Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 316 Domain Showdown, Chimera Dark Shadow Court!


Lin Ge wanted to say, "I don't even know you," but then he thought about how he could have done something with this face in "Silent Hill" and let the clone take the blame. Deserve it.

"Brother, I am here to help you. Not being able to advance twice proves that you are not suitable for promotion. Even if you are promoted, you will still be beaten." Lin Ge said and took a step back to avoid Fu Ying's several shots. The black talisman, the black talisman fell on the ground and immediately turned into two dog shadows, rushing towards him with its mouth wide open.


Lin Ge shouted angrily, and the sonic power of "Lion's Roar Technique" directly shattered the black shadow.

At this time, Fu Ying had already thrown out a handful of black talismans, transforming into various shadow monsters and swarming towards Lin Ge.

"The world is infinite, the universe borrows the law!" Lin Ge clapped his palms and immediately used the Golden Light Palm of the One Hundred and Eight Dragon Subduing Palms to neutralize Fu Ying's offensive.

However, Fu Ying was hiding in the group of black shadow monsters. When Lin Ge's attention was focused on the black shadow monster, he suddenly jumped out of the black shadow and clawed at Lin Ge's throat with one hand!


Lin Ge's palms glowed with electric light, and he slapped Fu Ying's forehead from top to bottom like a grandson, knocking him to pieces.

"Crazy, you're making a martial arts movie, and you still use such outdated tricks?"

Not to mention that Lin Ge kept his eyes open after entering the other world. Even if he didn't open his eyes, he wouldn't be disturbed by Fu Ying's outdated blinding method.

Lin Ge raised his foot and stepped on the back of Fu Ying's head, but saw that the other person turned into a shadow and jumped ten meters away, and then condensed again.

"Very good, very good! You are still as arrogant as ever. You think I am not worthy of letting you use your Yin Wu Lei domain, right? Keep your eyes open and watch. In order to deal with you, I specially exchanged the domain!" Fu Ying crouched his body and formed a horse stance with his hands in a mudra.

Lin Ge:?

"With this level, it's no wonder that the clone destroyed the promotion..."

Before Lin Ge finished complaining, he heard Fu Ying yelling angrily as he completed the seal: "The domain is unfolding - Chimera Dark Shadow Courtyard!"

In an instant, a dark shadow like turbid water surged out at Fu Ying's feet, spreading rapidly to the surroundings like a wave, covering the entire block in an instant.

However, when Lin Ge saw the black shadow and turbid water coming towards him, he took a step up like a staircase. The red mist immediately condensed into a blood mirror under his feet. Lin Ge walked up a few meters on the blood mirror stairs to avoid caught the incoming wave of shadows.

"Tsk. Since we have to change fields, what about the 'Chimeric Darkness Court'? I will just change to the 'Infinite Empty Place' and kill the brain directly without contact. Why do we need so much trouble?" Lin Ge said in a rather serious tone. He said disdainfully, then suddenly realized and patted his forehead: "Oh, yes, you have failed to advance one after another, and you must be very poor now. It would be great to be able to change to Chimera Yinyingting."

Lin Ge's words were not rubbing salt into the wound, but inserting a knife into the wound. Fu Ying's anger for failing to advance twice was completely ignited. He stepped on the black shadow and turbid water under his feet, constantly changing the curse seals and rushing towards Lin Ge.

And as Fu Ying changed the curse seal in his hand, the dark shadows in the turbid water on the ground immediately turned into countless toads, wolves, lions, tigers... various monsters, swarming towards Lin Ge.

"Infinite Space" and "Chimeric Darkness Garden" are both domain skills from "Spell Return". In the domain, they will be affected by the caster's spells and produce various special effects.

The "Infinite Space" mentioned by Lin Ge is one of the most powerful domain skills. It will force countless information into the target's mind and cause mental shock, so that the soul and thinking of the target in the domain will be instantly absorbed. The impact of the amount of information received causes the body to freeze in place due to brain overload.

Lin Ge also saw this skill when he was doing a big purchase. Although the stronger the mental power of this skill, the stronger the control time, which also led to a certain "threshold", the seven-digit exchange price was the main reason why Lin Ge gave up. .

He believed that since Fu Ying exchanged domain skills against him and tried to use domain hedging to crack his Yin Wu Lei domain, it was impossible that he had not considered the strongest domain in "Spell Return to War".

Therefore, Lin Ge’s words can’t be said to be heartbreaking. Which reincarnation person would not want to exchange for the best when exchanging skills in the Lord God Space?

The "Chimera Darkness Court", which is also a domain skill, is obviously several levels weaker. The "incomplete version" of "Chimera Darkness Court" is rated as a B-level skill and sells for 60,000 reincarnation points.

"Chimera" is used in genetics to refer to individuals with chimeric or mixed expressions of different genetic traits. The most famous fantasy creature of this individual is called "Chimera", which means that different types of fantasy beasts are "pieced together". The monster formed.

"Dark shadow" refers to the dark appearance.

The basic ability of this field is just like the name, which can make the area where the user is located filled with a large number of shadows. And various dark and terrifying shikigami can be simulated through shadows, and through the control of the spell caster, these shadow monsters can be "chimed" to create even more terrifying monsters.

Not only that, the spell caster can also use shadow to create a clone of himself, making it difficult for people to distinguish between the real body and the clone for a while, which has the effect of interference.

The caster uses the domain to interfere, and the real body takes the opportunity to hide in the shadow, or even hide in the shadow of the enemy to conduct a sneak attack.

All in all, it's a nimble and versatile ability.

If you are not familiar with "Spell Return" or domain skills, you are likely to be disturbed by the shadow shikigami and be attacked by the shadow shikigami.

But unfortunately, Lin Ge not only watched "Spell Return", but when he was choosing exchange items a few days ago, he also happened to study the "fields" in various movies, TV dramas, animation novels, and was very interested in "Chimeric Shadow Garden". He also had a certain understanding of his abilities, so he knew that the best way to crack the "Chimeric Darkness Court" was to use strength to overcome skill.

When Fu Ying opened the realm, he used his shadow to form a substitute, and then hid his true body in the black shadow of the turbid water. At this time, he was controlling hundreds of black shadow shikigami to surround Lin Ge, but he saw the opponent jump directly from the air.

Fu Ying was overjoyed and snorted in his heart: "There is a way to heaven but you don't take it, and there is no door to hell but you break in. Today I will let you taste the pain of being eaten by a shikigami!"

Bang, bang!

Lin Ge jumped down from the air, stepped on the black shadow of the turbid water, and directly made a hole. The black shadows in the turbid water quickly gathered and wrapped around Lin Ge's feet.

If Lin Ge was wrapped in turbid water at this time, it would be equivalent to being bound by the "Shadow Binding Technique", and he would really be surrounded by shikigami while standing.

However, even when Fu Ying thought that Lin Ge was arrogant and had thrown himself into a trap, he saw lightning flashing across his body, and then he clapped his palms together, and lightning flashed all over his body.

"Crack", lightning flashed, and the turbid water close to Lin Ge's feet was directly shaken away. Then the lightning quickly spread to the surroundings, like waving sharp arrows, killing the shikigami and splitting the turbid water at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, black magma glowing with electric light surged out from under Lin Ge's feet, turning into a larger wave and engulfing the black shadows and black shadow shikigami in the "Chimeric Darkness Garden"!


Yin Wu Lei!

Lin Ge has never been in the habit of holding back. Even when he opened the Yin Wu Lei field, he directly used Huang Ni's aura just to be on the safe side.

The universe borrows the Dharma, and if you borrow something, you will never return it!

The aura of the Dacheng Realm is paired with the Yin Five Thunder Domain of the Dacheng Realm, and the power is doubled. At this time, let alone the incomplete "Chimeric Dark Shadow Garden", even the complete body may not be able to fight against it.

Fu Ying watched helplessly as hundreds of his shikigami vanished into nothing in an instant, and even the dark shadows of the turbid water in his domain were washed away by Lin Ge's thunderous turbid water!

"No! Impossible! Impossible!"

The domain was broken, and Fu Ying's true form hidden in the shadows was also revealed. He never dreamed that his B-level domain could not even block the opponent's attack!

one strike!

"Impossible, how could your domain grow so fast? Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Fu Ying clearly remembered the last time he fought against Lin Ge. The opponent's domain could only be as big as a room, so he lost everything. A B-level field as a trump card.

Unexpectedly, now he can't even block the opponent's attack. The opponent's "growth" is even more terrifying than his. This attack cannot be B-level, at worst it is in the A-level field!

But after only two reincarnations, how could he be upgraded to the A-level realm?

Lin Ge saw Fu Ying's hysterical look, and knew without asking that the other party had obviously confused his domain with that of the clone.

"Oh. Then let me give you a little more shock from the five thunders of Yin in the Dacheng Realm!"


Lin Ge snapped his fingers, and the black lightning magma spreading around him quickly gathered, completely surrounding him and the others amidst Fu Ying's screams.


The lightning exploded in the black magma, and Fu Ying's body was instantly "exploded" into dozens or hundreds of pieces. When these corpse pieces flew out, they turned into hundreds of black shadows, trying to integrate into the field "Chimeric Darkness Garden" .

Seeing this scene, even Lin Ge was a little surprised. He finally understood why Dark Alessa said Fu Ying was in trouble.

Fu Ying's ability is "shadow", and Dark Alessa's domain is a completely dark "inner world", which has become Fu Ying's "home field".

However, Lin Ge was well prepared and immediately controlled the Yin Wulei domain to spread around, "devouring" Fu Ying along with his domain.

The thunder and lightning combined with the corrosion of Yin Wu Lei's turbid water made it impossible for Fu Ying to escape!

Moreover, Fu Ying obviously did not expect Lin Ge's domain to be so wide. Even if he transformed into a hundred black shadow clones, he could not successfully cover his real body's escape, and was eventually struck to death by Yin Wu Lei.

With Fu Ying's death, the domain "Chimeric Dark Shadow Garden" also dissipated.

Lin Ge originally wanted Qimei to try swallowing the "Chimeric Dark Shadow Garden" with blood mist to see if she could evolve the ability of shikigami and shadow doubles, but then she thought about it and felt that this ability was really limited. Although Qimei could Devouring the ghost realm may not necessarily devour the realm.

If Fuying takes this opportunity to escape or disappears into the blood mist, he will lose more than he gains. So we simply captured Fu Ying in one fell swoop, leaving him no chance of survival.

After getting rid of Fu Ying, Lin Ge turned to look at Sansha who appeared behind him, and finally his eyes fell on Dark Alessa: "You can fight for a few hours just like this!"

Dark Alessa raised her fist and said angrily: "His ability is shadow, and my ability is the inner world of darkness. Are you stupid? Don't you know that shadow can be perfectly integrated into darkness? Do you know that we and How many hours did he play cat and mouse?”

"Don't you kids just like this kind of game?" Lin Ge deliberately teased.

"You're the kid! Huh! Don't let me take action next time!" Dark Alessa turned into black smoke and flew back to the watch on Lin Ge's wrist.

Alessa and Baisha looked at each other and laughed out loud. Heisha, who had always been the only one to bully others and no one to bully me, would only be frustrated by Singers Lin.

Baisha, who was often bullied by Heisha, was laughing so hard.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Ge was laughing happily, a cloud of black smoke flew out of Lin Ge's wrist, turned into a big hand and grasped Bai Sha, and then with a burst of screams, Bai Sha was dragged into the astrolabe.

"Sister, help me!"

Needless to say, this hand naturally came from the little black one who was just angry and ran away.

" guys..." Alessa smiled slightly silently, turned into white smoke and flew back into the astrolabe, and hurriedly went to "break up the fight".

With the death of Fu Ying, the biggest threat of this "nanny reincarnation" was also eliminated. However, in order to ensure that Freddy, the boss who could wear resurrection armor at any time, would suddenly pop up and give him a surprise, Lin Ge still let Six A new reincarnation person stays by his side.

As soon as it was time to settle down and return, Sun Kun heard that they were about to separate. He hugged Lin Ge's lap and cried with snot and tears: "Father, what will I do without you? How can I survive in this dangerous world?" Why don't you take me with you, otherwise I won't be able to see the sun tomorrow? My foster father, my child is still young and I don't want to die like this. If you take me with you and let me be a searchlight, you can prove my worth, my foster father... "

Lin Ge almost laughed angrily at Sun Kun: "Brother, punctuation marks don't cost money. How about you cry out for punctuation marks? If you practice for another two and a half years, you can sing, dance, and make a rap debut. And don't forget you. I've already died once, so why should I be afraid of death? If you don't accept life and death, just do it, and survive until the next time we meet, maybe we can have a chance to 'form a team'."

"Really? Boss Lin, I have been with two bosses in my life. You are the one I admire the most. I don't study well, so don't lie to me. I take it seriously. You must team up with me next time I meet you." ! Don't worry, I will definitely grow up to be your little brother!" Sun Kun said vowedly, wiping the snot and tears from his face.

At this time, Chu Beibi also came up and said pitifully: "Brother Lin, can you take me with you? I, I know everything. I can also learn Awei's Eighteen Postures, and I can be there anytime you need me." and you……"

Before Chu Beibi could finish saying "you", Lin Ge turned into a white light and disappeared in front of everyone.

The word "return" echoed in everyone's ears like thunder.

Fortunately, Lin Ge walked quickly. If it had been two seconds later, Chu Beibi would have been drained by a red mist.

Returning to the dark space with only a "big light bulb" hanging directly in front, Lin Ge began the settlement of this "Guide Mode" - (End of Chapter)

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