Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 298 BGM duel, Chen Qing versus Jiwotou, a 2v30 battle!

If Lin Ge can find the hospital where Alessa is, other reincarnators can naturally find it too.

The reason why the Samsaras gathered around the hospital was partly because they lost their target when the other world suddenly switched when they were chasing Chen Qing, so they wanted to kill the creator of the other world, and then slowly look for the bounty target; The other part is directly aimed at Alessa. The reason is very simple. According to the iron law of the reincarnation world... if you kill the "ultimate boss", the reward will be amazing!

There is no shortage of opportunists and gamblers in reincarnation. In the eyes of these people, as long as they seize an opportunity to become stronger, they can snowball in the world of reincarnation.

When Lin Ge and Chen Qing came out of the main entrance of the hospital, at least thirty reincarnations gathered in the courtyard. Some of these reincarnations were in groups of three or five, some were in groups of six or seven, and a very few were alone. . Although they have reached an agreement to cooperate, they still have small groups among themselves.

At this time, they are discussing how to divide the work to search for Alessa. After all, as the creator of the "internal and external world", Alessa's strength is unquestionable.

Although "Silent Hill" is not strictly a supernatural reincarnation, and technological equipment is equally effective on monsters, if you want to eat the fat sheep like Alessa, it is impossible to rely on just a few reincarnations, even a few Golden Gate giants. Even if we join forces, we can't guarantee 100% success.

The reincarnators needed to make a detailed plan, but just as they were making the plan, they saw a man and a woman calmly coming out of the hospital.

One of them is still the bounty target in this reincarnation!

"Hey! Hello everyone, have you eaten?" Lin Ge stood at the door of the hospital building, smiling and raising his hand to greet the reincarnations.


It was a bit insulting to appear in front of everyone with a bounty target and greet him so casually.

There are some reincarnations here who participated in the first hunt for Chen Qing, and have seen the strength of "Lin Ge". There are even a few people who escaped from "Lin Ge". When they see Lin Ge again, their faces are... His expression suddenly became ugly.

"Brother, if you swallow 1,000,000 reincarnation points all by yourself, you're going to have a big appetite, right? Why don't you share some with the brothers? How about you get the S-level equipment exchange coupon?" At this time, a reincarnation person tried to suggest.

"Yes, we are all reincarnators. There is no need to fight over a bounty target. It is better to divide the rewards and join forces to deal with the bosses in this world. I think the rewards for the monsters in this reincarnation are not low. Let's work together to increase the points. Wouldn’t it be better to make a fortune?”


"Brother, think about it?"

"Besides, you see there are so many of us. No matter how powerful you are, brother, you can't beat four hands with just two fists. A good tiger can't fight a pack of wolves, so why take the risk?"

Lin Ge smiled and said: "I can bring out the bounty target. Obviously I am not here to discuss with you. To earn this 1 million, do I have to appear in front of you?"

After saying that, Lin Ge looked back at Chen Qing and asked, "Who are bullying you here?"

"Brother, that's them." Chen Qing pointed at some of the reincarnations in a cooperative manner, as if a child had been bullied and complained to an adult.

Lin Ge said: "The ones named will stay, and the others can go away."

These extremely arrogant words immediately angered all the reincarnations present. Among the thirty people, the last one was also a blue gate level reincarnation. The remaining eight purple gates and three golden gates all belonged to other reincarnations in the main god space. How long has it been since you were so angry with the "big man" who you are trying to avoid?

The reincarnations present were immediately angry and yelled, and some were already ready to take action.

"'s been so long since I last saw you. Your ability to draw hatred has not deteriorated at all."

Chen Qing saw the reincarnations staring at Lin Ge with eyes that were about to burst into flames, and for a moment she didn't know who was the target of the bounty, between herself and Lin Ge.

"Go to the back to provide support." Lin Ge raised his hand and waved back, signaling Chen Qing to retreat.

Then, Lin Ge clasped his fingers and stepped forward, laughing in a low voice: "Are you coming or should I come? Are you interested in coming out to stretch your muscles?"

Naturally, Huang Ni was asked this question. After all, Huang Ni had to "borrow" this mana from her whether he appeared or not.

Huang Ni smiled and replied: "You are trying to find a place for your sister, how can I steal your limelight... I just want you to try the new method of inviting gods that you studied in "Zero Date"."

As soon as Huang Ni finished speaking, the trident and fire sign marks on the backs of Lin Ge's left and right hands were lit up. It was obvious that Huang Ni, who was in the "astrolabe", had completed the injection of spiritual energy.


Lin Ge clasped his palms together, and when he opened them again, lightning was crackling between his palms. He smiled and looked at the group of reincarnations: "The sky and the earth are infinite, and the universe is borrowed from the law!"

In an instant, the flashing lightning in Lin Ge's palms was filled with golden light. As he swung out his palms, golden chain lightning instantly filled the entire courtyard and struck at those reincarnators!

Many of these reincarnations have seen Lin Ge's "Yin Five Thunders" and were originally wary of Lin Ge's "Yin Five Thunder Domains". Who knew that the opponent was like a thunder god possessing him at this time, and the lightning was still golden lightning, like It is transformed from the "Yin Five Thunders" to the Yang Five Thunders!

But the reincarnations present were all people who had seen the world. No one had ever heard of anyone practicing the "Five Thunders of Yang" and the "Five Thunders of Yin" at the same time. For a moment, they felt that Lin Geqiang was unfathomable!




Golden light chain lightning struck down, and the lightning filled the entire courtyard. The powerful reincarnators avoided the lightning before it completely spread, or used their own methods to resist the lightning.

The weaker ones were immediately chopped into charcoal by the lightning, and some even deployed the energy shields of their defensive equipment. Unexpectedly, the power of the lightning was too powerful. After only being blocked for a second, the energy was exhausted, and they eventually died tragically. Under the golden chain lightning.

Lin Ge's attack made him a strength tester, directly eliminating several weak reincarnators, but there were still thirty remaining reincarnators present!

While Lin Ge was attacking, these reincarnators were wearing mechas and casting magic. Several of them who were good at melee combat had already rushed towards Lin Ge, and those who were good at long-range attacks or assistance were also rushing towards Lin Ge. Immediately after that blow, distance yourself and look for a suitable point of attack.

In fact, the strength of these reincarnations is not weak, especially the three golden gate reincarnations. They are all strong men who survived the nightmare reincarnation.

It's a pity that the three of them are not in the same team, and few of the reincarnations present are in the same team. When encountering a tough opponent like Lin Ge, they all want others to take action and take advantage of themselves. What's more, there were reincarnators who wanted to take advantage of the chaos to get Chen Qing's head, and rushed towards Chen Qing in a swarm.

Obviously Lin Ge had already considered this situation. Before those reincarnators could enter the ten-meter range, a cloud of blood mist appeared out of thin air around Chen Qing.

Then, Chen Qing disappeared from the eyes of these reincarnators, and the next moment, she appeared on the balcony of the ward on the second floor of the hospital.

Chen Qing looked at Ou Yongqi who appeared next to her and said subconsciously: "Thank you, sister-in-law."

Ou Yongqi's face remained expressionless, but the next moment, several groups of blood mist appeared on the balcony at the same time, protecting Chen Qing in the center.

In the spacious courtyard, Lin Ge relied on "spiritual power manifestation" and "thunder method" to fend off more than a dozen reincarnations by himself. Upon seeing this, Chen Qing decided to take on the responsibility of "assistant".

She took out the gramophone, stood forward, put in the disc, and turned the crank of the gramophone, and suddenly a burst of impassioned music sounded.

Unique moves, good martial arts, how many people in the world can reach the top!

Successful, majestic, how many men are truly heroes!

Who is the big hero!

When the BGM of "Who is the Big Hero" played, Lin Ge was using his lightning technique to strike at a reincarnator wearing Hulkbuster armor in front of him.

I saw that the golden lightning bolts that Lin Ge struck out, which were originally only as thick as the mouth of a bowl, doubled in thickness in an instant, and the number also doubled as they scattered!




It was as if hundreds of high-explosive bombs were detonated around Lin Ge at the same time. Dust flew into the air for a while, and screams and screams were heard one after another. Many reincarnations were caught off guard and were blown away!

"What the fuck? So powerful?" Lin Ge's magic power +100% BGM effect was so powerful that he didn't need to do anything more. He still cast the spell as before, but the effect was so exaggerated!

Lin Ge took out a handful of burning talismans and threw them away, then used the magic formula of "Controlling Spirits and Chasing Souls". He saw those yellow talismans flying in the sky, as if they were searching for enemies, and they quickly swept towards the surrounding reincarnations.

At this time, with a burst of sound piercing the air, the Hulkbuster armor that had been chopped into blackened scraps by Lin Ge got up, moved the metal plates on its shoulders, and fired hundreds of thumb-sized micro-missiles, which matched the talisman in the air. Papers collided together, causing explosions and fire waves, and the scene suddenly fell into chaos.

The Samsara wearing the Hulkbuster armor looked badly beaten. In fact, part of the armor was indeed damaged, but due to its special nature, Leifa charged him 400%!

The Hulkbuster armored Samsara was extremely surprised. No matter there were other "cooperating" Samsaras in the field, they were bombarded indiscriminately, as if they were planning to harvest everyone's heads!

After a round of micro-missile bombardment ended, the Hulkbuster-armored Samsara raised his hands, and the circular energy pile in his palm suddenly released a dazzling laser!

However, what Lin Ge was waiting for was the reincarnation in the Hulkbuster armor using this move. He flipped his hand, took out the Five Elements Bagua Disk, and used "shifting flowers and wood" to block the energy laser!

"Fuck, that's okay!" The reincarnator was too late to dodge, and was directly hit by the reflected energy beam through his chest.

The impassioned and somewhat playful BGM echoed in the hospital, and many reincarnators also realized that Lin Ge's stronger fighting power had a lot to do with this BGM.

Therefore, the Samsara who was hiding in the distance and setting up a sniper cannon aimed directly at the second floor where Chen Qing was, and with two "whoosh" sounds, two armor-piercing shells flew out!

When the cannonballs were still several meters away from Chen Qing's position, Ou Yongqi, who was standing next to Chen Qing, raised her hand and opened her palms. A cloud of blood mist appeared in the air in front of her, and she "ate" the two cannonballs. , then Ou Yongqi clenched her palm, and a "bang" sound was heard, and the two masses of blood mist seemed to burp.

Seeing that the sniper cannon that could blow up heavy tanks was neutralized by the enemy, the two reincarnations suddenly felt bad.

One of them directly set up the Vulcan cannon, while the other modified the caliber of the sniper rifle and replaced it with "attribute magic bullets" for attack.

The Vulcan Gun spewed out tongues of fire crazily, and with the support of teammates who enchanted the bullets with "ice", "flame" and other magical effects, this wave of technology and magic combined to bombard Chen Qing!

Originally, when Chen Qing was shaking the gramophone and saw the enemy shooting at this place, she was still thinking about entering the house to avoid it, but when she saw Ou Yongqi blocking the front with an expressionless face, she thought that she couldn't have stage fright at this time, so she gritted her teeth and continued playing. BGM assists Lin Ge.

I saw the attribute bullets pouring down like raindrops. At this time, a wall of blood mist condensed in front of the balcony, and the bullets disappeared without a trace immediately after being shot.

Suddenly, three figures passed by from the other side of the hospital building, and when they were about to enter the area where Chen Qing was, a burst of laughter rang out.

"Hee hee hee--"

"Uncle, you are so awesome. Just like Spider-Man, you can also climb walls!"

"Why don't you come to my playground to play? There are new rock climbing facilities!"


As a gust of dark wind blew, the three reincarnations who tried to approach Chen Qing were immediately pulled into the ghost realm by the little girl standing by.

Immediately afterwards, these reincarnators were surprised to find that the original "wall" of the hospital building had turned into a facility similar to children's rock climbing in an amusement park.

Although this wall is not high, only about ten or twenty meters, below it is a "giant oil pan" with rolling magma. The consequences of falling down can be imagined.

What's even more frightening is that the climbing wall is full of traps such as blades, scissors, and awls. At the top, the thick black mist forms a huge dinosaur head, staring at them with its mouth open.

… Your rock climbing facility doesn’t give any life at all!


Suddenly, a miserable howl sounded.

One of the reincarnations among the three people thought that this was just a "deception" and an illusion, so he wanted to move to the location where Chen Qing was before.

Unexpectedly, just after walking a few meters, he saw a brown bear doll holding a large steel knife and hanging on a steel wire falling from the sky and came to him, with a strange smile on his face.

Immediately afterwards, the brown bear doll opened its huge mouth and bit off one of his hands, gnawing on it as if it were a chicken wing!


The other hand of the reincarnator was also cut off by the big steel knife of the brown bear doll, and it fell downwards, rolled into the giant oil pot, and was instantly swallowed up by the magma of hell!

The expressions of the other two reincarnators changed when they saw this. One activated the flight backpack on his back and tried to leave the rock climbing, while the other turned into venom and quickly climbed up.

Before the reincarnator who activated his jetpack could fly ten meters away, a big hand suddenly formed in the thick black mist around him, grabbing him and throwing him to the ground.

As soon as the reincarnator got up, he heard a "crunching" sound and a rusty carousel rose from the ground.

Then, the reincarnator was directly tied to the merry-go-round by the black mist, and started a happy game with a speed of 300 per hour.

On the other side, Lin Ge relied on the BGM bonus of "Who is the Great Hero" to eliminate some of the reincarnations in one song, so he also tasted the benefits of this spiritual weapon.

The three Kinmen Samsaras knew that it was impossible to get Chen Qing's head unless they killed Lin Ge, so they joined forces to deal with Lin Ge.

One of these three people is good at gun fighting. He holds "black sandalwood and white ivory" and relies on his keen body skills to fight Lin Ge at close range.

The second one was a burly man, wearing fist-sized skull necklaces around his neck and holding a Qinglong Yanyue Sword.

The man raised his hand and shook it in the air, and cracks appeared in the air around Lin Ge, and then a series of shock waves exploded, knocking Lin Ge away.

The moment Lin Ge flew backwards, he controlled lightning with his palms and struck the man down. Unexpectedly, the other person grasped the air again, forming an "air wall" full of cracks in front of him, blocking the thunder method.

"Shock Fruit? Haha, will the Devil Fruit explode if I kill you?" Lin Ge sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a cloud of blood mist condensed behind him, wrapping Lin Ge in it. At the same time, a blood mirror appeared behind the Gun Fighter Samsara.

Lin Ge rushed out of the blood mirror, lightning crackling in his palms, and hit the vest of the gun-fighting reincarnationist, knocking him away!




The gunfighting samsara flew towards the hospital building, collapsing more than a dozen walls, and was buried in the rubble.

At this moment, he had a million things to say. You clearly said to explode that person's Devil Fruit, so why did you sneak attack me?


At this time, as the third Kinmen Samsara shouted, the originally dark sky in the afternoon completely turned into pitch black, and then giant blades more than ten meters long emerged from the ground on both sides of the courtyard, neatly arranged in two rows. !

"Senbonzakura Kagegan!"


Dozens of blades instantly turned into cherry blossoms flying all over the sky, and then gathered together, attacking Lin Ge from all directions and surrounding him.

Lin Ge raised his hand and squeezed the secret, and a burst of golden light appeared on his body.

"Xuanzong of heaven and earth, the root of all things."


"There is golden light in my body, which reflects my body."


"The golden light appears quickly and protects the real person."

Lin Ge stood calmly on the spot and recited the golden light curse. With each "spell" he recited, the golden light on his body became stronger, directly shaking away the incoming cherry blossoms.

The swastika reincarnations also continued to gather the cherry blossoms to launch attacks. The shaking fruit reincarnations and the spear-fighting reincarnations who were knocked away by Lin Ge also joined the battle.

There are very few Purple Gate Reincarnators around who can intervene, let alone those Blue Gate Reincarnators who are less powerful. As a result, more reincarnations targeted Chen Qing.

However, Chen Qing played the "Who is the Big Hero" bgm three times in a row. During this period, Lin Ge had solved most of the reincarnations. Now the remaining ones are all outstanding individuals. Counting the three Golden Gates, As well as two snipers in the distance, there were less than ten reincarnations left in the hospital at this time.

In this kind of melee between masters, the auxiliaries who dare to be on the front line and the reincarnations who have no outstanding personal abilities and little life-saving ability are usually the first to die. Therefore, like the sniper and the user of the Vulcan cannon, The wisest choice is to distance yourself from the beginning.

At the end of the BGM of "Who is the Big Hero", Lin Ge's spells returned to their original power. They originally had the advantage of one against three, but now they are evenly matched.

Chen Qing was blocked by Ou Yongqi and the little girl in front of her, so she didn't need to worry. She simply concentrated on being a "support" for Lin Ge.

With a "click", the disc of "Who is the Great Hero" ran out of use and broke into two halves in an instant. Chen Qing also had two discs of "Three Hundred Children's Songs" and "Mohu Luojia" in her hand. The former The effect on the reincarnator is minimal. Although the latter is powerful, it is an ability that "does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

What if releasing the snake god didn't help but hurt Lin Ge instead?

Chen Qing thought about it again and again and decided to try her luck. First, she would play a few random BGM songs to assist Lin Ge. If it didn't work, she would think of another way.

In the first song, Chen Qing chose a BGM that releases negative effects on the surrounding reincarnations.

After deducting 500 reincarnation points and starting the gramophone, Chen Qing shook the crank, and suddenly, a burst of music that made people dance unconsciously sounded——


"Just like the cherry blossoms blooming for a moment, the petals of love soon fall -"


"Hey, boom, boom!"

[The enemy's movement ability is reduced by 50%. If there are cherry blossoms in the field, the target's charm value +3, and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom! 】

When the Lord God's reminder sounded in Lin Ge's mind, he was speechless: "I'm a good boy. Isn't the random play mode of this spiritual weapon based on luck?"

Chen Qing had shown Lin Ge the effect of the gramophone before, so he knew exactly what discs Chen Qing had in his hand at this time. This BGM was obviously chosen to be played randomly.

But unfortunately, not only did it not have a beneficial effect on Lin Ge, but there was a swastika using the cherry blossom ability on the opposite side. As a result, the speed and number of cherry blossoms in the field increased by about 50%!

For a moment, the Samsara user who used the Swastika was a little confused. What was going on? There was a "ghost" on the other side?

Now there was no need for Lin Ge to shout "cut song". Upon seeing this, Chen Qing quickly stopped playing the BGM and returned to the reincarnation point. This time she chose to add a "gain effect" to Lin Ge——

Who, with whom, with whom, acquaintance combined with adversity!

Love, love, and love pass through the station and the station!

[Female members of your own team have a combat effectiveness of +100% and no energy consumption. 】

This BGM comes from the movie "The Heroes of the East". The three female protagonists in this movie are extremely powerful in fighting. It can be regarded as an early "female superhero" movie in Hong Kong Island.

Therefore, the effect of "female members' combat effectiveness +100%" is extremely reasonable.

As soon as the BGM sounded, Ou Yongqi's blood mist instantly filled the entire hospital, and her blood mirrors were everywhere. The little girl's ghost realm spread over a wider area, instantly pulling the Purple Gate Reincarnators that Ou Yongqi blocked into the ghost realm.

Although Ou Yongqi and the little girl's fighting power has been enhanced, this obviously did not achieve the effect Chen Qing expected. She was about to "cut the song" when she heard Lin Ge shout: "This song does not need to be cut, it is just right."

When Chen Qing heard this, the first thing she thought of was that Lin Ge wanted to use the abilities of Ou Yongqi and the little girl to launch a counterattack, so she continued to shake the crank of the gramophone and continued the bgm.

Unexpectedly, Lin Ge suddenly distanced himself from the three Kinmen reincarnators, closed his eyes and lowered his head. Although the three people did not know what Lin Ge was doing, they were beaten black and blue by Lin Ge at this time. Regardless of their original purpose or to regain face, they could not let Lin Ge leave alive and attack him at the same time.

"whispering sound."

Lin Ge suddenly raised his head, and when he opened his eyes, his eyes had turned into double pupils, and then a gentle smile appeared on his face: "I haven't slapped anyone for a long time, and my hands are itchy."

Lin Ge pinched an "orchid finger" and flicked it forward. The Gun Fighter Samsara who was rushing forward suddenly felt a wave of air coming, and then he flew out again, crashed into the hospital building, and was killed. Buried in ruins.

The faces of the reincarnations who shook the fruits and swastikas changed, and they immediately noticed that Lin Ge had undergone earth-shaking changes in both his temperament and movements.

Before the two of them had time to think about it, Lin Ge, or the body now controlled by Huang Ni, disappeared from their eyes.


When the swastika came back to his senses, Huang Ni had already appeared in front of him, raised his hand and slapped him in the face. When the samsara flew out, he bumped into the samsara who was shaking the fruit, and the two of them were actually Slap him away!

At this time, Huang Ni's strength doubled due to the BGM effect. The two reincarnations could not block her blow at all, and the swastika of the reincarnation was broken with a slap!

When the reincarnator climbed up from the ruins, half of his face was crooked and his chin was almost hanging. He looked weird and terrifying.

Huang Ni didn't give the two of them a chance to breathe. He dodged and attacked again.

A series of slaps came down, and the head of the swastika samsara was blown away. At this time, the gun fighting samsara had just rushed back to the battlefield. When he saw this bloody scene, he was shocked and speechless. Time did not tell whether he should continue to deal with Lin Ge or run away.

At this moment, a suona sound sounded!

Chicken coop head played the suona and walked in from the main entrance of the hospital. Beside him, dozens of monkey shadows danced happily, as if dancing to the music.

Obviously, his sound attack ability has been further strengthened, to the point where he can even use "Buddha's Sound" to strengthen ghost shadows.

The soul-stirring Buddhist sound combined with the high-pitched sound of the suona instantly spread throughout the hospital. It was extremely penetrating and instantly shattered the little girl's ghost world!


"It's so noisy!"

The little girl hugged her ears and hid behind Chen Qing. "The First Appearance of the Buddha's Light" was a killer for her, and her weak body suddenly trembled.

When Chen Qing saw this, she immediately became angry. It's okay to bully me, but if you dare to bully my girl, she's playing music and attack, right? Who is afraid of who!

I saw her taking out her recorder and blowing it hard——

The blue sea is singing! (End of chapter)

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