Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 314 A world that has been “patronized” by reincarnators

The translator standing on the shore didn't know whether he was frightened or didn't react. He stared blankly at the weird deformed creature crawling towards him.

"Save, save. Save..."

The translator's legs were trembling and his body was shaking uncontrollably. He couldn't even utter a complete word when he saw that the monster was already in front of him.

The deformed species had no head, but the area from the broken neck to the belly suddenly "opened" like a big mouth, revealing sharp teeth and biting into the interpreter's cavity!

Before the bespectacled man and others could recover, they saw that their companion, the translator, had only half of his body left, and half of his belly's internal organs fell to the ground. He looked disgusting and terrifying!


"Weird, monster!"

Several women accompanying them screamed, but they saw that the deformed species swallowed the remaining half of the translator's body, bent its limbs while lying on the ground, and jumped directly towards the crowd to kill.

Its sharp claws were extremely sharp and could easily tear the spectacled man in half.

However, what is strange is that the deformed species only killed one person, and his body suddenly froze in place, and then turned to several reincarnations in the distance.

I saw the "big mouth" on its belly suddenly opened, roaring angrily, and then crawled towards Sun Kun and others at an extremely fast speed.

"What are you doing standing still? Fight!" Sun Kun shouted, taking out the assault rifle from the [Inventory], holding it in his hand and shooting wildly at the deformed creature.

Zeng Cha and Sun Liang also reacted immediately and drew their guns to attack.

Compared to Zhao Jingjing, who was holding a small pistol and shooting with her eyes closed, Chu Beibi, another woman in the team, was already paralyzed to the ground with fear.

The last person among the six, Wang Defa, who was also the most experienced in society, took advantage of Sun Kun and others to deal with the deformed species and sneaked into the woods behind.

Sun Kun was originally standing behind Wang Defa. When he saw Wang Defa running away from the battle, he couldn't help but cursed: "Hey! Fatty, you forgot Boss Lin's instructions. Don't leave the team and come back to me!"

However, assault rifles and submachine guns couldn't stop the deformed species at all. The opponent rushed to Sun Kun under fire. Just when Sun Kun thought he was going to die here, a golden light suddenly shot from the lake shore and penetrated the deformed species with a "pop" Zhong's body took it flying out, flying into the forest and knocking down a large number of trees.

Needless to say, this golden light was the trident thrown by Lin Ge.

Huang Ni stood behind Lin Ge and said, "By the way, the monster just now... reminded me of a movie I watched recently."

"Resident Evil?" Lin Ge also thought of the featured monster "Licker" in "Resident Evil", but he didn't understand why the monster from "Resident Evil" appeared here.

Huang Ni nodded and said: "Yes, from the appearance, it looks like a headless licker, and from the mutations of various parts of the body, it can also be very similar to the monsters in the middle and late stages of Resident Evil. Oh, by the way, it just came from us As I flew overhead, I noticed that it still retains some female characteristics."

"So?" Lin Ge was a little strange. As long as there were rewards, monsters would not escape death. What difference did it make if they were male or female?

Huang Ni said: "So it's not Jason."

Lin Ge was stunned and then realized that he had overlooked this crucial detail.

At this time, several reincarnations hurriedly ran to Lin Ge. Sun Kun knelt down directly towards Lin Ge and said excitedly: "Father, please accept my homage!"

Lin Ge: ...What the hell?

Little did he know that the moment the deformed creature pounced on him, Sun Kun had even written an 800-word suicide note in his mind.

In just three seconds, from birth to death, and then from death to life, in Sun Kun's eyes, Lin Ge had become his "reborn parent."

"Where's Wang Defa?" Lin Ge's attention had been on the deformed species before, and then he noticed that there was one missing person in the team.

Sun Kun cursed: "That bastard ran away when he saw the monster coming. Boss Lin, just wait, I'll kick that damn fat man back as a ball!"

"Wait, don't go. The monster just now was not Jason. Maybe Jason was hiding in the dark waiting for someone to fall..." Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he heard a miserable howl, and then Wang Def said It was rolling and crawling like a ball and running towards everyone.

"Weird, weird, monster, monster!" Wang Defa shouted as he ran.

When Sun Kun saw Wang Defa's embarrassed look, he couldn't help but cursed: "You deserve it. If you listen to Boss Lin and stay together, there will be no such thing. A person like you would have died eight hundred times in reincarnation alone!"

At this time, a big man wearing a dark blue leather jacket, a white hockey mask, and holding a machete walked out of the forest.


Every step he took on the ground caused strong vibrations, giving people a full sense of oppression. The reincarnation side was better. After seeing Freddy's terror, he could barely suppress the fear in his heart. The group of college students headed by the man with glasses had already been scared out of their wits and fled in all directions.

However, Lin Ge always felt that Jason's oppressive feeling was a bit strange. He felt that the big man in front of him didn't even walk like Jason in the movie, but more like the tyrant in "Resident Evil". The two had no connection. , and there are no movies with any linkage works, how can they be related?

Lin Ge kneaded the secret and opened his eyes to look at Jason. He found that Jason indeed had an origin, but that origin was very weak and seemed to be extinguished at any time.

While Lin Ge was confused, Jason changed his clumsy movement speed in the movie and suddenly accelerated towards Lin Ge and the others.

Lin Ge stepped forward to block Wang Defa who was "rolling over". He raised his hand and a white light flashed, manifesting a two-handed giant hammer and swinging towards Jason.

Jason knew at first glance that it was a strength monster. Lin Ge did not use magic to attack it head-on. He wanted to conduct a simple "test" with his 50 strength points, 5 times the strength of an ordinary person.

Judging from Jason's performance in the movie, except for the "immortality" plug-in, the strength of the first generation of Jason was not high, at most about twice that of an adult male.

Judging from the current difficulty of the plot, twice the power plus an "immortal body" is obviously not as strong as Freddy, and it is unlikely to be the holder of the origin.


The giant hammer hit Jason's chest. The opponent forcefully withstood Lin Ge's blow. Then he swung the machete in his hand and struck the long handle of the giant hammer. The shock caused Lin Ge's hands to hurt.

Lin Ge frowned slightly. With just this blow, he judged that Jason had at least seven or eight times the strength of an adult male, which meant that his strength value was at least seventy or eighty!

Lin Singing held a giant hammer in both hands and moved up. The hammer rubbed off Jason's mask, and underneath the mask was a horrible "stitched face."

When Lin Ge saw that face clearly, several reincarnators behind him also saw Jason's face clearly. Sun Kun, who could only express his mood with "fuck" in different tones, once again issued his usual 's surprising line: "Fuck, stalker!"

The tracker's stitched face in "Resident Evil 3" and the lower half of his face with exposed gums are so impressive that when seeing this face, anyone who has watched the movie or played the game will immediately recognize it. The face that can recognize Jason at this moment is that of the tracker!

But it was precisely because of this that Lin Ge felt strange. Whether it was the previous deformed species or the current Jason, they did not look like a "product" that this world should have.

At the same time, the deformed creature that Lin Ge had used to throw away with his trident crawled back out of the forest, dragging its mutilated body. It seemed to tear its body apart forcefully and break away from the trident before successfully escaping back.

Although the body of the deformed species was badly mutilated at this time, with half of its body dragging on the ground and looking extremely weird, its speed did not slow down.

The deformed species rushed towards the corpse of the man with glasses that had been torn apart by its own claws, "opened" the half-torn body, and swallowed the corpse on the ground in one gulp.

Then, it was seen that the body of the deformed species was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and such a powerful visual impact was very similar to the scene in the subway of the movie "Resident Evil 1" where the licker devoured the male lead's "evolution".

Seeing this, Sun Kun looked at Zengcha with a strange expression and asked: "...If I can leave the Lord God's Space alive, I will definitely become a director and make "Black Friday: Biochemical Mutation". People who like popcorn and bloody movies will definitely support it!"

"Let's get out of here alive first!" Zeng Cha said helplessly.

Seeing Lin Ge getting along well with the pursuer Jason, Zeng Cha couldn't help but worry about what would happen to him after ending this reincarnation.

In fact, he had thought more than once during this reincarnation about how long the six of them could live without Lin Ge.

Freddy's strength is no weaker than Jason and the deformed species in front of him, and even the way he kills in his dreams is even more difficult.

Without Lin Ge, they wouldn't even be able to survive the first night!

However, this time they were lucky enough to meet a senior person like Lin Ge who was willing to help them. What about next time? What about the next time?

Of course, the best way is to hold Lin Ge's lap until he grows up. Zeng Cha is indeed doing this, and in order to show his "value", he is rushing to do many things. However, even though he is Although he tried hard, Lin Ge's response was very bland, indicating that he had no intention of letting them be "teammates".

But think about it, in an extremely dangerous space like the world of reincarnation, no one knows whether they will see the sun the next day. Who would be willing to bring a group of trolls?

"Alas." Zeng Cha sighed. He only felt that the way forward was bleak.

At this time, Lin Ge seemed to have completed his "test". He took a step back, raised his hand, summoned the fire stick and slapped it on Jason's face. The flames from the fire stick instantly engulfed Jason.

Jason howled angrily and slashed at Lin Ge with a machete. Although his strength was higher than Lin Ge, his agility was far inferior to Lin Ge. The seemingly fierce attack was easily dodged by Lin Ge.

On the other side, after devouring the corpse and recovering, the deformed species rushed towards the reincarnators. Just a few meters away from Sun Kun and others, a golden light fell from the sky. Huang Ni stood in front of the reincarnated people and flicked his sleeves. It brought up a hurricane and knocked the deformed species upside down.

Lin Ge turned sideways to avoid Jason's slashing attack, and hit Jason on the back of the head with the fire stick in his hand, causing him to stagger.

Lin Ge stepped on Jason's back and jumped into the air. He raised his hand, and the trident appeared in his hand again, and then he threw it fiercely——

With a "swish" sound, the trident turned into a golden light and nailed the deformed species not far away to the ground.

Lin Ge continued to fall, and the fire stick in his hand was thrust into the back of Jason's neck, and then a fierce flame burst out with a "whoosh", swallowing Jason whole.

Lin Ge's movements were very smooth. It must be said that during the period of rest in the main god space, he was drilled by the two sisters Huang Ni and Huang Shang in the astrolabe. Although his cultivation level did not improve much, his combat skills improved by leaps and bounds. As expected, one has to endure hardships to become a master. As expected, these thirty days were not in vain!

[Kill "Jason (B-level demon)", reward 3000 reincarnation points, C-level item exchange coupon x1. 】

[Kill "Jason's Mother (B-Level Demon)", reward 3000 reincarnation points, and C-Level item exchange coupon x1. 】

Jason and his mom?

Lin Ge's face turned gloomy, but the appearance of mother and son at the same time was only one of the reasons. What was more, he was surprised as to why they looked like this.

Lin Ge used the astrolabe to suck away the essence from Jason's corpse, and the value displayed was only "10 points", which was not even as good as the hairless zombie in the zombie movie, but its strength was close to that of a B-level demon like a flying zombie.

Something suddenly occurred to Lin Ge's mind. When he looked around with his eyes, he found that the red light beam covering the entire Crystal Lake scenic area had disappeared. However, there was still a faint beam of light in the villa where the bespectacled man and others lived. red light.

Lin Ge immediately called a few reincarnations, and together they went to search the villa. Sure enough, they found a secret passage in the basement of the villa.

Everyone followed the secret passage all the way down and when they came to an open area, they were surprised to find that experimental equipment and huge culture tanks were piled everywhere.

If everyone didn't clearly know that they were in the plot of "Black Friday", they would have thought that they were visiting Umbrella's laboratory!

Seeing these experimental equipment, a conjecture flashed through Lin Ge's mind... Perhaps this is a world that has been visited by reincarnators!

Just like the "Zombie Pact" derived from his experience in the world of "Zombie Priest", this world of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" may have had reincarnators come before, and they have carried out some kind of process here. Experiment and transform Jason into a tracker!

So... there's a T-Virus here? (End of chapter)

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