Unfortunately, Lin Ge failed to persuade Hei Changzhi to join his "spiritual army" in the end. He originally wanted Hei Changzhi to practice the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" and become more spiritual, even if the Lord God left these clones The "secret door" can also be interfered with and destroyed by the "Spiritual Cultivation Method".

But it doesn't matter, Lin Ge and Hei Changzhi are "teammates" now. There is a long way to go, and he can always influence this confused heart with sincerity.

After Hei Changzhi left, Lin Ge continued his job as a grocery store owner and cleared away all the equipment and props that were no longer needed.

Including what Hei Changzhi gave, Lin Ge now had nearly 150,000 reincarnation points in his hands.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty days later, the cooldown time of the leader mode ended, and Lin Ge was preparing for his second leader reincarnation before the official reincarnation.


2: Guide mode (the total number of guide reincarnations to be entered currently is 9,687,597. The interval between each entry into the guide reincarnation shall not be less than 30 days. The current number of entries is: 1)

4: Bounty reincarnation (the total number of bounty reincarnations currently waiting to be entered is - 0.)

The bounty reincarnation is still "0". Obviously, if you want to encounter a bounty, you can only rely on "trying your luck".

"Wait a minute, the one offering the reward for reincarnation is the Red Gate Reincarnation... Aren't they all guys from above?" Lin Ge thought of a key question, wouldn't it be necessary to kill a few "own people" before entering the main space? Show loyalty to the Lord God?

Good guy, "fighting each other" is a taboo in the Taoist sect!

However, the initiative in the "bounty mode" cannot be controlled by himself. He can only take it one step at a time. Lin Ge no longer hesitates.

["Guide Mode" will be launched soon! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[Target reincarnation world: "The Cabin in the Woods", difficulty "extremely difficult". 】

"Wait a minute! In the extremely difficult beginner mode, isn't there red..." While Lin Ge was still surprised, his consciousness was briefly blurred.

Then, when his vision recovered again, he found that he was on the side of a highway. There were many vehicles and pedestrians on the road, but it was as if the "pause button" had been pressed, and the whole world was at a standstill.

Three men and four women were lying on the green belt nearby, a total of seven "coma" reincarnators. There was also an "invisible cover" surrounding the eight people including Lin Ge.

Similar to the last leader mode, the "30-minute" countdown is still stopped at this time, and it needs to wait until the Lord God releases the leader task before it starts counting.

[As a "guide", your task in this reincarnation is to guide the six newcomers to adapt to the world of reincarnation as quickly as possible and survive the reincarnation. 】

The exact same instructions appear simultaneously with each newcomer's message——

Jiang Congsu, the crown prince of Yida Group, encountered a thunderstorm while out on the sea with his friends. He was swept into the waves and died while rescuing others. Good at investing, likes to exercise, physical fitness is D, potential?

Huang Zuyao, the prince of Ascendas Group, encountered a thunderstorm while out on the sea with his friends and was swept into the waves and died. Good at picking up girls, likes picking up girls, physical fitness is F, potential is F.

Zeng Paixiu, the prince of the Ohli Group, was caught in a thunderstorm while out on the sea with his friends. He was swept into the waves and died while rescuing others. Good at games, likes to exercise, physical fitness is D, potential?

Tang Mi, a popular actress, encountered a thunderstorm while out on the sea with a wealthy businessman, and was swept into the waves and died. Good at acting, likes acting, physical quality is e, potential is f.

Chen Xiao, a popular actor. …

Zhao Sichen, a popular actor. …

Lin Yiyi, a popular actor. …

When Lin Ge saw the exact same cause of death, he couldn't help but complain: "Good guy, three princes, four female stars, is this the rich second-generation tour group that was taken over by one person?"

[The difficulty of this reincarnation is "extremely difficult", and there is a 30% chance of a "stalker" appearing in the leader mode. At the time of settlement, for each surviving new reincarnation player, the justice value is +10 and the reincarnation point is +1000. 】

[In this difficulty of the leader mode, for each of the five plot characters who survives, the justice value +10 and the reincarnation point +2000. 】

The new player mode has an "extremely difficult" difficulty, which means that among the seven newbie reincarnators, there is a high probability that there will be someone with a "red door".

Perhaps the main god also realized that the difficulty was a bit high, so he came up with additional rewards.

But there might be a chance to give it a try in other movies, but Lin Ge had seen the movie "The Cabin in the Woods", and the five characters in it were all sacrifices to the evil god!

Judging from the monsters that appear in the movie, if these plot characters did not have the aura of the protagonists, they would have died at least a hundred times!

[The "leader" directly or indirectly causes the death of a new reincarnation player, with a sin value of +10 and a reincarnation point of -1000. The sin value will reduce the favorability of the protagonist's plot characters and reduce the probability of triggering the hidden plot. When the sin value reaches 1000 points, the leader mode will be turned off and the player will become a "stalker". 】

[Note that the task of the guide is to guide the new reincarnators to adapt to reincarnation as quickly as possible. If you interfere too much in the development of the plot, it will cause drastic changes in the plot. 】

[When the leader’s interference value is lower than 50% during settlement, the settlement reward will be doubled. 】

[In this reincarnation, the main task for newcomers to reincarnation is to go to the "Hut in the Forest" to spend 24 hours within three days. 】

[Side mission 1: Every time you kill a ghost character, you will be rewarded with an additional 1,000 reincarnation points. 】

[Side mission 2: Kill the ancient evil god, 20,000 reincarnation points, A-level item exchange coupon x1. 】

[The distribution of the guide task has ended, and now the safe time countdown begins: 28 minutes and 37 seconds. 】

For newcomers to reincarnation, the rewards this time are very rich. As a leader, Lin Ge only gets rewards for killing, but if a newcomer kills, there will be additional rewards.

It's just... If Lin Ge remembers correctly, the monsters imprisoned in the underground laboratory of the cabin in the woods are the protagonists of various horror movies, such as the clowns in "The Return of the Clown", the twins in "The Shining", and "Thirteen". The evil spirit in "The Devil"...

No matter which one can make these new reincarnations die several times, not to mention it is a hodgepodge, and in the end there is the ancient evil god who destroys the world.

At the end of the movie, the protagonist group fights against the sacrifice organization, causing the sacrifice to fail, thus releasing the ancient evil god. In the last scene, when a giant hand like lava stretches out from the ground, the reversal of the plot and picture left a deep impression on the audience. .

Although there are very few descriptions of the ancient evil god in the movie, it can be inferred from the "giant hand" shape in the last scene that the ancient evil god should be a "giant". Among the giants with lava bodies, the most famous one is Titan Twelve. Cronus, the most brutal of the gods.

According to the description in Greek mythology, Cronus, the second generation god-king, directly swallowed his descendants in order to consolidate his throne. The brutal rule caused a backlash, and was finally overthrown by his eldest sons Hades and Zeus and sealed in hell.

"If the final boss is Cronus from the Twelve Titans, then it makes sense that the stingy god can come up with such a reward."

It's a pity that this reward is a side mission for newcomers, otherwise Lin Ge would really be interested in releasing the ancient evil god and try it.

Of course, according to the plot, even if he doesn't let go, the sacrifice will fail.

At this time, the young man who was wearing beach pants, bare-chested and showing six-pack abs, and with a handsome appearance woke up first.

Jiang Congsu's memory still lingered on the scene where he was swept away by the waves. He was surprised to find that he was on land at this time, and subconsciously thought that he had been rescued.

"Where am I...?" Jiang Congsu rubbed his painful forehead, looked around, and noticed Lin Ge leaning against the telephone pole holding a G4 grenade tossing, and asked: "Friend, it was you who saved me. Did you kill us?"

Lin Ge raised his hand and tapped his forehead with his finger, and said with a smile: "Try to digest the extra memories in your mind first. When they wake up, I will naturally tell you what to do next."

Jiang Congsu frowned, on the one hand because there were indeed some more memories in his mind that did not belong to him, and on the other hand, Lin Ge's words made him feel confused. But thinking about it more carefully, I realized that the situation I was in at that time, the possibility of being rescued was very low.

So the current situation is...



Jiang Congsu closed his eyes and raised his hands to rub his eyes. Some memories appeared in his mind out of thin air, which made him feel like his head was going to explode. But as he digested those memories, he was surprised to find that he did not go to heaven and hell. Instead, we came to a more magical space——

The main god space!

At this moment, the rest of the new reincarnations also woke up one after another, but compared to Jiang Congsu's calmness, these people were more panicked and afraid.

"Brother Cong, are we being kidnapped? Hey, boy, do you know who we are? Are you kidnapping us to death?" Huang Zuyao was a little nervous when he first woke up, but after seeing Jiang Congsu and Zeng Pixiu, he was obviously worried. Feeling confident, he pointed at Lin Ge and cursed.

Zeng Pixiu was still a little confused and looked around with a puzzled expression. Finally, his eyes fell on Jiang Congsu: "Brother Cong... we won't be taken to Myanmar, right? I heard that Internet celebrity Dianna was also sent here. , haven’t gone out yet.”

"Ah! No, Brother Cong, please help me, I don't want to die, I don't want to be a dealer..." Female star Chen Xiao hurriedly ran to Jiang Congsu's side.

Tang Mi, Lin Yiyi and Zhao Sichen cuddled together and slowly retreated to the three men. They were much calmer than Chen Xiao, but there was panic and fear in their eyes.

Lin Ge sighed. What bothered him most about this "Guide Mode" was the introduction of information about the Main God Space to newcomers.

However, it can be seen that Jiang Congsu is the leader of this group of people. Whether it is the other two second-generation rich people or the four female celebrities, they all seem to trust him very much.

"Hey, Jiang Cong Suan, give you two minutes to let them realize the reality, or let me beat them up to make them realize the reality." Lin Ge didn't want to be a nanny. Since these seven people knew each other, he would leave the management matter behind. Let the sheep handle it.

"He just wanted to scare us with a broken sweet potato. He thought we were children..." Before Huang Zuyao could finish his words, he saw an AK47 among Lin Singers at some point, and there was a burst of bursts in the air.

Huang Zuyao was so frightened that he shrank his neck and fell directly to the ground. Several female celebrities also screamed and squatted down holding their heads.

"Friend, calm down. My brother offended you and I apologize on his behalf."

At this time, Jiang Congsu couldn't care less about such trivial things as Lin Ge calling him "Jiang Cong Suan". Although he digested the extra memories in his mind and knew that the Lord God Space was a magical world, he did not expect that the other party could conjure a gun at will.

After Jiang Congsu waited for Lin Ge to stop, he quickly followed the method Lin Ge told him before, asking everyone to calm down and carefully feel the memories in their minds.

Combined with Lin Ge's magical "gun transformation" method, everyone immediately realized that they had indeed entered the magical main god space.

After all, it is not that easy to get a small pistol in the area they are in, so how can they easily get an AK47.

"Ah, look!" At this time, Lin Yiyi noticed the pedestrians in the distance who seemed to have pressed the pause button, and suddenly exclaimed.

In fact, there were many cars parked around the crowd, and there were people in the cars. However, the attention of the few people just now was on Lin Ge and they did not observe carefully. It was only now that they noticed such a strange scene, and they couldn't help it for a while. They don't believe it anymore.

Lin Ge said straight to the point: "Rookies, I'm sorry to tell you that you didn't look at the almanac when you went out today, so you entered the main god space in vain and will soon face your second death. Because this is the 'extreme difficulty' with the highest death rate in the main god space. Reincarnation.”

Lin Ge's words suddenly caused all the newcomers to panic, and Chen Xiao and Lin Yiyi were frightened to tears.

At this time, Zeng Pixiu, a short and rather cute-looking fat man, raised his hand and asked weakly: "Um, big brother... are you... a novice mentor?"

Lin Ge: ...You fucking novice mentor, do you want to play games?


There seems to be nothing wrong with this understanding?

"You can understand it that way." Lin Ge said.

Zeng Pixiu suddenly asked excitedly: "Brother Tutor, are you going to tell us what newbies should pay attention to next, or do you have any special tasks for us?"

Lin Ge squinted his eyes, thinking that this little fat guy was quite interesting.

At this time, these new reincarnations have entered the world of reincarnation for the first time. They have not yet returned to the main god space and cannot determine who is the "red door". They can only judge from their background and other information.

At present, Lin Ge's first impression should be one of Jiang Congsu and Zeng Pixiu. The former gives him a sense of stability and reliability, while the latter looks more festive and his name has some roots in heaven.

Of course, there's no guarantee that the Lord God won't grab another cannon fodder like Chen Qing who looks "unreliable" from beginning to end.

Lin Ge simply followed Zeng Pixiu's words and said: "There is only one thing that novices should pay attention to, which is not to seek death. Don't be like the idiot protagonists in those horror movies, who are afraid that they will not die fast enough. So...you guys Has anyone seen the movie "The Cabin in the Woods"? Please tell me the plot for those who haven't."

Tang Mi said nervously: "I, I've seen it. I was planning to make a horror movie before, so I watched the movie several times to get a feel for it."

"So have you found it?" Zeng Pixiu asked curiously.

Jiang Congsu sighed: "Is this the point of making money?"

"Oh, yes, you continue." Zeng Pixiu scratched his head in embarrassment and asked Tang Mi to continue.

Tang Mi said: "The plot of the story is not complicated. It is about a group of young people who went to the countryside for vacation, but were hunted by a mysterious organization. This organization imprisoned many monsters. These monsters are all monsters in horror movies, like What kind of aliens, spider monsters, big snakes... In the end, only two of the protagonists died, but they seemed to have defeated the evil organization... That's it."

"Wow, SCP?" Zeng Pixiu said in surprise.

Lin Ge raised his hand and rubbed his temples. Tang Mi talked about the plot of "The Cabin in the Woods", but seemed to say nothing.

You have to say that what she said is wrong, and the plot is indeed the same. But if you want to say that what she said is right, there is no key information!

At this time, Jiang Congsu said: "Let me add that although the movie "The Cabin in the Woods" is a popcorn movie, there are some complicated settings behind it. This story is actually about the daily life of human beings since ancient times. Sacrifice must be offered to the ancient evil god throughout the year. If the sacrifice ceremony is stopped or the ceremony fails, the ancient evil god will destroy the world."

"Furthermore, the sacrificial rituals of this ancient evil god are very particular. In order to satisfy him, a ritual management bureau has been established in various countries around the world to be responsible for sacrificial rituals. The ritual sacrifices have different needs according to different regions. "

"The five young people in this movie are the five sacrifices selected by the North American Administration. I don't remember their names, but I vaguely remember that the five people represent the 'Unclean', 'The Fool', and ' Wise men', 'virgins' and 'athletes'. But according to the information revealed in the play, the so-called 'virgins' were deceived by a professor at school, and the 'unclean ones' were not 'loose' from the beginning..."

"So there was something wrong with this ritual and the sacrifice from the very beginning. Regardless of whether the ritual was carried out or not, the evil god would be resurrected."

After hearing Jiang Congsu's narration, the faces of the new reincarnators present became even more ugly, and Chen Xiao and Lin Yiyi also cried harder.

Lin Ge had a "old-hearted comfort" look on his face. After all, every time the leader reincarnates, there are more reliable "newcomers" like "Zeng Cha", "Sun Kun", and "Jiang Congsu", so he doesn't have to be so tired. The survival rate of newcomers can also be greatly improved.

Huang Zuyao swallowed, looked at Jiang Congsu and said nervously: "Brother Cong, are we really in the movie world?"

Zeng Pixiu also said: "Yes, if according to what you said, the ancient evil god will be resurrected no matter what, then won't it be inevitable for us to escape death?"

Jiang Congsu said: "Not necessarily. Our main mission is to go to the forest cabin and stay for 24 hours within three days. If we can arrive before the protagonist group goes, maybe we can spend 24 hours before the ceremony starts. .Brother Tutor, do you think this method is feasible?"

Lin Ge said: "It's a good idea. But you have to be clear that the Lord God generally won't let you take advantage of this kind of loophole. At this time, the Administration is probably still decorating the forest hut as a ceremony site. If we go there like this, we will probably go directly to The Authority hit.”

"That's better than going as a sacrifice with those cheats, right? Besides, we have to face the Administration anyway, what's the difference between going now and going later? Aren't you a newbie mentor? Can't you guarantee Our safety?" Huang Zuyao said with a strong tone. Obviously he was more willing to follow Jiang Congsu's instructions and thought it would be more appropriate to go to the cabin in the forest in advance to avoid the plot.

Lin Ge leaned against the telephone pole and did not move. He just raised his head and glanced at Huang Zuyao with cold eyes, which made him feel terrified.

"What, what's wrong? Am I right?"

Lin Ge raised his eyebrows and sneered: "Am I your father?"

"What do you mean!"

"Your father doesn't necessarily care about your life or death in this situation, so why should I care about you? If you are obedient, I don't mind pulling you in. If you are disobedient... I don't mind eliminating uneasy factors in the team in advance." He paused. Suddenly, Lin Ge glanced at everyone and asked with a smile:

"In your opinion, when an ordinary person becomes a reincarnation person, what is his biggest reliance on survival?"

After listening to Lin Ge's question, everyone couldn't help but think about it. Jiang Congsu pondered for a while and suddenly said: "It's the plot! We are familiar with the plot because we have seen the movie, so as long as we grasp the key points of the plot and avoid dangers, we can increase the survival rate! "

"Yes, if you run to the cabin in the forest in advance and completely disrupt the plot, this advantage will no longer exist." Lin Ge nodded.

In fact, Lin Ge also thought about going directly to the hut in the forest to release those monsters to "increase points", but this is an extremely difficult difficulty after all. There is also Cronus underground who is suspected to be the Twelve Gods of Titan, and he doesn't know. What is the opponent's strength?

For the sake of safety, Lin Ge decided to follow the plot first to ensure that the main mission of the new reincarnation was completed and to obtain the "death-free gold medal" that can return to the main god's space at any time, and then consider the death-defying act of challenging the ancient evil god to obtain rewards.

Since they are all ancient evil gods, there must be no shortage of this "origin".

After Jiang Congsu realized the importance of the plot, he immediately felt ashamed of his rash idea just now. He looked at Lin Ge gratefully and said, "Brother Tutor, thanks to your reminder, otherwise we would have been in danger."

"Since we are all newcomers' mentors, isn't it the right thing to guide them?" Huang Zuyao muttered in a low voice.

Jiang Congsu was standing next to Huang Zuyao, and naturally heard his words clearly. His expression suddenly changed. Worried that Huang Yaozu had angered Lin Ge, he quickly changed the subject and said, "Brother, since we want to follow the plot, should we find a way first?" Contact the plot characters and try to join their tour group to go to the cabin in the woods?"

"This is indeed the best choice. However, every time the Lord of Reincarnation will arrange a formal identity for the reincarnation to integrate into this world, you might as well take a look at what is in the travel bag at your feet and change your clothes." Lin Ge reminded.

Everyone opened the travel bag and looked at it. In addition to some changes of clothes, there were also passports and visas.

Obviously, everyone's identity this time is "tourists."

With a few minutes left in the countdown, Jiang Congsu started to change clothes without any hesitation. Seeing him starting to change clothes, Huang Zuyao and Zeng Pixiu quickly followed suit.

The four female celebrities wearing bikinis also picked up their clothes and put them on. Although it was a bit strange to change clothes in public, the bikini fabric on their bodies was already small enough. At this time, the people around them were also "suspended", so it was nothing special. at.

What's more, the four girls are already interested in Jiang Congsu and the three of them. Not to mention wearing clothes during the performance, there is no problem even performing a striptease in the middle.

As for the only "outsider" present... Lin Ge was leaning against the telephone pole with his eyes closed, not even bothering to raise his eyelids, making it clear that he was not interested in them.

Lin Ge was worried that they would not be able to tolerate his "eyes", and he would be directly praised by a certain boss after just two glances.

"Brother Dao, is it true that the Lord God's Space can be exchanged for those magical fantasy items?" Zeng Pixiu changed his clothes and ran to Lin Ge, asking like a curious baby.

"My surname is Lin."

What the hell, Brother Guide, why does it sound weird?

Zeng Pixiu quickly said with a flattering smile: "Brother Lin, my name is Zeng Pixiu. Although I only hold the position of general manager in the Ohli Group branch, the chairman is my father. If you have the opportunity to go to Lin'an Prefecture, you I cover all expenses."

Obviously, Zeng Pixiu has not yet realized the danger of the world of reincarnation. At the same time, he is disturbed by the memories left by the Lord God in his mind, and he also dreams of leaving the Lord God's space one day.

Lin Ge didn't throw cold water on Zeng Pixiu's dream, and was about to briefly talk to him about the situation in the Lord God Space. At this moment, with the sound of glass breaking, the protective cover shattered, and everyone felt a gust of cold wind coming.

Reincarnation officially begins.



Lin Ge didn't know if Chen Xiao and Chu Beibi came from the same company, so he didn't find an opportunity to shout out a few times, as if he was afraid of being forgotten.

"Sister, please don't scream suddenly, okay? You scared me to death." Zhao Sichen patted her chest. She was so frightened by Chen Xiao's voice just now.

Jiang Congsu said: "Although there are many agents from the Administration in this town monitoring the protagonist group, the monsters in the movie are all near the cabin in the woods... Before we go to the cabin in the woods, there is no need to panic. Lin Ge, we Should we first look for opportunities to get in touch with the characters in the plot?"

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