As the most delicious burger restaurant in town, the Krusty Krab is always crowded near noon.

The tall and powerful handsome boy and his classmates who had just transferred from school walked into the Krusty Crab King. As they walked, he introduced the town's delicacies: "Brother, you must try the Krusty Crab King when you come here. Believe me, the giant Crab King here is delicious." The Big Burger allows you to see the same size as in the advertising picture!”

"Then you must try it." The young man wearing a dark gray sweatshirt replied with a smile.

The handsome boy named Kurt, nicknamed "Brother Hammer" by others, is the most sociable socialite in the small town university, so the professor has given him the task of familiarizing the new students with the town.

The young man in a dark gray sweatshirt is named Horton. He just transferred from a state university to a small town university and was once the best golfer in the school.

After the two went to the front desk to order burgers and drinks, they found a seat by the window and sat down.

Brother Zhui enthusiastically introduced the humanities and customs of the town to Holden: "You will definitely fall in love here. By the way, a few friends and I have made an appointment to go to my cousin's residence in the countryside for vacation in two days. Do you want to go with us? ?”

"Of course, thank you for the invitation."

"My friends are very nice..."

The two were chatting when a group of people walked in outside the door. The leading man was wearing a formal suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses. He was quite good-looking.

A group of young people in the back were dressed casually and looked like students on vacation.

The handsome guy wearing glasses saw that there were a few empty seats next to Brother Zhui. After asking the seven young people to sit down, he took a notebook and sketched something. He said without raising his head: "Tomorrow is an exchange meeting with the university here. I hope you will complete the exchange meeting in your best condition. In one week, we will go to Hogwarts University. I hope you can perfectly demonstrate the knowledge you have learned here... Okay, Lin Yiyi, you and Tang Mi Go get some food for everyone, I’d like a burger, thank you.”

"Okay, teacher." After the two young beauties asked their companions what they wanted to eat, they got up and went to the front desk to order.

Brother Chui got out of his social awkwardness and took the initiative to say hello to the male teacher with glasses in the lead: "Hey, hello, are you here for an exchange meeting at the university?"

"Yes, we are exchange students from Zhejiang Shangfu University in northern Qing Dynasty. This time we are participating in the exchange meeting between the two universities in the name of tourism."

"What a coincidence. We are students at the university. Which department are you communicating with?"

"Professor Jesse said he would make arrangements for us."

"Professor Jesse? Oh! Unbelievable, he is my mentor."

"Then we are really destined." The male teacher with glasses said with a smile.

However, it was not a "fate", but several people present found the university professor through research on the details of the movie "The Cabin in the Woods", and used some small means to facilitate this "exchange meeting".

And this handsome male teacher wearing black-rimmed glasses is none other than the new nanny Lin Ge and his seven restless rookies.

Brother Chui has a social problem, and Lin Ge also has Jiang Congsu who is good at sociability, not to mention four popular little girls.

Soon, several people became familiar with the two plot characters.

After having lunch at the Krusty Krab, we went to Professor Jesse’s home to discuss specific matters regarding the exchange meeting the next day.

Professor Jesse was less than fifty years old. At this time, he was as worried as an old man in his sixties. He kept walking around the room, scratching his white hair and couldn't figure out what to do. Exchange meeting" came out.

But it wouldn't work if he didn't do it. Let's not talk about how the "male teacher" knew about his affair with the female student. Even the brat who had reversed the worldview he had molded for decades also forced him to compromise.

Professor Jesse was worrying, and there was a rapid knock on the door, accompanied by the voice of Kurt, the student who gave him the most headache: "Professor Jesse, are you at home? We are here to see you."


Can anyone tell this naughty kid that no one likes his enthusiasm?

Professor Jesse opened the door and wanted to ask Kurt to leave with a few perfunctory words, but when he saw the people standing behind Kurt and Holden, he was stunned on the spot: "You..."

Lin Ge adjusted his glasses and said with a smile: "Oh, we met your students when we were eating in the restaurant. It just so happens that tomorrow is not an exchange meeting, so we came to your place to discuss it together."

As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, Professor Jesse saw a small pale hand rising slowly from behind Lin Ge's left shoulder and gestured "yeah" to him.

Professor Jesse felt that all the hairs on his body were standing on end, and he bravely invited a few people into the room. It was obvious that they were afraid that he would run away and came to "remind" him.

But the university does not belong to his family. He is just a small professor who talks little and is understated. He cannot handle such a big exchange meeting as he wants.

Even if you want to do it, you still need a few days to prepare, right?

Professor Jesse had a headache when he saw Brother Zhui, whom he knew well, asking everyone to sit down and pouring water for everyone. He immediately thought of a way.

"Kurt, I remember you said you were going on a trip yesterday?"

"Yes, Professor. My cousin has an empty house in the countryside. He is going to play with some friends in the next two days. What, are you interested?"

Professor Jesse looked at Lin Ge and said tentatively: "Mr. Lin, I just discussed with the principal. It will be a little difficult to organize an exchange during the holidays. If you don't mind, why don't you go out with Kurt first? I'll pay for the expenses in a few days. When you come back, the exchange meeting will be settled."

Professor Jesse said it very tactfully, but the meaning was very clear... If you want me to hold an exchange meeting, you have to give me two more days, right?

"Kurt, I see you get along so well, I believe you won't refuse, right? I'll cover all the expenses for your trip this time. By the way, this is related to the exchange between the two schools, and I will give you appropriate rewards for your excellent performance. You get extra points." Professor Jesse immediately began to work on Brother Chui's ideological work without waiting for Lin Ge's answer.

When he heard that Professor Jesse had paid for the trip, not to mention that he could get extra credits, Brother Hammer burst into laughter: "Of course it's no problem. My friends, I have to introduce my country to you. It’s my cousin’s place, where you can enjoy a great vacation!”

Lin Ge didn't expect to get an unexpected gain. He originally wanted to use the exchange meeting between the two schools to confirm his identity as their student and enter the school, then contact Brother Zhui and others, and try to join their "travel group". Unexpectedly, Professor Jesse directly It saves them the middle steps.

"Then I'll trouble you." Lin Ge said.

Brother Zhui said with a smile: "By the way, don't you Chinese people have a saying that 'a guest from afar' should be treated warmly? I have always wanted to travel to China, so don't forget me as a friend."

"Of course."

Everyone spent the afternoon at Professor Jesse's house, with only Professor Jesse feeling scared. In the evening, the enthusiastic Brother Zhui hosted his "new friend" for a meal at the best restaurant in town, and thoughtfully helped Lin Ge and others. The person introduced the hotel and made an appointment to go on vacation in the countryside at noon the next day.

After arranging accommodation for Lin Ge and others, Brother Zhui and Holden came out of the hotel and walked toward their residence while talking and laughing.

However, the two of them did not notice that a man who looked like an agent was watching them on a two-story building not far from them.

"Call headquarters. Just as the bird was about to come out of the cage, a group of crows flew in. Please give me further instructions." The agent said twice, but there was no response in the earphone.

"Strange." The agent took off the headphones to check, but found that there was no problem with the connector.

At this time, a joking voice came from the side: "Maybe the signal is not good. Why don't you show it to me? I'm familiar with it. Maybe I can help you communicate with God."

The agent drew his gun alertly and turned around, only to see Lin Ge, who had changed into casual clothes, standing not far away with a faint smile on his face. It seemed that what he was holding was not a gun but a toy.

"Who are you?"

"How many people like you are there in this town?" Lin Ge asked.

The agent pulled the trigger without any hesitation, and fired a bullet at Lin Ge with a pistol equipped with a silencer. However, he saw a ball of blood mist appear out of thin air in front of Lin Ge. The bullet seemed to be bound by an invisible energy and could no longer move forward. Every cent.

Then, Lin Ge reached out and took out the bullet blocked by the blood mist, threw it in his hand, and asked again: "Remember, I don't have the habit of asking a third time. How many people like you are there in this town?" ?”

The agent's answer was a few gunshots, but the next moment he felt as if his feet were frozen as if he had stepped into a deep cold ice pool. When he lowered his head, he saw a woman in a little red dress. The little girl raised her hands to support his knees, raised her head, and showed a scary smile.

"Hee hee hee--"

"Uncle, do you want to die?"

As an agent of the Bureau, he has naturally seen many supernatural creatures, but he has only seen such a terrifying imp once.

But that time, a pair of equally terrifying imps destroyed a country, and were finally imprisoned in a hotel deep in the mountains by the administration using ancient magic.

But why would such a terrifying kid appear with a man? Is this man also a member of the Administration?

However, before the agent could respond, Lin Ge had already arrived in front of him, and then he saw a scene that he would never forget in his life——

A weird man with a rusty metal triangular head put a black big knife on his neck. He knew that if he said "I don't know" again, his head would fall to the ground. .

Who is this man?

Why can you control supernatural creatures?

The agent wanted to press the alarm in his pocket to notify the Bureau, but he found that his whole body had become stiff under the influence of the little girl, and he could not even move his fingers.

"I said, I said, don't kill me, don't kill me!"

At noon the next day, Lin Ge and his group met up with Brother Zhui outside the hotel and headed to the place agreed upon by Brother Zhui and his friend.

Next to an RV that is about the size of a bus, Brother Hammer's girlfriends, the blonde girl Julie, the red-haired girl Dana, and the decadent brother Marty have been waiting for a long time.

Brother Zhui introduced Holden, Lin Ge and his team to Julie and others, and said with a smile: "Due to the increase in the number of people in our team, I rented a luxury station wagon. Oh, by the way, these expenses are all Professor Jesse has taken care of it, let’s cheer for Professor Jesse!”

"No, Kurt, please don't mention this scumbag Jesse in front of us, thank you." Julie said slightly dissatisfied.

Brother Zhui asked confusedly: "Why?"

"Haven't you heard those rumors in school?"

"What is it?"

"Then you should really ask around. Your mentor is a scumbag. He..."

Julie was about to continue, but was stopped by her best friend Dana: "Julie, there are new friends here. Let's talk about these things later."

"Oh, that's right. Hello, nice to meet you." Julie turned to greet Lin Ge and others.

Julie is as enthusiastic as her boyfriend Hammer, and they are the two of them in terms of celebrity status. Unfortunately, they are not the protagonists, but "cannon fodder".

Brother Hammer, Holden, Julie, Marty, and Dana, these five people are the "sacrifice" specially arranged by the Administration to offer sacrifices to the ancient evil god this year.

The North American branch needs to sacrifice five kinds of sacrifices: "Unclean", "Fool", "Wise", "Virgin" and "Athlete".

In the investigation by the administration, Brother Hammer was represented as an "athlete" because he was good at sports, Julie was represented as an "unclean person" because of his dissolute behavior, Holden was represented as a "smart man" because of his excellent grades, and Marty was represented as a "smart person" because he smoked cigarettes all day long. Considered the "Fool", and Dana, who represents the "Virgin".

However, in fact, the mindless Brother Hammer is the "fool", Holden is the best golfer in the school and a real "athlete", Marty is much smarter than what everyone sees, and Julie acts slutty but is a "virgin" , but Dana was tricked into sleeping with Professor Jesse as early as last semester.

Therefore, there was an error in the search for sacrifices from the beginning of this sacrificial ceremony. No matter whether the two "protagonists" Dana and Marty cheated on the anti-killing bureau in the future, it would not affect the final result of the ancient evil god coming to the world. .

Lin Ge was very interested in the ancient evil god. After all, in the main god space, risks meant rewards. As an ancient evil god, he was probably the same as the evil god in "Silent Hill". He controlled most of the origins of this reincarnated world, which also eliminated the need for Lin Ge. Song searches for the source of effort everywhere.

But taking seven rookies to deal with the evil god was obviously not a wise move, so Lin Ge decided to first help the new reincarnators complete the main plot of living in a cabin in the forest for 24 hours, and then send them away from the world of reincarnation, and then proceed with the plot to destroy the sacrifice. Release the ancient evil god.

At that time, even if he lost to the ancient evil god, he could leave this world at any time after helping the newcomer Samsara complete the main mission.

The group of people quickly became familiar with each other under the influence of the two "social cows" Brother Zhui and Jiang Congsu. Brother Zhui greeted everyone to get in the car, and the guest driver led everyone to the cabin in the countryside.

On the way, passionate music was playing in the car, and Huang Zuyao danced passionately with Julie, Chen Xiao and others, as if they were enjoying the last moment of madness.

Driving to a gas station, although there was spare oil in the car, Brother Chui suggested to refuel first to avoid not being able to find a gas station later, so he drove the car into the gas station.

There were wooden piles and some debris piled everywhere outside the gas station. The entire gas station looked eerie, with not even a single person in sight.

"Hey, is anyone there?"

Brother Zhui shouted several times, but there was no response.

Holden walked into the front room with Jiang Congsu, Huang Zuyao, and Zeng Pixiu. Like the yard, there were debris piled everywhere, and dusty animal specimens hung on the walls.

Huang Zuyao looked at the animal specimens on the wall and said: "These things remind me of an old movie "The Mountain Has Eyes", in which the ogres also have these things hanging in the place where they live."

Jiang Congsu was about to answer when he heard a voice behind them: "Hey, young man, it's not polite for you to say that."

The four of them were startled. When they turned around, they saw a bald, thin old man standing at the door, staring at them with an unfriendly expression.

"Are you the boss here?" Jiang Congsu asked.

The old man snorted coldly: "Didn't you see the 'Closed' sign hanging outside?"

At this time, Brother Zhui came in and said to the boss: "I saw it, but we still want to buy some gasoline for backup. Do you sell it here?"

The old man replied: "If you know how to use the broken machines outside, please do it yourself. I am old and my legs and feet are not flexible, so I can't help you refuel."

"It doesn't matter, we can do it ourselves." Brother Zhui winked at Holden, and the other party understood, so he went out to play with the old oil dispenser.

Marty stepped forward and asked: "We want to ask about the to go to the helmsman road?"

The old man smiled coldly, pointed in the direction to the top of the mountain and said: "The Helmsman's Road is over there, leading to the top of the mountain, the end of Old Buckner."

Brother Hammer said: "My cousin's house is right there. Through the mountain tunnel, there is a lake. Is this the Buckner you mentioned?"

"Buckner, there's always someone who wants to sell that place," the old man said.

Julie next to Brother Hammer asked: "Do you know the people there?"

"Yes, but not the first one. I've seen a lot of people come and go, since the war, and I was there," the old man said.

"Which war?" Julie asked.

The old man snorted coldly: "Asking even though you know clearly."

Marty walked up slowly and said: "Is it the blue-gray war? The war of brothers, oh... maybe it is, or it may be the black-and-white war."

When they heard about the civil war in Marty's beautiful country, the companions on the side laughed out loud.

The old man's expression suddenly turned cold, waiting for Marty to say: "Boy, do you dare to be rude to me?"

Marty didn't care at all about the old man's cold gaze, pointed at Julie and Brother Hammer and said, "It was you who was rude to my friends first."

"That bitch?" the old man teased.

Brother Zhui's face suddenly turned cold, and he stepped forward angrily: "Say it again."

Holden hurriedly came up to stop Brother Hammer and said, "We've refueled enough. Let's go. There's no need to be familiar with him. Kurt, don't be fooled."

The old man sneered and said, "You have enough gas to go there. When you come back...that's what you should worry about."

Brother Zhui took out the money from his pocket and threw it on the old man: "Thank you for the reminder."

Then, everyone got into the car and drove away from the gas station. The old man returned to the wooden house, pushed aside the debris blocking the entrance to the basement, opened the door, and walked in.

Below is a place similar to a monitoring room. There are about dozens of monitors on the wall, monitoring the route from the gas station to the mountains in all directions.

At this time, in the picture, Brother Hammer was driving the RV up the mountain road and entered a tunnel.

On the monitor on the other side, an eagle was soaring in the canyon. Suddenly, the falcon that was still flying in the air hit an invisible wall. With a surge of electric current, the falcon's body was twisted after the collision, and it headed towards Falling down the canyon.

The old man adjusted the surveillance screen, and a picture of what was inside the car immediately appeared on the monitor on the wall. Looking at the twisting and dancing female students, the old man licked his lips and cursed viciously: "A bunch of stinky bitches, if you are not Sacrifice, don’t even think about leaving the gas station.”

"But... didn't it say there were only five sacrifices? How come there are thirteen people?" The old man suddenly realized something was wrong and was about to contact the administration to confirm.

"Wow, that's amazing. What is that? A barrier?" At this time, a slightly surprised voice sounded from behind the old man.

The old man was frightened by the sound and stood up alertly, only to see a young girl wearing dark blue striped clothing standing behind him.

The old man remembered that he had seen this kind of clothing on TV. It seemed to be the uniform of Tianchao Middle School. But what concerned him at this time was not where the female student came from, but how did she appear here without anyone noticing?

"Who are you?"

Chen Qing raised her hands and made a threatening gesture, and said sadly: "I am a ghost."


The girl in front of her had strange clothes, and her skin was white without a trace of blood. She obviously had nothing in common with a ghost.

Chen Qing saw that the other party didn't seem to believe it, so she held her face with both hands, and with a "pop" sound, the whole head was pulled out.

Chen Qing raised her head and asked, "What about this? Do you believe it?"

The old man was so frightened that he could not utter a word. Chen Qing held her head and stepped forward to comfort her: "Old man, do you believe it now? If you still don't believe it, I can show you a stunt I just learned. Five horses divide the body into pieces, and divide one's own body into pieces. It's guaranteed to be shocking..."

The old man rolled his eyes, fell down with a clang, and fainted from fright.

Chen Qing stepped forward and kicked the unconscious old man, and said with a strange expression: "Isn't it right? With such a poor mental endurance, is this the only person from the management bureau?"

Chen Qing complained, put her head back, walked to the monitor and fiddled with it for a while, then took out a transmission note and said: "Brother, as you guessed, the entire mountain is under surveillance. Starting from the mountain tunnel , is the seal area arranged by the administration. In addition to this old man, there is also an ambush at the gas station. Do you want to solve it together? "

"No need, let them play for a while, at least until the main plot of the new reincarnation is almost completed." Lin Ge replied.


Chen Qing put away the transmission talisman, squatted beside the unconscious old man, and reached into his chest.

As a ghost body, Chen Qing's hand easily passed through the old man's body, held his heart, and squeezed it gently... The heart that was still beating suddenly stopped.

The purpose of not killing the troops of the Administration ambushing outside was to avoid alerting the enemy. But when the old man saw what he looked like, he would have no choice but to end up like the agents in the town.

As Chen Qing's heart was "pinched and stopped", even if people from the administration came to investigate, they could only find out that the old man died of "sudden death."

On the other side, Brother Zhui drove the RV through the mountain tunnel and was about to follow the mountain road into the forest area and find the wooden house his cousin mentioned. However, he saw Lin Ge coming to him from behind.

"Kurt, can you stop for a moment?"

Brother Zhui slowed down and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

"Well, Huang Zuyao wants to go down for convenience."

"Ah? Isn't there a toilet in the car?"

Lin Ge said helplessly: "Zeng Pixiu has been in for ten minutes. He seems to have a stomachache. He just came out of the tunnel. Huang Zuyao can't hold it anymore. There are so many female classmates here. It's not good for him to pee his pants, right?"

Zeng Pixiu: ...I thank you.

"Okay then." Brother Zhui parked the car on the side of the road and took the opportunity to get out of the car to rest and stretch his muscles.

Except for Zeng Pixiu, who was arranged to squat in the toilet by Lin Ge, the others got out of the car and breathed the fresh air in the mountains. Lin Ge walked to the back of the car and took out a yellow charm and folded it into a lucky star.

Lin Ge showed a needle and pricked his finger, dripped blood on the yellow talisman, then raised his hand and flicked it, and the yellow talisman's lucky star flew to the bottom of the cliff.

Lin Ge raised his hand and nodded his forehead. After closing his eyes, the image of Huang Fu flying on the cliff came back, and he controlled Huang Fu to explore the cliff for a while.


The yellow talisman hit the invisible seal, and as a burst of electricity appeared, a current wall composed of countless rhombuses appeared, but disappeared completely in less than a second.

Lin Ge opened his eyes, held up the magic formula, and shouted: "Scout!"

I saw the yellow lucky star that was shattered by the seal barrier on the cliff burning, turning into ashes and flying to the invisible seal in the wind.





Each particle of ashes exploded with a bolt of lightning, but it was still fleeting and apparently failed to affect this invisible barrier.

"With the ability to create a barrier of this strength, it seems that the Sacrifice Management Bureau is not a fool." Lin Ge sighed, and then popped up several yellow lucky stars between the cliffs.

It’s not that Lin Ge looks down on the Sacrifice Authority, it’s just that the Authority in the movie is full of the word “wisdom”, which is basically only one word different from “mentally retarded”.

First, they got the required sacrificial materials wrong, and then Dana and Marty sneaked into the administration and made a fuss.

Of course, the most "smart" operation is to arrange a "red button" on the control room console of the underground facility of the Administration that can open the doors of all monster cabins.

This red button is as retarded as most movies, where the lab is equipped with a self-destruct button that everyone can press.

"Reality" is different from "movies", especially in the world of reincarnation, the Lord God will correct some "unreasonable" settings in a relatively reasonable way.

Therefore, in Lin Ge's view, the Management Bureau must have some real ability to accommodate all kinds of strange supernatural creatures.

Judging from this technological version of the "enchantment", the management office should have developed well in terms of technological equipment and equipment.

It's just that the North American division has never failed in its sacrificial ceremony since 1998, second only to the "best-performing" Japanese division.

This also made the staff of the North American branch arrogant and did not take this sacrifice to heart at all, even though this year only North America and Japan were the only ones offering sacrifices in the world, and the other countries all ended in failure. Of course, for American horror movies, if you want to pursue rationality and logic, there is no need to read further.

After Lin Ge determined the strength of the seal, he walked to the cliff next to the highway, took out a stack of yellow talismans and sprinkled them towards the cliff. Then he took out three sticks of incense and lit them, then bowed to the cliff with the incense.

Brother Zhui and the others gathered around curiously, and Julie couldn't help but ask: "Teacher Lin, what are you doing?"

Just as Lin Ge was about to answer, Brother Zhui rushed to say, "You don't understand this. I heard that Easterners like to talk about metaphysics. This trick seems to be called 'throwing stones to ask for directions', right?"

"But what he threw was yellow paper."


Brother Zhui was immediately asked, but Marty said: "That is not ordinary paper, as far as I know, it is a kind of talisman paper. Talisman paper has a unique meaning in the East, and is used to worship ancestors, perform rituals, etc. Etc. Some are similar to the holy water in Christianity, the cross and so on."

Julie blinked and nodded in understanding, then looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Uh, so... Teacher Lin, what are you doing?"

Marty: ...Since you don’t understand, why are you nodding?

Lin Ge smiled and explained: "Actually, Kurt is right. We Easterners pay attention to metaphysics. We believe that every mountain has a mountain god who protects it. Mountains are also places with the most monsters. Before entering the mountain, you must first worship the mountain god. , so that the mountain god will drive away the spirits and protect the safety of those who enter the mountain."

"Oh! I know this!"

Brother Zhui said excitedly: "When I traveled to Japan before, there was a small temple over a foot high at the entrance to the mountains at several tourist attractions. They said it was called the Earth Temple."

Marty said: "The Earth Temple is just a type of shrine. Japan was deeply influenced by the Tang Dynasty, and a large amount of Tang Dynasty culture was introduced to Japan. However, because there were not only many gods in the Celestial Dynasty, but also careful divisions of identities and titles, Japan They only learned the surface and failed to study the inside in depth. In addition, they were worried about cultural invasion and being completely replaced by the culture of the Celestial Dynasty, so they integrated their own gods into it. The land master who was originally quite influential became a small man living in a small village in Japan. The spirit in the small you think it's funny?"

Dana said in surprise: "Marty, you know so much."

"Oh, I like reading when I'm bored."

At this time, Huang Zuyao, who was standing behind Jiang Congsu, gently poked Jiang Congsu with his hand and asked in a low voice: "Brother Cong, is what he said true? I have never heard of anyone in the Celestial Dynasty."

Jiang Congsu said angrily: "Of course you have never heard of such a thing, but if I ask you which bathing city in Shanghai has the best service, no one may be more familiar with it than you."

"Of course, I am the little prince of the bathhouse." Huang Zuyao said proudly.

Brother Zhui looked at Lin Ge and asked, "Then are you done?"

Lin Ge nodded.

"Then let's go. My cousin said there is a lake outside the hut. It's early and we can go swimming."


When everyone returned to the car, Lin Ge placed the three sticks of incense on the edge of the cliff. As soon as he put the incense on the cliff, a gust of cold wind blew by, and the incense went out.

"If you don't eat the toast, you will have to drink wine as a penalty." Lin Ge snorted coldly and kicked the three extinguished incense sticks off the cliff.

At this time, the sinister wind turned into a cloud of black smoke and flew into the cliff, picked up the three extinguished sticks of incense, broke them into pieces, and crushed them into ashes.

As Lin Ge said, every mountain has its "mountain god". The world of "The Cabin in the Forest" is a world where countless legends are integrated, so naturally there is also the term "mountain god". It's just that some "mountain gods" have become earth lords, while others have become spirits. As this mountain is under the influence of the Authority, it is obviously the latter. (End of chapter)

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