Judging from Freddy's character in the movie, his hobby is to enjoy the process of chasing prey, and in the end, he continues to kill the target.

Because only by continuously amplifying the target's fear, as the Lord of Nightmares, can he continue to improve his strength by absorbing fear.

Therefore, Lin Ge originally guessed that Freddy would attack the characters in the plot first, until the reincarnation intervened, and then divide them one by one and kill them one by one.

But Lin Ge didn't expect that his existence had already posed a threat to Freddy, forcing him to attack six newcomers at the same time to quickly improve his strength, and finally deal with Lin Ge.

Freddy's ability is to pull his targets into dreams, and it's not easy to enter his dream world.

Lin Ge then decided to use the simplest and crudest method - ghost realm hedging, using the ghost realm of fierce ghosts and gods to impact Freddy's dream world, and create a gap to get in and fish for people.

Lin Ge didn't have much else but a lot of ghosts, so he divided his troops into Freddy's dream. Lin Ge, on the other hand, was very lucky to find Freddy's true form.

But it's not surprising when you think about it. After all, among the six newcomers, Zeng Cha is slightly stronger and the most difficult to deal with. Freddy can only solve this problem personally.

As a result, before the thorn was resolved, a bigger thorn came.

Lin Ge was furious now. He originally planned to keep the six newcomers and get double the "justice value" reward, so he equipped the newcomers with weapons, arranged bodyguards, and even personally selected the place to stay and set up the formation for the newcomers. Fu, used himself as a bait to contain Freddy, but Freddy didn't follow the routine and directly skipped him to deal with six newcomers at the same time.

Then Lin Ge is destined to not get the double reward no matter whether he takes action or not. And if we don’t take action and expect the newcomers to perform exceptionally well to survive the danger, they might even lose the basic rewards.

In this case, Lin Ge simply let go of the fight!

But before that, Lin Ge still had a question in his mind, which was how did Freddy pull the six newcomers into their dreams without him having any awareness?

"How is this possible? How is this possible! How did you get in!" Freddy looked at Lin Ge who was walking over with a stereo in horror. He couldn't understand why the other party fell into a dream.

Lin Ge smiled and replied: "I'm also very curious about how you pull people into a dream under my nose. Why don't you answer my doubts, and I'll answer yours?"

"Don't even think about it! What will happen if you come in? I am God here, everything..."

Before Freddy finished speaking, Lin Ge raised his hand and quickly threw the trident at Freddy, nailing him to the fireplace with a "swish".

"Since you are God, let's hang up and talk later." At this time, the BGM duration of the gramophone ended. Lin Ge stepped forward and said after putting the gramophone into the astrolabe.



Freddy roared angrily, and he wanted to pull out the trident stuck in his chest, but as soon as his hand touched the trident, white smoke suddenly appeared like a hot iron, making a sizzling sound. sound.


"What's this!"

Lin Ge took out a self-modified "2002 Limited Edition Ghost Hunting" pistol, took out a bottle of special ghost-repelling potion magazine and loaded it: "Since there is a harpoon to harpoon fish, naturally there is a devil harpoon to harpoon devils like you. Now can you tell me, how did you do it?"


Before Freddy could say the second word, Lin Ge pointed a gun at Freddy's face and shot him. With a "bang" sound, the bullet hit Freddy's face and exploded into a mass of blood. , and this blood is like strong sulfuric acid, white smoke rises when it touches Freddy's face.




Freddy was "blasted" to pieces by Lin Ge's special ghost-repelling ammunition, but Lin Ge obviously didn't intend to let him go. After some torture, he said: "If I remember correctly, you seem to like pulling people into you." Let them experience the pain of nightmares in the created nightmares... I am curious, do you have 'nightmares'?"

"What...what...mean...you...mean..." Freddy's entire face was deformed, he couldn't even speak clearly, and he roared in a hoarse voice.

Lin Ge smiled and said: "Since you like to make people have nightmares, I will let you try to have nightmares too!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw several gaps suddenly torn in the "air" of the living room. Some were cut open by the Zanpakutō, and some were broken by the blood mist... The most outrageous thing is that the space over the little girl's side was opened by the Zanpakuto. The Ghost Brown Bear "teared it open" with his bare hands.

There was no one here who was not an expert in playing the ghost realm. Even the Ghostly Brown Bear created a ghost realm when he played "catching ghosts" in school.

In the difficult difficulty version of "A Nightmare on Elm Street", Freddy's strength is at the red-level level at best, while in Lin Ge's case, the worst is at the red-level level.

"Oh, it's not fun, it's gone with one knife." Dark Alessa seemed to still have some unfinished thoughts, complaining as she walked into the main space where Freddy's body was from the dream "next door".

The triangular head followed Dark Alessa, and the Zanpakutō made a harsh friction sound on the ground. Even Freddy felt a hint of fear.

"Yes, yes, this guy is too weak. He will be dead if he falls into the tea cup." The little girl followed the Ghost Brown Bear into the space and was also complaining.

Lin Ge really wanted to say, girl, your tea cup is filled with hell magma. Not to mention Freddy, even if the big devil comes and falls in, he will have to shed his skin.

"Is he Freddy? It doesn't feel that good. It's not as oppressive as Jason." On the other side, Huang Ni and Chen Qing also walked into the main space.

However, because it was Huang Ni who cast a spell to open the gap in the dream world and Chen Qing entered the dream to fish for people, Huang Ni did not see Freddy's clone.

Huang Ni's biggest hobby is watching ghost movies and horror movies. After watching the domestic ones, she will watch foreign ones. Naturally, she also watched the more famous "A Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Black Friday" series in Europe and the United States.

She felt that the most enjoyable one was the crossover movie "Freddy vs. Jason", but since Freddy was beheaded by Jason in the end, she also said that Freddy was "released" as the Lord of Nightmares. With the power of dreams, Jason could not be beaten to death, but after a fight, it was discovered that his abilities were not as good as the little girl's original ghost realm.

Freddy had never been humiliated like this since he obtained the power of nightmares. He was also "judged" by several women and children. He was so angry that he wanted to release all the power of nightmares and pull everyone present into the nightmare. However, he was nailed to the wall with the trident, and the demonic power was suppressed by the magic weapon, making it impossible to release his ability at all.

Lin Ge obviously saw Freddy's plan and said with a smile: "I have to keep my word when I come out to fool around. If I say I'll give you nightmares, I'll let you have nightmares! Girl, this is the real body, let him enjoy the 'eighteenth floor' Hell's meal."

"Okay!" the little girl said excitedly, clapping her hands.

Because most of the time Lin Ge, who was too difficult to deal with, would not let her take action, and the one who was too weak could not survive a few levels, so so far, the little girl's "Eighteen Levels of Hell Package" has never had the opportunity to show its full abilities.

Now when she heard that Lin Ge asked her to arrange the "Eighteen Levels of Hell Package" for Freddy, she immediately released the ghost realm with excitement. The black mist turned into a big hand. After Lin Ge took back the trident, Freddy was immediately attracted by the little girl. Pull into the ghost land "Hell Paradise".

Eighteen levels of hell, eighteen kinds of "amusement" facilities!

The first level, the tongue-pulling prison!

Freddy was horrified to find that he was tied up in a strange "cartoon house", and the tables, chairs, benches, beds and other furniture in this house, including the entire room, seemed to be made of plasticine.

But unlike the colorful plasticine used for children's play, there are only two colors here: blood red and black, which together look a bit scary.

At this time, the roof of the "Cartoon House" was lifted, and a big head like the horror doll in "The Return of the Devil" stretched over and looked down at Freddy in the house.

Then, Freddy was grabbed by the ghost doll, used rusty tweezers to pry open his mouth, clamped his tongue, and then pulled it out forcefully!



three times.

Freddy keeps feeling the pain of having his tongue pulled out, but his tongue will grow back immediately after it is pulled out, and the pain of having his tongue pulled out will repeat itself!

This process lasted for who knows how long, Freddy screamed and howled, just like the victims he killed every time.

At this time, the ghost doll put the tweezers aside, and just when Freddy thought the nightmare was about to end, the ghost doll picked up a pair of rusty children's scissors.


The doll cut off one of Freddy's fingers, then the second, then the third... After cutting off his fingers, he started cutting off his toes.

The fingers and toes, like the tongue, grew back immediately after being cut off, causing Freddy to repeat the pain.

This is the second level of the eighteen levels of hell - scissors hell!

Lin Ge couldn't help but frowned as he looked at Freddy who was trapped in a dream and almost collapsed after being tortured by the eighteen levels of hell.

It's not that he "sympathized" with Freddy's experience, but he didn't understand why the little girl's ghost realm could evolve the ability to "eighteen levels of hell."

Although Lin Ge had doubts when he saw the little girl using the amusement equipment combined with hell, but the little girl couldn't find any clues at all, so Lin Ge could only put the matter aside for now.

Later, the two Huang Ni sisters also studied the little girl's abilities, and combined with Qimei's blood mist, they gradually developed this "childlike version" of a package below the 18th floor.

Lin Ge vaguely felt that one of Qimei and the little girl must have some relationship with the underworld. Otherwise, how could such an ability evolve out of thin air?

Lin Ge originally wanted to see what else he could do in the "Eighteen Levels of Hell Package", but unfortunately Freddie failed to live up to his expectations and could not hold on until he reached the seventh level of "Sword Mountain Hell". How would he play in Lin Ge's life? The reason that pulled the new reincarnation into a dream was revealed right before his eyes.

Just when Lin Ge and others entered the bar street to deal with gangsters, Freddy happened to be eyeing a few gangsters from the Skull and Bones Party.

Just when he was about to torture these gangsters, Lin Ge led people into the Skeleton Party's headquarters. It was also at this time that Lin Ge and others entered Freddy's dream.

But at that time, Freddy didn't know the existence of reincarnation at all. He only wanted to deal with a few gangsters, so he didn't show his true skills.

To put it simply, the dream that Freddy opened was too weak, so weak that even this breath could not arouse Lin Ge's "alertness".

After Lin Ge and others entered the area, Freddy noticed Lin Ge's existence and quickly relied on the power of dreams to isolate the perception of several people. He released all his power and "superimposed" the dream worlds one by one.

In other words, Lin Ge and others "walked into" Freddy's dream, and then the overlapping dream world was released by the other party, and then separated one by one.

Lin Ge was dumbfounded when he heard the so-called "truth". He never dreamed that it would be because Freddy was "too weak" that he would take the initiative to lead the team into someone else's trap.

"Hey, you're Freddy, the horror guy in European and American blockbusters, and you've been weaker than Red for a long time. You devils in this class of hell can't do it!" Lin Ge was speechless.

Fortunately, there is only Zeng Cha, a newcomer to reincarnation, around at this moment. Since this is his first reincarnation, he doesn’t understand what the concepts of "difficult level" and "red clothes" are. Otherwise, if he is the first person in the chicken coop who has experienced the red-clothed ghost incident, After hearing this, the reincarnator would definitely let Lin Ge hear what he said was human language?

In the end, Lin Ge ignored the begging for mercy of the tortured perverted demon in front of him, completely melted his body with ghost-expelling water, and then used the Five Elements Bagua Disk to release golden light to "clean" it, leaving not a drop of "blood" at the scene. Completely killed Freddy.

[Kill "Freddy" and obtain C-level equipment coupon x1 and reincarnation point x5000. This reincarnation is "Guide Mode", and the current plot interference value is 99%. 】

Lin Ge: ...Good guy, 99%, Lord God, do you intend to leave 1% to let me play freely?

After solving the most dangerous existence in this reincarnation world, "Freddy", Lin Ge did not relax his vigilance. For one thing, almost every "A Nightmare on Elm Street" movie, including the crossover movie "Freddy vs. Jason," ends with Freddy being "resurrected."

Although Lin Ge is not worried about Freddy's resurrection, he even hopes that the other party will be "resurrected" so that he can get another kill reward.

But compared to the "c-level equipment exchange coupons" and "5,000 reincarnation points", he valued the dozens of points of "justice value" rewards more.

After all, Lin Ge didn't find the origin in Freddy's body after killing him, the "anti-boss". It was obviously taken away by the Lord God and used as a "reward".

So in order to ensure that he can get these justice points, Lin Ge must be more careful in the next few days to prevent Freddy from resurrecting and killing the newcomers.

In order to find the "origin" of Zheng Fang, Lin Ge asked Tyson to lead people to monitor several plot characters in the show the next day, and at the same time brought six newcomers to officially enter the school.

After learning that Freddy had been killed by Lin Ge, the newcomers were completely relieved, followed Lin Ge's instructions, and began to assume the identities assigned to them by the Lord God.

After spending two days peacefully in this way, Lin Ge discovered during the discussion with Huang Ni that Freddy did not have the origin of the negative side and could be explained by deprivation of the main god for rewards, but even the positive plot characters did not have the origin, so It's a bit unreasonable.

Because for the maintenance of a reincarnated world, it is necessary to ensure that the origin exists in either the positive or negative side, otherwise the world will "collapse".

At present, it seems that this world of reincarnation is still functioning normally, so it is impossible for both the pros and cons to have no "origin".

Lin Ge looked at Huang Ni who was sitting on the bed in the bedroom watching a horror movie on his laptop and said, "Do you think there is a possibility that this is not the world of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" at all, but something like "Freddy vs. Jason" In this interconnected world, Freddy's origin, or the origins of the main protagonists, have long been taken away by characters in another movie... So the origins cannot be seen in the protagonists and villains here, but the world of reincarnation is. Is it functioning normally?"

"If so, do you plan to go to Crystal Lake alone or bring six oil bottles?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge frowned slightly. If his guess was correct, then Jason would have to be stronger than, or crush, Freddy.

In this way, whether you go to Crystal Lake alone or bring six tow bottles, there is a certain risk.

The former cannot guarantee that Freddy will not be resurrected, and the latter... Although Freddy is weak, his dream strength has been strengthened to a certain extent. No one can guarantee that Jason in this world cannot cut stars with a watermelon knife.

Just when Lin Ge was still struggling, the Lord God’s reminder suddenly sounded in his mind——

【warn! 】

【Stalkers break in! 】

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