"Have you ever tried to recall the memories before "A Chinese Ghost Story"? When you think back on the past, do you feel that these memories are very 'strange', as if they do not belong to you?"

"Until the reincarnation after "A Chinese Ghost Story", those are the 'memories' that belong to you, because the memories before that are all my memories..."

"After this, you will be an 'independent' individual, creating your own memories."

"The Lord God copied you because he was worried that you would come into contact with the upper world and recall your previous memories like me, so even your background was revised."

"Although the spells of the Three Mountain Talismans are generally similar, there are big differences in some details. When you use the spells before "A Chinese Ghost Story", does it conflict with your memory?"

"Are you really 'Lin Ge'?"

Lin Ge continued to put pressure on the "copy Lin Ge", and every sentence was aimed at making breakthroughs in "A Chinese Ghost Story".

With Lin Ge's guidance, "Copy Lin Ge" gradually felt that something was wrong. He had never had similar doubts because in "A Chinese Ghost Story" he suffered a severe head injury and was beaten by Hei Changzhi and Jiwotou. After dying, he was brought back to the main god space for treatment, and then reincarnated again and again, leaving no time to think about the previous "memory".

Now that I think about it carefully, there are indeed many "wrong" things. The first is what Lin Ge calls "memory bias."

This made him feel that something was wrong with the memory. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it did not belong to him.

"Impossible... This is impossible!" The clone Lin Ge looked at Lin Ge angrily and roared: "Why do you think these memories are yours! You may also be a clone! No! Impossible! I will never Maybe it was created by the Lord God! I am the true body! I am the true body!"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "So what, even if I am also a copy, I have started to create my own memories since I first entered the world of reincarnation...and your memory only started to be shaped after "A Chinese Ghost Story", if I am a copy, then you are a copy of the copy, wouldn’t it be even more tragic!”

"No! You're talking nonsense!" The clone Lin Ge roared angrily, and his expression suddenly turned ferocious. Half of his face was ruined, and now he looked both crazy and terrifying.


"Ha ha!"

"Kill you, as long as I kill you, then I will be the original body!" The clone Lin Ge suddenly burst into flames. At this time, his left arm was broken and he could only attack with his right arm. A turbid thunder condensed in the palm of his hand and struck Lin Ge's chest.

Lin Ge's eyes trembled, his expression a little subtle.

Perhaps because he is the "original body", he doesn't quite understand the "mood" of the clone in front of him, and he doesn't understand why he is obsessed with the issue of "the original body and the cloned body". He even thought of killing his original body and himself. The idea of ​​​​the original body, rather than considering "revenge" on the Lord God who copied him as a tool.

Obviously, Lin Ge's "inciting rebellion" failed.

However, this was expected by Lin Ge. He believed that the Lord God had gone to great lengths to create replicas in batches, and he definitely did not want the Gu insects he raised to be "incited" by the upper world to turn against him when they were about to grow into Gu kings. .

Therefore, there is a high probability that some tricks will be done to these clones, otherwise the previously calm and powerful clones would have no reason to become so emotionally unstable after their own "rebellious" remarks.

Fortunately, Lin Ge had a backup plan. He raised his hand to catch the clone's Yin Wu Lei head-on, and then knocked the opponent away with a backhand palm.



"Kill you, I'm going to kill you!"

The clone Lin Ge struggled to stand up from the ruins, roaring and charging forward again. He was seriously injured in the battle with the mage. Even though he swallowed a lot of recovery medicine at this time, he was not directly restored to his best condition after all, so he was completely at a disadvantage against Lin Ge.

Lin Ge looked at the clone of Rampage and sighed: "I said it's been 23 years, let's not break the rules like 'Let's run away, Unit-00', okay?"

"How about I am the copy and you are the original body, okay? Shouldn't we unite to deal with the Lord God now? It's just an identity. As you said, I might also be a copy..."

Before Lin Ge finished speaking, he was interrupted by the rampaging clone. He had to "borrow a trick" from Huang Ni and concentrate on dealing with the clone.

As the saying goes, "The blackened strength is doubled first." Even the clone Lin Ge was no exception. Under Lin Ge's stimulation, his Yin Wu Lei field covered the entire hospital ruins, and the intensity was far greater than when fighting the mage.

"Since there is no way to instigate rebellion, you can just slap him to death, so why waste time. Oh, forget that you have lost your cultivation." At this time, Huang Shang's voice came from the mark on his right hand.

Lin Ge lost his cultivation and all his magic power came from Huang Ni. Although Huang Shang had been practicing with concentration, he immediately "awoke" when he noticed the fluctuations in his sister's spiritual energy.

After learning the ins and outs of the matter from Huang Ni, Huang Shang obviously did not intend to let go of this opportunity to "sarcasm" Lin Ge, and immediately started the "sarcasm mode."

After getting along for so long, Lin Ge has long been accustomed to Huang Shang's personality. Normally, he wouldn't mind having a few words with Huang Shang, but now the power of the rampaging clone has skyrocketed. Even with the help of Huang Ni's magic, he can't deal with it. It's still very difficult to get up. Especially after the clone went berserk, his Yin Wu Lei field became extremely unstable, and there were "boiling" Zhuorei everywhere. Lin Ge not only had to deal with the clone, but also prevented the fierce attack of Zhuorei.

"This clone is still useful and cannot be killed for the time being... However, now that my source is exhausted, I can only wait until I get the source of this world before I can try it." Lin Ge replied.

"Hey. It's a question of whether we can beat her or not, but you still want to catch her alive? Don't use up all my sister's mana and end up defeated in the end." Huang Shang snorted coldly.

Lin Ge used his thunder method to blast away the thunder that came like thousands of black pythons. He used the blood mist to quickly retreat and distance himself from the clone, and then said with a serious attitude: "Please invite the Corpse Executor to come out!"

Huang Shang:......

"Hmph, you want my help? Okay, please beg me." Huang Shang quarreled with Lin Ge ten times, and each time he was made furious by the other party. After finally seizing an opportunity, he naturally wanted to win the game.

"Okay, please." Lin Ge replied calmly.

Huang Shang:......

"Hey, perfunctory."

Huang Shang wanted to say something else, but Huang Ni sighed and said, "Okay sister, you have to tease Lin Ge for another time. Time is running out now, so stop making trouble."

I saw the fire sign mark on the back of Lin Ge's right hand flashing with white light, and Huang Shang's power had poured into Lin Ge's hand. At the same time, she heard her complain softly: "I'm staring at it, what are you afraid of... I'm not him, It takes a long time to deal with a clone. Hey, you asked me to lend you my power, I will not be responsible for being targeted again!"


As soon as he finished speaking, dark clouds suddenly filled the sky, and the long-lost "Thunder Tribulation" reappeared.

Lin Ge raised his hand and slapped away the clone that rushed up again, and then dispersed the "mana" borrowed from Huang Shang. The thunder and lightning in the sky suddenly stopped, and the dark clouds gradually dispersed.

Ever since he became a substitute, Lin Ge had always wanted to find an opportunity to test whether borrowing Huang Shang's power as "Zhao Dezhu" would alert the Lord God.

Now it seems that this thunder tribulation is like an automatic defense system. Once it detects Huang Shang "escaping from the box", the thunder tribulation will be activated immediately.

Lin Ge was also well prepared for this "test", because according to the original plan, he wanted to ensure that there would be no worries after fishing Chen Qing out, that is, he and Chen Qing would both change their identities.

After having the astrolabe, it is not difficult to seize the reincarnation's "number" and create a new substitute. However, since the origin is exhausted, he can only find a solution from the origin of this world.

Part of the origin of this world lies in Alessa, and the rest should be in the evil god according to the experience in "Sweet Home".

To be precise, with the evil god occupying the entire world, Alessa is only left with Silent Hill, a third of an acre. Judging from this, most of the "origin" of this world lies with the evil god.

This is why Lin Ge decided to transfer Alessa and let her put the evil god into Silent Hill before fishing for Chen Qing.

But before that, Lin Ge planned to work hard. After all, Chen Qing's head was still worth "1 million reincarnation points + an S-level equipment exchange coupon."

But after the clone appeared, Lin Ge had new ideas in his mind.

Lin Ge's left wrist was wrapped with blood mist. With a squeeze, Qimei condensed a ball of blood mist behind him, pulled him into the blood mist, and quickly flew to the ruins in the distance.

At this time, most of the clone's body was pressed by the rubble. In addition, it had received a slap from the "Zombie Level Immortal Level" and had fainted.

Lin Ge dug out the clone and carried it on his shoulders, leaving the ruins of the hospital.

On the other side, Chen Qing, who transformed into "Heather", fully integrated into this identity, turned on the NPC mode, and led a group of reincarnations to find the "father" who did not exist at all.

Dark Alessa, who is hiding in the dark to assist, will occasionally release one or two monsters to "cooperate in the acting", or let the triangle head come out for a walk, allowing these reincarnations to "immerse" the plot.

As Chen Qing and the reincarnations "advanced the plot" and arrived at the cathedral in the center of Silent Hill, more and more reincarnations gathered around Chen Qing, with more than thirty in total.

However, these reincarnations never imagined that the "bounty target" they had tried so hard to find but to no avail was actually right next to them all along.

In order to obtain rewards and continue to advance the plot, these reincarnators also reached an agreement to form a temporary team to "protect" Chen Qing.

Chen Qing followed Lin Ge's instructions and took out the enchanted equipment she had prepared before as a reward for the "hidden plot" to induce the reincarnator to break the seal set by Alessa and lift the "protective cover" of Silent Hill.

As the seal of Silent Hill was unlocked, the thick fog in the mountains a few kilometers away gradually dispersed, and the "world" outside the thick fog was pitch black.

Once the seal was released, the dark "world" seemed to be alive, constantly devouring the area originally protected by Alessa.

In the blink of an eye, Silent Hill was like an island in the sea, surrounded by a dark world.

Some reincarnations who were looking for branch lines and bounty targets in the mountains had no idea what was happening with the moving "dark fog", until there seemed to be an invisible ghost face in the dark world that swallowed them, losing their teammates and temporary Companions, some reincarnators finally realized something was wrong and retreated to Silent Hill.

After the evil god engulfed the mountains, it quickly began to engulf Silent Hill, and the reincarnators scattered throughout the town were forced near the church.

The reincarnators with Chen Qing in the church did not realize that the most powerful "being" in the world was the evil god they released.

The reincarnators began to try to attack the "dark fog", but whether it was spells, technology, magic... or other abilities, breaking into the black fog was like sinking into the sea.

When facing the black mist at the beginning, many reincarnations still wanted to protect the plot character Chen Qing, but as more and more reincarnations were swallowed up and disappeared, they could not care about the plot character and took out their own... Use your trump cards to defend.

However, all resistance was in vain. In less than ten minutes since the seal of Silent Hill was unlocked, the evil god had swallowed up all areas except the paradise area.

The reincarnators who were "swallowed" into the black mist were surprised to find that the black mist was like "another world". Just like the world outside, it was a completely different world from the previous Silent Hill.

This world is more dilapidated than the other world. The basic rules are similar to the other world, including the light source and visibility.

But only Chen Qing knows the "truth". The three Alessas and the Evil God are the only "four entities" in this reincarnation world, which is equivalent to a "double world".

Silent Hill is Alessa's territory and Alessa's world. The world outside Silent Hill is a world destroyed and engulfed by evil gods.

Now that the evil god has engulfed Silent Hill, the reincarnators have also entered the evil god's world.

The reincarnators who originally watched the black mist engulf Silent Hill had fallen into despair, but after being engulfed, they found that they did not die directly, and they were immediately grateful.

However, this happiness did not last long. The reincarnators discovered that there were hundreds of times more monsters here than in the other world, and the monsters became more bloodthirsty and violent.

Endless monsters are attacking the cathedral. Even if all the reincarnations unite, they still can't stop the monster army.

Lin Ge, who was in the paradise area at this time, learned about the situation "in the body" of the evil god through Chen Qing's live broadcast, so he asked Alesha to guard Chen Qing's "corpse" and brought Alesha in black and white. The world of evil gods carries out the final step of "planning".

"Bai Sha, you go to a two-story building east of the hospital to find someone. She should be in a coma at this time. There are many yellow talismans placed around her. Those yellow talismans should not be able to stop you. In order to ensure her safety, you Take her to the paradise area and then meet us at the church as planned.”

Lin Ge finished speaking to Alessa in the white dress, then looked at the dark Alessa and said, "Heisha, can you release the other world in the evil god's world now?"

The two Alessas looked at Lin Ge with strange expressions, seeming to think that his naming skills were full of "flaws", but now was obviously not the time to dwell on such trivial matters.

Dark Alessa said: "No, part of our power comes from the evil god, not to mention that it is now divided into three parts. If we open the inner world, we will most likely be swallowed by the evil god."

In fact, Dark Alessa's ability seems very magical and powerful in "Silent Hill", but combined with the situation in other worlds and the situation of Alessa's "soul body", this is actually a combination of resentment and evil energy. The "ghost realm" where the power of demons is born.

The little girl's ghost realm is to create "amusement facilities" and transform into eighteen layers of hell; Qimei's ghost realm is the world of "blood mist"; and Alessa is the "inner world" where monsters can be created.

If you compare the three abilities horizontally, you can find that the so-called "internal and external world" is actually the ghost realm, but it becomes more unique when combined with the power of the evil god.

As the "source" of part of Alessa's power, the evil god opens an "inner world" in the evil god's world, just like introducing water from a lake into the sea, and will eventually be completely swallowed by the sea.

"That's it, let's proceed as planned. Heisha, you are more familiar with the other world. You can lead the way and we will go to the church first."

"Bai Sha, I leave that woman to you."

After Lin Ge finished speaking, Alessa in the white dress nodded, disappeared into the darkness, and went to look for people around the ruins of the hospital. And the person Lin Ge asked her to find was none other than Hei Changzhi, who was rescued by Lin Ge's clone.

To ensure that the plan continues smoothly, Lin Ge also needs a "trustee".

Lin Ge and Dark Alessa came all the way to the cathedral. The number of monsters on the way was beyond Lin Ge's imagination. If it weren't for Qimei's blood mist, there would be no way to avoid such a number of monsters.

After arriving at the church, listening to the miserable howls and fights of the reincarnators in the darkness, Lin Ge didn't hesitate and directly made the magic formula!

"It's up to you, Minion!"

As a white light appeared on Singer Lin's back, a beautiful figure appeared in front of her!


In an instant, in the dark world, the sky was filled with destructive thunder, and bolts of lightning pierced the sky, illuminating the world without a light source!

Thunder Tribulation is coming!

This power from outside the world, from the "sanction" of the Lord God, can even directly ignore the rules of the evil god's world and ignore the limitations of the light source, which is enough to show how terrifying it is!

"Minion, you only have half a stick of incense to solve it, otherwise we will all be chopped into ashes. Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"



Lin Ge immediately called Dark Alessa to find Chen Qing and handed over the battlefield to the "minion".

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