Not long after Lin Ge and others drove out of the mountain tunnel and into Buckner Forest, a cloud of white mist flew out of the tunnel and stopped at the tunnel exit.

Then, Chen Qing walked out of the fog.

"It's so convenient to be a ghost. You can even save money on a taxi, so why should you be a human being?" Chen Qing looked at the location of the sloping mountain wall. When she was in the gas station monitoring room, she had already memorized the locations of all the cameras, so Use the magic formula to block the camera with white mist.

Although Chen Qing is now a spirit body and the camera may not be able to capture her, the thing she wants to bury at the entrance of the cave has an "entity".

"I planted a seed and finally the fruit grew. Today is a great day..." Chen Qing showed a shovel, hummed a tune, dug several holes at the tunnel exit, and then buried several unknown objects. Then he walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down.

"Wow, so high."

Below, a black mist drifted between the cliffs.

"Hey, the one below, come up and die." Chen Qing put her hands to her mouth as a loudspeaker, shouting at the top of her voice to the mountain god floating on the cliff.

As Lin Ge said, every mountain has its "mountain god". The world of "The Cabin in the Forest" is a world where countless legends are integrated, so naturally there is also the term "mountain god".

It's just that the "mountain god" here has been affected by the evil spirit of the ghosts imprisoned by the bureau, and has turned into a spirit. However, because it has not been long since he turned into a spirit, he has not been discovered by the people in the bureau. Otherwise, there is a high chance that he will end up like those ghosts and be captured and imprisoned in the management base.

However, Lin Ge found that the mountain spirit was too affected by the evil spirit and had completely turned into a monster. Keeping it might affect subsequent plans. For safety reasons, he asked Chen Qing to clean it up when he came over.

Chen Qing stood on the edge of the cliff and after a verbal spat, she finally completely angered the mountain spirit. She saw the black mist turned into a black tornado and rolled towards Chen Qing.

Chen Qing retreated to the road, waited for the mountain spirit tornado to fly up, then took out a huge vacuum cleaner and sucked hard at the mountain spirit.

There is a string of talismans engraved on the vacuum cleaner. When it is activated, the talisman emits golden light and strong wind, sucking the mountain spirit completely in an instant.

"As expected of Sister Ni's magic weapon, it's really useful!" As soon as Chen Qing finished sighing, he saw that the storage bag connected to the vacuum cleaner was bulging and about to burst!

"Hey, just stay in there and save your life. If you really want to come out, just..."


The storage bag exploded, and the mountain spirit turned into a black tornado again and rolled towards Chen Qing. Chen Qing calmly picked up the magic formula and recited the magic spell.

Just when the mountain spirit was less than three meters away from her, balls of golden light suddenly exploded from her body.




As streaks of golden light exploded, the black tornado transformed by the mountain spirit was scattered and condensed immediately. It was scattered and condensed several times. The black tornado that was originally nearly ten meters long was only less than half a meter in size.

Chen Qing grabbed the tube of the vacuum cleaner, inserted a storage bag again, started the machine, and sucked the small ball of mountain spirit into the vacuum cleaner.

Then Chen Qing took off the storage bag and patted the mountain spirit that was still writhing inside: "You deserve it, you dare to eat what my brother gave you!"

The three incense sticks that Lin Ge had kicked off the cliff were enchanted. After the mountain spirit ate them, Chen Qing activated the incense spell that remained in the mountain spirit's body by chanting a spell.

Chen Qing put away the vacuum cleaner, walked to the entrance of the tunnel, inserted a red candle, placed the tribute, placed the storage bag containing the mountain spirit in front of the tribute, took out three incense sticks and lit it.

"Emergency is like a law, break it!"

Chen Qing put three sticks of incense in front of the storage bag, lit a talisman and threw it on the storage bag. With a "whoosh", the storage bag was immediately swallowed up by red flames, and the mountain spirit was burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

The moment the mountain spirit died, the entire mountain shook, as if there was an earthquake. At the same time, Lin Ge, who had just entered the Buckner Forest Area, also received a prompt from the Lord God——

[Kill the "mountain spirit" and be rewarded with 1,000 reincarnation points. 】

"Ah! Earthquake?"

"What's going on? Was it an earthquake just now?"

The strong shaking in the mountainous area caused the woman in the car to scream. While driving the car, Brother Zhui turned around and said with a smile: "Calm down, beauties. We have already driven off the road, even an earthquake will not affect us. Okay. , our destination is ahead!"

As soon as Brother Zhui finished speaking, the RV passed through the forest road and entered an open area. In front of the dense forest, there is a one-story wooden house.

Brother Zhui parked the car, got out of the car first, and walked towards the wooden house with open hands: "dangdang, friends, this will be the place where we will spend a wonderful holiday in the next few days! Cheers!"

"Oh my god, it's so beautiful here!" Brother Zhui's girlfriend Julie sighed after getting out of the car, snuggled next to Brother Zhui and said, "But if there was a spider, I would choose to sleep in the car. I'm serious Yes, Kurt."

"Don't worry, although the wooden house looks dilapidated, the decoration inside is pretty good. My cousin sent me photos, believe me." Brother Zhui comforted.

Huang Zuyao, who got off the car behind, saw the dilapidated wooden house, frowned and said, "No, this dilapidated house is also called a villa?"

Zeng Pixiu said: "But you have to admit, the scenery of the dense forest behind is nice. But, why do I think this house looks familiar?"

Jiang Congsu said: "I remember that there was a similar cabin in a very old movie "The Evil Dead". Oh, by the way, the game you recommended me to play last time had a similar map."

"You mean l4d's self-made pictures?" Zeng Pixiu asked.

Jiang Congsu nodded and said: "Yes, I remember you like this game very much..."

"Yes, both official pictures and player-made pictures are very interesting." Zeng Pixiu kept talking about his hobbies.

Jiang Congsu sighed: "Congratulations, if I remember correctly, the movie "The Cabin in the Woods" was originally planned to be linked with l4d, so there are many 'Easter eggs'."

"Really?" Zeng Pixiu said excitedly.

Huang Zuyao said angrily: "Are you sick? Are you stupid in playing games? Even if it is true, are you fat enough for those mutated monsters inside?"

While the others were talking, Lin Ge had already walked to the wooden house and opened his eyes to observe the surroundings. The entire area was shrouded in red light, and these red lights did not come from a monster, but hundreds of red light pillars with different depths and concentrations. Come together.

Obviously, as shown in the movie, the Administration moved many monsters to the underground branch here in order to carry out this sacrifice.

"Gentlemen, you are not going to ask the ladies to help, are you? Come and help me move my things into the house." Brother Hammer shouted while standing next to the compartment of the RV where the luggage was stored.

Huang Zuyao didn't plan to help at first, but seeing that Jiang Congsu and Zeng Pixiu were gone, he could only step forward and move the luggage in the car to the wooden house with the plot characters.

Dana opened the door of the wooden house curiously and walked in, and found that the inside was indeed as Brother Zhui said. Not only was it well decorated, it was also neat and clean as if it had just been tidied up.

"I'm not lying to you, it's really good, right?" Brother Zhui said as he carried his luggage into the house.

Julie chimed in, "Indeed, can you catch us a raccoon?"

"I will use its skin to make a hat... Haha, gentlemen and ladies, please feel free to treat this place as your own home. We are here for vacation, not for classes, so there is no need to be so formal!" Brother Zhui said again Using his social cow attributes, he greeted everyone into the house.

The wooden house was much larger than expected, and not as shabby as it looked from the outside. Obviously, as a ceremony venue, the administration has also put in the effort.

"Oh, by the way, there are only five rooms here. Originally, I planned to have one room per person, but now that we have new friends, we need to rearrange it. Oh, I can sleep in the living room, and the four ladies will occupy two rooms. How about the distribution among the six of you?" Brother Zhui said.

"I apologize for disturbing your vacation. Just follow your arrangements." Lin Ge observed the furnishings in the room and said casually.

The reincarnator had the right to speak on Lin Ge's side. Seeing him nod, Jiang Congsu and others had no objections. What's more, according to the development of the plot, there will be ghosts tonight, so there is no such thing as "living".

"Then it's settled, ladies and gentlemen, please put on your swimsuits... My cousin said there is a lake not far from the cabin, and we can enjoy a wonderful afternoon there!" Brother Zhui said with a smile. .

"Yeah, that's great!" Julie cheered approvingly.

The five plot characters ran to the room to pack their things and change into swimsuits, while Lin Ge and the seven new reincarnators gathered in the lobby to discuss the main mission.

"Has the timer started for your main mission?" Lin Ge said, taking out three incense sticks and holding them upside down in his hands. When he claps his hand and stood the three incense sticks upright, the incense ignited on its own.

This move made everyone's eyes widen. Zeng Pixiu said in surprise: "Wow, Brother Lin, how did you do it? I saw Uncle Ying do this in the movie. I didn't expect that you can actually use magic to light incense!"

Huang Zuyao said disdainfully: "Yes, everything is possible in the Lord God's Space. There are all kinds of magic and magic. It's just a matter of lighting incense. There's nothing to make a fuss about."

Lin Ge ignored Huang Zuyao and inserted the incense into the gap in the middle of the wooden coffee table. Zeng Pixiu asked curiously: "Brother Lin, what are you doing?"

Lin Ge replied: "As the saying goes, you have to call someone when you enter a house, and you have to worship gods when you enter a temple. This is the rule for us as Taoists."

"Oh! I understand, it's like touching the gold captain. When touching the gold, you must first light a candle. If the candle goes out, you can't touch the gold. It's the same principle, right?" Zeng Pixiu asked excitedly.

Lin Ge:......

"It's okay if you understand it this way."

"It's so annoying...that's right." Huang Zuyao said in a low voice.

Jiang Congsu was afraid that his brother would say something stupid again, so he quickly changed the subject and answered Lin Ge's previous question: "The main mission has started timing since we passed through the mountain tunnel just now, and now the 24-hour countdown has passed for three hours. .”

Lin Ge laughed when he heard this and said, "It's not bad. You can earn a few hours for nothing."

Tang Mi rubbed her arms and said, "Is it really... good? From the moment I entered this wooden house, I felt chills all over my body. It always felt like there were many pairs of eyes staring at me."

Lin Ge said: "You are right, because there are cameras everywhere here, and people from the administration are watching us down here."

"Ah!" Chen Xiao exclaimed, "Then if we gather here to discuss like this... nothing will happen? What if they find out?"

"Don't worry, as long as you stand around me, the images seen on the monitor will only be the images I want them to see." Lin Ge said with a smile.

Chen Xiao was surprised: "How did you do it?"

"Ahem." Jiang Congsu interrupted Chen Xiao's question with a cough. In his opinion, a master like Lin Ge would not like anyone to inquire into his secrets, so he changed the subject and said: "Brother Lin, let's continue What should we do when we come down? Do you want to follow the plot?"

Lin Ge nodded and said: "Now that your main mission has started timing, you should follow the plot characters and lower the main time first. According to what is shown in the movie, at least until night falls, you will not encounter danger. However... although the 'plot' is an advantage for reincarnators, the Lord God will send surprises from time to time, and believing too much in the plot will only lead to faster death."

"So in the world of reincarnation, you should remember three points: don't rely on the plot. Even if you want to change the plot, do it as much as possible under controllable circumstances before considering changing the plot; don't do things that only characters in the plot will do. They There is a halo of being the protagonist, but we don’t; in the end... we must stay together and don’t act separately. Don’t panic and choose your own path when in danger, as those who are alone will die the fastest.”

Jiang Congsu and others listened attentively, just like little shrimps in the martial arts world listening to a "secret book" taught by an outsider, keeping Lin Ge's warning firmly in mind.

In their view, in this dangerous world of reincarnation, the warnings of senior people are the greatest guarantee for their survival.

Just when a few people were about to go to the lake with the plot characters, Zeng Pixiu asked curiously: "Brother Lin, aren't you going to the lake?"

"According to the plot of the movie, the protagonist group will encounter danger when it comes to night. The maximum time is eight hours, and your main plot needs to stay for 24 hours. I have to find a way to postpone the ceremony, at least to give you a chance to make up for 24 hours." Lin Song said.

Hearing this, Zeng Paixiu said with tears of gratitude: "Brother Lin, you are the superhero who is riding on the colorful auspicious clouds to save us. I dare not think what I would do without you. You are my reborn parents. If I can leave the world of reincarnation alive, I will definitely give you a few big houses...wuwuwu..."

Before Zeng Pixiu could finish his words, he was dragged away by Huang Zuyao: "Let's go, stop flattering, you are still a game fan, don't you know that novice mentors have business targets? If there is no reward, you Do you think the old man cares whether rookies like you live or die?"

Jiang Congsu's face turned cold: "Zu Yao, shut up. When you speak from now on, you have never thought about where this place is. Do you think you are still in the Demon City? No matter what other people are doing to help you, it is 'help', helping you." It's a matter of affection, so you have to remember it. If it weren't for your father, and just your mouth, you wouldn't even be a supervisor in Tengfei."

Huang Zuyao muttered: "If you don't say it, don't say it. I'm just saying it. Don't worry, that person will definitely be rewarded for helping us. Otherwise, who would be free to bring new people in such a bad place."

"Then you'd better pray that your 'reward' will make Brother Lin willing to risk his life to protect you, otherwise, you may be an abandoned son who will be given up at any time!" Jiang Congsu followed his father in the business world. In 1967, as the second-generation rich man who worked the hardest in Shanghai, he was used to intrigues and intrigues. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the world was awake.

He knew that what Huang Zuyao said was not wrong, but this did not mean that they could do whatever they wanted. On the contrary, they not only have to pray that their "value" is worthy of Lin Ge's efforts, but also constantly prove their worth to prevent being "abandoned" by Lin Ge.

The world of reincarnation is like the most primitive society. There are no moral laws here, only whoever has the biggest fist has the final say.

Although "hug the thigh" sounds unpleasant, it is the most likely way to keep them alive. Only by taking this opportunity to continuously collect information, explore and understand the world of reincarnation, can we work hard to survive in the next reincarnation and find a way to escape from the main god space.

As a representative of sanity in the human world, Jiang Congsu knows that the Lord God's Space is by no means as beautiful as the memories in his mind. All wealth and power are accompanied by dangers here.

To put it harshly, reincarnations are like "violent bandits", constantly raiding every reincarnation world, earning reincarnation points, buying better weapons, and then doing bigger deals.

However, when you are a "robber" in reality, your opponent is the same "person" as you, and the equipment is the same technology as you of the same era.

In the world of reincarnation, you encounter not only heavily armed enemies, but also all kinds of monsters and monsters. Just like in the world of "The Cabin in the Woods", even the lowest level monsters and zombies are not "ordinary" monsters like them. "People" can deal with it.

Jiang Congsu doesn't want to work hard in the main god space to become a superhero. He just wants to work hard to find a chance to leave the main god space and go back to be his rich second generation.

Therefore, Jiang Congsu would not question Lin Ge, a senior person, just because he had some brains, skills, money and background in the real world, nor would he offend someone like Huang Zuyao.

"People have to bow their heads under the eaves." Even if Lin Ge said "The earth is flat" at this time, Jiang Congsu would use his lifelong learning to prove this argument.

Jiang Congsu and others left the wooden house with the characters in the plot and headed to the lake. Before leaving, Brother Zhui asked Lin Ge why he didn't go with them, but he excused him with a simple reason: "motion sickness."

After everyone left, Lin Ge walked to the sofa and sat down. With a flick of his hand, he extinguished the three sticks of incense on the coffee table. The ashes fell on the coffee table. He blew gently and the ashes were immediately blown away.

After the incense ashes fell to the ground, some fell into the fireplace, some stuck to the wall, and some fell into the gaps in the floor.

At this time, a ray of white mist flew through the door panel to Lin Ge and transformed into Chen Qing's figure.

After Chen Qing revealed herself, she fell down directly on the sofa and sighed: "Ah, I'm so exhausted, brother, where are the rookies and the protagonists?"

"Went to the lake for a swim."

"Ah, I'm so envious."

"You can go too."

"Oh, forget it, I died. Now I am in a spirit body. I can't experience the feeling of swimming even if I go there. By the way, have you found the location of the underground branch of the Administration?"

Lin Ge took out a pair of scissors and a stack of yellow paper and said, "I'm about to do it."

"Paper cutter?" Chen Qing asked.

Lin Ge nodded and cut the yellow paper with scissors. After a while, the paper man holding hands was cut. Then, he touched the paper figures on the coffee table, and a stack of paper figures were lined up on the coffee table.

"Open the door to the underworld, kid, come quickly! Hurry like a law!" Lin Ge pinched the magic spell, and as soon as the spell was released, the incense ashes that he had blown away flew back and scattered on the paper man.

After the paper figures cut from yellow paper touch the incense ashes, a palm-sized translucent paper figure with a soul body "sits up" from above.

Then, these paper figures stood up, jumped off the coffee table, got into the floor, and apparently went all the way down along the floor to find the underground branch of the Administration.

"Huh? What kind of spell is this? It's so interesting." Chen Qing asked in surprise.

Lin Ge replied: "Oh, this is a paper manipulating technique developed by a nephew of mine. I will teach you later."


The paper manipulative technique is one of the spells Lin Ge learned from He Yingqiu in "Zombie Agreement". It is suitable to use it to inquire about the branch of the Administration.

Lin Ge raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and he saw clouds of thumb-sized red mist flying out from the animal specimens on the wall, the fireplace, the gaps in the sofa, etc., and flew into Lin Ge's body.

When Lin Ge entered the house, he asked the little girl and Qimei to interfere with the cameras in the house, so he stood in the middle of the living room with the newcomer Samsara and discussed the plot and reincarnation without hesitation.

Now that he was alone in the cabin, there was no need to interfere with the camera.

At the same time, several hundred meters underground, in a huge underground laboratory, a group of white men in suits and ties were chatting leisurely in the monitoring room.

They entertained and gossiped about everything from what to eat tonight to the latest football match, but did not discuss any issues related to sacrifice.

In their view, this ceremony is like clocking in to work day after day. Anyway, with the support of the Japanese head office with outstanding performance, it does not matter whether their North American branch succeeds or not.

At this time, a blond female researcher walked into the office holding a stack of files: "Supervisor, the liaison department just sent news that the gas station agent died."

"Dead? What's going on?" the bald manager asked curiously.

The female researcher glanced at the report in her hand and said, "The cause of death was...myocardial infarction."

"Oh, is the old man in his sixties? Check to see if he has any family members. Just follow the normal pension process. I'll leave this matter to you," the supervisor said.

The female researcher asked again: "Should we arrange for someone to go up there?"

The supervisor thought for a while and replied: "No, the route will be re-planned by the Transportation Bureau after the ceremony. By the way, since the lambs have entered the slaughterhouse, let the Alpha team blow up the mountain tunnel to prevent The lambs panicked and ran out."


"How are you preparing for tonight's quiz? This is an annual event. I want to win back all the money I lost last year."

"It's almost ready."

"Let's go there together."

The bald supervisor got up and left the office with the female researcher and came to a large and spacious office area. An entire wall here is covered with monitors, monitoring wooden houses, dense forests, lakes and other places from all directions. Dozens of staff gathered in the office area, and they were talking and laughing about the sacrifice.

In the center of the office area stood a large writing board, with the names of many protagonists of ghost stories densely written on it.

For example: werewolves, aliens, ogres, evil spirits, clowns, sexy witches, demons, needle ghosts, obscene trees, mummies...etc.

Next to the names of these ghost story characters, the researcher's name is written in blue pen. At this time, there was a staff member, opening the note in his hand and adding new names to it.

This is the annual "Gambling Ceremony" of the Management Bureau. Before the ceremony begins, these staff members will bet on which ghost story protagonist the protagonist group will awaken and die at the hands of those monsters.

This is an opportunity for these workers to "get rich overnight" and it is also their biggest pastime in this dreary underground facility.

At this time, a staff member came to the supervisor and asked: "Boss, what are you going to do?"

"Werewolves, I like to see those powerful monsters tearing tiny humans into pieces." said the bald manager.

"How much are you going to lay down?"

"Certainly twice as much as last year."

"What if you lose?"

"Next year I will bet four times as much. As long as I win once, I will get my money back with profits." The bald manager said proudly.

While the researchers and staff were happily placing their bets, no one noticed the small white translucent heads protruding from the ceiling.

The soul paper man emerged from the ceiling, then ran to various corners to hide. On the one hand, he conducted surveillance and transmitted the images back to the wooden house. On the other hand, he followed Lin Ge's instructions and moved some yellow lucky stars to various corners. Stick it on those machines.

At this time, in the picture fed back by the monitor on the wall, Brother Zhui and his group came to the lake, jumped into the lake excitedly, and played with the water.

The bald manager noticed that there were a few more people in the picture and shouted to stop the noisy crowd: "Quiet, can anyone tell me who those people are?"

The staff looked at each other. Since each department monitors different areas and they are responsible for the sacrificial site, it is obvious that they do not know who these people are.

Seeing that no one answered him, the bald manager said angrily: "Where is the surveillance force in the town? The Alpha force at the gas station? Didn't anyone report to us that someone accidentally broke into the sacrificial ceremony?"

The blond female researcher whispered: "Supervisor, did you forget that the manager of the gas station had a sudden heart attack?"

"He's dead, what about the team in the town? It's impossible for these people to join the sacrifice team only after arriving at the sacrifice site, right?"


The female researcher was speechless for a moment.

At this time, someone said: "Boss, when they return to the cabin, wouldn't it be enough to have the people from the Chemistry Department release gas to lure those people into the forest, and then release a monster to kill them?"

"Yeah, there's no need to be so nervous, right?"

"They look like students too. Killing one is no different than killing seven."

"Yes, they are still Asians. If you kill them, kill them."


The bald manager said seriously: "What nonsense are you talking about? Can you just kill someone casually? It's rare for an Asian to break in. Of course it's to open a new handicap. Why, are you afraid of losing?"

Everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, the supervisor wanted to open a new handicap, and they suddenly shouted excitedly.


"Ha, boss, you scared me. I thought you wanted to hold you accountable. It turns out you wanted to open a new handicap, so I'm going to change my bet this time."

"I want to play sexy witches. I like to watch them kill their targets. Tsk tsk, these men should be enough for them to play with, right?"

"What a coincidence, so am I."

"I bet on sexy witches too."


When the underground research institute was filled with joy, Lin Ge was sitting on the sofa in the wooden house. The thumb, ring finger, and little finger of his right hand were placed together. He raised his index and middle fingers to point on his temples. He closed his eyes and felt the images sent back by the soul paper man. .

When I heard that these people wanted to use the sexy witch to ride the reincarnation to death, their expressions became very strange.

"...To be honest, I'm a little curious too."

Except for a few "original monsters", most of the monsters in "The Cabin in the Woods" have traces. They are either spooky protagonists in well-known movies or monsters in games.

He had never heard of this "sexy witch".

But this is not the point. The point is that if Lin Ge wants to ensure that the new reincarnations go through reincarnation safely, he must find a way to delay the sacrifice ceremony for at least ten hours.

If the Administration wants to take action against the reincarnators first, this will actually be a good opportunity.

While Lin Ge was thinking about how to delay the sacrifice ceremony, Brother Zhui and his group had a great time by the lake.

However, except for the plot characters who put on swimsuits, the reincarnators headed by Jiang Congsu did not go into the water, but gathered on the shore to chat.

"Brother Cong, do you think this lake looks familiar?" Tang Mi couldn't help but ask as she looked at Brother Chui who was laughing and playing with his girlfriend Julie in the lake.

Jiang Congsu said: "It's normal for you to think it looks familiar. Many scenes in "The Cabin in the Woods" are tributes to other horror films. For example, the wooden house is a tribute to "The Evil Dead", and the lake is a tribute to the Crystal Lake in "Black Friday". From the trees on the lakeside to the row of shore boards, it’s basically a one-to-one restoration.”

"Ah? There won't be Jason here, right?" Lin Yiyi turned pale with fright and said nervously.

Jiang Congsu shook his head and said: "Although "The Cabin in the Woods" involves many horror films, the film company considered copyright issues, so most of the scenes were tributes, but there was no Jason."

"That is not bad."

Before Lin Yiyi could relax, Jiang Congsu continued: "Although there is no Jason, there are no less than three perverted killers similar to Jason."


Lin Yiyi looked at Jiang Congsu with a grimace and wanted to say, "Don't be clever at this time, right?"

At this time, Brother Zhui in the water raised his hand and greeted Jiang Congsu and others: "Hey, why don't you come down and play?"

"No, let's take a rest first." Jiang Congsu rejected Brother Chui's kindness. After all, no one knew whether there were several Jasons sinking in the lake.

Tang Mi looked at Brother Zhui in the water and sighed: "Oh, it would be great if Kurt is really Brother Zhui. With the protection of the God of Thunder, we will be safe, right?"

Huang Zuyao echoed: "I don't know if it's safe or not, but it's definitely more reliable than the guy in the wooden house."

"Zu Yao!"

Jiang Congsu reprimanded: "I remind you one last time, don't bring your bad habits in the real world here again. Don't mess with Brother Lin, he is the key to our survival. Believe it or not, it's up to you!"

Huang Zuyao said aggrievedly: "Brother Cong, that guy is not here, what are you afraid of? Besides, is our twenty-year brotherhood no better than an outsider who has known each other for less than two days?"

Jiang Congsu snorted coldly: "It is because of twenty years of brotherhood that I remind you again and again. If you do stupid things again, twenty years of brotherhood will not give you face! Don't be stupid just because you are alone. Just let so many of us be buried with you!”

"Is it that exaggerated?" Huang Zuyao muttered.

Jiang Congsu sneered and said: "As you said, Brother Lin helps us for a certain purpose. Then just imagine, if he feels that the benefits of helping you are less than the dangers of the returns, it would be you instead." , will you still fight for your life? There is a movie line called 'What are you doing with your life for a few hundred dollars a month?' which can explain this situation very well. You'd better pray that your life is worth more than a few hundred dollars!"

"Oh." Huang Zuyao and Jiang Congsu looked solemn and did not dare to continue joking.

At this moment, Lin Yiyi suddenly let out a scream.


"What's wrong?" Jiang Congsu asked.

Huang Zuyao cursed: "Fuck, don't be so surprised that you scare me!"

Lin Yiyi raised her hand and pointed to the other side of the lake tremblingly: "You, you, you, you, look, there is a person on the other side of the lake!"

Everyone looked in the direction Lin Yiyi pointed, and sure enough they saw a man wearing a black sweatshirt, a hood and a white hockey mask, holding a watermelon knife standing under the big tree.

Chen Xiao said with a cry in his voice: "Cong, Brother Cong, you, didn't you say this, there is no Jason in this world?"

Jiang Congsu's face became very ugly when he saw Jason's classic look.

...I have to have the final say on this shit! (End of chapter)

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