Lin Ge asked Sun Kun and others to stay in the villa first and not go out until the stalkers were dealt with. Then, on the pretext of going to the second floor to rest, he found a bedroom and released Qimei, letting her guard her body. , and his soul enters the astrolabe.

As soon as he entered the astrolabe, Lin Ge saw that at the junction of the beach and the grassland, gods and ghosts, headed by the Huang Ni sisters, formed a circle and seemed to be discussing something.

"You...what are you doing?" Lin Ge looked at the "bunch of heads" crowded together, and immediately squeezed over, asking curiously.

On the raised grassland, the soil was slightly squirming, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

Huang Ni stared at the raised soil and said without raising his head: "Oh, the Fujiang we planted seems to be taking shape soon."

"Fu Jiang? Isn't Chen Qing's body completely destroyed? Where did you get it from?" Lin Ge asked with some confusion.

In "Silent Hill", he originally planned to help Chen Qing keep her body, but in just a few hours when Chen Qing used a substitute, Fu Jiang successfully took over Chen Qing's body.

Fu Jiang's parasitic ability was so strong that Lin Ge was worried that even if Chen Qing got his body back, it would be occupied by Fu Jiang again sooner or later, so he simply gave up.

Therefore, when the clone Lin Ge used his powerful moves, Lin Ge let Chen Qing hold his body and "die" together, killing Fu Jiang by the way.

Huang Ni saw Lin Ge's confusion and said with a smile: "Oh, I think Fu Jiang's setting is quite interesting, so I asked my sister to pick up a piece when she came back."

"Picked...a piece?" Lin Ge's eyes twitched and he looked at Huang Ni with a strange expression.

Huang Ni nodded and said: "On one hand, I cut off five fingers, and then found that they would grow into independent individuals just like the setting in the movie..."

" you have such a strong taste? So, what does this have to do with what you said about finding a way to remove the ghost sisters' evil aura?" Lin Ge asked.

Huang Ni looked up at the little girl eating a lollipop and said, "Lele, show him."

"Okay." The little girl put the lollipop in her mouth and pointed to the raised soil on the ground. A black mist flew out of her fingertips and flew into the soil.

The moment the black mist flew into the soil, an index finger and a half-length palm broke out. At the break of this "half hand", there were many filamentous tentacles like blood vessels, replacing the "feet" to help the hand. walk.

The "palm" seemed a little alert after emerging from the ground, and immediately wanted to slip away from everyone's eyes, but Huang Ni raised his hand to conjure a fire tongs and clamped the palm.

"..." Lin Ge felt that the scene in front of him was so weird and weird, and there were so many flaws that he didn't know where to start.

Huang Ni glanced at Lin Ge's strange expression and didn't care. He smiled and explained, "Do you know how long we have been growing this hand?"

Lin Ge shook his head.

"Before this, I tried to plant a finger of Fujiang, and it took about a week for the blood streaks to grow. Later, we found that Fujiang can swallow 'evil energy' and use it as food to speed up growth, and regardless of any They can swallow up all the evil spirits." Huang Ni said, looking at Huang Shang.

Huang Shang understood, raised his hand to perform a trick, and saw a golden light falling. After the golden light dissipated, a woman tied into a rice dumpling appeared in front of Lin Ge.

This person looks exactly like "Chen Qing", except that he has a tear mole at the corner of his left eye and his expression is slightly gloomy.

"It takes seven days to grow from a finger to a hand, but it only takes seven days to grow from a hand to an adult with evil energy. This is still the situation where we control the supply of evil energy. If she is allowed to absorb more evil energy, the speed of growth will be It will only be faster." Huang Ni said.

Lin Ge immediately understood what Huang Ni meant. The reason why the ghost sisters "lost control" was because they absorbed the "special evil energy" from the Lord God. If Fu Jiang sucked the evil energy out of the ghost sisters' bodies, they could regain consciousness.

Huang Ni moved the tongs. At this time, the "hand" clamped on the tongs grew from half a hand to a hand and then to half an arm at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"She just absorbed a little bit of Lele's evil spirit and grew a hand. It seems that she is growing faster than before." Huang Ni said.

At this time, Chen Qing on the side raised a question: "Sister Ni, although Fujiang can help absorb evil spirits, it will also make Fujiang grow rapidly. Then... what should we do with these Fujiangs?"

Huang Ni said casually: "It's very simple. As a reincarnation, your brother is constantly traveling through various worlds. When encountering difficult enemies or maps, he just throws a few Fu Jiang over. Fu Jiang not only has the ability to 'charm', but also the spirit The power is extremely powerful, and coupled with the ability of infinite regeneration, it is equivalent to a 'biochemical weapon'."

Lin Ge: ...Are you a cultivator studying biological weapons?

Although Huang Ni's words were full of flaws and Lin Ge wanted to say "watch less movies", I have to say that Huang Ni's idea was very good.

When it is necessary to disrupt the situation or test the strength of the enemy reincarnators, it is indeed a good choice to release a few Fujiangs.

Although Tomie can regenerate infinitely, even if only one little finger is left, he can grow into an independent individual and share consciousness. But in terms of combat strength, it is not at the level of a fierce god, and it is obviously not enough in front of Huang Shang, the complete version of the Corpse Execution Immortal.

Therefore, even though she knew that everyone in front of her was raising her as a "meat pig", she could only be obedient and try to find an opportunity to escape.

After Huang Ni explained the effect of "planting Fu Jiang" to Lin Ge, he took out a cloth bag containing... Fu Jiang's fingers and palms.

Lin Ge: ...Suddenly I felt a little sympathy for Fujiang.

Facts have proved that no matter what era or background setting you are in, you cannot easily expose your "superpowers", otherwise you will easily be dragged into sectioning for study.

"I'll set up a formation, and then you release the ghost sisters inside and let Fu Jiang swallow their evil spirit." Huang Ni said, and started to set up the formation on the beach with Huang Shang.

While the Huang Ni sisters were setting up the formation, Chen Qing, Alessa and Baisha dug some soil from the grassland area. They cooperated tacitly. It was obviously not the first time they had done this kind of thing.

When everything was arranged, Huang Ni used tongs to pick up Fu Jiang's limbs and buried them in the soil, while Huang Shang used magic to seal them.

"Okay, you place the Five Elements Bagua disk at the eye of the formation and activate it." Huang Ni said to Lin Ge.

Lin Ge put down the Five Elements Bagua disk according to Huang Ni's instructions, pricked his finger with a silver needle, dripped blood into the center of the Bagua disk, and recited the mantra.

After dripping with blood, the Five Elements Bagua Disk began to rotate "click, click, click", followed by a piercing scream, and a thick black mist gushes out from the center of the Bagua Disk. The atomized bodies of the ghost sisters merged and flew out, accompanied by the ghost screams that made people shudder.

However, they only rose to a height of three to five meters before they were "covered" by a golden light and returned to the magic circle. As soon as they landed, the ghost sisters were lying on the ground like spider spirits, with thick black mist exuding from their bodies, and their faces were ferocious. Staring at the people outside the formation, roaring and howling, wanting to kill them all!

At this time, Huang Ni knocked Fu Jiang, who was surrounded by golden light, with the poker in his hand, and said with a faint smile: "You don't need me to teach you how to do it, do you?"

Fu Jiang looked at Huang Ni with cold eyes, but Huang Ni didn't care and kept a smile on his face.

At this moment, a golden palm slapped Fu Jiang on the back of the head. Huang Shang snorted coldly: "My sister is talking to you. Are you mute? Believe it or not, I will dismantle you into parts and plant 999 of them." , and then torture them to death one by one, making you experience death nine hundred and ninety-nine times?"

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, are you this Immortal Corpse Executioner so irritable?

But according to Tomie's setting, what she likes most is to be "dismembered" after being killed. Maybe she will be happier if you do this.

Sure enough, when he heard that Huang Shang was going to torture him nine hundred and ninety-nine times, Fu Jiang's cold eyes clearly lit up, as if he was delighted to see something he loved.

Fujiang did not show it too obviously. Through the method of "shared consciousness", the "limbs" in the magic circle began to absorb the evil spirit of the ghost sisters.

When those limbs started to move, Huang Ni immediately asked Huang Shang to cut off the connection between Fu Jiang's limbs in the formation and the complete Fu Jiang.

After all, what Fu Jiang's limbs in the formation have to absorb is the main god's "special version of the evil spirit". No one knows whether he will go berserk like the ghost sisters after absorbing it.

If Fu Jiang in the magic circle goes berserk, it will be a big deal. But when things go on and on, you still have to leave a "seed" in case you need it in case of emergencies.



The ghost sisters turned into ghost mist and flew rapidly in the formation, but no matter how they hit and tore, they could not break the golden light shield that blocked them.

After all, with the current strength of the two ghosts, which is at the ghost king level, there is naturally no way to break the magic circle arranged by "Tianke" and their immortals.

At this time, dozens or hundreds of Fu Jiang's limbs in the formation quickly absorbed the evil spirit from the ghost sisters. Because this evil spirit was so "powerful", these limbs buried in the soil "grew" at a speed visible to the naked eye, breaking through the soil. , become a complete limb, and then a complete... "person".

In the blink of an eye, there were hundreds of Fu Jiang standing in the array.

And as these Fu Jiang absorbed more and more evil spirits, the ghost sisters who were extremely "irritable" before gradually calmed down.

In the end, they looked the same as before when they had not inhaled the main god's "special evil energy". The two sisters squatted on the ground, their faces covered with black lines became calm, and they stared at Lin Ge with cold eyes.

"Hi, do you still remember me?" Lin Ge stepped forward and tentatively said hello.

The ghost sisters stared at Lin Ge quietly for a long time, and then looked at Huang Ni at the side, giving people the feeling that they knew Huang Ni but not Lin Ge.

"Sister, unlock the seal of the magic circle and control those Fu Jiangs." Huang Ni looked at Huang Shang and said.

Huang Shang never hesitated in response to Huang Ni's instructions and immediately picked up the magic formula and opened the magic circle. And these "Fu Jiang" also knew through shared consciousness that they could not offend the women in front of them, so they stood there obediently and allowed Huang Shang to seal them away.

As the magic circle was opened, the ghost sisters stood up with hunched bodies, walked out of the magic circle slowly, and finally stood quietly next to Huang Ni.

"What's going on?" Lin Ge was a little confused. He and the ghost sisters had lived and died together for several reincarnations, and Huang Ni had come into contact with them... It only lasted a few days in "Taiwan Wei", including the main god space. The rest time doesn’t add up to much. Revolutionary friendship is not as good as watching TV together a few times?

The ghost sister stared at Huang Ni and opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she only let out a low ghost whistle. Obviously after the evil spirit in their bodies was cleared, their consciousness recovered much better than before, but it would still take some time to fully wake up.

Huang Ni looked at these two familiar "electric friends", took out a notebook, opened it, and asked tentatively: "Want to watch TV?"

The ghost sisters nodded at the same time.

Huang Ni took out a table, put it on his laptop, and called up the horror movie that the two ghosts had chased in "Taiwan Wei".

I saw two ghost sisters who looked similar to Sadako, standing in front of the table, staring at the ghost photos in their notebooks.

This was Lin Ge's first time coming into contact with ghost sisters who didn't have any "hostility". He suddenly felt a little strange and said, "Speaking of which, why do I feel like they only recognize you?"

Huang Ni withdrew his gaze, then looked at Lin Ge and smiled: "Maybe you still remember the time we watched TV together, but we will talk about it later. I have good news and bad news now, which one do you want to hear first."

"bad news."

"Because they had absorbed too much evil spirit that the Lord God had manipulated, the evil spirit merged with the original evil spirit, so that to wake them up, all the evil spirit must be washed away. In other words, they are now at most the strength of the twin ghosts, even the evil god None of them can be achieved." Huang Ni said regretfully.

In Huang Ni's view, although Lin Ge took the clone's number, firstly, the clone's level was not low, and secondly, he had to complete the task to get to the main space. In addition to facing the original difficulty of the reincarnation world, Lin Ge , but also to find ways to collect the origin of the reincarnation world, the difficulty increases dramatically.

And this is only the difficulty of "dividing spaces". No one knows what will happen after going to the main space. Huang Ni can only try his best to find ways to improve Lin Ge's strength.

But with the main god like a big lightbulb watching over him, it is very unlikely that his sister Zhijie Xian will be able to exert her power. Huang Ni took advantage of Fu Jiang's ability to absorb evil spirits in order to awaken the ghost sisters and increase Lin Ge's "combat power". Now the ghost has awakened , but failed to achieve the expected purpose.

However, Huang Ni had already thought of this result before awakening the ghost sisters. After all, Fu Jiang was not able to distinguish the ghost sisters from the evil spirits specially provided by the Lord God, and selectively absorbed them. To absorb the evil spirits, it was natural to absorb all the evil spirits together. .

Fortunately, Huang Ni has already thought of an alternative plan. It is not difficult for Zhijie Xian to help the two ghosts embark on the road of "ghost immortals".

"What's the good news?" Lin Ge wasn't very disappointed after hearing this. After all, it had been a long time since he had relied on the ghost sisters' power. Awakening the ghost sisters' consciousness was already a good ending.

Huang Ni said: "The good news is... because the evil spirit on the ghost sisters is too strong, all the hundreds of Fu Jiang have grown into 'complete bodies', so congratulations on harvesting hundreds of red ghosts that are close to the fierce gods. Although they Their consciousness has been eroded by the evil spirit, and they have become like the out-of-control ghost sisters, but it is probably not easy even for you to deal with hundreds of rampaging red-clothed ghosts. Next time you encounter a group battle with reincarnations, just let a few of them out. They were wiped out without you even having to do anything."

Lin Ge silently gave a thumbs up when he heard this: "Good idea."

"Want to test the combat effectiveness of Rampage Fujiang?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge immediately understood that Huang Ni was obviously planning to try his hand at the stalker. (End of chapter)

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