shouted loudly. They had seen many weird monsters. While shouting, they raised their guns and pointed them at the controlled team members.

At this time, the soil around the feet of the controlled team members bulged, and a naked Fu Jiang emerged from the soil, hugging the team members' waists, pressing his whole body against them, breathing like blue, and whispering something.

A crazy smile suddenly appeared on the faces of these Alpha teammates. They raised their weapons and pointed them at the teammates in front of them, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The captain of Alpha Team reacted faster. He didn't even care that the person controlled by Tomie on the opposite side was his subordinate. He ordered the shooting the moment Tomie appeared.

The machine gun was spitting flames and bullets were pouring out. However, the team members who were hit still maintained a crazy smile on their faces, and they did not feel the pain of being hit by bullets at all.

Alpha's captain and his teammates were looking for bunkers while shooting. The firearms in their hands had been specially modified, and the bullets had been processed to even hit spirits.

However, the bullets that even the devils were afraid of hit Fujiang and the team members controlled by her, but they gave people a pleasant sense of comfort. They were enjoying the "pleasure" brought by the bullets.

This strange scene was obviously more frightening than the appearance of the ghost. Facing a group of "undead monsters" that were equally well-equipped but had no pain at all, the combat effectiveness of the uncontrolled members of Alpha Team was instantly insufficient.

The flames of guns and explosives on the dark mountain road were as brilliant as fireworks, but under the sound of gunshots and explosions, there were bursts of miserable howls from men.

At this time, passionate music came from the cabin in the forest in the distance. Julie was dancing in the crowd in scantily clad clothes. Huang Zuyao, several female stars and Brother Hammer danced passionately around Julie, and their movements became more and more intense. So bold, if this was played in a movie, it would immediately turn into three big numbers "404".

Everyone in the room had no idea that if someone hadn't taken action, they would have turned from "Dancing in the Forest" to "Zombie Siege".

Except for Lin Ge, no one knew that danger was coming quietly.

Obviously, under the influence of the chemical gas from the Bureau, the consciousness and emotions of both the reincarnators and the plot characters in the wooden house have been seriously affected.

I don’t know if it’s because he usually smokes too much that he is resistant, or if Marty is really “different”, but when faced with Julie’s constant teasing, and even riding on her for a dance, he became much more sober.

Marty pushed Julie away and tried to go to the window to "air", but Brother Hammer pushed him back to the sofa and angrily shouted: "Marty, what are you doing? We came out to relax, you are destroying Atmosphere? If you're not clear-headed, go back to your room!"

Marty looked at Brother Hammer with complicated eyes: "Brother, Julie and I were a couple when school started, and we even had sex. She is your girlfriend now. Do you want to see what you are talking about!"

"So what, she just wants to stir up everyone's atmosphere!" Brother Zhui got angrier and angrier as he spoke, and even became a little irritable.

Marty didn't want to talk nonsense with Brother Hammer and went straight to the window.

Dana didn't want her friends to quarrel, so she walked to the window and tried to persuade her: "Marty, Kurt just wants everyone to have fun."

"Don't you think something's not right?" Marty looked back at Dana, holding a cigarette butt in his hand, and said slightly tremblingly.

"What do you mean?" Dana asked with some confusion.

Marty said: "Everyone is acting wrong. Why did Julie suddenly become so slutty? When did Kurt become so irritable? He is a top student in sociology, a full scholarship recipient, the good gentleman in the school, and the most popular. person...but he has lost control of his emotions at least three times today."

"Kurt is drunk." Dana was obviously not as observant as Marty, so she casually found an excuse to excuse Brother Hammer.

"I know he was drunk, but Julie wasn't drunk, right? She teased other men in front of her boyfriend, and did... that kind of thing?"

Dana obviously knew what "that kind of thing" meant, and for a moment she didn't know how to answer.

Lin Ge leaned on the sofa and listened to the conversation between the two, thinking that Marty was indeed the only person in the movie worthy of the halo of the protagonist, and he was the only one who remained "sober" at this time.

But think about it, if Dana hadn't been the heroine in the movie who didn't have any opinions and was brainwashed by the villain in the end, and almost killed Marty with one shot, Marty would have escaped alone and successfully destroyed it. The sacrificial ceremony of the Authority.

Lin Ge withdrew his gaze and then looked at the other people in the venue.

Needless to say, Kurt and Julie, the two people who were most affected by the chemical gas, could not be described as "confused".

Infected by the two, Huang Zuyao and the four female stars were also completely ignited by the chemical gas. If they were not conscious, they would probably perform a restricted blockbuster for everyone in the living room. Although their current "dance" There is no difference.

Although Holden and Zeng Pixiu were also affected by the chemical gas, due to their personalities, it was more like they were drunk at this time, leaning on the sofa in a daze.

Apart from Lin Ge and Marty, Jiang Congsu was the only one who could stay awake. After noticing everyone's abnormal behavior, he walked to Lin Ge and whispered: "Brother Lin, I feel something is wrong... It stands to reason After Dana recited the Latin spell, those zombies should have been resurrected. But why haven't they appeared yet?"

"Oh, it's been solved." Lin Ge said calmly.

Jiang Congsu was stunned for a moment, apparently not realizing what "resolved" meant. Two seconds later, he looked at Lin Ge with a shocked look on his face: "Resolved?"

Lin Ge nodded.

Jiang Congsu was shocked. Is this the strength of a "veteran"?

While he was still worried about what to do if the Buckner zombie family came, how to deal with it, how to reduce casualties, whether to stick to the wooden house or take advantage of the chaos to escape into the underground facility and hide, the other party had already unknowingly sent the terrifying zombies to him. The monster is solved!

"Uh...can I ask, did you do it?" It wasn't Jiang Congsu who was presumptuous, it was just that he was too curious.

Lin Ge said calmly: "There are just a few zombies that can use weapons. The reward for each one is only 200 reincarnation points, nothing special."


So the "do you want to understand the meaning of life", struggling to survive in the world of reincarnation, trying to survive, and constantly becoming stronger... are all jokes, right?

Is the point of new people’s existence just to watch the old people pretend to be cool invisibly?

"...Then...if the people from the administration find out that the plan has failed, they will release other monsters one after another, right? Do we need to make any preparations in advance, or take the initiative?" Jiang Congsu asked tentatively.

"Don't worry, you just need to stay in the cabin obediently. Master Dao, I am best at positional warfare. As long as you don't leave the cabin, you will be safe."

Lin Ge had already made arrangements for the position battle in the wooden house when Jiang Congsu and others went to the lake with Brother Zhui. What he had to do was to delay as much time as possible to let the newcomer Samsara complete the main plot and ensure his origin. Rewards are not affected.

The arrogant administration undoubtedly gave him a chance. They were still having a celebration banquet at this time, but they didn't know that the monster they sent had been eliminated by Lin Ge.

Judging from the feedback from the soul paper man, the celebration banquet of the Administration is likely to last until late at night, and now 12 hours have passed for the main mission of the new reincarnation. When the Administration found out that a few hours had passed late at night, Lin Ge could only Just stay at the cabin for a few more hours.

If you want to fight a positional war with Taoist priests, unless the administration releases all the underground monsters at once, otherwise releasing them one type at a time is no different from giving away the head of a calabash baby.

Although Jiang Congsu didn't understand how powerful the Taoist priests were in positional warfare, and was unwilling to just sit back and hand over the power of life and death to Lin Singer, it was difficult for them, rookies, to win even against the weakest monsters, the Buckner family, let alone the weakest monsters. There are hundreds of monsters underground.

However, this is also one of the reasons why Lin Ge did not generously come up with a series of equipment to arm the newcomers to the teeth like he did in "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

The more important reason is that the difficulty of this reincarnation is "extremely difficult". Although he has some engraved firearms in his hands, it is still difficult to deal with those legendary ghosts.

Secondly, newcomers face "extreme difficulty", so there is a high probability of winning the "Red Gate" prize. Unless he has "opportunities" like him, or Chen Qing has his own "plug-in", it will be difficult to survive this difficulty.

But it has not yet been determined who among the seven is the "Red Gate" reincarnation. "Opportunity" and "plug-in" are not clear. Lin Ge naturally does not dare to risk giving them weapons, just in case a fool like Huang Zuyao gets a gun. He thought he was invincible and ran out to fight monsters. Lin Ge didn't have the time or thought to catch people.

Time passed by, Kurt and Julie went back to the room to have sex, Huang Zuyao took the two women to the bathroom to play poker, and the remaining two women wanted to hug Lin Ge, the "veteran" lap, who As soon as Zhi got close to him, he felt the biting chill, as if he had been thrown into an ice cellar.

Tang Mi and Lin Yiyi could only give up their plan of "hooking up" with Lin Ge, and instead sat obediently between Jiang Congsu and Lin Ge on the sofa.

Just when Lin Ge received the message from Chen Qing who was patrolling outside through the transmission notes, the Lord God's reminder suddenly sounded in his mind——

【warn! 】

【Stalkers break in! 】

Lin Ge: ... said.

There are 70% and 30% chances of encountering a stalker, so Lord God, you might as well just mark the "100%" chance! (End of chapter)

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