Although the other world only lasts for an hour, to the reincarnator, this hour is like a year. All kinds of bizarre monsters and harsh environments can accidentally get caught in it.

Especially for the "Lin Ge Trio", it was not easy to deal with the triangle head at first, but entering the other world at this time will undoubtedly make things worse.

Compared with the "Lin Ge trio" and other reincarnations who struggled in the dark inner world, the real Lin Ge and Chen Qing were very relaxed as they accompanied the two sisters Alessa to find a new "home base".

In fact, this reincarnation was so "smooth" that even Lin Ge himself was a little surprised.

It can be said that "Silent Hill" is the only one that can be described as "lucky" among all the reincarnations he has experienced.

The collapse of the plot into a dead zone not only did not bring trouble to Lin Ge, but gave him room to "manipulate the plot".

All the plot characters except Alessa are dead. Although the absence of other plot characters means the loss of branch lines, it also saves a lot of trouble. What's more, the purpose of Lin Ge's reincarnation is only to bring Chen Qing fished it out. The only "trouble" is the evil god who is blocked from Silent Hill by Alessa.

Of course, the trio of suspected clones can also be considered a "trouble", but they are not defeated by the combination of Dark Alessa and Triangle Head in the other world, so it is not considered a trouble.

As for resolving Alessa's predicament and "winning over" the other party, this is both simple and difficult.

Because for the creator of this external and internal world, her power comes from demons and hatred, and is a "pure" negative attribute power.

In other words, this powerful power is just like Lin Ge's "Resurrecting Human Flesh and White Bones" technique. If it is used to "treat" Alessa's injuries, the result will only make her fall into greater pain. There is even a possibility that evil gods could take advantage of this situation and take control of them.

Furthermore, it is not that easy to completely treat Alessa.

Even if they know in advance that the next reincarnation world they will enter is "Silent Hill", and they think of the method of healing Alessa's body and gaining favor with Dark Alessa, few reincarnators are willing to spend tens of thousands of reincarnation points to "purchase" it. There are a lot of recovery medicines, not to mention that the world to which the next reincarnation will go can only be known when teleporting.

In Alessa's case, unless she is a reincarnator who is the main healer, and her personal strength has reached its peak, reaching the point where she can even revive the dead... Otherwise, the only way to cure Alessa is to use a lot of the magic of the main god space. "Special medicine".

And reincarnators like Lin Ge and Chen Qing, who carry tens of thousands of reincarnation point recovery medicines with them, can't find one reincarnation out of 10,000, let alone two at the same time.

It can only be said that the two brothers and sisters who had "the same odor" finally got "lucky" once again.

"So, you are planning to choose the amusement park as your new base camp?" Lin Ge and the two sisters followed Alessa to the amusement park. They were not surprised at all that they would choose this place.

After all, no matter how old Alessa's "actual age" is, her mental age is only that of a ten-year-old girl. She has been lying in a hospital bed for decades. She yearns for a perfect childhood more than anyone else.

Alessa and Alessa in white skirts heard Lin Ge's question and turned to look at him at the same time: "Isn't this place... inappropriate?"

"That's not true...but for the amusement park, I have an expert here. Let her accompany you." After saying that, Lin Ge released the little girl.

"Hee hee hee--"

"It's time to play!" The little girl excitedly rushed to the amusement park in front of her. As soon as the ghost land was spread out, the two sisters Alessa were instantly pulled into the ghost land.

Then, with bursts of "crunching" harsh sounds, weird amusement facilities rose from the ground one after another.

"You didn't take me with you!" At this time, the dark voice of Alessa sounded behind Lin Ge. Unexpectedly, the other party had returned.

Dark Alessa looked angrily at Sister Alessa who was having fun with the little girl in the ghost realm, and complained dissatisfiedly: "When you beat the bad guys, you think of me, but when you play, you forget about me, huh!"

Lin Ge asked, "You can go and play if you want."

"I don't want to play!" Dark Alessa snorted.

Lin Ge smiled helplessly and said, "Did those three people solve it?"

"The man with a head like a bird's nest had his head chopped off. He should be dead...but the man who looks very similar to you ran away with the seriously injured woman." Dark Alessa answered Lin absently. As for the song's question, her attention remained on the people playing the pirate ship windmill.

Although the "triple clones" were not wiped out, Lin Ge was very satisfied with the result of one death and one serious injury. He looked towards the amusement park and shouted: "Girl, there is another playmate of yours here!"

"I'm not playing..." Before Dark Alessa could finish her words, the black mist turned into a big hand and grabbed her, dragging her into the pirate ship before she could resist.


Soon, Dark Alessa's "excited" screams were heard in the pirate ship.

Lin Ge looked at Chen Qing and said, "Looking at your 'envious' look, do you want to join them?"

"No, no, no." Chen Qing waved her hands quickly after hearing this. She still had vivid memories of the amusement rides built by the little girl, but she didn't want to relive an eighteen-link roller coaster with a speed of 300 per hour.

Lin Ge said: "In that case, let's prepare... Alessa has set up the stage for you, it's up to you whether you can break the situation."

"Brother, I'm a little nervous."

"Let you go to the pirate ship for two laps to relax?"

Chen Qing looked at the big windmill pirate ship that was about to spin out of sparks not far away. The four little guys who had been pulled out of shape by the speed, swallowed, hugged the black umbrella and said, "I'll start now!"

Near the collapsed shopping mall, the mage and the remaining two teammates were resting against the ruins. Only three of them were left in the original eight-person group.

The strong man took a bottle of vodka and drank it hard. After drinking half the bottle, he cursed and said: "Damn, damn, damn, how can the world appear twice in one day! 100W, 100W reincarnation point, think about it Just think about it and you know how high the difficulty is. The extremely difficult reincarnation is enough to wipe out our group several times. In the end..."

"Enough!" At this time, "Lao Ba", who was wearing a special combat uniform and serving as the team's logistics, shouted: "Stop talking, are you questioning the captain's decision-making? Reincarnation is a world where dangers and rewards coexist. You Is this your first time to participate in reincarnation? Now that we are alive, it means we have a chance!"

"What chance are there! Two consecutive times in the world, only three of the eight of us are left. In the previous battle, you also saw how difficult the bounty target is. How can we kill her?" the strong man said angrily.

"There is a way."

At this time, the silent mage said: "Although we haven't figured out whether this world is based on the plot of the movie or the plot of the game. But regardless of the movie or the game, the inner and outer worlds are composed of a person called Alessa’s little girl creation.”

"And this little girl was severely burned by the flames because she was used as a container for the evil god. However, she survived with the power of the evil god. She should be in the basement of a hospital at this time."

"As long as we find Alessa and use Lao Ba's medical skills to negotiate with her, not to mention letting the dark side Alessa be used by us, even if it just protects us from the threat of the other world, it will be enough to change the situation."

The strong man asked back: "If I remember correctly, Alessa's injury is very serious, right? She relies solely on the power of the evil god in her body to survive. No matter how strong Lao Ba is, he can't come back to life. I think, we It’s better to find a place to hide and wait for reincarnation to end, or join other reincarnations..."

Before the strong man finished speaking, he heard the roar of cars coming from the direction of the toll station on the east side of the town. A pickup truck drove into the town and stopped not far from the three mages.

At this time, the cab window rolled down, and a girl with short blond hair wearing an orange jacket stuck her head out and looked at the ruined shopping mall, looking a little surprised.

Then, the girl looked at the three mages and asked in a friendly tone: "Hello, may I ask if this is Silent Hill?"

The three mages were a little wary when they first saw the pickup truck appear, but when they saw the girl's shape and appearance, they immediately overlapped her image with the heroine "Heather Mason" in "Silent Hill".

"Who are you?" the mage asked tentatively.

The girl replied: "My name is Heather Mason, and I am...well, I am here for a trip."

The mage narrowed his eyes, knowing that the girl in front of him was lying. If this is the world of a movie, then Heather is here to find her father who was kidnapped by a cult in Silent Hill; if this is the world of a game, then Heather's adoptive father is dead, then she is here to seek revenge from the cult.

But no matter what the situation was, Heather's purpose in coming to Silent Hill was to cause trouble with the cult, so a new plan suddenly emerged in the mage's mind.

"We are mercenaries, assigned by our employer to enter Silent Hill to eliminate a cult organization. This is indeed Silent Hill, but it is more dangerous than you think, and it is not suitable for tourism. You should leave as soon as possible." The mage deliberately advised to retreat. Heather left, but he determined in his heart that the other party would never leave just like that, and if he wanted to cause trouble for the cult, then joining them, a "mercenary" who was supposed to deal with the cult, was undoubtedly the best choice.

However, what the mage didn't know was that Heather would indeed not choose to leave, but not because she wanted to "avenge" her father, but because she was not Heather at all.

The mages are not Lin Ge. They have not experienced the reincarnation of the Dead Realm, and they do not know that the Dead Realm has no "plot" at all, but a collapsed world.

And this "Heather" is none other than Chen Qing, the bounty target of this reincarnation.

Lin Ge asked Alessa for help and used her power to "differentiate" a new individual, or clone, which is "Heather Mason".

But unlike Aretha in the white dress who represents kindness, "Heather" has no soul, just a "body". After all, "Heather" in the original drama was not sent out at all because of the collapse of the world, so there was no plot of being adopted later. Instead, she stayed with Alessa and became Alessa in the white dress. .

Of course, having only one "body" is not enough, but Lin Singer also has a "treasure" - the black umbrella.

[Black Umbrella (Spiritual Object: Level B)]

[Every ownerless umbrella hides a ghost looking for a substitute. If you encounter it asking for directions, don’t respond. 】

[Enchanting Effect 1 "Stand-in": When you hold an umbrella and ask the target's name and where his "home" is, if the other party answers your name and address, you will become his "stand-in" and completely replace his identity. . 】

[Note: This ability is only effective for plot characters, and the avatar effect is automatically removed after you leave the world of reincarnation. (You can only find a substitute once in each reincarnation world)]

[Enchanting Effect 2 "Substitute Death": When you successfully find a substitute, you will only return to your original body after death without actually dying. 】

[Enchanting Effect 3 "Umbrella Substitution": When you die before finding a substitute, the "Black Umbrella" will transform into your appearance and replace you, and send you a hundred miles away. (The "black umbrella" will dissipate after using the umbrella replacement and cannot be repaired)】

Lin Ge first let Alessa in the white dress enter "Heather"'s body to control this "body", and then "gifted" the black umbrella to Chen Qing, allowing Chen Qing to use a "stand-in".

Chen Qing successfully replaced Alessa in the white dress and became "Heather" by virtue of her "stand-in" effect. However, this is only the first step.

Heather, or rather... Chen Qing, after hearing what the mage said, she immediately looked at him with excitement: "Really? Are you really here to deal with the mercenaries of a cult?"

At this time, Lin Ge, who was "monitoring" from a distance, couldn't help complaining in his heart that this kind of "acting skills" might not even get an S-card in a certain fourth place.

It really sucks!

The mage looked at Chen Qing and nodded: "Yes, our employer learned that the cult here was harming the residents of the town, so he paid us to deal with them. Miss Heather, this place is very dangerous. I advise you to leave as soon as possible. , otherwise... it will be very dangerous."

Chen Qing said sadly: "Actually, I'm not here to travel, it's my father... He... He was captured by the cultists in Silent Hill. Those cultists asked me to go to Silent Hill to find my father. Sir, if If you want to deal with the cultists, can you... help me find my father!"

The Master pretended to be embarrassed and said: "I'm afraid..."

At this moment, Lin Ge's voice came from the distance: "Miss Heather, I am a mercenary from the East, and I am the same employer as them. If you don't mind, you can come with me. I promise to do my best to find someone." Go back to your father."

Everyone heard the sound and looked around. The strong man and Lao Ba had seen the "fake Lin Ge"'s method of dealing with the reincarnators before, and the power of the Yin Wu Lei was still vivid in their minds. When they saw Lin Ge appear, their expressions suddenly changed.

The mage said solemnly: "Who has the same employer as you, Miss Heather, we don't know him. Being with us can better ensure your safety."

Chen Qing blinked and said with a puzzled look on her face: "But... you were clearly in a difficult situation just now."

...Miss, it’s easy for people to get upset when you talk like this.

The mage was choked by Chen Qing's words. He didn't know how to answer for a while. He could only bite the bullet and said: "As a just soldier, I can't just watch you being deceived by unknown people. Silent Hill is very dangerous. There are weird monsters everywhere here, and we have experience in dealing with monsters..."

"You're talking like no one is. You mean you are better than me. Do you want to compete?" Lin Ge rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the pickup truck.

At this time, many reincarnations came around one after another. When they saw "Heather" in the pickup truck, they immediately wanted to come over and "rob her".

On the first day of entering "Silent Hill", not to mention the two consecutive "inside worlds", just not seeing a single plot character gave some reincarnations an ominous premonition.

They were like headless flies, eager to find a "direction". After all, not all reincarnations came for Chen Qing.

Some of them had a "fate" with Chen Qing and "accidentally" entered the world. They just wanted to try their luck. If they can get the reward, they will take it. If they can't get it, they will do the hidden plot and wait for the end of the reincarnation.

There are also people who have never met Chen Qing at all, either because they discovered a "new model" and wanted to try it, or because they were "unlucky" to run into her through normal reincarnation.

Therefore, these reincarnators want to "return to the plot" more than anyone else. Only by following the plot and relying on the "protagonist halo" are they most likely to survive to the end.

"No, no need. I, I still... let's follow the clues we found and go find my father by myself. Thank you."

Facing the "enthusiastic" reincarnators, Chen Qing, as "Heather", seemed a little embarrassed at this time. She started the car in a hurry, got rid of everyone and drove towards the town.

Seeing Chen Qing leave, some of the reincarnators immediately began to complain: "Now that's good, the protagonist has run away, I see how you can still fight."

"That's right, everyone is like a wolf seeing a sheep. Even if I am the protagonist, I have to run away."

"I said, it's hard to get into the plot, why don't we cooperate and form a team to help the protagonist deal with Alessa. As for the bounty target, let's talk about it after we meet it. What do you think?"

"I think it's okay."

"I agree."

"Let's form a team."


The reincarnators discussed for a while, and then the mage suddenly asked: "Wait a minute, where is the reincarnator who knows Taoism from before? Who saw it?"

"The one who uses Yin Wu Lei to kill people?"

"Yeah, he just...fuck, look at the pickup truck!" At this time, a reincarnator pointed at the pickup truck and shouted.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, and sure enough they saw Lin Ge leaning comfortably on the back of the pickup truck, gnawing on an apple while waving goodbye.

"Fuck, this guy wants to monopolize the plot characters!"

The reincarnators immediately chased the pickup truck. Lin Ge made a rough estimate and found that there were at least sixteen or seventeen of them.

Lin Ge thought for a moment, then raised his hand and lightly knocked on the roof of the car. Chen Qing understood and immediately drove the pickup truck in the direction of "Alchemyra Hospital".

"Stop, leave the person behind!" At this time, there was a reincarnation person who didn't care whether it would scare the characters in the plot, and planned to start robbing directly.

Lin Ge saw the reincarnation man in black windbreaker running quickly to catch up with the pickup truck and said, "Hey, brother, are you trying to rob someone in broad daylight?"

"So what if you rob?" the man snorted coldly.

Lin Ge smiled and said, "I'm afraid you don't have this ability."


The reincarnation man in black trench coat jumped into the air, raised his right hand and chanted loudly: "My three-eyed god, show my power, resonate with the heaven and earth, invincible, give me strength, I am as powerful as a broken bamboo, come out, red condor!"

Lin Ge:......

"Brother, are you suffering from a secondary disease? Don't you really feel embarrassed?"

As soon as Lin Ge finished complaining, he saw a red light gathering in the raised hand of the reincarnation man in black windbreaker, and then a red "arrow"-shaped halberd weapon appeared in his hand.

At the same time, a bulging "eye" appeared on the forehead of the reincarnated man in black windbreaker.

"Good guy, Erlang Shen, right?" Lin Ge stretched out his left hand, and the mark of the trident on the back of his hand lit up with a golden light, and the trident immediately appeared in his hand.

"Go to hell!" The reincarnator in black windbreaker in the air suddenly threw the red gun in his hand towards Lin Ge.

Lin Ge steadied himself on the bed of the pickup truck, strode forward, and threw the trident into the air. As two sounds broke through the air, two golden lights, one red and one gold, collided in the air, exploding into a dazzling light that dazzled the surrounding reincarnations who couldn't even open their eyes.

At this time, the pickup truck also drove into Alchemyra Hospital. The front yard experienced a terrible battle between the reincarnators, and part of the hospital building collapsed due to the damage from the Triangle Head.

Lin Ge jumped out of the pickup truck with a backflip, raised his hand and grabbed the door handle of the main cab door, ripped the entire door off with a "clang", and pulled Chen Qing out. Chen Qing's "scream" ", Lin Ge put it on his shoulders and walked towards the hospital building.


"Don't even think about running away!"

"Leave Heather!"

A dozen reincarnations headed by the mage chased after him at the same time, but their speed was obviously slower than Lin Ge. They watched helplessly as the other party took Chen Qing into the hospital building.

The mage shouted: "No, this guy may want to bring Heather to Alessa in exchange for cooperation. If he succeeds, the big boss will be on his side!"

"He must be stopped!"

A group of reincarnations poured into the hospital. At this time, Hei Changzhi, who was seriously injured, was planning to return to the hospital to find Alessa when the other world was over. "Fake Lin Ge" entered the hospital from the other door and met the mage directly. The others bumped into the ruins on the first floor.

When the mage saw the fake Lin Ge, he shouted: "Hand him over!"

"Human?" Fake Lin Ge frowned, suddenly feeling an ominous premonition.

"Oh shit!"

"Fuck him!"

"You won't surrender, right? Brothers, destroy him and let me see if he surrenders!"


Fake Lin Ge's face darkened, and he suddenly realized that he had been "cheated" again.

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