"Lin Ge" now wants to tear that impostor into pieces. The reincarnation that was originally going smoothly has been experiencing frequent problems since the impostor appeared.

First, Jiwotou and Xiaohei were inexplicably involved in the battle with other reincarnations, and were even labeled as associates of the bounty target.

Furthermore, two consecutive trips to the other world within one day also proved that this reincarnation was completely off track under the control of the "impostor".

However, no matter how much you think about it at this time, it will be useless. The most important thing now is how to get rid of these reincarnations.

"Lin Ge" has mastered Taoism. He holds the Thunder Jue in his hand and chants the "Golden Light Mantra" in his mouth. While his body is covered with golden light, the realm of Yin Wu Lei has been spread out.

Upon seeing this, the mage immediately retreated to avoid being affected by Yin Wu Lei's turbid thunder. At the same time, he took out a magic scroll and opened it, releasing a chain lightning.

The seemingly violent chain lightning struck into the realm of Yin Wu Lei, and was instantly swallowed up by the more powerful Yin Wu Lei, as if it had never appeared before.

"Be careful, this person is very powerful!" the mage said as he retreated into the crowd.

"So what if he's awesome? If you don't kill him, you won't be able to find the plot character!"

"Yes, kill him and get Heather back!"


A group of reincarnators were like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing their magical powers and showing off their special skills. Especially the reincarnator who summoned the "Red Condor" before and was knocked away by Lin Ge's fork. He was unwilling to be defeated by his spiritual weapon. A broken harpoon, so he rushed to the front with the red condor.

The turbid thunder of Yin Wu Lei surged like lava from a volcanic eruption. The Samsara stood forward and thrust the red condor into the ground: "Three eyes, show off your power!"

I saw a white light burst out from the third eye on his forehead, which complemented the dazzling red light burst out by the red condor, and actually "split" the Yin Wu Lei field directly from it!

"Hmph, it's just like..." However, before the man could say the word "this", he saw the Yin Wulei that he had split open gathering towards him at an extremely fast speed.


In an instant, the reincarnator was swallowed up by the magma-like turbid thunder in the Yin Wu Lei field, leaving only the red spear shining red under the covering turbid thunder.




At this time, several rockets were fired at "Lin Ge", but they were immediately blocked by the rising Yinwu Lei a few meters away from him.

The mage and "Lin Ge" fought for the second time, but when they were chasing Chen Qing for the first time, both of them still focused on Chen Qing and did not directly break up with each other.

But at that time, the mage had already seen the strength of "Lin Ge". At this time, the bounty target and plot characters were all in this guy's hands. It was obvious that he would not be able to continue reincarnation unless he was killed.

At this moment, the mage has regarded "Lin Ge" as the most dangerous opponent.

While the reincarnator was fighting "Lin Ge", he made a gesture to the strong man and Lao Ba, and the three of them quietly retreated to the back of the crowd.

Obviously, the mage is going to expand his skills again.

"Captain, are you sure you want to use that thing?" the strong man asked in a low voice.

The mage nodded, then he took out a golden scroll from the [Inventory], held it in his hand, and retreated to the door with the two of them.

This is his ultimate skill, and its power is even greater than "Dragon Break". Dragon Break can destroy a city block with one blow, and God's Destroyer Slash can definitely level a hospital to the ground.

The continuous attrition has made the mage lose his mind. Since the bounty target and plot characters have been lost, and there is still a most difficult competitor in front of him... then he just doesn't stop doing anything and just uses a big move. Taking him away, whether it was killing "Lin Ge" or Alessa hiding deep in the hospital, was undoubtedly a profit.

If the target of the bounty is also hiding in the hospital, that's killing three birds with one stone!

Bet on the "future" with an A-level forbidden curse scroll!

"The fragments of the Nightmare King, the commandment to liberate the world, the frozen black blade of nothingness, combined with my power and my body, we will march towards destruction together, and together we will destroy the souls of the gods!"

As the mage refused to chant the spell, the forbidden spell scroll in his hand burst out with a dazzling black light, which quickly spread to the surroundings.


The dazzling black light condensed into a sharp blade and slashed forward. The raised dust instantly merged with the black light and swallowed up the entire block!

Some reincarnators were swallowed up by the black light and wiped out before they could even let out a miserable howl. Others activated their life-saving abilities at the critical moment, but were buried in the ruins along with the collapsed hospital.


At this time, the ruins in the middle of the hospital building, collapsed stone pillars and rubble suddenly exploded, and then as black lava gushes out from the ground, the Yin Wu Lei field spurts out like underground oil.

When the Yin Wu Lei field spread out on the ruins of the hospital, "Lin Ge"'s figure walked out of the Zhuo Lei. At this time, he was also seriously injured. He was covered in blood, and his entire left face, including his left eye, was bloody.

"Lin Ge" looked at the mage angrily, then turned into an afterimage, and rushed towards the mage along with the Yin Wu Lei Domain surging like a wave.

The mage obviously did not expect that the hospital and the underground area would be reduced to rubble, and that he could not kill "Lin Ge" even in this way. In surprise, he immediately took action with the strong man and Lao Ba to deal with "Lin Ge".

However, it was not only the three mages who were shocked at this time, but also a certain impostor and his sister who were hiding in the distance and "watching" the battle. One of them was holding popcorn and the other was holding melon seeds, and they were watching with gusto.

Chen Qing commented while eating popcorn: "Brother, this person's magic skills seem to be a little higher than yours. He is very good at using Yin Wulei. I'm curious how he has so much time to practice? According to your opinion Said, thirty days of space cultivation time combined with twenty days of spiritual cultivation method, there is no reason why the gap between Taoism and practice is so big."

Chen Qing also practices Taoism and spiritual cultivation. Naturally, he knows that cultivation is not easy, and the world of reincarnation is not suitable for slow cultivation at all.

She also relied on the "Spiritual Cultivation Method" to speed up, and then she barely broke through the "basic".

If according to Lin Ge's guess, the clone was copied after "A Chinese Ghost Story", then it would have started at the "Xiaocheng Realm", but now it has not only broken through the "Dacheng Realm", but also mastered the Yin Wu Lei skill, and even a certain Looking at the gourd brothers with the word "love" engraved on their foreheads, they are ashamed of themselves in terms of defense.

After hearing Chen Qing's question, Lin Ge was not surprised at all. He chewed melon seeds and replied: "Don't forget, he has no memory of the 'Upper Realm'. To put it bluntly, he is a mercenary of the Lord God... Therefore, he is not afraid of the Lord God." 'Recycle power' and use reincarnation to strengthen it unscrupulously."

"That's true..." Chen Qing nodded in agreement: "But speaking of it, this person only relies on magic to fight. It seems that when the Lord God copied, he only copied your own ability, and did not copy the ghosts that follow you. You Say... could it be that because of this, he had to rely on his own strength to survive many dangers, and you have several sisters-in-law, ahem, protected by ghosts and gods, so..."

Lin Ge sighed: "If you fail to survive this reincarnation, it is most likely because of this mouth."

"Hehe, hehe." Chen Qing smiled awkwardly. Ever since she met Lin Ge's fifth girl, she once thought that Huang Ni Huang Shang was Lin Ge's partner like Ou Yongqi. Now she accidentally said what she was thinking. .

Fortunately, one of the two big guys would not take such a trivial matter to heart, while the other was immersed in cultivation anytime and anywhere. Unless Lin Ge called, he would not understand the outside world at all.

At this time, the battle between "Lin Ge" and the three mages in the distance became more and more intense, and at the same time, several reincarnations who survived the "God's Destruction Slash" climbed out of the ruins.

As long as these reincarnations are not stupid, they can all see that the God-Destroying Slash was struck from "behind" and must have been done by a mage.

At this time, when he saw "Lin Ge" fighting with the three mages, he immediately had no intention of stepping forward to help. Instead, he stood around watching the show while searching for the whereabouts of "Heather". Because they watched Lin Ge and Chen Qing enter the hospital building, they thought "Heather" should be buried in the ruins. If you are not dead, you can take this opportunity to increase your favorability.

Seeing this, Lin Ge looked at Chen Qing and said, "Future actress, it's your turn to take action."

"No problem, it's up to me!" Chen Qing experienced the "first scene" and suddenly fell in love with role-playing. After all, it felt good to pretend to be an NPC and be provided by players.

Chen Qing rolled on the ground, turned herself into ashes, messed up her hair, and jumped into the sewer behind the green belt. He walked all the way back to the buried underground area from the dirty sewers, then cleared his throat and shouted "Help".

At this time, there were many reincarnations above the ruins who were using various means to search for the whereabouts of "Heather". When they heard Chen Qing's cry for help, they immediately launched rescue.

At the same time, the battle between "Lin Ge" and the trio of mages also came to an end. "Lin Ge" killed the strong man and Lao Ba at the cost of breaking a hand.

But what surprised him was that this mage was also a reincarnation of the Golden Gate. He was not only good at destructive magic, but he was also a close combat mage like a certain white-robed swordsman!

Who would have thought that a seemingly weak mage could tear through the Yin Five Thunder Domain with his bare hands?

The reincarnations who heard the cry for help dug a tunnel and entered the underground area of ​​the hospital to look for Chen Qing. Only "Lin Ge" and the mage were left on the ruins, and there were a few reincarnations hiding in the dark and watching eagerly. .

Both of them were at the end of their strength, and those reincarnations obviously wanted to "take advantage".

A few people were discussing and preparing to take action, when they suddenly heard a slightly teasing voice from the side: "Hey, are you ready to fight for the black and white? Take me with you..."

When everyone turned around, they immediately saw a "horrifying" scene. A man who looked exactly like the master of Yin Wu Lei was leaning on a collapsed stone pillar, looking at them with a half-smile.


"how come!"

Lin Ge smiled and said, "You can't think about it, right? Then don't think about it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his hands were filled with lightning. After "borrowing" a method from a certain boss, he immediately activated the strongest mode of lightning.

Lightning Thunder Fist!

Lin Ge suddenly took action, not giving those people a chance to react. He knocked down one of them with a lightning strike, and then a golden light appeared in his left hand, and the three reincarnations were skewered into skewers and nailed to the wall.

As a "senior reincarnator", Lin Ge naturally knew that the most taboo thing in fighting a reincarnator was to wait for the opponent to display his abilities.

For example, those knights who need to complete the "transformation", the "wearing" armor... Once they complete the release of their abilities, the difficulty will increase several times.

Therefore, Lin Ge has developed the habit of "quick victory" when fighting against the reincarnators. Apart from the first few words to confuse the target and divert his attention, once he takes action, there is no nonsense, and he will solve it first.

At this time, among the five reincarnations who were playing "The mantis stalks the cicada, the oriole follows", only one withstood Lin Ge's sneak attack with his strong physique, and the other four died in the sneak attack.

"Still want to run?" Lin Ge raised his hand and made the tridents stuck on the wall of the three reincarnations fly into his hand. Then he threw it fiercely and directly penetrated the reincarnations who flashed into the distance. !

Then, Lin Ge picked up the weapons next to the corpses of several reincarnations at his feet and put them into the [Inventory]. He rushed not far away and pulled out the trident inserted into the last reincarnation. He raised his left hand and the blood mist wrapped around him. On his body, the whole person disappeared into the blood mist, rushing towards the center of the battlefield at extremely fast speeds.

At this time, "Fake Lin Ge" was tenaciously resisting the mage's final spell bombardment, and suddenly found a ball of blood mist rushing towards them at high speed.

Before "Fake Lin Ge" could react, he saw a trident stabbed out of the blood mist and pierced the mage's head from behind!

Lin Ge walked out of the blood mist, raised his hand, and a bronze sword appeared in his hand. He slashed it down and cut off the mage's head to avoid future troubles.

Then, Lin Ge looked at "Fake Lin Ge", who obviously didn't expect that as Jiwotou said, there was a reincarnation in this world that was exactly like him.

"Fake Lin Ge" originally thought that the goal mentioned by Jiwotou was just a deceit and disguise, but now after seeing it with his own eyes, he finally understood why Jiwotou was deceived.

Because the Lin Ge in front of him felt like "himself". That unique feeling was exactly the same as when he was standing in front of the mirror!

"No, it's impossible!" Fake Lin Ge said in disbelief.

"Nothing is impossible." Lin Ge smiled and asked the first question in his mind: "Answer me, who did you learn the 'Yin Five Thunder' from, or did you exchange it in the Lord God Space?"

Fake Lin Ge frowned slightly and said coldly: "Why should I..."


Before he finished speaking, he saw the bronze sword in Lin Ge's right hand swing, and directly hit the fake Lin Ge's left foot, causing him to half kneel down in pain.

The moment the fake Lin Ge knelt down, the Yin Wu Lei field spread out around him and quickly gathered towards the two Lin Ges. At the same time, a turbid thunder flew out from the Yin Wu Lei field and struck at Lin Ge!

Lin Ge flipped his right hand and the bronze sword disappeared. Then the fire sign appeared in his hand. He waved the fire sign and directly scattered the turbid thunder.

Then, Lin Ge squeezed the secret, turned his hand, and the thunder method condensed in his palm, and hit the fake Lin Ge with a palm thunder, causing the opponent to whimper and fall to the ground.

Lin Ge leaned down, looked directly at the fake Lin Ge with a painful and distorted expression, and said, "I'm not very interested in abusing 'myself'. If you can answer my questions, maybe I can also answer your questions... This is considered a question." What do you think of the deal?"

"What do you want to ask..." Fake Lin Ge's attitude slowed down, but the ruined left side of his face and the blood on his face made him as hideous and terrifying as a hellish Shura.

"Did you practice Yin Wu Lei yourself or exchange it in the Lord God Space?"

"Cultivation... practice."

"As a disciple of Maoshan, can you still practice the Five Thunder Methods of Longhu Mountain?" Lin Ge asked curiously after hearing this.

Fake Lin Ge frowned slightly, obviously not quite understanding what Lin Ge meant, and said coldly: "Master Tao... I am... an introductory disciple of... Longhu Mountain..., and I have received the Five Thunder Zhengfa and Tongtian Dharma from my master." Lu...has anything to do with Maoshan!"

"You? An introductory disciple of Longhu Mountain?"


Lin Ge was silent for a while, and then asked: "The reincarnation you experienced for the first time in the world of reincarnation was the extremely difficult "Zombie"? Is the master Chen You?"

"...Master Taoist, before I entered the main god space..., I was in Longhu, and he...Chen You was just...a wild Taoist priest, why should he be my master?" Fake Lin Ge snorted.

Lin Ge's eyes narrowed slightly, and he knew the "answers" to the remaining questions without having to ask them any more.

Obviously, at the beginning of the "replication", the Lord God changed the growth trajectory of the fake Lin Ge, allowing him to avoid several key nodes that could contact the upper world, thus making him a "native-born" reincarnation.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Fake Lin Ge said angrily.

Lin Ge put away his weapon, raised his hand, and materialized a chair beside him. He sat down and stared at Lin Ge on the ground, and said with a smile: "Nothing, let me tell you a story... I have a friend also named Lin Ge. He died suddenly after working overtime and entered the main god space. The first reincarnation he experienced was "Zombie". For an ordinary person, it is not easy to survive in an extremely difficult ghost movie, so he hugged the plot character Chen You’s thigh, worship him as your teacher..."

Lin Ge briefly told the fake Lin Ge about his "friend's" experience. The fake Lin Ge didn't pay attention at first, but when he heard some details, he was surprised to find that it was exactly the same as his own experience!

Lin Ge could tell from the fake Lin Ge's expression that he was right. For a master who cut corners to create the "reincarnation world" and directly copied the settings of movies and TV shows, even if he copied the reincarnation, it would be impossible to be precise. Modifications are made to every detail, and modifications must only be made on "big events".

Therefore, as long as you delve into the details of fake Lin Ge's reincarnation experience, you can find many similarities.

The reason why Lin Ge wanted to talk so much to the fake Lin Ge was because he guessed that there might be more than just the fake Lin Ge in the entire main god space.

Since the Lord God can create Jiwotou, Hei Changzhi, and his own "copy", he can create thousands of copies.

As long as there are potential reincarnations, they will be copied. In this way, the Lord God does not need to worry about the loss of reincarnations at all. It only needs to continue to create desperate situations one after another, so that they can grow into absolute powerhouses in desperate situations. As long as one of the ten thousand clones can meet the standards of the Lord God, it will be a profitable business for the Lord God!

What Lin Ge wants to do now is to try to see if he can "incite rebellion" among these clones! (End of chapter)

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