On the highway ten kilometers east of the town of Elm Street, a white light fell from the sky and a figure appeared on the side of the road.

The man was wearing black casual pants and a black sweatshirt, with his hands in his pockets and looking around calmly, without any sense of nervousness about entering "reincarnation".

The man's nickname is "Fuying" and he is a senior reincarnator who has gone through ten reincarnations.

Although he had just been promoted to the Purple Sect not long ago, this was already his second time entering the "Hunting Reincarnation". The last time, even after the newcomer had solved the villain and fully integrated with the protagonist's plot characters, he started at an absolute disadvantage for one hour. During the hunting time, he killed four newcomers and was successfully promoted to B-level stalker.

This time he deliberately used the "Hunting Medal" to lower the difficulty in order to practice his newly learned skills with newcomers.

[Hunting Reincarnation: "A Nightmare on Elm Street", difficulty "——". 】

[As a "stalker", your mission in this reincarnation is to let new people understand the dangers of the reincarnation world to the greatest extent! 】

[You have 48 hours to complete the task in this reincarnation world. When the time expires, you will be automatically transferred back to the main god space. 】

[Countdown to return: 47 hours, 59 minutes and 17 seconds]

[Note: There is a "guide" in this reincarnation. 】

Hunting target:

Zeng Cha: Rated D, rewarded with 500 reincarnation points.

Zhang Liang, rated D, is awarded 300 reincarnation points.

Sun Kun, rated D, is awarded 250 reincarnation points.

Wang Defa, Zhao Jingjing, Chu Beibi: rated F, rewarded with 100 reincarnation points.

[Note that the mission of the stalker is to hunt down the new reincarnators. If you interfere too much in the development of the plot, it will cause drastic changes in the plot. 】

[This reincarnation, the main mission of the new reincarnation: Survive on Elm Street for seven days, the current mission is on "the fourth day". 】

[The distribution of stalker missions has ended, and reincarnation has officially begun. 】

After Fu Ying read the mission displayed on the reincarnator's watch, the expression on his face no longer looked as "leisurely" as before, but instead became serious.

"Oh, I thought I could take a vacation and give the newcomers a little 'shock' from the seniors, but I didn't expect that I would meet a leader."

"What a shame."

Originally, using the "Stalker Medal" to enter the hunting cycle could lower the difficulty by 1-2 levels. In terms of his current purple-level strength, lowering the difficulty by one level was no different than "taking a vacation."

And generally, there will be no guide in ordinary-level hunting rounds. Although the rewards are very low, most of the time they will be used for the "rest" of senior people.

Of course, "risk" means "high reward" in the world of reincarnation. The emergence of stalkers in the world of reincarnation also means that if these reincarnations can survive the stalkers, the rewards will be greatly increased.

And if the target of the hunt is a pure newcomer who enters the world of reincarnation for the first time, the frequency of information prompts related to the hunter will be greatly increased after the hunter enters.

In other words, in the "Hunter Mode", although the veterans completely crush the newcomers in terms of strength, the hunters are completely in a state of being exposed.

Whether the newcomer can grasp the advantage of "timed timing" and whether the stalker can take advantage of "strength crushing" depends on the performance of both parties.

However, the biggest variable in the stalker's reincarnation is the "guide". Unlike the stalker, the guide will not match the corresponding reincarnation difficulty based on strength. The difficulty of the world he enters depends entirely on "luck."

In other words, the blue gate of the guide can be matched to extremely difficult, and the golden gate can also be matched to normal. If a "stalker" appears, it will also be a crucial step to test the strength of both parties.

Fu Ying originally used the "Stalker Medal" and wanted to use the simple hunting mode to study his new abilities, but he didn't want to meet the leader like this, so he immediately put away his previous leisurely attitude and thought about how to deal with this. A "hunting mission".

"If there is a leader, it will be difficult." Fu Yingxun thought that he would follow his past habits and take the lead in testing the leader and at the same time determine the position of the newcomer reincarnation.

The 48-hour hunting time is limited to the last two hours. If you can't defeat the leader, you can still survive the hunting time and return to the main god space.

Thinking of this, Fu Ying took out a blue universal capsule from the [Inventory] and threw it on the ground. The capsule immediately turned into a black car.

Fu Ying sat down in the driver's seat, glanced at the road sign, and drove in the direction of Elm Street Town.

""A Nightmare on Elm Street"... I remember it was an old European and American movie. The devil in it can enter human beings' dreams and kill people. It's not clear yet where the plot is. For safety reasons, you must stay awake during these forty-eight hours. ." Thinking of this, Fu Ying took out a small blue medicine bottle, poured three small blue pills from it and swallowed it. He suddenly felt much more energetic.

Fu Ying drove all the way to the small town of Elm Street. It was noon and the sun was shining brightly. Even with a sun visor, the dazzling sunlight made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Along the way, Fu Ying took out a few white paper figures at regular intervals and scattered them out of the car window until he was several hundred meters away from the town.

When he was about to enter the town, Fu Ying clearly saw a few pedestrians near the toll station at first, but in a daze under the dazzling sunlight, those pedestrians suddenly "disappeared".

Fu Ying stopped the car alertly, took out a robotic arm and put it on his left arm. After pressing the scan button on it to turn on the detection function, he got out of the car and walked towards the toll station.

The door of the toll station booth was open, but there was no one inside, and there were no staff in the convenience store nearby, which looked very strange.

After Fu Ying operated the robotic arm for a while, an energy wave swayed out with him as the center. Then, he was surprised to find that there was no "living body" within a kilometer.

This is obviously wrong!

Let’s not talk about whether this town is deserted or not, and whether there are people living there. Even if there are no people, there must be snakes, insects, rats, and ants, right?

Fu Ying only knew a rough plot of the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street". Although the movie was saved in the notebook he carried with him, it was obviously impossible to take it out to study the plot at this time.

Fu Ying immediately exited the convenience store, turned around and ran towards the car. However, as soon as he ran a few steps, he felt a trance, and then a heavy fog gradually began to appear around him.

This made Fu Ying feel more uneasy, and he quickly returned to the car and started it, but now there were only two ways in front of him, one was to continue moving forward, and the other was to go back.

To be on the safe side, Fu Ying decided to stay away from the town of Elm Street first, at least to find out what was going on with this inexplicable heavy fog.

The car had just driven more than ten meters when the fog thickened and "snow" began to fall in the sky. But when these "snowflakes" fell on the car, Fu Ying clearly felt something was wrong.

So he stretched his hand out the window to catch some "snowflakes", and then realized that these were not snowflakes, but ashes after burning.

At this moment, Fu Ying was surprised to find that the visibility in the heavy fog was less than two meters. Sitting in the driver's seat, he could not even see clearly what was in front of the car.


The passive skill "Peter's Stimulus" exchanged by Fu Ying was triggered, and the hairs on his arms stood up, and a strong sense of danger came over him!

Fu Ying didn't have time to think too much, he pulled the door handle, knocked the door open and jumped onto the empty road. However, the moment he jumped out of the car, he heard a "swish" sound through the air, followed immediately by metal being cut. , and the loud sound of heavy objects hitting the ground.

Even though the fog was so thick that the vehicle could not be seen clearly, one could guess just by the sound of the shadow that the vehicle had been split in half by some kind of sharp weapon.

If "Peter Yijingling" hadn't sensed the danger just now, I'm afraid Fu Ying would have suffered the same fate as the car by now.

Fu Ying quickly got up, and used the "Peter Jingling" to sense the dangerous position, and then ran in the opposite direction of the danger. At the same time, he pressed a few times on the mechanical arm, and saw the mechanical arm quickly shake out an energy wave and try to "Blow away" the surrounding fog.

However, what surprised Fu Ying was that these "fogs" seemed to be some kind of energy, not real "fogs", because the shock wave of the mechanical arm spread directly through the thick fog without blowing it away!

Fu Ying's vision was now greatly restricted, and he did not dare to hesitate. He immediately ran towards the left side where the danger perception was lowest, and at the same time formed seals with his hands.

Running onto the sidewalk, Fu Ying found that he had clearly been driving outside the town before, but now he was already in the town.

Surprised, Fu Ying quickly completed the seal and pressed it on the ground——

"Spell, shikigami!"

There was a wave of energy on the ground in front of Fu Ying, and it immediately condensed into a six-pointed star array filled with spells. Then with two barks, two wolf dogs, one black and one white, rushed out of the array.

These are the two shikigami domesticated by Fu Ying. The white dog focuses on detection, and the black dog focuses on attacking. After being summoned, the black dog immediately rushed into the fog to find the target, while the white dog sniffed the ground and looked up. Fu Ying seems to be waiting for its order.

"Take me out of the maze!" Fu Ying said.

If it were normal, the white dog would immediately follow Fu Ying's order and lead him out of the maze. But at this moment, Bai Quan stared at him blankly, as if he didn't know how to get out of the battle.

"Can't you get out?" Fu Ying asked.

The white dog "ouched", and the usually smart detection dog was a little slow at this time.

Before Fu Ying could make the next order, he suddenly heard the miserable howling of the black dog in the white mist. It was obvious that the black dog had found the target, but he was killed.

"Damn it. Bai Ying, stay away from all living things and evacuate." Fu Ying ordered Bai Quan again.

Bai Quan reacted this time. He raised his head and looked around. He seemed a little hesitant, as if there were enemies everywhere.

But the next moment, it ran towards the northeast.

Fu Ying looked at his hand, and a white soul chain appeared in his palm and was locked on the white dog. Then he "led" the white dog to move quickly in the thick fog.

Five minutes later, the fog gradually dissipated. As more and more ash fell in the sky, the sky gradually darkened, as if it had turned dark in the blink of an eye.

Fu Ying was even more surprised that he was still behind. As the sky darkened, the vision originally affected by the thick fog did not recover, but was replaced by a dark space. It was like suddenly walking out of thick fog into a place with no light source.

Fu Ying quickly took out the lighting tool and turned it on, but the light only illuminated a few meters away before being "cut off" and disappearing without a trace.

At this time, with the sound of metal dragging on the ground, something seemed to be approaching Fu Ying directly in front.

Fu Ying's "Peter Yiji Ling" once again sensed the previous danger, so he immediately formed a seal and summoned a powerful shikigami——






As a huge six-pointed star magic circle condensed in the air, an adult giant elephant walked out of the magic circle with heavy steps.

The elephant god seemed to sense the "threat" coming from the front. He flicked his nose, let out an elephant howl, and accelerated towards the front.

However, as a sound broke through the air, Fu Ying jumped to the side in alarm, and the elephant god's huge body obviously became a living target.

With the sound of the sharp blade cutting flesh and blood, the elephant god was split into two halves!

The sound of metal dragging was getting closer and closer. In the visibility of only a few meters, as the sound got closer and closer, Fu Ying felt a strong sense of oppression coming towards his face.

Triangle head!

Seeing the classic appearance, as a veteran player with all five poisons, Fu Ying naturally recognized the opponent as a monster from "Silent Hill".

It's just...isn't this "A Nightmare on Elm Street"?

How could a monster from Silent Hill appear?

"This is a fucking mess!" Fu Ying didn't have time to think about it, and immediately took out a piece of black talisman paper and put it on his forehead, forming a seal at the same time.

"Shikigami Substitution Technique!"

Fu Ying's spell power was instantly drained, and a pool of black shadow appeared at his feet, pulling his entire body into the shadow.

As soon as Fu Ying disappeared, the triangle head was slashed into the air.

"Huh? Where is the person?" At this time, a thin figure walked out of the black space behind the triangular head, looking around curiously, looking for traces of Fu Ying.

The one who can pull Fu Ying into the "internal and external world" is naturally the master of this realm, Dark Alessa.

Lin Ge originally asked her to take action with the intention of exploring the background of the stalker. If the strength was average, he would easily deal with it. However, he did not expect that the opponent could avoid the killing moves of the triangle head again and again. It was enough to show that he must possess Similar to Chen Qing's "danger perception" ability.

"Gone?" At this time, Lin Ge also walked out of the black space on the side.

As soon as Dark Alessa raised her hand, the triangular head turned into a black mist and disappeared into the space, and the surrounding dark space gradually became brighter, gradually returning to the white space of the outside world.

"I don't know, but I can feel that he seems to have escaped from the space." Dark Alessa said slightly surprised. After all, this was the first time she encountered someone who could escape from the inner and outer world without knowing it.

Lin Ge said: "You will get used to it in the future. Apart from anything else, the life-saving skills of reincarnations are weirder than the last. The reincarnations who can become stalkers are at least the strength of the Purple Sect. It is not surprising to have such an ability."

"But he was able to dodge two attacks!" Dark Alessa said dissatisfied. She also deliberately concealed the aura of the triangle head to carry out a "sneak attack", but she didn't expect that the opponent would even be able to dodge it.

Lin Ge said: "It's not surprising. I can name a few abilities similar to Chen Qing's 'Danger Sense', such as 'Spider Sense', 'Super Sense', 'Seeing, Hearing, Color Dominance', etc... I passed by Judging from the observations just now, he has at least one or more abilities to detect danger."

"It's boring." Dark Alessa said disdainfully.

"By the way, is there any difference between using the 'internal and external world' in different worlds?" Lin Ge asked Dark Alessa to test the stalker, but also wanted to see if Dark Alessa would be worried about leaving Silent Hill. "Home court", thus affecting the strength.

Dark Alessa thought for a while and replied: "Perhaps because of the insufficient resentment and evil spirit in this land, both the outer world and the inner world have been more or less affected. For example, in Silent Hill, I can put the inner world's The visibility is controlled at two meters, but maintaining it at ten meters here consumes a lot of money.”

Lin Ge was not surprised to hear this answer. After all, even playing football is divided into home and away games, and different worlds also have different divisions of power. It is not surprising that Dark Alessa's power will have a certain impact.

"If the situation just now is followed, how long can the other world last?" Lin Ge asked.

Dark Alessa replied: "About two to three hours."

"What about Silent Hill?"

"When eldest sister is not affected, she can maintain it for twenty-four hours without any problem, but she consumed some of her essence to save your sister, so I guess it will have to be halved no matter what."

Lin Ge frowned when he heard this: "Weakened to a quarter?"

"Nonsense, that's the origin! Besides, if you ask me to pull the reincarnator into the realm alone, this situation will consume more magic power than pulling the entire town in together, okay?" Dark Alessa said dissatisfied.

"That's true." In order to prevent drastic changes in the plot, Lin Ge specifically asked Dark Alessa not to involve the innocent citizens of Elm Street, so Dark Alessa launched a ghost realm targeting only the stalker.

However, when it comes to origin, Lin Ge failed to find it in this world, which went against his initial plan. After all, the 60 points of origin to "bring new people" are really not enough.

"It seems... I still have to go to Crystal Lake." Lin Ge thought that if this world is really the background of "Freddy vs. Jason", then the origin is not in Freddy, but in Jason.

At this time, as Dark Alessa canceled her abilities, the thick fog that returned from the inner world to the outer world gradually dissipated. "Pedestrians" appeared on the street again, and the town returned to its original state, as if everything before was just a dream. The same thing that happened in .

Lin Ge returned to the villa in the East District, where six new reincarnators were gathering to discuss the situation of the "Stalker". When he saw Lin Ge coming back, Sun Kun immediately stood up and greeted them.

"Boss Lin, is it solved?"

Lin Ge shook his head: "He ran away in the end. How are you doing here? Have you received any new reminder messages from the Lord God?"

At the same time as the stalkers entered, the six new reincarnators received prompts from the main god at the same time. However, the first prompt was very simple. It just said that a senior person was going to hunt them down, and their ability was "summoning". The current distance is "10 kilometers".

After Lin Ge got the news, he, Dark Alessa, Little Yatou and Chen Qing guarded one direction of Elm Street Town respectively, and in the end the stalker met Dark Alessa.

"No wonder we just received a new reminder from the Lord God. It's six kilometers east of the town. Ability 1: Shikigami. Black dogs are good at chasing. The fastest speed is far faster than a cheetah. Ability 2: Giant Elephant..." Sun Kun told the new information one by one.

Lin Ge already had a detailed understanding of the Stalker from Dark Alessa. After comparing it with the information obtained by Sun Kun and others, he immediately guessed the general outline of the Stalker mode.

Since new reincarnators are at a huge disadvantage against experienced reincarnators, in order to increase the newcomer's survival rate, the Lord God will not only "report points" regularly, but will also constantly expose the stalker's abilities. With the newcomer on guard, it will be difficult for the stalker to kill the target within the limited time.

Without a guide, it would be difficult for seniors to be in "danger" against newcomers. This illogical model made Lin Ge confused for a moment whether the main god wanted to cultivate reincarnations, or whether he thought there were too many people in the reincarnation space. However, this is not something he needs to worry about.

Since you are the "leader" at this time, even if the King of Heaven comes, don't even think about snatching the origin of this 60 from him.

Of course, just having 60 origins is not enough. Lin Ge also needs to find out all the origins hidden in "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

Then he had two choices before him. One was to let the six reincarnations hide in the villa until he found the stalkers and killed them.

The second is to take six newcomers and go to Crystal Lake to find Jason.

When Lin Ge was considering what choice to make, Huang Ni told him that they had found a way to absorb the evil energy from the ghost sisters' bodies! (End of chapter)

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