The people in the administration were still immersed in the joy of the celebration banquet. Lin Ge only needed to take the new reincarnators and plot characters to stick to the wooden house and fight a positional battle to delay the time. When the main mission of the new reincarnators was about to end, no matter how much sacrifices were made, Success or failure, he can end the reincarnation at any time as soon as the new person leaves.

In other words, after getting the "gold medal for immunity from death" and then fighting against the ancient evil god, Lin Ge would have no worries even if the ancient evil god conquered the world.

Unexpectedly, just after delaying for a few hours, he succeeded, but the Lord God felt that Lin Ge was too leisurely, so he threw another stalker in for him.

Lin Ge was not worried that the stalkers would threaten his life, but he would rather face the monsters imprisoned underground than face the reincarnators.

Because the reincarnators have too many uncertainties, and the opponent's goal is to hunt down the new reincarnators, it will not be so easy to defend the cabin.

"I just received a reminder from the Lord God, saying that a 'stalker' has entered... one kilometer away from us." Jiang Congsu said with a solemn expression.

When Lin Ge received the prompt from the Lord God, the other reincarnators also received the prompt. However, unlike Huang Zuyao and others who were still immersed in playing poker, Jiang Congsu immediately realized the danger.

"One kilometer..." Lin Ge's face darkened. Based on this distance, the hunter's birth point was not only at the sacrifice site, but also in the dense forest next to the wooden house.

Lin Ge immediately took out two transmission notes and lit them, sending the news of the stalker's entry to Chen Qing and Huang Ni who were "patrolling" in the dense forest.

According to Lin Ge's original plan, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the position battle to "defend the wooden house", Chen Qing took Sansha and Huang Ni took the little girl, each guarding one side.

After the people from the Prevention Administration discovered that the Buckner family had been killed, they immediately awakened other monsters to attack the "sacrifice" in the wooden house.

Lin Ge soon received a reply from Huang Ni, saying that no trace of the stalker was found within her area of ​​responsibility. As for Chen Qing, there was no response for a long time.

Chen Qing is now a spirit body, and her cultivation has improved a lot recently with Huang Ni. In addition, Sansha is accompanying her. As long as it is not a professional Buddhist and Taoist boss, Chen Qing can't beat her, but in Sansha's case There is definitely no problem in running away under the cover of the "internal and external world" in the ghost realm.

However, for safety reasons, Lin Ge told Huang Ni about Chen Qing's lack of response and asked her to take the little girl to have a look.

Now the seven new reincarnators and five plot characters are all in the wooden house. Lin Ge must stay in the wooden house, otherwise the previous arrangements will be in vain.

Suddenly, a burst of explosions came from a distance. It sounded like an intensive "bombing" in the dense forest. Lin Ge asked Jiang Congsu and others to stay in the house, came to the door and looked in the direction of the sound.

A raging fire broke out in the dense forest in the distance, and the flames shot into the sky.

At this time Marty, Holden and Dana ran out. These three people were not completely lost by the chemical gas like Brother Zhui, Huang Zuyao and others, so they still stayed in the living room chatting.

The huge explosion also attracted their attention. Marty looked at the fire in the distance and said in surprise: "What's going on? In this wilderness... why are there explosions and fires?"

Dana said nervously: "We have to get out of here quickly, Marty, you and Holden go pack your things, and I'll go find Kurt and Julie."

Lin Ge glanced at the time. There were still 6 hours left before the newcomer Samsara's main mission was completed. Leaving now meant that the main mission would most likely fail.


Lin Ge sighed. Now it was like the situation in "A Nightmare on Elm Street". The double source reward was completely missed. In order to keep the double reward, he had to find a way to find the stalker.


At this time, Dana's scream came from the room. Lin Ge thought that Brother Zhui and Julie would receive their lunch boxes in just a moment, and hurriedly rushed to Kurt's room with Marty and others. But Dana closed the door and ran out covering her face. Obviously, the situation inside was not as "dangerous" as everyone imagined.

A minute later, Brother Zhui opened the door while holding up his pants and cursed: "Dina, are you crazy? Don't you know what we are doing inside?"

Dana said anxiously: "I don't mean to disturb you, but there is a fire in the forest. If we don't leave, we will become roasted pigs."

"Forest? Fire?" Brother Zhui put on his pants and walked towards the gate. When he saw the fire in the distance, he was extremely surprised: "What's going on... Why did it suddenly catch on fire? I don't think you guys should be so bored. , go to the forest for a barbecue in the middle of the night?"


At this moment, the sound of a heavy sniper rifle sounded, and then the sound of the wooden house being blasted through by bullets was heard. This bullet was obviously not an ordinary bullet, but more like an armor-piercing bullet, or a "sniper cannon."

The four women gathered in the living room, Dana, Julie, Tang Mi and Lin Yiyi, screamed in fright when they heard the gunshots. Marty and Zeng Pixiu also fell to the ground subconsciously.

Holden and Brother Zhui squatted next to the sofa, while Jiang Congsu pushed down the coffee table and formed a two-layer defensive barrier with the cabinet.

"not good!"

Lin Ge saw that all nine people in the living room were fine, and there were no signs of bullets coming in, so there was only one possibility!

Lin Ge rushed to the room where Huang Zuyao and the others were playing poker, kicked open the door and took a look. He saw a large hole with a diameter of one meter in the wall. It was obviously not an ordinary sniper rifle with such power.

On the bed, the bodies of three Arhats were stacked, all without their heads. The whole bed was dyed red with blood plasma and minced meat residues, making it look extremely terrifying.

Not only is the opponent's marksmanship extremely accurate, but he also has special means to lock onto the target. Otherwise, across the dense forest and wooden house, it would be impossible to kill three people with one shot with such accuracy!

Although Lin Ge made arrangements inside and outside the wooden house, they were all arranged for the supernatural beings imprisoned in the management office. It could even be said that even the evil god would not be able to get in easily!

Who would have thought that this time the opponent would be a high-tech reincarnation who uses firearms!

The point is, Huang Ni and Chen Qing were still searching for traces of the stalker in the dense forest at this time. From the sound of explosions, it seemed that Chen Qing had probably fought with the other party.

Under such circumstances, this stalker can still steal a house, which shows that his strength is by no means ordinary!

Dana heard the noise and ran over to see the scene in the room. She turned pale with fright, covered her mouth and wanted to scream, but found that no sound could come out from her throat.


There was another gunshot, and even with Lin Ge's reaction, he could only see a white light coming from outside the big hole in the wall of the wooden house.

The next moment, this white light was approaching!

Click, click!

Fortunately, the moment the bullet shot through the big hole in the wooden wall, a cloud of blood mist appeared out of thin air in the middle of the room, and then condensed into mirrors of blood!

With the sound of a mirror breaking, a series of bloody mirrors were penetrated by the white light, but Qimei also succeeded in buying time for Lin Ge.

As soon as the Yin Wu Lei Domain was opened, the turbid water thunder light formed a wall of black water like magma in front of Lin Ge. It turned into a big hand and grabbed the white light!


Zhuoshui's black hand was shattered by the bullet, and Yin Wulei's lightning also shattered the bullet.

As the "metal" fell to the ground, Lin Ge realized what kind of "bullet" it was, but a black armor-piercing bullet the size of a fist!


"Come here, everyone!"

Lin Ge dragged Dana back to the living room, and at the same time asked everyone to gather in the center. Then the Yin Five Thunder Field opened, covering the remaining four new reincarnators and five plot characters.

"What, what is this!" Brother Zhui asked in surprise as he looked at the turbid water magma that was faintly flashing with lightning around him.

Lin Ge ignored Brother Zhui and instead paid attention to the movements around him. It took less than fifteen minutes from the time the stalker entered to the time Huang Zuyao, Chen Xiao, and Zhao Sichen were headshot.

What's more, the other party did it while Chen Qing and Huang Ni were fully searching for him, which shows that this person must be a "professional" stalker!

Lin Ge didn't dare to be careless. While opening the Yin Wu Lei Domain, he also asked Qimei to launch the Blood Mirror Domain to guard the surroundings to prevent sneak attacks.

Suddenly, a transmission note flew back. Lin Ge picked it up and saw that it was the message from Huang Ni. She found Chen Qing, and Chen Qing did happen to bump into and fight with the stalker who entered the world of reincarnation.

According to Chen Qing's feedback, the stalker is a technological reincarnation who is good at using firearms. The weapons can hurt spiritual bodies. He has mastered gun fighting techniques such as gun fighting. He also has a combat uniform that can make him invisible and can detect spiritual bodies. Equipment for evil spirits and ghost realms.

According to Chen Qing's inference, if he could escape from the "internal and external world" of Dark Alessa, the strength of this stalker would be at least a "Golden Gate level" reincarnation.

"Can you escape from the 'internal and external world'?" Lin Ge frowned when he saw this news. You must know that although Dark Alessa's strength was greatly reduced due to the loss of her original body, Alessa's "internal and external world" "The coverage area is also the size of a small town.

If the stalker can "escape" in this situation, there are only two possibilities: the other party has experienced the reincarnation world of the "Silent Hill" series and has a certain understanding of the external and internal worlds; or... the strength is so strong that he can ignore it. Ghost Realm, or you may have special equipment to leave the Ghost Realm.

It has to be said that this is the most difficult time for Lin Ge to face a technological reincarnation since he entered the world of reincarnation.

Lin Ge determined the direction of the pursuer based on the directions of the previous two shots, told Huang Ni the approximate location, and asked her and Chen Qing to pursue him.

At this time, Lin Ge did not dare to release the Yin Wu Lei Domain and the Blood Mirror Domain. Once these two layers of "protection" were gone, Jiang Congsu and others would inevitably die.

"Jiang Congsu, has the Lord God announced a new position for the Stalkers?" Lin Ge asked, looking sideways at Jiang Congsu who was hiding next to the coffee table.

Jiang Congsu shook his head.

"It seems not so soon." Lin Ge groaned, and then said: "Remember, when the Lord God releases new clues about the stalker, you must tell me as soon as possible!"

"Understood!" Jiang Congsu responded quickly.

Brother Zhui asked eagerly: "Can anyone tell me what is going on now? Why did the forest fire suddenly ignite, there were explosions and gunshots, what on earth is going on?"

"Shut up if you don't want to die." Lin Ge said in a deep voice.

Brother Zhui was about to say something when suddenly there was another gunshot, followed by the sound of the blood mirror shattering. Then where Brother Zhui was, the turbid water magma in the Yin Wulei field on the upper right was shaken away with a "bang".

But fortunately, Lin Ge was prepared. Yin Wulei's lightning flashed and crushed the bullet that entered the field, saving Brother Zhui's life.

With two crisp sounds of "Dang Dang", a black bullet the size of a fist that was "pinched" and twisted out of shape fell at Brother Zhui's feet. He was so frightened that he shrank his neck and did not dare to continue asking. He squatted down obediently with his head in his hands. With.

"Escaped? How is this possible!" On the other side, Heisha and others deep in the jungle were also shocked that the stalker could escape from the ghost realm.

Whether it's the previous "Silent Hill" or the later "A Nightmare on Elm Street", or even the Buckner family of zombies in this world, unless Heisha takes the initiative to lift the "internal and external world", no one can easily get out.

After Chen Qing and Sansha dealt with the Buckner family and were chatting in the forest to be "on alert" to ensure that no other monsters would wake up, Baisha suddenly felt someone appearing in the forest, and the four of them chased after them. Lo and behold, I happened to bump into the stalker who had just entered reincarnation.

As soon as they met, Chen Qing realized that the opponent was not a monster awakening in this world, but a reincarnation, and she immediately thought of the stalker in "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

So Heisha immediately asked Heisha to open the "internal and external world" to trap the opponent, and then caught the turtle in the jar and "captured" the opponent in one fell swoop.

Who would have thought that at the same time that Heisha opened the "internal and external world", the other party's figure trembled and disappeared from the eyes of the four people in an instant.

Chen Qing also had similar equipment "camouflage uniform", and she immediately realized that the stalker was invisible, but thinking that no matter how invisible she was, she would not be able to avoid being pulled into the ghost realm, she didn't pay too much attention and continued to fill the ghosts with Sansha and Triangle Head. Domain searches for the Stalker's whereabouts.

It wasn't until he met Huang Ni and learned from him that the stalker had successfully stolen the house and taken the heads of three newcomers that he had escaped from the ghost realm.

"How did he do it?" Chen Qing looked at Hei Sha in surprise.

"How do I know? I can't let go, can I?" Heisha obviously wanted to know how the other party escaped from the ghost realm. After all, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Huang Ni said in a deep voice: "According to your previous description... I think it is most likely that this stalker has experienced the reincarnation of "Silent Hill" and has a certain understanding of the ghost realm... and his set of equipment that can make him invisible, It allows him to escape before being pulled into the ghost realm. In other words, it’s not that he successfully escaped from the ghost realm, but that he was never pulled into the ghost realm from the beginning.”

Huang Ni's explanation is undoubtedly the most likely scenario, but now is obviously not the time to worry about how the pursuer can escape. Since Lin Ge has already given the approximate location of the opponent's attack, the most important thing now is to first get rid of the pursuer. The hunter found it and prevented him from stealing the house again.



At this time, another gunshot rang out in the distance.

Huang Ni and others chased after the sound of gunfire, but found an uncontrolled sniper rifle in the dense forest. When they found it, the sniper rifle was still "automatically firing" in the direction of the wooden house.

Huang Ni looked around and said, "It seems that the opponent this time is a bit difficult..."

"A sniper rifle that does not require human control and can hit the target so accurately. It seems that he is a professional hunter." Chen Qing said.

"But he forgot one thing. Although technological equipment can hide his figure and even his breath, he is a living person, and he needs to breathe as a human being!" Huang Ni suddenly squeezed his hand and fired a sword energy.


The sword energy hit a big tree not far behind the few people, instantly splitting the tree. Then the air trembled, as if an invisible figure jumped down from the tree and escaped into the darkness.


As the figure disappeared into the darkness, a cold mechanical female voice sounded -

"En route fusion strike detected!"

Chen Qing:? ? ?

What? (End of chapter)

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