Starting from becoming a disciple of Chen You, he began to conquer the infinite

Chapter 290 Ma Xiaoling and Ma Linger: Lin Ge, you bastard!

Due to the emergence of the variable Ma Ling'er, Ma Xiaoling was forced to join the game, and even though they were one body with two souls, plus the fusion of fate blood and zombie blood, their strength reached the point where they could fight the human king. But even so, she cannot escape the fate of an "ordinary person" and is "influenced" by the rules of the reincarnation world.

In other words, even if Lin Ge adopts the method of dealing with "gods" such as generals, Ksitigarbha, and human kings, and borrows the power of fate to modify memory, there is no guarantee that Ma Xiaoling can withstand this power. If captured, it would be impossible to escape the fate of being completely wiped out.

This is not the erasure of this life or this calamity, but the complete erasure of his soul from this world. For example, "Kang Zhongtang" accidentally learned the truth during the Qin Dynasty.

Precisely because Kuang Zhongtang's soul was completely obliterated, Lin Ge entered the "Stalemate" in this life and never heard any information about Kuang Zhongtang, Arrow, Kuang Guohua, Kuang Tianyou and others.

The disappearance of a key plot character will cause earth-shaking changes in the plot. Therefore, the difficulty of the world of "Zombie", even the area circled by the main god, is at least "extremely difficult". Every person who enters reincarnation The first problem that the reincarnation of the world has to face to amend the plot to avoid drastic changes.

Of course, these have nothing to do with Lin Ge.

Destiny and Pangu drove his "Eternal Kingdom" battleship into the main world. To the main god space, they are "defectors" and "wanderers"...perhaps they will continue to shuttle between the reincarnation worlds, looking for ways to break the box. , or maybe find a place to stay and grow, looking for an opportunity to give the main god a fatal blow.

The sacrifices of generals and other "gods" can be regarded as creating two possible "futures" for the world of "Zero Covenant". One is that destiny succeeds and completely frees the world from the box; the other... the departure of destiny and the Pangu people, also Let there be no "god" in this world.


Although there is no "god" in this world, there is still a "king".

This is the "deal" between Lin Ge and Ying Zheng. Ying Zheng assists Lin Ge in completing his plan and killing Destiny and God. From then on, the whole world belongs to Ying Zheng.

Maybe there will be new reincarnations entering, and you will be surprised to find that the zombie king Ying Zheng has unified the entire world with millions of yin soldiers!

The moment Lin Ge used the Human Book to detonate the Earth Book, blowing up the "Eternal Kingdom" and shouting "Return", Zai Jie, who was guarding the entrance to the Eternal Kingdom, only saw a white light flying towards the central control room.

But before Zai Jie had time to take a closer look, he was swept away by the aftermath of the explosion, and he struggled to get up. As the "shipkeeper", he finally realized his true mission. At the last moment, he rushed to the main control room, activated the self-destruction device of the Eternal Kingdom, and opened the secret compartment to let the white light fly in.

Then, in the eternal kingdom of tribulation and "disintegration", it fell into the rough sea.

At the same time, the white light that flew into the dark grid dispersed, and it turned out to be a tattered "hard drive". Green "codes" appeared around it, and with the explosion and disintegration of the eternal kingdom, the The dazzling golden light cuts through the space and disappears into the endless starry sky.

The "hard drive" floated in the endless starry sky, and then as the green code surged, the originally "invisible" ship body appeared, turning out to be a smaller "Eternal Kingdom"!

Destiny and the Pangu tribe stood in front of the window of the main control room, looking at the endless starry sky in front of them. They were filled with emotion. The first step to break the box... was completed.

At this time, Destiny turned around, raised his hand, and a group of souls appeared in his hands. This group of souls was very strange, as if it was composed of two different souls, one black and one white.

Then, he wrapped the soul with supreme magic power, and the soul slowly flew into the air, "condensing" the body with the white light.

Ma Xiaoling.

She was "reshaped" by fate and returned to the state she was in before the war when she was trapped by Lin Ge with the Cage of God.

After her soul merged with her body, she slowly fell to the ground and slowly opened her eyes. And her memory still stayed in the time when she transformed into a zombie and helped Lin Ge deal with his fate.

When she opened her eyes, she saw a man in a white suit and a group of men and women wearing white hats staring at her.

"Who are you?" Ma Xiaoling retreated alertly. As long as these people didn't give her a satisfactory answer, she would "borrow a trick" first and then talk.

"I am Destiny, they are Pangu people, you..." Before Destiny could finish speaking, she saw Ma Xiaoling decisively pick up the nine-character mantra and summon the Dragon God.


Although Ma Xiaoling has never seen the fate of He Youqiu, she still remembers the voice of fate after merging with Nuwa. Nuwa was hit by Lin Ge's trident and fell into the bottom of the sea with her generals. Destiny used her supreme magic power to transform an identical body out of the sea.

At this time, he returned to the "Eternal Kingdom of Li" and returned to his original appearance. However, it is not appropriate to talk about the original appearance. After all, this is what you want.

Before leaving, Destiny used his supreme magic power to cure He Youqiu, who was brought into the underworld, and his seriously ill fiancée, which was considered a "borrowing face" fee.

"How about you give me two minutes to explain the current situation?"

"It's not too late to beat you up and explain!"

"Oh. If I had known better, it would be better to let Lin Ge take you away by force. Why should I continue this work?" Destiny sighed helplessly.

"Lin Ge?" Ma Xiaoling looked around and asked, "Where is he?"


"Gone? Where did he go?" Ma Xiaoling looked in disbelief, obviously not understanding what "gone" in Destiny's words meant.

Destiny sighed and told Ma Xiaoling the ins and outs of the matter, as well as the plan that the Qin Dynasty had planned several lifetimes, or dozens, hundreds, or thousands of lifetimes ago.

"So... that's it." Ma Xiaoling frowned slightly and said thoughtfully. But what confused Destiny was that Ma Xiaoling's demeanor and tone were completely different from before.

Just when fate was in doubt, Ma Xiaoling herself said in a confused tone: "Ma Ling'er? Why are you still in my body?"

Ma Ling'er hummed: "Don't forget that you are just my reincarnation, we are the same soul."

"So what, this is my body!"

"It's mine now."

"Hey, do you want to occupy the magpie's nest?"

"Why not?"



Destiny and the Pangu tribe looked at Ma Xiaoling, whose expressions were constantly changing, and she was quarreling with "himself", and the expressions on their faces became a little subtle.


At this time, Ma Xiaoling turned back to look at Destiny. Destiny, who was accustomed to big scenes, suddenly felt a thump in her heart. If it were anyone else, he wouldn't even bother to look at him.

But if you don’t give Ma Xiaoling face, you have to give Lin Ge face.

"Miss Ma, what do you need help with?"

"Didn't you combine the three books into one and become a 'true god'? Then it would not be difficult to create another body and drive this person out of my body, right?" Ma Xiaoling said.

Ma Ling'er then pondered: "I think so too."

Destiny said helplessly: "The two of you are originally one soul. According to modern medicine, it is a 'dual personality'. I use my supreme magic power to separate the souls. How about you each have half of the remaining soul and become stupid or crazy?"

Ma Xiaoling/Ma Ling'er:...

"Let's not talk about this anymore. What do you mean when you say Lin Ge took me away?" Ma Xiaoling asked again.

Destiny replied: "According to Lin Ge, since you entered the game innocently, in order to avoid being targeted by the Lord God, there are only three ways to deal with your situation. One is to turn you into a 'follower' of the reincarnation and go through it with him Reincarnation; the second is to erase your memory and hand you over to Mao Xiaofang for reincarnation; the third is to enter the eternal kingdom, break out of the box with us and come to the main world."

"But because you are an 'ordinary person', whether you are one or two, there is a possibility of being targeted by the Lord God. Lin Ge did not dare to gamble with your soul, so he chose the safest plan and let you enter with us. The eternal kingdom. Here, maybe you still have a chance to meet him."

Ma Xiaoling/Ma Ling'er cursed in unison: "Lin Ge, you bastard, why do you make decisions for me... Wait, didn't you mean that the modified astrolabe would allow him to enter other reincarnation worlds after his identity is exposed? , get rid of the Lord God's mark? Then even if I am exposed, can I be transferred?"

"That said, maybe he is worried that you will be in danger, not to mention... it will consume the source." Destiny said calmly.

"Danger?" Ma Xiaoling raised her eyebrows, her eyes had turned purple, and she exposed the fangs of a zombie, and said confidently: "With the blood of destiny, plus the zombie blood of the Pangu tribe, the average Pangu tribe is not my opponent, right? Not to mention other things, even ten Lin Ges are not enough for me to beat you up!"

Destiny fell into silence, he really didn't know how to answer these words.

Strictly speaking, Ma Xiaoling is his "descendant". If Ma Xiaoling really wants to fight with Lin Ge, it seems that he should help Ma Xiaoling.

"you're right."

Ma Xiaoling clenched her fists and said, "Hmph, bastard Lin Ge, don't let me catch you in the world of reincarnation, otherwise I won't be named Ma unless I beat you half to death!"

"Speaking of which, Ma Ling'er, now that you are here, the curse should be lifted, right? Can I happily go shopping and fall in love from now on?"

Ma Ling'er looked at the endless starry sky outside the window and said calmly: "Are you planning to buy stardust? Fall in love with meteorites?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

"Ah bang——"

As soon as Lin Ge came out of the dream world, he sneezed a few times, rubbed his nose unconsciously, and said to himself: "Who did I offend..."

"You're so arrogant, I should have a reinforced company to kill you." Huang Ni's voice sounded in Lin Ge's mind through the "astrolabe".

Lin Ge got off the bed, walked out of the bedroom to the living room, opened the refrigerator and took a can of drink, and said: "Oh, I definitely didn't want to kill your sister that much. Maybe she sponsored me in my body, causing me to be killed." The innocent are implicated.”

"Shut up!" Huang Shang cursed.

Lin Ge sipped his drink and joked: "Huang Ni doesn't care about your sister's temper. With his condition, even if he becomes a 'celestial being', no one will appreciate him."

"Keep talking, I guarantee you won't be able to please the god next time you knock your head in front of the Wong Tai Sin statue." Huang Ni said with a smile.

Lin Ge said disdainfully: "What are you afraid of? Wong Tai Sin is not the only one."

"Lin Ge, you'd better not enter the dream world, or I'll beat you to pieces!" Huang Shang said angrily.

Lin Ge could anger Huang Shang with just a few words, which proved Huang Ni's "mouthful" statement.

After arguing with Huang Shang for a while, Lin Ge lay down on the sofa in the living room, turned on the TV and called up the recently popular movie "Supplementary World View" to avoid not knowing the plot next time he entered the world of reincarnation.

While watching the movie, Lin Ge chatted with Huang Ni about spiritual practice.

Huang Ni said: "Although it's just an act, it's true that you took the Fuxi Arrow from the Human King and your Taoism was damaged. Why don't you take the time to practice?"

"You, the Corpse Execution Immortal, are not in a hurry. Why should I be in a hurry?"

"I have been cultivating for three thousand years, what about you?"

Lin Ge:......

As Huang Ni said, although the battle with the Human King was an act, in order to act realistically, he took the "Fuxi Arrow" forcefully.

Although the Taoism will not be completely destroyed, it is also true that the realm will be greatly reduced.

However, fortunately, now with the "spiritual cultivation method" combined with the Heart Sutra, coupled with accumulated experience over time, the speed of cultivation has increased several times compared to before.

After thirty days of rest, it is not difficult for Lin Ge to return to the realm of Xiaocheng.

"Alas." Lin Ge sighed, ready to turn off the TV and start practicing.

"Wait!" Huang Ni's voice sounded again: "Thirty days of rest is not less than the time of this movie. Wait until you finish watching it."

"You can't read it yourself on a laptop?"

"Now that you've seen this, I'll go find Tama..."

Before Huang Ni finished speaking, the "clock" above the TV suddenly turned red, and the original 30-day countdown turned into a red "15 minutes."

Immediately afterwards, Lin Ge received a prompt from the Lord God.

[Reward Reincarnation: The difficulty is "extremely difficult". Enter the world of reincarnation and kill the target. The reward is 1 million reincarnation points and an S-level equipment exchange coupon x1. 】

【Do you want to go? 】

【Countdown 14:37】

"What the fuck? Sister, are you talking nonsense? You said there is no rush and there are still thirty days, but now you only have 15 minutes to enter reincarnation?" Lin Ge complained angrily.

Huang Ni pondered: "Don't you think this situation is familiar?"

After Huang Ni's reminder, Lin Ge remembered that in "A Chinese Ghost Story", the "bounty reward" for Jiwotou, Hei Changzhi and others was exactly 1 million reincarnation points and an S-level equipment exchange coupon.

"Needless to say, it must be another unlucky kid from a red family... whose son is wanted... for fuck's sake." Lin Ge slapped his forehead. He could "trigger" the reward cycle. Needless to say, he knew which unlucky kid it was. .


"I want to take a vacation." Lin Ge was about to cry but had no tears.

"Then are you going?" Huang Ni asked.

Lin Ge said: "Go, why don't you go. 1 million reincarnation points plus an S-level equipment exchange coupon, not to mention that there is also an 'astrolabe' to erase the mark of the equipment, so the wealth will not go to outsiders."

In 14 minutes of preparation time, Lin Ge rushed to the square, filled his grocery store with more than 40,000 reincarnation points and 30,000 supplementary recovery items, and then returned to the space.

【A new reincarnation is about to begin! 】

[The world of reincarnation has been matched successfully, and the transmission is about to begin——]




[Target reincarnation world: "Silent Hill", difficulty "extremely difficult". 】

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