Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 299 The Great Python God of the Eight Heavenly Dragons

"The Tide of the Blue Sea".

Anyone who has watched "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" will be familiar with Dongxiehuang Yaoshi's unique sonic skills.

However, the "Blue Sea Tide" played by Chen Qing's recorder is similar to the "Sinking of the Titanic" she played before. Most people really can't tell what it is.

The point is that Chen Qing's recorder does not have the "function of distinguishing friend from foe" like the spiritual gramophone. Once this sonic power was released, all reincarnations with normal hearing, including Lin Ge, were affected.

"I dare not disrespect your sister's talent in sonic skills. I leave this place to you." Even with such a will, Huang Ni couldn't stand it. He slipped back to the star board and returned control of his body to Lin Ge. .

Lin Ge:......

Chen Qing is going to perform a song when the three bosses of "Evil of the Condor", East Evil, West Poison, and Northern Beggar are fighting sonic skills. I am afraid that it will directly cause the three bosses to explode.

The noise is terrible.

However, it is hard to listen to the music. When Chen Qing's "Blue Sea Tide" came out, it successfully suppressed Jiwotou's "The First Appearance of the Buddha's Light" by virtue of its bad sound.

Without the restriction of "The First Appearance of Buddha's Light", the abilities of the little girl and Ou Yongqi are no longer affected, and they once again let go of the ghost realm to help Lin Ge.

The little girl hid behind Chen Qing, clapped her hands and laughed: "Haha! Sister Qing is so amazing!"

Upon hearing the little girl's exaggeration, Chen Qing blew even more vigorously, which was a pain for the Samsaras fighting below, who had to fight with all their strength while resisting the attack of the sonic power.

Especially Jiwotou, as a user of "The First Appearance of Buddha's Light", he suffered a backlash immediately after losing slightly in the sonic skill duel. At this time, he suffered the greatest impact.

Jiwotou was also unlucky. After Hei Changzhi lost his target, "Lin Ge" and Jiwotou, who came to support him, joined Hei Changzhi in a triangle to search around.

As a result, Jiwotou came near the hospital and smelled a strong ghost aura, so he thought it was the aura of the evil spirit Chen Qing carried with him.

When he chased after him, he saw the spread out ghost realm, and he thought of using "The First Appearance of Buddha's Light" to break the ghost realm. Unexpectedly, after the ghost realm was broken open, what he saw was Lin Ge fighting a group of reincarnators.

Jiwotou was stunned for a moment, but Chen Qing used "Blue Sea Tide Song" to destroy "The First Appearance of Buddha's Light", which caused backlash and severely damaged his spirit.

At this time, Lin Ge also noticed Jiwotou and immediately shouted to him: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you come and help? These guys are planning to steal the target!"

Obviously, Lin Ge wanted to use the same "face" to deceive Jiwotou. In addition, at this time, Lin Ge did not use thunder techniques, but ordinary Taoism. He held a copper coin sword and a talisman and a sword, which did not let Jiwotou for a moment. See the problem.

There were many reincarnations around who had met Lin Ge and Jiwotou before, and knew that the three of them were "teammates". At this time, without much thought, Jiwotou was also included in the "enemy" camp.

"Why did you come here?" Jiwotou summoned the ghost shadow, forcing the Samsara that came up to retreat, and fought all the way to Lin Ge.

"I was attracted by the ghost realm. I thought it was the evil spirit carried by the target, but I didn't expect that these reincarnations would unite with the target and prepare to kill us and share the reward equally." Lin Ge leaned against the chicken coop head, and he had a strong sense of generalship. The betrayal and trust of teammates means joint operations, in order to "win the trust" of Jiwotou.

However, Jiwotou's attention was obviously not on these details, but on finding out where the person who secretly used the sonic power to fight him was hiding.

The sonic skill was Jiwotou's best skill. Now that he was restrained and his strength was damaged to a certain extent, he naturally wanted to find a way to break the situation first.

Lin Ge's idea is also very simple. Since there is still a "Lin Ge" in this world, the easiest way is to go out and cause trouble with this face and bring hatred to "Lin Ge".

When it comes to making trouble, of course it is to take Chen Qing out for a walk and divert the attention of other reincarnations to "Lin Ge" to facilitate subsequent plans.

This is why when he learned that the reincarnators were besieging the hospital and trying to take down the big boss Alessa, Lin Ge took over the job without hesitation.

Seeing Lin Ge and Jiwotou "joining forces", Chen Qing immediately guessed her brother's plan, so she stopped playing the recorder and took out the CD of "Mohu Luojia".

Although the snake god cannot distinguish between friend and foe, it is very suitable for the current situation.

The muddier the water is, the more beneficial it will be to Lin Ge.

Chen Qing put the disc into the gramophone, and as she shook the handle, a burst of exotic music spread throughout the hospital.

This song comes from the movie "Green Snake". "Mohuluojia" is the python god, one of the eight heavenly dragons in Buddhism. If Chen Qing is a Buddhist, then the python god may still give some "face" at this time. , there will be no situation where the enemy is indistinguishable from us, but it is a pity that the user is a Taoist.

Lin Ge had already seen the effects of various BGM discs, and naturally knew that the python god could not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, so he made plans to retreat the moment he heard the BGM sound.

"I'm going to deal with those with fruit abilities, help me stop the gun-wielding...plan!" Lin Ge shouted towards Jiwotou.

Jiwotou was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously asked: "What is the plan?"

"Have you forgotten 'A Chinese Ghost Story'?" Lin Ge asked.

Jiwotou looked confused and was about to speak, but the gunfighter Samsara obviously had no intention of giving him a chance. He rushed forward with a sudden attack, and Jiwotou could only continue to release his monkey shadow to resist.

Lin Ge's questions have also been answered. According to Chen Qing's previous statement, he guessed that "fake Lin Ge" should be the product of his fake death, so the memory should stay in the reincarnation of "A Chinese Ghost Story". But even so, there are still many problems that need to be "solved."

The first is the "hostile relationship" between the upper world and the Lord God. If the person copied by the Lord God still retains the original memory, then the Lord God will ultimately gain an enemy. Regardless of how much of a threat this "opponent" can pose to the Lord God, as long as you stand on the side of the upper realm, the "copying" of the Lord God will obviously outweigh the gains and losses. The best way is to modify its memory while "copying" it.

What Lin Ge wanted to test was whether the chicken nest head in front of him was a "replica" or an "original body", so he played a "meme" in which the two reached a cooperation agreement in "A Chinese Ghost Story". Obviously Jiwotou was not aware of this joke, which proves that the other party's memory was most likely "modified" by the Lord God.

Of course, the premise is that the main god can only modify the memory during "copying". If the main god can affect the memory of the main body, then all the inferences are meaningless.

But if the main god can really modify the memory of the main body, then why bother to open a special session for "Red Sect" reincarnations like Lin Ge and Chen Qing, just modify their memories and incorporate them into one's own camp?

Therefore, Lin Ge concluded that the main god cannot affect the original body, but only modifies their memories of the "upper realm" when constantly "copying" potential reincarnators. This is also the simplest and most direct method.

"Fake Lin Ge" has no memory of the upper world, so there is no "reincarnation" plan, and therefore there is no "Plan A" for Jiwotou to cooperate with.

After confirming the identity of Jiwotou's "replica", Lin Ge planned to divert the hatred of the reincarnators present. He did so in a very subtle way. It seemed that the reincarnators were grabbing the earthquake fruit, but in fact they had retreated to Ou Yongqi's ghostland. within the range.

Jiwotou was currently dealing with the gun-fighting Samsara with all his strength, and did not notice Lin Ge's actions at all. When he wanted to ask Lin Ge for help, Lin Ge had already disappeared into the red mist.

Lin Ge suddenly "disappeared", and these reincarnations naturally transferred their hatred to Jiwotou, their "teammate". How could Jiwotou withstand the siege of three Jinmen reincarnations? Two of these three people had already been attacked by Lin Ge. Ge was seriously injured, but he was still strong and killed most of the ghosts in the chicken coop in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, a cloud of black mist suddenly exploded in the field, and then a huge black shadow with a human body and a snake tail suddenly appeared. The black shadow opened its mouth, and its upper and lower jaws opened wide in an extremely weird way, revealing the snake's teeth. Ordinary fangs and snake letters, and then, the black mist spread to the surroundings, turning into snake heads and biting the surrounding reincarnations.

The ghost shadow of Jiwotou is similar to the snake shadow of the big python snake god. They are both formed by the condensed evil spirit of ghosts. The difference is that the ghost shadow of Jiwotou is a fierce ghost, while the big python snake god is the ghost king level!

Even Lin Ge found it difficult to face the python god, let alone Jiwotou, whose personal strength was more than one level behind him.

Jiwotou was caught by the snake shadow of the big python snake god, which instantly sucked up the ghostly evil spirit hidden in his body. Just when he was about to swallow him, with the roar of a motorcycle, Hei Changzhi turned into an evil spirit. The knight, riding a burning motorcycle, swung the tail of the motorcycle in the air, and the wheel hit the head of the big snake god. Then he slashed with the demon knife, cutting off the black shadow of the snake head, and saving the chicken coop head!

"What's going on?" Hei Changzhi asked.

Jiwotou cursed angrily: "It's not Lao Lin. Who knows how he got into a fight with these reincarnations. I came to help, but he was so good that he ran away to who knows where. I almost got killed by this damn thing." Kill!"

"Old Lin?"

"Yes." Jiwotou explained the situation in a few words, and at the same time took out a purple talisman and lit it, summoning the remaining ghosts to block the reincarnation.

The long black straight soul-locking iron chain was swept away, and the flaming soul-locking chain was used to wrap up the spear-fighting reincarnation practitioner, throwing him away, and then asked: "But didn't Old Lin go to the east?"

"How do I know why he is here? You don't think I'm lying to you, do you?" Jiwo replied.

Hei Changzhi frowned, then took out a yellow talisman folded into a blessing of peace and lit it. This was the communication talisman given to them by "Lin Ge". As long as whoever found the target lit the yellow talisman, the others would receive the signal.


At the same time that Hei Changzhi sent a message to "Lin Ge", the big python snake god went on a killing spree in the field. As soon as the black mist spread out, the first people to be swallowed by the black shadow of the snake head were the two who were holding guns in the distance. Reincarnator.

They originally thought that since they were far away from the battlefield, no one would notice them, and in fact no one noticed them. But when they came to their senses, they had been pulled into the black mist realm of the python god. middle.

Under the trouble of the python god, the three Kinmen Samsaras could only temporarily give up dealing with Hei Changzhi and Jiwotou, and instead tried to get rid of the indiscriminate attacks of the python.

The venue was in chaos, and at this time, as the culprits of the commotion, Lin Ge and Chen Qing were hiding in the corner of the balcony on the third floor of the hospital with Ou Yongqi's blood mist, eating melon seeds and watching the show.

"How long is this BGM?" Lin Ge spit out the melon seed shells and asked.

Chen Qing shook the handle of the gramophone and said: "The whole song is 2 minutes and 59 seconds, and there are still 40 seconds left. However, the most powerful thing about the python is when he transforms into the shadow of Buddha in the last half minute."

"Tsk, tsk, I can't stand it for three minutes. The quality of this batch of reincarnations is not good." Lin Ge complained with a relaxed and contented face. At this moment, he wished he could be in the same world with his own clone every time in the future. It feels good to go out and do trouble with this "face" and let the "copy" pay for it. It feels good to think about it.

While the two were chatting, the duration of the BGM had reached the last 30 seconds. The big python snake god made a sound like spitting out a snake letter, and the surrounding black mist field suddenly began to shrink at a rapid speed, and then golden light suddenly appeared, and the human body The snake tail also turned into a complete golden figure.

"The mighty Tianlong!"

In an instant, the sound resounded throughout the sky. It was obvious that this song "Mohu Luojia" completely narrated the entire process of the great python god from being in charge of killing snake demons to transforming into a Buddha.

At this time, the Buddha's shadow is the "dharma body" of the great python god.

The golden light exploded, and after being illuminated by the golden light, the bodies of several reincarnators immediately turned into sand and disappeared into ashes. The three golden light reincarnations also vomited blood and were knocked away.

Jiwotou had been seriously injured when he was besieged just now. At this time, he could not block the golden light of the python god's body. Seeing this, Hei Changzhi could only summon the flames of hell to block it.

But Hei Changzhi's strength was still a little bit behind. The hell flames released were instantly engulfed by the golden light. When the golden light was about to engulf the two of them, there was a loud "boom" and a black thunder descended from the sky, splitting the golden light apart!

"Lin Ge" flew from a distance to Hei Changzhi's side at extremely high speed, so fast that it even brought up an afterimage. As soon as he landed, he quickly spread the Yin Wu Lei field and controlled the Zhuo Lei to block the golden light.

20 seconds.

10 seconds.

Seeing the Yin Wu Lei being shaken away again and again, they condensed again and again in front of "Lin Ge".

They don't know how long this BGM will last. They don't even know that the dharma body of the python god is just the last song. It will disappear when the time is up. They can only try their best to resist it.

On the other side, Lin Ge sat cross-legged, attached the Five Elements Bagua plate to his legs, inserted his blood-stained five fingers into the plate, and slowly turned the Bagua plate to "transfer" the Buddha's light.

Chen Qing, the little girl and Chen Qing were all hiding behind him. The python god could not tell the difference between us and the enemy. Even though Chen Qing was a user of BGM, she was also within the attack range of Fo Guang.

Fortunately, Lin Ge relied on the Five Elements Bagua Disk to neutralize the power of the golden light. At this time, he also noticed the appearance of "fake Lin Ge" who used Yin Wu Lei.

Although Chen Qing had long known that there were two Lin Ges in the world of reincarnation, she still felt a little weird when she saw the "fake Lin Ge" again.

After all, this guy had chased her in front of her brother before, which once made her fall into despair. For a moment, Chen Qing almost wanted to spend tens of thousands of reincarnation points to renew the appearance fee of the Python Snake God.

"What's going on?" The fake Lin Ge obviously had the same doubt as Hei Changzhi. He had agreed to find the target first, but why did he start fighting with the reincarnator.

Hei Changzhi took out a handful of recovery medicine, swallowed it, and replied: "Jiwotou said that you were fighting with these reincarnations, and he came to help."

"Me? Got into a fight with the Reincarnator?" Fake Lin Ge looked puzzled. Didn't I just arrive?

But now is obviously not the time to dwell on these details. We must first find a way to deal with the monster in front of us. Thinking of this, fake Lin Ge jumped up and controlled Yin Wulei to fly directly towards the Buddha's shadow at high speed.

"Water is dirty and thunder is powerful, and it can break -"

Fake Lin Ge controlled the Yin Wu Lei field to form a pair of huge hands, clenched fists with both hands, and smashed towards the head of the Buddha shadow with crackling lightning!

At this moment, the music suddenly disappeared, and along with the BGM, the Buddha's shadow disappeared.

But Lin Ge's move, which he had gathered all his strength to do, was already on the string and had to be launched. He punched the courtyard, knocking out those reincarnators who had just escaped from the realm of the snake god.

At this time, it was completely unclear. The Samsara who shook the fruit and the Samsara who used the Zanpakutō immediately took drugs and used their special skills to fight "Lin Ge".

On the side of the hospital building, Lin Ge glanced at the people who were fighting fiercely and collected the Five Elements Bagua disc: "The wind is blowing tightly, let's run away quickly!"

"Ah, just left like this?" Chen Qing was confused, making such a big noise, seeing three Jinmen reincarnators seriously injuring two, pretending that Lin Ge also injured two people, and just left like this?

Lin Ge raised his hand and gave Chen Qing a slap on the forehead: "Don't hit your head at this time. There are only 40 reincarnations at most, and there are at least forty or fifty reincarnations outside. Don't forget that our main purpose is to kill you Get it out from here, and even if you kill all the reincarnations, the Lord God can still give you a special show."

"What should we do?"

"That's why I asked you to establish a good relationship with your 'old friend'. If you want to get rid of the mark of the Lord God, you can only do the same as me and find a new identity for you!" (End of Chapter)

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