Regardless of whether the burly masked man on the other side of the lake was Jason or not, he just stood there and the aura of a perverted murderer unconsciously radiated out.

Female stars such as Chen Xiao and Lin Yiyi have never felt this kind of oppression before. Even when facing a fat man of 300 pounds, they have never been so overwhelmed as they are now.

Fear made Lin Yiyi want to scream, but when she opened her mouth, her voice seemed to be mute and she couldn't even pronounce a syllable.

However, the masked man stood on the other side of the lake and did not move. He just stood there quietly, like a wooden pile.

"Cong, brother Cong, should we run now?" Huang Zuyao complained when he watched the movie "Black Friday" before. In addition to being unkillable and brute force, a perverted killer is something that only the protagonist in the movie can do. Feeling horrible.

But now when Jason stood opposite, Huang Zuyao's feet were trembling.

Among the seven, Jiang Congsu and Zeng Pixiu were in better condition. As a game fan, the latter had played a lot of horror movies and horror games and had stronger psychological endurance.

At this time, Jiang Congsu's heart was full of "doubts" and "puzzles" in addition to fear. Although he had only seen the movie "The Cabin in the Woods" once, his strong memory allowed him to know all the monsters that appeared in the movie. Very familiar, there are indeed several perverted killer characters in the movie, but there is definitely no Jason!

What's more, the masked man on the other side of the lake is almost a one-to-one replica of Jason's look in "Black Friday". If this was put in a movie, Lionsgate Pictures would probably go bankrupt.

However, now is not the time to worry about whether this Jason is genuine or fake. His appearance also made Jiang Congsu fully understand Lin Ge's warning.

“Don’t rely on plot”…

If everyone really thought that the plot would be consistent with the movie, and monsters would appear only when night fell, so they relaxed their vigilance, then they would not know how they died!

"Do you want to run away?" Tang Mi asked nervously.

Huang Zuyao pretended to be calm and said: "Afraid, what are you afraid of? Brother Cong doesn't panic, why are you panicking? The enemy, the enemy won't move, I, I, I won't move."

Tang Mi: ...If you don’t shake your legs and your voice when you speak, it will be more convincing.

Although Jiang Congsu was also frightened in his heart, he remained calm and said in a deep voice: "There is a dense forest area of ​​several hundred meters from the lake to the wooden house. Now that even Jason has appeared, it is difficult to guarantee that there are no other monsters in the dense forest. At least the view here is wide, since Jason hasn’t come over yet, let’s wait for now.”

"Wait, what are you waiting for?" Chen Xiao asked nervously.

Jiang Congsu replied: "Wait until Jason leaves on his own, or until the seniors think of us rookies."


Everyone was dumbfounded when they heard this. They never dreamed that the solution Jiang Congsu came up with was so straightforward as "waiting for death".

However, unlike the panic and fear of the reincarnators, several plot characters had a very happy time in the lake. Brother Hammer even invited a few people to play together again.

At this time, Huang Zuyao and others were horrified to find that Jason had moved and was walking slowly along the shore with a machete in hand.

"Brother Congcongcongcongcong, he moved, he moved!" Huang Zuyao's tongue was trembling as he spoke. He instinctively wanted to run, but his feet couldn't stop shaking and he couldn't even take a step.

Jiang Congsu knew that he had to be calm at this time. Running around in a panic would only put them into a greater crisis.

The two seemingly stupid plans of "waiting for Jason to leave" and "waiting for Lin Ge to come to rescue" were proposed, but I have to say that this is the best solution for the newcomer.

Even if Jason is just a big guy with a lot of strength as Huang Zuyao said, he is definitely not something that rookies like them with no strength can handle.

People should be self-aware and act within their capabilities. This is Jiang Congsu's principle of life.

However, Jiang Congsu chose the safest plan when Jason didn't move. Now that the opponent has started to take action, it is obvious that he cannot stay where he is and wait to die.

At this moment, Jiang Congsu had two decisions running through his mind. One was to use the plot character who had not noticed the danger and was still playing in the lake as bait to get rid of Jason. The other was to remind the plot character of Jason's existence and let them return to the cabin together. Use plot characters to test the safety of the jungle.

Although the second option has plot characters "exploring the path", no one can guarantee that Jason will not catch up and attack from both front and rear.

Therefore, the first option is safer. You can use plot characters to hold Jason back to avoid future troubles. However, after entering the dense forest, you may need to sacrifice some people to explore the way.

"Let's go." Jiang Congsu didn't have time to think too much, and directly asked everyone to leave, obviously choosing to let the plot characters be cannon fodder.

"Ignore them?" Zeng Pixiu asked.

Huang Zuyao said first: "Hurry up, do you want to die under Jason's watermelon knife? At this time, do you still care about the lives of others?"

"But..." Zeng Pixiu was a little hesitant, not sure whether he should remind the plot character. After all, apart from being a bit stupid, Brother Zhui of Sheniu treated others well.

Crack, squeak.

Crack, squeak.

Crack, squeak.

Just then, a burst of harsh music sounded.

To say that this sound is "music" is actually a bit of an insult to music, because the sound is more like the sound of a cat's paw scratching across the strings.

Everyone followed the sound and saw on the other side of the lakeshore a girl wearing a Chinese school uniform sitting on a pony stool and playing the erhu.

It's just that this harsh "music" can't tell what she is playing. At this time, everyone has the urge to rush over, break the erhu, and smash it to pieces!

Reincarnators and plot characters have this impulse, and Jason also has this impulse!

Jason stopped and looked coldly at the girl playing the erhu on the other side of the lake. After hesitating for a moment, he finally turned around and rushed towards the girl, at least three times as fast as before!

Obviously, Jason wanted to use the watermelon knife in his hand to cut into pieces the girl who had no musical ability!

At this time, Brother Zhui and other plot characters also heard the sound of music. They followed the sound and saw a thin figure walking into the dense forest holding an erhu, but they did not notice Jason who was also chasing into the dense forest.

Brother Zhui asked curiously: "Who is that?"

"Isn't it said that Buckner Forest is inaccessible? Why is there someone there, and it's a... girl?" Julie said with a hint of confusion.

Marty, who was sitting on the deck on the shore, was smoking a pipe and said: "I heard that the more inaccessible the place, the easier it is for elves to appear. They like to transform into human beings, use various beautiful music to lure people into the dense forest, and then... eat them. . Hehe, man-eating elf."


Brother Hammer looked at Marty with a strange look on his face and said, "If nothing else... do you really think that the sound like a cat scratching a blackboard just now was beautiful music?"

"Oh, some elves are tone-deaf," Marty said nonchalantly.

Several reincarnations were also surprised. On the one hand, they saw Jason's aftermath after he was led away. On the other hand... it was hard not to be shocked by the very recognizable school uniforms and musical instruments.

"Uh... That school uniform that I wish I could even cover my face in. It's as earthy as it is... is it a school uniform unique to our country?" Zeng Pixiu looked at the place where the girl disappeared and said uncertainly.

Huang Zuyao said: "The school uniform is not the point. The point is that her erhu is really a bit annoying. I have never learned to play it better than her!"

Jiang Congsu said: "That person is not a character who will appear in this movie at first glance. It should be Brother Lin who took action. Let's get out of here while she lures Jason away."

"Then... do you want to call the plot characters?" Zeng Pixiu asked.

Jiang Congsu looked toward the lake shore and shouted: "Kurt, didn't you say you were going to prepare a barbecue tonight? It's getting late. If you want to have a barbecue, it's time to go back and prepare. Maybe... we can have an unforgettable bonfire party tonight." Are you right?"

"Bonfire party?" Brother Zhui looked at Julie in his arms.

Julie smiled and said: "This may be a good suggestion, what do you think?"

"Okay, after a long day of driving, I also want to go back early and lie down on a comfortable sofa, eat barbecue and drink a glass of wine." Brother Zhui said with a smile.

Just like Jiang Congsu is the leader of the reincarnation, Brother Zhui also has absolute say among the plot characters. As soon as he speaks, the others immediately go ashore and start packing their things.

On the other side, after Chen Qing led Jason into the dense forest, she was afraid that Jason would lose her, so she would pull the erhu in her arms every few steps.



"The sound of the erhu is pretty good, what do you think?" At this time, a cloud of darkness floated out of the travel bag behind Chen Qing, condensing into the appearance of Dark Alessa.

I saw darkness. Alessa covered her ears with her hands and shouted in a voice that was almost a roar: "Are you going to kill us? I have never heard music worse than this. No, calling it music is an insult to music. That word, 'good sound'? Are you serious?"

At this time, two clouds of mist, one white and one gray, flew out of the travel bag and transformed into Alessa and Alessa in white dress. The former patted Dark Alessa, motioning for her to calm down, and then said: "Maybe...she It’s about the good tone of the instrument, not about how well she plays it.”

"Even if I pull with my feet, I can't make such a sound!" Dark Alessa was obviously tortured by Chen Qing's harsh erhu.

Bai Sha covered her mouth and smiled: "In a sense, this is her unique 'musical talent'... Well, it's disaster-level."

Chen Qing said with a bitter face: "Hey, the person involved is still here. Isn't it too rude for you to say this? If you do this again, I will play "The Hard to Recite Sutra" on the erhu and give it to you!"

Sansha obviously doesn't know what "The Hard Sutra" is, but if it can be linked to the "Sutra", it's obviously not good music.

Heisha was about to complain, but she heard a "rustling" sound accompanied by rapid footsteps, and then a big man rushed out from behind the tree, slashed at Heisha with a knife, and cut off her head.

There was still a black mist between Heisha's severed neck and body, but her head was rolled to the ground by the machete and she ate a mouthful of grass.

Heisha's head rolled to the ground and she looked at the person in surprise. She didn't know how the opponent's purely physical attack could hurt her spiritual body.

But more than surprise, he was even more angry. Heisha, who was already furious at Chen Qing's music cell, was attacked by a surprise attack and took a mouthful of mud. She immediately shouted in anger: "Chop it!"


Kurosa's body exploded into a dense darkness. The triangular head dragged the Zanpakutō out of the black mist, raised the Zanpakutō and slashed at Jason's head.


With the harsh sound of metal friction, the Zanpakuto and the metal machete collided and sparked.

Jason's machete was obviously not as good as the triangular-headed enchanted equipment. After just one blow, the blade was cut and deformed.




The triangular head kept swinging the knife. At this time, it only had the owner's command to "cut it" in its mind, and it would not stop until Jason was cut into pieces.

Obviously, the Jason of this world is weaker than the Jason who was transformed by the biochemical virus in the previous world. He was unable to block the crazy attack of the Triangle Head, and was eventually decapitated by the Triangle Head.

Heisha held her head and put it back on her neck. She walked angrily to the triangular head holding Jason's head and kicked Jason's head like a ball.

"Let you chop me, I'll let you chop me, bastard, bastard!"

Chen Qing stood behind Bai Sha and Alessa and asked tentatively: "Uh...has she always been so irritable?"

Alessa sighed: "Just get used to it, get used to it. She is the one among the three of us who inherits all the negative emotions. She has a bit of a temper... which is understandable, right?"

Seeing that Dark Alessa was not satisfied with kicking Jason's head like a ball, and even grabbed the triangular-headed Zanpakuto and cut Jason's body into pieces, Chen Qing nodded with difficulty: "... Yes, I understand."

Triangle Head serves as Dark Alessa's summon, and Dark Alessa serves as Lin Ge's summon. Therefore, for Jason who died in the hands of Triangle Head, the reward will be counted on Lin Ge's head.

[Kill "Jason" and be rewarded with 1,000 reincarnation points. 】

"Jason is on the same level as the previous mountain spirit?" Lin Ge originally thought that the mountain spirit, as a blackened mountain god, would be at least two levels higher than Jason, but he did not expect that the rewards for the two would be the same.

However, it is not difficult to understand if you think about it. As a perverted killer with high-speed self-healing ability and difficult to be killed, Jason's abilities are mainly reflected in self-healing and strength, and he is completely the representative of "physical" monsters.

But while his opponent Triangle Head is also a representative of physical monsters, he is also affected by the "demonic power" of Dark Alessa. In layman's terms, it is "both physical and demon cultivation", not to mention that Triangle Head also has a "Millennium Cone" and "Zanpakuto" two enchanted pieces of equipment.

Putting aside Jason's strength, Lin Ge was surprised that Jason appeared in this world.

Half an hour ago, while Lin Ge and Chen Qing were waiting for the paper man to explore the underground laboratory in the wooden house, Lin Ge confirmed several differences between this reincarnation world and the movie.

First, although the staff in the underground laboratory were as arrogant as in the movie and did not take this reincarnation seriously, they were "more professional" than in the movie.

They have specialized technicians to record various indicators of the five plot characters including Brother Zhui, and conduct comprehensive monitoring from emotions to physical fitness. Once there is any deviation from the plan, various chemicals that affect emotions will be used to bring their emotions back. On track.

This is why Brother Hammer and others failed to notice the oppressive Jason appearing on the shore of the lake when they were playing in the lake.

In addition, the "security team" arranged by the Bureau in the underground laboratory is more professional and more numerous than in the movie.

They are well-equipped and divided into several teams to patrol various areas to prevent problems in the cabins where various monsters are kept.

And the most important thing is that Lin Ge sent the soul paper man rummaging through the underground laboratory and could not find the "red button" in the movie that can open all the monster hatches with one press.

It turns out that there is a big difference between "reality" and movies.

And through Lin Ge's observation, he found that those researchers and staff had careful plans for the sacrifice ceremony, even how Brother Zhui and others would react to any situation, and what should they do if they deviated from the track. Several plans have been prepared to get them back on track.

In other words, without Lin Ge's intervention, no matter how good Brother Zhui and others were at the "sacrifice ceremony" in this reincarnation, it would not change the outcome of all five people becoming sacrifices.

Now, in addition to the five Brother Hammers, Lin Ge and eight other "uninvited guests" are also on the hunting list of the administration. The first killer they sent was Jason who woke up next to the fake version of Crystal Lake!

Lin Ge arranged the soul paper man in the underground laboratory, so he learned the news when the Management Bureau woke up Jason, and immediately asked Chen Qing to take Sansha to the rescue.

To him, whether he was a rookie or a character in the plot, it was all "money". If he hadn't avoided alerting the enemy and released the ancient evil god in advance, Lin Ge would have wanted to take down the administration directly and solve the problem fundamentally.

Not long after Lin Ge received the prompt from the Lord God, Jiang Congsu, the reincarnators, Brother Zhui and his group returned to the wooden house. A group of people walked into the house talking and laughing, only to see Lin Ge sitting leisurely on the sofa and drinking tea.

Brother Zhui said excitedly: "Hi, Mr. Lin, it's a pity that you didn't go to the lake with us. We saw the elves."

"Elf?" Lin Ge was a little confused. Could it be that the Management Bureau had released other monsters?

Julie also said excitedly: "The elf sang a beautiful song and walked into the forest. It's a pity that I discovered it too late, otherwise I would have thought of going to the shore to get the camera."

beautiful singing?

That shouldn't be Chen Qing.

Lin Ge thought for sure... After all, Chen Qing was basically as talented as Conan in terms of musical instruments and singing.

Several plot characters were still talking excitedly about the beautiful scenery and "elves" by the lake. Jiang Congsu sat next to Lin Ge and asked in a low voice: "We met Jason by the lake. When he came towards us, He was lured away by a girl wearing a Chinese school uniform holding an erhu. Brother Lin... is that the helper you sent? "

Is it really Chen Qing?

...but what the hell is the erhu?

Although Lin Ge taught Chen Qing many spells, since Chen Qing met Huang Ni, she was completely fascinated by this "fairy sister". Before Sister Ni, and after Sister Ni, she wanted to worship Huang Ni as her teacher. Zhong Ye hangs out with Huang Ni all day long.

Lin Ge remembered that Chen Qing mentioned to him that Huang Ni made a lot of "gadgets" for her. Huang Ni's products must be high-quality products, and no matter how bad they are, they are also magic weapons.


Does Huang Ni not know that this girl Chen Qing has no musical ability at all?

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