"Look at the wall, the wall is beginning to peel off, and the world is beginning to decay! Nightmare! We are being dragged into a nightmare world! I was like this before, that's it!" Chu Beibi suddenly pointed at the decaying wall and screamed. The scene was exactly the same as when she was dragged into the nightmare world before.

Zeng Cha shouted: "Get together and don't scatter. Don't forget that Mr. Lin told us that firearms can hurt Freddy. We have weapons now. As soon as he appears, we will concentrate our firepower on him!"

Sun Kun echoed: "Yes, Boss Lin will definitely find a way to save us. Everyone, hold on, hold on. I, the Thirteen Taibao of Nantianmen, have followed more bosses than Bia Fei and Ya Qi. I will never You’ll get the wrong person!”

The walls peeled off quickly, turning into an abandoned house that had been abandoned for hundreds of years in the blink of an eye. The lights also dimmed, adding a depressing and terrifying atmosphere to the entire house.

At this moment, several people noticed a figure flashing at the door, followed by a gunshot. Before everyone could even see who the figure was in the dim light, they saw Zhang Liang pulling the trigger of the pistol without hesitation.




Zhang Liang seemed to feel that firing only one shot was not safe, so he emptied the magazine.


Following screams, a man covered in blood walked out of the dim light at the gate. He raised his hand and pointed at Zhang Liang in pain: "You... actually..."

"Mr. Lin!" Zhao Jingjing was shocked when she saw the man's appearance, and subconsciously wanted to step forward.

Zeng Cha and Sun Kun grabbed Zhao Jingjing and shouted at the same time: "Wait!"

"He is not Mr. Lin!"

"You want to hurt Boss Lin with just a pistol, how is that possible!"

According to the setting of the main god space, senior reincarnators are almost equivalent to the existence of "superman". From the perspective of Sun Kun and Zeng Cha, Lin Ge could produce a large number of weapons at will, so how could he not prepare bulletproof props?


With a burst of gloomy laughter, the bloody "corpse" on the ground slowly stood up and gradually turned into Freddy wearing a striped red sweater.

"Fear, tremble. In my world, slowly experience the fear of being tortured to death... I will slowly peel off your skin, cut your flesh into pieces, and pick out your bones..." Freddy raised his hand, moved his fingers slightly, and the sharp blades on his fingertips rubbed slightly and made a harsh sound.

"I'm going to kill you, uncle!" Sun Kun cursed, and fired at Freddy with an assault rifle.

Freddy screamed and retreated, his flesh and blood being instantly mangled by the assault rifle.

"Ah, help, help. Don't kill me."

"I'm sorry, don't kill me."


Under the firepower of the assault rifle, Freddy screamed repeatedly, with blood holes being swept out of his body, and finally fell into a pool of blood.

"Damn, bastard." Sun Kun spat and cursed disdainfully.

At this time, another burst of sinister laughter came from the direction of the stairs. Everyone turned around alertly and saw Freddy slowly walking down the stairs.

"Insects, I am God here, you can't hurt me! Hahahahaha!" Freddy laughed and approached the six people.

"What are you doing standing still? Fight!" Sun Kun reacted the fastest. He emptied the magazine of his assault rifle. He didn't even bother to change the ammunition. He just picked up the submachine gun and fired again.

After Sun Kun's "reminder", everyone came back to their senses. Zeng Cha and Zhang Liang immediately raised their guns and shot.

There was another burst of shooting, and the same ending. Freddy was beaten to a pulp and fell down again, but the difference was that this time he was laughing weirdly the whole time, as if he was enjoying the joy of being hit by bullets. .




At this time, Freddy's crazy laughter could be heard from all directions in the house. When everyone took a look, they saw Freddy everywhere in the kitchen, bedroom, study room, second floor...the whole house.

"Hallucination! It's all hallucination!" Sun Kun shouted and fired randomly with a submachine gun.

The presence of Freddy around him undoubtedly caused great psychological pressure to the six newcomers who had just entered reincarnation, especially Chu Beibi, who had already seen the horror of Freddy. At this time, she was so frightened that her legs became weak and she fell to the ground. .

"Is it really just an illusion?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind Sun Kun, and then Wang Defa, who was standing behind him, showed a ferocious smile, and his fat face turned into Freddy's miserable look in the blink of an eye. Burns face.

Then, the sharp blade in Freddy's hand pierced Sun Kun's stomach from behind. The sharp blade stirred in his stomach, causing him to vomit blood.



Zhao Jingjing screamed and ran away. Zhang Liang turned over and took advantage of his athlete's advantage. He quickly ran to a few meters away and aimed his gun at Freddy.

Zeng Cha gritted his teeth and slammed towards Freddy. He grabbed Freddy's hand that stabbed Sun Kun's stomach with both hands, pulled it out, and knocked Freddy away.

Zeng Cha was also deeply affected by Freddy's fear, but he knew better that once he was scared, retreating would only lead to faster death. His strong desire to survive allowed him to overcome his fear. Instead of being killed by Freddy, it would be better to find a way to kill him!

"go to hell!"

Zeng Cha lowered the shotgun in his hand, put it into Freddy's mouth, and pulled the trigger——


With a gunshot, Freddy's head exploded into a ball of blood.


"I said, you can't hurt me, but I can play with you as I please."

"Do you really think you can escape?"

Freddy, who was all over the room, laughed ferociously at the same time, and then the whole room shook violently, and the ceiling, walls, and floor quickly collapsed as if they were falling into an abyss.


"Help me, help!"

"help me!"


Several people in the living room quickly fell into endless darkness. After a short fall, everyone seemed to be back in the dark villa.

"Don't kill me, don't, don't!" Chu Beibi screamed in horror. She hugged herself tightly out of fear, but she found that the terrifying falling feeling disappeared.

Chu Beibi slowly opened her eyes, raised her head in fear, only to find that she was sitting alone in the dark living room, and her "teammates" had all disappeared!

"Where are you? Don't leave me, don't leave me..." Chu Beibi cried until her voice became hoarse. She hurriedly grabbed the pistol on the ground and held it to her chest.



As footsteps sounded, a figure walked out of the darkness ahead. Freddy looked at Chu Beibi with a grin: "Don't worry, this thing doesn't hurt at all!"

Freddy said, slowly raising his hand, the friction of the sharp blade like scissor hands made a sharp metallic friction sound.

The sharp blade cut through Chu Beibi's clothes and peeled off her flesh and blood. The blood flowed down her chest. At this moment, Chu Beibi seemed not to feel the pain, or was scared to death. She just kept shaking and sobbing. with...

"No, no, no, no, you should show more fear..." Freddy was like a predator teasing his prey, enjoying the joy of killing to his heart's content.

At this time, similar to Chu Beibi's experience, Zeng Cha, Zhang Liang, Zhao Jingjing, and Wang Defa were also in the living room at this time, but they seemed to be divided into different "spaces" and cut off from each other.

It's just that everyone has a "Freddy" in front of them, either cruelly killing these new reincarnations, or enjoying the fun of "hunting".

There are three people who can make Freddy enjoy hunting, namely Zeng Cha, Sun Liang, and Sun Kun, who was disemboweled by Freddy before.

Sun Kun was not dead, or Freddy did not kill him at all, everything was just an illusion.

On the one hand, Freddy is enjoying the joy of hunting, but on the other hand, he is deliberately using these terrifying methods to amplify the fear in the hearts of reincarnators.

He inherited the power of nightmares after being burned to death by a group of parents on Elm Street. The "fear" in his dreams is his food. The more fear he absorbs, the stronger he becomes!

Freddy is good at creating fear, so he is also very sensitive to the smell of fear.

As the new "Nightmare Lord", Freddy actually felt the aura of fear in that man, something he had never felt in more than ten years.

Even when he was blocked and burned alive in an abandoned factory, Freddy had never had such fear!

This is why he dragged all the reincarnations into the dream world, but left the man outside. He wants to spread more fear among these people, make him stronger, and then eliminate the threat outside!

At this time, three of the six people were frightened out of their wits and were releasing endless fear, while the remaining three, one of them, relied on his athletic talent to escape in the room, but the fear in his heart could no longer be concealed, and soon he would The same fate as those three pools of ooze.

As long as these two "thorns" are solved, the rest will be much easier to handle!

When Freddy was thinking about how to "kill" Sun Kun, a burst of sinister laughter sounded behind Freddy.

"Hee hee hee--"

"Uncle, what are you playing at?"

Freddy turned around in surprise, only to see a little girl in a red skirt, with scary white eyes and black lines all over her face, holding a tattered brown bear doll and looking at him with a sinister smile.

What kind of hobby did Freddy have, that's why his parents cornered him in an old factory and burned him alive? Although the little girl in front of him was scarier than him, it also made him want to kill her.

"Hehehehe, come here, uncle will play with you!" Freddy said with a ferocious smile.

The little girl stood there without moving, and just asked: "Really? Uncle, do you want to play with me?"

"As long as you are willing." Freddy smiled, approaching the little girl step by step.

The little girl said in surprise: "What's your favorite animal? Is it a bear? Haha. Do you want to play with my little bear?"

"Of course, I also like bears."

"That's great, let's have a bear hug!" The little girl grinned and threw the brown bear doll in her hand towards Freddy. The brown bear ghost suddenly grew in size in the air, and stepped on the second floor ceiling above its head. Get down on the ground.

The little girl clapped her hands happily when she saw this: "Run, jump, jump!"

The brown bear ghost immediately stepped on Freddy and jumped up and down, trampling him into a small meat pie in an instant. But as this Freddy was tortured to death, more Freddy appeared in the room.

When the little girl saw this, not only was she not afraid, but she jumped up and down excitedly, clapped her hands and said, "That's great, I have so many fun toys to play with my uncle!"

As soon as the little girl finished speaking, the thick black mist poured out from behind her and turned into terrifying hell facilities, dragging those Freddies into them.

The blade carousel, the oil pot tea cup, the dismembered pirate group... Freddy never thought that he, who had killed countless people, would one day become a toy in the hands of naughty children!

Sun Kun, who was beside him, had long been paralyzed with fear. He froze in place and did not dare to move. Although he did not know the background of this little girl, he was definitely not able to deal with someone who could abuse Freddy as a toy. At this time, it was obvious that the other party only wanted to deal with Freddy, so it was better not to attract her attention and hide quietly aside.

On the other side, Zhao Jingjing huddled in the corner of the living room, her face covered with tears, watching in horror as Freddy approached step by step.

At this moment, there was a "clang, clang" sound like heavy metal dragging on the ground. Freddy stopped in confusion and looked in the direction of the villa door.

With a "rustling" sound, black beetles crowded into the cracks of the door, and then with a loud "bang", the door was pierced by a black knife and cut in half.

A "macho" man with a bare upper body showing his burly chest and a golden triangle on his head, holding a black Zanpakutō, kicked open the door that was split in two and walked into the hall.

"Who are you!" Freddy shouted angrily.

At this time, a little black-haired girl wearing a black skirt and a pale face walked out from behind the muscular man. She looked at him with a smile: "I heard that you like to play games with people? That's great. My friend also likes to play with people. When playing games, you must have fun! Hehehehe."

While Dark Alessa was speaking, Triangle Head had already come to Freddy with his Zanpakutō. He raised the Zanpakutō and struck down the black Getsuga sword energy, cutting Freddy in half.

At this time, Ou Yongqi and White Skirt Alessa also "invaded" Freddy's dream world through ghost hedging, and rescued Zhang Liang and Wang Defa.

Although Chen Qing and Huang Ni from the other team did not know how to navigate the ghost realm, they successfully opened a gap with Huang Ni's magic and successfully rescued Chu Beibi who was almost tortured to death.

Zeng Cha was the last one left, and Zeng Cha was also the calmest and best-situated one among the six. He used the weapons in his hands and the terrain of the villa to constantly deal with Freddy.

Coupled with a firm mind, the fear in his heart was also the least among the six, which immediately made Freddy feel in trouble and had to reveal his true body to deal with Zeng Cha personally.

And just when Zeng Cha was cornered by Freddy and was about to be disemboweled, a burst of passionate music came from the direction of the main entrance.

This music is very powerful and makes people excited when listening to it. It makes a person want to grab two ghosts and beat them up while walking alone at night!


With a loud bang, the door of the villa was blown out, and then a dazzling golden light lit up outside the house, and a shining golden man walked into the house holding a gramophone.

He's coming, he's coming, he's coming to the rescue carrying a stereo!

Zeng had a clear look at the appearance of the golden man at the door, and the budding fear in his heart immediately shrank back, and he shouted excitedly: "Mr. Lin!"

As Lin Ge walked into the house, the impassioned music echoed in the house, and the high-pitched suona sound poured into Freddy's ears like a death-threatening sound. Freddy was horrified to find that he had developed a heart of fear!

This BGM is called "Open the Sun" and is often used as the background music for "English Songs and Dances".

"Yingge Dance" evolved from ancient Nuo dance. Nuo dance is often used to exorcise evil spirits and avoid evil spirits. It is the most commonly used "exorcism dance" in religious ceremonies!

As a nightmare demon, Freddy is like a mouse seeing a cat when he hears this music. This is an instinctive fear!

"You took away my double reward and I'm so angry now!"

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