The "minion" Lin Ge talks about naturally refers to his biggest trump card at the moment, the corpse-dissolving immortal "Huang Shang". After all, with his current ability, even if he cooperates with Qimei, Little Girl and Dark Alessa, it will still be difficult to deal with the evil god who swallowed the whole world.

What's more, there are many reincarnations present, so the safest way is to let Huang Shang take action and fight quickly. As for being "targeted" by the main god, Lin Ge plans to "change the number" again, so naturally there is no need to worry about this problem.

As soon as Huang Shang appeared, the first thing he did was to "tear up space with his hands". He first tore apart the inner world of the evil god and let the lightning and thunder sky illuminate the dark world.

In an instant, the reincarnation point that was still fighting monsters in the dark world suddenly found that the space was torn apart, the darkness was illuminated by lightning, and then a beautiful figure was seen standing in the sky.

"Fairy, fairy?"

The reincarnationists suddenly wondered if they were dazzled. How could the reincarnation world of "Silent Hill", a European and American world view, have an oriental fairy with a fluttering air?

However, before these reincarnators had time to think too much, they saw lightning and thunder in the sky, as if the immortal was about to "transcend the tribulation", and thousands of crazy thunders fell at the same time!

Huang Ni pinched the magic formula and raised his hand to "point" in the air. A steady stream of spiritual energy poured out from his fingertips, defusing the thunder above.

However, Huang Shang only blocked the crazy thunder above his head. At this time, the "thunder punishment" spread across the entire sky, and the entire world was affected by the thunder punishment.

Therefore, the reincarnations were horrified to find that they were also within the "range" of thunder punishment!




Now only this kind of plant can describe the mood of the reincarnators at this time. They don't care about the peerless fairies and the monsters all over the world. They are emptying their homes and using various escape skills.

Although Huang Shang only blocked the lightning strike above her head, she "indirectly" saved these reincarnations by tearing apart the other world and freeing them from the troubles of the other world.

There is obviously no doubt about the strength of the reincarnations who have survived until now. They concentrated on breaking out in one direction, trying to hide in the surrounding buildings to avoid thunder punishment.

They know very well that curiosity kills the cat, so they don't bother with the immortals who appear out of thin air. They don't even care about the plot character "Heather", they just think about how to escape from the center of the storm.

At this time, Lin Ge, who had evacuated to the ruins of the hospital with Dark Alessa, took out the Five Elements Bagua disc and put it on his head. He had already experienced the taste of thunder punishment in "A Chinese Ghost Story" and did not want to be hit again.

Lin Ge held the Five Elements Bagua disk with one hand, held up the magic formula with the other hand and wiped it towards his eyes. He opened his eyes and looked into the darkness. Although he could not see through the world of the evil god, he found the target he was looking for in the darkness - —


Judging from the size and "brightness" of the source gathering, it was at least three digits. This was the most intense source he had ever seen so far.

But it's not surprising when you think about it. After all, the world has been swallowed up by the evil god. Except for the part in Alessa's body, all the origins are gathered in the evil god's body.

"This must be at least two to three hundred points, right? Tsk tsk, it should be enough to find a substitute. Maybe a squeeze can save Chen Qing's body."

"Minions, at your nine o'clock direction." Lin Ge shouted to Huang Shang in the air.

Although Huang Ni and Huang Shang both have double pupils, their effects are quite different. The former is "chasing evil" and the latter is "breaking barriers".

Therefore, in terms of searching for "negative attribute targets", Huang Shang's double pupils are naturally not as good as Huang Ni's double pupils, but Huang Shang's double pupils can "break obstacles", which in layman's terms means "ignoring the fog of war", so it cannot be said that Which one is stronger and which one is weaker can only be said to be used differently.

The evil god was originally hiding in the other world. Huang Shang ignored the "protection" of the other world by "breaking barriers" and locked the target. However, the evil god clearly sensed that the intruder was evil and immediately created a dual world to hide.

Because of this, Huang Shang "teared up space" for the first time and tore it "empty", but failed to find the evil god.

Huang Shang heard Lin Ge's reminder, and his body flashed. The next moment, he appeared in front of the thick black fog at the nine o'clock direction, and then showed the hand-torn space to everyone again.

When the black space was torn apart, there was a "monster" standing inside that was at least ten meters tall, with a human body and cow legs, and a pair of devil horns and devil wings. It opened its mouth full of fangs and faced Huang Shang. Roar!


With just a roar, among the densely packed monsters below, some of the weaker ones exploded and died. Even the reincarnators were affected and were shocked to the point of vomiting blood.

But in general, monsters suffer more casualties than reincarnators.

"Uh, so where does this guy come from?" Seeing this scene, Lin Ge's expression became a little weird. Is it popular these days for a boss to appear to kill his younger brother to establish his authority?

At this time, Dark Alessa pointed to a building in front and said, "Your sister is in front."

The battle between Huang Shang and the Evil God, the two strongest beings in the world, was naturally beyond the reach of Lin Ge and the reincarnations.

Although Huang Shang's strength is not as good as Huang Ni at his peak, and even worse than the evil god who swallowed the whole world, she is not needed to "kill" the evil god now.

Because Lin Ge had already arranged a "method of death" for the evil god. He could use thunder to kill Pudu Cihang in "A Chinese Ghost Story", and naturally he could use thunder to kill the evil god here!

Therefore, Huang Shang's main focus is "movement", relying entirely on body skills to lead the thunder towards the evil god. No matter how powerful the evil god is, he cannot be stronger than the attack from the space master!

Huang Shang and Huang Ni can be regarded as "sharing" the power of the world of "Two Eyes", while Cthulhu and Alessa "divided" the origin of "Silent Hill".

It seems that they are all one and the same, but in fact the differentiation is very different.

Strictly speaking, Huang Shang's strength only occupies one-tenth or two-tenths of Huang Ni's peak period, while the evil god occupies sixty-seven-tenths of the world.

If there was a head-on confrontation, or if the evil god attacked fiercely from the beginning, Huang Shang would probably not be able to stop him.

However, the evil god's strength "reached the standard", but his IQ obviously did not. Facing Huang Shang's "violent attack", he subconsciously regarded the thunder and punishment in the sky as Huang Shang's spell.

In addition, as soon as the opponent started tearing up the space, he was easily pulled out.

It felt like a little jackal being ripped out of its nest by an elephant. As soon as it came out, it saw the behemoth and lost its will to fight.

But in fact, this was not an "elephant" at all, but a pangolin that happened to overturn his nest.

So now there is an extremely "funny" scene. The Evil God, who was originally more powerful, is chased and beaten (hacked) by Huang Shang Mantian.

Every time the evil god is struck by Kindness, the whole world seems to "shrink" a little, and the dark world gradually "dissipates", and the other world begins to collapse.

"How are you?" Lin Ge found Chen Qing under the guidance of Dark Alessa.

Chen Qing hid beside the collapsed building, looking ashen as if she had just come off the battlefield: "I'm fine. However, according to the number of people given by Alessa before, the number of reincarnators does not match up."

Lin Ge glanced at the reincarnators in the distance who were fighting against the monsters created by the evil god. There were about thirty of them, which did not match the number of reincarnators that Alessa had counted in the area she protected.

At first, he planned to choose a suitable target among this group of reincarnations to use as a "stand-in", but now he has a better choice, so as long as he successfully uses the hands of the reincarnations to release the evil god, right? It's not that important that all the reincarnations are here.

"It doesn't matter, I have a better choice now. Heisha, the evil god's inner world is similar to your power. Now his attention is on Huang Shang. You can hide us in his inner world through the other world. Are you getting close to him?" Lin Ge asked.

Chen Qing: ...As expected of you, your taste in naming and nicknames is still so unique!

Dark Alessa thought for a moment and said, "You can try it."

"Okay, Chen Qing, Heisha and I will go there. You can activate the formation at the right time!" Lin Ge asked Chen Qing to set up a new formation when he unlocked the seal of the cathedral. During the period when the reincarnators were dealing with the monsters, During that time, Chen Qing traveled all over the church and plastered the Heavenly Master's evil-suppressing charms everywhere, which was why she looked so disgraced.

"Okay." Chen Qing nodded.

Dark Alessa raised her hand and Lin Ge disappeared into the black mist with her, and then merged into the world of evil gods.

In the air, Huang Shang had no spiritual weapon at hand, so he could only rely on spells to deal with the evil god. Fortunately, with the extremely destructive "assistance" of thunder punishment, he could achieve the effect of unilaterally suppressing the evil god.

"Sister, step back thirty meters, at the 5 o'clock position behind you on your right!" At this time, a voice transmission from Huang Ni sounded in Huang Shang's mind.

Upon hearing this, Huang Shang immediately deliberately exposed a flaw to the evil god, and then switched from offense to defense, leading the evil god step by step to the location mentioned by Huang Ni.

The evil god's attention was entirely on Huang Shang and Lei Pun. Most of his energy and magic was spent on resisting Lei Pun, and the rest wanted to deal with Huang Shang, the "culprit".

Therefore, the evil god did not notice that there was another "world" in the inner world he created. If it were normal, he could easily swallow this world, but a small negligence at this time is enough to cause a fatal threat!


I saw a dazzling golden light shooting out of the black mist beside the evil god, hitting the evil god's vest directly from behind. When he saw this beam of light, Chen Qing, who was waiting below, immediately took out the last stick used to suppress Fu Jiang. Monkey Hair, use the "God-Inviting Spell" to release the power of the Great Sage in Monkey Hair!

The yellow talismans placed around the church emitted streaks of golden light driven by the monkey hair. Looking down from the air, they formed the character "Edict" for "Edict".

The golden light emitted by Lin Singer's Five Elements Bagua disc echoed with the golden light from the monkey hair array below, successfully trapping the evil god. When Huang Ni saw this, he immediately cast a spell to hit the evil god's head!

At the same time, Huang Ni also poured all his mana into the trident. Lin Ge summoned the trident and threw it at the wound pierced by the Five Elements Bagua Pan -



The evil god's head and body were pierced at the same time. Lin Ge immediately asked Qimei to use the blood mist to bring him behind the evil god, and used the soul-sealing technique to grab the "blood hole" in the evil god's body!

The "astrolabe" disguised as a reincarnation watch on Lin Ge's left wrist immediately flashed a number "243", which meant that the origin of 243 was absorbed by the astrolabe.

This number was a little lower than Lin Ge had expected. He originally thought that the evil god had annexed the entire world, and it had at least 300 origin points.

But when he thought that the evil god was struck by lightning more than a dozen times in the battle with Huang Shang, and his origin was reduced, he was relieved. After all, the only thing that can resist the power of the Lord God is the power of the source.

"Huang Shang, help me block it!" After Lin Ge said that, he asked Qimei to take him and Dark Alessa and quickly rush towards Chen Qing.

Half of the time to burn the incense has passed at this time. Even if Huang Shang resists with all his strength, there is not much time left.

"Are Baisha and Alessa here?" Lin Ge asked before landing.

"I'm here." At this time, the clone Lin Ge stood in the corner and said, but the voice was that of Alessa in the white dress.

At his feet, still lying unconscious Hei Changzhi.

With the death of the evil god, the inner world he created also collapsed. Dark Alessa opened her inner world and let the triangle head take Alessa over.

Also coming with him was "Chen Qing" who was tied up tightly.

"Chen Qing" had a sick smile on his face, and his eyes were full of ferocity and anger.

The person controlling this body at this time is none other than "Fu Jiang" who is parasitic in Chen Qing's body.

After Chen Qing took away the soul in order to use the Black Umbrella stand-in, and took away the monkey hair in order to kill the evil god, the body no longer had the ability to resist Fu Jiang's consciousness, and Fu Jiang controlled the body despite his strength.

Lin Ge originally planned to help Chen Qing "preserve" her body, but now it seems that this situation is not necessary. After all, "sharing" a body with Fu Jiang will be devoured sooner or later.

Lin Ge raised his left hand and used the "Star Plate" to scan the clone Lin Ge, only to find that the ordinary reincarnator only needed "100 origins" to take the form, but the clone Lin Ge needed 200.

200 so much?

Is this because the copy created by the Lord God needs more origin to erase information?

Lin Ge gathered the reincarnators around the cathedral to make preparations. If the evil god's origin is not enough to pay for the clone "substitute", then he will find other reincarnators as targets.

But fortunately, the evil god gave 243 the origin, which was barely enough. Being able to choose a clone, Lin Ge would naturally not miss this opportunity to "break into" the Lord God.

"Let's start!" As soon as Lin Ge finished speaking, Dark Alessa asked the triangular head to lift the tied "Chen Qing" to the clone Lin Ge.

Then, Lin Ge, who was "Heather" at this time, also stood over.

Seeing this, Bai Sha released part of the consciousness of the clone Lin Ge, and then affected it through mental interference. The moment the clone Lin Ge opened his eyes, he saw the face of "Chen Qing", filled with anger and anger. Hatred welled up in his heart, and he directly attacked the opponent with Yin Wu Lei!

Seeing this, Chen Qing quickly hugged "himself" and rushed forward to die together. Under the hateful blow from the clone Lin Ge, the two "Chen Qings" had almost no chance of surviving.

"Huang Shang!"

As soon as Lin Ge shouted, Huang Shang had already appeared beside him, and because he was flying so fast, he even left a yellow afterimage in the air.

Huang Shang reached out and grabbed Chen Qing's soul at the moment she was killed, and immediately "escaped" into the astrolabe.

Originally, after using the black umbrella as a "substitute", if the target of the substitute dies, the soul will only return to the original body. However, at this time, Chen Qing's substitute body and the original body were split apart by Yin Wu Lei, so she became a lonely soul. ghost.

Without the power of Huang Shang to "protect the soul" from the corpse, Chen Qing would have been knocked out of his mind in an instant even if he had only been exposed to a little thunder punishment.

"It's your turn!" Lin Ge took out the black umbrella from Chen Qing's schoolbag. Although the black umbrella's "substitute and death" enchantment effects were used, it did not affect its regular abilities.

As soon as the black umbrella opened, the three Alessas used their power together and were "sucked" into the black umbrella.

Lin Ge quickly put the black umbrella toward the astrolabe, then pointed the astrolabe at the runaway clone Lin Ge, and pressed the second button. The 243 origins that had just arrived were reduced at a rapid rate, and 200 origins were consumed to snatch the "number" of the clone Lin Ge.

Lin Ge's soul flew out of his body, and under the pull of the origin, white threads like hair were produced to connect to the clone Lin Ge's body, constantly extracting his life force.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge's body was the same as the first substitute Zhao Dezhu. The phantom body slowly turned into a solid body, while the clone Lin Ge slowly faded, as if it was about to dissipate at any time.

Lin Ge picked up Lei Fa and slapped the clone Lin Ge on the forehead. The clone Lin Ge's figure, which was already fading to the point of disappearing, shattered like glass and disappeared.

However, a copy of Lin Ge's clothes and equipment appeared on Lin Ge's body. Together with the clone's reincarnation number, they were all "inherited" by Lin Ge.

Lin Ge turned around, took off the astrolabe from "his body" and put it on his wrist. The astrolabe immediately transformed into the appearance of a reincarnation watch.


Lin Ge felt a strong sense of danger approaching and subconsciously moved away from his "corpse". The next second, he saw crazy thunder in the air hitting the corpse one after another, and the surrounding buildings were also affected.

Lin Ge could only use his energy to resist, picked up Hei Changzhi not far away, and escaped from the scope of the cathedral. He was affected by the thunder penalty and was struck three times, and his essence was also reduced by 3 points.

Under the violent bombardment of Thunder Punishment, the entire cathedral turned into a deep pit. Not to mention Lin Ge, even Fu Jiang, who could still be "resurrected", was chopped into ashes at this time.

And as Lin Ge's "corpse" was dissipated, the thunderclouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and the world returned to peace again.

Lin Ge found a safe place and opened the panel to take a look.

[Reincarnation Number 486: Lin Ge]


Strength 27 (+4); Agility 22 (+3); Constitution 26 (+1); Spiritual Strength 97 (+24)

[Special attributes:]

Lucky 2

Charm 10


"Tongtian Lun"


Five Thunder Dharma "Yin Five Thunder"·Dacheng Realm

Eight Divine Mantras·Dacheng Realm

[Reincarnation Point: 6753]

[Current reincarnation world: "Silent Hill" (extremely difficult)]

Main mission: Survive for 30 days. (Day 2)

Side mission: Kill the target reincarnator and be rewarded with 1,000,000 reincarnation points and S-level equipment coupon x1. (This reward is obtained by the attacker who causes death to the target reincarnation)

Completed, settled when returning to space.


As a clone of Lin Ge, his attributes are similar to Lin Ge's original development direction. His strength sensitivity is average, and his spiritual power is several times higher through training.

However, the clone is more specialized in martial arts, and has practiced a "Tongtian Lu". The spells are mainly based on the Five Yin Thunders and the Eight Great Divine Curses.

The rest of the Taoism and Taoism are all the "basis" of the Three Mountains Talisman, so there is nothing special about it.

Lin Ge performed a "substitute" and could only steal the target's number and the equipment that was not put in the [Inventory]. He could not inherit the target's abilities and the things in the [Inventory].

But the reincarnation point is bound to the "number", so it is also inherited.

However, not being able to inherit abilities and equipment is not a problem. After all, after returning, he can settle the 1 million reincarnation points and S-level equipment exchange coupons he got from this bounty. Even if Lin Ge wants to act in a full set, he can exchange it for a copy of "Tongtian Lu".

And when Lin Ge was looking through the information recorded in the replica's reincarnation watch, he was surprised to find that the "Personal Information" column could continue to be scrolled down, and there was a separate "Task Bar" behind it!

[Main space assessment task: (You can enter the main space after completing all goals)]

Goal 1: In "Guide Mode", successfully guide 100 new reincarnators through reincarnation. Current completion progress: 27/100. (End of chapter)

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