Triangle head.

One of the most oppressive bosses in the "Silent Hill" series, his presence as Alessa's patron saint in the movie is also the representative of her "hatred".

Lin Ge was no stranger to triangular heads, but whether it was a triangular head in a movie or a game, its head was composed of a rusty iron triangle.

The triangular head in front of me is the "Millennium Cone", one of the seven artifacts in "Yu-Gi-Oh!", a golden pyramid Rubik's Cube, with a rune similar to "eye" on one side.

Lin Ge wanted to complain, "What the hell, there is still a dark side soul living in your heart", but it was obvious that the triangle head did not intend to give him a chance, and rushed forward with a big knife in hand.

When Lin Ge saw clearly the pitch-black sword held by his triangular head, he suddenly felt an old groove stuck in his throat: "Are you mistaken? Forget about the thousand-year-old awl with the Seven Sacred Tools on your head. This sword of yours was borrowed from Zangetsu from a certain agent of death. ?"

This triangular head was made by Xi Xi, right?

"Brother, I have an A-level spiritual weapon... maybe I can suppress it. Do you want to try it?" Chen Qing took out the BGM gramophone from the [Inventory] and set it to exhibition status.

[Gramophone: A-level spiritual weapon, an ordinary gramophone that can play BGM. 】

Enchantment effect 1: Spend 10,000 reincarnation points to permanently obtain a disc. When playing the disc, the special effect of the currently playing BGM can be produced.

Enchantment Effect 2: Consume 500 reincarnation points, specify "own gain effect" or "enemy negative effect" to randomly play a BGM, producing the corresponding effect of the BGM.

[Currently holding disc:]

"Three Hundred Children's Songs": Arouse the anger in the hearts of monsters and monsters, and reduce the presence of one's own personnel. (Remaining number of plays: 1)

"Who is the Great Hero": Inspire your own personnel's martial arts/spell effects, power +100%, aura consumption -100%. (Remaining number of plays: 3)

"Mohu Luojia": Summons the consciousness of the snake god to fight, and disappears after releasing the ultimate move "Mighty Dragon" in the BGM. (Remaining number of plays: 1)


"Where did you get this kind of spiritual weapon?" Lin Ge was shocked when he saw the effect of the gramophone. Except that the consumption of reincarnation points was a bit exaggerated, this spiritual weapon was equivalent to having several or more than a dozen spiritual weapons at the same time!

Chen Qing put the disc of "Three Hundred Children's Songs" into the gramophone and played it, and replied: "The scrolls obtained in the nightmare cycle were opened, and there are several spiritual weapons."

Lin Ge:......

After hearing what Chen Qing said, Lin Ge just wanted to sing the song "Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days of Thinking of Master Ji". Since Master Ji was fostered by Hei Changzhi, Lin Ge has never used any decent equipment. .

"Child, child, why are you so bad..." As the BGM of "Three Hundred Children's Songs" played on the gramophone, Chen Qing shook the crank of the gramophone and sang.

Lin Ge felt for a moment that Chen Qing and Gramophone's strengths were far greater than the triangular head holding a thousand-year-old brick and holding a Zanpakutō.

But as the BGM played, the movements of the triangle head did slow down, and it could be clearly felt that its hostility to Lin Ge and the two was greatly reduced.

As Chen Qing sang, she winked at Lin Ge, as if asking whether she should move on now or get rid of the triangle head.

"Two or three minutes for a BGM?" Lin Ge asked.

Chen Qing sang and nodded.

"Let's go!" Lin Ge immediately quickened his pace, protected Chen Qing from the triangle head and continued walking towards the stairwell. The duration of the BGM for two or three minutes was enough for the two of them to get to the bottom.

The good news is that until the end of the bgm, no movement was heard from the triangle head. Apparently, it successfully avoided the opponent's "guarded area".

According to Chen Qing, a disc that consumes 10,000 reincarnation points can only be played three times. In other words, the magical effect of BGM requires more than 3,000 reincarnation points at one time. This consumption is unbearable for ordinary reincarnations.

As for "random play"... although 500 reincarnation points allow you to choose your own buffs and negative effects on the enemy, because it is too "random", many times the accompanying bgm has no effect, and instead the reincarnation points are wasted.

Chen Qing's reincarnation points accumulated from two reincarnations were basically spent on this gramophone, which was of a level that ordinary people could not afford.

Lin Ge lamented that if this thing had been in his hands, he would definitely be able to play with it. After all, before getting the astrolabe, the reincarnation point basically only served him to buy groceries and recovery items.

After reaching the bottom floor, it would take "luck" to find the room where Alessa was, but it was not difficult for Lin Ge.

I saw him holding up the magic formula, opening his eyes and looking forward. All the bosses and monsters in the entire underground area were marked.

"Give me an invisibility charm." Lin Ge observed the distribution of monsters. He had to write down the distribution map as soon as possible. Although Huang Ni's pupils were easy to use, they also consumed a lot of energy. Now that he has lost his cultivation, his total aura is just Dozens of points, and it will be exhausted after supporting it for more than ten seconds.

Chen Qing handed Lin Ge an invisibility talisman and asked curiously, "How do you know I have an invisibility talisman?"

Lin Ge did not explain, but directly set the "Task Panel" to the exhibition state. Seeing the Lord God turning himself upside down, Chen Qing suddenly felt bad and started complaining mode.

After complaining for more than ten seconds, Lin Ge asked Chen Qing to put an invisibility talisman on it, and the two of them pasted the talisman and wiped it deep into the basement of the hospital.

After evading the gate-guarding boss, the Triangular Head, there were few monsters in the lower levels that could pose a threat to Lin Ge and Chen Qing. In addition, the two mainly used various spells to avoid, so they easily reached the deepest level.

I saw in front of the door at the end of the deepest corridor, a monster with his arms around his body almost touching the ground, wearing a shabby hospital gown stained with blood, holding a disk in front of the door.

This monster seems to have lower combat power than the Dark Nurse, and its appearance is more like a minions. However, Lin Ge, who is actually familiar with the plot, knows very well that this monster and the triangle head are both Alessa's guardians -

God's messenger!

In the movie, after the heroine enters the other world, the angel tortures and kills the dark nurse in the cage for entertainment; in the game, the heroine is half of Alessa's soul, so whenever she dies, the angel will kill her. "resurrection".

In other words, the triangle head and the divine messenger are both the carriers of Alessa's "hatred". The difference is that one is the strongest side of "physics" and the other is the strongest side of "magic".

"Be careful, this is the boss." Lin Ge stretched out his hand to block Chen Qing, who was about to move forward, and briefly told her about the settings of the divine messenger.

When Chen Qing saw the ordinary appearance of the divine messenger, she was very surprised that it turned out to be the guardian of the ultimate boss Alessa. With such an ordinary appearance, it was not even as oppressive as the fleshy butcher.

However, the strange thing is that Lin Ge thought there would be an inevitable battle, but he didn't expect the divine messenger to be crouching on the ground motionless. Instead, the door slowly opened with a creak, and a little girl wearing a white school uniform stood there. At the door, he shouted angrily at Lin Ge and Chen Qing: "You reincarnations are so annoying!"



"Can you let us live in peace!"


Lin Ge and Chen Qing looked at each other, obviously they had never dreamed of such a "divine unfolding". Not only did Alessa know about the existence of the "Reincarnator", but she also seemed to have been "harassed" by the Reincarnator many times.

As for the "us" in Alessa's mouth, Lin Ge guessed that it did not refer to the monster transformed by her and hatred, but to different Alessa individuals.

Whether in movies or games, Alessa exists in several "individuals". First, she is the "body" who was used by her mother to give birth to the evil god, and was eventually burned and seriously injured, lying in bed all year round; secondly, half of her soul is fused with the devil. , the "Dark Alessa" derived from Alessa, and the other half is the "baby girl" derived from Alessa's good side, who will grow up to be the heroine of Silent Hill - Heather Mason.

The little girl in front of me is wearing a white school skirt, and her clean appearance has nothing to do with "original Alessa" or "dark Alessa", but if it is "kind-side Alessa", then no matter it is Neither the movie nor the game plot matches.

Lin Ge frowned slightly, suspecting that the "mysterious girl" in front of him might have a lot to do with the fact that this world will become a dead zone.

Lin Ge raised his hands and said with a smile: "Are you Alessa? We don't have any fact, we are here to help you."

"Help me? Humph, you reincarnations are all liars. I have been deceived by you. Do you think we will still be deceived by you?" Alessa said angrily.

Lin Ge thought for a while and then said: "In this way, you summon your two guardian angels, and we raise our hands above our heads. If there is any suspicious movement, you can let your angels chop us at any time, okay? "

Alessa was obviously a little confused after hearing Lin Ge's words. After they learned that Lin Ge and Chen Qing relied on their weird abilities to avoid the triangle head's pursuit, they originally planned to let Alessa in the white dress hold them down, and then let Dark Alessa and the Divine Envoy took action, looking for an opportunity to kill the two of them, but unexpectedly Lin Ge actually offered to recall Triangle Head.

Could it be that this time the reincarnation is strong enough to face two guardians at the same time?

Recalling the hundreds of reincarnations who died in the hands of Dark Alessa, Alessa in front of her couldn't help but become alert.

"Are you serious?" Alessa asked.

Lin Ge nodded: "That's right. In fact, before I came to this world, I learned about your experience. I deeply sympathize with Alessa's tragic experience. Because my little girl also has a similar situation to her. The situation... So after I learned that I was going to enter this world, I spent all my wealth in exchange for a lot of magical medicines, just to cure Alessa."

As Lin Ge spoke, he made the little girl appear to increase her "persuasiveness", and at the same time, he took out the recovery items exchanged in the Lord God's Space one by one.

As the little girl appeared, Alessa in the white dress looked surprised. She obviously didn't expect that the reincarnation this time would actually bring a being similar to "Dark Alessa" with her.

"She...wait, don't kill them yet!" Alessa in white dress was about to say something when she suddenly looked behind Lin Ge and shouted.

However, as a heat wave hit, Alessa, who was wearing a black school uniform skirt, with her hair disheveled, and a ghost-like face, quietly appeared behind Lin Ge and summoned a jet-black tornado of flames, heading towards The two of them rolled away.

In fact, Lin Ge's keen sense of smell had already caught the dark Alessa appearing not far behind him, but he did not expose the opponent, but prepared to resist the attack to "gain" trust.

But fortunately, as soon as Alessa in the white dress opened her mouth, the divine messenger crouching at the door moved and threw the metal disc in his hand, directly blowing away the fire tornado behind Lin Ge.

"Sister, what are you doing!" Dark Alessa said angrily.

Alessa in white dress said anxiously: "Sister, don't worry, the things they brought may really be able to cure big sister, how about... try it first?"

"How many times have you been deceived by reincarnations, why do you still believe them!" Dark Alessa said angrily.

Alessa in white dress said aggrievedly: "But, I want to cure my sister."





With a heavy pace, Triangle Head slowly walked down the stairs with his Zanpakutō, standing with Dark Alessa, cutting off Lin Ge and his escape route.

Lin Ge didn't panic at all. Deceiving ghosts was his strong point. After all, from the first reincarnation to the present, he had no fear of being deceived by anyone from evil spirits to evil spirits, as long as he was given a chance to speak.

As the divine messenger and the triangle head appeared at the same time, Alessa's left and right guardians gathered together to block Lin Ge and the two in the corridor. The resulting sense of oppression made Chen Qing suddenly feel that her sense of danger would explode. If it were not absolutely Believe Lin Ge, she can no longer resist the urge to release Sadako!

Chen Qing didn't even dare to express her anger, but she saw Lin Ge vividly talking about the little girl's past.

When Lin Ge went to the little girl's world, he could no longer change the tragic ending. Therefore, after learning what happened to Alessa, although Alessa was seriously injured, she was still breathing with magic power, so he did not hesitate to He spent all his money in exchange for restoration products just to cure Alessa and make up for the regret in his heart.

"But...why do you want to help us?" Alessa in white dress did not completely believe Lin Ge's words and immediately asked her doubts.

The reason why Lin Ge "tells stories" is, on the one hand, to win Alessa's favor, and on the other hand, he is also analyzing the clues he currently has in his mind.

First of all, the world is in a dead zone, and only Silent Hill is left, which means that the plot has undergone earth-shaking changes.

It is very possible that the evil god has been successfully summoned.

The identity of Alessa in the white dress is not difficult to guess. She is obviously the baby girl born from Alessa's kind-hearted soul, but she could not be sent out of Silent Hill for some reason.

Lin Ge guessed that it might have something to do with the reincarnation. However, the presence of two Alessas, "black and white" at this time, meant that the main body was in a "survival" state.

So Lin Ge came up with the idea of ​​using a large amount of recovery products to treat Alessa, gain the other person's favor, and then borrow the other person's hand to cooperate with him to complete the plan.

"I'm helping you... also to help her." Lin Ge said, looking at Chen Qing aside. He had already asked Qimei to prepare a backup plan. If he could not reach an agreement with Alessa, he would immediately withdraw through the ghost realm.

Even if Xiao Yatou and Qimei cannot get rid of the double ghost realm, they still have the trump card of Huang Ni sisters. To negotiate a deal with the ultimate boss of "Silent Hill", Lin Ge naturally had to be fully prepared.

The emotional card has been played, and if it continues, it will be too much, and it may even arouse the vigilance of Dark Alessa. After all, she is a "selfish" reincarnation, how can she spend her family wealth for a plot character without asking for anything in return.

Dark Alessa had an expression of "I knew it a long time ago", while Alessa in white skirt signaled Lin Ge to continue.

Lin Ge was not affected by the oppression of Dark Alessa and the Guardians. He smiled and then continued: "Why don't we meet Alessa? If we can cure her, then it would be good to discuss the following cooperation. . If it can’t be cured, then it’s meaningless no matter what I say.”

Chen Qing: ...You haven't figured out how to fool me yet, have you?

In the end, Alessa was moved by Lin Ge's "sincerity" and asked the angel and the triangle head to escort him and Chen Qing into the ward.

Various medical instruments were placed on both sides of the ward. There was an old hospital bed in the center. A little girl with a burnt body and various tubes was lying on the bed. She looked at the two people who entered the room indifferently. people.

Alessa was burned and seriously injured after being sacrificed. However, the sacrifice was actually successful, but Alessa, who was born with magical powers, fought to the death to seize the power of the devil and prevent the evil god from coming to the world.

After integrating the power of demons, Alessa saved her life, but her body also stopped growing and could not recover. She maintained a high fever all day long and was tortured by pain and burns.

Alessa was tortured so much that she developed a strong hatred, and the inner and outer worlds were born in Silent Hill. At this time, Alessa's hatred merged with the power of the devil, and Dark Alessa was born.

Dark Alessa took revenge on the residents of Silent Hill. In order to stop Dark Alessa, Alessa separated half of her soul and gave birth to a baby girl "Good Alessa", also known as Alessa in White Dress.

In the original plot, Alessa in the white dress would be adopted until she returned to Silent Hill twenty years later, triggering a series of stories that followed.

It's a pity that as reincarnations entered this world one after another, everything changed.

Lin Ge and Chen Qing entered the room and took out all the medicines that could potentially treat Alessa's injuries. And Chen Qing actually carried more recovery items than Lin Ge. It was like "one family does not enter the same house", and even the habit of hoarding supplies was exactly the same.

Looking at the pile of recovery products piled up into a small mountain, Dark Alessa was obviously worried that these "unknown drugs" were being used on Alessa's body.

But Lin Ge had already thought of this, picked up the medicine to treat burns, and first asked Dark Alessa to summon magical flames to burn a wound on his body, and then used the medicine to heal the wound on his hand first to ensure the effectiveness of the medicine. sex.

In this way, Lin Ge was covered with bruises in order to "test the medicine". Chen Qing looked on and was worried, and even offered to replace Lin Ge.

After all, Chen Qing's body was filled with Fu Jiang, who was easily dismembered, and had a certain degree of resistance to the pain caused by this kind of torture.

But Chen Qing didn't know that these were all leftovers from Lin Ge's play in the first reincarnation. At that time, he didn't put himself in a near-death state, as if he was too embarrassed to return to the main god space.

A few hours later, Lin Ge wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead due to the pain, exhaled, and finally tried all the recovery medicines.

Then, under the "surveillance" of "Black and White" Alessa and a room of monsters, Lin Ge, together with Chen Qing, began to treat Alessa with medicine.

Cut off the burned skin, and then use the "special medicine" from the main god's space to grow new skin, and use recovery medicine to treat Alessa's internal injuries, remove the demonic aura from her body, and so on.

Looking at Lin Ge and Chen Qing who were working hard to treat Alessa, Alessa's injuries were gradually recovering. Alessa in the white skirt finally fully believed that Lin Ge was indeed here to "help" them, so she faced Lin Ge's When asked about reincarnation, Alessa in white skirt also told the truth.

It turns out that when Alessa was sent to be sacrificed by her mother, reincarnators had already entered the world. They did whatever they could to plunder resources and killed a large number of cultists in the church.

Originally, the death of a cultist was not a bad thing, but in order to resist these reincarnators, Alessa's mother accelerated Alessa's ritual, causing her to encounter Huo Xing when she was six years old.

And with the intervention of the reincarnators, the evil god finally succeeded in coming to the world. After the evil god came to the world, these reincarnators could not defeat the evil god and immediately fled the world, leaving a lot of mess for Alessa to clean up.

In order to stop the evil god, the kind-hearted Alessa did not hesitate to burn her own soul to block the evil god from Silent Hill, but she was severely injured and fell into a deep sleep.

Not long after, new reincarnations entered. Their goal was to kill Alessa. In order to protect herself, Alessa gave birth to Dark Alessa.

After repelling and killing the reincarnators again and again, Dark Alesha was completely lost in the power of the devil. In order to awaken Dark Alesha, Alesha did not hesitate to consume half of her soul to give birth to Alesha in the white dress. Let it stop Dark Alessa from going on a rampage.

Alessa in the white skirt gave her power to the divine messenger, deriving the power of "life", while Alessa in the dark gave her power to the triangle head, deriving the power of "destruction".

Seeing that Alessa in the white dress was about to defeat the dark Alessa and prevent her from destroying the world, a new reincarnation intervened, deceiving Alessa in the white dress and almost killing both the original Alessa and the dark Alessa.

Fortunately, Dark Alessa captured the "Millennium Building Block" of a reincarnator and created a more powerful "Ultimate Triangle Head", turning the tide of the war.

Therefore, this world has deviated from the normal track since the first time the reincarnators intervened. The original plot no longer exists, turning this world into a "dead zone".

The three Alessa sisters live in the hospital as the "eldest sister" with their true nature, the "second sister" with the dark side, and the "little sister" with the kind side.

However, the Lord God obviously did not intend to let Alessa go easily. He wanted to recover the "origin" in Alessa's body, and sent reincarnations into the world again and again in an attempt to kill Alessa.

Although the Samsara is difficult to deal with, Dark Alessa, who used the Samsara's equipment to create the ultimate triangular head, wants to plunder the magical supplies from the Samsara in order to heal the real Alessa.

Because of this, when she learned that Lin Ge had a lot of recovery products and was willing to give up resistance to treat Alessa, Dark Alessa chose to take advantage of the trick and agree to Lin Ge's plan. Once Lin Ge acted suspiciously, she and Triangle Head would kill Lin Ge immediately.

After listening to Alesha in the white dress, Lin Ge had a clear understanding of the world. Both Alessa and the Evil God exist in this world, and with the power of Alessa, the Evil God is blocked from Silent Hill. If the reincarnator commits suicide and kills Alessa, then the evil god will enter Silent Hill, and then the reincarnator will not be able to escape death.

"Can you try to speak?" Lin Ge fed a Shiquan Dabu Pill into Alessa's mouth. After nearly two hours of treatment by him and Chen Qing, the burnt skin on Alessa's body had grown. Although the new skin cannot move yet, at least it is not in the state of the living dead where it can only move its eyelids.

Alessa tried to open her mouth and managed to pronounce a syllable, but she had not been able to speak for more than ten years, and it obviously took some time to adapt.

Alessa in the white dress did not expect that Lin Ge actually cured her "sister". She excitedly bowed to the two of them and said that she would definitely repay them.

Although Dark Alessa still didn't want to see Lin Ge, the "reincarnator", she was not as hostile as she was at the beginning, so she asked: "You said you were saving us because you wanted us to help her, tell her, What do you need us to do for you, but I’m warning you, don’t make any crooked ideas!”

Faced with the threat of Dark Alessa, Lin Ge did not take it to heart, but said with a smile: "You have lived in the hospital for more than ten years. Are you interested in changing to a different place to live? The environment there is very good, with mountains at the back. , there are many small animals in the mountains, rabbits, sika deer, golden monkeys... and at the bottom of the mountain is a jungle with all the fruits you can imagine. Going further, there are beautiful beaches, the sea, dolphins, whales, you can go to the beach Enjoy the sunshine and enjoy delicious fruits in the jungle..."

The three Alessa sisters have never seen the sea, the beach, or even the river. As for animals, they almost only exist in the memory of Alessa's body.

Regarding the wonderful picture painted by Lin Ge, the kind-hearted Alessa in the white dress was the first to fall, followed closely by the real Alessa who had been lying on the hospital bed for more than ten years unable to move. It could be clearly seen in her eyes Yearning and yearning. Only Dark Alessa still looked at Lin Ge with vigilance.

"Is there really such a place as you mentioned?" Dark Alessa asked doubtfully.

"Of course, I can even..." Lin Ge was about to continue "packaging" the wonderland he described, but he saw "Black and White" Alessa looking at the door warily at the same time.

Dark Alessa said coldly: "The despicable reincarnation, really used this method to divert our attention, and then let others take the opportunity to get closer?"

"Is there a reincarnation coming?" Lin Ge asked.

Dark Alessa snorted coldly: "Do you still want to act?"

Lin Ge said helplessly: "Hey, if I really want to act, I can't afford to take so many drugs and let you abuse me for several hours, right?"

"How do you explain the reincarnations gathered near the hospital?" Dark Alessa asked.

Lin Ge said: "There are not even a thousand but eight hundred reincarnations who died in your hands. You should be very clear that there is also a competitive relationship between reincarnations and reincarnations. If we can find it here, they can also find it here. However, since If I want to talk about cooperation with you, I don’t mind showing greater sincerity... Then, these reincarnations will be left to us brothers and sisters!"

"Huh?" Dark Alessa raised her eyebrows, obviously not quite understanding what Lin Ge meant.

Lin Ge looked at Chen Qing and said, "Weren't you bullied by those reincarnators before? Come on, I'll take you to find a place!"

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