"Crystal Lake" was originally the most famous resort in California, but due to the continuous occurrence of murders, it has become a taboo place among the local population.

However, even though the road to Crystal Lake is full of "no entry" signs, there are still many young people who seek death to "adventure" every year.

On the way to Crystal Lake, Lin Ge's "convoy" encountered a RV carrying several college students heading to Crystal Lake.

There was a dilapidated cabin at the entrance to the Crystal Lake forest area. A bearded man lay on a lounge chair at the door and stared at the RV as it slowly stopped on the roadside.

At this time, two young men got out of the car and greeted the bearded man warmly and asked about the road conditions in Crystal Lake.

"If I were you, I would turn around right now and go back and forth from where I came." The bearded man seemed to be unwilling to pay attention to the two of them, and said calmly.

"Why?" asked the girl with big waves.

The bearded man said impatiently: "There are murders in Crystal Lake every year. The number of deaths here every year is even higher than the shootings in your university."

"Wouldn't that mean thousands of people die every year?" The yellow-haired man who was traveling with him said in surprise.

The bearded man was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said, "Not that many, maybe...a dozen or so a year."

"Only a dozen a year? That's okay... I believe we won't be so unlucky." Da Lang looked at his companions with a smile, quite confident.

When Lin Ge and others came over, they happened to hear Da Lang's words, and they immediately admired the thinking of these young people. Zhang Liang couldn't help but ask: "...Since a murder has occurred here, shouldn't you be worried? Is there a killer? Why are you so obsessed with the death toll?"

The yellow-haired man smiled and said: "We are a nation that pursues freedom. Even murders cannot stop us from pursuing freedom. Yellow-skinned monkeys, you will never understand this."

As soon as he heard the yellow-haired man's rude words, Sun Kun became angry. He took out a revolver and pointed it at the yellow-haired man's head: "White-skinned pig, what the hell did you say?"

Da Lang quickly stepped forward to persuade him: "Friend, don't get excited. He just can't speak. I apologize for him. Sorry, sorry."

I saw a conflict happening in the RV, and several people came down one after another, and they also stepped forward to persuade and apologize. A handsome man with glasses stepped forward and said: "Sorry, friends, I apologize on behalf of my brother. Are you Japanese? To express my apology, how about I invite you to my villa for a drink?"

"Fuck! You scolded him even more harshly than him. You are Japanese, and your whole family is Japanese!" Sun Kun pointed his gun at the bespectacled man's nose and cursed.

The black-haired girl behind the man with glasses quickly stepped forward and explained: "Sorry, sorry, he doesn't know you are Chinese. Hey, you too, talk nonsense without asking clearly. You forgot that Lisa's good-tempered boyfriend is called Japanese Man, a guy beat up a basketball team?"


Finally, under the "explanation" of the black-haired girl, the misunderstanding ended with the glasses man's apology, and a group of college students got in the car again and headed to Crystal Lake.

Looking at the RV going away, Zhao Jingjing couldn't help but said: "...I don't understand. Someone told them that murders happen here every year. Why do they still go there?"

Lin Ge laughed and said, "If they listen to the advice, how can they make a movie?"

"It makes sense." Sun Kun agreed.

Lin Ge walked towards the bearded man, took out a stack of U.S. dollars and handed it over. He asked with a smile, "Brother, can you tell us more about the murder in Crystal Lake?"

Big Beard didn't expect anyone to be interested in the murder case in Crystal Lake, but since someone was willing to pay to listen, he was also happy to make the money.

Thirty years ago, a group of young people went to Crystal Lake to camp and got along well with the camp manager, Jason's mother.

Jason's mother was relieved to let her mentally retarded son play with these young people, but due to an accident, Jason drowned in the lake.

Jason's mother was so distraught that she believed that these young people had harmed Jason, so she killed them all with a watermelon knife.

Unexpectedly, he was killed and beheaded by a little girl in the end, and Jason happened to witness the process. It turns out that Jason did not drown and everything was just a misunderstanding. However, witnessing the death of his mother caused Jason's psychological distortion and he continued to hunt travelers who entered Crystal Lake.

The plot is simple, just plain popcorn gore, nothing special.

After listening to the bearded man's story, Chu Beibi whispered: "...Is the plot of "Black Friday" such a child's play?"

Zeng Cha said: "Beautiful country's bloody movies don't let you watch the plot."

Sun Kun on the side immediately retorted: "If you say that... then I, a Jigsaw fan, can't stand it. The plots of the first few Jigsaw movies are pretty good, right?"

Lin Ge thanked the bearded man and led the team back to the car.

Zhao Jingjing followed and asked curiously: "Mr. Lin, you...haven't you seen the movie "Black Friday"? I have. Do you want to tell you about the plot?"

Now everyone knows that Lin Ge is the key to whether they can pass the game. If a veteran has not watched this movie, it will be troublesome. She is naturally willing to give a comprehensive knowledge.

"No, I've seen this movie, but there are many in this series. I want to confirm which plot I'm in so that I can find Jason." Lin Ge replied.

Sun Kun asked: "So, Boss Lin, can you tell which one this is? Why does it sound to me... This is similar to the synopsis of each previous film?"

Lin Ge said: "There is still a difference. At least I know that Jason here has probably never died even once."

After saying that, Lin Ge took the magic formula and wiped it on his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, his strange eyes suddenly stared at the people present.

"Boss Lin, what are you..." Sun Kun asked curiously.

Zhang Liang exclaimed: "F*ck, double pupils?"

"...What are double pupils?" Zhao Jingjing asked softly.

Zeng Cha stood next to Zhao Jingjing and explained in a low voice: "Double pupil means that there are two pupils in the eye. According to current medical explanation, it means that the pupil has adhesion distortion, changing from O shape to ∞ shape. In addition, the shape of this kind of pupil Although the formation does not affect the entry and exit of the light beam, it is considered to be a manifestation of early cataracts in modern medicine."

"But if we put it in ancient times, these double pupils would be incredible. Generally, only 'sages' have double pupils, and the two most famous double pupils are Shun and Xiang Yu. After that, those who attained the Tao and became immortals were People with double eyes. Have you heard of the movie "Two Eyes"? Although it is a suspense film, the background is the story of a female cultivator who became an immortal."

The movie "Two Eyes" is relatively unpopular and few people have seen it. Zhao Jingjing curiously asked about the content of Zeng Cha's movie, and the others came over to "listen to the story."

However, what everyone didn't know was that the two heroines in the background of "Two Eyes" were both in Lin Ge's pocket at this time.

Lin Ge looked in the direction of the Crystal Lake with his eyes, and saw a thick and thick red light pillar covering the entire Crystal Lake. Judging from the size of the red light pillar, Jason had at least a fierce god level of strength.

Judging from the strength on paper alone, he is indeed higher than Freddy. However, Lin Ge didn't care about Jason's strength, he only cared about whether Jason had the "origin" in him.

Everyone walked all the way to the Crystal Lake Scenic Area. The RV parked in front of a villa on the opposite side of the lake, and the music could still be faintly heard coming from the villa.

Lin Ge and others searched the forest area and found the dilapidated wooden house where Jason lived in the movie. However, after a search, they found that it had been abandoned for a long time and there was no trace of human habitation.

But since Shuangpu has confirmed the existence of the red light beam, Jason must be hiding somewhere in the scenic spot.

Lin Ge looked at the villa across the lake, thinking that Jason could not have entered the villa with a watermelon knife and killed a super god, right?

It was approaching evening at this time, and Lin Ge was not interested in conducting a blanket search, so he came to an open space by the lake and took out a long table, yellow cloth and other items for setting up the altar from the [Inventory].

The six newcomers didn't know what Lin Ge wanted to do, so they could only stand aside and watch Lin Ge operate silently. Sun Kun, Zeng Cha and Zhao Jingjing were very "considerate" and stepped forward to help, or asked Lin Ge if he had any questions. Where they needed help, Lin Ge asked them to take the yellow talisman and stick it on the lakeshore in front.

After everything was arranged, Lin Ge clapped his right palm and said, "The formation is ready. Come on, start your performance, SpongeBob!"


As a slightly helpless reprimand sounded, the back of Lin Ge's hand lit up with white light, and a figure gradually appeared beside him.

Huang Ni appeared in a light yellow dress, and everyone was stunned.

"Wow! Transformed into a fairy!"

"Although you are right... but why do your words sound wrong?" Lin Ge looked at Sun Kun with a strange expression.

Sun Kun was stunned when he heard this, and quickly explained: "Boss Lin, Sister Fairy, I don't study well, and I can only express my emotions with a 'f*ck' tone. I can't speak. Please forgive me, please forgive me!"

"Are you really sure there's something wrong with this lake?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge said: "Every time Jason dies and is thrown into the lake, he comes back to life. I bet fifty cents that there must be something wrong with the lake. Besides, draining a lake is just a matter of raising your hand to you, right? Bar?"

Huang Ni cursed angrily: "The main thing is that you don't need to do anything, right?"

At this time, Zhang Liang, who was on the side, poked Zeng Cha with his hand and said in a low voice: "I saw it right...she is, she is the female villain Xie Yali from the movie "Twin Eyes"!"

Huang Ni turned back to look at the two people who were whispering, and said with a smile: "To be precise, I am the sister of the female villain... But if you say this, you are even more rude than him."

The "him" Huang Ni was talking about was naturally Sun Kun, who just shouted "Big Bian Fairy". Being called upon by the fairy, Sun Kun could only smile awkwardly, not daring to answer any more questions for fear of saying the wrong thing again.

Zeng Chawenyan and Zhang Liang looked at each other. At this time, they both understood why Lin Ge could also have "double pupils".

Even the fairies in the movie are brought out, what else is impossible?

Huang Ni's appearance caused a huge psychological impact on several people present. People like Wang Defa, who regard entering the world of reincarnation as the "Chosen One", imagined that they were the "Chosen One", and even started thinking about it. Go to the world of reincarnation and bring back the dreams of the heroines.

Huang Ni stood in front of the altar set up by Lin Ge, pinched the magic formula and touched the yellow talismans on the table, and said "scold", and the yellow talismans on the table turned into golden light and flew towards the lake.

In the past, Huang Ni didn't need to borrow spiritual energy from heaven and earth at all. He could easily drain the entire Crystal Lake with just one finger.

But now that she has re-cultivated to the Dacheng state, if she wants to drain the lake in the shortest time, she can only borrow spiritual energy from "Heaven and Earth" like Lin Ge.

The heaven and earth are infinite, and the universe is borrowed from the law.

This kind of "borrowing" is just like the Monkey King and the three immortals of Chechi Kingdom fighting for rain in "Journey to the West". They borrow the aura of heaven and earth to summon wind, cloud, thunder and lightning to achieve their goal.

It's just that for Huang Ni's level of "borrowing", the step of "borrowing" has been omitted. There is no need to cast spells, knead and chant spells, and only need to control the yellow talisman to complete it.

And what Huang Ni wants to "borrow" is the wind!

The golden yellow talisman instantly spread out on the lake surface to form a huge word "order", and then a strong wind blew on the lake surface, turning into a waterspout that carried the lake water to the forest area aside.

"Fuck!" Seeing Crystal Lake being "drained" in an instant, Sun Kun could only express his surprise with the rising tone of these two words, as he said.

Chu Beibi also said blankly: "This reminds me of the scene in "Green Snake" where Bai Suzhen floods the Jinshan Temple. If this can be broadcast live, it will increase the number of fans by at least 1 million!"

Although Zeng Cha and the others did not speak, there were only expressions of shock on their faces at this time. After all, for ordinary people, even if a thousand water pumps are kept working here for several months, they may not be able to drain the lake. At this moment, just as Lin Ge said, Huang Ni only had to raise his hand and the entire lake was drained.

After the lake was drained, Lin Ge looked at the muddy bottom of the lake. Apart from some fish and shrimps that were still tumbling, he saw a thick black mist gathering in the center of the lake.

Lin Ge was about to check it out when he heard an exclamation from the forest nearby: "Oh! My God! Stop your stupid prairie dog behavior, this is so crazy!"

The group of people in the RV rushed out of the woods, but the number of people was twice as large as before. Apparently some of them had not gotten out of the car before, or they were people who had been waiting in the villa for a long time.

An Asian man ran to the edge of the drained lake and shouted in disbelief: "This is simply terrible, worse than the old tires of Grandpa Benjamin next door. How could you do such a thing and destroy the world?" Such a beautiful scenery, how sad and sad the indigenous people in the lake must be!"

This man still wanted to speak, but Sun Kun on the side couldn't listen anymore: "Damn it, any of you, hurry up and drag this idiot who speaks with a translator's accent away, or I will do it myself."

Zhang Liang looked at the bespectacled man with whom he had a "fate" before and asked: "What's wrong with your companion? Can't he talk well?"

The man with glasses shrugged helplessly: "They are friends of friends of my friends. They are said to be the royal family of Bang Country. They all talk like this."

"Oh, Bangzi, no wonder." Sun Kun suddenly realized.

The bespectacled man adjusted his glasses, looked at Huang Ni in front of the altar, and asked doubtfully: "I'm curious how you did this. Is it a magic that has been prepared for a long time? I remember we entered the hall thirty minutes ago. When we were in the woods, the lake here was still fine.”

"Then how do you know it was us?" Zeng Cha asked.

The man with glasses pointed at Huang Ni and the altar and said, "But I saw that beautiful woman just raised her hand to withdraw a golden light, so what is this? The magic of your ancient country?"

"Be careful! Stay back!" Before Zeng Cha and the others could reply, they suddenly heard Lin Ge shouting.

The six newcomers regard Lin Ge's words as the "truth" to live, both externally and internally, and almost no one will question his instructions.

So when you heard the word "back off", you immediately ran to the shore quickly.

But the people headed by the man with glasses obviously didn't understand what happened. They looked curiously in Lin Ge's direction, but they saw a scene they would never forget!

Out of a black mist in the center of the lake, a deformed body that looked human but not human crawled out. It had no head and rushed out of the mist like a spider at an extremely fast speed and crawled toward the shore!

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