Sun Kun rubbed his eyes and patted Zeng Cha on the shoulder: "Old Zeng, am I dazzled? Why did we go from the crew of "Black Friday" to "Resident Evil"?"

The expression on Zeng Cha's face at this time was also very subtle. After all, the scene in front of him was too shocking. There was a long row of culture tanks, each filled with skinned "humanoid creatures" filled with various tubes. These unique-looking mutant monsters can only be seen in Resident Evil.

While several new reincarnators were still surprised by the ugly appearance of these mutated monsters, Lin Ge discovered that the chest of the largest monster, which was close to the size of a "tyrant", had a faint white light spot that was so faint that it was about to disappear, so he used the astrolabe to After taking a breath, it turned out to be "1 point" of origin.

It's very strange that these monsters have origins, and what's even more strange is that the values ​​​​are so low, as if they are pitiful and give them alms.

"These monsters are quite interesting... If the Lord God hadn't connected several movie worlds together, there would be only one possibility - these things were brought in by the previous reincarnations. You said you would bring these things back, you If I go to the Lord God to redeem some extraction equipment, can I get a copy of the T virus?" Huang Ni looked at some utensils and reports on the experimental table and said with interest.

"Stop your dangerous thoughts. There is already something like Fu Jiang in the space. You can bring back the T virus. Fortunately, you are a monk. If you go to do scientific research, you will definitely be a dangerous person like Alexia." Lin Song couldn't help but complain.

Huang Ni smiled and said: "You have reminded me that Fu Jiang's body is indeed very suitable for studying viruses. If so, then take a copy back."


Ever since, the next plot has become Lin Ge's collection of origins, and Huang Ni's collection of "corpse parts". The skillful process of dismembering and sorting corpses is like a butcher who kills them to order in the vegetable market. He vomited a few of them. The newcomers present, especially Chu Beibi, were frightened and fainted.

The longing and fantasy that the male reincarnations of Sun Kun had for "fairies" had completely dissipated at this time, and they felt that whenever they thought about it again, they would be dissatisfied with that bloody butcher knife.

Even Zeng Cha, who had always wanted to help and prove his worth, only dared to stand aside and "watch the battle" when he saw the bloody scene in front of him.

Lin Ge used the Yuling Soul Chaser to control the golden light bronze sword and followed Huang Ni's instructions to cut a big man into pieces. After removing its mutated heart, he said helplessly: "Tell me honestly, are you practicing the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" secretly? Now? Why do I feel...that you are more energetic than me now?"

"Nonsense, I'm just curious about what it would be like if Fu Jiang contracted the virus." Huang Ni said seriously.

Lin Ge's eyes trembled slightly, and he said doubtfully: "You and Fu Jiang had a grudge in the previous life? Do you need to do it in a different way? Make it look like you have some special hobby."

"Scientific progress lies in exploration. A villain like Tomie who can regenerate infinitely with 'pure evil thoughts' is always thinking about how to kill you, or be killed by you. Besides, judging from the reactions I have tested on her in the past , the pleasure of her body far outweighs the pain. In other words, the more I torture her, the more pleasure she feels. Otherwise, why do you think she always likes to have people dismember her in movies?"

"You two... are really a perfect match. Putting aside the fact that she always wants to kill us, you are really suitable to team up with her. However, it is not scientific in itself for you, a monk, to talk about science with me, right?"

“Can’t we talk about science if we practice Taoism?”

"Can we practice science while cultivating Taoism?"

"Everyone next door has begun to practice scientific cultivation of immortality."

"Read less novels!"


The two of them chatted about "science and immortality" while continuing to "dismember" the mutated monsters in the underground laboratory. They also copied a copy of those experimental files for Huang Ni to go back and study slowly.

After looting the underground laboratory, Lin Ge and the six new reincarnators returned to the surface and drove back to Elm Street Town.

The RV that came with them before was still parked in the same spot, but everyone knew that the group of young people who came with it were unlikely to come back.

It's a pity that this is not reality. Everyone has to return to Elm Street, otherwise the car will be "disposed of", which will cost tens or even millions at least.

Although this branch trip did not find as many origins as Lin Ge expected, it was deduced from the underground laboratory and the mutated Jason that this world is a certain reincarnation like the previous "Zombie" world. The derivative world after the person has reincarnated.

Therefore, it is not a movie-linked world like "Freddy vs. Jason", but the main world of "Black Friday". It was only because of the previous reincarnation's arrogant operation in this world that the world here appeared. After solving the problem, Lin Ge and others will enter the world of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" under the same worldview.

Of course, this is just Lin Ge's conjecture, but this is also the reason he thinks best explains why Freddy, the final boss, has no origin.

Late at night, Lin Ge and the others drove back to the small town of Elm Street. However, under the dark night sky, the town was on fire and the flames shot into the sky.

"Wow, what happened?" Sun Kun stuck his head out of the back seat and stared at the raging town in front of him, saying in surprise.

Chu Beibi looked at Lin Ge, the co-pilot, and asked: "Lin, Mr. Lin, in this small town, do we, do we still want to go back?"

The driver Zeng Cha also turned his head and looked at Lin Ge. It was obvious that he would not be able to return to Elm Street Town, so Lin Ge still had the final say.

"Don't worry, it's my ghost that's chasing the stalker." Having said that, Lin Ge was also surprised when he saw the destroyed town in front of him.

While he was taking six new reincarnators to Crystal Lake to look for Jason, he asked Chen Qing to take Fu Jiang, Sansha and Xiao Yatou to stay in Elm Street Town to deal with the stalkers.

As a "former Red Sect boss" who has survived 6 extremely difficult reincarnations and can face dozens of reincarnations in special reincarnations, Chen Qing is obviously more than enough to deal with a stalker, not to mention the main The purpose was just to test Fujiang's combat effectiveness, and there was no need for her to fight the stalkers head-on. Moreover, Sansha and the little girl were also brought along, so there was no need to worry about safety issues.

It's just... that it even lit up the entire city, which is a bit exaggerated.

Now that Lin Ge has spoken, even if the reincarnator is somewhat resistant to returning to Elm Street Town, Zeng Cha can only drive into the burning town.

The small town of Elm Street had turned into a city of fire. Houses and cars were burning everywhere. Burnt corpses could be seen everywhere on the streets, but no living person could be seen.

Lin Ge took out a transmission note to contact Chen Qing. After confirming its location, he and the newcomer Samsara rushed to the bar street in the East District.

The bustling place before was replaced by charred ruins, collapsed ground... and an area shrouded in thick black fog.

"elder brother."

At this time, Lin Ge had just gotten off the car, and a black mist gathered around him. Chen Qing led the little girl out of the mist.

Lin Ge asked: "What's going on now?"

"After you left, I released Fu Jiang according to the original plan, but I couldn't find any trace of the stalker. After waiting for almost forty hours, when I found that the stalker had entered the town of Elm Street again, I didn’t notice that Fujiang had secretly separated a long time ago. I have Dark Alessa and the little girl beside me. She didn’t dare to attack me, so she went to harm the residents of Elm Street.”

"Those men couldn't stand Fu Jiang's temptation, and were manipulated by her to kill each other. At this time, the stalkers also entered Elm Street, and happened to be targeted by one of them, Fu Jiang. But Fu Jiang failed to seduce the stalkers, and he fought with the stalkers. Get up. In order to prevent the stalkers from escaping the town again, I asked Dark Alessa to control the "internal and external world" to come and trap them in the "internal and external world". The result... is what you see now , the town was gone, and the residents were all killed by Fu Jiang."

"But the stalker also seems to be good at abilities similar to the 'Ghost Realm'. He opened his own domain in the 'Internal and External World' to hide himself. Dark Alessa and her two sisters have entered the 'Internal and External World' To deal with the stalkers... Lele and I are looking for the 'lost' Fu Jiang separate body in the town."

Lin Ge said: "You are really good at playing. You completely destroyed a small town in two days. Now I can understand why you reincarnated three times and were able to destroy Taiwan Island once and Sakura Island twice."

Chen Qing said with a sad face: "So do I have some kind of 'destruction constitution'? This happens every time I am reincarnated."

"It's not a big problem. As long as it doesn't destroy our team, it's a buff." Lin Ge joked.

As he said that, Lin Ge looked at the black mist in front of him: "You watch these newcomers here, I will go inside to help Alessa, otherwise they will call me a black-hearted boss later."

Apart from Huang Shang, the only person who can say this is the dark Alessa who is full of tsundere attributes.

At this time, she is the "main force" to deal with the stalkers. According to the time calculation Chen Qing said, the duration of the "internal and external world" is almost over, and the stalkers must be dealt with before then, otherwise Let him run off Elm Street again, and it won't be that easy to find him again.

"Boss Lin, why don't I go in with you?" Sun Kun followed up and suggested.

Lin Ge asked back: "There are all opponents of Freddy's level inside. Are you sure you want to go?"

Sun Kun was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then nodded firmly: "Without Boss Lin, I would have died a long time ago. Although I can't help in this level of battle, I can still help Boss Lin find a way, step on thunder, etc. Lin. Don’t worry, boss, I’ve settled matters with Fairy Girl before. My life is on the line, so you can treat me as a tool and use me as you wish!”

Seeing Sun Kun patting his chest and swearing, whether this person was pretending or acting, at least he left a good impression on Lin Ge.

However, he really couldn't help in this situation, and he was killed in the end.

Lin Ge raised his hand and patted Sun Kun on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Boy, if I remember correctly, you entered the world of reincarnation after being hacked to death... If you have the chance to go back, remember to smash the master's stall. .”

With that said, Lin Ge walked into the black mist and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

Sun Kun was stunned when he heard this, turned back to look at the other reincarnations, and murmured: "Damn it, Boss Lin is right, I was defrauded of money and sex!"

Upon hearing this, everyone immediately felt that Sun Kun's short sentence contained a lot of information. Zhang Liang even leaned forward and asked in a low voice: "Elaborate on 'sex-cheating'?"


After entering the other world, Lin Ge visually inspected the "field of view" and found that it had increased from five to six meters before to ten meters now. Dark Alessa's power had weakened a bit. It could be seen that in order to stop the pursuers, it was indeed Already tried my best.

And there should be something that can live in Dark Alessa's otherworld for such a long time. This alone has surpassed most of the reincarnators in "Silent Hill".

Perhaps sensing Lin Ge's entry, a passage opened in the dark inner world ahead, and the monsters hidden in the darkness also walked toward the dark spaces on both sides, "making way" for Lin Ge.

Lin Ge knew that this was Dark Alessa "guiding" him, so he followed the separated "passage" and found the Stalker and Triangle Head fighting next to the previous villa.

"You finally came!"

The figure of Dark Alessa gathered around Lin Ge, complaining angrily: "You took a group of newcomers to Crystal Lake for vacation, and threw such a hard nut to us. Who do you think we are? You are squeezing us. Laborer, I will sue you with this face, and I can also accuse you of exploiting child labor!"


Lin Ge sighed: "Is there a possibility that the opponent on the other side of Crystal Lake is more difficult to deal with? Strictly speaking, "Black Friday" is the main world plot of this reincarnation. Moreover, judging from the previous strength, this person is not Are you just a Purple Gate Reincarnator? Without a winner for so long, could it be that your strength has declined?"

"You're great. If you can do it, go ahead." Dark Alessa hummed. After saying that, she waved her hand and her triangular head disappeared directly into the fog.

As soon as Triangle Head left, Dark Alessa also disappeared, apparently leaving the mess to Lin Ge to clean up.

Lin Ge shook his head helplessly, raised his hand, took out several bronze swords from the [Inventory] and thrust them into the ground. He then pressed a little bit on the hilts of the swords, and the bronze swords were immediately illuminated by a layer of golden light.

Yuling chases the soul!

Lin Ge raised his hand and pointed, and the golden bronze sword on the ground immediately flew up with a "swish" and flew into the distance because the triangular head was missing and was still looking for the opponent's stalker.

During the battle between Fu Ying and Triangle Head, he seemed to have the upper hand, but the opponent disappeared with a "whoosh". Before he could recover, he heard a sound of breaking through the air. When he turned around, he saw only the shadow of the golden sword in the sky!

Fu Ying immediately jumped off the roof. As soon as he landed on the ground, he saw a figure charging towards him using the "Lightning Thunder Fist"!

As soon as Fu Ying saw Lin Ge's face clearly, he was hit by the "Lightning Thunder Fist" and was knocked away before he could finish saying "It's you".


Fu Ying was thrown away by a blow and crashed through the wall of the building. At the same time, the golden bronze swords flying in the air fell like a rain of swords.




The villa turned into ruins in an instant. Fu Ying stood up from the ruins covered in blood and looked at Lin Ge not far away, with a ferocious smile on his blood-covered face: "Hahahahaha! It's you again! Again It’s you! I encountered you as the disaster star in my two promotion missions, and today I will kill you even if I risk my life!”

"Go to hell!" (End of chapter)

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