Since Professor Jesse borne all the expenses of this camping trip, Brother Hammer took care of the purchase of daily necessities and ingredients. It looks like there are a lot of things prepared, but in fact they are basically fast food and fine wines bought from convenience stores.

Everyone worked together to decorate the living room, put out all the food, and set up the grill next to the fireplace, tossing and turning. The "party" didn't start until the sun went down.

Brother Zhui filled a glass of beer from the beer machine, raised his glass to everyone and shouted: "Let's start the carnival to your heart's content!"

As the crowd cheered, Julie pressed the switch on the speaker, and then passionate music played, and then she walked through the crowd in a seductive dance.

As a social cow, Brother Chui quickly showed his true nature as a social cow, stimulating the atmosphere between the plot characters and the reincarnators. The reincarnators headed by Huang Zuyao were also quickly infected by Brother Zhui and joined the dancing team.

Jiang Congsu looked at Huang Zuyao and the four female celebrities who were mingling with the characters in the plot. His eyes darkened and he realized that something was wrong.

Putting aside the "brainless" Huang Zuyao, the behavior of the four female celebrities headed by Tang Mi was considered "normal" by the lake. The "fear and fear" affected by the reincarnation world was almost written on their faces. superior.

However, now I am actually affected by the characters in the plot, leaving the danger behind and getting lost in the music and the atmosphere at this time.

Such a weird performance is completely different from when he was at the lake.

The reincarnators are different from the characters in the plot. They know how dangerous the cabin in the woods is, and know that monsters may appear at any time. How can they be in the mood to relax?

However, it can be seen from the performance of Huang Zuyao and the four female reincarnators that they seem to have forgotten that this is the dangerous world of reincarnation.

"It's strange, isn't it?" Lin Ge leaned on the sofa with his head in his hands, looked at the dancing people, and said to Jiang Congsu.

"They... why are they like this?" Jiang Congsu's tone was filled with confusion. He couldn't understand what could make people suddenly forget their fear in such a depressing environment.

Lin Ge said: "You forgot a key message in the movie... the people in the administration can control the emotions of the people in the wooden house through chemical breath."

In fact, when Jiang Congsu and others left the wooden house with the plot characters, Lin Ge was trying to find out the mechanisms installed by the administration in the wooden house in the movie.

Although some have been found, it can be seen from the pictures of the soul paper man sneaking into the underground that there are far more sophisticated mechanisms than these.

It's like when a person arrives at a military base, all he can see are the cameras placed outside, and he will never know how many hidden cameras there are.

Although Lin Ge could use the special characteristics of the soul paper man to turn the wooden house upside down, it would never be a workload that could be completed in a few hours.

Jiang Congsu recalled the details in the movie. There was indeed a plot in which the Bureau's staff controlled the emotions of the plot characters by releasing chemical gases in the wooden house.

"But why are we okay?"

Lin Ge looked at Jiang Congsu and the confused Zeng Pixiu and said, "This is exactly what I want to know... I can resist these auras through magic, and how did you do it?"

Jiang Congsu was stunned by Lin Ge's question... Yes, if the Administration has released chemical atmosphere to control everyone's emotions, Lin Ge, an old man, can resist through the magical means of the world of reincarnation, but he can't do anything. How can a pure newbie stay awake?

Lin Ge originally thought that Jiang Congsu, like Chen Qing before him, might have some kind of "talisman" or ability brought from reality.

But judging from Jiang Congsu's reaction, the other party probably didn't know the existence of this ability, so he asked: "Are you religious?"

"Buddhism? Christianity?" Jiang Congsu, like most people, thinks of Buddhism and Christianity first when it comes to religion.

"Anyone can do it. Or do you have anyone in your family who is related to Buddhism, Taoism, or any other belief? For example, someone in your ancestors believed in Buddhism or was a Taoist priest?" Lin Ge wanted to take this opportunity to determine who among the seven newcomers to reincarnation is. He is the "Red Door Boss" of the Chosen One.

Jiang Congsu recalled it carefully and shook his head: "As far as I know... there shouldn't be."

"What about them?" Lin Ge looked at Zeng Pixiu and Huang Zuyao, who was dancing closely with several women.

Jiang Congsu, Huang Zuyao, and Zeng Pixiu grew up together. They had been brothers for more than 20 years, so they naturally knew each other's family background very well.

"If I must say...I only remember that Huang Zuyao had a dedicated Buddhist hall in his home, and his grandmother and mother both fasted and chanted Buddha's name."

oh? Are they Buddhists?

Lin Ge looked at Huang Zuyao, but he couldn't see any connection with Buddhism in him. If he insisted on having a relationship with him, he could only force a sentence: "Food and wine pass through the intestines, and the Buddha sits in the heart."

It's just that after Jigong's words, there is another sentence: "If the world imitates me, it will be like entering the devil's way." If Huang Zuyao really dared to play like this, he would definitely be beaten to death by his old mother.

While Lin Ge was still trying to find clues about the "Red Gate" from Jiang Congsu, on the other side, at the invitation of Brother Chui, Huang Zuyao and others played truth or dare with the characters in the plot.

And just like the plot in the movie, Julie first lost the game and was "punished". As a result, Marty made things difficult for her and asked her to have a "close contact" with the wolf head specimen on the wall, and Julie readily agreed.

Julie twisted and danced enchantingly to the music and approached the wolf's head, stirring up the atmosphere in the room. Just as she and the wolf's head were interacting passionately, there was a loud "clang" and the cellar door on the floor in the corner of the living room bounced up. The loud noise scared all the women in the house to scream.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the cellar entrance, Huang Zuyao and others suddenly became more awake, as if the invisible fear had returned.

Everyone slowly approached the entrance to the cellar. Holden looked down and said, "What do you think is down there?"

"Anyway, it won't be a good thing. If it is, I won't go down." Huang Zuyao said.

Jiang Congsu glanced at Huang Zuyao and sighed. If it weren't for twenty years of friendship, he would really want to kick this little boy to death.

Being busy doesn't help at all, and holding things back is nothing.

If you don't interfere and let the plot develop, you can still know what the characters in the plot are going to do. If they don't go on because of his words, wouldn't it mean that the people from the administration picked the monsters to be resurrected?

"Why don't you go down and take a look? Maybe there's something interesting inside, like...animals that can be roasted and eaten." Julie suggested.

Lin Ge silently gave Julie a thumbs up in his heart... With a protagonist like you who likes to seek death, the director doesn't have to worry about how to advance the plot.

"Dina, I bet you don't dare. You just lost the game and this is your 'big adventure'." Julie raised her eyebrows at Dana provocatively.

Brother Hammer and Marty immediately started making noises, asking Dana to think of going down to the cellar as a big adventure. This scene made the reincarnator shake his head.

Facts have proved that in this type of movie, if the protagonist group does not seek death, they will not be worthy of the word "protagonist".

Dana had no choice but to pick up the flashlight on the side and turn it on, then carefully went down the wooden ladder into the cellar. At the same time, she raised her head and asked loudly: "How long do I have to stay down there?"

"Just wait until dawn, hahaha." Julie laughed.

"Are you serious?" Dana sighed dissatisfied, then took a flashlight and scanned everywhere.

The cellar was filled with all kinds of miscellaneous items, including children's toys, wood products, figurines, baseball bats, and hockey masks.

In addition to these relatively "normal" things, there are also some very weird-looking things, such as a set of Japanese dolls, bloody fans, murals with demons and monsters, etc.

At this time, the flashlight in Dana's hand scanned an old photo in the corner. Although there was a very ordinary girl in the photo, the sudden human face made her scream in fright.

When Holden and Brother Hammer heard Dana's scream, they quickly went down to the cellar with flashlights and asked: "Dena, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Dana took a few deep breaths, calmed down, and tried moving the flashlight to the corner again. Seeing the delicate appearance of the girl in the photo, she was no longer as scared as before.

Holden came over and asked, “What did you find?”

"Some old photos, maybe from the previous owner." Dana shined the light on the photos to let Holden see more clearly.

At this time, Marty and Julie also followed down to the cellar.

Several people walked around the cellar with oil lamps and flashlights. After seeing those weird items, Holden couldn't help but said to Brother Hammer: "Brother, your cousin's hobby is a bit weird."

"I'm sure these things are not his." Brother Hammer replied.

Dana looked through the ancient objects on the table and said, "Some objects look a bit old, and many things... are like antiques."

Julie found a pure white wedding dress in the corner, but the chest of the wedding dress was red, but he couldn't help but sigh: "This wedding dress is so beautiful."

"This conch is quite interesting."

Brother Zhui picked up a white conch and looked through it for a while, and was about to try to blow it, but he heard Marty on the side say: "I think we should go up. If these are not your cousin's things, I believe the original owner also Don’t want us to break it.”

"Then we just have to be careful and don't damage anything here."

Julie picked up a music box casually and said, "This music box is very interesting, but... why can't the little girl on it see her face clearly?"

The conversations of several people were transmitted above. Perhaps because of the appearance of the cellar, Huang Zuyao and others were much more awake at this time.

Fear and panic appeared on the face of the reincarnator again.

When Huang Zuyao heard the conversation in the cellar, he couldn't help but said: "No, this is really going on, so I can't stop trying to die..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Ge walking towards the cellar.

"Are you going too?"

"If you are idle, go down and take a look. Don't forget that every object in the cellar in the movie corresponds to a different monster. Maybe destroying these things in advance can prevent some monsters from resurrecting."

On the one hand, Lin Ge wanted to see if the objects in the cellar were really the same as those in the movie. As long as they were used according to the methods left by the administration, the corresponding monsters could be awakened. On the other hand, it was also considered a "treasure hunt."

After all, if these cursed items can be taken away from this world as "trophies" and the corresponding monsters can be summoned in other worlds, it will be the same as cultivating Tomie.

Jiang Congsu and others knew that the cellar was full of evil things, so they did not dare to follow Lin Ge when they saw him going down, so they could only gather together and wait for him to come back.

After Lin Ge went down to the cellar, he saw several plot characters gathered together and flipping through an old book with a yellowing cover.

"Guys, listen to this..." At this time, Dana flipped through the old book and started reading: "On April 4th, my father was angry with me. He said that I did not have sincere beliefs. I really hope that I can Prove my piety, as Judas and Matthew did to the travelers.”

"What is this?" Julie asked.

"The diary of Anna Patience Buckner, 1903," Dana answered.

While listening to Dana read the diary, Lin Ge glanced around with a flashlight, taking advantage of the dark environment to open his eyes to observe the cursed objects. Everyone's attention was also on Dana and the diary, and I didn't notice anything strange about Lin Ge's eyes.

Lin Ge looked at the old photo in the corner. On it was a girl wearing a cotton coat and two whips, and that face... was exactly the same as Alessa's.

The youngest daughter of the Buckner family in this world is the same girl who played Alessa in "Silent Hill."

And if Lin Ge remembers correctly, there is an Easter egg in the final cast list of "The Cabin in the Woods", which is that the face is like a lamprey, consisting of circles of "mouth" and "teeth", wearing a uniform. The Sugar Plum Fairy in a white ballet dress was also played by Alessa.

"Tsk tsk, Alessa is working two jobs. This is a dream collaboration." Lin Ge teased and put the photo back in its place.

"God, stop reading it." Marty said with a weird look on his face.

Brother Zhui said, "No, keep reading, I want to know the result."

"I finally found it... I found a way to save my family from the oldest book. My left hand was cut off, so I hope that what is written on my right hand can still be read. Can be read out by some believer. Our souls hear, and then we shall be reborn, and the pain of glory shall return.”

"Then below is something written in Latin... something like a spell." Dana looked up at everyone, as if asking for advice.

Marty said, "Okay, here's my bottom line, don't read the Latin, I don't want to conjure up any weird stuff like in those movies."

Lin Ge: ...As expected of the "God of War" who killed everyone in the movie and single-handedly killed two people from the Buckner family. He was indeed sober enough.

In fact, as Lin Ge said before, the reason why this sacrificial ceremony in North America was doomed to fail is because they got the wrong target from the beginning.

Although Marty behaves like a "fool", he is actually the real wise man among this group of people, and his fighting ability is beyond the limit. After being dragged into the jungle by the Buckner zombies, he completed the counterattack, and finally rescued almost everyone by the lake. The heroine Dana was killed by Buckner Zombie.

Although in the finale, the heroine was almost instigated by the female villain and killed Marty with a gun to complete the ceremony, but Marty broke out again and killed two villains.

"Hahaha, Marty, you should really stop smoking. Look what you have become now. Do you even believe this kind of thing?" Brother Zhui sneered mercilessly.

"Read it out..." Suddenly, a deep female voice sounded in the cellar, but at this moment everyone's attention was on Dana and the diary. Only Lin Ge and Marty heard the voice.

Marty asked in surprise: "What sound?"

"Read it immediately." The deep voice sounded again.

Dana, who was unaware, was about to read out the Latin spell, but was interrupted by Marty: "No, no. I heard a woman..."

"Don't be like a child." Brother Zhui pushed Marty away.

Julie quickly stopped him: "Kurt, don't be so violent."

"It's just a diary, nothing will happen." Dana also persuaded.


Dana ignored Marty's stop and recited the incantation in the diary: "The pain comes from the body, the pain is very beautiful, the burning pain..."

As Dana recited the spell, the soil in the dense forest around the wooden house suddenly rose slightly, as if something was about to crawl out of the ground.

At the same time, cheers came from the underground laboratory office area.

The bald head supervisor looked at the split pictures on the screen. On one side was a picture of Dana and others gathering in the cellar to recite the diary spell. On the other side was a group of zombies emerging from the dense forest. He raised his hands and cheered: "The winner is announced. They choose Ladies and gentlemen, the Buckner family has been selected, let us congratulate the winners!"

"Haha! I won, I won!"

"Oh, what a pity, I also chose zombies, but not Buckner zombies."

"That's such a shame."

"How much did you bet?"


In the audience, some people were happy and some were sad.

"This is not fair, I also chose zombies!" A staff member complained at this time.

The bald supervisor walked up to the blackboard, pointed at the top-ranked "zombie" and said, "This is the zombie you chose. To be precise, it's a zombie. The winner is the Buckner Family of Rural Zombies. Did you see it? It's completely different." Kind of. It's like the difference between an elephant and a walrus, you know? Don't get discouraged and try again next year."

"Okay, now give the order to the Alpha team to destroy the mountain tunnel to prevent any of the sacrifices from trying to escape from the experimental area due to surprise." The bald head supervisor ordered.


A few staff members followed the instructions of the bald supervisor, while the rest walked toward the office door while talking and laughing.

The two staff members in front of the monitor looked at the Buckner zombies crawling out of the soil. Their clothes were in tatters, and there were holes and wounds on their faces. They staggered towards the wooden house. Every step they took was caused by Shaking, maggots even fell from the pits on his face.

"They look like nightmares." At this time, the black male staff member on the left said.

"No, newcomers, they are the source of the nightmare. The monsters that exist here are all remnants of the old world, thanks to whoever is below, do you understand?" the blond female staff member replied.

The black man frowned slightly and said a few words: "Monsters, magic, gods?"

"That's pretty much it. You work here... you have to get used to it." The blonde shrugged and said helplessly.

"What about you?" the black man asked.

The blonde woman smiled and said: "I'm used to it, let's go. Now that the 'protagonist' who will start tonight's massacre feast has been decided, and the winner has been decided, the next step is the celebration banquet, which is an annual ceremony. It’s your first experience, so you have to have a good meal!”

"What about monitoring? Don't care about it?"

The blonde curled her lips and said, "There are a lot of delicious food at the celebration banquet. I believe you won't have an appetite after seeing those bloody scenes."

"But... the sacrificial ceremony hasn't ended yet, and now the celebration has begun?"

"Hahaha, then we need to celebrate even more. This year, sacrifices all over the world are failing one after another. Only us and Japan are left. Japan has never failed in the sacrifice ceremony. If we and they both fail, it will be even worse. Should we have a celebration banquet? After all... there will be no chance in the future."

...that makes so much sense!

The blonde woman walked towards the office door with a smile, but saw the deputy director standing at the door with a sad face. She couldn't help but ask: "Deputy director, I can see that you are not happy."

"He even had the conch in his hand."

"That's a shame indeed."

"I'll never see a mermaid again, ever!"

"I think this is something to be thankful for. That thing is too troublesome and cleaning it is a nightmare. You forgot the previous lab report... Just by looking at it, I didn't eat anything for a month."

"But what's the point of the Buckner family? Slow-moving, masochistic, suburban fools. Oh, forget it, let's go, go to the celebration party, and call Japan by the way to tell them they can enjoy the weekend. "The deputy director walked towards the door and said with a depressed expression.

At this time, on the monitors all over the wall in the office area, there were pictures of rituals connected to foreign countries. Many areas had been reduced to ruins where monsters were eating due to failed sacrifice experiments. The surveillance pictures in Japan showed a school, with a group of elementary school students nervously Lying on the desk, several people helplessly slapped the closed classroom door, while a female ghost wearing a white skirt and disheveled hair was floating in the middle of the classroom.

At the same time, in the surveillance video of the dense forest above, just as Buckner was about to walk out of the dense forest, he saw a wave of energy and a black mist appeared out of thin air, blocking the advancing Buckner family.

"What I hate the most is when someone looks like me!"

With an angry shout, a big muscular man walked out of the black mist. It was the triangular head holding a thousand-year cone and holding a Zanpakutō.

It's just that all the members of the administration in the office area have left, and no one noticed this scene.

But even so, the picture in the monitoring room trembled for a while, as if it was disturbed, and turned into a picture of snowflakes!

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