Chapter 317 Nita Levasseur

[Settlement: Reincarnation of the Guide - "A Nightmare on Elm Street", exploration degree 19%, overall rating "f". The current clearance rate of Samsara World: 49%. 】

"Exploration team 19%? Comprehensive evaluation f?" Lin Ge was stunned when he saw the score. This was probably his lowest score since entering the main god space.

"Isn't the reincarnation of the guide just being a nanny to take care of the newcomers? Why are all six newcomers still alive and given such a low score? Is it really only exploration that affects the score?"

Complaints are complaints. From the exploration rate of 19%, we can see that "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is similar to the Hong Kong and Taiwan horrors that Lin Ge has experienced before. It is a comprehensive world similar to European and American ghost stories. If you can find Jason in Crystal Lake, you have You may find the clown in the town of Derry and the puppet in the village of Revansfell...

Lin Ge guessed that the reason why the reincarnators who entered before chose to build an underground experimental base under the Crystal Lake was probably to have the opportunity to continue exploring the world.

"It's a pity that we only have seven days, otherwise we should really explore it."

[In the leader mode, the number of newcomers reincarnated is 6, the number of survivors is 6, the reward justice value is +60, and the reincarnation point is +6000. 】

[Start detecting the reincarnation status of "No. 23333"——]

[Testing completed. 】


In this reincarnation, not only Lin Ge was injured, but even his spiritual energy was free from Huang Ni. Naturally, he did not need to recover and chose to teleport directly.

Teleporting back to the main god space of "Number 999", there were only two reincarnators on the platform at this time who were exchanging money far apart without interfering with each other. When they saw Lin Ge, the reincarnator from Kinmen, returning, they stepped back more than ten meters with "tacit understanding". Show "respect" to the "big brother".

Lin Ge returned directly to his private space, passed through the specially reserved bamboo forest home, and entered the bedroom in the wooden house. The reason why this area is reserved is to prevent Hei Changzhi from coming to visit on a whim someday. In addition, Lin Ge spends most of his time in the astrolabe, so it doesn't matter whether this private space is changed or not.

Returning to the astrolabe, Lin Ge first tried to see if he could use the astrolabe to convert the "justice value" rewarded by the Lord God. After confirming that it was the real source, he thought about how to "reasonably" transfer it to the astrolabe.

Although it can be converted directly, Lin Ge is worried that these "justice values" are like banknotes with consecutive numbers and are easily recognized by the Lord God.

To be on the safe side, he decided to find an opportunity to conduct some tests first to ensure safety. Or these origins may be "transferred" first and then absorbed by the astrolabe. The simplest way is to enter the world of reincarnation, use the origin on plot characters, and then kill them to seize the origin.

The astrolabe still has an environment of beaches, grasslands, and mountains. It can be seen that these "tenants" have become accustomed to such an environment.

At this time, the little girl and Sansha were playing happily on the beach. The Ghost Brown Bear was lying on a little yellow duck boat floating on the sea.

Qimei was sitting on the beach as always, quietly watching the little girl and the others playing.

In the grassland area on the other side, Chen Qing was holding a small shovel to "plant the rich river" according to Huang Ni's instructions. Huang Ni was using magic techniques to refine iron to make a fairy sword in the yard of the wooden house not far away, while Huang Shang was sitting cross-legged on the roof to practice.

As for the ghost sisters who had just woken up, they were sitting in a squatting position in the middle of the wooden house, staring motionlessly at the TV connected to the laptop in front of them, watching ghost movies.

It makes sense that ghosts like to watch ghost movies.

A family of "fairies" and "ghosts" are enjoying themselves happily.

If he were not in the world of reincarnation, Lin Ge thought it would be good to live a retired life here.

Lin Ge walked into the yard, and Huang Ni raised his hand and threw a scroll: "I studied the viruses I brought back, and combined with Fu Jiang, there is a certain amount of room for operation. Here are the experimental equipment and mastery scrolls needed for fusion. You have time to figure it out. Calculate the cost. If possible, go to the Lord God to exchange for a set."

"Are you really going to make a few Veronicas?" Lin Ge teased.

Huang Ni replied: "Idle time is idle. Anyway, Fu Jiang likes someone to do experiments on her, so just treat her as his own. In this way, you will have more cannon fodder, right?"

"The cost is not low." Lin Ge looked at the experimental equipment on the scroll and calculated from the price of "scientific equipment and props", these experimental equipment should require a lot of reincarnation points.

"If you go to "Resident Evil" and tie up a few doctors, you might be able to control the cost problem. But don't forget, the cost of making the Nemesis is not low, not to mention that this is a real 'goddess'. More What's more, it's not the experimental equipment that's expensive, but the proficiency scrolls." Huang Ni said with a smile.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Who should I kidnap? Rebecca? Claire? Shirley? Ada? Alexia or Manuela? Can we organize an infection research class for you?"

"It's really best to tie up Rebecca and Alexia. These two can not only study viruses, but also produce antibodies." Huang Ni said seriously.

Lin Ge was stunned: "Are you serious?"



Lin Ge looked helpless and looked at the list in his hand again.

In addition to experimental equipment, the scroll also contains some necessary "mastery" knowledge, which needs to be exchanged by Lin Ge for Fu Jiang to learn.

That's right.

Huang Ni planned to let Fu Jiang learn "how to torture himself" on his own.

Lin Ge said helplessly: "It's a pity that you have never appeared in Fu Jiang's world, otherwise those who regard Fu Jiang as a devil would have seen what a real devil is."

"Thank you for the compliment." Huang Ni smiled.

In fact, in the world of "Two Eyes", Huang Ni continued to "create" a lot of black technology in order to secretly help Huang Shang become an immortal.

It's just that those were all based on the basis of attaining enlightenment and becoming immortal, but now they are researched based on the combination of Fu Jiang's strange abilities and the virus of biohazard.

It can only be said that as Lin Ge said, if Huang Ni was born in the world of "Resident Evil", at least he would be a super talented researcher of Alexia's level.

Taking the list, Lin Ge returned to his private space.

Although the score of this reincarnation of the guide in "A Nightmare on Elm Street" is not high, the harvest is not bad for Lin Ge. Counting the origins and rewards found in the branch lines, a total of 87 origin points and 7,000 reincarnation points were obtained.

There are currently 130 origins among singer Lin, and he decided to find a way to get some more, at least to ensure that he collects 200 origins before the official reincarnation begins, in case he needs to snatch the number.

Secondly, Chen Qing, Ghost Sisters, and Sansha all need to restore their original strength, and Black Umbrella after using a "substitute" also needs to restore its original strength.

Not to mention that the source is needed to wash away the "marks" of redeemable items and enhanced attributes to prevent being targeted by the main god. In general, the place where the source is needed far exceeds the point of reincarnation.

Lin Ge opened the [Main Space Assessment Task] and after completing "A Nightmare on Elm Street", the number of goal 1 "Guiding 100 Newcomers" also increased from 27 to 33.

"If there are only single-digit newcomers in the leader mode at a time, it will take at least six or seven reincarnations for more than sixty people. According to one rest period, you can only conduct two leader reincarnations, and you will need at least three or four rests. The time... this span is too long, can’t the Lord God build a new reincarnation bus and directly bring 100 new people over?”

Lin Ge wished he could bring a hundred newcomers at once. Anyway, all he had to do was bring them together like this time, and then eliminate all potential dangers and wait for settlement.

After all, the difficulty of the task of entering the main space lies in the two heads of the "reincarnation", which is much more troublesome than bringing in new people.

Lin Ge decided to rest for a few days. On the one hand, he would practice and master the skills of exchange, and on the other hand, he would deal with the remaining loot from the Samsara Box in Silent Hill.

Lin Ge hung up a small blackboard at the door selling equipment and props and purchasing random scrolls as before. However, now that the astrolabe had erased the mark of the Lord God, he did not need to purchase the scrolls at a "high price".

In two days, Lin Ge sold a lot of "trophies" and earned 10,000 reincarnation points. However, instead of waiting for the reincarnators to sell random scrolls, Hei Changzhi came to visit.

After taking a look at the small blackboard leaning against the golden door that opened a gap, Hei Changzhi's expression became a little subtle.

After getting Lin Ge's permission to enter the room, Hei Changzhi asked: "Have you disposed of all the previous trophies?"


"To resurrect Jiwotou?"

Lin Ge was stunned, and his expression immediately turned serious and nodded: "Yes, he... I believe that if I die, you will try your best to resurrect me... Xiao Hei, we can put our backs together Teammates who trust each other, right?”

Hei Chang opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he only let out a cold snort: "I have never heard of a team that can't even remember the names of its teammates! Again, my name is Nita Levi Se, don’t call me Xiaohei!”

"Okay Xiao Hei, I understand Xiao Hei."

"..." Hei Changzhi glanced at Lin Ge with a cold gaze, finally sighed, took out items from the [Inventory] and placed them on the table.

"I don't need these things anyway. Since you want to sell things, just sell them together... at the reincarnation point... keep the resurrection chicken nest head."

"Hehe, I just said that you are kind-hearted, Xiao Hei. Let me thank you on behalf of Jiwotou. Don't worry, you are only a few billion points away from reincarnation before you can resurrect the old chicken."

Seeing Lin Ge selling off his property and resurrecting Jiwotou, his figure instantly grew taller in Hei Changzhi's heart.

In Hei Changzhi's memory, teaming up with Lin Ge and Jiwotou was not the first time she teamed up with the Samsaras. She had had teammates before, but these people had other agendas and died under her demon knife. Next, it means abandoning teammates when encountering danger, or directly surrendering to the enemy.

After that, Hei Changzhi refused to form a team and continued to reincarnate alone for the goal in his heart until he met Lin Ge.

Although this person often doesn't play according to the routine, he is very reliable at critical moments and has never abandoned his "teammates".

Of course, this "teammate" must be recognized by him. If Lin Ge makes any move that harms the team, Lin Ge will make these betrayers pay a greater price.

Hei Changzhi originally thought that Lin Ge's previous mention of "resurrecting Jiwotou" was just a talk. Just like other reincarnation teams, they spend the reincarnation points how they want. There is no way to save them. Whether they can resurrect teammates is left to chance. But he didn't expect Lin Ge to start clearing his inventory to save reincarnation points.

There is no such thing as favorability among reincarnators, otherwise Lin Ge would have received several prompts from Hei Changzhi to increase his favorability.

The charm value thing is indeed effective all the time.


Lin Ge met Hei Changzhi's affirmative gaze and couldn't help but sigh in his heart... How great it would be to replace this damn charm that has nowhere to go with luck!

Hei Changzhi left some equipment and props behind and chatted with Lin Ge about the "Silent Hill" reincarnation. Like Lin Ge, she completed a "Guide Reincarnation" after resting for a few days.

It's just that unlike Lin Ge who saved six newcomers, Hei Changzhi "didn't like to communicate" and was too lazy to pay attention to the disobedient reincarnators. As a result, three of the four reincarnators died, and in the end only one reincarnator survived to the settlement. .

"Then you're not wasting the opportunity to gain justice points?" That was 30 justice points, and Lin Ge felt it was a pity.

"Justice value? Apart from improving the favorability of plot characters and increasing the chance of triggering hidden plots, what is the use of this thing?" Hei Changzhi asked curiously.

Lin Ge asked, "Isn't this enough?"

"Every time you reincarnate, you either trap the plot characters or kill the plot characters. What's the difference in favorability between being with you and not having the plot characters?" Hei Changzhi said calmly.

Lin Ge:......

What can I do with my physique?

Blame me?

"Then how much justice do you have?" Lin Ge asked curiously.

Hei Chang glanced at the panel and said calmly: "It's not much, just over 800."

"More than eight hundred, really not...wait, how much? More than eight hundred?" Lin Ge's voice rose eight hundred degrees.

Hei Changzhi didn't know why Lin Ge was so surprised, and he didn't bother to explain. He directly opened the panel sharing and let Lin Ge see it for himself.

Lin Ge was stunned, and immediately wiped his eyes with his hand, opened his eyes, and looked at Hei Changzhi. Sure enough, he saw the origin in Hei Changzhi.

However, the visual value is not 800, only more than 600.

"Have you exchanged justice points in the main god space?" Lin Ge asked.

Hei Chang thought for a while, nodded and said: "When I first entered the Lord God's Space, I got some sin points from killing a few positive plot characters, so I exchanged some. Later, I didn't want to be in trouble, so I exchanged more than two hundred more. Just in case. What’s wrong?”

"The six hundred plus are rewards obtained in the reincarnation space?"


Lin Ge thought that this was indeed the case. The justice value exchanged in the main god space was only displayed on the panel, not the real "origin".

The origin of more than six, drought will lead to drought, and flood will lead to waterlogging, right?

Lin Ge decided to find an opportunity to try to see if there was any way to transfer the more than 600 origins of Hei Changzhi to himself.

"Your eyes... new skill?" Hei Changzhi saw Lin Ge thinking about something after asking, but he had never seen Lin Ge use double pupils before, so he asked casually.

Lin Ge nodded and said: "The newly-refined spell has a similar function to your Eye of Judgment, with the added ability of searching for enemies."

"That's not bad."

"Do you want to practice? I received a good "Spiritual Cultivation Method" at a low price. After practicing it, I felt energetic."

""Spiritual Cultivation Method"?"

"Have you seen the movie "The Night of Soul Resurrection"? It is based on the cultivation method of the protagonist 'Lion' in it."

As soon as Leon heard "Return to Soul Night", Hei Changzhi's expression suddenly became weird: "But... isn't that a lunatic?"


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